A |
a | A, the letter A |
a.K. (antaŭ Kristo) | B.C., BC, Before Christ |
a.K. | antaŭ Kristo (B.C. – before Christ) |
a.k.k. (ankaŭ konata kiel) | AKA, A.K.A., also known as |
a.t.m. (antaŭtagmeze) | A.M., AM, a.m., am, Ante Meridiem |
a-bombo | atom bomb, atomic bomb, A-bomb |
a-bomboj | atom bombs, atomic bombs, A-bombs |
a-vorto | adjective |
Aachen (Aĥeno) | Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle |
AAEV (Ampleksa Angla-Esperanta Vortaro) | CEED, Comprehensive English-Esperanto Dictionary |
Aarono | Aaron |
Abadono | Abaddon (biblical, a compartment of Gehenna) |
abaĵuro | lampshade |
abako | abacus |
abakteria | abacterial |
abaktio | abactio |
abandoni | relinquish |
abandonismo | fear of abandonment |
abandono | abandonment, relinquishment |
abasido | Abbasid |
Abaso | Abbas |
abata | abbatial |
abateco | abbacy |
abateja | abbatial |
abatejo | abbey |
abatina | abbatial |
abatineja | abbatial |
abatinejo | abbey |
abatino | abbess |
abatiso | barricade of trees or branches, abatis |
abatlando | abbacy |
abato | abbot |
abazia | abasic, abatic |
abazio | abasia (inability to walk caused by lack of muscular coordination) |
abceso | abscess |
abderano | fool |
abdika | abdication |
abdikado | abdication |
abdikanto | abdicant, abdicator |
abdikebla | abdicable |
abdiki | abdicate, resign |
abdiko | abdication |
abdomena | abdominal |
abdomeno | abdomen |
abdukcia | abducent |
abdukcii | abduct |
abdukcio | abduction |
abduktado | abduction |
abdukti | abduct |
abdukto | abduction |
abduktoro | abductor |
Abdulo | Abdul, Abdullah |
abeke | aback |
abela | Abel’s, Abelian, commutative (group); related to bees |
Abelardo | Abelard |
abelaro | swarm of bees |
abelbredado | beekeeping |
abelbredisto | bee keeper |
abelbredo | beekeeping |
abelĉelaro | beehive |
abelĉelo | bee cell |
abeldomo | apiary |
abeledoj | Apidae |
abeleja | apiarian |
abelejo | apiary |
abelino | queen bee |
abelisto | beekeeper |
abelkesto | beehive (box-style) |
abelkolonio | bee colony |
abelkorbo | beehive (basket-style) |
abelkulturado | beekeeping |
abelkulturisto | apiarist, beekeeper |
abelkulturo | beekeeping |
abelmanĝulo | bee-eater |
abelo | bee |
abelreĝino | queen bee |
abelŝedo | bee-shed |
abelsvarmo | swarm of bees |
abeluja | of a beehive |
abelujo | beehive |
abelujoforma | beehive-shaped |
abelvakso | beeswax |
abelvaska | beeswax |
abelvasko | bee’s wax |
abelveneno | bee poison |
aberacia | aberrant, deviant |
aberacii | deviate |
aberacio | aberration |
Aberdaŭgledo | Milford Haven |
aberdenano | Aberdonian |
Aberdeno | Aberdeen |
Aberduro | Aberdour |
Aberfeldo | Aberfeldy |
Aberfojlo | Aberfoyle |
Abergaveno | Abergavenny |
Abergvaŭno | Fishguard |
aberi | aberrate |
Abermaŭo | Barmouth |
Abertaŭo | Swansea |
abevilio | Abbeville |
abĥaza | Abkhazian |
Abĥazio | Abkhazia |
abĥazo | Abkhazian |
Abĥazujo | Abkhazia |
abia | deal |
abiarbaro | fir forest, fir wood |
abiaro | fir forest, fir wood |
Abida | Abida |
abidarmo | abhidarma |
abiejo | fir forest, fir wood |
abietinacido | abietin acid |
abietino | abietin |
abieto | spruce (tree), fir (tree) |
abifrukto | fir cone |
abikonuso | fir cone |
Abimael | Abimael |
Abimeleĥ | Abimelech |
Abintono | Abington |
abio | fir |
abioarbaro | fir forest, fir wood |
abiofrukto | fir cone |
abiogenezo | abiogenesis |
abiokonuso | fir cone |
abiopiceo | Norway Spruce tree |
abiopinglo | fir needle |
abiopingloj | fir needles |
abiotika | abiotic |
abiotrofio | abiotrophy |
abiozo | abiosis |
abipiceo | Norway Spruce tree |
abipinglo | fir needle |
abipingloj | fir needles |
Abiŝag | Abishag |
abisena | Abyssinian, Ethiopian |
Abisenio | Abyssinia, Ethiopia |
abiseno | Abyssinian, Ethiopian |
Abisenujo | Abyssinia, Ethiopia |
abisma | abysmal |
abisme | abysmally |
abismejo | the abyss, abyss |
abismo | abyss, chasm |
abiturienta diplomo | high school diploma |
abiturienta ekzameno | final exam, high-school senior exam, high school senior exam |
abiturienta | baccalaureate; related to high school graduation |
abiturientaj diplomoj | high school diplomas |
abiturientaj ekzamenoj | final exams, high-school senior exams, high school senior exams |
abiturientekzameno | (high school) exit examination |
abiturientino | high school graduate fem. |
abiturientinoj | high school graduates fem. |
abituriento | high school graduate |
abiturientoj | high school graduates |
abĵurado | abjuration |
abĵuri | abjure, abnegate |
abĵuro | abjuration |
ablacia | ablative |
ablacii | ablate |
ablacio | ablation |
ablaktaciado | ablactation |
ablaktacio | ablactation |
ablaktado | ablactation |
ablakti | wean |
ablativa | ablative |
ablativo | ablative |
ablaŭto | ablaut, apophony |
ablefario | ablepharia, ablephary |
ablucio | ablution |
abnegacia | abnegation |
abnegacianto | abnegator |
abnegacii | abnegate, deny oneself |
abnegacio | abnegation |
Abnero | Abner |
abnorma | abnormal |
abnormaĵo | abnormality, abnormity |
abnorme | abnormally |
abnormeco | abnormality, abnormity |
aboclibro | book of ABCs |
aboco | ABC, alphabet |
abocolernanto | abecedarian |
abocolibro | book of ABCs |
abolanto | abolisher |
abolebla | abolishable |
aboli | abolish, abrogate |
abolicii | abolish, abrogate |
aboliciismo | abolitionism |
aboliciisto | abolitionist |
abolicio | abolition, abrogation |
abolicionismo | abolitionism |
abolicionisto | abolitionist |
abolismo | abolitionism |
abolisto | abolitionist |
abolo | abolition, abrogation |
abomaso | abomasum, maw, rennet-bag, read, rennet-stomach |
abomena | dismal, dreary, ghastly, hideous, horrible, nasty |
abomenadi | avoid, abhor |
abomenado | abhorrence, abomination |
abomenaĵo | abomination |
abomenanto | abominator |
abomene | abominably |
abomeneco | abomination |
abomenego | strong aversion |
abomeni | abhor, abominate, loathe |
abomeniga | abhorrent |
abomenige | abhorrently |
abomenigi | repel, disgust; deter |
abomeninda | abhorrent, abominable, alien, awful, hideous, horrible, gruesome |
abomenindaĵo | abhorrence, abomination, atrocity, horror |
abomeninde | abominably |
abomenindeco | abominableness |
abomenindulo | abominable person |
abomeno | abhorrence, abomination, horror |
abomenulo | villain, scoundrel |
abona | subscription |
abonantaro | subscription base |
abonanto | subscriber |
abonantoj | subscribers |
abonbileto | commutation ticket, season ticket |
abone | by subscription, with a subscription |
abonebla | available by subscription |
abonejo | subscription office |
abonflua | feed, RSS |
abonfluo | news feed, newsfeed, RSS feed |
abongrupo | subscription group |
aboni | subscribe |
abonigi | sign someone up for (a subscription) |
abonilo | subscription form |
abonitaj | subscribed |
abonkarto | commutation ticket, season ticket |
abonkosto | subscription price |
abono | subscription |
abonpago | subscription payment |
abonprezo | subscription price |
abonrilata | syndicate, syndicated |
abonrilati | syndicate |
abonrilatita | syndicated |
abonrilato | syndication |
aborala | aboral |
aborigena | aboriginal |
aborigeneco | aboriginality |
aborigeno | aboriginal |
aborta | abortive |
abortaĵo | miscarriage, abortion, stillborn or aborted fetus |
aborteco | abortiveness |
abortema | inclined to abort |
aborti | abort, miscarry |
abortiga | abortion-inducing |
abortigi | abort |
abortigilo | method of abortion |
abortigisto | abortionist |
abortigo | abortion |
abortitaĵo | aborted or stillborn fetus |
abortito | aborted fetus |
aborto | abortion |
abortrimedo | abortifacient |
abortulo | aborted child |
abrada | abrasive |
abradaĵo | abrasive substance |
abradi | abrade |
abrado | abrasion |
abrahama | Abrahamic, Abrahamitic |
Abrahamo | Abraham |
abrakadabro | abracadabra |
abrakio | abrachius |
Abram | Abram |
Abramo | Abram |
abrazia | related to an abrasion |
abrazii | abrade |
abraziiĝi | cave in |
abraziilo | abrasive |
abrazio | abrasion |
abreviacio | abbreviation |
abrikota | related to apricots |
abrikotarbo | apricot tree |
abrikotbrando | apricot brandy |
abrikotfloro | apricot blossom |
abrikotfolio | apricot leaf |
abrikoto | apricot |
abrikotujo | apricot tree |
abrogacia | abrogative |
abrogacianto | abrogator |
abrogacii | abrogate |
abrogacio | abrogation |
abrogi | abrogate |
abrogo | abrogation |
abrotano | southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum) |
Abruco | Abruzzo (region of Italy) |
abrupta | abrupt |
abruptaĵo | something abrupt, an abrupt thing |
abrupte | abruptly |
abrupteco | abruptness, off-handedness, rudeness |
abrupto | haste, abruptness |
abruptulo | abrupt person |
Abruzo (Abruco) | Abruzzo (region in Italy) |
Abŝalomo | Absalom |
abscedi | discharge pus |
abscesa | abscessed |
abscesi | abscess |
absceso | abscess |
absciso | abscissa |
absejli | abseil |
absida | apsidal |
absideto | apsidiole |
absido | apsis, apse |
absinta | absinthic, absinthinian, abstemious, abstinthial |
absintaĵo | absinth |
absintismo | absinthism |
absintlikvoro | absinth |
absinto | absinth |
absoluta | absolute, perfect (pitch) |
absolute | absolutely |
absoluteco | absoluteless |
absolutigi | absolutize |
absolutisma | absolutist |
absolutismo | absolutism |
absolutisto | absolutist |
absoluto | an absolute |
absolva | absolutory, absolvent, absolving |
absolvanto | absolver |
absolvebla | absolvable |
absolvi | absolve |
absolvo | absolution |
absorba | absorbent |
absorbi | absorb |
absorbiga | absorbing |
absorbige | absorbingly |
absorbiĝi | be absorbed, engrossed |
absorbiĝo | bemusement, immersion, preoccupation |
absorbilo | absorbent |
absorbita de | absorbed in |
absorbita | absorbed |
absorbiteco | bemusement, immersion, preoccupation |
absorbo | absorption |
absorbospektro | absorption spectrum |
abstemia | abstemious |
abstemio | teetotalism |
abstemiulo | abstainer |
abstina | abstemious |
abstinado | abstinence; abstention |
abstinanto | teetotaler, total abstainer |
abstineco | abstinence |
abstinema | abstemious, abstinthial |
abstinemo | will to abstain |
abstinenco | abstinence, teetotalism |
abstinenculo | total abstainer |
abstini | abstain |
abstino | abstention |
abstinulo | abstainer (from pleasures) |
abstrakta | abstract |
abstraktado | abstraction |
abstraktaĵo | abstraction |
abstrakte | abstractly |
abstrakteco | abstractness |
abstrakti | abstract |
abstraktigi | make abstract |
abstraktismo | abstractism |
abstrakto | abstract |
absurda | absurd |
absurdaĵo | absurdity |
absurde | absurdly |
absurdeco | absurdity |
absurdo | absurdity |
Abudabio | Abu Dhabi |
Abudabo | Abu Dhabi |
Abuĝo | Abuja |
abulejo | wild beehive |
abulio | lack of will |
abunda | abundant |
abunde | abundantly |
abundeco | abundance |
abundega | superabundant |
abundege | very abundantly |
abundegi | be super abundant |
abundegiĝo | bonanza |
abundego | cornucopia, superabundance, surfeit |
abundi | abound |
abundo | abundance, plenty |
abundokorno | cornucopia |
abutilo | abutilon (genus of broadleaf evergreens) |
abutmento | abutment, buttress |
abvolto | abvolt |
aĉa | awful, terrible, rotten |
aĉaĵo | disgusting thing |
aĉakaturo | acciaccatura, crushed note, short grace note |
aĉe | miserably, poorly |
aĉea | Acehnese |
acefala | acephalous |
acefalo | acephalan, acephalous organism |
acefaloj | acephalans |
acenafteno | acenaphthene |
acera | maple |
aceracoj | maple family |
acerba | sour, acerbic, acid, harsh, tart |
acerbe | acridly, harshly, sourly |
acerbeco | acerbity |
acerbigi | acerbate, acidulate |
acerbranĉo | maple branch, branch of a maple tree |
acero | maple, sycamore |
acersiropo | maple syrup |
acersukero | maple sugar |
aceta | acetic |
acetablo | acetabulum |
acetabula | acetabular |
acetabulo | acetabulum |
acetacido | acetic acid |
aĉetadi | buy, keep buying, continue to buy |
aĉetado | acquisition, purchase |
aĉetaĵo | purchase |
aĉetakiri | acquire, buy, purchase |
acetaldehido | acetaldehyde |
aĉetanta regiono | market, outlet |
aĉetantino | shopper fem., buyer fem. |
aĉetanto | buyer, client, purchaser |
acetatigi | acetylate |
acetato | acetate |
acetbakterio | acetobacteria |
acetbakterioj | acetic acid bacteria |
aĉetĉareto | shopping cart, shopping trolley |
aĉetebla | for sale |
aĉetejo | shop, store |
aĉetfervoro | interest |
aĉeti | buy, purchase |
aĉetiĝi | be purchased, become purchased |
acetigi | turn into vinegar |
acetigo | acetification, acetifying |
acetila | acetyl |
acetileno | acetylene |
acetili | acetylate |
acetilizi | acetylate |
acetilkolino | acetylcolene |
acetilo | acetyl |
acetilsalicilatacido | acetylsalicylic acid |
acetilsalicilato | acetylsalicylate |
aĉetinto | buyer |
aĉetisto | buyer, purchasing agent, purchaser (professional) |
aĉetkorbeto | shopping basket |
aĉetlisto | shopping list |
aceto | acetic acid |
aĉeto | purchase |
acetometro | acetometer, acetimeter |
acetona | acetonic |
acetonemio | acetonemia |
acetonilo | acetonyl |
acetono | acetone |
acetonurio | acetonuria (excessive acetone in the urine) |
aĉetpovo | buying power, purchasing power |
aĉetrulkorbo | shopping cart |
aĉetsako | carrier bag |
aĉetsumo | cost, cost of purchase, purchase money |
aĉettaŝo | shopping bag |
aĉetumi | go shopping |
aĉeŭleo | Acheulean era of prehistory |
aĉi | be awful, rotten, terrible |
acida ĉerizo | morello |
acida | acid, sour, tart |
acidadolĉa | bittersweet |
acidaĵo | acid |
acidbano | acid bath |
acide | sourly, tartly |
acideco | acidity |
acideta | tart, sour, acidulous |
acidetigi | make sour |
acidetigo | acidulation |
acidgrado | acidity |
acidi | be acid, be sour |
acidigebla | acidifiable |
acidigi | acidify, sour |
acidiĝi | sour, grow sour, turn |
acidigo | acidification |
acidiĝo | acidification |
acidimetrio | acidimetry |
acidimetro | acidometer |
acidimuna | acid-proof |
acidizi | acidulate |
acidkremo | sour cream |
acidmezurado | acidimetry |
acidmordi | acid burn |
acidnombro | acid value, acid number |
acido | acid |
acidofara | acid-forming |
acidometrio | acidimetry |
acidometro | meter for acid |
acidoza | acidotic |
acidozo | acidosis |
acidpluvo | acid rain |
acidrezista | acid-fast, acid-proof, acid-resistant |
acidrostaĵo | sauerbraten (sour roast) |
acidsalo | acid salt |
acidsukeraĵo | acid drop |
acidujo | acid container |
aĉiĝi | become bad, become terrible, become worse |
aĉigi | cause to be bad, cause to be worse |
acikla | acyclic |
acina | acinar, acinose, acinous, aciniform |
acino | acinus |
acinoforma | aciniform |
acinoza | acinar, acinose, acinous, aciniform |
acipenseredoj | Acipenseridae (a family of fish) |
acipenserformaj | Acipenseriformes (order of fish) |
acipensero | sturgeon |
Aciso | Acis (mythological character) |
aĉo | contempt |
aĉodora | malodorous, bad-smelling, stinking, smelly |
Acoroj | Azores |
ActiveX-datumobjektoj | ActiveX Data Objects |
ActiveX-komponento | ActiveX component |
ActiveX-objekto | ActiveX object |
ActiveX-stirilo | ActiveX control |
activo | asset |
aĉulo | wretch |
Ada | Ada |
ada | continual |
adaĝa | slow, leisurely |
adaĝe | adagio |
adaĝete | adagietto |
adaĝo | adagio |
adalberto | Adalbert |
Adalberto | Adalbert |
adama | Adamic, Adamical |
adamantino | enamel |
adamasko | damask |
adamito | adamite |
Adamo | Adam |
adampomo | Adam’s apple |
Adampomo | Adam’s apple |
adamtero | ruddle |
adapta | adaptive |
adaptado | adaptation |
adaptaĵo | adaptation |
adaptebla | adaptable |
adaptebleco | adaptability |
adapti por orkestro | orchestrate, score |
adapti | adapt, accommodate, adjust, fit |
adaptiĝa | adaptive |
adaptiĝebla | adaptable |
adaptiĝema | adaptable |
adaptiĝemo | adaptability |
adaptiĝi | accommodate oneself, adapt oneself |
adaptigo | accommodation |
adaptiĝo | adaptation, adjustment |
adaptila | adapter |
adaptilo | device adapter, device controller |
adaptilpelilo | adapter driver |
adaptinto | adaptor |
adaptita | adapted |
adaptiteco | adaptedness |
adapto de tiparo al spaco | copyfitting |
adapto por orkestro | orchestration |
adapto | adaptation |
adaptometrio | adaptometry |
adaro | Adar |
adasismo | suffix rhyme, unskilled rhyming using suffixes (like –ad-) |
Adbeel | Adbeel |
ade | continually |
adekvata | adequate |
adekvate | appropriately, in a fitting way, adequately |
adekvateco | adequacy |
Adelaido | Adelaide |
Adelajdo | Adelaide |
Adelilando | Adélie Land |
Adelo | Adele |
Adelstano | Aethelstan |
aden- | adeno- (denoting a gland) |
Adena Golfo | Gulf of Aden |
Adena | Aden |
adeneca | adenoidal |
adenektomio | adenectomy |
adenino | adenine |
adenito | adenitis |
Adeno | Aden |
Adeno | Aden |
adeno | gland, ade- |
adenoida | adenoidal |
adenoidaĵoj | adenoids |
adenoidismo | adenoidism |
adenoidito | adenoiditis |
adenoido | adenoid |
adenoidoj | adenoids |
adenokarcinomo | adenocarcinoma |
adenomo | adenoma |
adenopatio | adenopathy |
adenovirusa | adenoviral |
adenoviruso | adenovirus |
adenozilo | adenozyl |
adenozino | adenozine |
adenpatio | adenpathy |
adepti | adapt, fit |
adeptigi | indoctrinate, recruit |
adepto | adept, supporter |
adhera | adhesive, (point) of adherence, (point) of closure, limit (point), sticky |
adheraĵo | adherent, adherence, closure |
adhereco | adherence, adhesiveness |
adherema | adhesive |
adheremo | adhesiveness |
adherenzo | adhesive |
adheri | adhere, stick to |
adherigaĵo | adhesive |
adhero | adhesion |
adherumi | adhere |
adherumo | adhesion |
adhezi | adhere |
adi | keep |
adiabata | adiabatic |
adiabato | adiabatic condition |
adianto | maidenhair fern |
adiaŭ | adieu, farewell, bye, goodbye, good bye |
adiaŭa | goodbye |
adiaŭbankedo | farewell banquet |
adiaŭdeklamo | farewell speech |
adiaŭdiri | say goodbye |
adiaŭdiro | (word of) goodbye, saying goodbye |
adiaŭe | in goodbye, as a farewell, in parting |
adiaŭi | say goodbye, say goodbye to, take leave, take leave from |
adiaŭkisi | kiss goodbye |
adiaŭo | farewell, goodbye, good bye, bye |
adici | add |
adicia | additive |
adiciato | addend |
adiciebla | additive |
adicieska | adding |
adicii | add, add up |
adiciilo | adder |
adicimaŝino | adding machine |
adicio | addition |
adigea | Adyghe |
Adiĝo | Adige river |
adinamia | adynamic |
adipa | adipose |
adipeco | adiposity, adiposeness |
adipo | adeps, animal fat |
adipoĉelo | adipocyte, adipose cell |
adipociro | adipocere |
adipogenezo | adipogenesis |
adipoza | adipose |
adipozo | adipose |
Adis-Abebo | Addis Abeba |
Adisabebo | Addis Ababa |
adisona | Addisonian |
Adisono | Addison |
adito | adytum |
adjektiva | adjectival |
adjektivigi | make into an adjective, turn into an adjective |
adjektivo | adjective |
adjekto | adjunct, adverbial |
adjudanto | adjutant, aide-de-camp |
adjudike | by tender |
adjudiki | invite tenders for, put out to tender |
adjudiko | (invitation to) tender, adjudication |
adjunkta | adjoint |
adjunkto | assistant |
adjuracio | adjuration |
adjutanteco | adjutancy |
adjutanto | adjutant, aide-de-camp |
Adma | Adama |
adminiklo | adminiculum |
adminisracia | administrative |
administra ofico | stewardship |
administra | administrative |
administracia | administrative |
administracie | administratively |
administraciejo | administration |
administracio | administration, management |
administrada | management, administrative |
administrado | administration, management |
administraj | administrative |
administrantaro | administration, management |
administranto | manager |
administraro | administration, administrative staff |
administratoro | administrator, manager |
administre | administratively |
administrejo | back office, backoffice |
administri | administer, manage |
administrilo | manager, management tool |
administristaro | administration, management |
administristino | administrator fem., administratrix fem. |
administristo | administrator |
administro | administration, management |
admira | admiring |
admiradi | admire |
admirado | admiration |
admiraĵo | admiration |
admirala | of an admiral, of an admiralty |
admiralaro | admiralty |
admiraleco | admiralship |
admiraledzino | admiral’s wife |
admiralejo | admiralty |
admiralitato | admirality |
admiralo | admiral |
admiralŝipo | admiral |
Admiraltoj | Admirality Islands |
admirantino | admirer |
admiranto | admirer |
admire | admiringly |
admirego | awe |
admiri | admire |
admirinda | admirable |
admirinde | admirably |
admiro | admiration |
admitanco | admittance, reciprocal impedance |
admona | admonitory |
admonanto | admonisher |
admoni | admonish, scold |
admonletero | collection letter, dunning letter |
admono | exhortation |
ado | action |
adoba | adobe |
adobo | adobe |
adoleska | adolescent |
adoleskanteco | adolescence |
adoleskantino | flapper |
adoleskanto | adolescent |
adoleskeco | puberty |
adoleski | be an adolescent |
adolesko | adolescence |
adoleskulino | adolescent |
adoleskulo | adolescent |
Adolfo | Adolf |
adolta | adult, of an adult |
adolteco | adulthood |
adoltiĝi | come of age, become an adult |
adoltiĝo | becoming an adult, maturity |
adolto | adult |
adonido | adonis (flower), pheasant’s eye |
Adoniso | Adonis, Appolo |
Adono | Adonis |
adopta | adoptive, adopted, foster |
adoptado | adoption |
adoptaj | adoptive, adopted, foster |
adoptanto | adopter |
adoptato | adoptee |
adopte | by adoption |
adoptebla | adoptable |
adopti | adopt |
adoptinto | adoptive parent |
adoptita | adopted |
adoptito | adoptive child |
adopto | adoption |
adoptulo | adoptive child |
adora | adoring |
adoradi | worship, adore |
adorado | adoration, worship |
adorantino | adorer fem., worshipper fem. |
adoranto | worshipper |
adoratino | adored one |
adorato | adored one |
adorejo | center of worship, place of worship |
adori | adore, worship |
adorinda | adorable |
adorinde | adorably |
adorindeco | adorableness |
adorkliniĝi | prostrate oneself, bow in worship |
adoro | adoration, worship |
adoroado | worship |
adrenalino | adrenaline |
adrenalo | adrenal gland, suprarenal gland |
adresadmaniero | addressing, addressing mode |
adresado | addressing, addressing mode |
adresanto | shipper, sender |
adresaparato | addressing machine, addressograph |
adresareto | mailing list |
adresaro | address list |
adresato | addressee |
adresatribuo | address assignment |
adresbreto | address bar |
adresbuso | address bus |
adresebla | addressable |
adresetikedo | address label |
adresfunkcio | address mapping |
adresgrupo | address pool |
adresi | address |
adresiga maŝino | addressing machine, addressograph |
adresiga | addressing |
adresigilo | addressing machine |
adresilo | address pointer, addressing machine |
adresinto | addresser, sender |
adresita | addressed |
adresito | addressee |
adreskampo | address field |
adreskarto | dispatch note |
adreslibro | directory |
adresmaŝino | addressing machine |
adresmetodo | addressing technique |
adresmontrilo | pointer (variable) |
adresnivelo | location counter |
adreso | address |
adresobuso | address bus |
adresospaco | address space |
adresparto | address field |
adrespresilo | addressing machine |
adresrango | indirection level |
adresreĝistro | address register |
adresŝanĝo | change of address |
adresspaco | address space |
adressubstituo | indirect addressing |
adrestraduko | address translation |
adrestrovilo | resolver |
adresulo | addressee |
adreszono | address field |
Adria | Adriatic |
Adriano | Adrian |
Adrianopolo | Adrianople |
adriatika | Adriatic |
Adriatiko | Adriatic, Adriatic Sea |
adsorba | adsorbent, adsorptive |
adsorbado | adsorption |
adsorbaĵo | adsorbate |
adsorbanto | adsorbent |
adsorbeco | adsorption |
adsorbi | adsorb |
adsorbiga | adsorbent |
adsorbige | adsorbently |
adsorbiĝi | adsorb |
adsorbiĝo | adsorption |
adsorbilo | adsorbent |
adsorbo | adsorption |
adstringa | tart |
adstringantaĵo | astringent |
adstringe | astringently, harshly |
adstringeco | acerbity |
adstringi | make dry |
adstringilo | adstringent |
adukcia | adducent |
adukcii | adduct |
adukcio | adduction |
adukti | adduct |
adukto | adductor |
aduktora | adductor |
aduktoro | adductor |
adulacio | adulation |
adulado | adulation |
Adulamano | Odollamite |
adulanto | adulator |
adulario | adulation; moonstone |
adulema | adulatory |
aduli | adulate |
adulta | adulterous |
adultado | adultery |
adultaĵo | adult |
adultanto | adulterer |
adulteca | adulterous |
adultema | adulterous |
adultera | adulterant |
adulteri | adulterate |
adulterilo | adulterant |
adultero | adulteration |
adulti | commit adultery |
adultigi | cause someone to commit adultery |
adultintino | adulteress, adulterous woman |
adultinto | adulterer |
adulto | adultery |
adultulino | adulteress |
adultulo | adulterer |
advaŭso | advowson |
advekcio | advection |
adventa | Adventual |
adventica | adventitious |
adventico | advential |
adventismo | Adventism |
Adventismo | Adventism |
adventisto | Adventist |
Adventisto | Adventist (religious denomination) |
adventiva | adventive |
adventivulo | adventive |
advento | advent |
adverba | adverbial |
adverbe | adverbially |
adverbeco | adverbiality |
adverbigi | adverbialize |
adverbo | adverb |
adversa | adverse |
adverse | adversely |
adversulo | adversary, antagonist |
advokata | advocatory, of a barrister, of a lawyer |
advokataĉo | pettifogger, shyster |
advokataro | advocacy |
advokateco | advocation |
advokatejo | law office |
advokati | advocate |
advokatiĝi | be accepted to the bar |
advokato | advocate, lawyer |
adzo | adze |
aedo | aoidos (Ancient Greek singer) |
aera | aerial, overground, overhead, air |
aeramaso | air mass |
aerarmea | air-force |
aerarmeo | air force |
aeratako | air raid, air strike |
aerbano | air bath |
aerbatalo | air battle |
aerbazo | air base |
aerbezona | in need of air |
aerbezonanta | in need of air |
aerblovilo | blower |
aerblovo | draft, gust of air |
aerboato | airboat |
aerbremso | airbrake, air brake |
aerbrosi | airbrush |
aerbroso | airbrush |
aerbuso | airbus |
aercirkuligo | air circulation |
aerdefenda artilerio | ack-ack, anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft guns |
aerdefenda | air-defense, anti-aircraft |
aerdefendo | air defense, anti-aircraft defense, anti-aircraft defenses |
aerdinamiko | aerodynamics |
aerdukto | air duct |
aere | aerially, airy, through the air |
aereca | airy |
aereldukto | air outlet |
aerellasa | air-release, bleeding |
aeremio | air embolism |
aerendukto | air intake |
aereskadro | air squadron |
aerfendo | air pocket (aviation) |
aerfiltrilo | air filter |
aerfloto | air fleet |
aerfluo | air flow |
aerfoto | air view |
aerfotografado | aerial photography |
aerfotomapo | aerial map |
aerfreŝigilo | air freshener |
aerfusilo | air rifle |
aerĝustigilo | air regulator |
aerhaveno | aerodrome, airport, airdrome |
aerhelico | airscrew |
aeri | air |
aerimuna | air tight |
aerizolita | anaerobic |
aerkamero | air chamber |
aerkastelo | castle in the sky |
aerkavo | air pocket |
aerkerna | air-bearing (as an air-bearing spindle) |
aerklapo | air valve |
aerklimatizi | air condition |
aerklimatizita | air-conditioned, air conditioned |
aerkluzo | airlock |
aerkompresoro | air compressor |
aerkondiĉigilo | air conditioner |
aerkondukilo | air duct |
aerkoridoro | air corridor, air lane |
aerkuseno | air cushion |
aerlinia | airline |
aerlinio | airline |
aerlito | air mattress |
aermalpurigo | air pollution |
aermalsana | airsick |
aermalsano | airsickness |
aermapo | aerial map |
aermaso | air mass |
aermatraco | air mattress |
aermeĥanikisto | flight mechanic, flight engineer |
aernavigado | aeronautics, aviation |
aernetolera | air-intolerant |
aernetoleranta | air-intolerant |
aero | air |
aerobatika | aerobatic |
aerobatike | acrobatically |
aerobatiko | aerobatics |
aerobia | aerobic, aerobiotic |
aerobie | aerobically |
aerobiko | aerobatics |
aerobio | aerobe, aerobium |
aerobiologio | aerobiology |
aerobuso | airbus |
aeroĉelo | aerocyst, air cell |
aerodefendo | air defense |
aerodinamika | aerodynamic, streamlined |
aerodinamike | aerodynamically |
aerodinamiko | aerodynamics |
aerodino | aerodyne |
aerodromo | airfield |
aerofagio | aerophagy |
aerofiziko | aerophysics |
aerofloto | air fleet |
aerofobio | aerophobia |
aeroforo | aerophore |
aerofoto | air view |
aerofotogrametrio | aerial survey, aerophotogrammetry |
aeroframo | airframe |
aeroglita | having the property of gliding on air |
aerografio | aerography |
aerogramo | aerogram, aérogramme, air letter (gummed paper) |
aerohaveno | airport |
aerokondukilo | air duct |
aerolita | aerolitic |
aerolito | meteoric stone |
aerolitologio | aerolithology |
aerologia | aerologic |
aerological | aerologic |
aerologiisto | aerologist |
aerologio | aerology |
aerologo | aerologist |
aeromancio | aeromancy, austromancy |
aerometria | aerometric |
aerometrio | aerometry |
aerometro | aerometer |
aeronaŭta | aeronautic, aeronautical |
aeronaŭtika | aeronautic, aeronautical |
aeronaŭtike | aeronautically |
aeronaŭtiko | aeronautics |
aeronaŭto | aeronaut, airman |
aeronavigado | aeronautics |
aeropafilo | blowgun |
Aeropago | areopagus |
aeroplano | airplane, plane, aeroplane |
aeroporta | aeriferous |
aeropoŝto | air mail, airmail |
aeropremo | air pressure |
aeropumpilo | air pump |
aeroskopo | aeroscope |
aerosolo | aerosol |
aerospaco | air space |
aerostatika | aerostatic |
aerostatiko | aerostatics |
aerostato | air balloon, balloon |
aeroterapio | aerotherapeutics |
aerpafilo | air gun |
aerpejzaĝo | airscape |
aerpejzaĵo | aerial view |
aerpeniko | airbrush |
aerpilkego | balloon (plaything) |
aerpirato | hijacker, aircraft hijacker, skyjacker, sky controller |
aerpistolo | airgun |
aerplano | airplane |
aerpolucio | air-pollution |
aerpompilo | air pump |
aerponto | airlift |
aerportado | airlift |
aerporti | airlift |
aerpoŝta letero | air letter, aerogramme |
aerpoŝte | via air mail |
aerpoŝtmarko | airmail stamp |
aerpoŝto | airmail |
aerprema | air pressure |
aerpremo | atmospheric pressure, air pressure |
aerprovizo | air supply |
aerpumpilo | air pump |
aerputo | air well |
aerrapido | airspeed |
aerregado | air supremacy |
aerregilo | air regulator |
aersako | airbag |
aerŝakto | air shaft |
aerŝarĝo | air freight |
aerŝipo | airship |
aersoldato | airman |
aerspaco | airspace |
aerstevardino | flight attendant, stewardess (flight attendant) |
aerstevardo | flight attendant, steward (flight attendant) |
aerŝtono | aerolite, meteorite, meteor |
aertaksio | air taxi |
aertiro | drag (in aviation) |
aertolera | air-tolerant |
aertoleranta | air-tolerant |
aertransportado | air transport |
aertransporto | air transport |
aertruo | air pocket |
aertubo | tube |
aerujo | air canister |
aeruma | airy, air |
aerumado | aeration |
aerumi | air out, ventilate |
aerumilo | aerator |
aervalvo | air valve |
aerveturado | aeronautics, aviation, air travel |
aerveturanto | aeronaut |
aerveturilo | airship |
aerveziketo | air blister, air bubble |
aerveziko | air bladder |
aervido | air view |
aerviva | aerobic |
aervojo | airway |
afabla | affable, friendly, goodnatured, kind |
afablaĵo | a courtesy |
afable | kindly, affably |
afableco | kindness |
afablega | very charming |
afablege | in a very friendly manner |
afabliga | usability |
afabligo | usability |
afablulo | affable person |
afagio | aphagia |
afaniptero | aphaniptera (the group of insects that includes the flea) |
Afaro | Sof Omar Caves of Ethiopia |
afazia | aphasic |
afazio | aphasia |
afaziulo | aphasiac |
afekcia | emotional, sentimental |
afekcie | emotionally, sentimentally |
afekcii | affect |
afekciita | affected |
afekciite | affectedly |
afekcio | affection |
afekta | affected, artificial |
afektado | affectation |
afektaĵo | affectation, pose, mannerism |
afekte | primly, showily, artificially |
afekteco | affection |
afektema | affected |
afekteme | showily |
afekti | attitudinize, pose, put on airs |
afektita | inflated |
afektiva | affective, emotional |
afekto | affectation |
afektulino | emotional woman |
afektulo | attitudinizer, poseur |
afelio | aphelion |
afera | related to business, related to objects/things |
afereca | business-like |
aferema | business-like |
aferenta | afferent |
afereto | little thing, small matter |
aferezo | a word formed by truncating its initial sound |
aferisto | businessman, businessperson |
aferkoncerneco | relevance |
aferlisto | agenda |
afero | affair, business, business deal, case, matter |
aferpaperoj | business mail |
aferŝarĝito | chargé d’affaires, chargé, interim diplomat |
aferstato | state of affairs |
aferulo | businessman |
afervojaĝo | business trip |
afgana | Afghan |
afganhundo | Afghan hound |
afganino | Afghan woman |
Afganio | Afghanistan |
Afganistano | Afghanistan |
Afganlando | Afghanistan |
afgano | Afghan |
Afganujo | Afghanistan |
afhanhundo | Afghan hound |
afidavito | affidavit |
afidedo | aphid |
afidedoj | Aphididae |
afido | aphid |
afidomanĝa | aphidivorous |
afiksa | affixal |
afiksi | attach, put up |
afikso | affix |
afina | affine, having affinity |
afinacii | refine (metal) |
afinacio | refining (metallurgy) |
afineco | affinity |
afini | have affinity |
afino | affinity |
afiŝejo | bulletin board system, BBS |
afiŝhomo | sign-carrier, placard-carrier, poster-carrier |
afiŝi | placard, post, post up |
afiŝisto | bill poster |
afiŝkolono | advertising pillar |
afiso | greenfly |
afiŝo | notice, placard, poster |
afiŝtabelo | bulletin board |
afiŝtabulo | billboard, notice board |
aflabla | amiable |
aflable | amiably |
aflikta | distressing, grievous, painful, troublesome |
afliktado | affliction, ordeal, trial |
aflikte | painfully |
aflikti | afflict, grieve |
afliktiĝi | become afflicted |
afliktiĝo | sadness |
afliktita | sad |
aflikto | affliction |
afonia | aphonic, aphonous |
afonio | aphonia |
aforisma | aphoristic |
aforisme | aphoristically |
aforismo | aphorism |
aforisto | aphorist |
aframerika | Afro-American |
aframerikano | Afro-American |
afranka | postage, franking (machine) |
afranki | put on stamps |
afrankita | stamped |
afrankite | postage prepaid |
afranko | postage |
afranktarifo | postal rates |
afrazia | Afro-Asian |
afraziano | Afro-Asian |
afrika | African |
afrikanino | African woman |
afrikano | African |
afrikansa | Afrikaans |
afrikanso | Afrikaner, Afrikander |
afrikata | affricative |
afrikato | affricate, affricative |
afrikazia | Afro-Asian |
afrikigi | Africanize |
afrikismo | Africanism |
Afriko | Africa |
afrito | afreet, afrite |
afro- | afro- |
Afrodita | Aphrodite |
afrodita | of Aphrodite |
afrodito | Aphrodite |
Afrodito | Aphrodite |
Afrodito | Aphrodite |
afrodizia | aphrodisiac |
afrodiziaĵo | aphrodisiac |
afrodiziako | aphrodisiac |
afrodizigilo | aphrodisiac |
afrodiziiga | aphrodisiac |
afrodiziigaĵo | aphrodisiac |
afrodiziigilo | aphrodisiac |
afrodizio | sexual excitement, arousal, aphrodisia |
afta | aphthous ulcer |
afto | aphtha |
aftozo | hoof-and-mouth disease |
afusto | carriage, gun carriage |
afustovosto | gun carriage stock |
ag-ordono | action statement |
aga | active |
aĝa | aged |
agaca | tart |
agace | acerbically, acridly, tartly |
agaceco | acerbity |
agaci | irritate, set on edge |
agaciga | tart |
agaciĝi | be set on edge |
agaco | irritant |
agadi | act, occur, take place |
agado | action, activity |
Agago | Agag |
agama | officious |
agamedo | Agamedes (mythology) |
Agamemno | Agamemnon |
Agamemnono | Agamemnon |
agamia | agamic (biology) |
agamio | Agami heron, Chestnut-bellied heron |
agamo | agamid lizard |
aganto | agent |
agao | aga |
agapanto | agapanthus (flower) |
agapo | agape |
agaragaro | agar (gelatin), agar-agar (gelatin) |
agarika | agaricaceous, agaricoid |
agarikacoj | Agrucis family |
agariko | mushroom |
Aĝario | Adzharia |
agaro | agar(-agar) |
agata | agate |
agatido | agathis (genus of evergreens, botany) |
agatigi | agatize |
agato | agate |
Agatoklo | Agathocles |
agava | agave |
agavbrando | tequila |
agavo | agave |
agavvino | agave wine |
agawo | agave |
agebla | operative |
Agejno | Again River |
agema | active |
ageme | actively |
agemo | activity |
agendo | agenda, appointment book |
Agenoro | Agenor |
agenta | agential |
agenteco | agency |
agentejo | agency |
agento | agent |
agenturo | agency |
agerato | whiteweed |
Agesilauso | Agesilaus |
agi laŭ | follow, observe |
agi | act |
aĝi | be the age of |
agigi | actuate |
Aĝinkurto | Agincourt |
aĝio | premium |
aĝiotado | stock-jobbing |
aĝioti | speculate in stocks |
aĝiotisto | stock jobber |
aĝioto | stock-jobbing |
agistrodono | moccasin |
agita | inflammatory |
agitacio | agitation, excitement, flutter |
agitadi | shake up, shake |
agitado | commotion |
agitanto | activist |
agitatoro | agitator |
agitfolio | polemic pamphlet |
agitgrupo | action committee, action group |
agiti | abet, agitate, incite, stir up |
agitiĝi | become agitated |
agitiĝo | commotion |
agitilo | agitator |
agitismo | activism |
agitisto | agitator |
agitkomisiono | action committee, action group |
agito | agitation, commotion, disturbance, excitement, flutter, turmoil |
agitvorto | political slogan, slogan |
agklavo | hot key, hotkey |
agla | aquiline |
agleca | aquiline |
aglejo | aerie |
aglibero | freedom of action, elbowroom |
aglido | eaglet |
aĝlimo | age limit |
aglo | eagle |
aglobuteo | eagle buzzard |
aglofiliko | eagle fern |
aglofloro | eagle flower |
agloko | action spot |
aglokula | eagle eye |
aglomera | agglomerative |
aglomerado | agglomeration |
aglomeraĵo | agglomerate |
aglomerato | agglomeration |
aglomeri | agglomerate |
aglomeriĝi | agglomerate |
aglomero | agglomeration |
aglonaza | beak-nosed |
aglonesto | aerie |
aglutina | agglutinating |
aglutini | agglutinate, bond |
aglutiniĝi | agglutinate |
aglutinilo | binding agent |
aglutinino | agglutinin |
aglutino | agglutination |
aglutinogeno | agglutinogen |
agmaniero | behavior |
agnata | agnate, agnatic |
agnateco | agnation, kinship |
agnato | agnate (paternal relative) |
Agneso | Agnes |
Agnio | Agni, Hindu god of fire |
agnoski | acknowledge, recognize |
agnoskita | acknowledged, recognized |
agnosko | acknowledgement |
agnostika | agnostic |
agnostikismo | agnosticism |
agnostikisto | agnostic |
agnostikulo | agnostic |
agnozio | agnosia |
Agnuso | Agnus Dei |
ago | act, action |
aĝo | age |
agobreto | action bar |
agobutono | action button |
agogia | agogic |
agogo | agogo |
aĝolimo | age limit |
agonia | agonizing |
agonii | be near death |
agonio | agony, death throes |
agonistiko | agonostics |
agopaĝo | action page |
agorafobio | agoraphobia |
agord-administranto | settings manager |
agord-ŝanĝanto | settings modifier |
agorda | preference, setup, option, configuration, settings, tuning, agreement |
agordadministranto | settings manager |
agordaĵo | setup |
agordaparato | tuning machine |
agordaro | profile |
agorde | in unison |
agordforko | tuning fork |
agordi | tune |
agordiĝemo | manageability, tractability |
agordiĝi | be tuned (up) |
agordilaro | control panel |
agordilo | machine |
agordinformoj | configuration information |
agordisto | tuner (person) |
agordo-administranto | settings manager |
agordo-ŝanĝanto | settings modifier |
agordo | agreement |
agordoforko | tuning fork |
agordono | action statement |
agordotubo | tuning pipe |
agordŝanĝanto | settings modifier |
agoro | agora |
agospeco | action type |
agotrabo | action bar |
agpotencialo | action potential |
agrabla | agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant |
agrablaĵo | fun things or activities |
agrable | agreeably, comfortably, pleasantly |
agrableco | pleasantness |
agrablega | very pleasant, extremely agreeable |
agrabligi | make pleasant, make comfortable, make pleasing |
agrablo | amenity |
agrablodora | pleasant-smelling |
agrafa fermilo | hooks and eyes |
agrafi | clasp |
agrafio | agraphia |
agrafo | clasp, hook |
agramatismo | agrammatism |
Agrao | Agra |
agrara | agricultural, farm |
agrega | aggregate |
agregacio | agrégation (French academic qualification) |
agregaĵo | aggregate |
agregato | aggregate |
agregi | aggregate |
agregiĝi | aggregate |
agresa | aggresive |
agresanto | aggressor, attacker, assailant |
agrese | aggressively |
agresema | aggressive |
agreseme | aggressively |
agresemo | aggression |
agresi | commit aggression |
agresinto | aggressor, attacker, assailant |
agresiva | aggressive |
agreso | aggression |
agresonto | aggressor |
agrikultura | agricultural |
agrikulturista | farmers’, farmer |
agrikulturisto | agrarian |
agrikulturo | agriculture, farming, tillage |
agrimonio | agrimony |
Agripino | Agrippina |
Agripo | Agrippa |
agro | field |
agrobakterio | agrobacteria |
agrobiologio | agrobiology |
agrokultivo | agriculture |
agrokultura | agricultural |
agrokulturisto | farmer |
agrokulturo | agriculture |
agronomia | agricultural |
agronomiisto | agronomist |
agronomio | agriculture |
agronomisto | agronomist |
agronomo | agriculturist |
agropiro | agropyron, crested-wheat grass, couch grass |
agrostemo | corn cockle |
agrostido | bent grass |
agroturismo | farm holidays |
agtipo | action type |
agutio | agouti (species of rodent) |
aĥ | ah, oh, ow |
aha | aha |
Aĥabo | Ahab |
aĥaja | Achaean |
aĥajano | Achaean, Achaian |
Aĥajo | Achaea, Achaia |
Ahasvero | Ahasuerus, the Wandering Jew |
Aĥaŝveroŝ | Ahasuerus |
Aĥaŝveroŝo | Ahasuerus, the Wandering Jew |
Ahazio | Ahaziah |
Ahazo | Ahaz |
aĥemenida | Achaemenian |
Aĥemeno | Achaemenes |
Aĥeno | Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle |
Aĥerono | Acheron |
aĥi | gasp, whimper |
Ahijaho | Ahijah |
aĥila kalkano | Achilles’ heel, Achilles’s heel |
aĥila tendeno | Achilles’ tendon, Achilles’s tendon |
Aĥila | Achilles |
aĥila | Achilles’s, Achilles’ |
aĥilkalkano | Achilles’s heel, Achilles’ heel, Achilles heel |
Aĥilo | Achilles |
aĥiltendeno | Achilles’s tendon, Achilles’ tendon, Achilles tendon |
Ahimeleĥo | Ahimelech |
Ahitofelo | Ahithophel |
ahmadismo | Ahmadism |
Ahmedo | Achmed |
Aĥmedo | Ahmed |
Aĥnaŝino | Achnasheen |
Ahuramazdo | Ahura-Mazda |
aideso (aidoso) | AIDS |
aideso | AIDS |
aidoso | AIDS |
aidosulo | AIDS patient |
aidozo (aidoso) | AIDS |
aidozo | AIDS |
aikido | aikido |
ailanto | Ailanthus, tree of heaven |
aina | Ainu |
Aino | Ainu |
aj | ouch, ow |
aĵa-rilata | entity relationship |
Aja | Aia |
aĵa | entity |
Ajaco | Ajax |
Ajaio | Aeaea |
Ajakso | Ajax |
ajapano | ayapana |
aĵarilata | entity relationship |
ajatolaho | ayatollah |
ajatolo | ayatollah |
aĵeto | little thing |
ajgena | eigen |
ajgeno | eigenvalue |
aĵgenro | inanimate gender, neuter gender |
ajgenspaco | characteristic subspace, eigenspace |
ajgensubspaco | characteristic subspace, eigensubspace |
ajgenvaloro | eigenvalue |
ajgenvektoro | eigenvector |
aji | cry, shout from pain |
Ajitiso | Aeetes |
ajkso | Aix |
ajla | garlicky |
ajlero | garlic bulb |
ajli | spice with garlic |
ajlo | garlic |
ajlobulbero | garlic clove |
ajlobulbo | garlic bulb |
ajmara | Aymara |
ajmaro | Aymara |
Ajmeo | Amy |
ajn | at all, -ever; foo, foobar, baz |
ajna signo | wildcard, * |
ajna | any, random |
ajne | arbitrarily |
ajnlitera | wildcard |
ajno | wildcard |
Ajnsvorto | Ainsworth |
ajnua | Ainu |
ajnulo | anyone |
ajnuo | Ainu |
ajnvica | random-access |
aĵo | thing |
aĵoj | stuff, things |
Ajro | Ayr |
ajugo | bugle |
aĵura | pierced-work, open-work |
ajurvedo | Ayurveda |
ajuto | nozzle |
ajzi | bend |
aK (antaŭ Kristo) | B.C., BC, Before Christ |
Ak-ano | academian, academist, academy member |
Ak. | Akademio |
akacio | acacia |
Akad | Achad |
akada | Acadian |
akadano | Acadian |
akademia | academic |
akademiano | academician |
akademie | academically |
akademio | academy |
akademiulo | academic, scholar |
akadia | Acadian |
akadiano | Acadian |
Akadio | Acadia |
Akado | Accad |
Akadujo | Acadia |
Akajo | Achaea |
akaĵuarbo | cashew |
akajunukso | cashew |
akaĵunukso | cashew nut |
akaĵuo | cashew |
akaĵupomo | cashew apple |
akaĵuujo | cashew tree |
Akan | Acan |
akana | Twi |
akanto | acanthus |
akantopagro | bream |
akapara | preemptive |
akapari | corner, monopolize |
akaparo | hoarding, monopoly |
akaro | mite |
akaŝa | akashic |
akcela | accerlerative |
akcelado | acceleration |
akcelaĵo | accelerant, accelerator |
akcelanta | accelerative |
akcelanto | promotor |
akcelego | spurt |
akcelenzo | accelerant, accelerator |
akceli | accelerate, speed up |
akceliĝi | accelerate, pick up |
akceliĝo | acceleration |
akcelilo | accelerator, accelerator pedal |
akcelmezurilo | accelerometer |
akcelo | acceleration |
akcelometro | accelerometer |
akcelpedalo | gas pedal, accelerator, accelerator pedal |
akcenta | accented, emphasized, stressed |
akcentado | accentuation |
akcentega | emphatic |
akcentege | emphatically |
akcentegi | accentuate, emphasize |
akcentego | emphasis |
akcenti | accent, accentuate, stress |
akcentita | accented, emphasized, stressed |
akĉento | accent |
akcento | accent, stress |
akcentperdo | loss of accent |
akcentsigno | stress mark, ˈ, ′ |
akcepta | accepting |
akceptadi | keep accepting |
akceptado | acceptance |
akceptaĵo | acceptance |
akceptanto | acceptor |
akcepte | acceptingly |
akceptebla | acceptable |
akcepteble | acceptably, reasonably |
akceptebleco | acceptability |
akcepteblo | acceptability |
akcepteco | admissibility |
akceptejo | reception room |
akceptema | receptive |
akcepteme | receptively |
akcepti oficiale | do the honors, do the honours |
akcepti | accept, receive, take, take in, welcome |
akceptiĝi | be accepted |
akceptigi | force, make accept |
akceptiĝo | reception |
akceptinda | acceptable |
akceptindeco | susceptibility |
akceptistino | receptionist |
akceptisto | receptionist |
akceptita | accepted |
akceptkvitanco | receipt |
akcepto | acceptance |
akceptopaĝo | home page, welcome page |
akceptoro | acceptor |
akceptosalono | reception room |
akceptpoŝtĝirilo | giro payment slip |
akceptsalono | reception room |
akcesora tono | overtone |
akcesora | accessory, secondary, subsidiary |
akcesoraĵo | accessory, side issue |
akcesoraĵoj | accessories |
akcesoraĵujo | storage compartment |
akcesorulo | accessory |
akcia | stock, share |
akciaro | share capital |
akcidenco | accidence, adjunct |
akcidenta | accidental |
akcidente | accidentally |
akcidentema | accident-prone |
akcidenti | have an accident |
akcidentiĝi | suffer an accident |
akcidento | accident |
akcidentrisko | accident risk |
akcihavanto | shareholder |
akcimerkato | stock-market |
akcio | share |
akcioj | shares, stock |
akcipitredoj | Accipitridae family |
akcipitro | hawk |
akcipitroherbo | hawkweed |
akciuleco | shareholdership |
akciulo | shareholder |
akcizi | excise, levy an excise tax |
akcizisto | actionary |
akcizo | excise, excise duty |
aKE | BCE (before the Common Era) |
akebio | akebi (eastern Asiatic vine) |
akejlognato | bitterling |
Akemeno | Achaemenes |
Akeno | Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle |
akeo | ai, sloth |
Akerono | Acheron |
Akerso | Akers |
Akila | Achilles’, Achilles’s |
akileo | Achillea, yarrow, milfoil |
akilkalkano | Achilles’ heel, Achilles’s heel |
Akilo | Achilles |
akiltendeno | Achilles’ tendon, Achilles’s tendon |
akinezio | akinesia |
akiradi | acquire, obtain |
akirado | acquisition |
akiraĵo | accession, acquisition, gain |
akirdato | acquisition date |
akirebla | obtainable |
akirema | acquisitive |
akiremo | acquisitiveness |
akiri pene | reclaim |
akiri | acquire, attain, get, obtain |
akiristo | sales representative, traveling salesman |
akiritaĵo | possessions, acquisitions, belongings |
akiro | accession, acquisition, asset |
akk (ankaŭ konata kiel) | AKA, A.K.A., also known as |
akk | A.K.A., AKA, also known as |
aklamado | acclamation |
aklame | by acclamation |
aklami | acclaim, applaud |
aklamo | acclaim, acclamation, approval |
aklimatizi | acclimatize |
aklimatiziĝi | acclimate, acclimatize |
akmeo | acme |
akna | affected by acne |
akneo | acne |
aknero | pimple, zit, blemish, spot |
akno | pimple |
aknozo | acne |
akolio | acholia |
akolito | acolyte |
akomoda | adjustment |
akomodebla | customizable (customisable) |
akomodi | accommodate |
akomodiĝi | accommodate, adjust |
akomodiĝo | accommodation |
akomodigo | adjustment |
akomodo | accommodation |
akompana | accompanying; incidental |
akompanadi | accompany |
akompanado | accompaniment |
akompanaĵo | accompaniment |
akompanantaro | suite, train |
akompanantino | chaperon, duenna |
akompananto | accompanist, companian |
akompani varte | chaperon, squire |
akompani | accompany |
akompanisto | accompanist |
akompano | accompaniment |
akonitino | aconitine, aconitic |
akonito | aconite, monkshood |
akorda | in accordance |
akordi | agree |
akordiga | conciliatory |
akordigebla | reconcilable |
akordiĝema | manageable, tractable |
akordigi | bring into agreement |
akordiĝi | come to an agreement |
akordigo | conciliation |
akordionisto | accordionist |
akordiono | accordion |
akordo | accord, agreement, chord, settlement |
akoro | calamus |
akra tono | tartness, sharp tone |
akra | sharp, abrasive, lurid, tart |
akraema | bitter |
akraflanka | angular, sharp-edged |
akraĵo | sharp edge, cutting edge, blade; peak, point |
akratona | sharp-toned, abrasive, shrill, snappy, tart |
akratoneco | acrimony |
akre | sharply, abrasively |
akreaĵo | acreage |
akrearo | acreage |
akreco | sharpness |
akreditaĵo | credential |
akreditaĵoj | credentials |
akreditato | authorized representative |
akrediti | accredit |
akreditilo | credentials |
akreditivi | credit, arrange a credit |
akreditivo | letter of credit |
akredito | accreditation |
akrega | very sharp |
akreo | acre |
akresona | shrill, sharp-sounding |
akretema | acrimonious |
akretona | sharp-toned, piercing |
akrevida | lynx-eyed |
akrevidanto | sharp-sighted person, person with sharp vision |
akridedo | acridid |
akridedoj | Acrididae |
akrido | grasshopper, locust |
akrigi | sharpen |
akrigilo | sharpener |
akrigrimeno | strop, razor strop, razor sharpener |
akrila | acrylic |
akrilato | acrylate |
akrilo | acryl |
akrilonitrilo | acrylonitrile |
akro | acre |
akrobata | acrobatic |
akrobatado | acrobatics |
akrobataĵo | acrobatics |
akrobate | acrobatically |
akrobatiko | acrobatics |
akrobato | acrobat |
akrocefala | acrocephalic |
akrocefaleco | acrocephalia |
akrocefalulo | acrocephalic |
akrocianozo | acrocyanosis |
akrodora | acrid |
akrogena | acrogenic, acrogenous |
akrokula | sharp-eyed |
akromata | achromatic |
akromateco | achromaticity, achromatism |
akromatigado | achromatization |
akromatigi | achromatize |
akromatino | achromatin |
akromatopsia | colorblind, colourblind |
akromatopsio | achromatopsia, color-blindness |
akromegalia | acromegalic |
akromegalio | acromegaly |
akromio | acromion |
akroniĉo | acronychia, yellow-wood |
akronimo | acronym |
Akropolo | Acropolis |
akrostiĥo | acrostic |
akrostika | acrostic |
akrostiko | acrostic |
akrotero | acroter, acroterium |
akrulino | cat |
akrupi | buck |
aksa | axial |
akse | axially |
aksela | axillar, axillary |
akselburĝono | axillary bud |
akselkavo | armpit |
akselo | armpit |
aksesoraĵo | accessorie |
aksingo | hub, nave |
aksinito | axinite |
aksinomancio | axinomancy |
aksiologio | axiology |
aksioma | axiomatic |
aksiomara | axiomatic |
aksiomaro | axiom system, axiomatic system |
aksiomo | axiom |
aksisa | axial |
aksiso | axis |
aksisoido | axis, axis deer |
akslagro | axle bearings |
akso | axis, axle |
aksoido | axoid |
aksokrucoj | axes of coordinates |
aksolotlo | axolotl |
aksono | axon |
aksopinto | pivot, spindle |
aksujo | bearing, pillow-block |
aktaro | dossier |
aktebero | baneberry |
akteo | baneberry |
aktia | of Actium |
aktina | actinic |
aktinio | actinium |
aktiniserio | actinium series |
aktinismo | actinism |
aktiniumo | actinium |
aktinofago | actinophage |
aktinoida | actinide |
aktinoido | actinide |
aktinokemio | actinochemistry |
aktinolito | actinolite |
aktinologio | actinology |
aktinometra | actinometric |
aktinometrio | actinometry |
aktinometro | actinometer |
aktinomiceto | actinomycete |
aktinomicetozo | actinomycosis |
aktinomiko | actinomycete |
aktinomikozo | actinomycosis |
aktinono | actinon |
aktinoterapio | actinotherapy |
Aktio | Actium |
aktisto | actuary |
aktiva | active |
Aktivaj Servil-Paĝoj | ASP, Active Server Pages |
aktivaĵo | activity, something active |
aktive | actively |
aktiveco | activity, vigor, vigour |
aktiviganto | activating agent, activator |
aktivigenzo | activating agent, activator |
aktiviĝi | act up |
aktivigi | put on, start, switch on, turn on |
aktivigilo | activator |
aktivigo | activation |
aktivismo | activism |
aktivisto | activist |
aktivo | assets |
aktivoj | assets |
aktivularo | activists |
aktivulo | activist |
akto | act; certificate, diploma, document |
aktora | actor’s |
aktorado | recitation, acting |
aktoraro | acting company, acting troupe |
aktori | act |
aktorino | actress |
aktoro | actor |
aktuala | current, present, present-day, topical, up-to-date |
aktualaĵo | topic |
aktuale | at present |
aktualeco | topicality |
aktualigi | update, refresh |
aktualigo | refresh, update |
aktuaria | actuarial |
aktuario | actuary |
aktuaro | actuary |
aktujo | briefcase, portfolio |
akuala | topical, up-to-date, up to date |
akuleo | aculeus |
akumeno | acumen |
akumula | cumulative |
akumulado | accumulation |
akumulaĵo | accumulation |
akumulanto | accumulator |
akumulatorejo | battery room |
akumulatoro | accumulator, battery, storage battery |
akumulejo | accumulator |
akumuli | accumulate, heap, pile up, stack |
akumuliĝa | accumulation (point), cluster (point) |
akumuliĝanta | accumulative |
akumuliĝi | accumulate |
akumuliĝo | accumulation |
akumulilo | accumulator, battery, storage battery |
akumulinto | accumulator |
akumulo | accumulation |
akumulonto | accumulator |
akupunkturisto | acupuncturist |
akupunkturo | acupuncture |
akurata | accurate, on time, prompt, punctual |
akurate | exactly, sharp |
akurateco | accuracy, exactitude, precision |
akuŝa | maternity |
akuŝantino | woman in labor, woman giving birth |
akuŝarto | birthing technique |
akuŝbufo | midwife toad, alytes |
akuŝdoloro | labor pain |
akuŝejo | birthing center, maternity ward (of a hospital, e.g.) |
akuŝi | give birth, be in labor, be in labour |
akuŝiĝa | labor, relating to childbirth |
akuŝigi | deliver (baby) |
akuŝigistino | midwife, obstetrician |
akuŝigisto | obstetrician |
akuŝiĝo | labor, time of giving birth |
akuŝilo | forceps |
akuŝintino | lying-in woman |
akuŝistino | midwife |
akuŝisto | obstetrician |
akuŝlito | childbed |
akuŝo | accouchement, childbirth, delivery |
akuŝoĉambro | lying-in room |
akuŝologio | obstetrician |
akuŝpeno | labor |
akustika kuplilo | AC, acoustic coupler |
akustika | acoustic; resonance (box) |
akustikaujo | resonance box |
akustiko | acoustics |
akuta | acute |
akutanco | acutance |
akutangula | acute (acute-angled) |
akutangulo | acute angle |
akute | sharply, acutely |
akuteco | acuteness |
akutimigi | accustom |
akuto | acute accent, high-pitch accent, ´; penetrating |
akuza | accusatory |
akuzado | accusation |
akuzaĵo | accusation, charge, complaint, indictment |
akuzakto | bill of indictment |
akuzanto | accuser |
akuzativa | accusative |
akuzativigi | put into the accusative |
akuzativo | accusative |
akuzato | accused |
akuzi pri | accuse of, charge with, impeach of, indict for, tax with |
akuzi | accuse |
akuzisto | accuser, prosecutor |
akuzito | accused, defendant |
akuzo | accusation |
akva | aquatic, water, watery, of water |
akvado | watering |
akvafalo | waterfall |
akvafortado | etching |
akvafortaĵo | etching |
akvaforti | etch |
akvaforto | etching |
akvamarina | aquamarine |
akvamarino | aquamarine |
akvaraneo | water spider |
akvarelo | watercolor, watercolour |
akvario | aquarium |
akvaro | the waters |
akvatintaĵo | aquatint |
akvatinto | acid washing, aquatint |
akveca | aqueous, watery |
akveco | wetness, moisture |
akvedukto | aqueduct |
akvemetita | alluvial |
akvenergio | hydroenergy |
akvero | drop, drop of water |
akvi | irrigate, water |
akvifoliacoj | Aquifoliaceae |
akvifolio | holly |
akvilegio | columbine |
akvilo | watering can |
Akvilono | Aquilon |
akvimuna | watertight, waterproof |
akvisto | Aquarius (constellation) |
Akvitanio | Aquitaine |
akvitano | Aquitanian |
Akvitanujo | Aquitaine |
akvo- | aquatic, water, watery, of water |
akvo | water |
akvobaraĵo | dam |
akvobarilo | weir |
akvoblua | water-blue |
akvobubalo | water buffalo |
akvoĉefkondukilo | water-main |
akvocervo | sambar |
akvodinamiko | hydrodynamics, fluid dynamics |
akvodislimo | water parting, watershed, divide |
akvodivenisto | water-diviner |
akvodividejo | watershed |
akvodukto | aqueduct |
akvoenergio | hydroenergy |
akvofalego | cataract |
akvofalo | waterfall |
akvofarbo | watercolor, watercolour |
akvofluejo | watercourse |
akvofonto | spring |
akvoglaso | water glass |
akvoglobeto | water droplet |
akvoguti | drip water, drip |
akvoguto | drop of water |
akvohorloĝo | water clock |
akvoimuna | waterproof, watertight |
akvokirleto | backwater |
akvokirlo | whirlpool |
akvokloŝo | diving bell, diving chamber |
akvokoko | coot |
akvokondukilo | hose, pipe |
akvokonduko | aqueduct |
akvokonduktilo | aqueduct |
akvokreso | watercress |
akvokultivado | aquaculture, aquiculture |
akvokulturo | aquaculture |
akvokuraco | hydropathy |
akvolilio | waterlily |
akvomalsano | dropsy |
akvomarko | watermark |
akvomelono | watermelon |
akvomoligilo | water-softener |
akvonaĝulo | aquanaut |
akvonecesejo | powder room, bathroom, water closet |
akvonivelo | water level |
akvopentraĵo | watercolor |
akvopipo | water pipe, bong |
akvopistolo | water-pistol |
akvoplaneo | aquaplane |
akvoplanto | aquatic plant |
akvopoloo | water-polo |
akvoprovizi | irrigate, provide water to |
akvopulmo | aqualung |
akvoputo | wellspring |
akvorado | water wheel |
akvoralo | water rail |
akvorezervujo | reservoir |
akvoriĉa | abounding in water |
akvosciencisto | hydrologist |
akvoscienco | hydrology |
akvoskiado | water-skiing |
akvoskianto | water-skier |
akvoskii | water-ski |
akvoskio | water-ski |
akvosoldato | water soldier |
akvoŝprucilo | sprinkler |
akvostacio | water station, water tower |
akvoŝtopilo | dam |
akvoŝvelo | dropsy |
akvotaksio | water taxi |
akvotavolo | water layer |
akvotelero | marsh pennywort |
akvotrairi | wade |
akvotrinkiga | for watering, for providing drinking water |
akvotruo | pool |
akvotubo | drain, water-pipe |
akvoturnejo | maelstrom, whirlpool |
akvoturniĝo | eddy |
akvoturno | whirlpool (in water) |
akvoturo | water tower |
akvovaporo | vapor, vapour |
akvoveturilo | water vehicle |
akvovojo | waterway |
akvujego | reservoir |
akvujo | cistern, tank, water tank, reservoir, water body, basin |
akvumado | watering |
akvumi | irrigate, water |
akvumilo | watering can, watering pot |
akvumtubo | water hose |
akzerci | exercise, practice |
al ci | thou |
al ili | them, to them |
al mi | me, to me |
al ni | us, to us |
al vi | you, to you |
al | to, at, toward, towards |
ala | alar |
alabama | Alabaman, Alabamian |
alabamano | Alabaman, Alabamian |
Alabamo | Alabama, Alabama River |
alabastra | alabaster |
alabastro | alabaster |
Aladeno | Aladdin |
Alaho | Allah |
alaĵingo | accessory shoe |
alaĵo | accessory |
alaĵujo | storage compartment |
alambiko | alembic |
Alandinsuloj | Aalands Islands |
alanino | alanine |
Alano | Allan |
Alanponto | Bridge of Allan |
alaranĝebla | adaptable |
alaranĝi | adapt, adjust |
alarma | alarming |
alarmbremso | alarm brake, communication cord |
alarme | alarmingly |
alarmejo | battle station |
alarmi | alarm |
alarmilo | alarm |
alarminstalaĵo | alarm |
alarmisto | alarmist |
alarmo | alarm |
alarmpafo | warning shot |
alarmsignalo | alarm, alarm signal |
alarmsireno | alarm siren |
alarmsonorilo | alarm bell |
alarmŝtuparo | fire escape |
alartista | monitor |
alaska | Alaskan |
alaskano | Alaskan |
Alasko | Alaska |
alastrimo | alastrim |
alaŭdedoj | Alaudidae, larks, passeriformes |
alaŭdfalko | hobby, wet-nurse |
alaŭdo | lark |
alaŭdosprono | delphinium, larkspur, knight’s-spur |
albana | Albanian |
albanino | Albanian woman |
Albanio | Albania |
albano | Albanian |
Albanujo | Albania |
albato | collision |
albatredoj | albatrosses, procellariformes |
albatro | albatross |
albatroso | albatross |
albedo | albedo |
albergo | inn, hotel |
Albertio | Alberta |
Albertlago | Lake Albert |
Alberto | Albert |
albigensa | Albigensian |
albigensismo | Catharism (religious movement in the 12th and 13th centuries) |
albigenso | Albigensian |
albineco | albinism, albinoism |
albinisma | albinistic |
albinismo | albinism |
albino | albino |
Albiono | Albion |
albito | albite |
albizio | Albizzia (a tree genus) |
albo | alb |
alboji | bark at, bay at |
albordiĝa haveno | port of call |
albordiĝejo | pier, wharf, landing stage |
albordigi | bring to shore |
albordiĝi | land |
Albreĥto | Albert |
albruli | burn |
albugineo | albuginea |
albugo | albugo |
albumeno | albumen, white of egg, endosperm (of seeds) |
albumfolio | album page |
albumina | albuminous |
albumino | albumin |
albuminoida | albuminoid |
albuminoido | albuminoid |
albuminurio | albuminuria, Bright’s disease |
albumkovrilo | album cover |
albumo | album |
albumozo | albumose |
alburno | alburnum, sapwood; bleak (type of fish) |
alĉapo | headpiece, covering |
alcedo | halcyon, kingfisher |
alcelafo | hartebeest |
alceli | chase, hunt after, hunt for, pursue |
alceliri | zero in |
alĉemilo | alchemilla, lady’s mantle |
alcentrigi | centralize, centralise |
alcentrokura | centripetal |
alceo | hollyhock |
Alcibiado | Alcibiades |
alcionedoj | Alcedinidae (family of birds) |
alciono | halcyon, kingfisher |
Aldebarano | Aldebaran |
Aldeburgo | Aldeburgh |
aldehida | aldehydic |
aldehido | aldehyde |
aldermano | alderman |
Aldernejo | Alderney |
aldhobojo | cor anglais |
aldirekti | head for |
aldiri | address, speak to, add |
aldisto | alt, countertenor |
aldo | alto |
aldona | added, expansion |
aldonado | addition |
aldonaĵo | attachment, addon, add-on |
aldone | in addition |
aldonfolioj | addendum |
aldoni akvon al | dilute, weaken, add water to |
aldoni flagon | flag |
aldoni | add |
aldoniga | append |
aldoniĝi | accrue |
aldoniĝo | accrual |
aldonita | accompanying |
aldoniteco | devotion, self-sacrifice |
aldono | appendix, codicil, rider |
aldonplata | expansion (slot), extension (slot) |
aldonplato | extension card |
aldonvalora imposto | VAT, Value-Added Tax, Value Added Tax |
aldosterono | aldosterone |
aldoviolono | viola |
aldozo | aldose |
aldulino | alto, contralto |
aldulo | alto |
aldviolono | viola |
ale al | toward, towards |
aleatora | random |
aleatore | at random |
Aleĉjo | Alex |
aleego | avenue |
Aleganoj | Alleghanys |
alegoria | allegoric |
alegorie | allegorically |
alegorio | allegory |
alegre | allegro |
alegrete | allegretto |
alegreto | allegretto |
alegro | allegro |
aleksandra verso | alexandrine (poetic meter) |
aleksandria | alexandrian |
Aleksandrianismo | Alexandrianism |
Aleksandriano | Alexandrian |
Aleksandrio | Alexandria |
Aleksandro | Alexander |
Aleksandro | Alexander |
aleksandro | alexandrine verse |
aleksino | alexin |
Aleksio | Alexis |
Alekso | Alex, Alexei |
alektromancio | alectromancy |
alelekti | co-opt |
alelo | allele |
alemana | Alemannic |
aleno | awl |
aleo | avenue |
Alepo | Aleppo |
alergena | allergenic |
alergeno | allergen |
alergia | allergic |
alergie | allergically |
alergiiga | allergenic |
alergiisto | allergist |
alergio | allergy |
alergiologio | allergology |
alero | penthouse, shed |
alerono | aileron |
alesti | be present |
alesto | attendance, presence |
aletŝraŭbingo | wing-nut |
aleŭrito | candlenut tree |
aleŭromancio | aleuromancy |
aleuta | Aleutian |
aleutano | Aleut |
aleuto | Aleut |
Aleutoj | Aleutian Islands |
Aleŭtoj | Aleutian Islands |
aleveni | arrive |
alezi | ream, bore |
alezilo | reamer |
alfa-partiklo | alpha particle |
alfa-radiado | alpha radiation |
alfa | alpha |
alfabeta | alphabetical |
alfabete | alphabetically |
alfabetigi | alphabetize |
alfabetigo | alphabetization; teaching someone to read |
alfabeto | alphabet |
alfabetumi | spell |
alfabetumo | ABC book |
alfaldi | tuck up |
alfanumera | alphanumeric |
alfanumere | alphanumerically |
alfao | alpha |
alfaradioj | alpha rays |
alfarado | adaptation |
alfari | accommodate, adapt |
alfaŭki | bark at |
alfenido | alfenide |
alfiksado | application |
alfiksaĵo | appendage |
alfiksi | affix, attach |
alfiksiĝi | attach |
alfiksita | attached |
alfiksitaĵo | attachment, attached object |
alfikso | attachment |
alfitomancio | alphitomancy |
alfluanto | tributary (of a river) |
alflugdirekto | approach path, approach route |
alflugi | approach, fly |
alflui | come flocking in, flow towards, rush towards, streamtowards |
alfluo | high tide |
alfo | stipa grass, hafta, esparto grass (Stipa tenacissima) |
Alfonso | Alphonse |
Alfonzo | Alphonse, Alphonso |
alforĝi | weld |
alformi | form to fashion, form |
alfortikigi | fasten, attach |
Alfredo | Alfred |
alfrontado | confrontation, facing |
alfrontema | confrontational |
alfronteme | confrontationally |
alfronti | confront, face |
alfundigi | deposit |
alfundiĝi | sink |
alga | algal |
algardi | guard |
algebra | algebraic |
algebre | algebraically |
algebrilo | algebra tool, algebraic symbol manipulation system |
algebristo | algebraist |
algebro | algebra |
alĝebro | linear algebra |
Alĝerano | Algerian |
alĝeria | Algerian |
alĝerianino | Algerian woman |
alĝeriano | Algerian |
Alĝerio | Algeria |
Alĝerlando | Algeria |
Alĝero | Algiers |
algida | algid |
alglui speciale | paste special |
alglui | paste, paste up, placard, post, post up |
algluiĝema | sticky |
algluiĝemo | adhesiveness |
algluiĝi | stick |
algluiĝo | adhesion |
algo | alga, seaweed |
algoj | algae |
Algolo | Algol |
algologiisto | algologist |
algologio | algology |
algologo | algologist |
algonkena | Algonquian, Algonquin |
algonkeno | Algonquian, Algonquin |
algonkia | Algonqian |
algonkina | Algonquin |
algonkino | Algonquin |
Algonkio | Algonqian |
algoritma | algorithmic |
algoritmo | algorithm |
alĝustigebla | adjustable |
alĝustigeble | adjustably |
alĝustigeti | tinker, tweak |
alĝustigeto | tweak |
alĝustiĝi | adjust |
alĝustigi | adjust, put right |
alĝustigilo | adjuster, adjustment knob |
alĝustigo | adjustment |
Alhambro | Alhambra |
alhasti | hurry towards, hasten towards |
alhejmigi | domesticate |
alĥemia | alchemic, alchemical |
alĥemiisto | alchemist |
alĥemio | alchemy |
alia | other, another, else |
aliaflanke | on the other side |
aliaĵo | something else |
alialoke | elsewhere |
aliam | at another time, at some other time |
aliamaniere | differently, otherwise |
alianca | allied |
aliancana | allied |
aliancano | ally |
Aliancanoj | Allies, the Allies |
aliancanoj | allies |
alianci | align, ally |
alianciĝi | ally, form an alliance, side with |
aliancito | ally |
alianco | alliance |
alianculo | ally |
alianome | alias, also known as, otherwise, otherwise called |
aliaranĝi | rearrange |
aliario | garlic mustard, hedge garlic, jack-by-the-hedge |
Alibabo | Ali Baba |
alibio | alibi |
Alicao | Alice |
alidado | alidad, alidade |
alidire | in other words |
alidirekta | redirect |
alidirekti | redirect |
alidirekto | redirect, redirection |
alie | differently, else |
aliel | otherwise |
aliena | mentally ill |
alienanto | alienor |
alienebla | alienable |
alieneco | alienation |
alieni | dispose of, sell |
alienisto | psychiatrist, shrink |
alienkursigi | reroute |
alieno | alienation |
alies | someone else’s, another’s, others’, another man’s, other people’s, belonging to someone else |
aliesnomo | allonym |
alifata | aliphatic |
alifato | aliphatic |
aliflanke | on the other hand |
alifoje | another time |
aliformi | reconfigure, change, alter, transfigure |
aliformiĝi | be transformed |
aliformigi | transform |
aliformigiiĝo | transform |
aliformiĝo | metamorphosis, transformation |
aliformigo | recreation, refashioning, regeneration, transformation |
aliĝanto | disciple |
aligatoredoj | Alligatoridae, alligators |
aligatori | converse with another Esperantist in a language other than one’s own or Esperanto |
aligatoro | alligator |
aligentulo | other person, person of another group |
aliĝformularo | application form |
aligi | add |
aliĝi | join |
aliĝilo | application form |
aliĝinto | supporter |
aliĝo | accession |
aligrandigi | zoom |
aliĝulo | adherent |
aliiĝi | alter, change |
aliigi | alter, change, turn |
aliigo | alteration |
aliiĝo | alteration, change, conversion, transformation |
alikvanto | non-aliquot part |
alikvota | aliquot |
alikvoto | aliquot part |
alila | allyl |
alilanda | foreign |
alilandano | alien, foreigner |
alilande | abroad |
alilando | foreign country |
alilandulo | alien, foreigner |
aliloke | elsewhere |
aliloken | elsewhere |
alimaniene | in a different way |
alimaniere | differently |
alimenta | alimentary |
alimento | alimony |
alimenttubo | alimentary canal |
alinea | paragraph |
alinefino | hard return |
alinei | indent |
alineo | paragraph |
Alino | Aline |
alinomado | aliasing |
alinome | alias, otherwise, otherwise called |
alinomi | rename |
alinomita | differently named |
alinomite | alias, otherwise, otherwise called |
alinomo | alias |
Alio-Babo | Ali Baba |
Alio | Ali |
alio | something else |
aliokaze | otherwise |
aliparte | in another part, in another place |
Alipaŝo | Ali Pasha |
aliporda | port (forwarding) |
alirebla | accessible |
alirebleco | accessibility |
alireblo | access |
alirejo | access, approach, gateway |
alireligiulo | dissenter |
aliri | advance, approach, come on |
alirkodo | access code |
aliro | approach; access |
aliroeraro | access error |
alirokodo | access code |
alirokontrolo | access control |
alirometodo | access method |
alirrajtoj | access control |
alirvojo | access road |
aliseksema | heterosexual |
aliseksemo | heterosexuality |
aliseksemulo | heterosexual |
alismo | water plantain |
aliso | alyssum |
Alisono | Allison, Alison |
alispeca | another kind of |
aliŝtatano | alien |
alistrukturi | rearrange, restructure |
alitempe | another time |
aliteracia | alliterative |
aliteracii | alliterate |
aliteracio | alliteration |
aliulo | another, another man |
alivesti | disguise |
alivorte | in other words, put another way |
alizarbo | common whitebeam |
alizarino | alizarin |
alizeo | trade-wind |
alizo | whitebeam berry |
alizujo | common whitebeam |
Aljan | Alian, Alvan |
alĵeti | hurl |
aljuĝado | tender |
aljuĝi | award (prize) |
aljuĝiĝi | be awarded, be granted |
aljuĝo | adjudication |
aljungi | put |
alĵuri | swear to something, swear |
alkado | alcade |
alkadrigi | justify |
alkadrigo | justification |
Alkaido | al-Qaida |
alkaja | Alcaic |
alkala | alkaline |
alkaleca | alkaline |
alkaleco | alkalinity |
alkalibluo | alkali blue |
alkalio | alkali |
alkalizi | alkalinize, alkalize |
alkalkuli | include, attribute, add |
alkalo | alkali |
alkaloido | alkaloid |
alkalozo | alkalosis |
alkano | alkane, alkene |
alkanolo | alkanol |
alkanserio | alkane series |
alkantilopo | eland |
alkao | auk |
alkateni | chain, tie up with chains, fasten with chains |
alkazabo | casbah |
alkazaro | alcazar |
alkekengo | bladder-cherry, Chinese lantern, Japanese lantern, winter cherry |
alkemia | alchemic, alchemical |
alkemiisto | alchemist |
alkemilo | alchemilla, lady’s mantle |
alkemio | alchemy |
alkido | baby elk |
alkino | elk fem. |
Alkinoo | Alcinous |
alklakebla | clickable |
alklakebligi | make clickable |
alklaki | click on |
alklako | click |
alklienta | business to consumer |
alklimatiĝi | acclimate, acclimatize |
alklimatigi | acclimatize |
alklimatiĝo | acclimatization |
alko | elk, moose |
alko | elk, moose |
alkohola | alcoholic |
alkoholaĵmalpermeso | ban on liquor |
alkoholaĵmaniulo | alcoholic |
alkoholaĵo | alcohol, booze, liquor, spirits, strong drink |
alkoholaĵoj | alcoholic drinks |
alkoholato | alcoholate |
alkoholemio | alcoholaemia |
alkoholentenanta | alcoholic |
alkoholhava | alcoholic |
alkoholigi | add alcohol to, spike |
alkoholismo | alcoholism |
alkoholisto | alcoholic |
alkoholizmo | alcoholism |
alkoholmetro | alcoholometer |
alkoholmisuzo | alcohol abuse |
alkoholo | alcohol |
alkoholtitro | alcoholic content |
alkoholulo | alcoholic |
alkonduki | bring |
alkondukita | lead to |
alkonekta cirkvitkarto | backplane |
alkonformiĝemo | adaptability |
alkonformiĝi | accommodate oneself, adapt oneself |
alkonformigi | standardize, adapt, make something conform |
alkonformiĝo | accommodate oneself, adapt oneself |
alkonformigo | accommodation |
alkonstrui | add |
alkonvena | fitly, appropriately, conveniently |
alkovo | alcove, recess |
alkradigi | align to grid |
alkrementa | incremental |
alkrementi | increment, bump |
alkreska | adnate |
alkreskado | accretion |
alkreskaĵo | accretion |
alkreski | accrete |
alkreskigi | accrete |
alkreskigo | accretion |
alkroĉaĵo | attachment |
alkroĉi | hitch on, hook on |
alkroĉiĝi al | board |
alkroĉiĝi | cling to, get caught on |
alkrustiĝi | fur |
alkrustiĝo | fur, scale |
alkudri | sew, sew on |
alkulturigi | acculturate |
alkulturigo | acculturation |
alkuri | have recourse to, run to |
alkuro | crush |
alkutimaĵo | habit, trick |
alkutimiĝi | become accustomed |
alkutimigi | get someone used to something |
alkutimiĝo | adjustment |
allasebla | admissible |
allaseble | admissibly |
allasi | admit, allow |
allaso | admission, admittance |
alligfosto | bollard, dolphin, mooring-mast |
alligi | moor |
alligilo | tether |
alligitaĵo | attachment |
alligiteco | attachment |
alligo | attachment |
alliniigi | align |
alliniigo | alignment |
alloga | attractive |
allogaĵo | attraction |
alloge | persuasively |
allogeco | attraction, attractiveness, charm |
allogi | attract, draw |
allogo | attraction |
allokigi | localization, localisation |
allokigita | localized |
allokigo | localize, localise |
Almagesto | Almagest, Almagest |
almanaĥo | almanac |
almanako | almanac |
almanĝaĵoj | hors d’oeuvres |
almanito | toadstool |
almare | seawards, towards the sea |
almarĝenigi | sideline |
almarĝenigo | marginalization |
almarŝi | advance, march on |
almarŝo | advance |
almatano | resident of Almaty |
Almato | Almaty |
almenaŭ | at least |
almeo | alma, almeh |
almetaĵo | appendage, attachment |
almeti | attach, put onto |
almeto | application |
almezuri | try on, take one’s measure for |
almiksado | admixture |
almiksaĵo | admixture |
almiksi | admix |
almikso | admixture |
almiliti | conquer |
Almo | Alma |
Almodad | Elmodad |
almontri | point out, point at |
almordi | bite, rise to the bait, take the bait |
almovi | move towards |
almozdonema | charitable |
almozdoneme | charitably |
almozdoni | give alms |
almozi | beg |
almozisto | almsman, mendicant, beggar |
almozkesto | poor box |
almozmonaĥo | mendicant friar |
almozo | alms |
almozordeno | mendicant order |
almozosako | charity bag |
almozpetado | begging |
almozpetanto | beggar |
almozpeti | beg |
almozpeto | beggary |
almozpetulo | beggar |
almozsako | beggar’s bag |
almozujo | alms-box |
almozulejo | almshouse, workhouse |
almozulino | beggar woman |
almozulo | beggar |
alna | alder |
alnaĝi | be washed ashore |
alnajli | nail down, nail something to the floor |
alnika | alnico |
alniko | alnico |
alniveligi | level something, reduce to a certain level |
alno | alder |
alnomo | alias, nickname, surname |
alnormigi | calibrate |
alo | wing; arm; aisle |
aloaĵo | aloe |
aloarbo | aloe tree |
alobazo | base of arm, base of wing |
alobrogo | Allobroge |
alodo | alodium |
alofona | allophonic |
alofono | allophone |
aloino | aloin |
aloji | alloy |
alojiĝi | alloy |
alojo | alloy |
alojsio | lemon grass |
aloligno | eaglewood |
alomorfa | allomorphic |
alomorfo | allomorph |
alonĝo | allonge, extension |
aloo | aloe |
alopatia | allopathic |
alopatio | allopathy |
alopato | allopath |
alopecio | alopecia, baldness |
alopekuro | foxtail grass |
aloritmio | allorhythmia |
alosimila | aloetic |
Alosto | Alost |
alosukeltiristo | aloe juice collector |
alosuko | aloe juice |
alotriomorfa | allotriomorphic, xenomorphic |
alotrofio | allotrophy |
alotropa | allotropic |
alotropeco | allotropism, allotropy |
alotropio | allotropism, allotropy |
alotropo | allotrope |
alozo | shad (fish) |
alpa | alpine |
alpago | extra fee |
alpako | alpaca |
alpano | alpine dweller |
alpara | at par |
alpardo | alpenglow |
alpare | at face value, at par |
alpareco | parity |
alparo | face value, nominal value, parity, par |
alparolebla | approachable, communicative, get-at-able |
alparolegi | harangue |
alparoli | address |
alparolo | intervention, message, speech |
alpaŝi al | approach |
alpaŝi | approach, deal with, tackle |
alpaŝo | approach |
alpatrujigo | repatriation |
alpbastono | alpenstock |
alpendaĵo | appendage |
alpendigaĵo | appendage |
alpendigi | append |
alpherbejo | alp, alpine pasture |
alpingli | pin up |
alpinismo | mountaineering |
alpinisto | alpinist |
alpismo | mountaineering |
alpisto | Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer |
alpkapro | ibex |
alpo | alp, mountain pasture |
Alpoj | Alps |
alpokapro | ibex |
alportadi | give, bring as an offering |
alportado | arrival, arrivals, supply |
alportanto | bearer |
alporti | bring, fetch |
alportiĝi | be carried |
alporto | offering |
alpostenigi | assign |
alpostenigo | assignment |
alpreĝi | invoke |
alpremi | clasp |
alprena | adoption (rate) |
alpreni | adopt, take on |
alpreno | adoption, assumption, espousal, uptake |
alproksimiĝado | convergence |
alproksimiĝi | advance, come close, come closer, come on |
alproksimigi | bring close together |
alproksimiĝo | approach |
alpromesi | promise, promise something to someone |
alproprigi | assign |
alproprigo | assignment |
alprunti | lend, loan |
alpublika sonsistemo | PA, public address (speaker) |
alpuŝiĝi | be pushed onto, be pushed on |
alradika | incoming (tree), input (tree) |
alrajdi | ride, run towards |
alreferencado | address-of operator |
alrigardi | look at |
alrigidiĝi | stick to, seize upon |
alrimarkigi | comment out |
alsaca | Alsatian |
alsacano | Alsatian |
Alsaco-Loreno | Alsace-Lorraine |
Alsaco | Alsace, Elsass |
alsalti | pounce |
alsalto | pounce |
alsendi | send to |
alsendo | sending |
alsino | Stellaria |
alŝipi | send by boat |
alskribaĵo | appended writing |
alskribi | ascribe |
alŝovi | push on, shove on |
alŝoviĝi | draw up to the table, sit down to table |
alspiro | aspiration |
alŝtatigo | nationalization |
alŝteligi | approach stealthily |
alŝultriĝi | aim, take aim |
alŝultrigi | level |
alsuprado | ascent |
alŝuta kapacito | upstream |
alŝuti | upload |
alŝutilo | uploader |
alŝvebi | float |
Alt-klavo | Alt key |
Alt-registrumo | Alt, Alt key |
Alta Kanto | Canticles, Song of Solomon, Song of Songs |
alta skribo | superscript |
alta | high, lofty, tall |
altabliĝi | sit down at the table |
altagrada | advanced |
Altairo | Altair |
altaja | Altaic |
altaĵeto | hillock |
Altajo | Altai, Altai Mountains |
altaĵo | high place, mound, hillock |
altakrobato | aerialist |
altano | overlook, terrace, belvedere |
altarbildo | altarpiece |
altarejo | chancel, presbyterium, sanctuary |
altarkandelo | altar candle |
altaro | altar |
altarpentraĵo | altarpiece |
altarŝtupoj | altar steps |
altartabulo | altarpiece |
altartapiŝo | altar carpet |
altartuko | altar cloth |
alte | highly |
altebenaĵo | plateau |
altecmezurilo | altimeter |
alteco | height |
altecofobio | acrophobia |
altefluga | high-flying |
altega | lofty, sublime |
altegiĝi | soar |
altejo | high place, elevated place |
altekosta | expensive |
altempigi | tune |
alten | into the heights |
alteni | bind to, bind |
alteniĝa | adhesive, sticky |
alteniĝi | adhere, stick |
alteniĝo | adherence, adhesion |
alteno | blocking, closure |
alteo | althea, marsh-mallow, hibiscus |
altepreza | costly, expensive |
altera | landward, landwards, towards land |
altere | landward, landwards, towards land |
alterigi | beach, land, land a boat |
alteriĝi | land |
alteriĝo | landing |
alterna kurento | alternate current, AC |
alterna | alternate, alternating |
alternado | alternation |
alternanco | half period |
alternativa registrumo | Alt, Alt key |
alternativa | alternative |
alternative | alternatively, instead |
alternativo | alternative, option |
alternatoro | alternator |
alterndirekta | half-duplex |
alterne | alternately |
alterneco | alternation, variation |
alterni | alternate |
alternigado | alternation |
alternigi | alternate |
alternigo | interleaving |
alternilo | alternator |
alternklavo | ALT key, alternate key |
alterno | alternation |
alteŝatata | valuable, precious |
altestime | yours faithfully, yours sincerely, yours truly |
altfidelo | hi-fi, high fidelity, hifi |
altfluga | high-pitched |
altforno | blast-furnace |
altfrekvenca | high-frequency |
altfrekvenco | high frequency |
altgermana | high German |
altgrada | advanced |
altgrade | extremely, greatly, highly, in a large measure |
altgradigi | upgrade |
altgradigo | upgrade |
alti | lift, raise, make high |
altiĝanta | rising |
altigi | raise, elevate |
altiĝi | rise |
altigo | rise |
altiĝo | rise |
altimetro | altimeter |
altipigo | coercion |
altiplano | plateau |
altira forto | attraction |
altira | attractive |
altire | attractively |
altiri | attract |
altiro | attraction |
altirpovo | attraction, power of attraction |
altituda | altitudinal |
altitudo | altitude |
altklasulo | someone of the upperclass |
altkreska | tall |
altkvalita | high quality, high-end |
altlernejo | academy |
altlevi | lift up, raise up, uplift |
altmaro | high tide |
altmontarano | Highlander |
altmontaro | high mountain range |
altnivela | high-level |
alto | altitude, height |
altoangulo | angle of elevation |
altocentro | orthocenter |
altofobio | fear of heights, acrophobia |
altoindikilo | altimeter, altitude gauge |
altokumuluso | altocumulus |
altometro | altimeter |
altostratuso | altostratus |
altpremilo | autoclave |
altpreza | pricey |
altranĉi | tailor, cut to form |
altranga | high ranking |
altrange | elevated |
altrangulo | high-ranking person, high ranker |
altreliefo | high relief |
altrudi | force, impose upon |
altrudo | imposition |
altruisma | altruistic |
altruismano | altruist |
altruisme | altruistically |
altruismo | altruism |
altruista | altruistic |
altruisto | altruist |
altstatura | lanky, of high stature, tall |
alttaksi | hold in high esteem, highly esteem, value greatly |
alttemperatura | high-temperature |
alturniĝi | turn towards |
altvalora | of great value |
aluda | indirect, allusive |
alude | indirectly |
aludi kalumnie | insinuate, slander by allusion |
aludi | allude, hint |
aludo | allusion |
alumetisto | matchmaker |
Alumetlago | Allumette Lake in Ontario |
alumeto | match |
alumetujo | matchbox, match box |
aluminaĵoj | aluminum things; aluminum ware |
aluminato | aluminate |
aluminia | aluminic, aluminum, aluminous |
aluminiato | aluminate |
aluminiika | aluminic, aluminum |
aluminio | aluminium, aluminum |
aluminioza | aluminous |
aluminizi | aluminize |
alumino | alum earth, alumina |
alunejo | alunite mine |
alunito | alunite |
aluno | alum |
aluntero | alumina |
aluvia | alluvial |
aluviaĵo | alluvial deposit |
aluvio | alluvion, alluvium |
aluzi | use |
Alvan | Alvan, Alian |
alvenadi | arrive |
alvenanto | person arriving, thing arriving |
alveni | arrive, get |
alvenigi | cause someone to come |
alveninta | incoming |
alveninto | arrival |
alveno | arrival |
alventabelo | arrival board, arrival schedule |
alveola | alveolar |
alveolara | alveolar |
alveolaro | alveolar |
alveolhava | alveolate |
alveolito | alveolitis |
alveolo | alveolus, cavity, socket |
alveoloza | alveolate |
alveoluloj | alveolates, Alveolata |
alveturejo | access, approach, drive, sweep |
alveturi | collide, run |
alveturigi | bring, convey, supply |
alviciĝi | follow, be lined up, be arrayed |
Alvo | Alva |
alvojo | access, approach, coming |
alvokadi | call, call towards, call upon |
alvokado | invocation |
alvokebla | callable |
alvoki | appeal to, invoke |
alvokiĝi | be called for |
alvokiĝo | vocation |
alvoko | call, invocation |
alvuso | fry, restocking fish, spawned fish |
alzaca | Alsatian |
alzacano | Alsatian |
Alzaco | Alsace |
alzana | reddish-brown, roan |
alzano | auburn |
AM (Asocia Membro) | Associate Member of the Universala Esperanto-Asocio |
ama | fond |
amabla | dainty, kind, nice, pretty |
amaĉi | make love |
Amadeo | Amadeus |
amafero | love affair |
amaĵanto | paramour |
amaĵema | flirtatious |
amaĵi | have a love affair |
amaĵistino | courtesan, mistress |
amaĵisto | courtesan, geisha |
amaĵo | love affair |
Amalek | Amalech |
Amalekido | Amalecite |
Amaleko | Amalech |
amalgami | amalgamate |
amalgamiĝi | amalgamate |
amalgamo | amalgam |
Amalio | Amalia, Amelia |
amando | almond |
amanitino | amanitine |
amanito | amanita (mushroom) |
Amano | Amman |
amanta | affectionate, loving |
amante | affectionately, lovingly |
amantino | lover |
amanto | lover |
amao | aum |
amara | bitter |
amaraĵo | bitters |
amaranta | amaranthine |
amaranto | amaranthus |
amare | bitterly |
amareco | bitterness |
amariĝi | become bitter |
amarigi | make bitter |
amarilidacoj | crinum |
amarilido | amaryllis |
amariliso | amaryllis |
Amarilo | Amarillo |
amaro | acrimony, bitterness |
amasa | bulk |
amasaĵo | heap, pile |
amasbuĉado | massacre, slaughter, slaughtering |
amasbuĉi | massacre, slaughter |
amasdemonstracio | demonstration, rally |
amasdistribuo | syndication |
amase | bulk |
amasega | multitudinous |
amasegaro | swarms, hordes |
amasego | great quantity, a whole lot |
amaseto | small quantity, a little bit |
amasfabrikado | mass production |
amasfabriki | mass produce |
Amasiaso | Amaziah |
amasiĝanta | accumulative |
amasiĝi | accumulate |
amasigi | amass, heap, pile up, stack |
amasigo | accumulation |
amasiĝo | assembly |
amasinformilo | mass media |
amaskomunikilo | mass media, instrument of mass media, mass communication |
amaskomunikiloj | mass media |
amaskuregi | stampede |
amaskurego | stampede |
amasloĝejo | mass accommodations |
amasmedioj | mass media |
amasmemorado | bulk storage |
amasmemorilo | mass storage device |
amasmortigado | carnage |
amasmurdi | commit mass murder |
amasmurdisto | mass murderer |
amasmurdo | mass murder |
amaso | crowd, heap, mass, multitude, pile |
amasosendado | mailing |
amasproduktado | mass production |
amassendado | mailing |
amastombejo | mass grave |
amata | loved, beloved |
amataĵo | hobby, pastime |
Amateraso | Amaterasu |
amatino | beloved fem., loved one fem., lover fem., sweetheart fem. |
amatinoj | beloved fem. pl., loved ones fem., lovers fem., sweethearts fem. |
amato | beloved, loved one, lover, sweetheart, well-beloved |
amatora | amateur |
amatoraĉa | amateurish |
amatoraĵo | amateur handicraft, pottering, trifling work |
amatore | in an amateur way |
amatoreca | amateurish, smalltime, small-time |
amatoreco | amateurishness |
amatoro | amateur, fancier |
amaŭrozo | amaurosis |
Amazona Riverego | Amazon, Amazon River |
amazona | Amazon, Amazonian |
Amazonbaseno | Amazon Basin |
Amazonio | Amazonas |
Amazono | Amazon |
amba | Oshiwambo, Oshivambo |
ambasadejo | embassy |
ambasado | embassy |
ambasadonaro | embassy |
ambasadora | ambassadorial |
ambasadoreco | ambassadorship, embassy |
ambasadorejo | embassy, embassy building |
ambasadorino | ambassador, female ambassador |
ambasadoro | ambassador |
ambaŭ | both |
ambaŭdekstra | ambidextrous |
ambaŭdekstre | ambidextrously |
ambaŭdekstreco | ambidexterity |
ambaŭdirekta printilo | duplex printer |
ambaǔdirekta | bidirectional |
ambaŭdirekta | duplex |
ambaŭflanka | reciprocal, bilateral |
ambaŭflanke | on both sides |
ambaŭflanken | to both sides |
ambaŭflanki | straddle |
ambaŭkaze | in either case, in both cases |
ambaŭmane | with both hands |
ambaŭmaniere | either way, in both ways |
ambaŭokaze | in either case, in both cases |
ambaŭromantika | biromantic |
ambaŭseksa | bisexual |
ambaŭseksema | bisexual |
ambaŭseksemo | bisexuality |
ambaŭseksulo | hermaphrodite |
ambaŭtranĉa | two-edged |
ambicia | ambitious |
ambicie | ambitiously |
ambicii | have the ambition to |
ambicio | ambition |
ambiciulo | careerist, ambitious person |
ambidekstra | ambidextrous |
ambifikso | ambifix |
ambigua | ambiguous |
ambiguaĵo | ambiguity |
ambigue | ambiguously |
ambigueco | ambiguity |
ambiguo | ambiguity |
ambivalenca | ambivalent |
ambivalence | ambivalently |
ambivalenco | ambivalence |
ambivertiteco | ambiversion |
ambivertito | ambivert |
Amblarduo | Muir of Ord in Scotland |
ambli | amble |
ambliopa | amblyopic |
ambliopio | amblyopia |
amblo | amble |
ambona | Amboinese |
ambonano | Amboinese |
ambono | platform |
ambosbeko | beak of anvil |
amboso | anvil |
ambosoĉizilo | hardy |
ambro | amber |
ambrozia | Ambrosian, St. Ambrose’s; ambrosial |
ambrozio | ambrosia |
ambulancisto | ambulance driver |
ambulanco | ambulance; field hospital |
ambulatorio | outpatient care facility |
amdeklaro | declaration of love |
ame | fondly, lovingly |
ameba | amoebic |
amebla | lovable |
ameble | lovably |
amebo | amoeba |
amebocito | amebocyte |
ameboida | amebous |
ameco | fondness, tenderness |
amegi | adore |
amelazo | amylase |
ameli | starch |
amelo | starch, amylum, farina |
amema | amorous, tender, affectionate |
ameme | amorously, tenderly, affectionately |
amemo | tenderness |
amen | amen |
amenda | amendatory |
amendamento | amendment |
amendi | amend |
amendo | amendment |
ameno | amen |
amenoreo | amenorrhoea |
amenta | amentaceous |
amento | amentum, catkin |
amentoforma | amentiform |
americio | americium |
amerika | American |
amerikanino | American woman |
amerikanismo | Americanism |
amerikano | American |
Ameriko | America |
amesprimo | expression of love, declaration of love |
amesprimoj | expressions of love, declarations of love |
ameti | have a crush on, like |
ametista | amethyst, amethystine |
ametisto | amethyst |
ametropa | ametropic |
ametropeco | ametropia |
ametropio | ametropia |
amfetamino | amphetamine |
amfiartro | amphiarthrosis |
amfibia | amphibious |
amfibie | amphibiously |
amfibio | amphibian |
amfibioj | Amphibia, amphibians |
amfibiologio | amphibiology, amphibology |
amfibolo | amphibole, hornblende |
amfibologio | amphibology |
amfibraĥa | amphibrachic |
amfibraĥo | amphibrach |
amfibraka | amphibrachic |
amfibrako | amphibrach |
amfiktiona | amphictyonic |
amfiktionaro | amphictyony |
amfiktiono | amphictyon |
Amfiktiono | Amphictyon |
Amfimedono | Amphimedon |
amfiokso | amphioxus |
Amfiono | Amphion |
amfipodo | amphipod |
Amfipolo | Amphipolis |
amfiteatra | amphitheatric, amphitheatrical |
amfiteatro | amphitheatre |
amfiteatroaspekta | amphitheater-like |
Amfitriono | Amphitryon |
amfiumo | blind eel |
amforo | amphora |
Amforo | Aquarius |
Amforo | Aquarius |
amfotera | amphoteric |
amhara | Amharic |
amharo | Amharic |
ami | love |
amiantio | fly-poison |
amianto | amianth, amianthus |
amido | amide |
amidolo | amidol |
amiga | endearing |
amigdalo | amygdala |
amige | endearingly |
amigi | endear |
amika | friendly, gentlemen’s (agreement) |
amikaĵo | good office, kind turn |
amikaro | friends, circle of friends |
amike | in a friendly manner |
amikeca | affectionate, amiable |
amikece | affectionately |
amikeco | friendship |
amikema | user-friendly |
amikemo | friendliness |
amiki | be friends, be on good terms |
amikiĝema | user-friendly |
amikiĝi | become friends, make friends |
amikiĝpeto | friend request |
amikino | friend |
amiko | friend |
amikolisto | buddy list |
amikto | amictus |
amila | amyl |
amilalkoholo | amyl alcohol |
amilazo | amylase |
amilo | amyl |
amina | amino |
aminacido | amino acid |
aminda | lovable |
aminde | affectionately |
amindeco | sweetness |
amindo | charm, sweetness |
amindumado | courtship |
amindumeti | flirt |
amindumi | court, woo |
amindumisto | wooer |
aminfenolo | aminophenol |
amino | amine |
aminoacido | amino acid |
aminofenolo | aminophenol |
aminotolueno | anisidine |
amintrigo | secret love affair, secret affair, affair |
amio | bowfin |
Amirantoj | Amirants |
amiŝa | Amish |
amiŝismo | Amishism |
amiŝo | Amish |
amisto | gallant, wooer, lover |
amitozo | amitosis |
amkandidato | suitor, potential lover |
amkanto | love song |
amletero | love letter |
amnestii | amnesty, pardon |
amnestio | amnesty |
amnezia | amnesiac |
amnezio | amnesia |
amneziulo | amnesiac |
amnia | amniotic |
amnio | amnion, embryonic amnion, amnion of the embryo |
amniocentezo | amniocentesis |
Amnono | Amnon |
amo | love |
amofilo | marram grass |
amofiloj | marram grasses |
amoke | amuck |
amoki | run amok |
amoko | amuck |
amomo | cinnamon |
amonia | ammoniacal |
amoniaka | ammoniacal |
amoniakeca | ammoniacal |
amoniakizi | ammoniate |
amoniako | ammonia |
Amonido | Ammonite |
amoniklorido | ammonium chloride |
amonio | ammonia |
amonito | ammonite |
Amono | Ammon, Amon, Amun |
amoplena | affectionate |
amora | amatory, amorous, risqué |
amorado | lovemaking |
amorantino | lover |
amoranto | lover |
amoreto | cupid |
amorfa | amorphous |
amori | make love |
Amorido | Amorrhite |
amoristino | hooker, prostitute, whore |
amoristo | hooker, prostitute, whore, gigolo |
amorludo | lovemaking play |
amoro | (sexual) love, sex |
Amoro | Amour, Cupid, Eros |
Amoro | Cupid, Eros |
amorspektemulo | voyeur |
amortizebla | redeemable, repayable |
amortizi | amortize, deaden |
amortiziĝi | depreciate |
amortizilo | shock absorber |
amortizo | redemption |
amorveka | hot, sexy |
amovendistino | escort, hooker, prostitute, whore |
amovendisto | prostitute, whore, gigolo |
ampelopso | ampelopsis creeper, Virginia creeper |
amperhoro | ampere-hour |
ampermetro | ammeter |
amperminuto | ampere-minute |
ampero | ampere |
amperometro | ammeter |
ampersekundo | ampere-second |
ampervolvo | ampere turn |
ampleksa | ample, bulky, extensive |
ampleksaĵo | bulkiness |
amplekse | comprehensively |
ampleksi | comprise |
ampleksigi | amplify, enlarge |
ampleksiĝi | enlarge |
ampleksigo | enlargement |
ampleksnomo | range name |
amplekso | bulk, dimension, extend, size |
amplena | full of love |
amplene | full of love |
amplifa | amplificatory |
amplifatoro | amplifier |
amplifi | amplify |
amplifika | amplificative, amplificatory |
amplifikatoro | amplifier |
amplifiki | amplify |
amplifikilo | amplifier |
amplifiko | amplification |
amplifilo | amplifier |
amplifo | amplification |
amplitudo | amplitude |
amplitudregilo | amplitude regulator |
ampoemo | love poem |
ampola | ampullaceous, ampullary |
ampolingo | bulb socket |
ampolo | bulb |
ampolosimila | ampullaceous, ampullary |
ampoltubo | pipette |
amputado | amputation |
amputi | amputate |
amputito | amputee |
amputo | amputation |
Amrafel | Amraphel |
amrakonto | love story |
Amramo | Amram |
amrendevuo | (amorous) rendezvous |
amrilato | romantic relationship |
amsterdama | Amsterdam |
amsterdamano | inhabitant of Amsterdam, native of Amsterdam |
Amsterdamo | Amsterdam |
amu | atomic mass unit |
Amudarjo | Amudaryra, Oxus |
amuleto | amulet, charm, talisman |
Amuro | Amur |
amuza | amusing, entertaining, funny |
amuzadiĝi | have a good time |
amuzado | amusement, fun |
amuzaĵo | entertainment |
amuzaoĵo | amusement |
amuze | amusingly |
amuzedukado | edutainment |
amuzejo | amusement park |
amuzi | amuse |
amuziĝadi | be on the spree |
amuziĝi | enjoy oneself, have a good time |
amuziĝo | amusement, spree |
amuzilo | plaything |
amuzisto | entertainer |
amuzo | amusement, fun |
amuzparko | fun fair |
amuzrakonteto | funny story |
anabaptismo | anabaptism |
anabaptisto | Anabaptist |
anabata | ascending |
anabazo | Anabasis |
Anabelo | Annabel, Annabelle |
anabiozo | anabiosis |
anabola | anabolic |
anabolismo | anabolism |
anabolo | anabolism |
anaerobia | anaerobic |
anaerobio | anaerobe |
anaerobiozo | anaerobiosis |
anafazo | anaphase |
anafilaksia | anaphylactic |
anafilaksio | anaphylaxis |
anaforo | anaphora |
anagalo | pimpernel |
anaglifa | anaglyphic, anaglyphical |
anaglifo | anaglyph |
anagramo | anagram |
anakampto | pyramidal orchid |
anakardiacoj | Anacardiaceae (plant family) |
anakardio | cashew nut |
anakinezio | anakinesis |
Anako | Anak |
anakoluto | anacoluthon |
anakondo | anaconda |
anakoreta | anchoritic, anchoritical |
anakoretino | anchoress |
anakoreto | anchorite |
anakreona | Anacreontic |
anakreono | Anacreon |
Anakreono | Anacreon |
anakronisma | anachronistic |
anakronisme | anachronistically |
anakronismo | anachronism |
anakruzo | anacrusis, upbeat |
Anaksagoro | Anaxagoras |
Anaksimandro | Anaximander |
Anaksimeno | Anaximenes |
anala seksumo | anal sex |
anala | anal |
analagmatika | anallagmatic |
anale | anally |
analekto | analecta |
analeptika | analeptic |
analeptiko | analeptic |
analfabeta | illiterate |
analfabeteco | illiteracy |
analfabetismo | illiteracy |
analfabeto | illiterate |
analfabetulo | illiterate |
analgezia | analgesic |
analgeziko | analgesic, painkiller |
analgezio | analgesia |
analisto | annalist |
analitika | analytic, analytical |
analitiko | analytic, analytical |
analiza | analytic |
analizebla | analyzable |
analizema | analytic, analytical |
analizeraro | parse error |
analizi | analyse |
analizilo | analyzer |
analizisto | analyst, analytical chemist |
analizo | analysis |
analo | annals, record, chronicle, chronicles |
analoga | analog |
analogaĵo | analogue |
analogcifereca | analog-digital |
analoge | by analogy with, on the analogy of |
analogeco | analogy |
analogia | analogous |
analogio | analogy |
analogo | analog |
analoj | annals |
anama | Annamese |
Anamido | Anamim |
anamnezo | anamnesis |
Anamo | Annam |
anamorfoza | anamorphic |
anamorfozo | anamorphosis |
ananaso | pineapple |
ananassuko | pineapple juice |
ananasujo | pineapple |
Ananiaso | Ananias |
ananimo | ananym |
Anao | Anna |
anapesta | anapestic, anapaestic |
anapesto | anapaest |
anarĥia | anarchic, anarchical, anarchist |
anarĥie | anarchically |
anarĥiismo | anarchism |
anarĥiista | anarchistic |
anarĥiisto | anarchist |
anarĥio | anarchy |
anarĥiulo | anarchist |
anarkia | anarchic, anarchical, anarchist |
anarkiismo | anarchism |
anarkiista | anarchistic |
anarkiisto | anarchist |
anarkio | anarchy |
anarkisindikatismo | anarcho-syndicalism |
anarkisma | anarchic, anarchical |
anarkismo | anarchism |
anarkista | anarchistic |
anarkisto | anarchist |
anarkiulo | anarchist |
anaro | adherents, disciples, following, party, supporters |
anasa | duck |
anasaĵo | duck, duck meat |
anasarko | anasarca |
anasbleki | quack, make duck noises |
anasedoj | Anatidae |
anasido | duckling |
anasino | duck |
anasiri | waddle |
anaso | duck |
anaspaŝi | waddle |
Anastaziao | Anastasia |
Anastazio | Anastasia |
anastigmata | anastigmatic |
anastigmato | anastigmatic lens |
anastomoza | anastomotic |
anastomozo | anastomosis |
anastrofo | anastrophe |
anatazo | anatase |
anatema | anathematic |
anatemi | curse, anathematize |
anatemo | anathema, something dedicated to evil; ban, excommunication |
anatifo | barnacle |
anatolia | Anatolian |
Anatolio | Anatolia, Asia Minor |
anatolo | Anatolia |
anatomia | anatomical |
anatomie | anatomically |
anatomiisto | anatomist |
anatomio | anatomy |
anatomo | anatomist |
anatropa | anatropal, anatropous |
anĉo | reed |
anĉovo | anchovy |
anda | Andean |
andaluza | Andalusian |
andaluzia | Andalusian |
andaluziano | Andalusian |
andaluzino | Andalusian woman |
Andaluzio | Andalusia |
andaluzo | Andalusian |
Andaluzujo | Andalusia |
Andamanmaro | Andaman Sea |
Andamanoj | Andaman Islands |
andante | andante |
andantete | andantino |
andanteto | andantino |
andantino | andantino |
andanto | andante |
andezito | andesite |
Andoj | Andes |
andora | Andorrian |
andoranino | Andorrian woman |
andorano | Andorrian |
Andoro | Andorra |
Andreaso | Andreas |
Andreo | Andrew |
androdioika | androdioecious |
androfobio | androphobia |
androforo | androphore |
androgena | androgenic, androgynous |
androgeno | androgen |
androgina | androgynous |
androgino | androgyne |
androido | android |
androika | androecious |
Androklo | Androclus, Androcles |
andromaĥo | Andromache |
Andromedo | Andromeda |
andromonoika | andromonoecious |
Androniko | Andronicus |
androsterono | androsterone |
andujo | andouille |
aneco | membership |
anekdota | anecdotal |
anekdotaro | collection of anecdotes |
anekdotisto | anecdotist |
anekdoto | anecdote |
aneksa | accessory |
aneksado | annexation |
aneksaĵo | annex, attachment |
aneksi | annex |
aneksismo | annexationism |
aneksisto | annexationist |
anekso | annexation |
aneli | let down |
anelido | annelida |
anelidoj | annelids |
anelo | anellus |
anemia | anaemic |
anemio | anaemia |
anemiulo | anemic |
anemofila | anemophilous |
anemografio | anemography |
anemografo | anemograph |
anemogramo | anemogram |
anemometrio | anemometry |
anemometro | anemometer, wind gauge |
anemona | anemonic |
anemono | anemone |
anemoskopo | anemoscope |
aneroida | aneroid |
aneroido | aneroid, barometer |
anerojda | aneroid |
anesteza | anesthetic |
anestezado | anesthesia |
anestezaĵo | anesthetic |
anestezaparato | anesthesia apparatus |
anestezenzo | anesthetic |
anestezi | anesthetize |
anestezilo | anesthetic |
anesteziologio | anesthesiology |
anesteziologo | anesthesiologist, anesthetist |
anestezisto | anesthetist |
anestezo | anesthesia |
aneto | dill |
aneŭrino | aneurine, thiamine |
aneŭrisma | aneurysmal |
aneŭrismo | aneurysm |
anfrakta | anfractuous |
anfrakto | cavity, anfractuosity |
Angaro | Angara |
anĝela | angelic |
anĝelapero | angelophany |
anĝele | angelically |
anĝeleca | angelic |
anĝeleco | angelhood |
angeliko | angelica |
Angeliko | Angelica |
anĝelino | angel fem. |
Angelino | Angela |
anĝelinoj | angels fem. |
anĝelo | angel |
Angelo | Angelo |
anĝelogardanto | guardian |
anĝelosimila | angelic |
anĝeluso | angelus |
angia | vascular |
angigenezo | angiogenesis |
angiledoj | Anguillidae (fish family) |
angilforkego | eel spear |
angilforma | anguilliform, eel-shaped |
angilglata | slippery as an eel |
angilhaŭto | eel skin |
angilkaptado | eel fishing |
angilkesto | eel-preserve, eel-trunk |
angilkorbo | eel-basket, eel-pot |
angilnaso | eel trap |
angilo | eel |
angiloforma | anguilliform, eel-shaped |
angiloformaj | Apodes |
angilokaptado | eel-fishing |
angilpasteĉo | eel pie |
angilsimila | eel like |
angilulo | eelworm |
angilvendisto | eel monger |
angino | angina, quinsy |
angio | blood vessel |
angiogenezo | angiogenesis |
angiomo | angioma |
angioplastio | angioplasty |
angiosarkomo | angiosarcoma |
angioskopo | angioscope |
angiosperma | angiospermatous, angiospermous |
angiospermo | angiosperm |
angla | English |
anglalingva | in English, English-language |
anglalingve | in English |
anglamika | pro-English, English-friendly |
anglaparola | Anglophone |
anglaparolanto | Anglophone |
angle | in English |
angleparolanto | Anglophone |
anglicismo | Anglicism |
angligi | Anglicize, anglicize |
angligo | Anglicization |
anglikana | Anglican |
anglikanismo | Anglicanism |
anglikano | Anglican |
anglino | English, Englishwoman |
Anglio | England |
anglismo | anglicism |
anglo | Englishman, Sassenach |
anglofobio | anglophobia |
Anglolando | England |
anglolingvano | English-speaker |
anglomanio | Anglomania |
anglonormanda | Anglo-Norman |
anglosaksa | Anglo-Saxon |
anglosakso | Anglo-Saxon |
Anglujo | England |
angola | Angolan |
angolanino | Angolan woman |
angolano | Angolese |
Angolo | Angola |
angora | oppressing |
angorego | agony |
angoreta | slightly worried |
angori | feel distressed |
angorigi | anguish |
angoro | agony, anguish, fear |
angorŝvito | cold sweat |
angosturo | angostura |
angstromo | angstrom |
angula krampo | angle bracket, chevron, triangular bracket, diamond bracket, tuple, 〈, 〉 |
angula | gaunt, angle, angled |
angulaj krampoj | angle brackets, chevrons, triangular brackets, diamond brackets, tuples, “〈” and “〉” |
angulaj | angle, angled |
angulaĵo | angle iron |
anguleca | angular |
anguleco | angularity |
angulen | around the corner |
anguleto | nook |
angulfero | angle iron |
angulfidela | conformal (transformation) |
angulhava | angular |
anguligi | angle |
anguliĝi | angle |
angulilo | set square |
angulkrampo | left angle bracket |
angulmezurilo | protractor |
angulo | angle; corner |
angulrelo | angle iron, angle bar |
angultrabo | angle iron, angle bar |
angura | Angora |
Anguro | Angora, Ankara |
angusturo | angostura |
Angvilo | Anguilla |
angvisedoj | Anguidae |
angviso | blindworm, slow-worm |
anheli | be out of breath, pant, hyperventilate |
anhelo | breathlessness, panting, gasping |
anhidra | anhydrous, waterless |
anhidrido | anhydride |
anhidrito | anhydrite |
anĥo | ankh |
aniĝi | accede |
anigi | include |
aniĝilo | application, application form |
aniĝo | enrolment |
anigu | include, INCL; insert |
anihilacii | annihilate |
anihilacio | annihilation |
anilinnigro | aniline black |
anilino | aniline |
anilo | anil |
anima | of the soul, spiritual |
animaciaĵo | animation, animated work |
animacio | animation |
animado | animation |
animala | animal |
animalo | animal |
animaloj | Animal kingdom |
anime | mentally |
animeco | animation |
animeo | anime (Japanese animation) |
animi | animate |
animilo | animus |
animisma | animistic |
animismo | animism |
animisto | animist |
animita | animated |
animkonflikto | conflict of conscience |
animo | soul |
animstato | mood |
animzorgado | religious guidance, pastoral care |
animzorganto | provider of pastoral care |
aniono | anion |
aniŝinabeka | Ojibwe, Ojibwa, Ojibway, Chippewa |
anizlikvoro | anisette |
anizo | anise, aniseed |
anizokorio | anisocoria |
anizometropio | anisometropia |
anizoplanto | anise |
anizosfigmio | anisosphygmia |
anizosukeraĵo | candy coated aniseed |
anizotropa | anisotropic, anizotropic |
anizotropia | anisotropic |
anizotropio | anisotropia |
anizsemo | aniseed |
anizujo | anise |
anjona | anionic |
anjono | anion |
Ankaro | Ankara |
ankaŭ | too, also, likewise, as well |
ankero | anchor |
ankilostomo | hookworm |
ankiloziĝi | be affected by anchylosis |
ankilozigo | anchylosis |
ankilozo | anchylosis, stiffness of joints |
ankoneo | anconeus |
ankono | ancon, Ancona |
ankoraŭ ne | not yet |
ankoraŭ | still, yet |
ankoraŭfoje | once more |
ankra | anchor |
ankradejo | anchorage |
ankrado | anchorage |
ankraĵo | anchorage |
ankrejo | anchorage, moorage, mooring |
Ankrenviso | Ancren Riwle |
ankreto | grapnel |
ankri | anchor |
ankriĝi | be anchored |
ankriĝo | anchorage |
ankro | anchor |
ankroĉeno | anchor cable |
ankrokablo | anchor rope, anchor hauser |
ankroŝnurego | anchor line, anchor cable |
ankrotarifo | anchorage fee |
ankrovinĉo | windlass |
ankrumi | ride at anchor, anchor |
anksia | anxious, apprehensive |
anksie | anxiously |
anksieco | anxiety |
anksio | anxiety |
ankuzo | alkanet |
Annao | Ann |
Anneto | Annette |
Anno | Anne |
ano | member; supporter |
anobiedoj | Anobiidae |
anobio | death-watch beetle, bookworm |
anoda | anodal |
anodina | anodyne |
anodino | anodyne |
anodizi | anodize |
anodo | anode |
anofelo | anopheles, anopheles mosquito |
anoksemio | anoxemia |
anoksio | anoxia |
anolito | anolyte |
anomalia | deviating, divergent |
anomalio | abnormity, anomaly |
anonarbo | Annona cherimola |
anoncado | announcement, notification, notice |
anoncanto | advertiser |
anonceto | ad, small advertisement, want ad |
anonci | announce, advertise, give notice |
anonciĝi | announce |
anoncistino | announcer |
anoncisto | announcer |
anonco | ad, advertisement |
anoncoaperigo | ad display |
anoncoblokilo | ad blocker |
anoncofenestro | ad window |
anoncoforigilo | ad killer |
anonctabulego | billboard |
anonctabulo | bulletin board |
anonima kompanio | LLC, limited liability company, limited liability corporation |
anonima societo | LLC, limited liability company, limited liability corporation |
anonima | anonymous |
anonime | anonymously |
anonimeco | anonymity |
anonimo | anonymous author; anonymous letter |
anonimoj | anonymous authors; anonymous letters |
anonimulo | anonymous writer |
anono | cherimoya |
anonujo | Annona cherimola |
anopsio | anopsia |
anorakjako | anorak jacket |
anorakkapuĉo | anorak hood |
anorako | anorak, parka, windbreaker |
anoreksia | anoretic, anorexic |
anoreksio | anorexia |
anoreksiulino | anorexic |
anormala | abnormal |
anortita | anorthitic |
anortito | anorthite |
anosmio | anosmia |
anpriskribo | element description |
anse | akimbo |
Anselmo | Anselm |
ansera | anserine, anserous |
anseraĵo | goose meat |
anserhaŭto | goose bumps, goose flesh, goose pimples |
anserido | gosling |
anserina | anserine, anserous |
anserino | goose |
ansero | goose |
anseroformaj | Anseriformes (order of birds) |
anservice | single file |
anserviro | gander |
anshava | ansate |
ANSI-signaro | ANSI character set |
anso | handle |
anst. (anstataŭ) | instead of |
anst. | insteada, instead of |
anstataŭ | instead of |
anstataŭa | deputy |
anstataŭaĵo | SUB, substitute character, ␚ |
anstataŭanto | second (in a duel) |
anstataŭe | instead |
anstataŭi | take the place of |
anstataŭiga signo | substitute character, SUB, ␚ |
anstataŭiga skribreĝimo | overtype, overwrite mode |
anstataŭiga | replacement, substitute |
anstataŭigaĵo | replacement |
anstataŭigi per | replace with |
anstataŭiĝi | be replaced |
anstataŭigi | replace, substitute |
anstataŭiĝo | replacement |
anstataŭigo | replacement, substitution |
anstataŭilo | surrogate, substitution |
anstataŭo | replacement, substitution |
anstataŭulo | proxy |
anstromo | angstrom |
anta | present active participle singular, -ing |
antagonisma | antagonistic |
antagonisme | antagonistically |
antagonismo | antagonism, antithesis, contradistinction, contrast, opposition |
antagonistigi | antagonize |
antagonisto | adversary, opponent |
antaj | present active participle plural, -ing |
antajn | present active participle plural accusative, -ing |
antan | present active participle singular accusative, -ing |
Antareso | Antares |
Antarkta Oceano | Antarctic Ocean |
antarkta | Antarctic |
Antarktika Oceano | Antartic Ocean |
antarktika | Antarctic |
Antarktiko | Antarctic |
Antarktio | Antarctic, Antarctica |
Antarkto | Antarctica, the Antarctic |
Antaro | Antares |
antaŭ ... | ... ago |
antaŭ ĉio | above all, especially; before everything |
antaŭ Kristo | B.C., BC, Before Christ |
antaŭ nelonge | recently |
antaŭ ol | before, previous to |
antaŭ- | advance, fore- |
antaŭ-elreligilo | front derailleur |
antaŭ | before; in front of |
antaŭa flanko | front |
antaŭa kovrilo | front cover |
antaŭa lampo | headlamp |
antaŭa nomo | first name |
antaŭa piedo | foreleg, front paw |
antaŭa | former, last, previous, prior |
antaŭaĉeti | buy in advance |
antaŭafero | preliminary |
antaŭafikso | prefix |
antaŭagordo | preset |
antaŭaj | leading |
antaŭaĵo | antecedent |
antaŭamplifikatoro | preamplifier |
antaŭamplifilo | preamplifier |
antaŭanonci | preannounce, announce in advance |
antaŭanto | predecessor |
antaŭaranĝi | prearrange |
antaŭaranĝo | prearrangement |
antaŭaŭskulto | audio preview |
antaŭaverti | forewarn |
antaŭbraka | antebrachial |
antaŭbrako | forearm, lower arm |
antaŭĉambra | antechamber, of an antechamber |
antaŭĉambro | front room, antechamber |
antaŭĉuro | precum |
antaŭdati | antedate |
antaŭdatiĝi | antedate, predate |
antaŭdatumi | antedate |
antaŭdecidi | predetermine |
antaŭdecido | predetermination |
antaŭdestini | foredestine |
antaŭdestinismo | predestination |
antaŭdestinita | predestined |
antaŭdestino | predestination |
antaŭdifini | predefine |
antaŭdifinita | predefined procedure |
antaŭdiluva | antediluvian, very ancient |
antaŭdirebla | predictable |
antaŭdireble | predictably |
antaŭdiri | forecast, foretell, prophesy |
antaŭdiristino | fortune teller |
antaŭdiristo | fortune teller |
antaŭdiro | prediction |
antaŭdratita | prewired |
antaŭe | ahead, formerly, previously |
antaŭecindikatoro | priority indicator |
antaŭeco | precedence, priority |
antaŭedziĝa | antenuptial |
antaŭehodiaŭ | earlier today |
antaŭekrano | touchscreen overlay |
antaŭeksponado | pre-exposure |
antaŭelekti | preselect |
antaŭelekto | preset |
antaŭelreligilo | front derailleur |
antauen-planado | forward scheduling |
antaŭen-planado | forward scheduling |
antaŭen | ahead, forward, on |
antaŭenema | forward-thinking, progressive |
antaŭeniĝi | advance |
antaŭenigi | promote, foment |
antaŭenigo | advancement |
antaŭeniĝo | advancement |
antaŭeniri | go forward |
antaŭenirigi | advance |
antaŭeniro | advance |
antaŭenkliniĝi | bend forwards |
antaŭenmarŝi | march forward |
antaŭenmova | advancing |
antaŭenmovi | advance |
antaŭenpaŝi | step forward |
antauenplanado | forward scheduling |
antaŭenpuŝi | promote, push |
antaŭenpuŝo | impetus |
antaŭenrajdi | ride forwards |
antaŭenrigardi | look forwards |
antaŭenrigardo | forward look |
antaŭensalti | leap forward |
antaŭensendi | send on |
antaŭenveni | come forward |
antaŭfabrikita | prefabricated, prefab, pre-fabricated |
antaŭfari | prepare, do something in advance |
Antaŭfasta Mardo | Shrove Tuesday |
antaŭfenestro | windshield |
antaŭfiguri | foreshadow, prefigure |
antaŭfiksi | predetermine, prearrange, set in advance |
antaŭfiksita | predetermined |
antaŭfiltrilo | pre-filter |
antaŭfinala | semifinal |
antaŭfinalisto | semifinalist |
antaŭfinalo | semifinal |
antaŭflari | smell something coming |
antaŭforigi | avoid, evade |
antaŭformatita | preformatted, pre-formatted |
antaŭgarda | precautionary, preventive |
antaŭgardi | guard, preserve, protect, save |
antaŭgardo | protection |
antaŭgardoado | preservative |
antaŭgeedziĝa | antenuptial |
antaŭglaco | windshield |
antaŭĝoji pri | look forward to |
antaŭĝoji | look forward |
antaŭĝui | look forward to |
antaŭgusto | foretaste |
antaŭgvardio | vanguard |
antaŭhaltigi | forestall, obviate, prevent |
antaŭhieraŭ | the day before yesterday |
antaŭhistorio | prehistory |
antaŭi | precede |
antaŭiĝanto | leader |
antaŭiĝi | stand out |
antaŭigi | substitute |
antaŭiĝo | lead |
antaŭinstalado | preinstallation |
antaŭinstalita | preinstalled |
antaŭinstalitaĵo | preinstallation, pre-installation |
antaŭira | leading |
antaŭiranto | precursor |
antaŭiri | precede |
antaŭjuĝa | biased |
antaŭjuĝemo | bias |
antaŭjuĝi | prejudge |
antaŭjuĝo | prejudice |
antaŭkalkuli | precalculate, calculate in advance, estimate |
antaŭkambrio | pre-Cambrian |
antaŭkanti | sing in public, perform |
antaŭkapablo | predisposition |
antaŭkompakta | precompact, precompact set |
antaŭkompilita | precompiled |
antaŭkomplico | accessory before the fact |
antaŭkondiĉo | precondition |
antaŭkongreso | pre-congress |
antaŭkoni | be acquainted with beforehand |
antaŭkonsenti | prearrange, agree on in advance, make a prior arrangement |
antaŭkonstruaĵo | forebuilding |
antaŭkorto | forecourt |
antaŭkremento | autoincrement; predecrement; preincrement |
antaŭlasta | the one before last, penultimate |
antaŭlegi | pronounce |
antaŭlerneja | pre-school |
antaŭlonge | a long time ago, long ago |
antaŭludaĵo | prelude |
antaŭludi | perform in public |
antaŭludo | prelude; foreplay |
antaŭmalhelpa | pre-emptive |
antaŭmalhelpi | prevent |
antaŭmanĝaĵo | appetizer |
antaŭmarŝanto | scout |
antaŭmasto | foremast |
antaŭmedito | premeditation |
antaŭmenciita | aforementioned, aforesaid |
antaŭmendi | reserve |
antaŭmendo | booking |
antaŭmeta operaciskribo | prefix notation |
antaŭmeti | serve |
antaŭmetistino | waitress |
antaŭmilita | antebellum |
antaŭmontro | preview (technology) |
antaŭmorta | ante-mortem |
antaŭnaska | antenatal |
antaŭnelonge | a short while ago, not long ago |
antaŭnomo | first name |
antaŭo posten | back to front |
antaŭo | fore |
antaŭombri | adumbrate |
antaŭopinia | preconceived |
antaŭopinii | anticipate, judge in advance |
antaŭopinio | preconception |
antaŭorda trairo | preorder traversal |
antaŭpage | in advance |
antaŭpagi | prepay |
antaŭpagita karto | prepaid card |
antaŭpagita | prepaid |
antaŭpago | advance payment, advance |
antaŭparoli | give a speech |
antaŭparolo | foreword |
antaŭparto | forepart, steerage, stem (of ship) |
antaŭpaska | antepaschal |
antaŭpatro | forefather |
antaŭpendaĵo | antependium |
antaŭpensi | think about in advance, consider ahead of time |
antaŭpensita | premeditated |
antaŭpiedo | forefoot |
antaŭplado | appetizer |
antaŭplano | foreground |
antaŭplenumi | fulfill in advance |
antaŭposteno | outpost |
antaŭpremisi | presume, presuppose |
antaŭpreparo | preliminary |
antaŭprezentaĵo | trailer |
antaŭprezenti | preview |
antaŭprezento | preview |
antaŭpripensi | consider in advance, think through ahead of time |
antaŭrajdanto | postilion |
antaŭrakonti | relate in advance |
antaŭrangi | outrank, be superior in rank |
antaŭregistri | prestore |
antaŭrevolucia | pre-revolutionary |
antaŭrigarda reĝimo | preview mode |
antaŭrigardejo | pane, preview pane |
antaŭrigardo | preview |
antaŭrimeda | precautionary |
antaŭrimedo | measure, precaution |
antaŭripeti | repeat |
antaŭsalono | antechamber |
antaŭsavi | warn |
antaŭscii | know beforehand |
antaŭsciiga | premonitory |
antaŭsciigi | portend |
antaŭscio | foreknowledge |
antaŭsenti | have a premonition |
antaŭsento | presentiment |
antaŭsigni | foreshadow, foretell, foretoken, presage |
antaŭsigno | indication, omen, portent, precursor, presage, sign |
antaŭskizi | adumbrate |
antaŭskribaĵo | prologue |
antaŭstari | stand before, in front of |
antaŭstato | status quo |
antaŭstomako | antestomach |
antaŭsupozi | presume, presuppose |
antaŭsupozo | presumption, presupposition |
antaŭtagmeza | a.m., morning |
antaŭtagmeze | A.M., AM, a.m., am, Ante Meridiem |
antaŭtagmezo | morning |
antaŭtago | eve |
antaŭtegmento | penthouse, shed |
antaŭteksto | preliminary matter, prelims |
antaŭtempa | premature, untimely |
antaŭtempe | prematurely |
antaŭtempi | be premature, early |
antaŭtempte | prematurely |
antaŭteni | present |
antaŭtimi | be apprehensive |
antaŭtimo | fear, apprehension |
antaŭtitolo | bastard title, half title |
antaŭtraktado | preprocessing |
antaŭtrakti | preprocess |
antaŭtraktilo | preprocessor |
antaŭtubo | head tube |
antaŭtuko | apron |
antaŭulo | predecessor |
antaŭurba | suburban |
antaŭurbo | suburb |
antaŭvelo | foresail |
antaŭvenanto | precursor |
antaŭvenda | advance |
antaŭveni | precede |
antaŭveninto | forerunner |
antaŭveno | lead-up |
antaŭverko | prologue |
antaŭvespero | dusk, twilight |
antaŭvida | prospective |
antaŭvidebla | foreseeable, measurable |
antaŭvideble | predictably, unsurprisingly |
antaŭvidi | foresee |
antaŭzorga | thoughtful |
antaŭzorge | carefully |
antaŭzorgi | take precautions, take care beforehand |
antaŭzorgo | thoughtfulness |
ante | present active participle, -ing |
antecedento | antecedent |
antecedentoj | antecedents, record |
antefikso | antefix |
antelikso | anthelix |
antemido | dog-fennel, mayweed |
antemo | corn chamomile |
antena | antennal |
anteneto | antennule |
antenkomutilo | antenna switch |
antenkonektilo | antenna terminal |
anteno | antenna |
antenteme | expectantly |
antentinda | relevant |
antenturo | antenna tower |
antera | antheral |
anteridio | antheridium |
anteriko | Saint Bernard’s lily |
antero | anther |
anterozoido | antherozoid |
anterozoo | antherozoid |
anthelikso | anthelix |
anthelio | anthelion |
anti-antikorpo | anti-antibody |
antiacido | antacid |
antiamerika | anti-American |
antiarrezino | antiar |
antiartrita | antiarthritic |
antiaviadila | antiaircraft |
antibakteria | antibacterial |
antibiotika | antibiotic |
antibiotiko | antibiotic |
anticiklono | anticyclone |
anticipa | advance, expectant |
anticipado | look ahead |
anticipe | in anticipation |
anticipi | anticipate, think ahead |
anticipo | anticipation |
antideprima | antidepressant |
antiderivativo | antiderivative |
antideŭterono | antideuteron |
antidorko | springbok |
antidota | antidotal |
antidoto | antidote |
antielektrono | antielectron |
antiemetiko | antiemetic |
antienzimo | antienzyme |
antifebra | antifebrile, antipyretic |
antiferomagneta | antiferromagnetic |
antifona | antiphonal |
antifono | antiphony, antiphon, anthem |
antifrazo | antiphrase |
antigena | antigenic |
antigeno | antigen |
Antigona | Antigone |
Antigvo kaj Barbudo | Antigua and Barbuda |
Antigvo | Antigua |
antihemofilia | antihemophilic |
antiheroo | antihero |
antihidrofobia | antihydrophobic |
antihipnota | antihypnotic |
antihipokondria | antihypochondriac |
antihistamino | antihistamine |
antihisteria | antihysteric |
antiinflama | anti-inflammatory |
antiklerikala | anticlerical |
antiklimaksa | anticlimactic |
antiklimakso | anticlimax |
antiklinala | anticlinal |
antiklinalo | anticline |
antikoagulanto | anti-coagulant |
antikoagulenzo | anticoagulant |
antikoncipa | contraceptive |
antikonvulsia | anticonvulsive |
antikorpo | antibody |
Antikostio | Anticosti Island |
antikrezo | antichresis, assignment of profits |
antikristo | Antichrist |
antikva tempo | antiquity |
antikva | ancient, antique |
antikvaĵa | antiquarian |
antikvaĵbutiko | antique shop, antique store |
antikvaĵejo | antique shop, antique store |
antikvaĵista | antiquarian |
antikvaĵisto | antique dealer |
antikvaĵo | relic, antique |
antikvarko | antiquark |
antikveco | antiquity |
antikvisto | antiquary |
antikvulo | ancient one |
antila | Antillian |
antilano | Antillian |
antilogaritma | antilogarithmic |
antilogaritmo | antilogarithm |
Antiloj | Antilles |
antilopo | antelope |
antimalaria | antimalarial |
antimaterio | antimatter |
antimikroba | anti-microbial |
antimilitarismo | anti-militarism |
antimilitaristo | anti-militarist |
antimisila | antimissle |
antimonika | antimonic |
antimono | antimony |
antimonoza | antimonous |
antineŭralgia | analgesic |
antineŭtrino | antineutrino |
antineŭtrono | antineutron |
antinomio | antinomy |
Antioĥio | Antioch |
Antioĥujo | Antioch |
antipapo | antipope |
antiparaliza | antiparalytic |
antipartiklo | antiparticle |
antipartikulo | antiparticle |
Antipaso | Antipas |
antipatia | nasty |
antipatie | uncongenially |
antipatii | antipathize |
antipatio | aversion, dislike |
antipatioeco | repugnance |
Antipatro | Antipater |
antiperistalta | antiperistaltic |
antiperspirilo | antiperspirant |
antipirino | antipyrine |
antipoda | antipodal |
antipodo | antipode |
antipodoj | antipodes |
Antipodoj | Antipodes, the Antipodes |
antiprotono | antiproton |
antipsikoza | antipsychotic |
antirakita | antirachitic |
antirino | snapdragon, antirrhinum |
antirisko | beaked parsley |
antirusta | antirust |
antisemidismo | anti-Semitism |
antisemita | anti-Semitic |
antisemitismo | anti-Semitism |
antisemito | anti-Semite |
antisepsa | antiseptic |
antisepsaĵo | antiseptic |
antisepsi | disinfect |
antisepsilo | antiseptic |
antisepso | antisepsis |
antisero | antiserum |
antisimetria | antisymmetric |
antiskorbuta | antiscorbutic |
antisocieta | antisocial |
antispasma | antispasmodic, antispastic |
antistatika | antistatic |
antistrofo | antistrophe |
antitanka | antitank |
antiteza | antithetical, antithetic |
antitezo | antithesis |
antitoksino | antitoxin |
antitrado | antitrade |
antitrusta | antitrust |
antitusa | antitussive |
antivirusa | antiviral, antivirus |
antiviruso | antivirus |
antivitamino | antivitamin |
anto | present active participle singular, -ing |
antoj | present active participle plural, -ing |
antojn | present active participle plural accusative, -ing |
antologio | anthology |
anton | present active participle singular accusative, -ing |
Antoneno | Antoninus |
antonima | antonymous |
antonimo | antonym |
Antonineto | Antoinette |
Antonio | Antony |
Antono | Anton |
antonomazio | antonomasia |
antozoo | anthozoan |
antraceno | anthracene |
antracito | anthracite |
antrakinono | anthraquinone |
antrakonito | anthraconite |
antrakozo | anthracosis |
antrakso | anthrax, carbuncle |
Antrimo | Antrim |
antrisko | beaked parsley |
antro | antrum |
antropocentra | anthropocentric |
antropofaga | anthropophagous |
antropofagio | anthropophagy |
antropofagismo | anthropophagy |
antropofago | anthropophagite, anthropophagus |
antropofobio | anthropophobia |
antropoida | anthropoidal |
antropoido | anthropoid |
antropoidoj | Anthropoidea |
antropologia | anthropologic, anthropological |
antropologie | anthropologically |
antropologiisto | anthropologist |
antropologio | anthropology |
antropologo | anthropologist |
antropomancio | anthropomancy |
antropometria | anthropometric |
antropometrio | anthropometry |
antropomorfa | anthropomorphic |
antropomorfigi | anthropomorphize |
antropomorfismo | anthropomorphism |
antropopiteko | chimp, chimpanzee |
antropozofio | anthroposophy |
antuso | pipit |
antverpena | Antwerp |
Antverpeno | Antwerp |
Anubo | Anubis |
anuitato | installment, repayment |
anunciacio | Annunciation |
Anunciacio | Annunciation |
Anunciacio | Annunciation, Lady Day |
anura | anuran, anurous |
anurio | anuria |
anuro | anuran |
anuroj | Anura |
anusa seksumado | anal sex |
anusa | anal, anus |
anuse | anally |
anusfiki | sodomize |
anuskoito | anal sex |
anuso | anus |
anusulo | asshole (person) |
aoj | A’s, aes (letter name plural) |
aoristo | aorist |
aorta | aortic |
aorto | aorta |
apaĉa | Apache |
apaĉino | Apache girl |
apaĉo | apache, hood, ruffian |
apalaĉa | Appalachian |
apalaĉia | Appalachian |
Apalaĉoj | Appalachian Mountains, Appalachians |
apanaĝo | appanage, perquisite |
aparat-adaptilo | device driver |
aparat-adreso | device address |
aparat-asigno | device allocation |
aparat-atribuo | device allocation |
aparata | device, hardware |
aparatadaptilo | device driver |
aparatadreso | device address |
aparatara programprotektilo | dongle |
aparatara | hardware |
aparataro | equipment |
aparatbitoko | status byte |
aparatmastrumado | device management |
aparatnomo | device name |
aparato | apparatus, device, set |
aparatoj | devices |
aparatstato | device status |
aparatulo | aparatchik |
aparta | apart, particular, separate, special |
apartaĵo | peculiarity, distinguishing feature |
apartamentaro | apartment building, apartments |
apartamento | apartment, flat |
aparte de | apart from |
aparte | apart, separately |
aparteco | apartness |
apartema | aloof |
aparteme | aloofly |
apartena | belonging to, appurtenant |
apartenado | belonging |
apartenaĵa | proprietary |
apartenaĵo | belonging, possession |
aparteni | belong to |
apartga | separated |
apartiga | separative, separating |
apartigebla | separable |
apartiĝi | divide, separate (oneself from someone else), go one’s separate ways |
apartigi | separate, divide |
apartigilo | separator |
apartigita | disjoint |
apartiĝo | separation |
apartigo | separation, partition |
apartismo | separatism |
apastro | apaster |
apatia | apathetic |
apatie | apathetically |
apatio | apathy |
apatito | apatite |
apatiulo | apathetic person |
apekso | apex |
apela | appellant, appellate |
apelaci | appeal |
apelacia | appellate |
apelacianto | appellant |
apelacii | appeal |
apelaciinto | appellant |
apelacio | appeal |
apelacionto | appellant |
apelanto | appellant |
apeli | appeal |
apelo | appeal |
apenaŭ | barely, hardly, only just, scarcely |
apenaŭa | meagre, bare |
apendektomio | appendectomy |
apendica | appendicular |
apendicektomio | appendectomy |
apendicito | appendicitis |
apendico | appendix |
apenina | Apennine |
apeninano | inhabitant of the Apennines |
Apeninoj | Apennines |
apepsio | apepsia |
aperaĵo | occurrence, phenomenon |
apercepti | apperceive |
apercepto | apperception |
aperi | appear, emerge, perform |
aperigi | make to appear; publish |
aperitivo | dram, nip, peg, snifter, snorter |
apero | appearance |
aperta | open |
apertaĵo | opening, aperture |
aperte | open(ly) |
aperteco | frankness, openness |
aperti | open |
apertigi | open up |
apertura | apertural |
aperturo | aperture, opening |
aperturregilo | aperture control |
apetaloj | Apetalae |
apetenco | appetency |
apetita | appetizing |
apetitdona | appetizing |
apetitdone | appetizingly |
apetite | appetizingly |
apetitiga | appetizing |
apetitige | appetizingly |
apetito | appetite |
apetitodona | appetizing |
apetitveka | appetizing |
apetitveke | appetizingly |
apetitvekilo | appetizer, something that whets the appetite |
API | API, Application Programming Interface |
apiacoj | Apiaceae (family of plants) |
apika | steep |
apikulturo | apiculture |
apinto | apinti |
apio | celery |
Apiso | Apis |
aplanata | aplanatic |
aplanateco | aplanatism |
aplanatismo | aplanatism |
aplanato | aplanatic lens |
aplaŭdado | acclamation |
aplaŭdegi | cheer |
aplaŭdego | acclamation |
aplaŭdema | appreciative |
aplaŭdi | acclaim, applaud, clap |
aplaŭdistaro | applauders |
aplaŭdo | acclaim, acclamation, approval |
aplaŭdoado | applause |
apleto | applet |
aplika | applied, application |
aplikado | application, employment, use |
Aplikadospecifa Integrita Cirkvito | ASIC, Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
aplikaĵa | application |
aplikaĵaro | application suite |
aplikaĵeto | applet |
aplikaĵo | application |
aplikaĵofenestro | application pane |
aplikaĵoj | applications |
aplikaĵolanĉilo | application launcher |
aplikanto | applier |
aplikata | applied |
aplikebla | applicable |
aplikeble | applicably |
aplikebleco | applicability |
apliki punktojn | dither |
apliki | apply, practice |
aplikilo | aplicator |
aplikita | applied |
apliko | application, employment, use |
aplikokampo | application domain |
aplikprograma interfaco | API, Application Programming Interface |
aplikprograma | application program |
aplikprogrameto | applet |
aplikprogramisto | applications programmer |
aplikprogramo | application (program), program |
aplomba | unmoved |
aplombo | self-assurance, aplomb |
apneo | apnea |
apocinacoj | Apocynaceae (family of plants) |
apocrypha | apocryphal |
apocryphe | apocryphally |
apoda | apodal |
apodikta | apodictic |
apodo | apod |
apodoj | Apoda |
apodozo | apodosis |
apoenzimo | apoenzyme |
apofilito | apophyllite |
apofiza | apophyseal |
apofizo | apophysis, process |
apofonio | ablaut, apophony |
apoga | supporting, sustaining, control |
apogamio | apogamy |
apoganto | supporter |
apogarko | flying buttress |
apoĝaturo | appoggiatura, long grace note |
apogbrako | arm |
apogea | apogean, apogeic |
apogei | be in apogee |
apogeo | apogee |
apogeotropa | apogeotropic |
apogeotropismo | apogeotropism |
apogi | lean, support, sustain |
apogiĝi | rest upon, support oneself on |
apogilo | prop, support |
apogkolono | buttress |
apogo | support |
apogpilastro | abutment, buttress |
apogpunkto | fulcrum |
apografo | apograph |
apogseĝo | armchair |
apogstangilo | kickstand |
apokalipsa | apocalyptic |
apokalipse | apocalyptically |
apokalipso | apocalypse |
Apokalipso | Apocalypse |
Apokalipso | Apocalypse, Book of Revelation |
apokopeo | apocope |
apokopigi | apocopate |
apokopo | apocope |
apokrifa | apocryphal |
apokrife | apocryphally |
apokrifeco | apocryphalness |
apokrifo | apocrypha |
Apokrifoj | Apocrypha |
apokromata | apochromatic |
Apolo | Apollo |
apologetiko | apologetics |
apologia | apologetic |
apologiarto | apologetics |
apologie | apologetically |
apologii | apologize |
apologiisto | apologist |
apologio | apology |
apologo | apologue, fable |
Apolonia | Apollonia |
Apolonio | Apollonius |
Apolono | Apollo |
apomorfino | apomorphine |
aponeŭroza | aponeurotic |
aponeŭrozo | aponeurosis |
apopleksia | apoplectic |
apopleksieca | apoplectic |
apopleksiema | apoplectic |
apopleksio | fit, apoplectic fit, seizure, stroke, stroke of apoplexy |
apopleksiulo | apoplectic |
aporto | apport |
aposiopezo | aposiopesis |
apostalado | apostleship, apostolicity |
apostata | apostate |
apostateco | apostasy |
apostatiĝi | apostatize |
apostatiĝo | apostasy |
apostato | apostate |
aposteriora | a posteriori, not a priori |
aposteriore | a posteriori |
apostola | apostolic, church |
apostoleco | apostleship, apostolate |
apostolo | apostle |
apostrofa | apostrophic |
apostrofi | apostrophize, elide |
apostrofo | apostrophe, ’, ' |
apotecio | apothecium |
apotekisto | pharmacist, chemist |
apoteko | drugstore, pharmacy, chemist’s |
apotemo | apothem, slant height |
apoteozi | apotheosize, deify |
apoteozo | apotheosis, deification |
apozemo | apozem |
apozicii | appose, juxtapose |
apoziciiĝi | be in apposition |
apozicio | apposition |
apozimazo | apozymase |
appia | Appian |
Apple-aparataro | Apple hardware |
Apple-platformo | Apple platform |
Apple-programaro | Apple software |
apra | of a wild boar |
apraĵo | wild boar (meat) |
apraro | sounder |
apreci | appreciate |
apreco | appreciation |
apretaĵo | dressing, finishing |
apreti | finish |
apreturi | finish |
apreturo | starch |
aprezi | appreciate |
aprezo | appreciation |
aprido | young of a wild boar |
aprila | April |
aprilo | April |
Aprilstultulo | April fool |
aprino | boar fem., wild boar fem. |
aprinoj | boars fem., wild boars fem. |
apriora | a priori, not a posteriori |
apriore | a priori |
aprioreco | apriority |
apriorismo | apriorism |
apro | wild boar |
aproba | approving, favorable |
aprobebla | plausible |
aprobeble | plausibly |
aprobi | approve |
aprobinda | reasonable |
aprobo | acclaim, approval |
aproboj | approvals |
aproĉasado | boar hunting |
aproksima | approximate |
aproksimado | approximation |
aproksimaĵo | approximate value |
aproksimato | approximated quantity |
aproksimi | approximate |
aproksimiĝi | approach, draw nearer |
aproksimo | approximation |
APS (alpublika sonsistemo) | PA, public address (speaker) |
apsaro | Aspara |
apsido | apse, apsis |
aptenodito | penguin |
aptera | apterous |
apterigo | kiwi |
apud | near, next to, near to, at, beside, by, nearby |
apuda | adjacent |
apudaĵo | neighborhood, neighbourhood, vicinity |
apudborda | beachfront |
apudĉambro | side-room, antechamber |
apude | nearby |
apudeco | proximity |
apudesti | be present |
apudesto | presence |
apudi | be near to, close to |
apudiĝi | approach, come closer |
apudlita | bedside |
apudmara | seaside, beside the sea |
apudmeti | juxtapose |
apudmeto | concatenation, catenation |
apudnomo | nickname |
apudo | (near, close) presence |
apudskribo | caption |
apudstari | be beside, stand beside, be next to |
apudtera | near land |
Apulio | Apulia |
apunto | change, small money |
apuso | swift (bird) |
Araba Maro | Arabian Sea |
araba | Arabian, Arabic |
arabalesto | crossbow |
arabe | in Arabic |
arabeca | Arabian |
arabeska | arabesque |
arabesko | arabesque |
arabeskosegilo | jigsaw |
Arabia | Arabian, Arabic |
arabidopso | thale cress |
arabino | Arabian woman |
arabinozo | arabinose |
Arabio | Arabia |
arabismo | arabism |
arabo | Arab |
Arabujo | Arabia |
araĉo | band, gang |
aragona | Aragonese |
aragonito | aragonite |
Arakano | Arakan |
arakido | peanut |
Arakna | Arachne |
Arakno | Arachne |
araknoidito | arachnoiditis |
araknoido | arachnoid |
arako | rack, arrack |
araliacoj | Araliaceae (family of plants) |
aralio | aralia |
Arallago | Aral Sea |
Aralo | Aral Sea, Lake Aral |
aramea | Aramaic |
arameismo | Aramaism |
arameo | Aramaic |
aranaĵo | spider web |
aranea | of a spider |
araneaĵo | spiderweb |
araneedoj | Araneidae |
araneo | spider |
araneoido | arachnoid, arachnoid membrane |
aranereto | cobweb |
araneulo | arachnid |
araneuloj | Araneae (order containing spiders) |
aranĝa | formatting, format |
aranĝaĵo | set-up, arrangement |
aranĝema | ingenious, resourceful |
aranĝi | arrange |
aranĝiĝi | arrange oneself, be arranged |
aranĝiĝo | arrangement |
aranĝilo | formatter |
aranĝita | formatted |
aranĝitaĵo | arrangement |
aranĝo | accommodation, arrangement, layout |
aranĝosimbolo | layout character |
aranĝsistemo | system of arrangement, arrangement |
Arano | Arran |
arao | macaw |
Ararato | Ararat |
araŭkana | Mapudungun |
araŭkariacoj | Araucariaceae (plant family) |
araŭkario | araucaria, monkey puzzle |
arba | tree, arboreal |
arbaĵeto | small grove |
arbaĵo | tree trunk, tree limbs (used for wood) |
arbalestisto | archer |
arbalesto | crossbow |
arbara | forest, of a forest |
arbarbrulego | forest-fire |
arbarego | large forest, great forest |
arbareto | wood |
arbargardisto | forester |
arbarigi | afforest |
arbarigo | afforestation |
arbarincendio | forest-fire |
arbaristo | woodsman, forester |
arbarizi | afforest |
arbarkulturo | forestry |
Arbarlago | Lake of the Woods |
arbarlimo | edge of the woods, edge of the forest |
arbaro | forest, woods |
arbarombro | shade of a tree |
arbarorando | edge of a forest |
arbarpolicisto | park ranger |
arbarriĉa | woody |
arbarstepo | wooded steppe |
arbarvojeto | forest path |
arbeca | arborescent |
arbeda | bushy |
arbedo | shrub |
arbego | large tree |
arbejo | arboretum |
arbetaĵaro | brush, brushwood |
arbetaĵlimo | edge of a small grove |
arbetaĵo | bush, thicket, shrub |
arbetaro | thicket, copse, grove |
arbeto | bush, shrub, little tree |
arbhakisto | tree-cutter, lumberjack |
arbido | small tree, young tree, sapling |
arbisto | arborist, arboriculturalist |
arbitra | arbitrary |
arbitraciantino | arbitress |
arbitracianto | arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire |
arbitraciebla | arbitrable |
arbitracii | arbitrate, referee |
arbitraciinto | arbiter, arbitrator |
arbitraciisto | arbitrator, referee |
arbitracio | arbitration |
arbitracionto | arbiter, arbitrator |
arbitraciulo | arbiter, arbitrator, referee, umpire |
arbitraĝo | arbitrage |
arbitraĵo | arbitrary act |
arbitratorino | arbitress |
arbitratoro | arbiter, arbitrator |
arbitre | arbitrarily |
arbitreco | arbitrariness |
arbitro | arbiter, arbitrator |
arbo | tree |
arboĝardeno | arboretum |
arbohakado | logging |
arbohakisto | woodcutter |
arbokulturisto | tree-nurseryman |
arbokulturo | arboriculture |
arbombraĵo | shade of a tree |
arboplena | full of trees |
arboŝelo | bark |
arbotrairo | tree traversal, tree walking |
arbotrunko | tree trunk |
arbradiko | tree root |
Arbroto | Arbroath |
arbsupro | top of a tree |
arbtrunko | bole, stem, tree-trunk, trunk |
arbustaĵo | shrubbery |
arbustaro | shrubbery |
arbusto | bush, shrub |
arbuto | arbutus fruit |
arbutujo | arbutus, strawberry tree |
Arĉibaldo | Archibald |
arĉinstrumenta sintezilo | string synthesizer |
arĉinstrumento | bow instrument |
arĉinstrumentoj | strings, string instruments |
arĉkordo | bowstring |
arĉo | bow |
arĉostango | bowstick |
arda | ablaze, ardent |
ardaĵo | coals, embers |
arde | ardently |
ardeco | ardor, glow, heat, passion |
ardeedoj | herons |
ardejo | kiln |
Ardenoj | Ardennes |
ardeo | heron |
ardeta | almost red-hot, burning hot |
ardeza | slate |
ardezo | slate |
ardezotabulo | slate |
Ardgajo | Ardgay |
ardi | glow, glow with heat |
ardiferenco | set difference |
ardilo | kiln |
ardo | glow, heat, passion |
Ardrio | Airdrie |
Ardrosano | Ardrossan |
are | in a group, en masse |
areaĵo | region, canvas (drawing) |
arealo | area, natural habitat |
arege | en masse, as a group |
arego | multitude, mass |
arekarbo | Areca |
areknukso | betelnut |
areko | betel-palm |
arekosinuso | arc cosine |
arekotangento | arc cotangent |
arekujo | Areca |
arenatero | tall oat-grass |
areno | arena |
areo | area |
areolo | aureolus, ring around the moon |
areometro | aerometer, densitometer, hydrometer |
Areopago | Areopagus |
Areso | Ares |
arestado | apprehension, arrest, detention |
arestejo | jail |
aresti | arrest |
arestiĝo | arrest |
arestinto | arrester, arrestor, arresting officer |
arestisto | arrester, arrestor, arresting officer |
arestito | arrested person, prisoner |
aresto | apprehension, arrest, detention |
arestodono | arrest warrant |
arestordono | warrant |
areto | small number, small group |
argano | crane |
arĝenta | silver |
arĝentaĵo | item made of silver |
argentano | (new, nickel) silver |
arĝentano | argentan, German silver |
arĝentaro | silverware |
arĝenti | silverplate, silver plate, plate silver |
arĝentika | argental, argentic, argent, argentine |
argentina | Argentine, Argentinean |
argentinanino | Argentinian woman |
argentinano | Argentine |
Argentino | Argentina |
arĝentisto | silversmith |
arĝentitaĵo | silver-plated article |
arĝentizi | silver |
arĝentkolora | silver-colored, silver-coloured, silver |
arĝentmevo | herring gull |
arĝento | silver |
arĝentoza | argentiferous, argentous |
arĝentriĉa | argentiferous, argentous |
arĝentumi | silver |
argila | earthen, clay, stone |
argilaĵo | crockery, earthenware, pottery |
argileca | argillaceous |
argilo | clay |
argiloza | argillaceous |
argiltabulo | clay tablet |
argilujo | (earthenware) pot, jar, jug, crock |
argilvazo | (earthenware) vase |
arĝirolo | colloidal silver |
argironeto | water spider |
Argo | Argus |
Argolando | Argus |
Argonaŭto | Argonaut |
argonaŭto | Argonaut; paper nautilus |
argonaŭtoj | Argonauts |
argono | argon |
argoto | argot |
argumentado | argumentation |
argumentema | argumentative |
argumenti | maintain |
argumento | argument, plea |
argumentoj | arguments |
Arguso | Argus |
arĥaika | archaic |
arĥaike | archaically |
arĥaismo | archaism |
arĥaja | antiquated, archaic, obsolete |
arĥaje | archaically |
arhato | Arhat |
arĥeologia | archaeological, archeological |
arĥeologiisto | archaeologist |
arĥeologio | archaeology |
arĥeologo | archaeologist |
arĥeopterigo | archeopteryx |
Arĥeozoiko | Archaeozoic, Archaeozoic era, Archeozoic, Archeozoic era |
arĥetipo | archetype |
arĥianĝelo | archangel |
arĥidiakona | archdiaconal |
arĥidiakono | archdeacon |
arĥiduko | archduke |
arĥiepiskopa | archiepiscopal |
arĥiepiskopejo | archbishopric, archepiscopality |
arĥiepiskopo | archbishop |
arĥifripono | archfiend |
arĥimandrito | archimandrite |
arĥimeda | Archimedean |
Arĥimedo | Archimedes |
arĥipelago | archipelago |
arĥitektaĵo | building |
arĥitekto | architect |
arĥitektura | architectonic, architectural |
arĥitekture | architecturally |
arĥitekturisto | architect |
arĥitekturo | architecture |
arĥitravo | architrave |
arĥivejo | archive |
arĥivisto | archivist, keeper of the records |
arĥivo | archive, archives, files, records |
arĥivolto | archivolt |
arĥonto | archon |
aria | Aryan |
Ariadna | Ariadne |
Ariadno | Ariadne |
arianisma | Aryan |
arianismo | Aryanism |
arianisto | Aryan |
ariano | Aryan |
arida | arid |
aride | aridly |
arieca | arioso |
ariecaĵo | arioso |
ariece | arioso |
Arielo | Ariel |
ariera | back |
ariergardo | rear, rearguard |
ariero | rather |
arierulo | full-back |
Arieso | Aries |
arieto | arietta |
arigi | amass |
ariĝi | form a group |
arigo | round-up |
arila | arillate |
arilo | aril |
ario | air, aria |
arista | aristate |
Aristido | Aristides |
aristo | arista, awn, beard, bristle |
aristofano | Aristophanes |
aristokrata | aristocratic |
aristokrataro | aristocracy |
aristokrate | aristocratically |
aristokrateco | aristocracy |
aristokratia | aristocratic |
aristokratie | aristocratically |
aristokratio | aristocracy |
aristokratismo | aristocracy |
aristokrato | aristocrat |
aristolokiacoj | Aristolochiaceae (plant family) |
aristolokio | clematis, birthwort |
aristotelianismo | Aristotelianism |
aristotelisma | Aristotelian |
aristotelisto | Aristotelian |
Aristotelo | Aristotle |
Aristoto | Aristotle |
aritenoida | arytenoid |
aritenoido | arytenoid |
aritmetika | arithmetic, operand (register) |
aritmetike | arithmetically |
aritmetiki | perform arithmetic functions, calculate |
aritmetikigo | arithmetization |
aritmetikilo | ALU, arithmetic and logical unit |
aritmetiko | math, arithmetic |
aritmio | arrhythmia |
aritmo | arithmetic mean |
aritmomancio | arithmomancy |
arizona | Arizonan |
arizonano | Arizonan |
Arizono | Arizona |
arja | Aryan |
arjo | Aryan |
arka | arched |
arkadaro | portico |
arkadia | Arcadian |
arkadiano | Arcadian |
Arkadio | Arcadia |
arkado | archway |
Arkadujo | Arcadia |
arkaika | archaic |
arkaikaĵo | archaism |
arkaike | archaically |
arkaikeco | archaism |
arkaikigi | antiquate |
arkaismo | archaism |
arkaja | antiquated, archaic, obsolete |
arkaĵaro | arcade |
arkaĵo | arch |
arkana | arcane |
arkanĝelo | archangel |
arkano | trick |
arkanoj | tips and tricks |
arkansa | Arkansan |
arkansano | Arkansan |
arkansasano | Arkansan |
Arkansaso | Arkansas |
arkaro | arcade |
arkeano | Archean |
arkebuzo | arquebus |
arkefleksi | arch |
arkeo | ark |
arkeobotaniko | archeobotany |
arkeocito | archeocyte |
arkeologia | archaeological |
arkeologiisto | archaeologist |
arkeologio | archaeology |
arkeologisto | archaeologist |
arkeologo | archaeologist |
arkeomagnetismo | archeomagnetism |
arkeopterigo | archeopteryx |
arkeopteriko | archeopteryx |
arkeozoika | archeozoic |
arkeozoiko | Archeozoic Era |
arketipa | archetypical |
arketipo | archetype |
arkforma | arcuate |
arki | arch |
arkianĝelo | archangel |
arkidiakona | archdiaconal |
arkidiakono | archdeacon |
arkiduklando | archduchy |
arkiduko | archduke |
arkiepiskopejo | archbishopric, archepiscopality |
arkiepiskopo | archbishop |
arkifripono | archfiend |
arkiĝi | arc, arch |
arkigi | arch, camber, bend, hump, curve |
arkimandrito | archimandrite |
Arkimedo | Archimedes |
arkipelago | archipelago |
arkisto | archer, bowman |
arkitekta | architectural |
arkitektaĵo | building |
arkitekto | architect |
arkitektura | architectonic, architectural |
arkitekturaĵo | building, edifice |
arkitekturisto | architect |
arkitekturo | architecture |
arkitravo | architrave |
arkiva | archiving |
arkivadiko | archive administration, archive science |
arkivado | archiving |
arkivejo | archives, archive |
arkivekzemplero | archival copy |
arkivistiko | archive administration, archive science |
arkivisto | archivist, record keeper |
arkivo | archive |
arkivolto | archivolt |
arkkosekanto | arc cosecant |
arkkosinuso | arc cosine |
arkkotangento | arc cotangent |
arklampo | arc lamp |
Arklovo | Arklow |
arko | arc, bow, arch, buttress |
arko | arc, bow; tie, double breve, enotikon, ligature tie, papyrological hyphen, undertie, ͝, ͡, ͜, ‿, ⁀, ⁔, ⏜, ⏝, ⌢, ⌣ |
arkokosekanto | arc cosecant |
arkokosinuso | arc cosine |
arkokotangento | arc cotangent |
arkonstruilo | set constructor |
arkonto | archon |
arkopafado | archery |
arkopafisto | archer, bowman |
arkopafo | archery |
arkopasejo | arched passageway, arched passage, archway |
arkoponto | arch bridge |
arkotangento | arctangent |
arkozo | arcose |
arkpafado | archery |
arkpafanto | archer |
arkpafi | shoot a bow and arrow |
arkpafisto | archer |
arksekanto | arc secant |
arksinuso | arc sine |
arkŝnuro | bowstring |
Arkta Oceano | Arctic Ocean |
arkta | Arctic |
arktangento | arctangent |
Arktika Oceano | Arctic Ocean |
arktika | arctic |
Arktiko | Arctic, the Arctic |
arktio | burdock |
Arkto | Arctic, the Arctic |
arktostafilo | bearberry |
arktoto | arctotis |
Arkturo | Arcturis |
arkuso | angle |
arlekena | zany |
arlekenadi | clown |
arlekenaĵo | buffoonery |
arlekeno | buffoon, jester |
Armadalo | Armadale |
armadeleto | armadillo |
armadelo | armadillo |
armadilo | armadillo |
armado | armament |
Armagedono | Armageddon |
Armaĥo | Armagh |
armaĵo | armor |
Armando | Armand |
armaturi | provide |
armaturo | armature, brace, cramp iron |
armea | army, military |
armeestro | army general, general |
armejo | arsenal, weapons storage |
armena | Armenian |
armenino | Armenian woman |
Armenio | Armenia |
armeno | Armenian |
Armenujo | Armenia |
armeo | army, military |
armerio | sea pink (flower), armeria (flower) |
armi | arm |
armiĝi | bear arms |
armilaro | armament, equipment |
armilejo | armory, armoury, arsenal |
armilfaristo | armorer, gunsmith |
armilisto | armorer |
armilito | armed man |
armilo | weapon |
armiloj | arms, weapons |
armilpaĝio | armor bearer |
armilportisto | armor bearer |
armilprovizejo | arsenal, armory |
armiltenejo | arsenal, weapons storage |
armistico | armistice |
armita | armed |
armito | armed man |
armo | weapon |
armoracio | horseradish |
armorika | Armorican |
Armoriko | Armorica |
armorio | coat-of-arms, symbol |
Arnaldo | Arnold |
Arnhejmo | Arnhem |
Arnhemo | Arnhem |
arniko | arnica |
Arnoldo | Arnold |
aro | group, collection; square decametre |
arobo | arroba (old unit of weight or volume) |
aroga | arrogant |
aroganta | arrogant |
arogantaĵo | arrogance |
aroganteco | arrogance, assumingness, overbearingness, presumption |
aroge | arrogantly |
arogi | presume, arrogate |
arogo | arrogance, arrogation |
aroki | castle |
aroko | castling (chess) |
aroma | aromatic, fragrant, nutty |
aromaĵo | aromatic |
aromata | aromatic |
aromherbo | aromatic herb |
aromi | smell |
aromigi | aromatize |
aromo | aroma, flavor, flavour |
aromoterapio | aromatherapy |
arondismento | district |
aronganteco | arrogance |
Arono | Aaron |
aroruto | arrowroot |
aroteorio | set theory |
arpeĝi | sing arpeggios |
arpeĝo | arpeggio |
arpento | arpent |
arpio | harpy eagle |
arpitana | Franco-Provençal |
arsena | arsenic, arsenical |
arsenaĵo | arsenical |
arsenalo | armory, armoury, arsenal |
arsenatacido | arsenic acid |
arsenato | arsenate |
arsenido | arsenide |
arsenika | arsenic |
arseniko | arsenic |
arsenita | arsenious |
arsenito | arsenite |
arsenizi | arsenicate |
arseno | arsenic |
arsenoksido | arsenic |
arsenoza | arsenious |
arsinio | arsine |
arŝino | arshin, ≈71cm |
arsino | arsine |
art. (artikolo) | art., article |
arta | artistic, art; artificial |
artaĵo | work of art |
artaĵoj | artwork |
arte | artfully |
arteca | artistic |
artece | artistically |
artefakto | artefact |
artefarita intelekto | artificial intelligence, AI |
artefarita lingvo | artificial language |
artefarita | artificial |
artefaritaĵo | artifact |
artefarite | artificially |
artemido | Artemis |
Artemisa | Artemis |
Artemiso | Artemis |
artemizio | absinth |
Artemo | Artemis, Phoebe |
arteoria | set theoretical |
arteorio | set theory |
arteria | arterial |
arterieta | arteriolar |
arterieto | arteriole |
arterio | artery |
arteriosklerozo | arteriosclerosis |
arteriovejna | arteriovenous |
arteza | artesian |
artfajraĵo | fireworks |
artgalerio | art gallery |
artidaktiloj | Artiodactyla |
artifika | contrived |
artifike | artfully |
artifikeco | artfulness, trickiness |
artifikema | artful, tricky |
artifikeme | artfully |
artifikemo | artfulness |
artifiki | concoct, contrive |
artifikistino | con woman |
artifiko | subterfuge, trick, trickery |
artifikoeco | deceit |
artifikulo | hacker |
artika | articulated, jointed |
artikado | articulation |
artikdoloro | arthralgia |
artikframa | articulated |
artiki | articulate |
artikigi | articulate |
artikigita | articulated |
artikigo | articulation |
artiklo | article, commodity |
artiko | joint |
artikohava | articulated |
artikolaro | set of articles |
artikoleto | short article |
artikolo | article |
artikpieduloj | arthropods |
artikulacia | articulatory |
artikulacii | articulate |
artikulacio | articulation |
artikulo | arthropod, articulate |
artileriano | artilleryman, gunner |
artileriisto | artilleryman, gunner |
artilerio | artillery |
artiodaktilo | artiodactyl |
artipo | set type |
artisma | artistic |
artisme | artistically |
artismo | artistic taste, virtuosity |
artiŝoko | artichoke |
artista | artistic |
artistagento | artist agent |
artisto | artist |
artlaborejo | atelier, studio, work-room, workshop |
artlaboristo | artisan, craftsman, tradesman |
arto | art |
artobjekto | objet d’art, work of art |
artodanco | artistic dance |
artokarpo | breadfruit tree |
artoplena | artistic |
artralgio | arthralgia |
artrita | arthritic |
artritismo | arthritism |
artrito | arthritis |
artritulo | arthritic |
artrologio | arthrology |
artropodo | arthropod |
artrozo | arthritis |
artsento | artistic talent, artistry |
artskribado | artistic writing |
artskribo | artistic writing |
Arturo | Arthur |
artverko | work of art |
aruba | Aruban |
arubanino | Aruban woman |
arubano | Aruban |
Arubo | Aruba |
arumo | arum |
arvikolo | vole |
arvorto | mass noun |
asafetido | asafoetida |
asalto | assault, bout |
asama | Assamese |
Asamo | Assam |
asaro | farthing |
asaseno | assassin |
asasini | assassinate |
asasino | assassin |
asbesto | asbestos |
asbestozo | asbestosis |
ascenda | ascending |
ascendanto | ascendant |
ascendi | go up |
ascendo | ascension, ascent |
ascensio | ascension, ascent |
ascidio | ascidian |
ascito | ascites |
asekura statistikisto | actuary |
asekura | insurance |
asekurado | assurance, insurance |
asekuratesto | insurance certificate |
asekurato | policyholder |
asekuri | insure |
asekuristo | insurer |
asekurlibro | insurance book |
asekuro | insurance |
asembla | assembly |
asembleanino | assemblywoman |
asembleano | assemblyman |
asembleo | assembly |
asemblero | assembler |
asembli | assemble |
asemblilo | assembler |
asemblilprogramo | assembler program |
Aseno | Assen |
asepsa | aseptic |
asepsi | use asepsis in, use asepsis on |
asepsigi | asepticize |
asepso | asepsis |
aserta | assertive |
asertaĵo | assertion |
aserte | by all accounts |
asertebla | arguable |
aserteble | arguably |
asertema | assertive |
aserteme | assertively |
aserti | assert, state |
aserto | assertion |
asesoro | advisor, assessor |
asfalta | asphaltic |
asfalti | asphalt |
asfaltkartono | asphalt-impregnated paper |
asfaltmiksatoro | asphalt mixing plant |
asfalto | asphalt |
asfaltpapero | asphalt paper |
asfaltujo | asphalt bin |
asfiksii | asphyxiate |
asfiksiiĝi | asphyxiate |
asfiksiiĝo | asphyxiation |
asfiksio | asphyxia |
asfodelo | asphodel |
ASIC (Aplikadospecifa Integrita Cirkvito) | ASIC, Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
asidua | assiduous |
asidue | assiduously |
asidueco | assiduity |
asigna | appointive |
asignaĵo | allocation, allotment |
asignato | assignat |
asigni | assign |
asignisto | bailiff |
asignita | assigned |
asignito | appointee |
asigno | summons |
asimetria | asymmetric, asymmetrical, dissymmetric |
asimetrie | asymmetrically |
asimetrio | asymmetry |
asimilado | assimilation |
asimili | assimilate |
asimiliĝi | become assimilated |
asimiliĝo | assimilation |
asimilita | localized |
asimilo | assimilation |
asimptoto | asymptote |
asindeto | asyndeton |
Aŝintono | Ashington |
asira | Assyrian |
asiria | Assyrian |
asiriano | Assyrian |
Asirio | Assyria |
asiriologiisto | Assyriologist |
asiriologio | Assyriology |
asiriologo | Assyriologist |
asiro | Assyrian |
Asirujo | Assyria |
asista | auxiliary, subsidiary |
asistado | assistance, help |
asistantaro | company, escort |
asistantino | assistant, lady help |
asistanto | aid, assistant, helper |
asistato | beneficiary |
asistento | assistant lecturer, instructor |
asisti | assist, help, aid, abet |
asistinto | assistant |
asisto | assistance, help |
asistolio | asystoly |
asistolo | asystole |
asistonto | assistant |
asiza | assize |
Asizo | Assisi |
Asizo | Assisi |
asizo | assizes |
askalono | shalot |
askaridedoj | roundworms |
askarido | (intestinal) roundworm |
askario | askari |
askaro | ascarid |
aŝkenaza | Ashkenazic |
aŝkenazo | Ashkenazic Jew |
aŝkenazoj | Ashkenazim |
asketa | ascetic |
asketado | asceticism |
asketeco | asceticism |
asketema | ascetic |
asketismo | asceticism |
asketo | ascetic |
askia grafiko | ASCII art |
askia signaro | ASCII character set |
askiigi | ASCIIfy, ASCII-fy, ASCII-ize |
askiigo | ASCIIzation, ASCIIfication, ASCII-fication |
askio | ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
asklepiado | asclepiad (verse); milkweed |
Asklepio | Asclepius |
asko | ascus |
askorbata | ascorbic |
askorbato | ascorbate |
askoto | ascot |
Asnato | Asenth |
aso | ace |
asocia memoro | CAM, content-addressable memory, content addressable memory, associative storage |
asocia | associative |
asociacio | association |
asociado | association |
asociano | partner |
asocianto | business relation |
asocieca | associative |
asociece | associatively |
asocieco | associativity |
asocii | associate, bind |
asociiĝi | affiliate, associate |
asociigi | associate |
asociigita | associated |
asociigo | association |
asociiĝo | association |
asociito | associate, partner |
asocio | association |
asociuma memoro | CAM, content-addressable memory, content addressable memory, associative storage |
Aŝoko | King Ashoka (ruled northern India in the third century B.C.) |
asonanca | assonant |
asonanci | make assonant |
asonancigi | alliterate |
asonanciĝi | be assonant |
asonanco | alliteration, assonance |
ASP (Aktivaj Servil-Paĝoj) | ASP, Active Server Pages |
asparago | asparagus |
aspartamo | aspartame |
aspektaĵo | aspect, characteristic |
aspekte | in appearance |
aspekti | appear, look |
aspektigi | make look, fit, suit, make appear |
aspektigisto | layouter |
aspektigo | layout (cell) |
aspektismo | aspectism |
aspekto | appearance, aspect |
aspergi | sprinkle, water |
aspergilo | aspergillum, sprinkler |
aspergilozo | aspergillosis |
asperulo | asperula, woodruff, squinancy-wort |
aspidio | buckler fern |
aspidistro | aspidistra |
aspido | asp |
aspiko | aspic |
aspiracia | aspirate, aspirated |
aspiracii | aspirate |
aspiraciigi | aspirate |
aspiracio | aspiration |
aspirado | aspiration |
aspiranto | aspirant, candidate |
aspiratoro | aspirator |
aspiri | aspire, aspire to, hope for |
aspirino | aspirin |
aspiro | ambition, aspiration |
asporto | asport |
aspra | rough, harsh, raspy |
aspre | roughly, harshly |
aŝramo | ashram |
associatio | association |
assorbema | adsorbent, adsorptive |
astakedoj | Astacidae |
astako | crawdad, crayfish |
astata | astatic |
astateno | astatine |
astato | astatine |
asteka | Aztec |
astenio | asthenia |
asteracoj | asteraceae |
asterio | starfish |
asterisko | asterisk, *, ﹡, *, ⁎, ∗, ✱, ✲, ✳, ✺, ✻, ✼, ✽, ✢, ✣, ✤, ✥, ❃, ❉, ❊, ❋, ٭, ※ |
astero | aster |
asteroido | asteroid |
astigmata | astigmatic |
astigmateco | astigmatism |
astigmatismo | astigmatism |
astilbo | astilbe |
astma | asthmatic, wheezy |
astmeco | asthma, shortness of breath, wheeziness |
astmo | asthma |
astmulo | asthmatic, asthmatic patient |
astra | astral |
astragalo | astragalus, ankle bone; milk vetch; astragal |
astragalomancio | astragalomancy |
astrakano | astrakhan wool |
astrala | astral |
astralo | astral body |
astreca | astral |
Astreo | Astraea |
astro | heavenly body |
astrobiologio | astrobiology |
astrocito | astrocyte |
astrodinamiko | astrodynamics |
astrofizika | astrophysical |
astrofizikisto | astrophysicist |
astrofiziko | astrophysics |
astrofloro | aster |
astrogeologio | astrogeology |
astroĥemio | astrochemistry |
astroido | asteroid |
astrokemio | astrochemistry |
astrokupolo | astrodome |
astrolabo | astrolabe |
astrologia | astrological |
astrologiisto | astrologer |
astrologio | astrology |
astrologo | astrologer |
astronaŭtika | astronautical |
astronaŭtiko | astronautics |
astronaŭto | astronaut, spaceman |
astronomia | astronomic, astronomical |
astronomiisto | astronomer |
astronomio | astronomy |
astronomo | astronomer |
asturia | Asturian |
asturiano | Asturian |
Asturio | Asturias |
Asturujo | Asturias |
asulo | ace |
ata | present passive participle singular, being -ed |
Atabasko | Athabasca |
Atabaskolago | Lake Athabasca |
ataj | present passive participle plural, being -ed |
atajn | present passive participle plural accusative, being -ed |
ataka | aggressive, offensive |
atakadi | harass, press hard |
atakanta | aggressive |
atakanto | aggressor, assailant, attacker |
atakeblo | vulnerability |
atakegi | charge, attack |
atakema | aggressive |
atakeme | aggressively |
atakemo | aggression |
ataketi | snap |
ataketo | attack, fit |
atakhelikoptero | (helicopter) gunship |
ataki | assault, attack |
atakinto | assailant |
atakita | attacked |
atakito | assault victim, attack victim |
atako | access, attack |
atakonto | assailant |
ataksio | ataxia |
atakzono | attack zone |
atalanto | red admiral |
atamano | ataman |
atan | present passive participle singular accusative, being -ed |
atanazia | Athanasian |
ataraksia | ataractic |
ataraksio | ataraxia |
ataro | attar |
ataŝeo | attach‚ |
atavisma | atavistic |
atavismo | atavism, genetic reversion |
atavo | ancestor |
ate | present passive participle, being -ed |
ateisma | atheistic |
ateismano | atheist |
ateismo | atheism |
ateista | atheistic |
ateisto | atheist |
ateliero | atelier, studio, workroom, workshop |
atena | Athenian |
atenano | Athenian |
atencanto | assailant, assaulter |
atence | violently |
atenci | assault, violate |
atencinto | assailant, assaulter |
atencisto | hitman |
atenco | assault |
atenculo | assailant, assaulter |
atendada | standby |
atendadi | wait, anticipate, be waiting |
atendado | expectation |
atendanta memoro | backlog |
atendanta | awaiting |
atendantan memoron | backlog |
atendantan | awaiting |
atendanto | someone who is waiting, something that is waiting |
atendbudo | shelter |
atendebla | awaited |
atendejo | waiting room |
atendemo | expectancy |
atendi | wait, wait for, expect, await, abide |
atendigi | make someone wait, keep someone waiting |
atendindaĵo | issue |
atendo | expectation |
atendoĉambro | waiting room |
atendofunkcio | wait function |
atendostato | wait state |
atendotempo | lag time |
atendovicigi | queue up, line up |
atendovicigo | spooling |
atendovico | queue, line |
atendvico | queue, line |
ateneo | atheneum |
Ateno | Athens; Athena |
atenta | attentive |
atentadi | track (changes) |
atentaro | watchlist |
atente | attentively |
atentege | very attentively, very studiously |
atentema | attentive |
atenteme | carefully, closely, intently |
atentemo | attentiveness, care |
atenti pri | pay attention to |
atenti usklecon | match case |
atenti | pay attention, watch out for |
atentigi pri | advance, put forward |
atentigi | draw attention |
atentigo | notification |
atentinda | notable, noteworthy, striking |
atentindaĵo | issue (problem) |
atentinde | significantly, strikingly |
atentindeco | relevance |
atento | attention |
atentokapta | conspicuous |
atenton! | attention!, look out! |
atentu! | take care! |
atenui | attenuate |
atenuiĝi | attenuate |
atenuiĝo | attenuation |
atenuilo | attenuator |
atenuo | attenuation |
ateo | atheist |
ateromo | atheroma |
aterosklerozo | atherosclerosis |
atesta | certification |
atestado | certification, verification and validation, V&V |
atestaĵo | deposition, evidence |
atestanto | witness |
atestejo | witness box, witness stand |
atesti | attest, bear witness of, testify |
atestila | certificate |
atestilo | certificate |
atestita | certified |
atesto | certificate, testimony |
atestoilo | certificate |
atika | Attic |
atikeco | Atticism |
atikismo | Atticism |
atiko | attic |
Atiko | Attica |
Atiko | Attica |
Atilo | Atilla |
atinga | access, admission |
atingaĵo | acquirement |
atingebla | accessible |
atingebleco | attainability |
atingeblo | accessibility |
atingeraro | access error |
atingi | accomplish, attain, get, reach |
atinginstrukcio | access instruction |
atingo | achievement, attainment, accomplishment |
atingoangulo | flashangle |
atingodistanco | range, reach |
atingoĵetono | access token |
atingokodo | access code |
atingokontrolo | access control |
atingomaniero | access method |
atingomasko | access mask |
atingomekanismo | access mechanism |
atingonivelo | access level |
atingonumero | access number |
atingopermeso | access mode, access permission, file mode |
atingopovo | range, reach |
atingorajto | access right |
atingorapido | access rate |
atingotempo | access time |
atlanta | Atlantean |
atlantida | Atlantean |
atlantidano | Atlantean |
Atlantido | Atlantis |
atlantika | Atlantic |
Atlantiko | Atlantic, Atlantic Ocean |
atlantino | Atlantean woman |
Atlantio | Atlantis |
atlanto | Atlantean |
Atlantujo | Atlantis |
atlasa | satin, satiny, satin-smooth |
atlaso | atlas |
atlazo | atlas |
atleta | athletic |
atlete | athletically |
atleteco | athletics, track and field |
atletika | athletic |
atletiko | athletics |
atletismo | athletics |
atleto | athlete |
Atlono | Athlone |
atm. (antaŭtagmeze) | A.M., AM, a.m., am, Ante Meridiem |
atm. | antaŭtagmeze |
atmano | atman |
atmo | atman |
atmometro | atmometer |
atmosfera | atmospheric |
atmosferaĵoj | atmospherics |
atmosfere | atmospherically |
atmosfero | atmosphere |
atmosferologio | atmospherology |
ato | present passive participle singular, being -ed |
atoj | present passive participle plural, being -ed |
atojn | present passive participle plural accusative, being -ed |
atolo | atoll |
atoma | atomic |
atombombo | atom bomb |
atomcentralo | atomic powerstation |
atome | atomically |
atomeco | atomicity |
atomelektrejo | nuclear power plant |
atomenergio | atomic energy |
atomero | subatomic particle |
atomfendado | fission |
atomfiziko | nuclear physics |
atomfuzio | atomic fusion |
atomhorloĝo | atomic clock |
atomigi | atomize |
atomisma | atomist |
atomismo | atomism |
atomisto | atomist |
atomkerno | atomic nucleus, atomic core |
atommaso | atomic |
atommilito | atomic war |
atomnumero | atomic number |
atomo | atom |
atompezo | atomic weight |
atompilo | atomic pile |
atomreaktoro | atomic reactor |
atomteorio | atomic theory |
aton | present passive participle singular accusative, being -ed |
atonala | atonal |
atonale | atonally |
atonia | atonic |
atonie | atonically |
atonio | atony |
atrabila | atrabilious |
atrabilo | atrabiliousness |
atrakcia | attractive |
atrakcio | attraction |
atrakto | attraction |
Atreĥto | Arras |
atrepsio | athrepsia |
atrezio | atresia |
atria | atrial |
atribua | attributive, allocation |
atribuado | attribution |
atribuebla | attributable |
atribui | attribute, assign |
atribuilo | assignment operator |
atribuita | assigned |
atribuo | allocation |
atributa | property, attributive, attribute |
atributara | property |
atributaro | property set |
atributi | attribute |
atributo-difino | property definition |
atributo-kampoj | property fields |
atributo-nomo | property name |
atributo-paĝo | property page |
atributo | attribute |
atributodifino | property definition |
atributokampoj | property fields |
atributonomo | property name |
atributopaĝo | property page |
atributujo | property bag |
atricio | attrition |
atrikapilo | blackcap |
atrio | atrium |
atriplo | orache |
atrofia | atrophied |
atrofii | atrophy |
atrofiiĝi | atrophy |
atrofiigi | cause atrophy |
atrofiiĝinta | atrophied |
atrofiita | atrophied |
atrofio | atrophy |
atropino | atropine |
atropismo | atropism |
atuti | trump |
atuto | trump |
aŭ ... aŭ | either ... or |
aŭ | or |
aŭa | disjunctive |
aŭbado | aubade |
aŭbrietio | aubretia, aubrietia, lilac bush, aubrieta |
aŭbrieto | aubretia |
aŭd-vida | audio-visual |
aŭda | auditory |
aŭdaca | audacious, bold, daring, intrepid |
aŭdace | boldly |
aŭdaci | dare |
aŭdaco | audacity, boldness, daring |
aŭdado | listening |
aŭdantaro | audience |
aŭdante | hearing, while hearing |
aŭdanto | listener |
aŭdavida | audio-visual |
aŭdebla | audible |
aŭdeble | audibly, able to be heard |
aŭdebleco | audibility |
aŭdfrekvenco | audio frequency |
aŭdi | hear |
aŭdicio | audition |
aŭdiencejo | audience chamber |
aŭdienco | audience |
aŭdiĝi | be heard |
aŭdigi | make a sound |
aŭdilo | hearing aid |
aŭdindi | be worth hearing |
aŭdio | audio |
aŭditorio | auditory |
aŭditoro | auditor |
aŭdkapablo | hearing |
aŭdlibro | audio book |
aŭdnervo | auditory nerve |
aŭdo | hearing |
aŭdogramo | audiogram |
aŭdokapablo | hearing |
aŭdologio | audiology |
aŭdologo | audiologist |
aŭdometro | audiometer |
aŭdosignalo | audio signal |
aŭdovida | audiovisual |
aŭdpovo | hearing, ability to hear |
aŭdsenso | hearing |
aŭdsentumo | hearing |
aŭdvida | audio-visual |
aŭdvidaĵo | media |
aŭdvidea objekto | media object |
aŭdvidea | media |
aŭdviduja | container (format) |
aŭgia stalo | Augean stable, Augeas’s stable, Augeias’s stable |
Aŭgia | Augean |
Aŭgio | Augeas |
aŭgita | augitic |
aŭgito | augite |
aŭgmentativa | augmentative |
aŭgmentativo | augmentative |
aŭgmentigi | augment |
aŭgmento | augment |
Aŭgosto | August |
aŭgurado | augury, divination |
aŭguri | forecast, foretell, prophesy |
aŭguristino | fortune teller |
aŭguristo | fortune teller |
aŭguro | indication, omen, presage, portent, sign |
aŭgustena | Augustinian |
aŭgustenismo | Augustinism |
Aŭgusteno | Augustine |
aŭgusto | August, Augustus |
Aŭgusto | Augustus |
Aŭgusto | Augustus |
aŭkcidomo | auction house |
aŭkcie | at a public sale, at an auction |
aŭkciejo | auction-room, auction-rooms, sale-room |
aŭkcii | auction, auction off |
aŭkciisto | auctioneer |
aŭkcio | auction |
aŭkedoj | auks |
Aŭklando | Auckland |
aŭko | razorbill |
aŭkoformaj | Alciformes |
aŭksino | auxin |
aŭksokroma | auxochromic |
aŭksokromo | auxochrome |
aŭkubo | aucuba, Japanese laurel |
aŭkuparii | rowan |
aŭkupario | rowan |
aŭkuparo | rowan |
aŭlo | auditorium |
aŭo | disjunction, OR |
aŭra | aural |
aŭreliano | Aurelian |
Aŭrelio | Aurelius |
aŭreolo | aureole, halo |
aŭreomicino | aureomycin |
Aŭrignacio | Aurignacian Period |
aŭrikla | auricular |
aŭriklo | auricle |
aŭrikolo | auricula, bear’s ear |
aŭrikulo | auricula (flower), mountain cowslip (flower), bear’s ear (flower) |
aŭrinio | aurinia |
aŭro | aura |
aŭrokso | aurochs, urus |
aŭrora | Aurora |
aŭrori | dawn |
aŭroro | aurora, dawn |
aŭskultadi | keep listening, continue to listen |
aŭskultado | listening, auscultation |
aŭskultantaro | audience, auditory |
aŭskultanto | listener |
aŭskultejo | auditorium |
aŭskulti | listen |
aŭskultilo | earphone |
aŭskulto | auscultation |
aŭskultu | hark! |
aŭspicia | auspicious |
aŭspicie | auspiciously |
aŭspicio | auspices, patronage, protection, support |
aŭspicioj | auspices |
aŭstenito | austenite |
aŭstera | spartan, austere |
aŭstere | austerely |
aŭstereco | austerity |
aŭstero | austerity |
aŭstra | Austrian |
aŭstrala | austral |
Aŭstralazio | Australasia |
aŭstralia | Australian |
aŭstralianino | Australian woman |
aŭstraliano | Australian |
Aŭstralio | Australia |
aŭstraloida | Australoid |
aŭstraloido | Australoid |
aŭstralopiteka | australopithecine |
aŭstralopiteko | australopithecine |
aŭstria | Austrian |
aŭstriano | Austrian |
Aŭstrio | Austria |
aŭstro | Austrian |
Aŭstronezio | Austronesia |
Aŭstrujo | Austria |
aŭta | automotive |
aŭtarcia | autarkic(al) |
aŭtarcio | autarchy |
aŭtarkia | autarkic(al) |
aŭtarkio | autarchy, self-sufficiency |
aŭte | by car |
aŭtejo | carport, garage |
aŭtenta | authentic |
aŭtente | authentically |
aŭtenteco | authenticity |
aŭtentiga servilo | authentication server |
aŭtentiga servo | authentication service |
aŭtentiga | authentication |
aŭtentigi | authenticate |
aŭtentigita | authenticated |
aŭtentigo | authentication |
aŭtentika | authentic, genuine |
aŭtentike | authentically, genuinely |
aŭtentikeco | authenticity |
aŭtentikigi | authenticate |
aŭtentikigo | authentication |
aŭtentiko | authenticity |
aŭtentoindiko | authentication code |
aŭtentokontrolo | authentication |
Aŭteo | Great Barrier Island |
aŭti | drive an auto |
aŭtisma | autistic |
aŭtismo | autism |
aŭtisto | motorist |
aŭto | car |
aŭtobiografia | autobiographical |
aŭtobiografie | autobiographically |
aŭtobiografio | autobiography |
aŭtobusa | bus |
aŭtobushaltejo | bus stop |
aŭtobuso | bus, autobus, omnibus |
aŭtobusstacio | bus station |
aŭtoĉaro | coach, motor-coach |
aŭtodafeo | burning at the stake, auto-da-fé |
aŭtodidakta | autodidactic |
aŭtodidakte | autodidactically |
aŭtodidakto | autodidact, self-taught man |
aŭtofabrikejo | car factory |
aŭtofabriko | car factory |
aŭtofloto | rolling-stock |
aŭtofokuso | autofocus |
aŭtogamia | autogamic |
aŭtogamio | autogamy |
aŭtogena | autogenous |
aŭtogenado | self-actualization |
aŭtogene | autogenously |
aŭtogenveldado | autogenous soldering |
aŭtogiro | autogyro |
aŭtografi | autograph |
aŭtografia | autographic |
aŭtografio | autography, facsimile |
aŭtografo | autograph, hand-written document |
aŭtogramo | autograph |
aŭtoĥtona | autochthonous, indigenous |
aŭtoĥtono | native |
aŭtoimuna | autoimmune |
aŭtoimuneco | autoimmunity |
aŭtoinfektado | autoinfection |
aŭtoinfekto | autoinfection |
aŭtokataliza | autocatalytic |
aŭtokatalizo | autocatalysis |
aŭtokavalkado | motorcade |
aŭtoklavi | autoclave |
aŭtoklavo | autoclave, pressure cooker |
aŭtokonkurso | auto race |
aŭtokonservado | auto save |
aŭtokorno | horn (of an automobile) |
aŭtokrata | autocratic |
aŭtokrataro | autocracy |
aŭtokrate | autocratically |
aŭtokrateco | autocracy, autocratship |
aŭtokratieca | authoritarian |
aŭtokratio | absolute power, absolute rule, autocracy |
aŭtokratismo | autocracy |
aŭtokrato | absolute ruler, autocrat |
aŭtoktona | indigenous, native |
aŭtoktone | indigenously, natively |
aŭtoktono | native |
aŭtokuri | taxi a plane, taxi |
aŭtolanĉo de seanco | session auto start |
aŭtolanĉo | autorun, auto start |
aŭtolitotrajno | car sleep train |
aŭtolitvagonaro | car sleep train |
aŭtolizo | autolysis |
aŭtoluigado | car hire |
aŭtomacii | automate |
aŭtomacio | automation |
aŭtomata enpaĝigo | autolayout, automatic layout |
aŭtomata flankŝanĝo | autoreverse, auto-reverse |
aŭtomata lanĉo | autorun, auto-run, auto-launch |
aŭtomata linifaldado | autowrap, auto-wrap |
aŭtomata malapero | auto-hide |
aŭtomata numerumilo | autodialer, auto-dialer |
aŭtomata piloto | autopilot, auto-pilot |
aŭtomata plufluo | autoflow, auto-flow |
aŭtomata protokolilo | autologger |
aŭtomata raporto | auto-report |
aŭtomata rekono | autodetection, auto-detection |
aŭtomata respondilo | autoresponder |
aŭtomata restaŭro | auto-recover |
aŭtomata ripeto | auto-repeat |
aŭtomata statika | auto-static |
aŭtomata stopo | autostop, auto-stop |
aŭtomata sumo | autosum, auto-sum |
aŭtomata teksta ĉirkaŭfluo | autowrap, auto-wrap |
aŭtomata teksto | AutoText, autotext, auto-text |
aŭtomata trafik-limigo | autothrottle, auto-throttle |
aŭtomata | automatic, auto- |
aŭtomataj eskapsignoj | magic quotes, “ and ” instead of " |
aŭtomataj riparinformoj | autorecover info, autorecover information, auto-recover info, auto-recover information |
aŭtomataĵo | automatism |
aŭtomate adapti | autofit, auto-fit |
aŭtomate eliri | auto-exit |
aŭtomate enarkivigi | autoarchive, auto-archive |
aŭtomate formati | autoformat, auto-format |
aŭtomate kompletigi | autocomplete, auto-complete |
aŭtomate konektiĝi | autoconnect, auto-connect |
aŭtomate korekti | autocorrect, auto-correct |
aŭtomate ludi | autoplay, auto-play |
aŭtomate sinadapti | autoadjust, auto-adjust |
aŭtomate streĉi | auto-stretch, autostretch |
aŭtomate | automatically |
aŭtomateco | automatism |
aŭtomatigi | automate |
aŭtomatigo | automation |
aŭtomatismo | automatism |
aŭtomatizi | automate |
aŭtomatizo | automation |
aŭtomato | automoton |
aŭtomekanisto | auto mechanic |
aŭtominiaturo | auto thumbnail |
aŭtomobila | automotive |
aŭtomobilejo | garage |
aŭtomobilismo | motoring |
aŭtomobilisto | motorist |
aŭtomobilo | car, automobile, auto, motorcar |
aŭtomobilvojo | expressway, freeway |
aŭtomorfa | automorphic |
aŭtomorfio | automorphism |
aŭtomorfismo | automorphism |
aŭtonoma | autonomous, autonomic |
aŭtonome | autonomously, offline, off-line |
aŭtonomeco | autonomy |
aŭtonomia | autonomic, autonomous |
aŭtonomie | autonomously |
aŭtonomio | autonomy |
aŭtonomisto | autonomist |
aŭtonumero | license plate |
aŭtopneŭmatiko | automobile tire, motor tire, automobile tyre, motor tyre |
aŭtopneŭmo | automobile tire, motor tire, automobile tyre, motor tyre |
aŭtopordo | car door |
aŭtopsio | autopsy |
aŭtora rajto | copyright |
aŭtora | authorial |
aŭtoradio | car radio |
aŭtoreco | authorship |
aŭtori | author |
aŭtorino | authoress, writer, woman writer |
aŭtoriparejo | auto repair shop, garage |
aŭtoriparilo | automotive tool |
aŭtoriparisto | auto mechanic |
aŭtoritata | authorative |
aŭtoritate | authoritatively |
aŭtoritateca | authoritative |
aŭtoritatece | authoritatively |
aŭtoritateco | authority |
aŭtoritatisma | authoritarian |
aŭtoritato | authority |
aŭtoritatulo | authority |
aŭtorizi | authorize |
aŭtorizo | authorization |
aŭtoro | author |
aŭtorrajto | copyright |
aŭtorsigno | author’s signature |
aŭtoservado | automotive servicing |
aŭtosomo | autosome |
aŭtoŝoseego | motorway, super highway, turnpike |
aŭtoŝoseo | motor road, motorway |
aŭtostiranto | motorist |
aŭtostirlernejo | driving school, school of motoring |
aŭtostrada alveturejo | access road |
aŭtostrado | motor road, motorway |
aŭtosugesto | autosuggestion |
aŭtotipio | half-tone block |
aŭtotoksado | autointoxication |
aŭtotomio | autotomy |
aŭtotrofa | autotrophic |
aŭtotrofia | autotrophic |
aŭtotrofo | autotroph |
aŭtovetkuristo | racing driver, racing motorist |
aŭtovojo | expressway, freeway |
aŭtovrakejo | junk yard |
aŭtovrako | car wreck |
aŭtuna | autumn |
aŭtunaraneaĵo | air-threads |
aŭtune | in autumn |
aŭtuneca | autumnal |
aŭtunfino | last days of autumn |
aŭtuno | autumn |
ava | bird |
avali | back |
avalo | guarantee, guarantee of a bill |
avalokiteŝvaro | Avalokiteshvara |
avancado | advancement |
avancego | breakthrough |
avanci | advance, be promoted |
avancigi | advance |
avanco | advancement |
avangarda | avant-garde |
avangardo | avant-garde |
avano | van (military) |
avantaĝa | advantageous |
avantaĝe | advantageously, to one’s advantage |
avantaĝo | advantage, benefit |
avanularo | attacker |
avanulo | forward |
avara | avaricious, miserly, stingy |
avare | avariciously |
avarea | Avar |
avareco | avarice, miserliness, stinginess |
avareo | Avar |
avari | be greedy, penny-pinch |
avaro | avarice |
avarulo | miser, niggard, skinflint |
avataro | avatar |
avĉjo | grandpa, granddad |
avelarbedo | common hazel-tree, filbert, hazel, hazel-tree |
avelarbo | hazel tree |
avelo | hazelnut, hazel |
avelujo | hazel tree |
avenflokoj | oatmeal |
avenkaĉo | oatmeal porridge |
aveno | oats |
Aventino | Aventine |
aventura | adventurous |
aventuranto | adventurer |
aventure | adventurously |
aventurema | adventurous |
aventureme | adventurously |
aventuremulo | thrill seeker |
aventurino | aventurine |
aventuristino | adventurer, female adventurer |
aventuristo | adventurer |
aventuro | adventure |
aventuroplena | adventurous |
aventurriĉa | adventurous |
aventurromano | adventure novel |
aventurulo | adventurer |
avenuo | avenue |
averaĝa | average, mean |
averaĝi | average |
averaĝigi | average |
averaĝo | average |
averii | break down, suffer damage |
averio | damage |
Averno | Avernus |
averso | head (coin), heads (coin) |
averta | warning, alert |
avertanto | monitor |
averteto | broad hint |
averti | caution, warn |
avertilo | alarm |
avertkonuso | cone |
avertmesaĝo | warning |
averto | warning |
avertonivelo | warning level |
avertsignalo | warning signal, alarm |
avertulo | monitor |
avesta | Avesta |
avesto | Avesta |
avia | aviational |
aviada | aeronautical |
aviadbatelo | dog fight (aircraft) |
aviadelektroniko | avionics |
aviadi | aviate |
aviadilaro | air fleet |
aviadilbileto | air ticket |
aviadile | by plane |
aviadilejo | airport |
aviadilhomekipo | aircrew |
aviadilo | airplane, aeroplane |
aviadilportanto | aircraft-carrier |
aviadilŝipo | aircraft carrier |
aviadistaro | aircrew |
aviadistino | aviatrix |
aviadisto | aviator |
aviadmekanikisto | flight engineer |
aviado | aviation |
Aviceno | Avicenna |
avida | avid, eager for, greedy |
avidadile | by plane |
avide | eagerly, avidly |
avideco | avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness |
avidega | voracious |
avidi spiron | gasp, pant for breath |
avidi | covet |
avido | avidity, covetousness, eagerness, greediness |
avidulo | greedy person |
aviejo | airport |
avigruo | aircraft crane |
avii | fly |
avikulario | bird spider |
avikulturo | aviculture |
avilifto | aircraft elevator |
Avimoro | Aviemore |
avinejo | mother-in-law apartment |
avinjo | granny, grandma |
avino | grandmother, grandma |
avio | airplane, aeroplane |
aviomotoro | aircraft engine |
aviportanto | aircraft carrier |
aviŝipo | aircraft carrier |
aviso | dispatch boat |
avitaminozo | avitaminosis |
aviza | advisory |
avizi | advise, counsel, notify |
avizo | notification, notice |
avizotabulo | bulletin board |
aviztabulo | notice board, announcement board, bulletin board |
AVL-arbo | AVL tree |
avo | grandfather, grandpa |
avoceto | avocet (bird) |
avoĉjo | granddad, grandpa |
avokadarbo | avocado tree, avocado |
avokado | avocado |
avokadoarbo | avocado tree, avocado |
avokadujo | avocado |
azagajo | assagai |
azaleo | azalea |
azaraĵo | asarum |
azaro | ginger, asarabacca |
azarolo | azarole |
azbuko | Cyrillic letters |
azena | donkey, ass |
azenaĵo | blunder, boner, bungle |
azenbleki | bray |
azenĉevalo | hinny |
azeneca | asinine, donkey-like |
azeni | act like an ass |
azenido | baby donkey, donkey foal |
azenigi | make a fool of |
azenino | jenny ass, she ass |
azenisto | donkey driver |
azeno | donkey, ass |
azenviro | jackass |
azera | Azerbaijan |
azerbajĝana | Azerbaijani |
Azerbajĝanano | Azerbaijani, Azeri |
Azerbajĝano | Azerbaijan |
azerino | Azerbaijan woman |
Azerio | Azerbaijan |
azero | Azerbaijani |
Azerujo | Azerbaijan |
azia | Asian, Asiatic |
Azianino | Asian woman |
aziano | Asian |
azido | azotite |
azigosa | azygos, azygous |
azilo | asylum |
azilpetanto | asylum seeker |
azilrajto | right to asylum |
azimuto | azimuth |
Azio | Asia |
azoa | azoic |
Azoika | Azoic |
Azoiko | Azoic, Azoic era |
azolo | mosquito, fern |
azota | azotic |
azotacido | nitric acid |
azotemio | azotemia |
azoto | nitrogen |
azoturio | azoturia |
Azovmaro | Sea of Azov |
Azovo | Azov |
azteka | Aztec |
Azteko | Aztec |
azuleĥo | glazed tile |
azurito | azurite
B |
b (bo) | B, the letter B, bee (letter name) |
B-arbo | B-tree |
B-splajno | B-spline, basis spline |
B.E.A. (Brita Esperanto-Asocio) | British Esperanto Association (defunct) |
b.t. (bonvolu turni) | please turn, turn, next page |
ba | bah, nuts, pooh |
Baalo | Baal |
Babela turo | Tower of Babel |
babelismo | babelism, language confusion |
Babelo | Babel, Babylon |
babelturo | Tower of Babel |
babilado | chat |
babilema | verbose |
babilemo | talkativeness |
babilemulo | chatterbox, tattler, telltale |
babili | chat, chatter |
babilona | Babylonian |
Babilonio | Babylonia |
Babilono | Babel, Babylon |
babilulo | chatterbox, tattler, telltale |
babordo | port side |
babuŝo | mule |
bacilo | bacillus (bacterium) |
baĉa dosiero | batch file, command file |
baĉo | batch |
badmintono | badminton |
Bafingolfo | Baffin Bay |
Bafinlando | Baffin Island |
bagaĝo | baggage |
bagaso | bagasse (fiber) |
bagatela | insignificant, trifling |
bagateligi | trivialize, play down, trivialise |
bagatelo | trifle |
Bagdado | Baghdad |
bagno | house of correction |
bagro | excavator |
bahama | Bahamian |
bahamanino | Bahamian woman |
bahamano | Bahamian |
Bahamoj | Bahamas, Bahama Islands |
baĥrajna | Bahraini |
baĥrajnanino | Bahraini woman |
baĥrajnano | Bahraini |
Baĥrajno | Bahrain |
baja | Gbaya |
Bajelo | Bailleul |
Bajkallago | Lake Baikal |
Bajkalo | Baikal |
bajoneta | bayonet |
bajoneta | bayonet |
bajoneta fermilo | bayonet catch, bayonet joint |
bajoneto | bayonet |
Bajruto | Beirut, Beyrout, Beyrouth |
bajt | byte |
bajto | byte |
bajtredaktado | hexadecimal editing mode |
bakaĵo | baked goods |
bakango | mbaqanga |
bakejo | bakery |
bakelito | bakelite |
Bakerinsulo | Baker Island |
bakfaruno | flour |
bakforno | oven, baking oven |
Bakĥo | Bacchus |
baki | bake |
bakisto | baker |
bakŝiŝo | backsheesh |
bakterio | bacterium |
bakujo | oven |
bakup | backup |
bakupi | backup |
bakupo | backup |
balaaĵo | sweepings |
balado | ballad |
balafono | balafon |
balai | sweep |
balailo | broom |
balaisto | sweep, sweeper |
balalajko | balalaika |
balanci | rock, swing |
balanciero | balance, fly |
balanciĝi | balance, poise |
balancilo | see-saw |
balasto | ballast |
balato | balata |
balbuti | stammer, stutter |
baldakeno | baldachin, canopy |
baldaŭ | soon |
baldaŭa | speedy |
baledestro | ballet master |
baledo | ballet |
balenlameno | baleen, whalebone |
baleno | whale |
balenosto | baleen, whalebone |
baletistino | ballerina, ballet dancer, ballet girl |
baletisto | ballet dancer |
baleto | ballet |
balga | bellows |
balgo | bellows |
balia | Balinese |
baliano | Balinese |
Balimeno | Ballymena |
balistiko | ballistics |
Balkanoj | Balkans |
balkono | balcony |
balo | ball, dance |
balono | balloon |
balotado | ballot, balloting, voting by ballot |
balotejo | polling station |
baloti | vote |
balotrajto | right to vote |
balsalono | ballroom |
balta | Baltic |
Balta Maro | Baltic Sea |
balteo | neckstrap |
Balto | Baltic |
balustrado | balustrade, banisters, parapet, railing |
balzama | balm, balsam |
balzami | embalm |
balzamino | balsam |
balzamizi | embalm |
balzamo | balm, balsam |
bambara | Bambara |
bambuo | bamboo |
bambuŝosoj | bamboo shoots |
banala | commonplace, dismal, trite |
banalaĵo | banality, platitude |
banaleco | banality, triteness, triviality, platitude |
banano | banana |
bananujo | banana plant |
banbudo | bathing box |
banĉambro | bathroom |
banda | Banda |
bandaĝo | bandage |
Bandamaro | Banda Sea |
banderolo | wrapper |
bandito | bandit |
bando | band |
bandoniono | bandoneon |
banejgardisto | bath superintendant, baths superintendant |
banejo | bathroom |
bangalo | bungalow |
bangladeŝa | Bangladesh |
bangladeŝanino | Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi lady, Bangladeshi woman |
bangladeŝano | Bangladeshi |
Bangladeŝo | Bangladesh |
banĝo | banjo |
bani | bathe |
banjano | banyan |
banĵo | banjo |
banka bileto | banknote, bank note |
bankajuto | bathing box |
bankalsono | swimming trunks |
bankbileto | banknote, bank note |
bankĉeko | bank check, bank cheque |
bankdiskonto | bank discount, bank rate |
bankedĉambro | banquet room |
bankedi | banquet, feast |
bankedo | banquet |
bankestro | banker, bank manager |
bankiero | banker |
bankismo | banking |
bankisto | bank clerk, bank official |
banko | bank |
Bankoko | Bangkok |
bankokonto | bank account, banking account |
bankostumo | swimsuit, bathing suit |
bankrota | bankrupt |
bankroti | be bankrupt, go broke |
bankrotinto | bankrupt |
bankroto | bankruptcy, failure |
bankrotulo | bankrupt |
banksaldo | balance, balance with a bank |
banksekreto | banking secret |
bankuracejo | health resort |
bankuvo | bath |
banloko | spa |
bano | bath |
banspongo | bathing sponge |
banŝio | banshee |
banto | bow, bowtie |
bantua | Bantu |
bantuo | Bantu |
banurbo | spa |
baobabo | baobab |
baptejo | baptistery |
bapti | baptize, christen |
baptisto | baptist |
bapto | baptism, christening |
baptofilino | goddaughter |
baptofilo | godson |
baptonomo | Christian name |
baptopatrino | godmother |
baptopatro | godfather |
baraĵo | dam |
barako | barrack, barn, shack, shanty, shed |
barakti | flounder, struggle, writhe |
baratano | Indian, East Indian, from India |
Barato | India |
barba | bearded |
barba dianto | Sweet William (flower), dianthus barbatus |
barbadano | Barbadian, Bajan (colloquial) |
Barbado | Barbados |
barbadosa | Barbadian |
barbadosanino | Barbadian woman |
barbadosano | Barbadian |
Barbadoso | Barbados |
barbara | barbaric |
barbaraĵo | barbarity |
barbareco | barbarity, barbarousness |
Barbario | Barbary |
barbarismo | barbarism |
barbaro | barbarian |
barbfiŝo | barbel |
barbhava | bearded |
barbio | barbel |
barbireja | barbershop |
barbireja kantado | barbershop singing |
barbirejo | barbershop |
barbiro | barber |
barbisto | barber |
barbiturato | barbiturate |
barbo | beard |
Barbro | Barbara, Barbra |
barbulo | bearded man |
Barcelono | Barcelona |
barĉo | borscht, borstch |
bardo | bard |
barejnano | Bahraini |
Barejno | Bahrain |
bareliefo | bas-relief, low relief |
barelo | barrel |
Barencmaro | Barents Sea |
barĝestro | barge captain |
barĝo | barge |
bari | bar, obstruct |
bariergardisto | signalman |
bariero | barrier |
barikadi | barricade |
barikado | barricade |
barila | barrier |
barila digo | dam |
barilo | barrier, fence |
barilpordo | gate |
bario | barium |
barita | barred, bounded, dammed |
Barita Mozo | Dammed Meuse |
barita serĉo | bounded search |
baritono | baritone |
baritonulo | baritone |
bariumo | barium |
barko | bark, barque |
Barnabaso | Barnabas |
baro | bar, barrier |
baroka | baroque |
baroko | baroque |
barometra | barometric, barometer |
barometra alto | barometer reading, barometric height, barometer height |
barometro | barometer |
baronino | baroness |
baronlando | barony |
barono | baron |
barto | busk, steel |
Bartolomeo | Bartholomew |
basa | deep |
basagitaro | bass, bass guitar |
basbalo | baseball |
baseno | basin, reservoir |
basgitaro | bass guitar |
basiero | bear |
basigisto | bear |
basisto | bassist, bass player |
basketbalo | basketball |
basko | coattail, skirt |
baskula | toggle |
baskuli | toggle |
baskuligi | toggle |
baskulo | weighing machine; lock (scroll) |
baskulŝaltilo | toggle switch |
basludanto | bass player |
baso | bass |
Basro | Basrah |
bastamburo | bass drum |
bastamburoj | bass drums |
bastamo | surdo |
bastarda | bastard |
bastardeco | bastardy |
bastardo | bastard |
bastiono | bastion |
basto | bast |
bastona | bar, baton, cane, stick |
bastonadi | beat, beat up, flog, thrash, whack |
bastoneto | stick, drum stick |
bastono | baton, cane, stick, bar |
basulo | bass |
basviolono | bass-viol, violoncello |
baŝkira | Bashkir |
baŝo | tarpaulin |
bata membrano | batter head |
batadi | clatter |
bataka | Batak |
batalanto | combatant, fighter |
batalema | truculent |
batalhalto | truce, cease fire |
batali | fight, struggle |
batalilo | weapon |
bataliono | battalion |
batalkampo | battlefield |
batalo | battle, scuffle, struggle |
batava | Batavian |
batavo | Batavian |
bategi | thrash |
bateria | battery |
baterio | battery |
bati | beat, hit, strike |
batiki | batik |
batilo | beater |
batisto | batiste, cambric, lawn |
batita kremo | whipped cream, whip cream |
bato | beat |
batuo | battue, shoot |
baŭdo | baud |
baŭksito | bauxite |
baŭmi | rather, buck, prance |
bavara | Bavarian |
Bavario (Bavarujo) | Bavaria |
bavaro | Bavarian |
Bavarujo | Bavaria |
bavi | slobber |
baza | basic, base, terminal |
baza angla | Basic English |
baza ĉeno | terminal string |
baza forko | chain stay (bicycle, bike) |
baza linio | baseline |
baza salajro | basic wage |
baza signo | terminal |
bazadresa | base-address |
bazadreso | base address |
bazalto | basalt, whimstone |
bazaro | bazaar, fair, market |
Bazelo | Basel, Basle; Basel, Bâle, Basilea, Basilea, Basilea |
bazhava | based (addressing) |
bazi | base |
Baziko | Basic |
baziliko | basilica |
bazilio | basil |
bazlinio | baseline |
bazo | base, basis |
bazolinio | baseline |
bazopilkludo | baseball |
bazreĝistro | base register |
bazuko | bazooka, anti-tank gun |
be | flat |
BEA (Brita Esperanto-Asocio) | British Esperanto Association (defunct) |
beata | blessed, blissful |
beatigi | beatify |
bebo | baby |
beboĉareto | stroller, pram, baby-buggy |
bebofono | baby intercom, baby phone |
bebovartantino | babysitter |
bebovartanto | babysitter |
bedaŭri | be sorry about, regret |
bedaŭriga | miserable |
bedaŭrinda | regrettable |
bedaŭrinde | regrettably, unfortunately |
bedaŭro | regret |
bedo | bed |
bedueno | Bedouin, Beduin |
beginejo | beguinage |
begino | beguine |
begonio | begonia |
beja | bay, reddish brown |
Bejruto | Beirut, بيروت, Βηρυτός, Beyrouth |
Bejsiko | BASIC |
bekerelo | becquerel |
bekfluto | recorder |
beki | peck, pick |
beko | beak, bill |
bekvadrato | natural (music), ♮ |
bela | beautiful, fine, handsome, lovely |
beladono | belladonna |
belaĵo | beautiful sight |
Belarusio (Belorusujo) | Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Беларусь; f.k.a. Belorussia |
Belaŭo | Palau |
bele | beautifully |
beleco | beauty |
belega | lovely |
beleta | pretty |
beletaĝo | ground floor |
beletre klera | well-read |
beletristiko | belles-lettres |
beletristo | man of letters |
beletro | belles-lettres |
Belfasto | Belfast |
belfrido | belfry, bell tower |
belga | Belgian |
belgino | Belgian (female) |
Belgio (Belgujo) | Belgium |
belgo | Belgian |
Belgujo | Belgium |
beligi | beautify |
beliza | Belizian |
belizanino | Belizian, Belizian lady, Belizian woman |
belizano | Belizian |
Belizo | Belize |
belo | bel |
belorusa | Belarusian |
Belorusio (Belorusujo) | Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Беларусь; f.k.a. Belorussia |
beloruso | Belarusian |
Belorusujo | Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Беларусь; f.k.a. Belorussia |
belsona | euphonious |
beluĉa | Balochi |
belulino | beautiful woman, beauty |
bemba | Bemba |
bemolo | flat |
benda | tape |
bendakompanado | tape backing |
bendetikedo | tape label |
bendfina marko | end-of-tape marker |
bendi | tape |
bendkapumo | tape header |
bendkontrolilo | tape verifier |
bendlarĝo | bandwidth |
bendmandreno | tape spool |
bendo | binding, strip, tape |
bendokapacito | tape capacity |
bendolegilo | tape drive |
bendomimado | lip sync |
bendpresilo | tape printer |
bendprintilo | tape printer |
bendskribi | tape |
bendtraserĉo | tape search |
bendtruilo | tape punch |
benediktano | Benedictine, Benedictine monk |
benediktanto | Benedictine |
Benedikto | Benedict |
benefico | benefit performance |
Benelukso | Benelux |
bengala | Bengal |
bengala fajro | fireworks, Bengal fire |
Bengala Golfo | Bay of Bengal |
Bengalio (Bengalujo) | Bengal |
Bengalujo | Bengal |
beni | bless |
benigna | benign |
benina | Beninese |
beninanino | Beninese woman |
beninano | Beninese |
Benino | Benin |
benjeto | doughnut |
benketo | small bench, stool |
benko | bench, seat of a car |
benkseĝaro | lounge suite, three-piece suite |
beno | blessing, boon |
benzeno | benzene |
benzinbombo | Molotov cocktail |
benzincisterno | fuel tank |
benzinkruĉo | petrol can |
benzinmezurilo | petrol gauge |
benzinmotoro | petrol engine |
benzinnivela indikilo | gas gauge, petrol gauge |
benzino | gasoline, petrol |
benzinstacio | gas station, filling station |
benzinujo | gas tank, petrol tank |
Beogrado | Belgrade |
berbera | Berber |
berberiso | barberry |
berbero | Berber |
bereto | beret |
bergamoto | bergamot |
bergamotoleo | bergamot |
Berĥeno | Mons |
beribero | beriberi |
berilio | beryllium |
berilo | beryl |
berilŝtono | beryl |
Beringomaro | Bering Sea |
berkelio | berkelium |
berlina | Berlin |
berlinanino | Berliner, Berlin lady, Berlin woman |
berlinano | Berliner |
Berlino | Berlin |
bermo | shoulder, verge, verge of a road |
Bermudoj | Bermuda, Bermudas |
berna | Bernese |
bernano | Bernese |
Berno | Bern, Berne |
bero | berry |
Berviko | Berwick |
Berviko ĉe la Tvido | Berwick upon Tweed |
Besarabio | Bessarabia |
Besarabujo | Bessarabia |
besta | beastly, bestial |
bestaĉo | monster |
besteca | beastly, bestial |
bestejo | pen, sty |
besteto | little animal |
bestia | beastly, bestial, brutal, brutish |
bestio | beast, brute, wild animal |
bestkuracisto | veterinarian |
besto | animal, beast |
bestobredado | animal breeding, animal husbandry |
beta | beta; beet |
beta eldono | beta release |
beta testado | beta testing |
betia | Beti |
Betleĥemo | Bethlehem |
beto | beet |
betono | concrete |
betsukero | beet sugar, beetroot sugar |
betulo | birch |
beveli | bevel |
bevelo | bevel |
Bezier-kurbo | Bezier curve |
Bezier-surfaco | Bezier surface |
bezona | necessary |
bezonaĵo | requisite |
bezonaĵoj | materials, necessaries, requisites |
bezonata | necessary |
bezoni | need, require |
bezono | need, want |
bff | well-formed formula, wff |
bharatano (baratano) | Indian, East Indian, from India |
Bharato (Barato) | India |
biaso | bias |
bibio | dung fly |
Biblio | Bible |
bibliografio | bibliography |
biblioteka | library |
bibliotekistino | librarian |
bibliotekisto | librarian |
biblioteko | library |
biciklanto | cyclist, bicycle rider |
bicikli | cycle |
biciklo | bike, cycle, bicycle |
biciklosako | cycle-bag |
bido | bead |
bienisto | farmer, rancher |
bieno | estate, farm, property, ranch |
bienulo | landowner |
bierejo | bar, pub |
bierfarejo | brewery |
bierglaso | beer glass |
biero | ale, beer |
bifsteko | steak, beefsteak |
biglo | beagle |
bigota | hypocritical |
bigoteco | hypocrisy |
bigotulo | bigot, hypocrite |
bikino | bikini |
bikola | Bikol |
bilanci | reconcile |
bilancigo | reconciliation |
bilanco | balance sheet |
bilardo | billiards |
bild-akirilo | image acquirer, imaging device |
bilda | image, picture |
bildakirilo | imaging device |
bildalŝutilo | image uploader |
bildaro | image set |
bildarujo | portfolio |
bildekrano | screen |
bildenbildo | picture-in-picture |
bildera | pixel, bitmap, raster |
bildere | per pixel, pixel |
bilderigi | rasterize |
bilderigilo | rasterizer, raster processor |
bilderigo | rasterization |
bildero | pixel |
bildetara | clip-art |
bildetaro | clip art |
bildeto | icon, clip art, thumbnail |
bildig-etendo | rendering extension |
bildigetendo | rendering extension |
bildigi | render |
bildigilo | render engine |
bildigo | imaging, rendering, render |
bildkarto | picture postcard |
bildkonservejo | image storage |
bildkurbigo | image curve |
bildlibro | picture book |
bildloko | display position |
bildmanipulilo | image manipulation program |
bildmodelo | pattern (image) |
bildo | image, picture |
bildobazo | image base |
bildoĉirkaŭfluo | picture wrapping |
bildodetruo | iconoclasm |
bildodosiero | image file |
bildogalerio | image gallery |
bildogrande redukti | downsample |
bildolokokupiloj | picture placeholders |
bildomapo | image map |
bildoprezento | slideshow, picture presentation |
bildopunkto | pixel |
bildoredaktilo | image editor |
bildorigardilo | picture viewer |
bildoselektilo | image picker |
bildoserĉo | image search |
bildoserio | slide show |
bildotraktado | image processing |
bildotubo | cathode tube |
bildrapido | frame rate |
bildsimbola | icon |
bildsimbolo | icon |
bildstiro | image control |
bildtubo | cathode tube |
bildvalvo | cathode tube |
biletgiĉeto | box office, booking office |
biletkontrolisto | ticket inspector |
bileto | bill, ticket, note |
bilia | Bhili |
bilneara | bilinear |
bilo | bill |
binara | binary |
bind. (bindita) | bound (book) |
binda marĝeno | binding margin |
bindado | binding |
bindaĵa esprimo | binding expression |
bindaĵo | binding, cover |
bindi | bind |
bindilo | linker, linkage editor, binder |
bindisto | binder |
bindmarĝeno | gutter (margin) |
bindo | binding, cover |
bindomarĝeno | gutter, gutter margin |
bindŝargilo | linking loader |
bingo | bingo |
binoklo | binoculars |
biografo | biographer |
biologo | biologist |
BIOS | BIOS, basic input/output system |
birdaĵo | fowl, poultry |
birdaro | birds |
birdejo | aviary |
birdeto | little bird |
birdo | bird |
birdokanto | bird song |
birdotimigilo | scarecrow |
bireto | beret |
biri | sound, take a bearing |
Birkenhedo | Birkenhead |
birma | Burmese |
birmanino | Burmese woman |
birmano | Burmese |
Birmo | Burma |
bis | encore, one more time |
Bisaŭo | Bissau |
biskoto | bicuit |
biskvito | biscuit, cookie |
bislamo | Bislama |
bismuto | bismuth |
bit | bit |
bitbildo | bitmap, bit map, raster |
bitĉeno | bit string |
bitduo | doublet |
bitfluo | bit stream |
bitkvaro | nibble |
bitlibro | ebook, e-book, electronic book |
bitmapa | bitmap |
bitmapo | bitmap |
bitmatrico | bitmap |
bitmonero | digital cash |
bitniko | beatnik |
bito | bit |
bitoj | bits |
bitoj sekunde | bps, bits per second |
bitoko | byte |
bitrapido | bit rate |
bittrio | triplet |
bivaki | camp |
bivako | campsite |
bizanca | Byzantine |
bizancano | Byzantine |
Bizancio | Byzantium, Byzantine empire |
Bizanco (Istanbulo) | Istanbul, İstanbul Byzantium, Constantinople |
bizara | bizarre, odd, weird |
bizono | bison |
Bjalistoko | Białystok, Poland |
Bjelorusio (Belorusujo) | Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Беларусь; f.k.a. Belorussia, White Russia |
Bjelorusujo (Belorusujo) | Belarus, Republic of Belarus, Беларусь; f.k.a. Belorussia, White Russia |
bk. (bildkarto) | picture postcard, picture card |
blablai | jabber |
blagi | joke, kid, pull someone’s leg |
blago | sly joke |
Blakpulo | Blackpool |
blank-nigra | black and white |
blanka | white, blank |
blanka argilo | white clay |
blanka bruo | white noise |
blanka libro | whitepaper |
blanka linio | blank line |
Blanka Maro | White Sea |
Blanka Nilo | White Nile |
blanka poplo | abele |
blanka spaco | whitespace, white space |
blankaĵo | blank character |
blanketo | blank check, blank cheque, carte blanche |
blankigi | blanch, whiten |
blankigo | bleach |
blanko | white |
blanktabula | whiteboard |
blankulo | white person |
blasfemanto | blasphemer |
blasfemi | blaspheme, cuss, curse, swear |
blasfemo | blasphemy |
blataro | chip set |
blato | cockroach |
blazo | blister |
blazono | coat of arms |
bleketeo | blekete |
bleki | bellow, bleat, neigh |
bleko | animal sound, cry |
blenoragio | gonorrhoea |
blinda | blind |
blindeco | blindness |
blindigi | dazzle |
blindulo | blind, sightless person |
blindumi | dazzle |
bliso | Blissymbolics |
blog-enskribo | blog entry |
blogaĵo | blog entry |
bloganto | blogger |
blogaro | blogosphere |
blogenskribo | blog entry |
blogi | blog |
blogo | blog, weblog |
blogoskribaĵo | blog entry |
blokado | blockade |
blokakordado | block chording |
bloketo | bit |
bloki | block, blockade |
blokiĝi | block (intransitive) |
blokilo | lens mount |
blokita | blocked |
blokitaj | blocked |
bloklavo | aa lava, block lava |
bloko | block, pad |
blokoskemo | block diagram |
blokskemo | block diagram |
blonda | blond, fair |
bloveksciti | stir up |
blovi | blow |
blovilo | blower |
blovinstrumenta | woodwind, wind |
blovinstrumento | woodwind instrument, wind instrument |
blovorkestro | brass band |
blua | blue |
Blua Nilo | Blue Nile |
Blubarbulo | Bluebeard |
Bluetooth | Bluetooth |
blufi | bluff |
blugraso | bluegrass |
bluo | blue |
blusa harmoniko | blues harmonica, blues harp |
blusa tono | blue note |
bluso | blues (music) |
blusroko | blues rock |
bluti | sift |
bluverda (cejana) | cyan |
bluverdo (cejano) | cyan |
bluzo | blouse |
bo | B, the letter B, bee (letter name) |
bo- | by marriage, -in-law |
Boacolago | Reindeer Lake |
boao | boa |
boardi | tack, manoeuvre |
boateto | little boat |
boato | boat |
bobeli | bubble |
bobelnivelilo | bubble level |
bobelo | bubble |
bobeni | wind |
bobeno | bobbin, coil, spool |
bobo | bobsled |
bocvanano | Batswana, Botswanan |
Bocvano | Botswana, Republic of Botswana; f.k.a. Bechuanaland |
Bodenlago | Bodensee, Constance |
bofilino | daughter-in-law |
bofilo | son-in-law |
Boformaro | Beaufort Sea |
bofratino | sister-in-law |
bofrato | brother-in-law |
bogepatroj | parents-in-law |
Bogoto | Bogotá, Bogota |
boĝpura | Bhojpuri |
bohema | Bohemian |
Bohemio | Bohemia |
bohemo | Bohemian |
Bohemujo | Bohemia |
boj | B’s, bees (plural letter name) |
bojado | barking |
bojegi | bark, bay |
boji | bark |
bojkoti | boycott |
bojminaci | bay at, bark at |
bokalo | jar |
boko | ram, vaulting-horse |
boksi | box |
boksisto | boxer |
bokso | boxing |
boleti | simmer |
boli | boil |
boligi | boil |
bolilo | kettle |
bolivia | Bolivian |
bolivianino | Bolivian woman |
boliviano | Bolivian |
Bolivio | Bolivia |
bolkruĉo | kettle |
bolŝeviko | Bolshevik |
bolŝevisto | Bolshevik |
boltingo | nut |
bolto | bolt |
bombardi | bombard |
bombasta | showy, bombastic |
Bombejo | Bombay |
bombi | bomb |
bombikso | silkworm |
bombo | bomb |
bombono | candy, bonbon, bon-bon |
bona | good, nice, okay |
bonaĵo | something good |
bonan matenon | good morning |
bonan nokton | good night |
bonan posttagmezon | good afternoon |
bonan ŝancon | good luck |
bonan tagon | good day |
bonan vesperon | good evening |
bonaspekta | good-looking |
bondeziri | extend good wishes |
bone | OK, okay, well |
bone edukita | cultivated, cultured, educated |
boneco | goodness |
boneg-plenuma | high-performing |
bonega | fine, great |
bonege | fine, very well |
bonegplenuma | high-performing |
boneta | nice |
bonete | so so |
bonfama | of good repute |
bonfara | benevolent, charitable |
bonfara vendo | bazaar, fancy fair, jumble-sale |
bonfartanta | well |
bonfarti | be well, feel fine |
bonfarto | well-being |
bonforma | well-formed |
bonforma formulo | well-formed formula, wff |
bongoj | bongos |
bongotamburoj | bongos |
bongusta | nice, tasty |
bongustega | delicious |
bongusto | good taste |
bonhava | in easy circumstances, well-to-do |
bonhavo | asset (financial) |
bonhumora | merry |
bonifiko | bonus |
bonigi | improve |
boniĝi | become good |
bonintenca | well-intentioned |
bonkaraktera | good-hearted |
bonkondiĉa | well-conditioned |
bonkonduta | sweet |
bonkora | good-hearted, kind |
bonkvalita | high-quality |
bonkvaliteco | virtue |
bonmaniera | courteous, polite, well-mannered |
bonmaniereco | good breeding, refinement |
bonmarko | checkmark, check mark; good mark |
bono | good |
bonodora | fragrant, good-smelling |
bonodoro | nice smell, sweet smell |
bonorda | orderly |
bonsajo | bonsai |
bonstata | in good condition |
bonstato | well-being |
bonŝance | fortunately |
bonŝanco | luck |
bonŝancon | good luck |
bontona | well-mannered |
bonulo | good person |
bonuso | bonus (money) |
bonvenigi | welcome |
bonvenigo | greeting, salutation |
bonvenon | welcome |
bonvole | please |
bonvoli | be so good as to |
bonvolo | affection |
bonvolu | please |
bonzo | bhikkhu (Buddhist male clergy), bhikṣu; f.k.a. bonze |
bonzino | bhikkhuni (Buddhist female clergy), bhikṣuṇī |
bopatrino | mother-in-law |
bopatrinoj | mothers-in-law |
bopatro | father-in-law |
bopatroj | parents-in-law, fathers-in-law |
bopo | bebop |
borakso | borax |
boratingi | bore, broach, sink, strike, tap |
bordelo | brothel |
bordero | border |
borderoj | borders |
bordo | bank, border, edge, shore |
Borglono | Looz |
bori | bore, drill |
borilo | bore |
borio | bohrium |
bormaŝino | power drill |
Borneo | Borneo |
borno | terminal |
boro | boron |
borso | stock exchange |
bortruo | drill hole, borehole |
bosanovo | bossa nova |
bosko | grove |
bosna | Bosnian |
bosnino | Bosnian woman |
Bosnio (Bosnujo) | Bosnia |
Bosnio kaj Hercegovino (Bosnujo kaj Hercegovino) | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosnia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Босна и Херцеговина, Босна и Херцеговина, Босна и Херцеговина |
Bosnio-Hercegovino (Bosnujo kaj Hercegovino) | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosnia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Босна и Херцеговина, Босна и Херцеговина, Босна и Херцеговина |
bosno | Bosnian |
Bosnujo | Bosnia |
Bosnujo kaj Hercegovino | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bosnia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Босна и Херцеговина, Босна и Херцеговина, Босна и Херцеговина |
Bosporo | Bosporus |
Bostono | Boston |
boŝmano | Bushman |
botaniko | botany |
botelĉapeto | bottlecap |
botelingo | bottle holder, bottle cage |
botelkola | bottleneck |
botelkolo | bottleneck |
botelmalfermilo | bottle opener |
botelo | bottle |
botelportilo | bottle holder, bottle cage |
Botna | Bothnia |
Botna Golfo | Gulf of Bothnia |
boto | boot |
botsvana (bocvana) | Batswana, Botswanan |
botsvananino (bocvananino) | Batswana (female), Botswanan (female) |
botsvanano (bocvanano) | Batswana, Botswanan |
Botsvano (Bocvano) | Botswana, Republic of Botswana; f.k.a. Bechuanaland |
bova | bovine, cow |
bovaĵo | beef |
bovejo | byre, cowhouse, cowshed |
bovidaĵo | veal |
bovido | calf |
bovino | cow |
bovlo | bowl |
bovo | bovine, bovine animal |
bovorabanto | cattle lifter, cattle stealer |
bovorabisto | cattle lifter, cattle stealer |
bovsonorilo | cow bell |
brabanta | Brabantine |
brabantano | Brabantine |
Brabanto | Brabant |
braceleto | bracelet |
bradipo | sloth |
braĝakrajono | charcoal pencil |
braĝo | charcoal |
brahua | Brahui |
Brajlo | Braille, braille |
braka | arm |
brakapogilo | arm, armrest |
brakhorloĝo | watch, wristwatch |
brako | arm |
brakringo | bracelet |
brakseĝo | armchair |
brakstativo | boom stand |
brakumi | embrace |
Bramo | Brahma (Hindu god) |
bramo | bream; mast |
branĉa ordono | branching, conditional statement |
branĉeto | twig |
branĉi | branch |
branĉigo | branch |
branĉo | bough, branch |
branĉotranĉilo | bill; pruning-knife |
branĉvojo | by-way, side-way |
brando | brandy |
brankardo | stretcher |
branko | gill |
brano | bran |
branpano | whole-grain bread |
brasiko | cabbage |
brasikstumpo | stalk of cabbage |
Bratislavo | Bratislava (Slovakia), Pressburg, Pozsony; f.k.a. Preßburg |
brava | brave, gallant |
bravulo | able man, fine fellow |
brazila | Brazilian |
brazilanino | Brazilian woman |
brazilano | Brazilian |
Brazilo | Brazil |
breco | pretzel |
breĉi | breach |
breĉo | breach, gap |
bredado | breeding |
bredi | breed, keep, raise, rear |
bredisto | breeder |
bredreaktoro | breeder reactor |
bremsgumo | brake shoe |
bremsi | brake |
bremsilo | brake handle, brake lever |
bremskablo | brake cable |
bremsmantenilo | brake handle, brake lever |
bremso | brake |
bremsŝuo | brake shoe |
bremstenilo | brake handle, brake lever |
bretaro | cabinet |
breto | shelf |
breto Iloj | Tools bar |
bretolarĝo | bar width |
bretona | Breton |
Bretonio (Bretonujo) | Bretagne, Brittany |
bretono | Breton |
Bretonujo | Bretagne, Brittany |
breviero | breviary |
bridi | bridle, check, restrain |
Bridlintono | Bridlington |
brido | bridle, check, restraints |
brigado | brigade |
briĝo | bridge |
brika | brick |
briketo | bar |
briko | brick |
brila | bright, brilliant |
brileco | brightness |
brilega | bright |
brili | shine |
brilianto | brilliant, fine-cut gem |
brilo | gloss, sheen |
brio | brie |
brita | British |
Brita Hindoceana Teritorio | British Indian Ocean Territory |
Brita Kolombio | British Columbia |
Britaj Virgulininsuloj | British Virgin Islands |
Britio (Britujo) | Britain, Great Britain |
brito | Briton |
Britujo | Britain, Great Britain |
brizo | breeze |
broĉo | brooch |
brodaĵo | embroidery |
brodi | embroider |
Brodiko | Brodick |
brogi | scald |
brokanta | second-hand, secondhand, second hand, used |
brokantaĵo | used merchandise, second-hand item |
brokanti | deal in secondhand goods |
brokantisto | secondhand dealer |
brokolo | broccoli, brocoli |
bromida | bromide |
bromido | bromide |
bromidpapero | bromide paper |
bromo | bromine |
bronkito | bronchitis |
bronko | bronchial tube |
bronza | bronze |
bronzo | bronze |
brosi | brush |
broso | brush |
broŝ. (broŝurita) | paperback |
broŝura | paperbacked |
broŝurita | paperback |
broŝuro | leaflet, pamphlet, paperback |
brovo | brow, eyebrow |
brua | noisy |
bruego | loud noise, din |
Brugo | Bruges |
brui | make a noise |
brulaĵo | fuel |
brulalkoholo | methylated spirit |
brulavertilo | fire-alarm, firecall |
brulbombo | incendiary bomb |
brulema | flammable |
brulgluiĝi | burn |
brulgusta | burnt |
bruli | burn |
bruligi | burn |
bruligo | burning in |
bruliĝo | combustion |
brulilo | burner |
brulligno | firewood |
brulstampi | brand |
brulstampilo | branding iron |
brulstampo | brand |
brulŝtiparo | kindling |
brulvundi | burn |
bruna | brown |
Brunajo | Brunei |
bruneja | Bruneian |
brunejanino | Bruneian woman |
brunejano | Bruneian |
Brunejo | Brunei |
brunhara | brunette |
Brunhildo | Brunhild, Bruennhilde |
brunivelo | noise level |
bruno | brown |
brunokula | browneyed |
Brunsviko | Brunswick |
bruo | ado, din, noise |
brusela | Brussels |
brusela brasiko | Brussels sprouts |
Bruselo | Brussels, Bruxelles, Brussel, Brüssel |
bruska | abrupt |
brustangoro | angina pectoris |
brusto | bosom, breast, chest |
bruta | brute, harsh |
brutala | brutal |
brutaro | livestock |
brutforta | brute-force, brute force |
brutforto | brute force |
brutigi | dull |
brutiĝi | become dull |
bruto | head of cattle |
brutte | gross |
bubaĉo | naughty boy, pickle |
bubalo | buffalo |
bubo | brat, urchin; jack |
buctrapi | bootstrap |
buctrapo | bootstrap |
buĉejo | slaughterhouse, abattoir |
buĉi | butcher, slaughter |
buĉistbutiko | butcher’s shop, butcher |
buĉisto | butcher |
budaismo (budhismo) | Buddhism |
budaisto (budhano) | Buddhist |
Budao (Budho) | Buddha |
Budapeŝto | Budapest; Budapest |
buddhisma erao (budhisma erao) | Buddhist Era |
Buddo (Budho) | Buddha |
budeno | blood sausage |
budĝeto | budget |
budhano | Buddhist |
budhisma erao | Buddhist Era |
budhismo | Buddhism |
budhisto (budhano) | Buddhist |
Budho | Buddha |
budo | barn, shed, stand |
bufedo | buffet |
bufo | toad |
bufra | buffer |
bufri | buffer |
bufro | buffer, bumper |
bugio | boogie, boogie-woogie |
Bugo | Bug |
bugri | fuck in the ass, sodomize, bugger |
bugro | anal sex |
buĝeta deficito | budgetary deficit |
buĝeto | budget |
buĝia | Buginese |
bujia | Buyei |
bukanisto | buccaneer |
Bukareŝto | Bucharest, București |
bukedo | bouquet |
buki | buckle |
bukli | curl |
buklo | curl |
buko | buckle |
bukso | buxus, box-tree, boxtree |
Bukureŝto (Bukareŝto) | Bucharest, București |
bula | bulleted (list) |
bulbo | bulb |
buldozo | bulldozer |
Bulea | Boolean, boolean |
Bulea adicio | disjunction, OR |
buleo | papal bull; Boole |
buleto | small ball |
bulgara | Bulgarian |
bulgarino | Bulgarian (female) |
Bulgario (Bulgarujo) | Bulgaria |
bulgaro | Bulgarian, Bulgar |
Bulgarujo | Bulgaria |
buljono | bouillon |
bulko | roll |
bulo | chunk, clod, lump |
buloj | bullets, dots |
buloj kaj numeradoj | bullets and numbering |
bulosigno | bullet character, •, ◦, ·, ◘, ◙, ‣ |
bulsimbolo | bullet symbol, “•”, “◦”, “·”, “◘”, “◙”, “‣” |
bultenejo | bulletin board system, BBS |
bulteno | bulletin |
bulvardo | boulevard |
bulvolvi | wind up |
bunkro | bunker, shelter |
bunta | multicolored, multicoloured |
buo | buoy |
Burdegalo | Bordeaux |
burdo | bumblebee |
burgo | castle |
Burgoponto | Boroughbridge |
burgunda | Burgundian |
burgunda vino | Burgundy |
Burgundio | Burgundy |
burgundo | Burgundian |
Burgundujo | Burgundy |
burĝa | bourgeois, middleclass |
burĝaro | bourgeoisie |
burĝo | middleclass citizen |
burĝoni | bud |
burĝono | bud |
burjata | Buryat |
Burkina | Burkinabè, Burkinabe, Burkinabé |
Burkina Faso (Burkino) | Burkina Faso, Burkina; f.k.a. Upper Volta, Republic of Upper Volta |
Burkinafaso (Burkino) | Burkina Faso, Burkina; f.k.a. Upper Volta, Republic of Upper Volta |
burkinano | Burkinabè, Burkinabe, Burkinabé |
Burkino | Burkina Faso, Burkina; f.k.a. Upper Volta, Republic of Upper Volta |
buro | Boer |
burokrataro | bureaucracy, officialdom |
burokrateco | red tape |
burokratio | bureaucracy |
burokrato | bureaucrat |
buroo | bureau |
burunda | Burundian |
burundano | Burundian |
burundia (burunda) | Burundian |
burundianino (burundanino) | Burundian (female) |
burundiano (burundano) | Burundian |
Burundio (Burundo) | Burundi, Republic of Burundi; Burundi, Burundi |
Burundo | Burundi, Republic of Burundi; Burundi, Burundi |
bushaltejo | bus stop, busstop |
buso | bus, omnibus |
busolo | compass |
busstacidomo | bus station |
buŝa | oral |
buŝa seksumado | oral sex |
buŝa seksumo | oral sex |
buŝego | jaws, mouth, muzzle |
buŝelo | bushel |
buŝmano | Bushman |
buŝo | mouth |
buŝpeco | mouth piece |
buŝpleno | morsel, mouthful |
buŝpreno | bite |
buŝtuko | napkin |
buŝumi | muzzle |
buŝumo | muzzle |
butana | Bhutanese |
butananino | Bhutanese woman |
butanano | Bhutanese |
Butano | Bhutan |
buterigi | churn |
buterlakto | buttermilk |
butero | butter |
buterpano | bread and butter |
buti | earth, earth up, hill, hill up |
butika centro | shopping center, shopping centre, mall |
butikisto | shopkeeper |
butiko | boutique, shop, store |
butikumi | shop |
butona | button |
butonaj informoj | tooltip |
butonbreto | button bar |
butoni | button |
butono | button |
butontrabo | button bar |
butonumi | button |
Buvetinsulo | Bouvet Island; Bouvetøya |
bv. (bonvolu) | please
C |
C (celsia) | C (degree), Celsius; f.k.a. centigrade |
C (celsiaj) | C (degree), Celsius; f.k.a. centigrade |
C (Celsio) | C, Celsius |
C (cent) | hundred, one hundred, 100 |
C (centa) | one hundredth, 100th |
C (co) | C, the letter C, cee (letter name) |
cab-arkivo | cabinet file, .cab file |
cabarkivo | cabinet file, .cab file |
carino | czarina |
caro | czar |
CDF (Komputebla Dokumentformo) | CDF, Computable Document Format |
Cearao | Ceará (Brazilian state); Ceará |
cebua | Cebuano, Cebu |
cebuana (cebua) | Cebuano |
Cebuo | Cebu (Philippines province); Sugbo |
CED (Centro de Esploro kaj Dokumentado) | CRD, Center for Research and Documentation |
cedema | accommodating |
cedemo | accommodation |
cedi | cede, give in, give up, give way, relinquish, yield |
cedigi | soften up |
cedilo | cedilla, cédille, cedilha, ¸ |
cedo | abandonment |
cedra | cedar |
cedro | cedar |
Cefanja | Zephaniah |
Cefeo | Cepheus (constellation); Cepheus (Greek god) |
cejana | cyan |
cejano | cyan; cornflower |
cejlona (srilanka) | Sri Lankan, Sri Lanka; f.k.a. Ceylonese, Ceylon |
cejlonanino (srilankanino) | Sri Lankan (fem.); f.k.a. Ceylonese (fem. singular) |
cejlonaninoj (srilankaninoj) | Sri Lankans (fem.); f.k.a. Ceylonese (fem. pl.) |
cejlonano (srilankano) | Sri Lankan; f.k.a. Ceylonese (singular) |
cejlonanoj (srilankanoj) | Sri Lankans; f.k.a. Ceylonese (pl.) |
Cejlono (Srilanko) | Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka; f.k.a. Ceylon |
cela | target, goal, destination |
cela aro | target set, codomain |
celaro | target set, codomain |
celdato | target date (release) |
celdokumento | destination document |
celdosiero | output file, target file |
celdosierujo | drop folder |
Celebesmaro | Celebes Sea |
Celebeso | Celebes |
celebrado | celebration |
celebri (festi) | celebrate, feast |
celebri (solenigi) | make celebrated, celebrate |
celerio | celery |
Celesteno | Celestine |
celi | aim, intend |
celilo | sight, gunsight |
celkadro | target frame |
celkampo | destination field |
celkodaĵo | object code |
celkodo | object code |
celkomputilo | target machine |
celkonforma | expedient, suitable |
celkonscia | purposeful, determined |
celkriza | mission-critical |
cellingvo | target language, object language |
celmodulo | object module |
celo | aim, goal, purpose |
celoservilo | target server |
celprogramo | target program, object program |
celserĉado | goaling |
celsia | Celsius (degree), C; f.k.a. centigrade |
celsiaj | Celsius (degrees), C; f.k.a. centigrade |
Celsio | Celsius, C; Anders Celsius |
celsiusa (celsia) | Celsius (degree), C; f.k.a. centigrade |
celsiusaj (celsiaj) | Celsius (degree), C; f.k.a. centigrade |
Celsiuso (Celsio) | Celsius, C; Anders Celsius |
celtabulo | target |
celtuŝi | finish |
celulito | cellulite |
celuloido | celluloid |
celversio | target version (release) |
celzono | destination area |
cemento | cement |
cendo | cent |
censo | census |
cent | hundred, one hundred, 100 |
centaŭro | centaur |
centaŭro | centaur, hippocentaur |
Centaŭro | Centaurus (constellation); centaur, hippocentaur |
centavo | centavo |
centenario (centjariĝo) | centenary, centennial |
centenario (jarcento) | century; centennial |
centenarioj (centjariĝoj) | centenaries, centennials |
centenarioj (jarcentoj) | centuries; centennials |
centimetro | centimeter, centimetre |
centimo | centime |
centjariĝo | centenary, centennial |
centjariĝoj | centenaries, centennials |
centmil | hundred thousand, 100000 |
centona | one hundredth |
centona bado | one hundredth of a baht, satang |
centono | hundredth, 1/100th, 0.01 |
Centr-Afrika Respubliko (Centr-Afriko) | Central African Republic, CAR; République centrafricaine, Centrafrique; Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka |
centr-afrikanino (centrafrikanino) | Central African (fem.) |
centr-afrikaninoj (centrafrikaninoj) | Central Africans (fem.) |
centr-afrikano (centrafrikano) | Central African |
centr-afrikanoj (centrafrikanoj) | Central Africans |
Centr-Afriko | Central African Republic, CAR; République centrafricaine, Centrafrique; Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka |
centra | central |
centra aparato | CPU, central processing unit |
centrafrikanino | Central African (fem.) |
centrafrikaninoj | Central Africans (fem.) |
centrafrikano | Central African |
centrafrikanoj | Central Africans |
Centrafriko (Centr-Afriko) | Central African Republic, CAR; République centrafricaine, Centrafrique; Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka |
centralizi (centrigi) | center; centre |
centralo | exchange, power station |
centrejo | center; centre |
centrifuga (decentra) | centrifugal |
centrigi | center; centre |
centrigi horizontale | center horizontally, align center horizontally; centre horizontally, align centre horizontally |
centrigi vertikale | center vertically, align center vertically; centre vertically, align centre vertically |
centrigo | centering, align center, align centered, center align, center aligning, align middle; align centre, centre aligning, centre aligning |
centripeta (alcentra) | centripetal, to the center; to the centre |
centro | centre |
Centroburgo | Middlesbrough |
cenzurado | censorship |
cenzuri | censor |
cenzuristo | censor |
cenzuro | censor |
cenzuso | requirements |
cepo | onion |
cerasto | cerastes, horned viper |
cerbego (grandcerbo) | cerebrum, telencephalon |
Cerbero | Cerberus, Kerberos; gatekeeper |
cerbero | gatekeeper |
cerbeto | cerebellum |
cerbo | brain |
cerboskuo | concussion |
cerbumaĵoj | worries |
cerbumi (intr.) | rack one’s brain, puzzle over |
cerealo (greno) | grain, grains, cereal |
cerealo (matengrenaĵo) | cereal, breakfast cereal |
cerebelo (cerbeto) | cerebellum |
cerebro (grandcerbo) | cerebrum, telencephalon |
ceremonia | formal, measured, stiff |
ceremonieco | solemnity, ceremony |
ceremonio | ceremony |
ceremonioj | ceremonies |
Cereso | Ceres |
Cereso | Ceres (dwarf planet); Ceres (Roman goddess) |
cerio | cerium |
cerio | cerium, Ce, element 58 |
cerkopiteko | meercat |
certa (de certeco) | certain, sure |
certa (iu) | some, someone, certain person, some person |
certagrade | to a certain degree |
certe | certainly |
certeco | certainty |
certecoj | certainties |
certgrade | to a certain degree |
certifikato | certificate |
certigi | assure, certify, make certain |
cerva | deer |
cervaĵo | venison, deer meat |
cervelaso | cervelat |
cervido | fawn |
cerviko | cervix |
cervino | hind |
cervo | deer |
cervoparko | deer park |
cetaco | cetacean |
cetera | additional, remaining, rest of |
cetere | besides, for the rest, moreover, what’s more |
cetero | remainder |
ceza | Tsez (Caucasus language), Dido |
Cezaro | Caesar |
cezio | caesium |
cezio | caesium, cesium (caesium), Cs, element 55 |
cezuro | caesura, break |
ci | thou, you |
cia | thy, thine, your |
cianoforo (blupigmentĉelo) | cyanophore, blue light cell |
cianoforoj (blupigmentĉeloj) | cyanophores, blue light cells |
Cibelo | Cybele |
cibernetiko | cybernetics |
ciberspaco | cyberspace |
cicero | cicero; pica |
cicerona | cicero (letterspacing) |
cicerona literspeco | pica, cicero letterspacing |
Cicerono | Cicero, Marcus Tullius Cicero |
cico (mampinto) | nipple (breast) |
cicoj (mampintoj) | nipples (breasts) |
cicumo (suĉilo) | nipple (bottle) |
cicumoj (suĉiloj) | nipples (bottles) |
cidonio | quince |
cidro | cider |
cifera | digital, numeric, numerical, number |
cifereca | digital, numerical |
ciferecaj | digital (pl.), numerical (pl.) |
ciferecigi | digitize |
ciferecigilo | A/D converter, analog-to-digital converter, digitizer, quantitizer |
ciferi | figure |
ciferilo | dialer |
cifero | cipher, digit, figure, numeral |
ciferplato | dial |
cigana (romaa) | Romani, Romany; romani ćhib; f.k.a. Gypsy, Gipsy |
cigano (romao) | Romani, Romany, Roma, Rom; Romane, Rromane; f.k.a. Gypsy, Gipsy |
ciganoj (romaoj) | Romani, Romany, Romanies, Romanis, Roma, Roms; Romane, Rromane; f.k.a. Gypsies, Gipsies |
cigaredo | cigarette |
cigaredstumpo | butt, cigarette end, stub |
cigareto | cigarillo |
cigaro | cigar |
cigarstumpo | butt, cigar end, cigar stub |
Cigno | Cignus (constellation); swan |
cigno | swan |
cikado | cicada |
cikatro | scar |
ciki | twitch |
cikla | cyclical, circular, cycle, cyclic, end-around (shift) |
Cikladoj | Cyclades |
ciklo | cycle |
ciklono | cyclone |
cikloredunda | cyclic redundancy, cyclical redundancy |
cikonio | stork |
cikorio | chicory (flower) |
cilindra ĉapelo | top hat |
cilindro | cylinder, roller |
cima | buggy (insects) |
cimbalisto | cymbalist |
cimbalo | cymbal |
cimo (insekto) | bug, bedbug |
cimo (programeraro) | bug (computer) |
cimoriparo | bug fix |
cimraporto | bug report |
cin | you |
cinamo | cinnamon |
Cindra Merkredo | Ash Wednesday |
cindrigi | incinerate |
cindro | ash, cinder |
cindroblonda | ash blond, ash blonde |
cindrogriza | ashen |
Cindromerkredo | Ash Wednesday |
cindrujo | ashtray |
cindrujoj | ashtrayj |
Cindrulino | Cinderella |
Cindrulino | Cinderella |
Cindrulinon | Cinderella (acc.) |
cinika | cynical |
cinikulo | cynic |
cionismo | Zionism |
cionisto | Zionist |
Ciono | Zion |
cipra (kipra) | Cypriot, Cypress, Cypriote, Cyprian |
cipranino (kipranino) | Cypriot (fem.), Cypriote (fem.), Cyprian (fem.) |
cipraninoj (kipraninoj) | Cypriots (fem.), Cypriotes (fem.), Cyprians (fem.) |
ciprano (kiprano) | Cypriot, Cypriote, Cyprian |
cipranoj (kipranoj) | Cypriots, Cypriotes, Cyprians |
cipreso | cypress |
Cipriano | Cyprian, Cyprianus, Thascius Caecilius Cyprianus |
Cipro (Kipro) | Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus; Κύπρος, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία; Kıbrıs, Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti |
cirila | Cyrillic |
cirilaj | Cyrillic (pl.) |
Cirilo | Cyril |
Cirkelo | Circinus; compasses |
cirkelo | compasses |
cirkla | circular |
cirklara | target |
cirklo | circle |
cirko | circus |
cirkonferenco | circumference |
cirkonspekta (singardema) | circumspect, cautious, careful, carefully aware of all circumstances |
cirkonstanco | circumstance |
cirkulado | circulation, traffic |
cirkulanta | about, abroad |
cirkulero | circular |
cirkuli (trafiki (intr.)) | be about, circulate |
cirkumcidi | circumcise |
cirkumcido | circumcision |
cirkumflekso | circumflex, hat, “ˆ”, “^” |
cirkvitgardilo | fuse |
cirkvitkarto | circuit board, circuit card |
cirkvito | circuit |
ciro | polish, wax |
cis (ĉiflanke de) | on this side of |
cisgenra | cisgender |
Cisjordanio | West Bank; الضفة الغربية; הגדה המערבית, יהודה והשומרון |
cisterno | cistern, tank |
citadelo | citadel |
citaĵo | quotation |
citi | cite, quote |
citilo | quotation mark, quote, inverted comma, speech mark, ", “, ”, ‘, ’ |
citiloj | quotation marks, quotes, inverted commas, speech marks, ", “, ”, ‘, ’ |
citmarko (citilo) | quotation mark, quote, inverted comma, speech mark, ", “, ”, ‘, ’ |
citmarkoj (citiloj) | quotation marks, quotes, inverted commas, speech marks, ", “, ”, ‘, ’ |
citro | zither |
citrolo | watermelon |
citronarbo | lemon tree |
citrono | lemon |
citronsuko | lemon juice |
citronŝelo | lemon peel |
citronujo | lemon tree |
civila | civil, civilian, non-military |
civilizacio (civilizo) | civilization |
civilizado | civilization |
civilizi | civilize |
civilizita | civilized |
civilizo | civilization |
civiljura | civilly, civil-law |
civilulo | civilian |
civita | civic |
civitaneco | citizenship |
civitano | citizen |
civito | city state |
civitoj | city states |
cm (centimetro, centimetroj) | cm, centimeter, centimeters |
Cn (kopernicio) | copernicium, Cn, element 112; f.k.a. ununbium, Uub |
co (C) | C, the letter C, cee (letter name) |
CO (Centra Oficejo) | Central Office |
codo | compact disc, optical disc |
codorom-legilo | CD-ROM drive |
codoromlegilo | CD-ROM drive |
codoromo | CD-ROM |
coj | C’s, cees (pl. letter name) |
colo | inch |
colsigno | inch sign, ”; second sign, ″ |
conga | Tsonga, Xitsonga, Shangaan |
congo | Tsonga, Xitsonga, Shangaan |
cunamio (mara ondego) | tidal wave, tsunami |
cunamo (mara ondego) | tidal wave, tsunami |
cvana | Tswana, Setswana
Ĉ |
ĉ (ĉio) | everything, all, altogether |
ĉ (ĉirkaŭ) | approx., approximately |
ĉ (ĉiuj) | everyone, all individuals |
Ĉ (ĉo) | Ĉ, the letter Ĉ, C circumflex, C-circumflex |
ĉ (ĉu) | whether, either, if, is it |
ĉ. (ĉio) | everything, all, altogether |
ĉ. (ĉirkaŭ) | approx., approximately |
ĉ. (ĉiuj) | everyone, all individuals |
ĉabakano | Chavacano |
ĉaĉadanco | cha-cha, chacha |
ĉaĉao | cha-cha, chacha |
ĉada | Chadian, Chad |
Ĉada Lago | Lake Chad; Lac Tchad |
Ĉada Respubliko | Republic of Chad, Chad; République du Tchad, Tchad; جمهورية تشاد, تشاد |
ĉadano | Chadian |
ĉadanoj | Chadians |
Ĉadio (Ĉado) | Chad, Republic of Chad; Tchad, République du Tchad; تشاد, جمهورية تشاد |
Ĉadlando (Ĉado) | Chad, Republic of Chad; Tchad, République du Tchad; تشاد, جمهورية تشاد |
Ĉado | Chad, Republic of Chad; Tchad, République du Tchad; تشاد, جمهورية تشاد |
Ĉadolago (Ĉada Lago) | Lake Chad; Lac Tchad |
ĉadoro | chador (Muslim women’s cloak), chādor, chādar |
Ĉagos-Arkipelago (Ĉagosarkipelago) | Chagos Archipelago, Chagos Islands; f.k.a. Oil Islands, Bassas de Chagas |
Ĉagos-Insuloj (Ĉagosarkipelago) | Chagos Archipelago, Chagos Islands; f.k.a. Oil Islands, Bassas de Chagas |
ĉagosanino | Chagossian (fem.), Îlois (fem. singular), Chagos Islander (fem.) |
ĉagosaninoj | Chagossians (fem.), Îlois (fem. pl.), Chagos Islanders (fem.) |
ĉagosano | Chagossian, Îlois (singular), Chagos Islander |
ĉagosanoj | Chagossians, Îlois (pl.), Chagos Islanders |
Ĉagosarkipelago | Chagos Archipelago, Chagos Islands; f.k.a. Oil Islands, Bassas de Chagas |
Ĉagosinsuloj (Ĉagosarkipelago) | Chagos Archipelago, Chagos Islands; f.k.a. Oil Islands, Bassas de Chagas |
Ĉagosoj (Ĉagosarkipelago) | Chagos Archipelago, Chagos Islands; f.k.a. Oil Islands, Bassas de Chagas |
ĉagrena | deplorable, pitiable, sad |
ĉagreni | annoy, grieve, vex, worry |
ĉagreniĝi | worry oneself |
ĉagreno | annoyance, disappointment, grief |
ĉajoto | chayote, christophene, vegetable pear, mirliton, pear squash, choko, starprecianté, citrayota, chow chow, cho cho |
ĉaledo (monta lignodometo) | chalet, ski lodge, mountain log cabin |
ĉaledo (monta lignodomo) | chalet, ski lodge, mountain log house |
ĉambristino | maid |
ĉambristo | valet, maid, servant, manservant |
ĉambro | chamber, room |
ĉambroj | quarters |
ĉamo | chamois |
ĉamora | Chamorro |
ĉampanjo (franca ŝaumvino) | champagne |
ĉampano (franca ŝaumvino) | champagne |
ĉampinjono (fungo) | mushroom |
ĉampionado | championship |
ĉampiono | champion, winner |
ĉano | trigger, hammer (gun) |
ĉantaĝi | blackmail |
ĉantaĝisto | blackmailer |
ĉantaĝo | blackmail |
ĉanto (mezepoka preĝeja kanto) | chant, prayer song of the Middle Ages |
ĉanto (parolkanto) | chant |
ĉap. (ĉapitro) | ch., chapter |
ĉapdosiero | header file |
ĉapelo | hat |
ĉapitro | chapter |
ĉapitrotitolo | chapter heading |
ĉapmana | Chapman |
ĉapmanbastono | Chapman stick (stringed instrument) |
Ĉapmano | Chapman, Emmett Chapman (musician) |
ĉapo | cap, bonnet |
ĉar | as, because, for, since |
ĉarelo (levĉaro) | forklift, forklift truck |
ĉareto | carriage; stroller, baby carriage, pram, perambulator; f.k.a. baby buggy; typewriter carriage |
ĉaretreveniga | enter (key), carriage return, ␍, CR |
ĉaretrevenigo | carriage return, ␍, CR |
ĉaretreveno | carriage return, ␍, CR |
Ĉaristo | Auriga (constellation); charioteer |
ĉarlatani | bilk, cheat, take in |
ĉarlatano | charlatan, imposter, quack |
ĉarlestona cimbalo | hi-hat cymbal |
ĉarlestondanco | Charleston (dance) |
Ĉarlestono | Charleston (city) |
Ĉarlot-Amalio | Charlotte Amalie (U.S. Virgin Islands) |
ĉarma | charming, lovely |
ĉarmega | very charming |
ĉarmi | charm |
ĉarmo | charm |
ĉarniro | hinge |
ĉaro | cart; chariot |
ĉarpenti | build, build from wood |
ĉarpentisto | carpenter |
ĉarti | charter |
ĉarto | charter |
ĉarumo | wheelbarrow |
ĉasaĵo | game (hunting), hunted thing, chased thing, quarry (hunting) |
ĉasfusilo | hunting rifle, shotgun |
ĉashundo | hunting dog, sporting dog |
ĉasi | chase, hunt |
ĉasio | chassis (singular) |
ĉasioj | chassis (pl.) |
ĉasisto | hunter |
ĉasisto-kolektisto | hunter-gatherer, forage |
ĉasistoj-kolektistoj | hunter-gatherer, forage, hunter-gatherers, foragers |
ĉaskuri | chase, hunt for |
ĉasleopardo (gepardo) | cheetah |
ĉasta | chaste |
ĉasta fekundiĝo (senmakula koncipiĝo) | immaculate conception |
ĉasteco | chastity, purity |
ĉastigi | bowdlerize, chasten, expurgate, purify |
ĉastranĉilego | cutlass |
ĉasviando | game meat |
ĉato (ĥato) | khat (drug), qat (drug), gat (drug), miraa (drug), Catha edulis |
ĉatrio | chatri |
ĉaŭĉaŭo | Chow Chow (dog), Chow, Chowdren |
ĈD (ĉefdelegito) | chief delegate (of UEA for a nation) |
ĉe | at, among, by, in the case of, beside, with, next to |
ĉeĉena | Chechen, Chechnya |
ĉeĉenino | Chechen (fem.) |
ĉeĉeninoj | Chechens (fem.) |
Ĉeĉenio (Ĉeĉenujo) | Chechnya, Chechen Republic, Chechnia, Chechenia, Chechnia; Нохчийчоь, Нохчийн Республика; Чечня́, Чече́нская Респу́блика |
ĉeĉeno | Chechen |
ĉeĉenoj | Chechens |
Ĉeĉenujo | Chechnya, Chechen Republic, Chechnia, Chechenia, Chechnia; Нохчийчоь, Нохчийн Республика; Чечня́, Чече́нская Респу́блика |
ĉediga | in a dike, dike |
ĉeestanta | present |
ĉeestanto | present one |
ĉeesti | attend, be present, witness |
ĉeesto | attendance, presence |
ĉef- | arch-, chief-, head- |
ĉefa | chief, main, major, principal, key, master, primary, keynote, flagship |
ĉefa fako | academic major, major, major concentration, concentration, main field of study |
ĉefa komputilo | mainframe, main computer |
ĉefanĝelo | archangel |
ĉefartikolo | leading article |
ĉefbendo | master tape |
ĉefdelegito | chief delegate (of UEA for a nation) |
ĉefdiagonalo | main diagonal |
ĉefdosiero | master file |
ĉefdosierujo | home directory |
ĉefdosierujoj | home directories |
ĉefduklando | archduchy |
ĉefduklandoj | archduchies |
ĉefduko | archduke |
ĉefe | chiefly |
ĉefeligujo | standard output |
ĉefenigo | standard input |
ĉefenigujo | standard input |
ĉefepiskoplando | archbishopric |
ĉefepiskopo | archbishop |
ĉeferarujo | standard error |
ĉefindekso | primary index, main index |
ĉefinstalado | master installation |
ĉefkarto | motherboard, logic board, mainboard, system board, mother board, mobo; backplane |
ĉefkomputilo | host computer, host |
ĉefkonsulo | consul general |
ĉefkuiristo | chef |
ĉeflitero | capital letter |
ĉeflumo | main light |
ĉefmastro | primary master |
ĉefmemora disko | RAM disk |
ĉefmemoro | core, main store, primary memory, RAM |
ĉefministro | premier, prime minister |
ĉefo | chief, boss |
ĉeforgano | CPU, central processing unit |
ĉefpaĝo | home page, welcome page |
ĉefparte | for the greater part, for the most part |
ĉefpersono | chief person; main character |
ĉefplado | main course, main dish |
ĉefpordo | main door, front door |
ĉefprocesora prioritata vicigilo | CPU-scheduler |
ĉefprocesoro | central processor |
ĉefprocezilo | CPU, central processing unit, central processor |
ĉefprogramo | main program |
ĉefpulso | downbeat |
ĉefpunkto | strong point |
ĉefregistrumo | case, CAPS shift |
ĉefreĝimo | major mode |
ĉefreto | backbone |
ĉefrolulo | main character, leading actor |
ĉefstacidomo | main station |
ĉefsubdisko | primary partition |
ĉefŝlosilo | primary key |
ĉefŝlosiloj | primary keys |
ĉeftabulo | motherboard |
ĉefteksto | main body, main text |
ĉeftitolo | main title |
ĉefturo | keep (castle); main tower |
ĉefulo | head, chief, boss |
ĉefurbo | capital, capital city, metropolis |
ĉefurboj | capitals, capital cities, metropolises |
ĉefurboteritorio | capital territory |
ĉefurboteritorioj | capital territories |
ĉefuzanto | superuser, root, avatar |
ĉefverko | main work |
ĉefvojo | major road |
ĉeĥa | Czech |
ĉeĥino | Czech (fem.) |
ĉeĥinoj | Czechs (fem.) |
Ĉeĥio (Ĉeĥujo) | Czech Republic, Czechia; Česko, Česká republika; f.k.a. part of Czechoslovakia, Bohemia |
ĉeĥo | Czech |
ĉeĥoj | Czechs |
ĉeĥoslovaka | Czechoslovakian, Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak |
ĉeĥoslovakino | Czechoslovakian (fem.), Czechoslovak (fem.) |
ĉeĥoslovakinoj | Czechoslovakians (fem.), Czechoslovaks (fem.) |
Ĉeĥoslovakio (Ĉeĥoslovakujo) | Czechoslovakia, Czecho-Slovakia; Československo, Česko-Slovensko; Československo, Česko-Slovensko |
ĉeĥoslovako | Czechoslovakian, Czechoslovak |
ĉeĥoslovakoj | Czechoslovakians, Czechoslovaks |
Ĉeĥoslovakujo | Czechoslovakia, Czecho-Slovakia; Československo, Česko-Slovensko; Československo, Česko-Slovensko |
Ĉeĥujo | Czech Republic, Czechia; Česko, Česká republika; f.k.a. part of Czechoslovakia, Bohemia |
ĉeka (ĉeĥa) | Czech |
ĉekaro | checkbook |
ĉekino (ĉeĥino) | Czech (fem.) |
ĉekinoj (ĉeĥinoj) | Czechs (fem.) |
Ĉekio (Ĉeĥujo) | Czech Republic, Czechia; Česko, Česká republika; f.k.a. part of Czechoslovakia, Bohemia |
ĉeko | check, cheque |
ĉeko (ĉeĥo) | Czech |
ĉekoj (ĉeĥoj) | Czechs |
ĉekomputila | at the computer; hands-on |
ĉekoslovaka (ĉeĥoslovaka) | Czechoslovakian, Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak |
ĉekoslovakino (ĉeĥoslovakino) | Czechoslovakian (fem.), Czechoslovak (fem.) |
ĉekoslovakinoj (ĉeĥoslovakinoj) | Czechoslovakians (fem.), Czechoslovaks (fem.) |
Ĉekoslovakio (Ĉeĥoslovakujo) | Czechoslovakia, Czecho-Slovakia; Československo, Česko-Slovensko; Československo, Česko-Slovensko |
ĉekoslovako (ĉeĥoslovako) | Czechoslovakian, Czechoslovak |
ĉekoslovakoj (ĉeĥoslovakoj) | Czechoslovakians, Czechoslovaks |
Ĉekoslovakujo (Ĉeĥoslovakujo) | Czechoslovakia, Czecho-Slovakia; Československo, Česko-Slovensko; Československo, Česko-Slovensko |
Ĉekujo (Ĉeĥujo) | Czech Republic, Czechia; Česko, Česká republika; f.k.a. part of Czechoslovakia, Bohemia |
ĉeladreso | cell reference |
ĉelaro | honeycomb; group of cells |
ĉelatributoj | cell attributes |
ĉelenergia | cell-powered |
ĉelenhavo | cell content |
ĉelintervalo | cell range |
ĉelo | cell |
ĉelreferenco | cell reference |
ĉemane | at hand |
ĉemeti | concatenate |
ĉemeto | concatenation, catenation |
ĉemizeto | tank top, sleeveless shirt, tanktop, singlet; small shirt |
ĉemizo | shirt |
ĉena | string |
ĉenbutiko | chain store |
ĉenero | link |
ĉenfinilo | string terminator, rogue value |
ĉenformularo | continuous forms |
ĉenfumado | chain smoking |
ĉenletero | chain letter |
ĉeno | chain, string (computing) |
ĉenpresilo | chain printer, chainprinter |
ĉenprintilo | chain printer |
ĉenringoj | chainrings |
ĉensegilo | chainsaw |
ĉenstablo | pipeline |
ĉeo | commercial at |
ĉeranda | edge (network) |
ĉerizarbo | cherry tree |
ĉerizarboj | cherry trees |
ĉerizo | cherry |
ĉerizoj | cherries |
ĉerizujo | cherry tree |
ĉerizujoj | cherry trees |
ĉerko | coffin |
ĉerkveturilo | hearse |
Ĉernobilo | Chernobyl, Chornobyl; Чорнобиль, Чернобыль, Czarnobyl |
ĉeroka | Cherokee |
ĉerpaĵo | extract, excerpt |
ĉerpi | draw |
ĉerpilo | ladle, dipper |
ĉerpkulero (ĉerpilo) | ladle |
ĉesi | cease, stop |
ĉesigi | stop |
ĉesigo | abort, kill |
ĉeso | stop, release |
Ĉestro | Chester |
ĉesu | stop, stop it, knock it off |
ĉetable | at the table, at a table |
ĉetabliĝi | draw up to the table, sit down to table |
ĉevala | equestrian, horse |
ĉevalaĵo | horsemeat |
ĉevalbleki | neigh |
ĉevalbredejo | studfarm |
ĉevalejo | stable, corral |
ĉevaleto | pony; pastime |
ĉevaletoj | ponies; pastimes |
ĉevalforto | horsepower |
ĉevalido | foal |
ĉevalino | mare, horse (fem.) |
ĉevalisto | groom, stable worker, stableman |
ĉevalistoj | grooms, stable workers, stablemen |
ĉevalkaleŝo | horse-drawn carriage |
ĉevalkastaneo (hipokastano) | horse-chestnut (tree), conker (tree), horsechestnut (tree), buckeye (tree), Aesculus hippocastanum |
ĉevalkaŝtanarbo (hipokastano) | horse-chestnut (tree), conker (tree), horsechestnut (tree), buckeye (tree), Aesculus hippocastanum |
ĉevalkaŝtanujo (hipokastano) | horse-chestnut (tree), conker (tree), horsechestnut (tree), buckeye (tree), Aesculus hippocastanum |
ĉevalkonkurso | horse race |
ĉevalkonkursoj | horse races |
ĉevalo | horse; knight (chess) |
ĉevalpiedo (tusilago) | coltsfoot, Tussilago farfara, ass’s foot, bull’s foot, butterbur, coughwort, farfara, foal’s foot, foalswort, horse foot, winter heliotrope |
ĉevalpovo | horsepower |
ĉevaltrio | team of three horses |
ĉevalvetkuro | horse race (with betting) |
ĉevalvetkuroj | horse races (with betting) |
ĉevalvosta (ponevosta) | ponytail (hair) |
ĉevalvosto (ponevosto) | ponytail (hair) |
ĉevrono | chevron |
ĉi | qì (Chinese life force), qi, chi, ch'i; 气, 氣 |
ĉi | this |
ĉi tie | here |
ĉi tien | here, hither, this way |
ĉi tio | these, this, this here |
ĉi tiu | this |
ĉi tiuj | these |
ĉi tiun nokton | tonight |
ĉi-kaze | in this event, in that event, in which event |
ĉi-kune | herewith |
ĉia | all, every kind of |
ĉial | for every reason |
ĉiam | always, ever, forever |
ĉiama | everlasting |
ĉiampreta | everready, ever-ready, ever ready |
ĉiamvidebligi | always on top |
ĉiaokaze | in any case, anyhow, anyway |
ĉiĉeroni | guide |
ĉiĉerono | tourguide, tour guide |
ĉie | all about, everywhere |
ĉie en la | all over the, throughout the |
ĉiea | global, everywhere |
ĉiea funkcio | total function |
ĉieesta | omnipresent, ubiquitous |
ĉiel | in every way |
ĉiela | celestial, heavenly |
ĉielarka | rainbow |
ĉielarko | rainbow |
ĉielblua | sky blue |
ĉielbluo | sky blue |
ĉielertulo | handy person, handyman, helper, factotum, jack-of-all-trades |
ĉielertuloj | handy people, handymen, helpers, factotums, jacks-of-all-trades |
ĉielglora | heavenly |
Ĉieliro | Ascension Day |
Ĉielirtago | Ascension Day |
ĉielluma | skylight |
ĉielo | sky, heaven |
ĉieloj | skies, heavens |
ĉielskrapulo | skyscraper |
ĉies | everyone’s |
ĉiesaĵo | freeware |
ĉiesulino | hooker, prostitute, whore |
ĉifi | crease, crumble, crumple |
ĉifonfiguro (birdotimigilo) | scarecrow |
ĉifonisto | ragpicker |
ĉifono | rag, scrap |
ĉifrado | encryption |
ĉifri | encrypt |
ĉifrita teksto | ciphertext |
ĉifritaj | encrypted |
ĉifro | code, secret code |
ĉifroŝlosila | encryption key |
ĉifroŝlosila pasvorto | key passphrase, encryption key passphrase |
ĉifroŝlosilo | encryption key |
ĉijaŭa | Yao, Chiyao, waYao, ChiYao, CiYao, Achawa, Adsawa, Adsoa, Ajawa, Ayawa, Ayo, Ayao, Djao, Haiao, Hiao, Hyao, Jao, Veiao, WaJao |
ĉikagano | Chicagoan, Chicagan |
Ĉikago | Chicago |
ĉikanado | hair-splitting |
ĉikanema | censorious |
ĉikanemo | censoriousness |
ĉikani | carp at, haze, quibble |
ĉikanulo | hair-splitter, nit-picker |
ĉikune | herewith |
ĉilia | Chilean, Chile |
ĉilianino | Chilean (fem.) |
ĉiliano | Chilean |
ĉilianoj | Chileans |
Ĉilio | Chile, Republic of Chile; Chile, República de Chile |
ĉimba | Kuman (Papua New Guinea), Simbu, Chimbu |
ĉimomente | at this moment |
ĉimpanzo | chimpanzee, common chimpanzee |
ĉimurengo | chimurenga |
ĉina | Chinese, China |
ĉina inko | India ink, Indian ink; carbon ink |
Ĉina Novjaro | Chinese New Year, Chinese Lunar New Year, Lunar New Year, Spring Festival; 春节 |
Ĉina Popola Respubliko | People’s Republic of China, China, PRC; 中华人民共和国, 中国 |
ĉina unukornulo | Qilin (Chinese unicorn), qílín, ch'i-lin; 麒麟; Chinese unicorn |
Ĉinghajo | Qinghai (Chinese province); 青海 |
ĉinino | Chinese (fem. singular) |
ĉininoj | Chinese (fem. pl.) |
Ĉinio (Ĉinujo) | China, People’s Republic of China, PRC; 中国, 中华人民共和国 |
ĉino | Chinese (singular) |
ĉino | Chinese (singular) |
ĉinoj | Chinese (pl.) |
ĉinoj | Chinese (pl.) |
ĉinologio | sinology |
ĉinologo | sinologist |
ĉinujano | Chinese (singular), Chinese citizen |
ĉinujanoj | Chinese (pl.), Chinese citizens |
Ĉinujo | China, People’s Republic of China, PRC; 中国, 中华人民共和国 |
ĉio | everything, all, altogether |
ĉio-en-unu | all-in-one |
ĉiofarulo | handy person, handyman, helper, factotum, jack-of-all-trades |
ĉiofaruloj | handy people, handymen, helpers, factotums, jacks-of-all-trades |
ĉiokapabla | all-around |
ĉiom | all, all of it |
ĉion inkluzivanta | all-encompasing, blanket |
ĉiopova | almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent |
ĉiopovo | omnipotence |
Ĉiopovulo | Almighty |
Ĉiopovulon | Almighty (acc.) |
ĉioscia | all-knowing, omniscient |
ĉiovendejo | bazaar |
ĉiovendejo | bazaar, department store |
ĉipa (malmultekosta) | cheap, inexpensive |
ĉipe (malmultekoste) | cheaply |
ĉipo | chip |
ĉipso | chip, potato chip, crisp |
ĉipsoj | chips, potato chips, crisps |
ĉirkaŭ | about, round, around, towards |
ĉirkaŭa | surrounding |
ĉirkaŭaĵa | environment |
ĉirkaŭaĵo | environment, environs, surroundings |
ĉirkaŭaĵoj | surroundings, environment, environs |
ĉirkaŭaĵojn | surroundings (acc.), environment (acc.), environs (acc.) |
ĉirkaŭbarejo | corral, enclosure |
ĉirkaŭbari | fence off |
ĉirkaŭbraki | embrace, hug |
ĉirkaŭbrako | bracelet |
ĉirkaŭĉizi | chip, chip off |
ĉirkaŭe | roundabout, thereabout, thereabouts |
ĉirkaŭfermi | enclose |
ĉirkaŭflua konduto | wrapping behavior |
ĉirkaŭi | surround |
ĉirkaŭiri | circumvent, go around |
ĉirkaŭkolo | collar |
ĉirkaŭmano | bracelet |
ĉirkaŭmurigi | wall, wall in |
ĉirkaŭpalpi | fumble |
ĉirkaŭpreni | embrace, hug |
ĉirkaŭŝmiraĵo | stuff smeared around |
ĉirkaŭteksta | contextual |
ĉirkaŭvena sono | surround sound |
ĉirkaŭvojo | roundabout way |
ĉirkaŭvojoj | roundabout ways |
ĉirpi | chirp |
ĉisupre | above |
ĉit | hush, shh |
ĉiu | each, every, all the |
ĉiuflanke | on every side |
ĉiufoje | each time, every time |
ĉiuj | all |
Ĉiuj Gesanktuloj | All Saints |
Ĉiuj Sanktuloj | All Saints |
ĉiujara | annual, yearly |
ĉiujare | yearly |
ĉiukaze | in any case |
ĉiuliteraĵo | pangram |
ĉiuloke | everywhere |
ĉiumomente | any time, momentarily |
ĉiumonate | monthly |
ĉiun duan tagon | every other day |
ĉiuokaze | in any event |
ĉiupaŝe | at every step |
ĉiurilate | in all respects, in every respect, in every way |
ĉiuriska | all risks |
ĉiuriska asekuro | comprehensive insurance |
ĉiusemajne | weekly |
ĉiutaga | daily |
ĉiutage | daily |
ĉiuterena | cross-country, all-terrain, off-road (tire) |
ĉiuvespera | taking place every evening |
ĉizi | carve, chisel |
ĉizilo | chisel |
ĉjio | qì (Chinese life force), qi, chi, ch'i; 气, 氣 |
ĉjo | (masc. dim. suffix) |
ĉjo-knabino | tomboy, masculine lesbian, butch girl, boy dyke, butch woman |
ĉjo-knabinoj | tomboys, masculine lesbians, butch girls, boy dykes, butch women |
ĉo (Ĉ) | Ĉ, the letter Ĉ, C circumflex, C-circumflex |
ĉoj (Ĉ) | Ĉs, Cs circumflex, C-circumflexes, Cs circumflexed |
ĉokoladbriketo | chocolate bar |
ĉokolado | chocolate |
ĉokoladostangeto | chocolate bar |
ĈPR (Ĉina Popola Respubliko) | PRC, People’s Republic of China, China; 中华人民共和国, 中国 |
ĉu | whether, either, if, is it |
ĉu ne | isn’t it, isn’t that so, or not |
ĉuka | Chuukese, Trukese |
ĉukkrajono | clutch pencil, pencil with chuck mechanism, leadholder, mechanical pencil |
ĉuko | mandrel, chuck |
Ĉurĉa tezo | Church thesis |
ĉuro | sperm |
ĉurovo | nut, testicle, ball |
ĉurovoj | nuts, testicles, balls |
ĉusigno | question mark, whatmark, “?” |
ĉuvaŝa | Chuvash
D |
d-ino (doktorino) | Dr. (female), doctor (female) |
D-kordo | D-chord |
d-rino (doktorino) | Dr. (female), doctor (female) |
d-ro (doktoro) | Dr. |
D-trajno | corridor train |
D. (delegito) | delegate of the UEA, consul of the UEA |
D.M. (dumviva membro) | lifetime member |
da | of |
daĉo | vacation home |
Dafno | Daphne |
dagestana | Dagestan, Daghestan |
Dagestano | Dagestan, Daghestan |
Dagono | Dagon |
Dahomeo | Dahomey |
dajmono | daemon, demon |
Dakaro | Dakar |
Dako | Dacca |
dakotaa | Dakota |
dakoto | Sioux |
daktilo | date |
daktilujo | date palm, date tree |
dalio | dahlia |
Dalmacio | Dalmatia |
Dalmacujo | Dalmatia |
dalmato | Dalmatian |
damaĝbesto | vermin |
damaĝi | damage |
damaĝo | damage |
Damasko | Damascus |
damludo | checkers |
damna | damned, cursed, doom (metal) |
damne | damn |
damni | damn |
damo | Dame, lady; queen (chess) |
damoj | checkers |
Damokleso | Damocles |
dampi | damp, dampen |
dana | Danish |
Dana Markolo | Denmark Strait, Greenland Strait |
dancaranĝo | choreography |
dancarto | choreography |
dancejo | dancing hall |
danci | dance |
dancistino | dancer |
dancisto | dancer |
danckomponisto | choreographer |
danco | dance |
dando | dandy, dude, fop |
danĝera | dangerous |
danĝereco | danger |
danĝero | danger, peril |
danino | Danish woman |
Danio (Danujo) | Denmark |
danka | thankful, grateful |
danka pro | grateful for |
danke | thanking |
danke al | thanks to |
dankeco | gratitude |
dankema | thankful, grateful |
dankema pro | grateful for |
dankemo | gratitude |
danki | thank |
danki pro | thank for |
danko | gratitude, thanks |
dankon | thank you, thanks |
Danlando (Danujo) | Denmark |
dano | Dane |
Danubo | Danube |
Danujo | Denmark |
Danuo | Don |
darbuko | darbukka, goblet drum, darbuka, tableh |
Dardaneloj | Dardanelles |
darfi | be allowed to |
Darlintono | Darlington |
darmo | dharma |
darmŝtatio | darmstadtium |
dartro | acne |
DAT-kasedbendo | DAT cassette |
DAT-kasedo | DAT cassette |
DAT-magnetofono | DAT machine, DAT recorder |
datagramo | datagram |
dataoj | data |
datenbanko | data bank, database |
datenoj | data |
dati | date |
datiĝi | date |
dativo | dative |
datlimo | expiration date, expiry date |
dato | date |
datoliteralo | date literal |
datostampo | date stamp |
datreveno | anniversary |
datstampo | date stamp |
datum-difina | data-definition, data definition |
datum-ŝanĝa | data-definition, data definition |
datuma | data |
datumakirilo | data capture device |
datumakiro | data acquisition |
datumaliro | data access |
datumanalizado | data mining |
datumanalizo | data analysis |
datumano | data item |
datumaranĝo | format (disk), data format |
datumareo | data region |
datumaro | data set; document |
datumartikolo | data item |
datumbanko | data bank |
datumbaz-manipula | database-management, database management |
datumbaz-manipulilo | database management system |
datumbaz-mastrumilo | database management system |
datumbaza | database |
datumbazilo | database management system |
datumbazmastrumilo | database management system |
datumbazo | database |
datumbazostirata | database driven |
datumbazostirita | database driven |
datumbreto | data bar |
datumbuso | data bus, data path |
datumdifina | data-definition, data definition |
datumdosiero | data file |
datumejo | data center |
datumelfoso | data mining (datamining) |
datumenigo | data entry, data input, entry |
datumero | data item |
datumetikedo | data label |
datumflua | dataflow, data-flow, data flow |
datumfluo | dataflow, data flow |
datumfonto | data source |
datumfontoj | data sources |
datumforko | data fork (Mac) |
datumformularo | data form |
datumintegreco | data integrity |
datuminterŝanĝo | data exchange |
datumkampo | data field |
datumkanalo | data channel |
datumkohero | data consistency |
datumkompaktigo | data compression |
datumkontrolo | data validation |
datumkonvertilo | data converter |
datumkunpremado | data compression |
datumliveranto | data provider |
datummanipula | data manipulation |
datummemorilo | data storage device |
datummigrado | data migration |
datumnivelo | data level |
datumnomo | identifier |
datumo | data |
datumoj | data |
datumoj de uzanto | userdata, user data |
datumomanipulado | data manipulation |
datumomastrumado | data management |
datumpakaĵo | data packet |
datumportilo | volume; data medium |
datumprilaboro | data processing |
datumpriskriba | data description, data definition |
datumprotektado | data protection |
datumprotekto | data protection; security |
datumpunkto | data point |
datumrapido | data rate |
datumreduktado | data reduction |
datumredukto | data reduction |
datumregistrado | data recording |
datumrestaŭro | data recovery |
datumrikordo | data record |
datumsektoraro | database cluster |
datumsekurigo | EDP security; data protection |
datumstokejo | data warehouse |
datumstrio | data stream |
datumstrukturo | data structure |
datumŝanĝa | data-definition, data definition |
datumŝtelo | data theft |
datumtabelo | data table |
datumtipo | datatype, data type |
datumtrafiko | data traffic |
datumtraktado | data processing |
datumtraktilo | data processor |
datumtransmeto | data transmission |
datumtranssendo | data transmission |
datumvidigilo | data viewer |
datumzono | data range |
daŭra | abiding, lasting |
daŭra sono | sustain |
daŭradi | continue, hold, last |
daŭre | constantly, continually, continuously |
daŭri | continue, endure, keep on, last |
daŭriga | continuation |
daŭrigi | continue, go on, proceed with |
daŭrigo | continuation |
daŭrigota | to be continued |
daŭrigu | continue; OK |
daŭro | duration |
daŭro de datumkonservado | data retention |
daŭro de funkciado | uptime |
daŭro de lumbilda afiŝo | slide view time |
daŭro de redaktado | editing time |
Davido | David |
dazipo | armadillo |
de | of, from, by, since |
de ĉi tie | from here, hence |
de ekstera liveranto | third-party |
de kiam | since |
de kie | from where, whence |
de tempo al tempo | from time to time, now and then |
de tie | from there, thence |
de tie ĉi | from here, hence |
de uzanto kreita | user-generated |
deadmoni | deter |
debati | beat off, knock off, strike off |
debato | debate |
debeto | debit |
debila | feeble; feebleminded |
debito | demand, sale |
debutanta | junior, future, young |
debuti | make a debut |
deca | decent, fitting, proper, suitable |
dece | decently, properly |
decembro | December |
deci | befit, be fitting |
decida | decisive |
decida konkurso | decider, play-off, playoff |
decideblo | decidability |
decideco | decision, firmness, peremptoriness, resolution |
decidi | decide |
decidiga | decisive |
decidiĝi | make up one’s mind |
decidiĝo | decision-making |
decido | decision |
decidtabelo | decision table |
decidua | deciduous |
decimala | decimal |
deĉevaliĝi | dismount |
deĉifri | decipher |
dediĉi | dedicate, devote |
dediĉi atenton al | pay attention to |
dediĉita | dedicated |
dediĉita konekto | dedicated line |
dedukti | abstract, deduce, gather |
dedukto | deduction |
deerigi | split off |
defalaĵejo | dump, refuse dump, tip, rubbish tip |
defalaĵo | clippings, cuttings, parings, refuse, rubbish, waste, windfall |
defali | fall, fall off, tumble down |
defaŭlta | default, standard |
defaŭlto | default |
defendi | defend |
defendo | defence, defense |
defensivo | defensive |
defetismo | defeatism |
deficito | deficit |
defii | challenge, defy |
definitiva | definite, definitive |
definitive | definitely, positively |
defio | challenge |
deflankiĝi | go astray, get off the subject |
deflori | deflorate |
defluiga | drain, outlet, waste (pipe) |
defora | remote |
defora komunikado | remoting |
defroti | rub off |
degeli | melt, thaw |
degeligi | thaw |
degelo | melting, thaw |
degenera | degenerate, singular (matrix) |
degeneri | degenerate |
degenerinta | degenerate |
degenerita | degenerate |
degni | deign |
degradi | degrade |
degrati | scrape, scrape off, scratch off |
deguti | drain, drip down, trickle down |
dehaki | cut off |
deigi | detach |
deiĝi | become detached |
deiĝo | offset |
deirpunkto | starting point |
deismo | deism |
deĵeti | cast off, fling off, throw off |
deĵoranto | person on duty |
deĵori | be on duty, serve |
deĵoro | service, duty |
dek | ten, 10 |
dek du | twelve, 12 |
dek kvar | fourteen, 14 |
dek kvin | fifteen, 15 |
dek naŭ | nineteen, 19 |
dek ok | eighteen, 18 |
dek sep | seventeen, 17 |
dek ses | sixteen, 16 |
dek tri | thirteen, 13 |
dek unu | eleven, 11 |
dek-dua | twelfth, 12th |
dek-kvara | fourteenth, 14th |
dek-kvina | fifteenth, 15th |
dek-naŭa | nineteenth, 19th |
dek-oka | eighteenth, 18th |
dek-sepa | seventeenth, 17th |
dek-sesa | sixteenth, 16th |
dek-tria | thirteenth, 13th |
dek-unua | eleventh, 11th |
deka | tenth |
dekadenco | decadence |
dekado | ten-day period |
dekalkulebla | deductible |
dekalkuli | count down |
dekalogo | Ten Commandments |
dekano | dean |
dekdukorda | twelve-string |
dekdumezura | twelve-bar |
dekduo | dozen |
deklamanto | reciter |
deklami | declaim, recite |
deklara | declarative |
deklaracio | declaration, proclamation |
deklarema | declarative, nonprocedural |
deklari | declare, state |
deklari netaŭga | declare unfit for use, condemn, scrap |
deklarilo | tax form |
deklaro | declaration, proclamation, statement |
deklinacio | declination |
dekliniĝi | deviate |
dekliniĝo | deflection, deviation |
dekliva | sloping |
dekliva streketo | backslash, backward slash, \, / [sic] |
deklivi | slope down |
deklivo | acclivity, hillside, slope |
dekmil | ten thousand |
dekodigi | decode |
dekoka | eighteenth |
dekokti | boil |
dekokto | decoction |
dekolto | d‚collet‚ |
dekomence | from the outset |
dekonduki | lead away |
dekono | tenth |
dekonsili | advise against, dissuade from |
dekontigi | transfer |
dekope | by tens |
dekoracio | decor, decoration |
dekori | adorn, decorate, ornament |
dekoro | decor, decoration |
dekrementado | decrementation |
dekrementi | decrement |
dekreti | decree |
dekreto | decree |
dekroĉi | unhook |
deksesuma | hexadecimal |
dekstra | right, righthand |
dekstra korno | acute accent, ´, ˊ |
dekstre | on the right, right |
dekstre alklaki | right-click, context-click, rightclick |
dekstre ĝisrandigi | right-justify |
dekstremigo | flush right, right alignment |
dekstren | right, to the right |
dekstrigo | right alignment |
dekstrulo | right-hander |
dekstrume | clockwise |
dekto | tenth |
dekuma | decimal |
dekuma frakcio | decimal number |
dekumigi | decimalize |
dekutimigi | break of a habit, teach |
dekutimiĝi | break oneself of a habit, get out of a habit, unlearn |
delasi | abandon |
Delavaro | Delaware |
delegacio | delegation |
delegado | delegation, deputation |
delegato | delegate, deputy, representative |
delegi | delegate |
delegitaro | delegation, deputation |
delegito | delegate |
delekti | delight |
delfeno | dolphin |
delfinio | larkspur |
Delfio | Delphi |
delfta | Delft |
Delfto | Delft |
Delhio | Delhi |
delico | bliss, delight |
delikata | dainty, delicate, fine, refined |
delikataĵo | delicacy |
delikateco | tenderness |
delikto | offense, misdemeanor, offence, misdemeanour |
delira | delirious |
deliraĵo | abracadabra |
deliri | be delirious |
deliro | delirium |
delogi | entice, seduce |
delonge | for a long time |
delto | delta |
demagogio | demagogy |
demagogo | demagogue |
demamigi | wean |
demandi | ask |
demando | question |
demando-protokolo | question log |
demandoprotokolo | question log |
demandosigna | question mark, question-mark, “?” |
demandosigno | question mark, “?” |
demenco | dementia |
dementi | officially deny |
demetebla | removable |
demeti | take off, put off |
Demetro | Demeter |
demilitarigita | demilitarized |
demilitarigita zono | DMZ, demilitarized zone |
demisii | resign |
demo | demo |
demokrata | democratic |
Demokratia Respubliko Kongo (Kinŝasa) | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo-Kinshasa; f.k.a. Zaire, Zaïre, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville), Belgian Congo, Congo Free State |
demokratio | democracy |
demokrato | democrat |
demona | demonic |
demono | demon |
demonstra | demo |
demonstracii | demonstrate |
demonstracio | demonstration |
demonstraĵo | demo version |
demonstrativo | demonstrative, demonstrative pronoun |
demonstri | demonstrate, prove |
demonstro | demonstration |
demoralizi | demoralize, demoralise |
demordi | bite off |
Demorganaj leĝoj | de Morgan’s laws |
demoskopio | public opinion research |
denaska | congenital, inborn, inbred, innate, native |
denaturi | denature |
denombrado | ennumeration |
denominacio | denomination |
denonci | denounce |
denonco | denunciation |
denove | again, all over again, anew |
densa | concentrated, dense, thick |
denseco | density |
densejo | thicket |
densiga | compressed, compression, condensed (font) |
densigi | condense |
densigilo | compression tool |
densigo | compression |
densigreĝimo | compression mode |
denso | density |
densometro | densitometer |
denta | dental |
dentaro | teeth |
dentbroso | toothbrush |
dentdoloro | toothache |
dentisto | dentist |
dentkarno | gum |
dentkuracisto | dentist |
dento | tooth |
dentpasto | toothpaste |
dentpikilo | toothpick |
dentpingilo | toothpick |
dentpinglo | toothpick |
dentrado | cogwheel, gear |
dentskrapi | gnaw off, pick |
denuncanto | accuser |
denunci | denounce |
denunco | accusation |
departemento | department |
dependa | dependent, dependency |
dependaĵo | dependent |
dependaĵoj | dependency |
depende de | according to |
dependeco | dependence |
dependi | depend |
dependi de | be dependent on, depend onldepend upon |
depeŝi | dispatch |
depeŝo | dispatch |
deponejo | depository |
deponi | deposit |
deporti | deport |
depost | since, ever since |
depost kiam | since |
depost konservo | since saving |
depozicio | testimony |
depravacio | depravation |
depreni | deduct, take away |
depreni de | break into |
depreno | demand, sale |
depresaĵo | print, imprint |
depresio | depression |
deprezi | write off |
deprimi | depress |
deprimiteco | dejection, depression |
deprimo | depression |
deputado | delegation, deputation |
deputato | delegate, deputy, representative |
deputi | depute |
deputilaro | delegation, deputation |
deputitaro | delegation, deputation |
deputito | delegate, deputy, representative |
derazi | shave, shave off |
Derbio | Derby |
deriva | derivative |
derivago | derivative action |
derivaĵo | derivation |
derivarbo | derivation tree, parse tree |
derivi | derive |
derivilo | inference engine |
derivmotoro | inference engine |
derivregulo | production rule |
derompi | break, break off |
derompiĝi | break, break off |
deruli | roll off |
deruliĝi | roll off |
des | the |
des pli | all the more |
desalti | jump off, leap down |
desaponti | disappoint |
descendi | descend, go down |
descendo | descent |
desegna | drawing, pattern |
desegnado | drawing |
desegnaĵo | design, drawing |
desegnejo | plot area |
desegni | design, draw |
desegnilo | draw program |
desegno | design, drawing |
desegnopapero | drawing paper |
desegnozono | plot area |
deserto | dessert |
desinfektaĵo | disinfectant |
desinfekti | disinfect |
desinfektilo | disinfectant |
desino | pattern |
deskvamiĝi | flake off, peel off, scale off |
despota | despotic |
despoto | despot |
destini | destine, earmark, ordain |
destini por | destine for |
destinito | recipient |
destino | destiny, fate |
destinprojekto | development plan |
desuba | bottom-up |
desubtrahata nombro | minuend |
desuĉilo | hood, suction apparatus |
desupra | top-down |
deŝiri | pick, pluck, tear off |
deŝovi | abdicate |
deŝovo | offset |
deŝovo (alinea) | paragraph break |
detala | detailed |
detale | in detail |
detaligi | itemize |
detalisto | retailer |
detalo | detail |
detektebla | detectable, discoverable |
detekti | rectify |
detektilo | detection tool |
detektivo | detective |
detemiĝi | stray from one’s subject, wander from one’s subject |
detemiĝo | digression, straying, wandering from the point |
detena | holding |
deteni | abstract, restrain |
deteni sin | abstain |
deteni sin de | abstain from |
detenreĝimo | hold mode |
detenstato | hold status |
detergento | cleanser, detergent |
determinanto | determinant |
determini | determine, fix |
determinisma | deterministic |
detondi | cut off |
detranĉi | cut off |
detriki | cast off |
detronigi | depose |
detruado | destruction |
detrui | destroy, quash |
detruo | destruction |
deturna manovro | diversion, red herring, smoke screen |
deturni | turn away |
deturniĝi | turn |
devanci | overhaul, overtake, pass |
devena | coming |
devena de | a native of, coming from |
deveni | come, derive, originate, result |
deveni de | hail from |
deveno | lineage |
deverŝi | pour off, strain off |
devi | have to, must, ought to, should |
deviacio | deviation |
devianta | aberrant |
deviga | compulsory |
devigi | compel, force |
devii | turn |
devio | deviation, aberrance, aberration |
devizo | motto, watchword, slogan |
devo | duty, obligation |
devojiĝanta | aberrant |
devojiĝi | go astray, stray off |
devojiĝo | aberrance |
devoligi | obligate, commit, oblige |
Devono | Devon, Devonian period |
devontigi | compel |
devota | devoted, obsequious |
devoteco | piety |
devotulo | zealot, churchy person, pietist |
dezajno | design |
dezerta | dreary, gaunt |
dezerteco | abandonment |
dezerto | desert |
deziri | desire, wish |
dezirinda | desirable |
deziro | desire, want, wish |
DHCP-efikigado | DHCP enforcement |
DHCP-kliento | DHCP client |
DHCP-servilo | DHCP server |
di | sharp |
dia | divine |
dia-projekciilo | slide projector |
dia-reproduktilo | slide copy attachment |
diabeto | diabetes |
diabetulo | diabetic |
diabla | diabolical, devilish |
diablaĵo | deviltry |
diable | darn |
diablino | she-devil |
diablo | devil |
diabolo | yo-yo |
diafana | diaphanous |
diafilmo | film strip |
diafragmo | aperture |
diagnozi | diagnose |
diagnozo | diagnosis |
diagonala | diagonal |
diagonalado | diagonalization |
diagonaligo | diagonalization |
diagramdatumoj | chart data |
diagramo | graph |
diagramzono | chart area |
diakono | deacon |
diakrita | diacritical |
diakrita signo | accent, diacritical mark |
diakritilo | diacritical mark |
diakrona | diachronous |
dialektikisto | dialectician |
dialektiko | dialectics |
dialekto | dialect |
dializi | dialyse |
dialoga | conversational, foreground (process), interactive (mode) |
dialogado | interaction |
dialogo | dialogue |
dialogujo | dialog box |
diamanto | diamond |
diametro | diameter |
Diano | Diana |
dianto | carnation |
diapazono | tuning fork, diapason |
diapozitiv-tenilo | slide tray |
diapozitiva | slide |
diapozitivo | slide |
diapozitivtenilo | slide tray |
diaprojekciilo | slide projector |
diareo | diarrhea, diarrhoea |
diareproduktilo | slide copy attachment |
diatona | diatonic |
diboĉi | debauch |
diboĉo | dissipation, debauchery |
diboĉulo | dissolute person, debauchee, swinger |
didelfo | opossum |
dieco | divinity |
dieso | number sign, pound sign, hash, octothorp, octothorpe, octathorp, octotherp, octathorpe, octatherp, grid, #; sharp, sharp sign, ♯ |
dieta | dietary |
dieto | diet |
difavoro | divine favor, divine favour |
difekta | broken, out of order |
difekti | damage, injure, spoil |
difektiĝi | break down |
difektiĝinta | broken, broken down |
difektita | broken, damaged |
difekto | damage |
diferenca | different, difference |
diferenci | differ, be different |
diferencigi | differentiate |
diferenciĝi | differ |
diferenco | difference |
diferencodosiero | diffs file |
diferencoperatoro | difference operator |
diferencoregistrada | differencing |
difina | defining, determining, definite |
difina artikolo | definite article |
difini | define, determine |
difinita | definite |
difinita de uzanto | user-specified |
difino | definition |
difinvortaro | glossary |
difrakto | diffraction |
difterio | diphteria |
diftongo | diphthong |
difuzi | diffuse |
difuzilo | diffuser |
digestado | digestion |
digesti | digest |
digesto | digestion |
digi | dam up, form an embankment |
digna | dignified |
digno | dignity |
digo | dike, embankment |
digramo | digraph |
diĝesta | digest |
diĝesto | digest |
diĝita | digital |
diĝitigo | digitizing |
diigi | deify |
diino | goddess |
diismo | deism |
dika | bold, corpulent, fat, thick |
dika tiparfasono | boldface |
dikeco | thickness |
diketa | plump |
dikfingro | thumb |
Dikfingrulo | Tom Thumb |
dikiga | bold |
dikigi | make fat, thicken |
dikigita | bolded |
dikiĝi | become fat, gain weight |
dikintesto | large intestine |
diko | set size |
diksilandĵazo | dixieland (jazz) |
diksilando | dixieland (jazz) |
dikta | dictation |
diktatoro | dictator |
diktaturo | dictatorship |
dikti | dictate |
dikulo | fat person |
dikventra | fat |
dilemo | dilemma |
diletanteca | amateurish, small-time, smalltime |
diletanto | dabbler, dilettante |
diligenta | diligent, hardworking, industrious |
diligenteco | industry |
diligentulo | hard worker |
dilui | dilute |
Diluvio | Diluvium |
diluvo | deluge, flood |
dimanĉo | Sunday |
dimensia | dimensional |
dimensinombro | dimensionality |
dimensio | dimension, measurement |
dimsamo | dim sum |
dinamika | dynamic |
dinamika datuminterŝanĝo | DDE, Dynamic Data Exchange |
dinamike | on the fly |
dinamike bindebla biblioteko | DLL, Dynamic Link Library, shared library |
dinamiko | dynamics |
dinamito | dynamite |
dinamo | dynamo |
dineo | Navajo |
dinka | Dinka |
dio | god |
diocezo | diocese |
diodo | diode |
Diogeno | Diogenes |
dipatrino | Mother of God |
diplomato | diplomat |
diplomiĝi | graduate |
diplomita | certificated, graduate |
diplomito | graduate |
diplomo | diploma |
dir. (direktoro) | director |
diraĵo | saying |
direktado | steering |
direktanta | leading |
direktanto | manager |
direkti | direct, guide, manage, steer |
direkti al | head for, make for |
direkti sin | bear down, make |
direkti sin al | break down upon, make for |
direkti sin laŭ | abide by |
direktilisto | driver |
direktilo | handlebars, helm, rudder |
direktilstango | tiller |
direktivo | directive |
direkto | direction |
direktoro | director, manager |
diri | say, tell |
dirigento | conductor |
dirmaniero | turn of speech, expression |
disa | distributed |
disa aro | disjoint set |
disafiŝi | crosspost |
disaj aroj | disjoint sets |
disaŭ | xor |
disaŭdigi | broadcast |
disaŭdigo | broadcast |
disaŭo | exclusive or, exjunction, nonequivalence |
disbati | knock to pieces, break up |
disbranĉigi | branch |
disbranĉigo | branching |
disbranĉiĝi | branch off |
disciplino | discipline |
disĉiplo | disciple |
disde | out of |
disdividi | cut up, partition |
disdoni | distribute, deal, give out |
disdonilo | dispatcher |
disdono | distribution |
dise | separation, separated |
diseco | divergence, dispersal |
diserigebla | biodegradable, biodestructible |
diserigi | disintegrate, break up |
disertacio | dissertation |
disertaĵo | dissertation |
diserti | dissert |
diservo | service, worship service |
disfadenigo | multithreading |
disfagio | dysphagia |
disfali | collapse |
disfazio | dysphasia |
disforkiĝo | bifurcation |
dishaki | chop, chop up |
disigi | disintegrate, divide, separate |
disigilo | separator, delimiter |
disigo | breakdown |
disigpovo | resolving power |
disiĝema | loose, sandy |
disiĝi | separate |
disipi | squander, dissipate |
disiri | break up, separate |
disjunkcio | disjunction |
disĵeti | scatter |
disĵeto | injection |
disk-etikeda | disk-labeling |
disk-kopio | disk duplication |
diska | disk |
diskanto | treble |
diskaparato | hard disk |
diskedo | diskette, floppy |
diskego | long playing record |
diskejo | discotheque |
diskeraro | disk error |
diskestro | disc jockey |
disketikeda | disk-labeling |
disketilo | floppy disk drive |
disketo | diskette |
diski | dial |
diskila | drive |
diskila niĉo | drivebay |
diskilo | disc drive, disk drive |
diskingo | disk drive |
diskingocifero | drive digit |
diskingolitero | drive letter |
diskkopio | disk duplication |
diskludilo | record player |
disko | dial, disc, disk, record |
diskocilindro | cylinder |
diskogurdo | juke box |
diskoma | comma-separated, comma-delimited |
diskoma dosiero | CSV, .csv, comma-delimited file, comma-separated file, comma-separated value file, comma-separated values file |
diskonto | discount |
diskoo | disco (music) |
diskoplato | turntable |
diskospaco | disk space |
diskoteko | discotheque |
diskovendejo | record shop |
diskpleto | disk tray |
diskrediti | discredit |
diskreditigi | cry down, cut up, demolish, pull to pieces, run down, writedown |
diskreta | discrete |
diskreteco | modesty |
diskretigo | discretization; sampling |
diskriminacii | discriminate |
diskriminacio | discrimination |
diskturnila | disk-drive, disk drive |
diskturnilo | disk drive, disk unit |
diskunuo | disk drive |
diskurso | discourse |
diskutado | discussion |
diskutgrupo | discussion group |
diskuti | discuss |
diskutigi | bring up, raise the subject of |
diskutinda | worthy of discussion |
diskuto | discussion |
diskutservilo | discussion server |
diskuttabulo | discussion board |
dislimi | delimit |
dismeti | take apart |
dispartigi | partition |
dispartigo | partitioning |
dispecigi | take apart, fragment |
dispeli | disperse |
dispepsio | dyspepsia, indigestion |
dispersiva | dispersion |
disponaĵa komando | device control |
disponaĵnumero | device ID |
disponaĵo | device |
disponebla | available |
disponebligi | make available |
disponeblo | availability |
disponi | absorb, have at one’s disposal |
disponiga | deployment |
disponigi | make available |
disponigo | deployment |
disponigota | deployment |
dispono | disposition |
dispozicii | predispose, dispose |
dispozicio | predisposition, tendency |
disprozio | dysprosium |
disputi | argue, dispute |
disputo | dispute, quarrel |
disradii | emit |
disreferenca bildo | clickable image map |
disrompi | break up |
dissemi | disseminate |
dissemigi | disseminate, sow |
dissendi | send out; transmit |
dissendilo | mail exploder |
dissendolisto | mailing list |
disskvamiĝi | flake off, peel off |
dissolvi | fade |
dissolvo | fade |
dissurĵeto | bijection |
disŝiri | tear |
disŝirita | tattered |
disŝovreĝimo | insert mode |
disŝuta | filesharing, file sharing, file-sharing |
dista | distant, remote |
distaba | tab-separated, tab-delimited |
distaba dosiero | tab-separated file, tab-delimited file, TSV, .tsv, tab-separated values, tab separated values |
distanca regilo | remote control, clicker |
distanciĝi | distance oneself |
distanco | distance, offset |
distanco laŭ Hamming | Hamming distance |
distili | distil |
distililo | still |
distinga | distinctive |
distingaĵo | differentiating factor |
distingi | distinguish |
distingiĝa | distinctive |
distingiĝi | distinguish oneself |
distingita | distinguished |
distingivo | resolution, discrimination |
distingo | distinction, renown |
distordi | distort |
distordilo | distortion box |
distordo | distortion |
distra | entertaining, festal |
distrado | distraction, diversion |
distraĵo | distraction, diversion |
distranĉado | truncating |
distranĉeraro | truncation error |
distranĉi | cut up |
distri | distract, divert, entertain |
distribua | distribution, parcel (delivery) |
distribuanto | distributor |
distribueblo | distributivity |
distribuebloregulo | distributive law |
distribui | distribute |
distribuilo | distributor |
distribuo | distribution |
distribuota | to be shipped |
distributa | distributive |
distriĝema | absent, absent-minded, abstracted, absentminded |
distriĝemo | absence of mind, abstraction |
distriĝo | absence of mind |
distrikto | district |
distrita | absent-minded, abstracted, distracted, absentminded |
distriteco | absence of mind, abstraction |
distro | distraction, diversion |
distrofio | dystrophy |
disvastigi | spread |
disvastigita | propagated |
disvastigo | propagation |
disvastiĝi | spread, become widespread |
disverŝi | spill |
disvolvi | develop |
disvolviĝi | develop |
diurno | 24-hour period |
divano | couch, divan |
diveha | Dhivehi |
diveni | guess |
diverĝi | diverge |
diversa | diverse, varied, various |
diversaj | several |
diversaĵoj | miscellaneous |
diverseco | diversity |
diversigi | diversify |
diversmaniere | in various ways |
diversutila | versatile |
dividado | splitting |
dividi | divide, separate, share |
dividilo | splitter |
divido | division |
dividobreto | split bar |
dividooperacio | division |
dividstreko | break |
dividu kaj regu | divide and conquer |
dividujo | split box |
divizio | division, military division |
divizoro | divisor |
divorco | divorce |
dizajni | design |
dizajnisto | designer |
dizajno | design |
dizelo | diesel |
dizerti | desert |
dizertinto | deserter |
dizerto | desertion |
djembo | djembe |
dk (dankon) | tks, thx, thanks, thank you |
DLL-risurco | resource DLL |
DM (dumviva membro) | lifetime member |
DNS-kliento | DNS client |
DNS-servilo | DNS server |
DNS-sufikso | DNS suffix |
do | so, then, therefore |
dobro | dobro |
dobrogitaro | dobro |
docento | lecturer, instructor |
doganejo | custom house, customs house |
dogano | customs |
dogma | dogmatic |
dogmismo | dogmatism |
dogmo | dogma |
dogo | mastiff |
dojeno | doyen, senior |
doketo | docking cradle |
dokita | docked (toolbar) |
doko | dock |
dokta | erudite, learned |
doktoriĝi | acquire a doctor’s degree, become a doctor |
doktorino | doctor |
doktoro | doctor |
dokumenta | document |
dokumenta objekta modelo | DOM, document object model |
dokumentado | documentation |
dokumentaro | documentation |
dokumentdetruilo | shredder |
dokumentlegilo | document reader |
dokumento | document, paper |
dokumentomastrumado | document management |
dokumentoredaktado | word processing |
dokumentoredaktilo | word processor |
dolaro | dollar |
dolarosigno (dolarsigno) | dollar sign, “$” |
dolarsigno | dollar sign, “$” |
Dolbio | Dolby |
dolĉa | gentle, soft, sweet, tender |
dolĉa akvo | fresh water |
dolĉacida | bittersweet |
dolĉaĵo | candy |
dolĉamara | sweet-and-sour, sweet and sour |
dolĉeco | sweetness |
dolĉodora | sweet-smelling |
dolĉulino | sweetheart |
dolĉulo | sweetheart |
Dolomitoj | Dolomites |
dolora | painful |
dolorĝemi | groan |
dolori | ache, be painful, hurt |
dolorigi | hurt |
doloro | pain |
dom- | domesticated, house-, domesticated |
domaĉo | hovel |
domaĝe | that’s too bad, what a pity |
domaĝi | begrudge, regret |
domaĝo | pity |
domajna | domain (name) |
domajna nomsistemo | Domain Name System, DNS |
domajnnomo | domain name |
domajno | domain |
dombesto | domestic animal |
dombloko | block |
domego | mansion |
domeno | domino |
domestiki | domesticate |
dometo | cottage |
domicilo | abode, dwelling place, dwelling-place, residence |
domigi | domesticate |
dominado | domination |
dominanta | prevalent |
dominanto | dominant |
domini | dominate |
Dominika Respubliko | Dominican Republic |
dominikano | Dominican |
Dominikanio (Dominika Respubliko) | Dominican Republic |
dominikia | Dominican |
dominikiano | Dominican |
Dominikio (Dominika Respubliko) | Dominican Republic |
Dominiko | Dominica |
dominio | dominion |
dommastrino | housewife |
dommastro | master |
domo | house |
donace | as a gift, gratis |
donacema | generous |
donaceto | little present |
donaci | donate, give |
donaco | gift, present |
donaĵo | gift |
donglo | dongle |
doni | give |
doni loĝejon | accommodate, let stay over |
donitaĵo | datum (singular of “datums”); input |
donitaĵoj | data |
Donjeco | Donetz |
donĵuano | Don Juan, woman-chaser |
Donkastro | Doncaster |
donkiĥoto | Don Quixote |
dono | giving, provision |
doria | Dorian |
dorika | Dorian, Doric |
dorloti | coddle, pamper, pet |
dormĉambro | bedroom |
dormĉemizo | night shirt, nightshirt |
dormejo | sleeping accommodation, sleeping place |
dormema | sleepy |
dormeta | sleep (mode) |
dormetema | drowsy |
dormeti | nap, slumber |
dormi | be asleep, sleep |
dormigi | put to sleep |
dorminklina | drowsy |
dormo | sleep |
dormrobo | nightgown, nightdresss, night dress, night gown, nightie |
dormsako | sleeping bag |
dornarbusto | thorn bush |
dorno | thorn |
dornoplena | thorny |
Dornorozeto | Sleeping Beauty |
dorsa | back, dorsal |
dorsapogilo | backrest |
dorse | at the back |
dorsen | backward, on one’s back |
dorsflanko | back, reverse, reverse side |
dorso | back |
dorsofrapa | slap-back |
dorsosako | rucksack |
dorssakproblemo | knapsack problem |
dosiera | file |
dosiera foliumilo | explorer |
dosiera kunhavigo | file sharing, filesharing |
dosiera opuzigo | file sharing, filesharing |
dosiera opuzo | file sharing, filesharing |
dosieradministrado | file management |
dosieradministrilo | filer, file manager, file system |
dosieraranĝo | file organization |
dosieratributo | file property |
dosierdialogo | file dialog |
dosierdiferenca | diff |
dosieresplorilo | browser (files) |
dosierfiltrilo | file filter |
dosierfina | end-of-file, EOF, end of file |
dosierfinilo | end-of-file, EOF, end of file |
dosierfino | end-of-file, EOF, end of file |
dosierflegado | file maintenance |
dosierformato | file format |
dosierformo | file format, format (file) |
dosiergrando | file size |
dosiergrupo | file group |
dosierindiko | pathname |
dosierinterŝanĝo | filesharing, file sharing |
dosierkolekto | file collection |
dosierkonverto | file conversion |
dosierlokigo | file location |
dosiernoma | file name |
dosiernoma finaĵo | file extension |
dosiernomo | file name |
dosiernumero | file descriptor, file handle |
dosiero | dossier, file |
dosierrestaŭro | file restore |
dosiersekurigo | file protection |
dosiersistema | file system, desktop |
dosiersistemo | file system |
dosiersitutabelo | FAT, File Allocation Table |
dosierstrukturo | file structure |
dosiersufikso | file extension |
dosierŝanĝo | file change |
dosierŝanĝoj | file changes |
dosiertenado | file updating |
dosiertipo | file type |
dosiertraduko | file translation |
dosiertraktado | file handling |
dosiertransiga | file-transfer |
dosiertransiga protokolo | FTP, File Transfer Protocol, File-Transfer Protocol |
dosiertransigo | file transfer |
dosieruja | directory, folders |
dosierujaj | folder |
dosierujano | directory entry, link |
dosierujo | folder |
dosierujoj | folders |
Dosonkriko | Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada |
doti | endow |
doto | dowry |
dozi | measure out |
dozo | dose |
drajvo | drive |
Drakmontaro | Drakensberg Mountains |
drako | dragon |
drakona | draconian |
drama | dramatic |
dramaturgo | dramaturge, playwright |
dramigi | dramatize, dramatise |
dramo | drama |
drapiri | drape |
drapo | cloth, wooden cloth |
drasta | drastic |
draŝado | thrash |
draŝi | thresh |
drata | wired, wire |
dratado | wiring |
drataro | wiring |
dratkonektita | wire connected |
drato | wire |
dratprovizado | wiring |
drattondilo | wire cutters, wire shears |
dreliko | denim |
drenado | draining |
dreni | drain |
dreniĝi | drain |
drenkrano | drain cock |
dresi | tame, train |
dresisto | trainer |
drilo | drill |
drinkado | boozing, drinking |
drinkaĵo | booze |
drinkejo | bar, pub |
drinkemulo | boozer, alcoholic |
drinki | drink, drink to excess |
drinkulo | boozer, alcoholic |
drivi | drift, be adrift |
dro (doktoro) | Dr. |
drogejo | drugstore |
drogekscitita | high |
drogherboj | medicinal herbs |
drogo | drug |
drola | funny-looking, funny |
dromedaro | dromedary |
droni | drown |
dronigi | drown |
dronmarĉejo | quicksand, quicksands |
drumo | drum kit |
drumomaŝino | drum machine |
du | two |
du semajnoj | fortnight, two weeks |
du-tona | dual tone |
dua | second |
dua konfirma subskribo | countersignature |
dualeco | duality |
duaranga | secondary |
duaranga kontakto | subcontact |
duba | doubtful |
dubemolo | double flat |
dubi | doubt |
dubinda | doubtful |
dubli | overdub |
Dublino | Dublin |
dublo | dubbing |
dubnio | dubnium |
dubo | doubt |
ducent | two hundred, 200 |
dudek | twenty, 20 |
dudek unu | twenty-one, twenty one, 21 |
dudeka | twentieth, 20th |
dudieso | double sharp |
dudimensia | two-dimensional, 2D |
dudirekta | reversible |
dudualo | double dual |
duelbirdo | fighting cock, gamecock, ruff |
dufaza | two-factor |
duflanka | two-sided, bilateral |
dufoje | twice |
Duglaso | Douglas |
dujara | biennial, two-year, two-year-old |
Dukbosko | Bois-le-Duc |
dukerna | dual core |
dukino | duchess |
duklando | duchy |
duko | duke |
dukolora | bicolor, bicolour, bicolored, bicoloured, of two colors, of two colours, bichromatic, dichromatic |
dukorno | caron, hacek |
dukto | pipe |
dulineara | bilinear |
dulingva | bilingual |
duliteraĵo | digraph |
duloka | binary |
dum | for, during, whereas, while, whilst |
Dumbartono | Dumbarton |
dume | all the time, in the meantime, meanwhile |
Dumfriso | Dumfries |
dumkura | while running |
dumkura permuteblaĵo | hot plug device |
dumkure | while running |
dumkure permutebla | hot swappable |
dummomenta | transient |
dumnokte | at night, during the night |
dumtage | by day, during the day |
dumtajpa | while-typing, incremental (search) |
dumtempa | temporary |
dumtempe | meanwhile |
dumviva | lifelong |
dunaskito | twin |
dunaskitoj | twins |
dundumbo | dundumba |
dunganto | employer |
dungi | employ, hire |
dunginto | employer |
dungito | employee |
dungokontrakto | labor agreement, labour agreement, labor contract, labour contract |
dungolisto | muster-roll |
dungperejo | employment exchange, labor exchange, labour exchange |
Dunkerko | Dunkirk |
duno | dune |
duo | pair |
duobla | double, twofold, dual |
duobla kerno | dual-core, dual core |
duobla vo (vuo) | W, the letter W, double-u |
duoblabata | duoble stroke |
duoblaj voj (vuoj) | W’s, double-ues (letter name plural) |
duoble alklaki | double-click |
duobligi | double |
duobligo | duplication |
duoblo | duplicate |
duolo | duplet |
duona | half |
duonadiciilo | half-adder |
duonaŭtomata | semiautomatic |
duondia | of a demigod |
duondiino | demigodess |
duondika | semi bold (font) |
duondio | demigod |
duondupleksa kanalo | half-duplex |
duondupleksa reĝimo | half-duplex |
duonduto | half tone, half step |
duonebria | tipsy |
duonfali | stumble |
duonfilino | stepdaughter |
duonfilo | stepson |
duonfratino | halfsister, half-sister |
duonfrato | halfbrother, half-brother |
duongrasa | semi bold (font) |
duongrupo | semigroup |
duoniga | binary |
duoninsulo | peninsula |
duonkodo | byte-code |
duonkonduktila | semiconductor, semi-conductor |
duonkonduktilo | semiconductor, semi-conductor |
duonkorpa | semi-acoustic |
duonluma | dim, half-light |
duonlumo | dusk, half light |
duonmaldika | semi-light (font), semi light (font) |
duonmalgrasa | semi-light (font), semi light (font) |
duono | half |
duonpatrino | stepmother, step-mother |
duonpatro | stepfather, step-father |
duonringo | semiring |
duonsumilo | half-adder |
duontono | halftone |
duope | by twos |
duopo | pair |
dupartiga | dichotomizing |
dupaŝa | two-pass |
dupersona | two-person, double (bed) |
dupieda | two-footed, bipedal |
dupiedulo | biped |
dupleksa | duplex (communication) |
dupo | dupe |
dupunkto | colon, : |
dura | hard |
durdisko | hard disk, hard drive |
dusenca | ambiguous |
dusignifa | ambiguous |
dustabila | bistable |
duŝejo | showerstall |
duŝi | shower |
duŝi sin | take a shower |
duŝilo | showerhead |
duŝo | shower |
dutavola | dual-layer (DVD), double-layer (DVD) |
duto | second |
dutona | dual tone |
duuma | binary |
duzo | nozzle; jet |
DVD | DVD, Digital Versatile Disk, Digital Video Disk |
DVD-disko | DVD, Digital Versatile Disk, Digital Video Disk |
DVD-ludilo | DVD player |
DVD-spektilo | DVD player |
dzonko | Dzongkha
E |
e | E, the letter E |
E-kordo | E-chord |
E-o (Esperanto) | Esperanto |
E. (eosto, oriento) | E., east |
E. (Esperanto) | Esperanto |
EAB (Esperanto Asocio de Britio) | EAB, E.A.B., Esperanto Association of Britain |
ebena | even, flat, level, smooth, plane |
ebenaĵo | plain |
ebenigi | even, level |
ebeno | plane |
ebla | possible, -able, -ible, able |
ebla kliento | lead, potential client |
eble | maybe, perhaps, possibly |
ebleco | possibility |
eblecoj | opportunities |
ebli | be possible |
ebligi | enable |
eblo | possibility |
ebria | drunk, intoxicated |
ebrieco | drunkenness, inebriety |
ebrieta | tipsy |
ebrigaĵo | intoxicating liquor |
ebriiĝi | get drunk |
ebrio | drunkenness |
ebriulo | drunk |
Ebro | Ebro |
Ebur-Bordo | Côte d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast |
ebura | ivory |
Ebura Bordo (Ebur-Bordo) | Côte d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast |
Eburbordo (Ebur-Bordo) | Côte d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast |
eburo | ivory |
eca | -ish, -like, property |
ecara | property |
ecaro | property set |
eco | property, abstract idea, quality, -ness, -ship, -ity |
eco-difino | property definition |
eco-kampoj | property fields |
eco-nomo | property name |
ecodifino | property definition |
ecoj | properties |
ecokampoj | property fields |
economo | property name |
ecujo | property bag |
eĉ | even |
eĉ se | even if |
eda | Edo language |
edelvejso | edelweiss |
Edeno | Eden |
edifi | edify |
Edinburgo | Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Dùn Èideann |
Edinburgon | Edinburgh (accusative), Edinburgh (accusative), Dùn Èideann (accusative) |
editi | edit |
Edmontona | Edmontonian (Alberta, Canada) |
Edmontonano | Edmontonian (Alberta, Canada) |
Edmontono | Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) |
Edmontonon | Edmonton (Alberta, Canada) (accusative) |
edo | -oid |
edro | face |
Eduardo | Edward |
Eduardon | Edward (accusative) |
edukado | education |
eduki | breed, bring up, educate, raise |
edukiĝi | be educated |
edukisto | educator |
edukita | raised, trained, educated |
eduko | education |
edzeco | marriage, matrimony |
edzigi | marry, wed |
edziĝa festo | wedding, wedding party, wedding-party |
edziĝi | marry, be married, get married |
edziĝinta | married |
edziĝpeto | offer, offer of parriage |
edziĝpropono | offer, offer of marriage, proposal |
edzineco | marriage |
edzinigi | marry, wed |
edziniĝi | marry, be married, get married |
edziniĝinta | married |
edzino | wife |
edzo | husband |
efektiĝi | come to pass, come true |
efektilo | effect box, effect pedal, effects |
efektiva | actual, real |
efektive | absolutely, actually, in fact |
efektivigi | accomplish, achieve |
efektivigita | completed |
efektiviĝas | take effect |
efektiviĝi | take effect |
efekto | effect, impression |
efemera | ephemeral, transitory |
efemeraĵo | bubble, ephemeron |
efika | effective, effectual, efficacious |
efikeco | effectiveness |
efiki | act, be effective, have effect |
efikigado | enforcement |
efiko | effect |
ega | augmented |
egakordo | augmented chord |
egala | equal, even, level |
egalaĵo | equality |
egalanima | even-tempered |
egale | equally, alike, all the same |
egaleco | draw, equality |
egali | equal |
egaligi | even, level |
egalinterspaca | monospaced |
egallarĝa | fixed-width, monospaced, fixed-length |
egallonga | fixed-length, fixed length |
egalosigno | equal sign, equals sign, “=” |
egalpezo | equilibrium |
egalrajta | having equal rights, equal |
egalrajtigi | grant equal rights to |
egalsigno | equal sign, equals sign, “=” |
egaltempa | isochronous |
egalvaloro | equivalent |
ege | extremely |
Egeja Maro | Aegean Sea |
egido | protection |
egipta | Egyptian |
Egiptio (Egiptujo) | Egypt |
egipto | Egyptian |
Egiptujo | Egypt |
Egiro | Ægir (Norse god), Aegir (Norse god) |
eglefino | haddock |
ego | augmentative ending |
egoisma | self-interested, selfish |
egoismo | self-interest, selfishness |
egoista | self-interested, selfish |
egoisto | egotist |
egoo | ego |
eĝo | mountain ridge |
eĥi | echo |
eĥilo | echo machine |
eĥo | echo |
eĥosondi | ping |
ejakuli | ejaculate |
Ejfelturo | Eiffel Tower |
ejlo | ale |
ejnstejnio (ejnŝtejnio) | einsteinium, Es |
ejnŝtejnio | einsteinium, Es |
ejo | place |
Ejro (Irlando) | Ireland, Éire |
Ejron (Irlandon) | Ireland (accusative), Éire (accusative) |
ek | (prefix marking the beginning of an action); away we go, let’s go, let’s start |
ek/for | on/off |
ekagigi | trigger |
ekagilo | trigger |
ekarteraro | bias error |
ekarto | deviation |
ekaŭdi | descry, perceive |
ekboji | give tongue, bark |
ekbrili | flash |
ekbruli | burn, catch, flash on, strike, take fire |
ekbruligi | kindle, light |
ekceli | aim, take aim |
ekde | from, since |
ekdiskuti pri | bring up |
ekdormi | fall asleep |
ekesti | arise |
ekflagri | burst into flames |
ekflori | come into bloom |
ekflugi | get aloft |
ekfunkciigi | put on, start, switch on, turn on |
ekgliti | skid, slip |
ekhavi | get |
eki | begin, come on, set in, start |
ekigi | launch, trigger, run |
ekinaceo | echinacea |
ekinsulti | become abusive |
ekipaĵo | equipment |
ekipi | equip |
ekipo | equipment |
ekiri | start out |
ekkanti | intone, raise |
ekkapti | clutch, grab, grasp, grip, seize |
ekkoleri | get angry |
ekkompreni | begin to understand |
ekkoni | become familiar, get to know |
ekkono | familiarisation, recognition |
ekkonsumi | break into, broach, cut into |
ekkrii | call out |
ekkuri | start running |
ekkuro | run |
ekkuŝi | lie down |
ekkuŝiĝi | lie down |
eklezia | ecclesiastic, church |
eklezia slava | Church Slavonic |
ekleziano | church member |
eklezio | church |
ekleziulo | clergyman |
ekloĝi | take up residence |
ekludi | kick off |
ekludo | kick-off |
eklumigi | light |
ekmalsati | get hungry |
ekmanki al | fall short of |
eko | beginning, commencement, inception, opening, outset, start |
ekoilo | echo machine |
ekonomia | economic |
ekonomika | economical |
ekonomiko | economics |
ekonomio | economy |
ekoo | echo |
ekpafi | discharge, fire, fire off |
ekpago | initial deposit, installment, down payment, first installment |
ekparoli pri | bring up |
ekpaŭzo | break |
ekpluvi | start raining |
ekpreni | grasp |
ekpreno | grasp |
ekprioritati | take precedence |
ekprocesi kontraŭ | prosecute, sue |
ekpuŝi | jog, nudge |
ekran-antaŭvido | preview image |
ekranantaŭvido | preview image |
ekranbloko | monitor, visual display unit |
ekrandistingivo | screen resolution |
ekrandividado | screen sharing, screensharing |
ekranfono | wallpaper |
ekrangrando | screen size |
ekranklavaro | onscreen keyboard, on-screen keyboard |
ekrankopia | snapshot |
ekrankopiilo | screen capture tool |
ekrankopio | screenshot, screen shot, screen dump |
ekrankurteno | screen saver |
ekrano | screen |
ekranprintaĵo | screenshot, screen shot, screen dump |
ekranŝloso | screen locker |
ekrantiparo | screen font |
ekranumi | screen |
ekregi | take command of, take power over |
ekrigardi | glance |
ekrimarki | descry, perceive |
ekruli | launch, trigger, run |
eks- | ex-, former |
eksa | ex-, former |
eksalti | start |
ekscesa | excessive, inordinate |
ekscese | excessively |
eksceso | excess |
ekscii | learn, find out |
ekscita | exciting |
eksciteco | excitement |
eksciti | excite |
ekscitiĝo | excitement |
ekscitilo | exciter |
ekscitita | agitated |
ekscititeco | excitement |
ekscito | excitation, excitement |
eksdata | stale |
eksedziĝi | get a divorce, get divorced |
eksedziĝinta | divorced |
eksedziĝo | divorce |
eksedziniĝi | get a divorce |
eksedziniĝinta | divorced |
eksento | emotion |
ekshibiciulo | exhibitionist |
eksidi | sit down |
eksiga signo | CAN, ␘, cancel |
eksigi | discharge, dismiss, fire, sack |
eksigo | exclusion |
eksigu | exclude, EXCL; delete |
eksiĝdato | purge date |
eksiĝi | quit, resign |
eksiĝo | resignation |
ekskludi | exclude |
ekskludo | exclusion |
ekskluziva | exclusive |
ekskluziva disjunkcio | exclusive disjunction |
ekskluzive | exclusively |
ekskluzivenda | to be excluded |
ekskluzivi | exclude |
ekskluzivigo | mutual exclusion, mutex |
ekskluzivo | exclusion |
ekskomentariigi | uncomment |
ekskomuniko | anathema, ban, excommunication |
ekskrecii | secrete |
ekskrementoj | excrement |
ekskui | jerk, jolt, shake |
ekskursi | make an excursion |
ekskurso | excursion, outing, sightseeing trip |
ekskuzi | excuse |
ekskuzi sin | apologize |
ekskuzo | apology |
eksmembriĝi | withdraw one’s name, withdraw one’s subscription |
eksmoda | old-fashioned, out of date |
eksoni | resound, become audible |
ekspansii | expand |
ekspansiita | expanded (font) |
ekspansio | expansion |
ekspeda servo | parcel delivery |
ekspedado | shipment |
ekspeddato | shipping date |
ekspedi | dispatch, send off, ship |
ekspedicio | expedition |
ekspedinto | sender |
ekspekto | expectation |
eksperimenta | experimental |
eksperimenti | experiment |
eksperimento | experiment |
eksperta | expert |
eksperta sistemo | expert system |
ekspertisto | expert |
ekspertizi | appraise |
ekspertizisto | appraiser |
eksperto | expert, specialist |
eksplicita | explicit |
ekspliki | explain |
ekspliko | explanation |
eksplodaĵo | explosive |
eksplodi | explode |
eksplodigi | blow up |
eksplodilo | explosive device |
eksplodmotoro | internal combustion engine |
eksplodo | explosion |
ekspluatado | exploitation |
ekspluati | exploit, utilize |
ekspluatilo | exploit, flaw |
ekspluatisto | exploiter |
ekspon-butono | shutter release button |
ekspon-daŭro | shutter speed |
ekspon-ekvilibrigo | exposure adjustment |
ekspon-skalo | exposure scale |
ekspona tempo | exposure time |
eksponado | exposure |
eksponbutono | shutter release button |
ekspondaŭro | shutter speed |
eksponekvilibrigo | exposure adjustment |
eksponenciala | exponential |
eksponencialo | exponential function |
eksponento | exponent, scale factor |
eksponi | demonstrate, exhibit, expose |
eksponmezurilo | exposure meter |
ekspono | exposure |
eksponometro | exposure meter |
eksponometro-difuzilo | diffuser |
eksponometrodifuzilo | diffuser |
eksponplato | baseboard |
eksponskalo | exposure scale |
eksportado | exporting, export |
eksporti | export |
eksporto | export |
eksportodosierformo | export format |
ekspozicii | exhibit |
ekspozicio | exhibition, exposition |
ekspresi | express |
ekspreso | express |
eksprezidanto | ex-president |
ekstari | get up, rise, stand, stand up |
ekstaza | ecstatic |
ekstazo | ecstasy |
ekster | outside, outside of |
ekstera | external, outer, outside |
ekstera liveranto | third party, third-party |
eksteraĵo | exterior |
ekstere | abroad, out, outside |
eksteredzeca | out of wedlock |
eksterejo | outdoors |
eksteren | out, outside, outward |
eksterlanda | alien, foreign |
eksterlandanino | foreigner, foreign lady, foreign woman |
eksterlandano | foreigner |
eksterlande | abroad |
eksterlando | foreign country |
eksterloka | position-independent, relocatable |
ekstermi | exterminate, wipe out |
ekstero | exterior |
eksterordinara | extraordinary, formidable |
eksterordinara dividendo | bonus |
eksterordinare | exceedingly, extraordinarily |
eksterreta | offline (off the web) |
eksterreto | extranet |
ekstervarieja | out of range |
ekstra | extra |
ekstraĵo | accessory, extra |
ekstraktado | abstraction |
ekstrakti | extract |
ekstrapoli | extrapolate |
ekstravaganca | extravagant, high-flown |
ekstrema | extreme |
Ekstrema Oriento | Far East, the Far East |
ekstremaĵo | end, tip |
ekstreme | extremely |
eksvalidiĝo | expiration |
ekteni | clutch, grapple |
ektimigita | startled |
ektiminta | startled |
ektiri | jerk, pull, tug |
ektranĉi | cut into |
ektuŝi | touch upon |
ektuŝmaniero | touch |
ekuzi | start to use |
ekvacia | equation |
ekvaciaro | system of equations |
ekvacio | equation |
ekvadora | Ecuadorian |
ekvadorano | Ecuadorian |
Ekvadoro | Ecuador |
ekvalizi | equalize |
ekvalizilo | equalizer |
ekvator-gvineano | Equatoguinean, Equatorial Guinean |
Ekvatora Gvineo | Equatorial Guinea |
ekvatoro | equator |
ekveturi | depart, leave, sail, start |
ekvidi | descry, perceive |
ekvilibra arbo | balanced tree |
ekvilibrigo | balancing |
ekvilibro | equilibrium |
ekvinokso | equinox |
ekvivalenta | equivalent |
ekvivalenteco | equivalence |
ekvivalento | equivalent |
ekvivalentoklaso | equivalence class |
ekvivalentorilato | equivalence relation |
ekvojaĝi | depart, leave, set out |
ekz-e (ekzemple) | e.g., ex., for example, exempli gratia |
ekz-ro (ekzemplero) | copy |
ekz. (ekzemple) | e.g., ex., for example, exempli gratia |
ekz. (ekzemplero) | copy |
ekzakta | exact |
ekzakte | exactly |
ekzakteco | accuracy, exactitude, precision |
ekzakto | accuracy |
ekzalti | exalt |
ekzaltita | exalted |
ekzalto | exaltation |
ekzameni | examine |
ekzameno | investigation, examination, test |
ekzegezo | interpretation, exegesis |
ekzekuciisto | sequestrator |
ekzekucio | sequestration |
ekzekuti | execute |
ekzekutisto | hangman, executioner |
ekzemple | for example, for instance |
ekzemplero | copy |
ekzempleroj | copies |
ekzemplo | example |
ekzercado | exercise, practice, practise |
ekzercejo | drill ground; fitness room |
ekzerci | exercise, practice, practise |
ekzerci sin | practice, practise |
ekzercita | experienced, expert, skilful, skilled, skillful, practised |
ekzerciteco | expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness |
ekzerco | exercise, practice, practise |
ekzili | exile |
ekzilito | exile |
ekzilo | exile |
ekzistado | existence |
ekzistejo | life time |
ekzisti | exist |
ekzisto | existence |
ekzistokvantoro | existential quantifier |
ekzorci | exorcise |
ekzotika | exotic |
el | from, out of |
elaĉeti | ransom, redeem |
Elaĉetinto | Redeemer, Savior, Saviour |
elaĉetsumo | ransom, redemption money |
elando | eland |
elartikigi | dislocate |
elasta | elastic |
elastano | elastane, Spandex, Lycra |
elaŭtiĝi | get out, get out of a car |
Elbruso | Mount Elbrus |
elbufrigi | flush |
elburĝoniĝi | bud, sprout |
elcenta | percentual |
elcentaĵo | rate (percentage) |
elcento | percent |
elcentosigno | percent sign, “%” |
elĉerpa serĉo | exhaustive search |
elĉerpaĵo | excerpt |
elĉerpi | wear out, use up |
elĉerpita | exhausted, used up |
eld. (eldoninto) | publisher |
eld. (eldonis) | published, published by |
eld. (eldonita) | published, published in |
eld. (eldono) | ed., edition |
eldevigi | extort, wrest, wring |
eldevigo | exaction, extortion |
eldiri | state |
eldiro | statement |
eldona | release, issuing |
eldonaj | release, issuing |
eldonaj notoj | release notes |
eldonaĵo | publication |
eldonanto | issuer |
eldondato | release date |
eldonejo | publisher, publishing house |
eldoni | issue, publish |
eldoninto | publisher |
eldonis | published, published by |
eldonisto | publisher |
eldonita | published, published in |
eldonjaro | release year |
eldonkvanto | circulation, issue |
eldono | edition |
elefanta | elephant, elephantine |
elefanto | elephant |
eleganta | elegant |
elegio | elegy |
elektaĵo | selection (choice) |
elektaro | selection |
elekteblaro | option group |
elekteblo | option |
elekteblo-butono | option button |
elekteblobutono | option button |
elektema | picky |
elekti | choose, elect, pick out |
elektiĝi | be elected, be chosen |
elektilo | selector, chooser |
elektita | elected |
elekto | choice, election |
elektobutono (markobutono) | checkbox, check box, choice button |
elektobutonoj (markobutonoj) | checkboxes, check boxes, choice buttons |
elektra | electric |
elektristo | electrician |
elektro | electricity |
elektroakustika | electroacoustic |
elektrona | electronic |
elektronika | electronic |
elektronika popo | electropop, electro-pop |
elektroniko | electronics |
elektrono | electron |
elektrotekniko | electrical engineering |
elementa | elemental, elementary, primary (school) |
elemento | element, entry, item |
Elenhaveno | Port Ellen (Scotland), Port Ìlein |
elfali | fall out |
elfalo | drop out |
elfari | accomplish, achieve, finish |
elfarita | completed |
elfazigilo | phaser |
elfazigo | phasing |
elfini | finish |
elflui | flow out |
elfo | elf |
elformiĝi | take form |
elfosi | dig up, excavate, grub |
elgutigilo | colander, strainer |
Elicinsuloj | Ellice Islands |
eliga | output, eject, out |
eliga lineingo | line-out jack |
eligatoro | output device |
eligi | draw out, drive out, express, utter, give utterance to, pullout |
eligilo | output |
eligingo | output jack |
eligo | output |
eligu | eject |
elimini | eliminate |
eliminiĝi | drop out |
elipsilo | ellipse tool |
elipso | ellipse |
elira | outgoing, exit |
eliraj | exit, outgoing |
eliranta poŝto | outgoing mail |
elirejo | exit, way out |
eliri | exit, go out |
eliri el | step out |
elirigi | deprive, dismiss |
elirkesto | outbox |
Eliro | Exodus |
elirstato | completion code, exit status, return status, termination code |
eliru | exit |
eliru-klavo | exit key |
eliruklavo | exit key |
Elizabeto | Elizabeth |
Elizabeton | Elizabeth (accusative) |
Elizeo | Elysium |
elizii | elide |
elizio | elision |
elĵetaĵo | refuse, rubbish, waste |
elĵeti | throw out |
elkajigo | &-elimination, ampersand elimination |
elklapi | popout, pop-out, pop out |
elkonduko | coda |
elkora | cordial, sincere |
elkovi | hatch out |
elkrani | tap |
ellaboraĵo | elaboration, work |
ellabori | finish, work out |
ellacigi | fatigue, jade, overdrive, override, tire out |
ellasi | release |
ellasita | left out, omitted |
ellerni | master |
ellistigi | unenlist |
ellitiĝi | get up |
elmergiĝi | emerge |
elmeti | expose |
elmigri | emigrate |
elmilsigno | per mille sign, “‰” |
elmontri | display, show |
ELNA (Esperanto-Ligo por Norda Ameriko) | Esperanto League for North America, ELNA |
elo | ale |
elokventa | eloquent |
elpagi | pay off, redeem |
elpaki | unpack |
elparoli | pronounce |
elparolo | pronunciation |
elpaŝi | step out, make a statement |
elpeli | drive out |
elpensaĵo | idea, invention |
elpensi | invent |
elperfidi | betray |
elpetigi | implore, invoke |
elporti | abide, bear, carry out, endure, put up with, suffer |
elporto | export |
elportodosierformo | export format |
elpoŝigi | paste, yank |
elpremado | extrusion |
elpremi | squeeze out |
elpremo | exaction, extortion |
elprenado | stealing |
elpreni | remove, take out |
elprenita | taken out of |
elprovi | test, try out |
elprovita | approved, tried, well-tried |
elpuŝi | push aside |
elrabi | harry, ravage |
elradii | radiate |
elradika | outgoing, output |
elradikigi | eradicate |
elreferenci | dereference |
elregistri | log out |
elreliĝi | derail |
elrevigi | disappoint |
elreviĝi | be disappointed |
elsaluti | log out |
elsaluto | logout |
elsalvadora | Salvadorian |
elsalvadoranino | Salvadorian, Salvadorian lady, Salvadorian woman |
elsalvadorano | Salvadorian |
Elsalvadoro | El Salvador |
elsarki | weed out |
elseligi | cast, shed |
elsenda | broadcast |
elsendada | broadcast |
elsendflua | streaming, streamed |
elsendfluo | streaming |
elsendi | broadcast |
elsendo | broadcast, broadcasting |
elskatole kapabla | turnkey, turn-key, out-of-the-box |
elspezi | pay out, spend |
elspezo | expenses |
elspezoj | expenses |
elspiri | exhale |
elspirtesto | breath test |
elstakigu | pop |
elstara | outstanding |
elstari | stick out, stand out, contrast (with) |
elsuĉi | drain, suck out |
elŝalti | switch off |
elŝipiĝi | disembark |
elŝiri | tear out |
elŝiro | ripping |
elŝovi | thrust out |
elŝpruci | spray out, squirt out |
elŝuta administrilo | download manager |
elŝuta kapacito | downstream |
elŝutaĵo | download |
elŝutebla | downloadable |
elŝutebla tiparo | downloadable font |
elŝuti | download; pour out |
elŝutilo | downloader |
elŝutoligilo | download link |
elŝutrapido | download speed |
eltempiĝa | timeout (version), time-out (version) |
eltempiĝa provversio | timeout demo version, time-out demo version |
eltempiĝo | timeout, time-out |
elteni | abide, endure |
elterigi | dig, dig up, lift, pull up |
eltiraĵo | extract |
eltiri | extract, pull out |
eltiro | pull |
eltirregulo | extraction rule |
eltondaĵo | clipping |
eltondi | cut out, clip |
eltondi kaj alglui | cut and paste |
eltranĉi | cut out |
eltrinki | drink up |
eltrovaĵo | invention |
eltrovi | invent |
eltrovo | invention |
eltrudi | extort |
elturniĝi | escape, extricate oneself |
elturniĝo | artifice, ruse; pretext |
eluz | use up |
eluzi | use up, wear out |
eluziĝi | wear away, wear off, wear out |
eluzita | worn |
elvagoniĝi | get out |
elvalidiĝa | purge-by, purge |
elvendo | sale |
elveni | come out |
elverŝi | pour out |
elvido | view |
elvoki | evoke |
ema | propensity, inclination |
emajli | enamel |
emajlo | enamel |
Emakso | Emacs |
emancipiĝi | be emancipated |
emancipiĝo | emancipation |
emani | emanate |
embarasa | straitened |
embarasi | embarrass |
embarasita | in distress |
embaraso | abashment, embarrassment, perplexity |
emblemo | emblem |
embuski | ambush |
embusko | ambush |
emerita | retired |
emeritiĝi | retire |
emerito | retired person |
emfaza | emphatic |
emfazi | accent, accentuate, emphasize |
emfazo | accent, emphasis |
emi | have a tendency |
eminenta | eminent |
eminente | fine, very well |
emisii | emit |
emo | tendency |
emocia | touching |
emocii | move, stir |
emociita | seized with emotion |
emocio | emotion |
emulsio | emulsion |
en | in, inside, into, within, on, per |
en kio | wherein |
en kiu | in which, wherein |
en la programkodo mem | hard-coded |
en stoko | stocked |
en tio | therein |
en/eligo | I/O, in/out, in-out |
ena | inner, internal |
ena kunligo | inner join |
enadaptiĝi ĝuste | fit together |
enamiĝi al | fall in love with |
enamiĝi en | fall in love with |
enarĥivigi | archive |
enarkivigi | archive |
enaŭtiĝi | get in, get into a car |
enbalzamigi | embalm |
enboteligi | bottle |
enciklopedio | encyclopaedia, encyclopedia |
enĉifri | encipher |
enda | obligation to be -ed |
endaĵo | to do |
endanĝerigi | endanger |
endivio | endive |
endobreto | to-do bar |
endokigi | dock |
endolisto | to do list |
endormiĝi | go to sleep |
ene | inside |
ene de | within |
eneliga | I/O, in/out, in-out |
eneliga dosiero | I/O file |
eneligo | input-output, I/O, input/output |
enelsklavo | ioslave |
enelsklavoj | ioslaves |
enen | inwards |
enen-klavo | Enter key |
enenklavo | Enter key |
Eneo | Aeneas |
energetiko | energy, energetics |
energi-dependa | energy-dependent, volatile (memory) |
energi-nedependa | energy-independent, non-volatile (memory) |
energia | energetic |
energiadministrado | power management |
energiĉela | fuel cell |
energiĉelo | fuel cell |
energidependa | energy-dependent, volatile (memory) |
energiemulo | hustler |
energifonto | energy source |
energinedependa | energy-independent, non-volatile (memory) |
energio | energy |
energiŝpara | energy-saving, power-save |
enestanto | occupant |
enfali | fall in, cave in |
enfalo | drop in |
enfermi | put away, stow |
enfirmaa | in-house |
enfluejo | mouth |
enfokusigi | focus |
enfokusigo | focusing |
enfosi | bury |
enga | Enga |
engaĝi | involve, engage |
engaĝiĝi | become involved |
engaĝita | involved, engaged |
engluti | engulf, swallow up |
engraŭlo | anchovy |
enhav-mastruma sistemo | content-management system, CMS, content management system |
enhava | content |
enhava tabelo | table of contents, TOC, ToC |
enhavdependa | context-sensitive, contextual |
enhave riĉa | rich (content), loaded (content) |
enhavi | comprise, contain, include |
enhavmastruma sistemo | content-management system, CMS, content management system |
enhavo | contents |
enhavokopio | content replication |
enhavotabelo | table of contents |
enhavotakso | content rating |
enhavoverkado | content authoring |
enhavovojo | publishing point |
enhavserĉo | content search |
enheligo | fill-in flash |
enig-amplekso | input scope |
eniga | input, entry, enter, insertion |
enigaj | input, entry, enter, insertion |
enigajn | input, entry, enter, insertion |
enigamplekso | input scope |
enigatoro | input device |
enigi | enter, insert, put in |
enigilo | input device |
enigita | embedded, embed |
enigmeco | mysteriousness |
enigmo | enigma, puzzle, riddle |
enigo | input |
enigo de datumoj | data entry |
eniĝi | get in |
enira kondiĉo | precondition |
enirbileto | admission ticket |
enirejo | entrance, portal |
eniri | go in, enter, perform |
eniri ĉe | go the the home of, call on |
eniri enen | step into |
enirkesto | inbox |
eniro | access |
enirpaĝo | home page, welcome page |
enĵeta | injection |
enkadrado | shot |
enkadrigi | frame |
enkalkuli | allow for, take into account |
enkapsuligi | encapsulate |
enkapsuligo | encapsulation |
enkapsulita | encapsulated |
enkapsulita PostScript | EPS, .eps, encapsulated PostScript |
enkapti | capture, entangle |
enkarnigi | embody |
enkarnigo | embodiment |
enkarniĝo | incarnation |
enkasigi | take in, collect |
enkasigisto | bank messenger |
enkaviĝinta | hollow |
enketa | poll |
enketi | investigate |
enketo | poll, inquiry, investigation |
enklapi | pop-in, pop in |
enklasigi | classify |
enkludenda | to be included |
enkodigi | encode |
enkonduka | introductory |
enkonduko | intro, introduction |
enkonstruita | built-in, embedded, embed |
enkorpigi | embody |
enkorpigita | embedded, windowless (mode) |
enkorpigo | embodiment |
enkursiga | routing |
enkursigi | route |
enkursigilo | router |
enkursigita | routed |
enkursigo | routing |
enladigi | can |
enlanda | aboriginal, domestic |
enlitigi | put to bed |
enlitiĝi | go to bed |
enlitiĝtempo | bedtime |
enloĝanta | resident |
enloĝanto | inhabitant |
enloĝigo | accommodation |
enluda | in-game |
enmanigi | hand, hand over |
enmemorigi | memorize |
enmemorigilo de datumoj | data storage device |
enmemorigo | storage (action) |
enmemorigo de datumoj | data storage |
enmeta | insert, load (address) |
enmeti | insert, put in, put away, stow |
enmeto | input |
enmetu | insert |
enmigri | immigrate |
enmigrinto | immigrant |
enmiksi | mix in, embroil |
enmiksiĝema | meddlesome |
enmiksiĝemo | meddlesomeness |
enmiksiĝemulo | bushbody, meddler |
enmiksiĝi | meddle with |
enmiksiĝi en | interfere with |
enoficigi | appoint |
enoficigo | appointment, appointment to office |
enoficiĝo | accession |
enorma | enormous |
enorme | enormously |
enpaĝa | inline, in-page |
enpaĝa fenestro | wmode |
enpaĝigo | layout (page) |
enpaki | pack, package, wrap up |
enpiki | puncture, sting, stab |
enplekti | introduce, entwine |
enporti | bring in |
enporto | import |
enpoŝigi | put into one’s pocket |
enpoŝtigi | post |
enpoziciigo | seek; positioning |
enradikiĝi | root, strike |
enregistri | register, log in |
enregistrigi | register |
enreta | online (on the web) |
ensaluta | login, log-in, logon, log-on, sign on, sign-on |
ensaluti | log in |
ensalutiloj | credentials |
ensaluto | login, log-in, logon, log-on, sign on, sign-on |
enscenigi | direct, produce |
enservila | server-based |
enskribi | enter |
enskribigi | register |
enskribigo | entry |
enskribiĝi | sign up |
enskribiĝo | enlistment |
enskribita | enlistment |
ensorbado | assimilation, digestion |
ensorĉi | bewitch, delude |
ensorĉiga | enchanting |
ensorĉo | delusion, spell |
enspaci | fill, take up, occupy |
enspezi | take in |
enspezo | income |
enspezoj | income |
enspiri | inhale |
enstakigi | push |
enŝalti | turn on |
enŝipe | aboard, on board |
enŝipiĝi | embark |
enŝipiĝinta | aboard |
enŝlosi | lock up, shut up |
enŝovi | insert |
enŝovo | substitution |
enŝprucigilo | syringe |
enŝteliĝi | creep in |
enŝuti | upload |
enta | entity |
enta-rilata | entity relationship |
entajpi | enter (password) |
entarilata | entity relationship |
enteksta | inline |
entenaĵo | contents |
enteni | contain |
entenilo | container |
enteriga entreprenisto | mortician, undertaker |
enteriga entrepreno | undertaker’s business |
enterigi | bury |
enterigo | burial, funeral, interment |
entiri | draw, pull |
entjera | integer |
entjeriko | number theory |
entjero | integer |
ento | entity |
entombigi | bury, entomb, inter |
entombigo | burial, funeral, interment |
entordita | strangulated |
entreprena aktivado | trade and industry |
entreprenaro | trade and industry |
entreprenema | enterprising |
entrepreni | undertake |
entreprenisto | entrepreneur |
entrepreno | enterprise |
entrilata | entity relationship |
entrudiĝi | intrude |
entute | altogether, as a whole, on the whole |
entuziasma | enthusiastic |
entuziasmo | enthusiasm |
entuziasmulo | enthusiast |
enua | boring, weary |
enui | be bored, be tired of something |
enuiga | boring, stodgy |
enuigi | bore |
enuiĝi | get bored |
enumeraciilo | enumerator |
enumeracio | enumerated type |
enurba | municipal, urban |
enurezo | bedwetting, bed-wetting, enuresis |
envena | incoming, inbound |
enveni | come into, enter |
enverŝi | pour in |
enveturejo | driveway |
envia | envious |
envicigi | enqueue |
enviciĝi | fall in, fall into line, form up, line up |
enviema | envious, jealous |
envii | envy |
envio | envy |
envojigo | routing |
envokebla | invokable |
envoki | invoke |
envokita | invoked |
envolvi | envelop |
envulti | put a hex on |
Eo (Esperanto) | Esperanto |
Eoceno | Eocene |
eoj (E) | E’s, ees (plural letter name) |
eolia modalo | Aeolian mode |
Eolo | Aeolus |
eono | aeon |
Eoso | Eos |
eosta (orienta) | east |
eosto (oriento) | east |
epidemio | epidemic |
epidiaskopo | overhead projector |
Epifanio | Epiphany, Twelfth-night |
epifito | epiphyte |
epilepsio | epilepsy |
episkopa | episcopal |
episkopa moŝto | monsignor, Mgr., Msgr., Mons. |
episkopaj moŝtoj | monsignori |
episkopejo | episcopate, diocese |
episkopo | bishop |
epistolo | epistle, letter |
epizodo | episode |
epoĥo | epoch, era |
epokfara | epoch-making |
epoko | age, epoch, era |
epoleto | epaulet |
epopea | epic |
epopeo | epic poem |
eposo | epic poem |
erao | era |
erar-disvastiĝo | error diffusion |
erara | erroneous, mistaken, wrong |
erarbreto | error bar |
erardetektado | error detection |
erardisvastiĝo | error diffusion |
erare | by mistake |
erare distranĉi | truncation error |
erarema | errant, fallible |
erari | err, make a mistake |
erariga | deceptive, delusive, fallacious |
erarimuna | foolproof |
erarindikilo | error indicator |
erarkodo | error code |
erarkontrola | error-checking, error checking |
erarkontrolo | check, error checking |
erarkorekto | error correction |
erarkredi | fancy |
erarmesaĝo | error message, error diagnostics |
eraro | aberration, error, mistake |
eraro de en/eliga aparato | device I/O error |
erarpaŝo | aberration |
erarpepo | error alert |
erarprotokola | error (log) |
erarserĉilo | debugger |
erarsolvado | troubleshooting |
erartraktado | error handling |
erartraktilo | error handler |
erarvaloro | error value |
erbio | erbium |
erco | ore |
erektiĝi | become erect |
erektiĝo | erection |
Erevono | Erewhon |
Erevonon | Erewhon (accusative) |
ergonomiko | human engineering |
ergonomio | ergonomics, human factors, human engineering, biotechnology |
erikejo | heath |
eriko | heather |
erinaco | hedgehog |
Eriso | Eris |
eritrea | Eritrean |
eritreano | Eritrean |
Eritreo | Eritrea |
erizipelo | erysipelas |
Ermelo | Ermelo |
ermeno | ermine |
ermito | hermit |
ero | element, fragment, item, particle |
erodi | wear down, wear off, wear out |
erotika | erotic |
erozio | erosion |
erpi | harrow |
erudi | enlighten, educate |
erudicio | erudition |
erudiciulo | scholar |
escepta | exceptional |
escepte | apart from, but, except, other than |
escepte de | with the exception of |
escepti | except, exclude |
escepto | exception |
esceptoraporto | exception report |
esceptotraktado | exception handling |
esceto | sharp S, German double S |
esenca | essential |
esenco | essence, gist |
ESK (Esperanto sub la Suda Kruco) | Esperanto under the Southern Cross (magazine) |
eskalatoro | escalator |
eskali | scale |
eskalo | ladder |
eskapa klavo | Esc key, Escape key, Esc, ⎋ |
eskapi | escape, flee |
eskapklavo | Esc key, Escape key, Esc, ⎋ |
eskapo | escape |
eskapsigno | escape character |
eskima | Eskimo |
eskimo | Eskimo |
eskorti | escort |
eskorto | escort |
eskudo | escudo |
esotera | esoteric |
esoterismo | esotericism |
esperantaĵo | something in Esperanto |
esperantigi | translate into Esperanto |
esperantigo | Esperanto localization |
Esperantio (Esperantujo) | Esperantoland |
esperantismo | Esperantism |
esperantistaro | community of Esperantists |
esperantisto | Esperantist |
Esperanto | Esperanto; one who hopes |
esperantologio | esperantology |
esperantologo | esperantologist |
Esperantujo | Esperantoland |
espereble | hopefully |
esperi | hope |
esperigi | give hope to |
espero | hope |
esplorado | exploration, investigation, research |
esplorado kaj disvolvado | research and development, R&D |
esploranto | investigator, explorer, researcher |
esplordemandi | interrogate, question |
esplori | examine, explore, investigate, research |
Esplorilo | Internet Explorer |
esploristo | explorer, investigator |
esploro | exploration, investigation, research |
esprimaĵo | expression |
esprimi | express |
esprimilo | (language) feature |
esprimivo | expressiveness |
esprimo | expression |
esprimujo | expression box |
establi | erect, establish |
establo | establishment |
estaĵo | being |
estanteco | present |
estas | is; there is, there are |
estetika | aesthetic |
esti | be |
esti ... laŭtuŝe | feel to the touch like ... |
esti adepto de | adhere to |
esti bonhava | be in easy circumstances, be well off, be well-to-do |
esti deponita | be deposited, be in the keeping, rest |
esti konforma | be correct, be right |
esti konforma al | answer, answer to, come up to |
esti konforma kun | correspond to |
esti konforma laŭ | correspond to |
esti konsiderata | be considered, count |
esti laŭ | be according to, correspond to |
esti laŭmezura | fit |
estigi | develop |
estiĝi | arise |
estimata | dear |
estimi | esteem, think well of |
estiminda | respectable |
estimo | esteem, regard |
estingi | extinguish, put out |
estingiĝo | extinction, extinguishing |
estinta | former |
estinteco | past |
estinto | past |
estis | was, were |
estona | Estonian |
estonino | Estonian woman |
Estonio (Estonujo) | Estonia |
estono | Estonian |
estonta | future |
estonteco | future |
estonto | future |
Estonujo | Estonia |
estos | will be |
estrado | platform, stage |
estraro | board of directors |
estreco | authority |
estrema | bossy, masterful |
estri | govern, head up, restrain |
estrino | mistress |
estro | boss, chief, leader |
estu | be |
estulo | creature |
estus | would be |
eŝafodo | scaffold |
eta | diminished |
etaĝo | floor, storey, story |
etaĵo | little thing, detail, minor matter |
etakordo | diminished chord |
etalono | benchmark |
etanolo | ethanol |
etapo | stage |
etato | statement, returns |
etburĝa | lower middleclass |
etburĝaro | petty bourgeoisie |
etenda | extended |
etendaĵo | extension |
etendebla | extensible |
Etendebla Hiperteksta Marklingvo | XHTML, Extensible Hypertext Markup Language |
Etendebla Marklingvo | XML, Extensible Markup Language |
Etendebla Stilfolia Lingvo | XSL, Extensible Stylesheet Language |
etendeblo | extensibility |
etendi | extend, strech out, reach for |
etendiĝi | run |
etendiĝi antaŭen | reach forward |
etendilo | extension |
etendita | expanded, extended |
etendoregilo | expand control |
eterna | eternal |
eterne | for ever, forever |
eterneco | eternity |
eterno | eternity |
Eternulo | Lord (God) |
etero | ether |
eterreto | Ethernet |
etigi | minimize, minimise, belittle |
etika | ethical |
etikedi | label |
etikedo | label, tag |
etiketo | etiquette |
etiko | ethic, ethics |
etindustrio | small industry |
etiopa | Ethiopian |
etiopino | Ethiopian woman |
Etiopio (Etiopujo) | Ethiopia, Abyssinia |
etiopo | Ethiopian, Abyssinian |
Etiopujo | Ethiopia, Abyssinia |
etlitera | lowercase, lower-case, lower case |
etliterigi | lowercase, lower-case, lower case |
etlitero | lower case letter, lowercase letter, small letter |
etna | ethnic |
etnismo | ethnism |
etno | ethnos, ethnic group |
eto | -ette |
etologo | ethologist |
etoso | atmosphere, ethos, mood |
etosodifina | skin-definition (file), skin definition (file) |
etosplena | atmospheric |
etradia | low radiation |
etruska | Etrurian, Etruscan |
Etruskio | Etruria |
etrusko | Etrurian, Etruscan |
Etruskujo | Etruria |
etspirita | petty, small-minded |
etŝpura | narrow-gauge |
etulino | tot, little girl |
etullernejo | nursery school |
etulo | little boy, tot |
EU | EU, European Union |
Eŭfrato | Euphrates |
Eŭklida | Euclidean, Euclid’s |
Eŭklido | Euclid |
Eŭlero | Leonhard Euler |
eŭnuko | eunuch |
eŭro | Euro, € |
eŭrokonvertilo | Euro converter |
eŭropa | European |
Eŭropa Unio | European Union, EU |
Eŭropan Union | European Union (accusative), EU (accusative) |
eŭropano | European |
eŭropio | europium |
Eŭropo | Europe |
eŭrosigno | Euro sign, Euro symbol, “€” |
eŭska | Basque |
eŭsko | Basque |
evakui | evacuate |
evangelia | evangelic |
evangelio | gospel |
evea | Ewe, Eʋe, Eʋegbe |
eventatributo | event property |
eventkategorio | event category |
eventklaso | event class |
evento | event |
eventoproceduro | event procedure |
eventoprotokolado | event logging |
eventoprotokolo | event log |
eventotraktado | event handling |
eventotraktilo | event handler |
eventprotokola | event (viewer) |
eventuala | event-dependent, contingent, (not eventual) |
eventuala kliento | prospect |
eventuala paĝofino | soft page break, soft pagebreak |
eventuala paĝosalto | soft page break, soft pagebreak |
eventuala streketo | soft hyphen, SHY, “” |
eventualaĵo | eventuality, possibility |
eventuale | if the occasion arises |
eventualeco | contingency, eventuality |
eventualo | contingency, eventuality |
Everesto | Everest |
evidenta | evident, obvious |
evidentaĵo | something obvious |
evidente | apparently, obviously |
evitebla | avoidable |
eviti | avoid, evade |
evitinda | to be avoided |
evito | avoidance |
Evo | Eve, Eva |
evoluado | development, evolution |
evolui | develop, evolve |
evoluigi | develop |
evolulando | developing country |
evoluo | development, evolution |
evoluŝtupo | stage of development |
ezofago | gullet |
ezoko | pike
F |
f (fo) | F, the letter F, ef (letter name) |
f-ino (fraŭlino) | miss |
f-lo (fraŭlo) | (title for unmarried male), bachelor |
fabela | of lore; fabulous, fabled |
fabeli | tell fables, recount |
fabelo | fairy tale |
fablo | fable |
fabo | bean |
fabrikado | making, manifacture |
fabrikaĵo | manufactured article, product |
fabrikejo | factory |
fabriki | fabricate, manufacture |
fabrikista | manufacturer’s, recommended (price) |
fabriko | factory (formerly: fabric, make, manufacture) |
faceto | facet |
facila | easy |
facilanima | flighty, impulsive |
facile | easily |
facileco | ease |
faciligaj | accessibility |
faciligaĵoj | accommodation |
faciligi | facilitate |
faciligilo | accessibility tool |
faciliĝo | relief, alleviation |
facilkompreneble | for obvious reasons, understandably |
facilrompa | fragile |
faciluzilo | accessibility feature |
faco | face (of object) |
fadenigi | thread |
fadeno | thread |
fadensekura | thread-safe |
fado | fado, fading |
Faetono | Phaeton |
Fafno | Fafner |
fago | beech |
fagopiro | buckwheat |
fajenco | crockery, earthenware, pottery |
fajfi | whistle |
fajfilo | whistle |
fajli | file |
fajlilo | file |
fajna | fine |
fajnigi | refine |
fajnretuŝo | spotting |
fajraĵo | fireworks |
fajrejo | hearth |
fajrero | spark |
Fajrfokso | Firefox |
fajrilo | lighter |
fajro | fire |
fajrobrigado | fire brigade, fire department |
fajroestingilo | fire extinguisher |
fajroimuna | fireproof |
Fajrolando | Tierra del Fuego |
fajroŝirmilo | fender |
Fajrovulpo | Firefox |
fajrujo | firebox |
faka | departmental, specialised |
fakdosiero | frequently asked questions, FAQ, FAQ list |
fakestro | head of a department |
fakista | trade, kind of work |
faklernejo | special school |
fako | branch, compartment, department, pigeonhole, section, speciality |
faksi | fax |
faksilo | fax machine |
faksimila | WYSIWYG, what you see is what you get, what-you-see-is-what-you-get |
faksimilo | facsimile |
faksmodemo | fax modem |
fakso | fax (letter) |
faksservilo | fax server |
faksservo | fax service |
fakta | factual, real, actual |
fakte | indeed, in fact |
faktlibro | factbook |
fakto | fact |
faktorialo | factorial |
faktoro | factor |
fakturi | invoice |
fakturo | bill, invoice |
fakulo | expert, specialist |
fakultativa | optional |
fakultato | faculty |
fakulto | faculty |
fakvortaro | specialised dictionary |
falakvo | waterfall |
falĉi | cut, mow |
falĉileto | sickle |
falĉilo | scythe |
faldbiciklo | foldable bicycle, foldable bike |
faldi | fold |
faldmaŝino | folding machine |
faldo | fold |
faleti | stumble |
fali | fall, drop |
faligi | drop, overthrow |
faligo | overthrow, subversion |
Falklandoj | Falkland Islands |
falko | falcon |
fallinio | drop line |
fallista | dropdown, drop-down |
fallisto | combo box |
falmenuo | dropdown menu, drop-down menu |
falo | fall |
falsa | false, hoax |
falsado | counterfeiting |
falsaĵo | counterfeit |
falseto | falsetto |
falsi | falsify |
falsigi | falsify |
falsisto | counterfeiter |
falto | wrinkle, crease |
faluso | phallus |
fama | famous |
fameco | fame, renown |
famigi | make famous |
famiĝi | become famous |
familia | family, domestic, living (room) |
familia nomo | surname, last name, family name |
familiano | family member |
familiara | familiar, informal |
familiareco | familiarity |
familiestro | head of family |
familio | family |
famkonata | famous |
famo | fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour |
famulo | celebrity |
fanagalo | Fanagalo |
fanatika | fanatical |
fandi | melt |
fandiĝi | melt |
fandiĝos | will melt |
fanfaro | fanfare, flourish |
fanfaroni | boast, brag |
fanfaronulo | braggart |
fano | fan |
fantasta | fantastic |
fantazia | fantastic, of fantasy |
fantazio | fantasy |
fantaziulo | dreamer, crank |
fantoma | ghost, ghostly |
fantombildo | ghost |
fantomi | haunt |
fantomigi | ghosting |
fantomo | ghost, phantom |
farado | making, manufacture |
farata | in progress |
farbi | paint |
farbisto | painter |
farbo | dye, paint |
farboproblemo | coloring problem |
farbopulvora | toner |
farbopulvoro | toner |
farĉi | stuff |
farĉo | stuffing |
farebla | feasible |
fareblo | feasibility |
farenda | to be done, called for |
farendaĵo | thing that needs to be done |
farendaĵoj | to-do list, to do list |
fari | act, do, make, perform; brew (beer) |
fari sekurkopion | backup |
fari servon | accommodate |
fariĝi | become, come about, grow, happen |
fariĝi ekskutima | fall into disuse |
fariĝo | event |
farisea | hypocritical |
fariseo | hypocrite, pharisee |
faritaĵo | deed, act |
farmaciisto | chemist, dispensing chemist, pharmaceutical chemist, pharmacist |
farmacio | pharmacy |
farmi | farm, lease |
farmigi | farm out |
farmisto | farmer |
farmo | farm |
faro | action |
farti | fare |
faruno | flour, meal |
fasada | frontend, front-end |
fasado | facade |
fasadprogramo | front-end program |
fascina | absorbing, fascinating |
fascini | fascinate |
fascinita | fascinated, gripped |
fasko | bunch, bundle, cluster, sheaf |
fasona | design |
fasonado | design |
fasoni | cut |
fasonilo | design tool |
fasonisto | designer |
fasono | fashion, design, cut (clothing) |
fasonoreĝimo | design mode |
fasti | fast |
faŝisma | fascist |
faŝismo | fascism |
faŝisto | fascist |
fatala | fateful, ill-fated |
fatalo | fate, ill fate |
fatraso | trash, junk |
faŭki | gape, yawn |
faŭko | jaws, maw |
fava | rotten, scabby; miserable |
favo | favus |
favora | advantageous, favorable, favourable |
favoranto | patron |
favorata | favorite, favourite |
favoratino | favorite, favourite |
favori | favor, favour |
favorkora | benevolent, goodhearted, good-hearted |
favoro | favor, favour |
favorpreza | inexpensive |
fazano | pheasant |
fazeolo | haricot |
fazo | phase, stage |
FD (Fakdelegito) | (special interest delegate of the UEA) |
fea | fairy |
febla | feeble |
febra | feverish |
febri | have a fever |
febro | fever |
februaro | February |
feĉo | dregs; sludge |
federaciismo | federalism |
federacio | federation |
federala | federal |
feina | fairy |
feino | fairy |
fek | shit (interjection) |
fekado | shitting |
fekaĵo | feces, excrement, dung |
fekaĵputo | cesspit, cesspool |
fekero | turd, piece of shit |
feki | defecate |
feko | dung, excrement |
fektruo | shithole, asshole |
fekulo | starch (flour); asshole |
fekunda | fertile |
fekundigi | fertilize, fertilise |
feliĉa | fortunate, happy |
feliĉe | fortunately |
feliĉeco | happiness |
feliĉigi | delight |
feliĉo | happiness |
feliĉulo | happy person, lucky person |
felietono | serial |
felo | fur, hide, skin |
felto | felt |
femalo | female |
femuraĵo | drumstick, leg |
femuro | thigh |
fendaĵo | crack, crevice |
fendi | split |
fendiĝi | burst, split |
fendiĝinta | cracked |
fendo | crack, crevice |
fenestra | window |
fenestradministrilo | window manager |
fenestrado | window technique, windowing |
fenestraĵo | widget; control |
fenestro | window |
fenestro-ornamaĵo | window decoration |
fenestroadministrilo | window manager |
fenestrodivida | split-window |
fenestrokadro | frame, window-frame |
fenestrokovrilo | blind |
fenestroornamaĵo | window decoration |
fenestrornamaĵo | window decoration |
fenestrosistemo | window system, windowing system |
fenestrumo | shutter |
fenikso | phoenix |
fenkolo | fennel |
fenomena | phenomenal |
fenomeno | phenomenon |
Fenro | Fenris |
feo | fairy |
fera | iron |
feraĵo | hardware; iron |
ferdeko | deck |
ferdrato | wire, iron wire |
feria | vacation, holiday |
ferio | vacation, holiday |
ferioj | vacation, holiday |
feritagoj | leave, holidays |
ferkromaĵa | ferrochrome |
Fermdigo | Afsluitdijk, IJsselmeer Dam |
fermdigo | enclosure dam |
fermentado | fermentation |
fermenti | ferment |
fermentilo | leaven, yeast |
fermi | close, shut |
fermiĝi | close, be closed |
fermilo | lid, fastener, lock |
fermio | fermium |
fermita | closed, shut |
fermita sistemo | closed system, closed circuit system |
fermitkoda | closed source (program) |
fermo | closure |
fermobutono | close button |
fero | iron |
feroa | Faroese |
feroca | fierce |
Ferooj | Faroe Islands |
ferumi | shoe |
fervoja | railroad |
fervojisto | railroad employee, railroad worker |
fervojo | railroad, railway |
fervora | zealous |
fervoro | fervor, fervour, zeal |
festado | celebration |
festeni | feast, hold banquet |
festeno | banquet, feast |
festi | celebrate |
festivalo | festival |
festo | celebration, festival, party |
Festo de Ĉiuj Sanktuloj | All Saints’ Day, November 1 |
Festo de la Sankta Triuno (Festo de la Sankta Triunuo) | Trinity Sunday |
Festo de la Sankta Triunuo | Trinity Sunday |
Festo de Laŭboj | Feast of Tabernacles |
festotago | public holiday, bank holiday, holiday |
festparolado | keynote address |
feta | fetal |
fetiĉo | fetish |
feto | fetus |
fetora | bad-smelling, stinking, odorous |
fetoranta | bad-smelling, stinking, odorous |
fetori | reek, smell, smell bad, stink |
fetoro | stench |
feŭda | feudal |
feŭdismo | feudalism |
feŭdo | fief |
feŭdulo | vassal |
fi | shame, shamefulness |
fi! | shame! |
fia | nasty |
fiaĵo | nastiness, something disgusting |
fiakro | cab |
fianĉiĝi | become engaged |
fianĉiĝinta | engaged |
fianĉiniĝi | become engaged |
fianĉiniĝinta | engaged |
fianĉino | bride, fiancee |
fianĉo | fiance |
fiaska | abortive |
fiaski | abort, fail |
fiaskigi | abort, quash |
fiasko | abortion, failure, fiasco |
fibero | muskrat, musquash |
fibestoj | vermin |
fibolo | safety pin |
Fibonaĉia | Fibonacci |
fibro | fiber, fibre |
fibrooptiko | fiber optics, fibre optics |
fidela | faithful |
fidelulo | believer, faithful person |
fidi | have faith, have faith in, trust |
fidi al | rely on, trust in |
fidi je | have faith in, rely on, trust |
fidinda | reliable, trustworthy |
fidindo | reliability |
fido | confidence, faith, trust |
fiera | proud |
fieri | be proud |
fieri pri | be proud of |
fiero | pride |
fifama | of ill repute |
fiflati | ingratiate oneself to, toady to |
figarbo | fig tree |
figo | fig |
figujo | fig tree |
figura | figurative |
figuranto | extra |
figuri | depict, represent |
figuro | figure, diagram, image, picture, representation |
figurotabelo | table of figures |
fiĝia | Fijian |
fiĝiano | Fijian |
Fiĝiinsuloj | Fiji Islands |
Fiĝio | Fiji |
fiherbo | weed |
fihomo | evil person |
fiinsektoj | vermin |
fikadi | go on fucking |
fikantino | female fucking now |
fikanto | person fucking now, male fucking now |
fikatino | female being fucked now |
fikato | person being fucked now, male being fucked now |
fikcia | fictional, fictitious |
fikcio | fiction |
fiki | fuck, screw |
fikintino | female who has fucked |
fikinto | person who has fucked, male who has fucked |
fikitino | female who has been fucked |
fikito | person who has been fucked, male who has been fucked |
fikomerco | shady business |
fikontino | female about to fuck |
fikonto | person about to fuck, male about to fuck |
fikopii | crib |
fikotino | female about to be fucked |
fikoto | person about to be fucked, male about to be fucked |
fiksa | fixed, sticky (key) |
fiksaj klavoj | sticky keys |
fiksaĵo | fixing, fixer |
fiksbano | fixing bath |
fiksgranda | fixed-size |
fiksi | attach, determine, fasten, fix, affix, make fast, secure, freeze (pane) |
fiksiĝema ĉeflitera registrumo | caps lock, capslock |
fiksilo | fastener |
fiksita | fixed, immovable, immobile, hard (disk) |
fikskoma | fixed-point, fixed point |
fikskuvo | fixing tank |
fikslarĝa | fixed-width, fixed width |
fikslonga | fixed-length |
fikslonga spaceto | hard space |
fikso | fixing |
fiksprogramo | firmware |
fikspunkta | fixed-point |
fikssignara | text |
fikuntino | female who would fuck |
fikunto | person who would fuck, male who would fuck |
fikutino | female who would be fucked |
fikuto | person who would be fucked, male who would be fucked |
filatelio | philately, stamp-collecting |
filatelo | philately, stamp-collecting |
fileo | filet |
filigrano | watermark |
filiigi | affiliate |
filiiĝi | affiliate |
filiko | fern |
filino | daughter |
filio | affiliate, branch |
filipina | Philippine |
filipinanino | Philippine woman |
filipinano | Filipino |
Filipinoj | Philippines |
filistra | stuffy, philistine |
filistro | philistine, conformist |
filiŝto | Philistine |
filmantaŭeniro | film wind |
filmbobenujo | film cartridge chamber |
filmer-rapido | frame rate |
filmero | frame |
filmeto | video |
filmgvidilo | film leader |
filmi | film |
filmkartoĉo | roll film |
filmo | film, motion picture, movie |
filmo-antaŭeniro | film wind |
filmo-bobenilo | film winder set |
filmoantaŭeniro | film wind |
filmobildo | photogram |
filmobobenilo | film winder set |
filmodosiero | movie file |
filmportilo | plate-holder, film-plate holder |
filmrevolva | rewind (film) |
filmruleto | film |
filmtenilo | negative carrier |
filmviŝilo | wash off pliers |
filo | son |
filozofi | philosophize |
filozofia | philosophic |
filozofio | philosophy |
filozofo | philosopher |
filtrado | filtering |
filtri | filter |
filtrila | filter |
filtrilo | filter |
filtrita | filtered, family-friendly (content) |
fina | final, end, back, hind, finishing |
finaĵo | ending; file name extension |
finalo | decider, playoff, play-off |
financa | financial |
financadministrilo | finance manager |
financado | financing, finance |
financi | finance |
financo | finance |
finaparato | terminal |
finaranĝi | conclude, dispatch, expedite, finnish, settle |
findecidi | compose, conclude, dispatch, settle |
fine | at last, finally, ultimately |
finetikedo | trailer label |
finfari | finish, finish off |
finfine | at last, at long last |
fingri | finger |
fingringo | thimble |
fingro | finger |
fingrofrapo | touch |
fingroplektro | finger plectrum |
fingropremo | fingerprint |
fingrotabulo | fingerboard |
fingrumi | finger, handle; masturbate |
fini | end, finish, terminate |
fini alvokon | hang up (telephone) |
finia | finite |
finiĝi | end, come to an end, end up, expire |
finiĝo | end, terminate |
finilo | terminator, rogue value, terminating symbol |
fininstalaĵo | terminal (machine) |
finita | completed, done, finished, over, through |
finkondiĉa | repeat |
finlabori | finish |
finlandano | Finn |
Finlando (Finnujo) | Finland |
finlegi | read, read out |
finmarko | end mark |
finna | Finnish |
Finna Golfo | Gulf of Finland |
finnino | Finn, Finnish woman |
Finnio (Finnujo) | Finland |
Finnlando | Finland |
finno | Finn |
finnoj | Finns |
Finnujo | Finland |
fino | end, ending |
finpagi | pay off |
finpago | payment, full payment |
finpretigi | get finished |
finpunkto | endpoint |
finrikordo | trailer record |
finsigno | terminator |
finstacio | terminal, end-of-the-line |
finstudi | finish studies |
finto | ruse, feint |
finuzita | used up |
finuzitaĵo | castoff, cast-off |
finveni | end up |
fipetola | wanton |
fipetolemo | wantonness |
fiprogramara | malware |
fiprogramaro | malware |
firakonto | dirty story |
FireWire | FireWire |
Firewire (FireWire) | FireWire |
FireWire-datumbuso | FireWire, FireWire data bus |
firma | fast, firm, stable |
firmaa | business |
firmaĵo | hard copy |
firmao | company, firm |
firme | firmly |
firmeco | firmness |
firmigi | fasten, fix, affix, secure |
firmo | company, firm |
firmprogramo | firmware |
firmvaro | firmware |
firsto | coping |
fisio | fission |
fiska | fiscal, tax-related |
fisko | exchequer, state treasury |
fiŝado | fishing |
fiŝaĵo | fish |
fiŝhoko | hook |
fiŝi | fish |
fiŝi nase | use a fish trap |
fiŝisto | fisherman |
fiŝkaptanto | angler |
fiŝkapti | fish |
fiŝkapti nase | use a fish trap |
fiŝkaptisto | fisherman |
fiŝo | fish |
fiŝokula | fisheye, ultrawide |
fiŝosto | fishbone |
fiŝvergo | fishing rod |
fiulo | evil person, immoral person |
fiuzanto | abuser |
fiuzi | abuse |
fiuzo | abuse (misuse) |
fivorto | dirty word |
fizika | physical |
fizika dosiero | data set; hard copy, document |
fizikadresa | physical address |
fizikaj | physical |
fizikdiska | physical disk |
fizikisto | physicist |
fiziko | physics |
fizionomio | physiognomy |
fjordo | fjord, inlet, loch |
FK | Fundamenta Krestomatio |
fladmaŝino | folding machine |
flagi | flag |
flagita | flagged |
flago | banner, flag |
flagreti | flicker |
flagri | flare, flare up |
flako | puddle |
flamanta | ablaze |
flamengo | flamingo |
flami | flame |
flamkapa | hotheaded, hot-headed |
flamo | flame |
flandra | Flemish, Flemmish |
Flandrio | Flanders |
flandro | Flemming |
Flandrujo | Flanders |
flanela | flannel |
flanelo | flannel |
flangilo | flanger |
flango | flanging |
flanĝo | flange |
flanka | incidental, side, collateral (branch) |
flanka strio | sidebar |
flankafero | accessory |
flankaĵo | accessory matter, sideissue, sideshow |
flankaparato | peripheral |
flanke de | beside, alongside, next to |
flanken | to the side |
flankeniĝi | deflect, diverge, wander |
flankiĝi | go astray, stray off |
flanklumigado | sidelighting |
flanko | side |
flankokupo | hobby, sideline |
flankon ĉe flanko | abreast |
flanktemo | bridge |
flankvojo | byway, by-way, side-way |
flano | pancake |
flaresplori | smell at, sniff at |
flari | smell |
flaro | smell |
flarsento | smell |
flartabako | snuff |
flarumi | snuffle |
Flash-animacio | Flash animation |
Flash-movbildo | Flash animation |
flatado | flattery |
flatanto | flatterer |
flate | coaxingly |
flati | flatter |
flato | flattery |
flava | yellow |
flava kupro | brass, yellow copper |
Flava Maro | Yellow Sea |
Flava Rivero | Yellow River |
flavbekulo | greenhorn |
flavgriza | beige |
flavo | yellow |
flebito | phlebitis |
flegado | care, nursing |
flegi | attend, nurse, tend to |
flegistino | nurse |
flegisto | nurse |
flegmo | indifference, placidity; phlegm |
fleksebla | flexible |
fleksi | bend |
fleksiĝi | bend |
fleksio | flexion |
fleksita | bend |
flemadidlo | flamadiddle |
flemo | flam |
flikado | patching |
flikaĵo | patch |
fliki | mend, patch, patch up |
flikilo | patch utility |
fliko | patch |
flirti | flirt, flit, flutter |
Flisingo | Flushing |
Flitvudo | Fleetwood |
floko | flake |
floraĵo | blossom |
floranta | abloom |
florbrasiko | cauliflower |
Florenco | Florence |
Florfontano | Bloemfontein |
flori | flourish, bloom |
Florido | Florida |
floro | bloom, flower |
florpoto | flowerpot |
flosanta | floating |
flosi | float |
floso | raft |
floto | fleet |
flua | fluent |
fluaĵo | fluid, liquid |
fluejo | watercourse, riverbed |
fluformo | stream format |
Fluganta Spageta Monstro | Flying Spaghetti Monster |
flugarmeo | air force |
flugfolia | handout |
flugfolio | flier |
flughaveno | airport |
flugi | fly |
flugilo | wing |
flugmaŝino | aircraft |
flugo | flight |
flui | flow |
fluida | fluid, liquid |
fluidaĵo | fluid, liquid |
fluido | fluid |
fluigi | streamline |
fluigilo | streamer |
flukvanto | throughput |
flulinia | streamlined |
fluo | current, flow, stream |
fluo-butono | feed button |
fluo-malkovro | feed discovery |
fluobutono | feed button |
fluomalkovro | feed discovery |
fluopordo | streamport |
fluoreska | fluorescent |
fluoresko | fluorescence |
fluorito | lens |
fluoro | fluorine |
flusa | flood |
fluskema | flow (document), flowchart |
fluskemo | flow chart |
fluso | flood, high tide |
flustrado | whisper |
flustri | whisper |
fluto | flute |
FM-dissendilo | FM transmitter |
FM-ricevilo | FM receiver |
FMEM (fortoj, malfortoj, eblecoj kaj minacoj) | SWOT, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats |
fo | F, the letter F, ef (letter name) |
fobio | phobia |
foirkomercisto | market trader |
foiro | fair, market |
foj | Fs, efs (plural letter name) |
foja | occasional |
foje | once, on occasion, sometimes |
fojnamaso | haystack |
fojnejo | barn |
fojno | hay |
fojo | occasion, time |
foko | seal |
fokstroto | foxtrot, fox trot |
fokstrotodanco | foxtrot, fox trot |
fokusa | focal |
fokusi | focus |
fokusigo | focus |
fokusita | focused |
fokuso | focus |
fola | zany |
foldo | slot |
foliaro | foliage |
folio | leaf, sheet |
foliotitolo | sheet header |
foliumado | directory |
foliumi | leaf through |
foliumilo | browser, explorer |
folklora | folk, folklore |
folkloro | folklore |
fona | background; Fon (African language) |
fona eneligo | spool, spooling |
fona lumo | backlight |
fona reĝimo | background processing |
fonaj | background |
fondaĵo | foundation |
fondi | erect, establish, found |
fonduso | fund |
fonen | to the back |
fonetika | phonetic |
fonetiko | phonetics |
fonlumo | backlight |
fono | background |
fonoforo | hearing aid |
fonografo | cylinder phonograph |
fonoprojekciilo | front projection unit |
fonta | source; input (file) |
fonta torento | torrent file, source torrent |
fontaj | source, sources |
fontaĵo | source |
fontano | fountain |
fonti | spring, well up |
fontindiko | reference |
fontkodo | source code |
fontlingvo | source language |
fonto | source; fountain, spring |
fontoteksto | source text, source-text, source |
fontplumo | fountain pen |
fontprogramo | source program |
fontsendi | seed (torrent) |
fontteksto | source text |
for | away |
for-administrata | remotely administered |
fora | distant, far, remote |
fora komputila labortablo | remote desktop, RDP |
foradministrata | remotely administered |
foratinga | remote, remote access |
forbalai | sweep away |
forbari | ban (visitor from site) |
forbati | beat off, knock off, strike off |
forbruli | be burnt down |
forbruligi | burn down |
forcedi | yield, relinquish |
forcejo | greenhouse |
forci | grow in a greenhouse |
fordiboĉi | throw away, squander |
fordissolvi | fade out |
fordonaci | give away |
fordoni | abandon |
fordoni sin al | indulge in |
foreco | remoteness |
foresta | absent |
forestanta | absent |
forestanteco | absenteeism |
forestantlisto | attendance register |
forestanto | absentee |
foreste | in the absence, in one’s absence |
foresteco | absence, non-attendance |
foresti | be absent, be missing |
foresto | absence |
forfikiĝi | fuck off, become fucked away |
forflankiĝi | go astray, stray off |
forflugi | fly away |
forflui | flow down, flow off |
forfosi | dig off, level |
forgesema | forgetful |
forgesi | forget |
forgesu | cancel, dismiss, forget |
forgesujo | bit bucket |
forĝejo | smithy |
forĝi | forge |
forĝisto | smith |
foriga | delete |
forigi | do away with, get rid of, remove |
forigi la manĝilaron | clear away, remove the cloth |
forigilo | removal tool |
forigo | abolition |
foriri | absent onself, depart, go away, leave |
foriri malfiere | slink off |
foriro | departure |
forĵetaĵo | refuse, rubbish, waste |
forĵeti | throw away |
forĵetindaĵo | garbage, leavings, refuse, rubbish, waste |
forĵuri | forswear, renounce |
forkapti | kidnap, hijack |
forki | fork |
forklini | parry, ward off |
forko | fork |
forkomentariigi | comment out |
forkomenti | comment out |
forkondukado | carrying off, discharge |
forkonduki | divert |
forkonduko | carrying off, discharge |
forkonsenti | relinquish, renounce, waive |
forkonsumi | use up |
forktraktoreto | forklift |
forkuri | abscond |
forlasi | abandon, forsake, desert, leave, quit |
forlasi ĵure | abjure, forswear, swear off, renounce |
forlasiteco | abandonment |
forlaso | abandonment |
forlavi | wash off |
forlesivi | wash off |
forloga | repellent, repelling, repulsive |
formadapto | shape adaptation |
formala | formal |
formala lingvo | formal language; artificial language |
formalparametra | formal parameter |
formanĝi | eat up |
formata | formatting |
formatado | formatting |
formati | format |
formatilo | formatter |
formatita | formatted |
formato | format |
formatpeniko | format paintbrush |
formetejo | shed |
formeti | put away, store |
formi | form, shape |
formiĝo | formation |
formikejo | anthill |
formikmanĝulo | anteater |
formiko | ant, emmet |
formikurso | anteater |
formo | form, shape |
formorekono | pattern recognition |
formorti | die away, fail |
Formoso | Formosa |
formula | formula |
formular-atribuo | form assignment |
formular-stirado | form control |
formulara | form |
formularatribuo | form assignment |
formulardifina | form definition |
formularo | blank, form |
formularstirado | form control |
formuli | formulate |
formulilo | equation builder |
formulo | formula |
fornaĝi | swim away |
fornei | deny |
forno | furnace, kiln, oven, stove |
fornosidulo | homebody |
foroferi | offer up, relinquish |
forpasi | march off, retreat, withdraw |
forpeli | chase away, drive away, expel, kick (peer) |
forpelito | expellee, displaced person |
forpermeso | furlough, leave, pass |
forporti | bring away, carry away |
forprenado | stealing |
forprenebla | detachable, removable |
forpreni | abstract, take away |
forpreni la jungilaron de | unharness |
forprenu | exclude, delete |
forpuŝi | repel; disgust, push aside |
forrabi | kidnap, abduct |
forrabo | abstraction |
forreagi | abreact |
forregali | put off, send about his business |
forresti | absent oneself |
forruli | roll out, rollout |
forsendi | dismiss, turn away |
forsendi ĝentile | put off, rebuff, send about someone’s business |
forsendi pretekste | put off, send about someone’s business |
forsitio | forsythia |
forskui | shake off |
forsto | forest |
forstreki | cross out, strike out |
forŝovi | move |
forŝoviĝo | shift |
forŝovo | shift |
forta | strong |
forteco | force, strength |
fortega | violent, powerful, strong |
forteni | keep at a distance, keep at bay |
fortepiano | pianoforte |
fortigi | fortify |
fortika | firm, robust, sturdy |
fortikaĵo | fortification |
fortikeco | durability |
fortikigi | fortify, strengthen |
fortimiga | deterrent, forbidding |
fortimigi | deter, discourage, scare |
fortimigilo | deterrent |
fortimigo | deterrence |
fortiri | pull away, remove, withdraw |
forto | force, strength, vigor, vigour |
fortoj | strengths |
fortoj, malfortoj, eblecoj kaj minacoj | SWOT, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats |
fortondi | cut out |
fortostreĉo | exertion |
fortranĉi | cut off |
fortransi | pass away |
fortreso | fortress |
fortulo | strong person |
Fortuno | Fortune |
forturni | turn away |
forumaro | Usenet, netnews |
forumilo | newsreader |
forumo | forum |
foruzi | use up |
foruzita | used up |
forvaporiĝi | evaporate |
forvelki | abort |
forvendi | sell off |
forveturi | drive away, drive off |
forveturo | departure |
forviŝi | delete |
forviŝiĝi | be expunged, be wiped away |
forvojaĝi | depart, leave, set out |
fosaĵo | hole, ditch, pit |
fosforeska | phosphorescent |
fosforeski | glow in the dark |
fosforo | phosphorus |
fosi | dig, grub, spade |
fosilio | fossil |
fosilo | spade |
foso | pole |
fosto | pole, post, stanchion, stake |
fota k-disko | photo CD |
fota KD | photo CD |
fotad-angulo | angle of field, angle of view |
fotadangulo | angle of field, angle of view |
fotado | shooting |
fotaĵo | photograph |
fotelo | armchair, arm chair |
foti | photograph |
fotil-dentrelo | focusing rail |
fotilĉasio | frame |
fotildentrelo | focusing rail |
fotilkorpo | camera body |
fotilo | camera |
fotilsako | camera bag |
fotilujo | camera case |
fotisto | photographer |
foto | photograph |
foto-KD | photo CD |
fotoafiŝo | photoposter |
fotoaparato | camera |
fotografaĵo | photograph |
fotografi | photograph |
fotografilo | camera |
fotografio | photography |
fotografisto | photographer |
fotokopiilo | photocopier |
fotokopio | photoprint |
fotometrio | photometry |
fotometro | photometer |
fotoportilo | photowallet |
fotopreta | camera-ready |
fotoraportisto | photoreporter |
fragila | fragile |
fragmenta | fragmentary |
fragmentiĝo | fragmentation |
fragmentita | fragmented (files) |
fragmento | fragment, lump, piece |
fragmito | reed |
frago | strawberry |
frajo | spawn |
frajti | send, freight |
frajto | freight |
frakasi | crush, shatter, smash |
frakcia | fractional |
frakcia breto | solidus, forward slash, fraction bar, inline fraction bar, in-line fraction bar, bar, fraction slash, shilling mark, ⁄, /, ∕ |
frakcio | fraction |
frakcistreketo | solidus, forward slash, fraction bar, inline fraction bar, in-line fraction bar, bar, fraction slash, shilling mark, ⁄, /, ∕ |
frakcistreko | solidus, slash, forward slash, fraction bar, inline fraction bar, in-line fraction bar, bar, fraction slash, shilling mark, ⁄, /, ∕ |
frako | dress coat, evening dress, tails |
frakseno | ash |
fraktalo | fractal |
frakturo | fracture |
framasona | masonic |
framasono | freemason, Mason |
frambo | raspberry |
framo | frame |
franca | French |
Franca Giano | French Guiana |
Franca Gviano | French Guinea |
Franca Polinezio | French Polynesia |
francaj | French |
Francaj Sudaj Teritorioj | French Southern and Antarctic Lands |
francino | Frenchwoman, French lady |
Francio | France, francium |
franco | Frenchman |
Francujo | France |
franda | alluring, attractive, enticing, tempting |
frandaĵo | delicacy, tidbit, sweet |
frandi | relish |
frandzi | perform cunnilingus on |
franĝipano | almond paste |
franĝo | frindge |
franka | Frankish |
Frankfurto | Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Frankfort |
Frankfurto ĉe la Majno | Frankfurt on the Main, Frankfurt am Main, Frankfort on the Main |
Frankonio | Franconia |
frapeti | pat, tap |
frapeti sur | tap at |
frapfrazo | lick |
frapi | hit, knock, strike, knock (door) |
frapo | knock |
frapofingrado | hammer, hammer-on |
frapopinĉado | hit and pick |
fratino | sister |
frato | brother |
fraŭdi | defraud, swindle |
fraŭdo | fraud |
fraŭla | single, unmarried |
fraŭlino | Miss; unmarried woman |
fraŭlo | bachelor |
fraza klavaro | syllabic keyboard |
frazaro | phrasebook, phrase book |
Frazerburgo | Fraserburgh |
frazisto | coaxer, flatterer |
frazo | sentence |
fregato | frigate |
frekvenco | frequency |
frekventi | frequent, visit regularly |
fremda | alien, foreign, strange |
fremdigi | alienate |
fremdiĝi | be alienated |
fremdulino | stranger, female stranger |
fremdulo | foreigner, stranger |
freneza | crazy, insane, mad, nuts |
frenezaĵo | folly, madness |
frenezeco | craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness |
frenezeta | a little crazy, daft, loopy, nuts, weird |
frenezi | act crazy, rave |
frenezigi | drive insane, make crazy |
freneziĝi | go crazy |
frenezo | craziness, insanity, lunacy, madness |
frenezulejo | insane asylum |
frenezulo | lunatic |
freŝa | fresh, recent |
freŝa ĵazo | cool jazz |
freŝdate | recently |
freŝiga | refreshing |
freŝiganta | refreshing |
freto | fret |
freŭdismo | Freudianism |
frevo | freve |
frezi | mill, mill-cut |
frida | cold, frigid |
fridigi | refrigerate |
fridsanga | cold-blooded |
fridujo | refrigerator |
frigia | Phrygian |
frikasi | fricassee |
fripona | nasty |
friponaĵo | rascality, roguery |
friponi | cheat, do something crooked |
fripono | cheat, crook, rogue |
frisa | Frisian |
frisino | Frisian, Frisian woman |
friska | chilly |
Frislando | Friesland |
friso | Frisian |
friti | fry |
fritilo | frying pan |
fritita | fried |
frivola | frivolous |
frivoleco | frivolity |
frivolo | frivolity |
frizejo | salon, hair salon, hairdressers, beauty parlor |
frizi | curl, do |
frizistino | hairdresser, female hairdresser |
frizisto | barber, hairdresser |
frizo | hairdo, hair-do |
frizona | Frisian |
frizonino | Frisian, Frisian woman |
Frizonio | Friesland |
frizono | Frisian |
Frizonujo | Friesland |
fromaĝo | cheese |
fronta | front |
fronte al | opposite |
fronti | confront, face |
frontlumo | frontlight |
frontmalsupra | face down |
fronto | front, battlefront, frontage |
frontsupra | face up |
frosti | freeze |
frostigi | freeze, freeze (pane) |
frostigilo | freezer |
frostigita | frozen |
frostiĝinta | frozen |
frosto | freezing cold, frost |
frostotremi | shiver |
frostvundo | frostbite |
frotado | friction |
froteti | strike |
froti | rub |
froto | friction |
frotpuriga | abrasive |
frotpurigi | rub clean |
frotpurigilo | abrasive |
frua | early |
frue | early |
fruigi | advance, hasten |
fruktarbejo | orchard |
fruktarbo | fruit tree |
frukti | bear fruit |
frukto | fruit |
fruktodona | fertile, fruitful |
fruktoporta | fruitful |
fruktovino | fruit wine |
fruktuzo | usufruct |
frumatene | early in the morning |
frunto | forehead |
frustri | frustrate |
ftizo | consumption, tuberculosis |
ftizulo | consumptive |
FTP | FTP, File Transfer Protocol, File-Transfer Protocol |
FTP-aŭtentigo | FTP authentication |
FTP-ejo | FTP site |
fuĝi | flee, run away |
fuĝo | flight, run |
fuko | kelp, seaweed |
fuksia | fuchsia, magenta |
fula | Fula |
fulgo | soot |
fulgoro | firefly |
fulmanta | flashing |
fulmbildeto | shortcut icon |
fulmi | lighten |
fulmilo | flash |
fulmlumilo | flash |
fulmlumo | flash |
fulmmemoro | flash memory |
fulmo | lightning |
fulmoampolo | bulb |
fulmoklava | shortcut |
fulmoklavo | hot key |
fulmoklavoj | keyboard shortcuts |
fulmomemora | flash (card) |
fulmomemoro | flash memory |
fulmotondro | thunderstorm |
fulmrapida | lightning-speed |
fumaĵi | smoke, cure (meat) |
fumaĵita | smoked |
fumaĵita haringo | red herring |
fumi | smoke |
fumkupeo | smokers |
fumo | smoke |
fumtabako | cross-cut Maryland, crosscut Maryland |
fumtubo | chimney, smokestack |
funda | bottom, foundation, ground; thorough, painstaking |
fundamenta | fundamental |
fundamenteco | fundamentality |
fundamentisto | fundamentalist |
fundamento | element, foundation |
fundo | bottom, foundation, ground |
funebra | mournful, funeral |
funebraĵo | funeral service |
funebri | mourn |
funebro | mourning |
funelo | funnel |
fungo | fungus, mushroom |
funkcia | function, functional |
funkcia programlingvo | functional language, applicative language |
funkciad-esplorado | research |
funkciadesplorado | research |
funkciado | operation |
funkcianta | running |
funkciaro | functionality |
funkciĉapeto | function identification |
funkciĉapo | function heading |
funkcideklaro | function declaration |
funkcie | functionally |
funkcii | function, operate, run, work |
funkciigi | control, operate, work |
funkciigisto | operator (person) |
funkciigita de | powered by |
funkciivo | operability |
funkcinomo | function identifier |
funkcio | function |
funkcionalo | functional |
funkciopakaĵo | feature pack |
funkciopriskribo | functional description |
funkciparametra | functional parameter |
funkcipreta | in working order |
funkciriĉa | fully-featured, function-rich |
funkcitena | maintenance |
funkciteni | maintain |
funkciteno | maintenance |
funkciulo | functionary |
funkcivoko | function designator |
funko | funk (music) |
funto | pound (mass) |
funtsigno | pound sign, lb., lbs., lbm., ℔ |
furaĝo | forage, fodder |
furioza | furious |
furiozeco | amuck |
furiozegiĝi | run amuck |
furioziĝi | run amuck |
furoraĵo | hit |
furori | be a hit, be in |
furorlibro | bestseller, best-seller |
furoro | craze, hit |
furzi | fart |
furzo | fart |
fusilo | gun, rifle |
fuŝaĉa | disgusting and fucked up |
fuŝi | botch, bungle, screw up, spoil |
fuŝita | spoiled |
fuŝkontakto | short circuit |
fuŝpalpi | fumble |
fuŝrapide | make a mistake by going too fast |
futbalo | football, soccer |
futo | foot |
fuzeo | fuse |
fuzio | fusion
G |
G (go) | G, the letter G, gee (letter name) |
g- (ge-) | of both sexes |
gabardino | gaberdine |
gabonano | Gabonese, Gabonaise |
gabonanoj | Gaboneses, Gabonaises |
Gabono | Gabon, Gabonese Republic; Gabon, République Gabonaise |
Gaborono | Gaborone (in Botswana) |
Gabrielo | Gabriel |
gadolinio | gadolinium |
gaela | Gaelic |
gagauza (gagaŭza) | Gagauz |
gagaŭza | Gagauz |
gaĝo | fee, salary |
gaja | gay, homosexual; cheerful, merry |
gajiga | amusing |
gajlo | gall |
gajni | earn, gain, win |
gajni porvivon per | live on, live upon |
gajno | benefit, gain, profit |
Gajo | Caius, Gaius |
gajulo | jolly fellow, fun guy |
gaki | cackle |
galaksia | galactic |
galanta | gallant |
Galapagoinsuloj | Galapagos Islands |
Galaŝilzo | Galashiels (Scotland); Gallae, An Geal Àth |
galega | Galician |
Galegio (Galegujo) | Galicia |
Galegujo | Galicia |
galerio | gallery |
galeza | Galois, Galois’s |
Galezo | Galois, Évariste Galois |
galica (galega) | Galician |
Galicio (Galegujo) | Galicia |
Galicujo (Galegujo) | Galicia |
Galilejo | Galileo Galilei |
Galileo (Galilujo) | Galilee |
Galilio (Galilejo) | Galileo Galilei |
Galilio (Galilujo) | Galilee |
Galilujo | Galilee |
galimatio | gobbledegook, balderdash |
galino | fowl |
galinolo | moorhen |
galiumo | gallium |
galjono | galloon, gold braid, stripe |
Gallo | Gaul |
galo | bile, gall |
galono | stripe, galloon, gold braid |
galopi | gallop |
galopo | gallop |
galoŝo | galosh, overshoe |
gama | gamut |
gamaŝo | gaiter |
gambiano | Gambian |
gambianoj | Gambians |
Gambilando (Gambio) | Gambia, The Gambia, Republic of The Gambia |
Gambio | Gambia, The Gambia, Republic of The Gambia |
gambo | leg |
gamo | gamma (Greek letter), Γ γ |
gamo | gamut, key, scale |
gana (ganaa) | Ghanaian, Ghana |
ganaa | Ghanaian, Ghana |
ganaano | Ghanaian |
ganaanoj | Ghanaians |
ganano (ganaano) | Ghanaian |
gananoj (ganaanoj) | Ghanaians |
Ganao | Ghana, Republic of Ghana |
ganda | Luganda |
gangano | gangan |
Gango | Ganges |
gangreno | gangrene |
gangstero | gangster, hoodlum |
Ganĝeso | Ganges |
Ganimedo | Ganymede |
Gano (Ganao) | Ghana, Republic of Ghana |
Gant-diagramo | Gantt chart |
Gantdiagramo | Gantt chart |
ganto | glove, mitten |
gapi | gape, gawk |
gapulo | loafer |
garaĝi | dock, put away |
garaĝo | garage |
garantiaĵo | pledge, security |
garantii | guarantee, warrant |
garantio | guarantee, warrant |
garantiulo | hostage |
garbo | sheaf |
garda | sentinel |
gardanĝelo | guardian angel |
gardenio | gardenia |
gardi | guard, keep, look after, watch over |
gardisto | guard |
gardo | guard |
gardohundo | watchdog |
gardostaranto | sentry |
gardoturo | guard tower |
gardujo | holder |
gargari | gargle, rinse |
garnaĵo | gear; garnish, equipment, ornamentation |
garni | garnish, fit out, trim |
garnituro | kit, set |
garnizono | garrison |
garolo | jay |
gasbotelo | gas cannister, gas cylinder |
Gaskona Golfo | Bay of Biscay |
gaskono | Gascon |
gaso | gas |
Gasparo | Gaspard |
gaspedalo | accelerator, accelerator pedal |
gastama | hospitable |
gastameco | hospitality |
gastamo | hospitality |
gastejestrino | hostess, landlady |
gastejestro | host, innkeeper, landlord |
gastejo | hostel, inn |
gasti | be a guest of, stay with |
gastiga | host |
gastigantino | hostess |
gastiganto | host |
gastigi | host, accommodate, entertain, put up |
gastigo | hosting |
gastlaboristo | guest worker |
gastloĝi | be on a visit, stay, stop |
gasto | guest |
gastolibro | guest book |
Gastono | Gaston |
gastra | gastric |
gasttradukilo | cross-compiler |
gaŭĝo | gauge |
gaŭla | Gallic, Gaulish |
Gaŭlio | Gaul |
gaŭlo | Gaul |
Gaŭlujo | Gaul |
gaŭsa | Gaussian, Gauss, Gauss’s |
Gaŭso | Gauss, Gauß |
gazelo | gazelle |
gazetara komuniko | press release |
gazetaro | press |
gazetistino | journalist (female) |
gazetisto | journalist |
gazeto | gazette, magazine, newspaper, periodical |
gazo | gauze |
gazonero | sod, sod of grass, turf |
gazono | lawn |
GDR (Orienta Germanujo) | East Germany, GDR, German Democratic Republic; Ost-Deutschland, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, DDR |
ge | both sexes |
gea | co-ed, of both sexes |
geamantoj | lovers |
geavo | grandparent |
geavoj | grandparents |
geedzeco | marriage |
geedziĝa ceremonio | wedding |
geedziĝa festo | wedding, wedding party |
geedziĝi | marry, be married, get married |
geedziĝinta | married |
geedzo | spouse |
geedzoj | couple, married people |
gefianĉiĝi | become engaged |
gefianĉoj | engaged couple |
gefiloj | offspring, sons and daughters |
gefrato | sibling, brother, sister |
gefratoj | siblings, brothers and sisters, brothers and sister, brother and sisters |
geheno | hell |
geja | gay, homosexual |
gejo | gay, homosexual |
gejŝo | geisha |
gejunuloj | young people, youth |
geknaboj | boys and girls |
geko | gecko |
gelatena | gelatine |
gelateno | gelatine |
Gelderlando (Geldrujo) | Guelderland, Guelders |
geldra | Guelders |
Geldrio (Geldrujo) | Guelderland, Guelders |
Geldrujo | Guelderland, Guelders |
gelo | frost |
gemisto | jeweller |
gemo | gem, jewel |
genciano | gentian |
genealogia | genealogical |
genealogia tabelo | family tree, pedigree |
genealogio | family tree, genealogy, pedigree |
genealogo | genealogist |
genepo | grandchild |
genepoj | grandchildren |
genera | genital; generative; generic |
generacio | generation |
generado | generation |
generalo | general |
generatoro | generator |
generebla | concrete (class) |
generi | beget, generate |
generilo | genitals |
genezo | genesis |
Genezo | Genesis |
genia | ingenious |
genio | genius |
genisto | broom |
geniulo | genius, person of genius |
geno | gene |
genra | gender; genus |
genro | gender; genus |
Gento | Ghent (in Belgium) |
gento | tribe, ethnic group |
genui | kneel |
genuiĝi | kneel |
genuo | knee |
Geo | Gaia |
geografia | geographic, geographical |
geografiisto | geographer |
geografio | geography |
geografo | geographer |
geologio | geology |
geologo | geologist |
geometrio | geometry |
Georg-Taŭno | Georgetown (Cayman Islands) |
Georgio | Georgia (American state) |
Georgo | George; Georges, Giorgio, Georgius, Georg, Jørgen, Jorge, Georg, Георгий |
Georgtaŭno | Georgetown (Guyana) |
gepatra | parental |
gepatraj | parental |
gepatro | parent |
gepatroj | parents |
gepraavo | great-grandparent |
gepraavoj | great-grandparents |
geranio | geranium |
Gerardo | Gerard; Gérard |
gerbero | gerbera |
gerilano | guerrilla |
gerilo | guerrilla war |
germana | German |
Germana Demokratia Respubliko (Orienta Germanujo) | East Germany, GDR, German Democratic Republic; Ost-Deutschland, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, DDR |
Germana Federacia Respubliko (Okcidenta Germanujo) | German Federal Republic, West Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, FRG; Westdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
germana vo (vuo) | W, the letter W, double-u |
germanaj voj (vuoj) | W’s, double-ues (letter name plural) |
germanema | pro-German |
germanino | German (female) |
germanio (germaniumo) | germanium |
Germanio (Germanujo) | Germany |
germanistiko | German language and literature, Germanic philology |
germaniumo | germanium |
Germanlando (Germanujo) | Germany, Federal Republic of Germany; Deutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
germano | German |
germanoj | Germans |
Germanujo | Germany, Federal Republic of Germany; Deutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Gertrudo | Gertrude, Gertie, Trudy, Trudi, Trudie; Gertrudis, Гертруда, Gertrud, Gertrud, Gertrud, Kerttu, Gjertrud, Kertu |
Gervazo | Gervase; Gervais, Gervasio, Gerwazy |
ges-anoj (gesamideanoj) | fellow Esperantists |
ges-roj (gesinjoroj) | ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. |
ges. (gesinjoroj) | ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. |
gesamideanoj | fellow Esperantists |
gesinjoroj | ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. |
gesti | gesture |
gestlingvo (signolingvo) | sign language, signed language |
gesto | gesture |
geto | ghetto |
Getshedo | Gateshead (England) |
GEV (Grajnoj en Vento) | GEV, Grajnoj en Vento (Grains in Wind) (defunct interschool program) |
gezo | Ge'ez, Gəʿəz, Gi'iz |
gibono | gibbon |
giĉeto | window, ticket window |
Gideono | Gideon |
GIF-dosiero | GIF, GIF file, Graphics Interchange Format file |
GIF-movbildo | animated GIF, GIF animation, Graphics Interchange Format animation |
gigabajto | gigabyte, GB, Gbyte, 1 000 000 000 bytes |
giganta | gigantic, huge |
giganto | giant |
Gilbertinsuloj | Gilbert Islands |
Gilberto | Gilbert |
gildo | guild |
Gilgameŝ (Gilgameŝo) | Gilgamesh |
Gilgameŝo | Gilgamesh |
gimnastikejo | gymnasium |
gimnastiko | gymnastics |
gimnazio | high school |
Ginevro | Guinevere; Ginevra, Guinevere, Ginevra |
gingivo | gum |
gipso | gypsum, plaster of Paris |
girlando | garland, wreath |
giroskopo | gyroscope |
gisi | cast, mould |
gisto | yeast |
gitaro | guitar |
gitarsintezilo | guitar synthesizer |
gitarsonprenilo | guitar pick up |
glacea | glossy |
glaceiga | glazing |
glaceigado | glazing |
glaceigilo | glazer |
glaceo | icing |
glacia | icy |
glaciaĵo | ice, icecream |
glacibalaisto | sweeper |
glaciejo | glacier |
glacimonto | iceberg |
glacio | ice |
glaco | windshield, pane |
glaĉero | glacier |
gladi | iron, iron clothes |
gladilo | iron |
gladofaldo | crease |
gladotabulo | ironing board |
glagolico | glagolitic alphabet |
glando | gland |
glano | acorn |
glasga (glasgova) | Glaswegian, Glasgow |
Glasgo (Glasgovo) | Glasgow; Glesga, Glaschu |
glasgova | Glaswegian, Glasgow |
Glasgovo | Glasgow; Glesga, Glaschu |
glaso | glass |
glata | smooth |
glatigi | smooth, make smooth |
glatigo | antialiasing, smoothing |
glavingo | scabbard |
glavo | sword |
glazuri | glaze |
glazuro | glaze |
gld. (nederlandaj guldenoj) | Dutch guilders |
glimi | gleam |
glimo | mica |
glisado | hovering |
glisi | glide, plane |
glisilo | glider, sailplane |
glita | slippery, floating (frame) |
glitgitaro | slide guitar |
gliti | glide, slip |
glitiga | slippery |
glitilo | skate |
glitkoma | floating-point |
glitkuri | skate |
glitkurilo | skate |
glitpilko | hockey |
glitpunkta | floating-point |
glitpunktnombro | floating-point number |
glitveturilo | sledge, sleigh |
globeto | corpuscle, marble |
globkrajono | ballpoint pen |
globlagro | ball bearing, ball-bearing |
globlagroj | balls bearing, balls-bearing |
globludado | bowling |
globludo | bowling |
globo | globe, ball, ball bearing, ball-bearing |
globoj | globes, balls, balls bearing, balls-bearing |
globskribilo | ballpoint pen |
globtrotulo | globetrotter |
glora | famous, glorious |
glorama | vainglorious |
glori | commend, glorify, laud, praise |
glorigi | put on the map |
glorkanto | paean |
gloro | fame, glory, renown |
glosaro | glossary |
gloso | gloss; Glosa |
gluaĵo | glue |
glubendo | adhesive tape |
glueca | sticky |
glui | glue, stick |
gluiĝi | stick |
glumarko | sticker |
glunoto | post-it note |
gluo | glue |
glutegi | gulp down |
gluteo | buttock |
gluti | swallow |
gnomo | brownie, gnome, goblin |
gnuo | gnu, wildebeest |
go (G) | G, the letter G, gee (letter name) |
gobio | gudgeon (fish) |
godela | Gödel |
Godelo | Gödel |
Godfredo | Godfrey; Gottfried, Godfried, Godfrid, Geoffroy, Godefroi, Godefroy, Goffredo, Godofredo |
Gogo | Gog |
goj | G’s, gees (letter name plural) |
gojo | goy |
golejo | goal |
golfeto | bay |
golfludo | golf |
golfo | gulf; golf |
Golgota (Golgoto) | Calvary (in Jerusalem), Golgotha |
Golgoto | Calvary (in Jerusalem), Golgotha |
Goliato | Goliath |
golo | goal |
gonda | Gondi |
Gondvano | Gondwana (supercontinent) |
gongo | gong |
gonoreo | clap, gonorrhea |
Gonzalo | Gonzalez, Gonzales |
Google | Google |
gorda | Gordian |
Gorgono | Gorgon |
gorĝdoloro | soar throat |
gorĝnodo | Adam’s apple |
gorĝo | throat |
gorĝotranĉi | cut the throat of |
gorilo | gorilla |
gospelo | gospel (music) |
Gotaburgo | Gothenburg |
Gotamo | Gautama, Gotama |
gotika | Gothic |
gracia | graceful |
gracieco | grace, gracefulness |
gracila | slender, willowy, thin |
gracio | grace |
Gracio | Grace |
graco | grace, mercy |
gradaltigo | promotion |
gradigo | gradation |
grado | degree, grade |
gradosimbolo | degree sign, degree symbol, ° |
grafeo | graph |
grafeteorio | graph theory |
grafika | graphic, graphics, drawing; linedraw |
grafika elemento | adornment |
grafika fasado | GUI, graphical user interface |
grafika interfaco | GUI, graphical user interface |
grafika prezento | plot |
grafikado | graphics |
grafikaĵo | graph; graphic image |
grafikilo | graphics |
grafikisto | graphic designer, commercial artist |
grafikistoj | art department |
grafiko | graphic arts, graphics |
graflando | county |
grafo | count, earl |
grajlo | sleet |
grajneco | aliasing |
grajno | grain, granule, pip |
grajo | gray (unit) |
graki | caw, croak |
Gralkavaliro | Grail Knight |
Gralo | Grail |
gramatiko | grammar |
gramo | gram, gramme |
gramofona disko | record, phonograph, gramophone |
gramofondisko | record, phonograph, gramophone |
gramofono | record player, turntable, phonograph |
Gramonto | Grammont (France) |
granato | pomegranate |
granda | big, great, large |
Granda Britio (Granda Britujo) | Great Britain, Britain; Prydain Fawr, Breatainn Mhòr, Breten Veur, Great Breetain |
Granda Britujo | Great Britain, Britain; Prydain Fawr, Breatainn Mhòr, Breten Veur, Great Breetain |
Granda Bulgarujo | Great Bulgaria |
granda disketo | maxi single |
Granda Fasto | Lent; the fast of Ramadan |
granda ĵazbando | big band |
Granda Muro | Great Wall, Great Wall of China |
Granda Recesio | Great Recession |
Grandan Recesion | Great Recession (acc.) |
Granda Sklavolago | Great Slave Lake |
Granda Turko | Grand Turk (Turks and Caicos Islands) |
Granda Ursino | Greater Bear, Great Bear |
Granda Ursolago | Great Bear Lake |
grandaĝa | elderly |
Grandaj Antiloj | Greater Antilles |
grandaj literoj | uppercase, upper case, upper-case; big letters |
grandangula | wideangle, wide-angle |
grandanima | magnanimous |
grandeco | size, largeness |
grandega | enormous, huge, immense |
grandege | enormously |
grandiga | size (grip) |
grandioza | grand, grandiose, magnificent, superb |
grandkvanta | high-quantity, high-volume |
grando | size |
grandoordo | order of magnitude |
grandparte | for the greater part, for the most part |
Grandpolujo | Greater Poland, Great Poland |
grandskala | large-scale |
grandulo | big person |
grandvalora | costly, valuable |
granita | granite |
granito | granite |
granulo | grain |
grapfrukto | grapefruit |
grapolo | cluster |
grasa | fat, fatty, greasy; bold (font) |
grasa tiparfasono | boldface |
grasakrajono | grease pencil |
grasi | grease |
grasiga klavo | bold key |
grasigi | fatten |
grasigita | bolded, bold |
grasita | bolded |
graso | fat, grease |
grasumi | fertilize, fertilise |
gratado | scrabble |
grati | scratch |
gratuli | congratulate |
gratulo | congratulation |
gratvundi | scratch |
grava | important, serious |
graveco | concern |
graveda | pregnant |
gravedigi | make pregnant, impregnate |
gravediĝi | conceive |
gravedulino | pregnant woman |
Graveto | Gravettian, Gravettian toolmaking culture |
gravi | be important |
gravito | gravity |
gravulo | important person |
gravuraĵo | engraving |
gravuri | engrave |
grefti | transplant, graft |
grego | flock, herd |
Gregorio | Gregory; Grégoire, Grzegorz |
grejhundo | greyhound, grayhound |
grejsa | greisen (mineral) |
grejso | greisen (mineral) |
greka | Greek, Hellenic |
grekino | Greek (female), Hellenic (female) |
Grekio (Grekujo) | Greece, Hellenic Republic, Greek Republic, Hellas; Ελλάδα, Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, Ελλάς, Ἑλλάς |
Greklando (Grekujo) | Greece, Hellenic Republic, Greek Republic, Hellas; Ελλάδα, Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, Ελλάς, Ἑλλάς |
greko | Greek, Hellenic |
grekoj | Greeks, Hellenics |
Grekujo | Greece, Hellenic Republic, Greek Republic, Hellas; Ελλάδα, Ελληνική Δημοκρατία, Ελλάς, Ἑλλάς |
grenadano | Grenadian |
grenadanoj | Grenadians |
Grenado | Grenada |
grenado | grenade |
Grendlo | Grendel |
grenlanda (gronlanda) | Greenlandic, Greenland; Kalaallisut |
Grenlanda Maro (Gronlanda Maro) | Greenland Sea |
grenlandano (gronlandano) | Greenlander |
grenlandanoj (gronlandanoj) | Greenlanders |
Grenlando (Gronlando) | Greenland |
greno | grain |
greso | grass |
grifela | pen (input) |
grifelo | stylus |
grilo | cricket |
grimaci | grimace |
grimaco | grimace |
grimacvinjeto | wry face |
grimpi | climb |
Grimzbio | Grimsby |
grincado | grating |
grinci | creak, gnash, grate, grind |
Grinoko | Greenock |
grio | meal |
gripo | flu, grip, influenza |
griza | grey, gray |
grizhara | grey-haired, gray-haired |
grizigita | grayed, greyed |
grizo | grey, gray |
grizoskalo | grayscale, greyscale |
griztona | grey, gray |
grizuo | firedamp (gas) |
groenlanda (gronlanda) | Greenlandic, Greenland; Kalaallisut |
Groenlanda Maro (Gronlanda Maro) | Greenland Sea |
groenlandano (gronlandano) | Greenlander |
groenlandanoj (gronlandanoj) | Greenlanders |
Groenlando (Gronlando) | Greenland |
Groningeno | Groningen; Groningen, Grins |
gronlanda | Greenlandic, Greenland; Kalaallisut |
Gronlanda Maro | Greenland Sea |
gronlandano | Greenlander |
gronlandanoj | Greenlanders |
Gronlando | Greenland |
groso | gooseberry |
groŝo | groschen |
groteska | grotesque |
groto | cave, grotto |
grumbli | growl, grumble |
grumblulo | grouser, grumbler |
grumo | groom, stableman |
grunda | ground, soil |
grunda disfalo | landslide |
grundi | strand |
grundo | ground, soil |
grundtavolo | layer, layer of earth |
gruo | crane (bird) |
Gruo | Grus (constellation) |
grupa | group |
grupadfaktoro | blocking factor |
grupeto | small group, circle |
grupiga | grouping |
grupigi | block (group) |
grupigita | grouped |
grupigitaj | grouped |
grupiĝi | form a group |
grupnumero | group identifier, group id, gid |
grupo | group |
grupprogramaro | groupware |
grupulino | groupie |
grupvaro | groupware, teamware |
gruzo | gravel, grit |
gubernatoro | governor |
gubernio | province |
gudri | tar |
gudro | tar |
guglo (Google) | Google |
guĝarata | Gujarati |
gujana | Guyanese, Guyanese Creole |
gujanano | Guyanese |
gujananoj | Guyanese (plural) |
Gujano | Guyana, Co-operative Republic of Guyana |
gulaŝo | goulash, stew |
guldeno | guilder, gulden |
gumi | erase |
gumo | eraser, gum |
gurdi | grind out |
gurdisto | barrel organ player, roller organ player, organ grinder |
gurdita | hackneyed |
gurdo | barrel organ, roller organ |
gusti | taste |
gustigi | flavor, flavour, season |
gusto | taste |
gustumi | taste |
gustumo | taste, sense of taste |
guŝo | pod |
gutaperko | gutta-percha (tree) |
guteto | droplet |
guti | drip |
gutigilo | eyedropper |
gutmalsekigi | baste |
guto | drip, drop |
guverni | coach, tutor |
guvernistino | governess |
guvernisto | tutor |
Gvadelupo | Guadeloupe; Guadeloupe |
Gvajano (Gujano) | Guyana, Co-operative Republic of Guyana |
Gvamo | Guam; Guåhan |
gvarania | Guaraní |
gvardio | guard |
gvatemala | Guatemalan |
gvatemalano | Guatemalan |
gvatemalanoj | Guatemalans |
Gvatemalo | Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala; Guatemala, República de Guatemala |
Gvatemalurbo | Guatemala City; Ciudad de Guatemala |
gvati | keep an eye on, spy on |
gvatsekvi | tail, shadow |
gvida | guide |
gvida ideo | leitmotif, leit-motif, Leitmotiv, recurring theme |
gvidado | guidance, leadership |
gvidanto | leader |
gvidfolio | cheatsheet, cheat sheet, guide sheet |
gvidi | conduct, direct, guide, head, lead |
gvidilo | guidebook |
gvidisto | guide |
gvidkantado | cue song |
gvidlibro | handbook, guide, guidebook |
gvidlinio | guideline |
gvidmarki | beacon |
gvidmarkilo | beacon |
gvidmezurilo | ruler guide |
gvidmotivo | leitmotiv, leitmotif |
gvidnormo | guideline |
gvido | guide |
gvinea | Guinean, Guinea |
gvineano | Guinean |
gvineanoj | Guineans |
gvinebisaŭano | Bissau-Guinean |
gvinebisaŭanoj | Bissau-Guineans |
Gvineo | Guinea, Republic of Guinea, Guinea-Conakry; République de Guinée; f.k.a. French Guinea; Guinée française |
Gvineo Bisaŭa (Gvineo-Bisaŭo) | Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guinea-Bissau; Guiné-Bissau, República da Guiné-Bissau |
Gvineo Ekvatora (Ekvatora Gvineo) | Equatorial Guinea, Republic of Equatorial Guinea; Guinea Ecuatorial, Guinée équatoriale, Guiné Equatorial, República de Guinea Ecuatorial, République de Guinée équatoriale, República da Guiné Equatorial |
Gvineo-Bisaŭa (Gvineo-Bisaŭo) | Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guinea-Bissau; Guiné-Bissau, República da Guiné-Bissau |
gvineo-bisaŭano (gvinebisaŭano) | Bissau-Guinean |
gvineo-bisaŭanoj (gvinebisaŭanoj) | Bissau-Guineans |
Gvineo-Bisaŭo | Guinea-Bissau, Republic of Guinea-Bissau; Guiné-Bissau, República da Guiné-Bissau
Ĝ |
Ĝ (ĝo) | Ĝ, the letter Ĝ, G circumflex, G-circumflex |
ĝainismo (ĝajnismo) | Jainism |
ĝaino (ĝajno) | Jain, Jaina |
ĝajnismo | Jainism |
ĝajno | Jain, Jaina |
Ĝakarto | Jakarta, Special Capital Territory of Jakarta; f.k.a. Djakarta, Batavia, Jayakarta, Sunda Kelapa |
ĝangalo | jungle, rain forest |
ĝanŝia (ganaa) | Jiangxinese, Gan, Gan Chinese, Gan language, Gan dialect (Gan language); 赣 |
ĝardena | garden, gardening |
ĝardeneto | little garden |
ĝardenilaro | garden tools, garden equipment |
ĝardenisto | gardener, groundskeeper, landscaper |
ĝardenlaborado | garden work, gardening |
ĝardeno | garden |
ĝardenumado | gardening |
ĝardenurbo | garden city |
ĝartero | garter belt, garter |
Ĝavaskripto (Javaskripto) | JavaScript, Javascript (JavaScript) |
Ĝavo | Java (programming language) |
Ĝavointerpretilo | Java Runtime Environment |
Ĝavoprocezilo | Java Runtime Environment |
Ĝavoskripto (Javaskripto) | JavaScript, Javascript (JavaScript) |
Ĝavotraktilo | Java virtual machine |
ĝazbando | jazz band, jazz ensemble |
ĝazo | jazz |
ĝelateno | jelly |
ĝelo (gelateno) | gel, gelatin; Jello |
ĝemadi | moan, groan |
ĝemado | moaning, groaning |
ĝemegi | wail |
ĝemela | twin |
ĝemelduo | twins |
ĝemelmetodo | buddy system |
ĝemelo | twin |
Ĝemeloj | Gemini; twins |
ĝemeloj | twins |
Ĝemelojn | Gemini (acc.); twins (acc.) |
ĝemelojn | twins (acc.) |
Ĝemelturoj | Twin Towers (New York’s former World Trade Center) |
Ĝemelturojn | Twin Towers (New York’s former World Trade Center) (acc.) |
ĝemelurbo | sister city, twin city, friendship city |
ĝemelurboj | sister cities, twin cities, friendship cities |
ĝemi | groan, moan |
ĝemo | groan, moan; gem |
ĝena | inconvenient, nasty, troublesome, troubling |
ĝenadi | harass, bother, trouble |
ĝenado | harassment, hassling |
ĝenaĵo | annoyance, nuisance, trouble, inconvenience |
ĝendarmo | gendarme, patrol |
ĝendarmoj | gendarmes, patrols |
ĝenata | bothered |
ĝenerala | general, usual, standard, generic |
Ĝenerala Publika GNU-Permesilo (GPL) | GNU General Public License, GPL, GNU GPL |
Ĝenerala Publika Permesilo | General Public License, GPL |
Ĝenerala Publika Permesilo de GNU (GPL) | GNU General Public License, GPL, GNU GPL |
ĝeneralaj | general (pl.), usual (pl.), standard (pl.), generic (pl.) |
Ĝeneralaj Ŝtatoj | States General |
ĝeneralaĵo | generality |
ĝeneralaĵoj | generalities |
ĝeneralcela | general-purpose |
ĝenerale | generally, in general |
ĝeneraleco | generality, universality |
ĝeneraligi | generalize |
ĝeneraligita | generalized |
ĝeneraligo | generalization |
Ĝeneva Lago | Geneva Lake (Wisconsin, not Switzerland and France) |
Ĝenevo | Geneva; Genève; Genèva |
Ĝenevo, Lago de (Lemano) | Lake Geneva (Switzerland and France), Lake Léman; Lac Léman, Léman; Genfersee |
Ĝengis (Ĉingiso) | Genghis, Chinggis; Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan |
Ĝengiso (Ĉingiso) | Genghis, Chinggis; Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan |
ĝeni | bother, disturb, hinder, trouble, make uncomfortable |
ĝeni sin | go to the bother of, go to the trouble of; be ashamed |
ĝeno | nuisance, inconvenience, trouble |
ĝenova | Genoese, Genoa |
Ĝenova Golfo | Gulf of Genoa; Golfo di Genova |
Ĝenovo | Genoa; Genova; Zena; Zena; Genua; f.k.a. Genua |
ĝenro | genre |
ĝentila | polite, courteous, civil well-mannered |
ĝentilaĵo | courtesy |
ĝentile | politely, courteously, gently |
ĝentileco | politeness, civility, courtesy |
ĝentilhomeca | gentlemanlike, ladylike |
ĝentilhomo | gentleman |
ĝentilhomoj | gentlemen |
ĝentlemaneca | gentlemanlike |
ĝentlemanineca | ladylike |
ĝentlemanino | lady |
ĝentlemaninoj | ladies |
ĝentlemano | gentleman |
ĝenulo | pain in the ass, nuisance, pest |
Ĝeraldo | Gerald |
ĝermana | Germanic, Teutonic |
ĝermanismo | Germanism |
ĝermanistiko | German studies, Germanistics |
ĝermanisto | Germanist, student of German studies |
ĝermano | German, Teuton |
ĝermi | germinate, bud, shoot |
ĝermo | germ |
ĝi | it |
ĝia | its |
ĝiba | hunchback, hunchbacked |
ĝibaĵo | hump, bump |
ĝibbovo (zebuo) | zebu, humped cattle, indicine cattle |
ĝibeto | bump |
ĝibhava | hunchbacked, hunchback |
ĝibigi | arch, stoop, hunch one’s back, hunch your back |
ĝibo | bump, hump |
ĝibobovo (zebuo) | zebu, humped cattle, indicine cattle |
ĝibraltara | Gibraltarian |
ĝibraltaranino | Gibraltarian (fem.) |
ĝibraltaraninoj | Gibraltarians (fem.) |
ĝibraltarano | Gibraltarian |
ĝibraltaranoj | Gibraltarians |
Ĝibraltaro | Gibraltar |
ĝibulo | hunchback, humpback |
ĝibutianino | Djiboutian (fem.) |
ĝibutianinoj | Djiboutians (fem.) |
ĝibutiano | Djiboutian |
ĝibutianoj | Djiboutians |
Ĝibutio | Djibouti, Republic of Djibouti, Jibuti; جيبوتي, جمهورية جيبوتي; Djibouti, République de Djibouti; Jabuuti, Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti; Gabuuti, Gabuutih Ummuuno; f.k.a. Afars and Issas, French Territory of the Afars and Issas, Obock, French Somaliland; Côte française des Somalis |
ĝihado | jihad |
ĝin | it (acc.) |
Ĝingis (Ĉingiso) | Genghis, Chinggis; Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan |
Ĝingis-Ĥano | Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan; Genghis, Chinggis |
Ĝingiso (Ĉingiso) | Genghis, Chinggis; Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan |
Ĝinĝis (Ĉingiso) | Genghis, Chinggis; Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan |
Ĝinĝiso (Ĉingiso) | Genghis, Chinggis; Genghis Khan, Chinggis Khaan |
ĝinismo (ĝajnismo) | Jainism |
ĝino | gin (drink); Jain, Jaina |
ĝinzo | jeans |
ĝirafido | baby giraffe |
Ĝirafo | Camelopardalis (constellation); giraffe |
ĝirafo | giraffe |
ĝiraforeloj | rabbit ears; giraffe ears |
ĝiranto | endorser |
ĝirato | endorsee |
ĝirebla | endorsable |
ĝiri | endorse, transfer |
ĝirilo | money transfer form |
ĝiriloj | money transfer forms |
ĝirindikilo | blinker |
ĝirindikiloj | blinkers |
ĝiro | endorsement |
ĝis | until, till, up to, as far as |
ĝis la | bye |
ĝis la revido | bye, goodbye, so long |
ĝis nun | yet, until now, up to now |
ĝis revido | bye, goodbye, so long |
ĝis-streko | en dash, n dash, n-rule, nut, “–” |
ĝisatendi | bide, abide, stay for, wait, await, wait for |
ĝisbaza | radix |
ĝisdata | up-to-date, updated, modern |
ĝisdatiga | updating, update, updated, service (pack) |
ĝisdatigeto | little update, service update |
ĝisdatigi | update |
ĝisdatigo | update, updating |
ĝisfine | to the end, until the end |
ĝisfunda | thorough, thoroughgoing, full, absolute |
ĝisfunde | thoroughly |
ĝisi | say goodbye |
ĝisiri | arrive at; go up to |
ĝiskole | up to one’s neck, up to your neck |
ĝiskore | right to the heart, thoroughly |
ĝislimi | extend to |
ĝismaleola | ankle-deep |
ĝismentone | up to one’s chin, up to your chin |
ĝismorta | to the death |
ĝismorte | until death, to death, till death |
ĝisnaŭze | ad nauseam |
ĝisnombrado | countdown |
ĝisnuna | present |
ĝisnune | until now, until this day |
ĝiso | goodbye, farewell |
ĝisosta | to the bone, diehard, dyed-in-the-wool, dedicated, committed, hard-core |
ĝisoste | to the bone |
ĝisostulo | diehard, die-hard |
ĝispinta | uppermost |
ĝispinte | to the top of, up to date, up-to-date |
ĝisrandigi | align, justify |
ĝisrandigo | alignment, justification, justify, flush, align |
ĝisrevidi | say goodbye |
ĝistalia | waist-high |
ĝistalie | up to one’s waist, up to your waist, waist-deep |
ĝistiam | until that time |
ĝistiama | hitherto, until then, until that time |
ĝistombe | to the grave |
ĝisvivi | go through, live to see |
ĝo (Ĝ) | Ĝ, the letter Ĝ, G circumflex, G-circumflex |
ĝo ĉapela (ĝo) | Ĝ, the letter Ĝ, G circumflex, G-circumflex |
ĝoĉia | Jochid (of Genghis Khan’s son), Jöchid, Juchid |
Ĝoĉia Apanaĝo (Ora Hordo) | Golden Horde; f.k.a. Kipchak Khanate, Ulus of Jochi |
Ĝoĉio | Jochi (Genghis Khan’s son), Jöchi, Juchi |
ĝogi | jog |
ĝoj | Ĝs, Gs circumflex, G-circumflexes, Gs circumflexed |
ĝoj ĉapelaj (ĝoj) | Ĝs, Gs circumflex, G-circumflexes, Gs circumflexed |
ĝoja | happy, glad, joyful, joyous |
ĝojado | jubilation, rejoicing |
ĝoje | joyfully, happily, gladly |
ĝojeco | gladness, joy |
ĝojega | jubilant, jovial |
ĝojege | jubilantly, very joyfully |
ĝojegi | exult, rejoice |
ĝojego | exultation |
ĝojfajro | bonfire |
ĝojfrapo | burst of joy |
ĝoji | be glad, enjoy, rejoice |
ĝojiga | joyful |
ĝojige | joyfully |
ĝojigi | make glad, make joyful, gladden |
ĝojiĝi | become happy, become joyful |
ĝojo | gladness, joy, glee |
ĝojplena | full of joy |
Ĝon | John |
ĜPL (GPL) | GPL, GNU General Public License, GPL, GPL |
ĝuamo | hedonism, wanton pleasure |
ĝuanga | Zhuang (singular); Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝuangaj | Zhuang (pl.); Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝuango | Zhuang (person); Bouxcuengh |
ĝuango (ĝuanga lingvo) | Zhuang language; Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝuangoj | Zhuang (people); Bouxcuengh |
ĝuangoj (ĝuangaj lingvoj) | Zhuang languages; Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝuego | delight, relish |
ĝui | delight in, enjoy, relish |
ĝuinda | worth enjoying, enjoyable |
ĝuinde | enjoyably |
ĝungaria | Dzungarian, Zungarian, Junggar |
Ĝungario (Ĝungarujo) | Dzungaria (China), Zungaria (China) |
Ĝungarujo | Dzungaria (China), Zungaria (China) |
ĝuo | delight, joy |
ĝuplena | joyful, blissful |
ĝusta | correct, exact, proper, right |
ĝustakvante | in the right amount |
ĝustateme | on the right topic |
ĝustatempa | opportune, seasonable, timely, punctual |
ĝustatempe | at the right time, in time, timely, at the right moment |
ĝustatempeco | timeliness, punctuality |
ĝuste | correctly, just, exactly, okay, right, precisely |
ĝusteco | accuracy, exactitude, exactness, rightness |
ĝusti | be right, be correct, be proper |
ĝustiga | corrective, adjustment |
ĝustigi | adjust, put right, correct, make adjustments, debug |
ĝustigilo | debugger |
ĝustigo | adjustment, debugging, error correction |
ĝustigi | adjust, debug, error correct |
ĝŭanga (ĝuanga) | Zhuang (singular); Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝŭangaj (ĝuangaj) | Zhuang (pl.); Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝŭango (ĝuanga lingvo) | Zhuang language; Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝŭango (ĝuango) | Zhuang (person); Bouxcuengh |
ĝŭangoj (ĝuangaj lingvoj) | Zhuang languages; Vahcuengh; 壮语 |
ĝŭangoj (ĝuangoj) | Zhuang (people); Bouxcuengh
H |
h (ho) | H, aitch (letter name); haitch (aitch) |
ha | ah, aha |
ha lo | hello |
ha! | ah! aha! |
haĉi | hatch, shade |
haĉo | hatch |
Hadeso | Hades |
hafnio | hafnium |
haga | Hague, of The Hague |
hagano | inhabitant of The Hague |
Hago | The Hague |
haitia | Haitian Creole, Haitian |
haitiano | Haitian |
haitianoj | Haitians |
Haitio | Haiti, Republic of Haiti; Ayiti, Repiblik Ayiti; Haïti, République d’Haïti |
Haito (Haitio) | Haiti, Republic of Haiti; Ayiti, Repiblik Ayiti; Haïti, République d’Haïti |
hajko | haiku |
hajlajfo | highlife |
hajlero | hailstone |
hajlo | hail |
haketa | hash, hashed |
haketado | hashing |
haketaĵo | hash |
haketfunkcio | hash function |
haketi | chop, dice, mince |
haketilo | hatchet |
haketo | hash (mark), # |
hakettabelo | hash table |
haki | chop, cut, hack |
hakilo | axe |
hakviando | hamburger meat |
haladza | fumy |
haladzi | fume |
haladzo | fume |
halebardo | halberd |
haliotiso | abalone, ear shell, haliotis |
halo | hall |
Haloeno (Haloveno) | Halloween |
halogenido | haloid |
Haloino (Haloveno) | Halloween |
haloo | halo |
Haloŭino (Haloveno) | Halloween |
Haloveno | Halloween |
Halovino (Haloveno) | Halloween |
halta | stop, halt |
haltejo | stop |
halteta | sleep (mode) |
halteti | sleep |
halti | halt, come to a halt, stop |
haltiga | stop (button) |
haltigi | halt, stop |
halto | halt |
haltopunkto | breakpoint |
haltostreko | break |
haltproblemo | halting problem |
haltstreko | break |
haltu | stop |
Haluino (Haloveno) | Halloween |
hamako | hammock |
hamburgano | Hamburger (from Hamburg), from Hamburg |
hamburgero | hamburger |
Hamburgo | Hamburg |
hamiltona problemo | Hamilton’s problem |
Hamiltono | Hamilton |
hamondorgeno | hammond organ |
hamstro | hamster |
Hanafismo | Hanafi (law); حنفية |
handikapo | handicap |
handikapulo | handicapped person |
hangaro | hangar (for aircraft) |
Hanibalo | Hannibal |
hanoja | Hanoi, of Hanoi |
Hanojaj turoj | Tower of Hanoi (game), Towers of Hanoi (game), Tower of Brahma (game), Towers of Brahma (game) |
hanojano | Hanoian, from Hanoi |
hanojanoj | Hanoians, from Hanoi |
Hanojo | Hanoi; Hà Nội |
Hanovro | Hanover |
hansa | Hanseatic |
hanso | Hanseatic League, Hanse, Hansa; Hanse; Hansa, Liga Hanseatica |
hanti | haunt |
hararanĝo | hairdo, hair-do |
hararo | hair |
hararzono | hair ribbon, fillet |
harbroso | hairbrush |
hardi | harden, temper |
hardigenzo | hardening agent |
haremo | harem |
harfendado | hair-splitting |
harfendemulo | hair-splitter, niggler, nit-picker |
haringo | herring |
harkovrita | hairy, hirsute |
Harlemo | Harlem (New York City); Haarlem (Netherlands); Haarlem; f.k.a. Harlem (Netherlands) |
harmonia | harmonious |
harmonii | fit together, harmonize |
harmoniigilo | harmonizer |
harmoniko | harmonica |
harmonio | harmony |
harmonioj | harmonies |
haro | hair |
haroj | hair, hairs |
Haroldo | Harold |
harpio | harpy (Greek mythology) |
harpioj | harpies (Greek mythology) |
harpo | harp |
harstariga | eerie, grisly, gruesome, macabre |
hasio | hassium |
hasta | hurried |
haste | hastily, hurriedly, in a hurry |
hasti | hurry |
hasto | haste |
haŝiŝo | hashish |
hati | hate |
haŭbizo | howitzer |
Haŭmeo | Haumea (dwarf planet); Haumea (Hawaiʻian goddess) |
Haŭmeon | Haumea (dwarf planet) (accusative); Haumea (Hawaiʻian goddess) (accusative) |
haŭsa | Hausa |
haŭto | skin |
haŭtodifina | skin definition |
haŭtveziketo | blister |
havaja | Hawaiian |
havaja gitaro | lap slide guitar, lap steel guitar, Hawaiian guitar |
Havajo | Hawaii, State of Hawaii; Hawaiʻi, Mokuʻāina o Hawaiʻi |
havaĵo | property |
havaĵoj | properties |
Havano | Havana |
havebla | available |
haveno | harbor, harbour, port |
havenurbo | port |
havi | have, have got |
havi intereson pri | be interested in, have an interest in |
haviganto de dosieroj | filesharer |
havigi | get, procure |
havigi al si | buy, get, procure |
havigita | shared |
havigo | sharing |
Haviko | Hawick |
havo | possession |
hazarda | random, accidental, chance, shuffled |
hazarde | randomly, by accident, by chance |
hazardigi | randomize |
hazardigo | randomization |
hazardluda turbo | put-and-take top, teetotum, T-totum; dreidel |
hazardludo | game of chance, gambling |
hazardnombra | random number |
hazardo | randomness, accidence, chance, hazard |
HdE (Heroldo de Esperanto) | Heroldo de Esperanto (magazine) |
he | hey, say |
he! | hey! |
hebrea | Hebrew, Jewish |
Hebrea Biblio | Tanakh, Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Scriptures, Jewish Bible |
hebreo | Hebrew, Jew |
Hebreoj | Hebrews |
Hebridoj | Hebrides, Western Islands |
hedero | ivy |
hederoj | ivies |
Heĝiro | Hijra, Hijrah, Hijrat, Hegira; هِجْرَة |
heĝo | hedge |
heĝtondilo | hedge clippers, hedge shears |
hejma | home, domestic |
hejme | at home |
hejmeca | homy |
hejmen | home, homeward |
hejmlaboro | housework; homework, outwork |
hejmlando | homeland |
hejmloko | home town, home region |
hejmo | home |
hejmpaĝo | homepage |
hejmsidema | stay-at-home |
hejmsopiro | homesickness |
hejmurbo | home town |
hejmveo | homesickness |
hejmvesto | house clothes, dressing gown |
hejtado | heating |
hejtaĵo | fuel |
hejti | heat, stoke |
hejtilo | heater |
hejtisto | stoker |
Hekato | Hecate |
hektaro | hectare |
hektolitro | hectoliter, hectolitre |
Hektoro | Hector |
hela | bright, clear, light |
Helaso | Hellas |
helblua | bright blue |
heldenso | brightness |
Heldero | Den Helder |
heleboro | hellebore |
helena | Hellenian, Hellenic |
Heleno | Helen |
helianto | sunflower |
helico | helix, propeller |
heligi | brighten up |
heliĝi | clear |
helika | snail |
heliko | snail |
helikoptero | helicopter |
helikpoŝto | snailmail, mail |
heliumo | helium |
helodenso | brightness |
helpa | help, auxiliary, helping |
helpa klavo | Help (key) |
helpantino | assistant (female) |
helpanto | aid, assistent, helper |
helpaparataro | auxiliary equipment |
helpdosiero | help file |
helpejo | helpdesk |
helpema | helpful, accommodating |
helpemo | helpfulness, readiness to help |
helpi | help, accommodate, aid, assist |
helpilo | aid |
helpistino | helper, aide |
helpisto | helper, aide |
helplineo | hotline, helpline |
helplinio | guide (drawing) |
helpmemoro | auxiliary memory |
helpo | help, aid |
helpoĉeno | help string |
helpoforumo | help forum, support forum |
helpopreta | helpful, ready to help |
helposesio | support session, help session |
helpprogramo | add-on, addon |
helpredaktilo | help authoring tool |
helpsistemo | help system |
helpteksto | help text |
Helsinko | Helsinki; Helsinki; Helsingfors |
helveta | Helvetic, Swiss |
Helvetio | Helvetia (Swiss national personification) |
helveto | Swiss; f.k.a. Helvetian |
hemeralopio | night blindness, nyctalopia |
hemisfero | hemisphere |
hemoroido | haemorrhoid, hemorrhoid, pile |
hemoroidoj | haemorhoids |
Henegovio | Hainaut (Belgian province); Hinnot, Hainaut, Henegouwen, Hennegau; f.k.a. Henegovia |
heni | whinny |
Henriko | Henry |
henro | henry (unit) |
henroj | henries (plural unit) |
hepatito | hepatitis |
hepatkolbaso | liver sausage |
hepato | liver |
herakleo | cow parsnip, hogweed |
Heraklidoj | Heracleidae, Heraclids, descendants of Heracles, descendants of Hercules |
Heraklo | Heracles, Hercules |
heraldiko | heraldry |
heraldikoj | heraldries |
herbaĉo | weed |
herbejo | meadow |
herbo | grass, herb |
herboverda | grass green |
Hercegovino | Herzegovina, Hercegovina, Херцеговина, Херцеговина, Херцеговина |
herco | hertz |
Herda Insulo kaj Makdonaldaj Insuloj | Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Heard and McDonald Islands, HIMI |
Herda kaj Makdonaldaj Insuloj (Herda Insulo kaj Makdonaldaj Insuloj) | Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Heard and McDonald Islands, HIMI |
hereda | hereditary |
heredado | inheritance |
heredaĵo | inheritance |
heredanto | heir |
heredeco | heredity |
heredecoj | heredities |
heredi | inherit |
heredigi | bequeath, leave in a will |
heredita | inherited |
hereza | heretical |
herezo | heresy |
herezoj | heresies |
herezulo | heretic |
Herklo (Heraklo) | Heracles, Hercules |
herkula | herculean |
Herkulo (Heraklo) | Heracles, Hercules |
Hermano | Herman |
Hermeso | Hermes |
hermetika | hermetic; inscrutable, difficult |
hermita | Hermitian, Hermite, Hermite’s; self-adjoint; unitary (space) |
Hermito | Hermite, Charles Hermite |
Hero | Hera |
heroa | heroic |
heroaĵo | act of heroism |
Herodoto | Herodotus |
heroeco | heroism |
heroeno | heroin |
heroino | heroin; heroine |
heroldi | herald |
heroldo | herald |
heroo | hero |
herpato | herpes |
herpeto | herpes |
hesa | Hessian, Hesse |
Hesio (Hesujo) | Hesse (German state), Hessia; Hesse; Hessen |
heso | Hessian |
Hespero | Hesperus |
Hestio | Hestia |
Hesujo | Hesse (German state), Hessia; Hesse; Hessen |
heŭristika | heuristic |
hevisida | Heaviside, Heaviside’s |
Hevisido | Heaviside, Oliver Heaviside |
Hezioto | Hesiod, Hesiodos |
hezitado | hesitation, wavering |
hezitanta | hesitant |
hezitema | irresolute, undecided |
heziti | hesitate |
hezito | hesitation |
hiato | gap |
hibisko | hibiscus |
hibrida | hybrid, mongrel |
hico | hybrid integrated circuit |
hida | hideous |
hidrargo | mercury, quicksilver |
hidro | hydra |
Hidro | Hydra |
hidrofobio | hydrophobia |
hidrogenbombo | H-bomb, hydrogen bomb |
hidrogeno | hydrogen |
hidropso | edema (disease), oedema; f.k.a. dropsy, hydropsy |
hieno | hyena, hyaena |
hierarkia | hierarchical, organizational |
hierarkio | hierarchy |
hierarkio laŭ Ĉomski | Chomsky hierarchy |
hieraŭ | yesterday |
hieraŭ vespere | last night |
hieraŭa | yesterday, of yesterday |
Hieronimo | Jerome |
higiena | hygienic |
higieno | hygiene |
Higio | Hygiea (asteroid); Hygiea (Greek goddess) |
Higion | Hygiea (asteroid) (accusative); Hygiea (Greek goddess) (accusative) |
Hiĝro (Heĝiro) | Hijra, Hijrah, Hijrat, Hegira; هِجْرَة |
hilberta | Hilbert, Hilbert’s |
Hilberto | Hilbert, David Hilbert |
hiligajnona | Hiligaynon |
Himalajo | Himalayas |
Himalajoj (Himalajo) | Himalayas |
HIMI (Herda Insulo kaj Makdonaldaj Insuloj) | HIMI, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, Heard and McDonald Islands |
himno | anthem, hymn |
hinajana | Hinayana (Buddhism), Hīnayāna |
Hinajano | Hinayana (Buddhism), Hīnayāna |
hinda (barata) | Indian, East Indian, from India |
Hinda Oceano | Indian Ocean |
Hinda Unio (Barato) | India, Republic of India, East Indies |
hindiano (baratano) | Indian, East Indian, from India |
hindino (baratanino) | Indian (female), East Indian (female) |
Hindio (Barato) | India, Republic of India, East Indies |
hindo (baratano) | Indian, East Indian, from India |
Hindoĉinio (Hindoĉinujo) | Indo-China |
Hindoĉinujo | Indo-China |
hindoeŭropa | Indo-European |
hindoeŭropano | Indo-European |
hindoĝermana | Indo-European, Indo-Germanic |
hindoj (baratanoj) | Indians, East Indians, from India |
hindua | Hindu; f.k.a. Hindoo |
Hindujo (Barato) | India, Republic of India, East Indies |
Hindukuŝo | Hindu Kush |
hinduo | Hindu; f.k.a. Hindoo |
hinĝo | hinge |
hino | hinny (horse-donkey hybrid), jenny (horse-donkey hybrid) |
hinoj | hinnies (horse-donkey hybrids), jennies (horse-donkey hybrids) |
hiper-klavo | space-cadet (keyboard), hyper key (keyboard) |
hiperbola | hyperbolic |
hiperfokusa | hyperfocal |
hiperklavo | space-cadet (keyboard), hyper key (keyboard) |
hiperliga (ligila) | link, hyperlink |
hiperligilo (ligilo) | link, hyperlink |
hiperligo (ligilo) | link, hyperlink |
hipermedio | hypermedia |
hiperteksta | hypertext |
HiperTeksta MarkLingvo | HTML, Hypertext Markup Language |
Hiperteksta Marklingvo (HTML) | Hypertext Markup Language, HTML |
hiperteksto | hypertext |
hiperteksto-transiga | hypertext transfer |
Hiperteksto-Transiga Protokolo (HTTP) | Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP |
hipertekstotransiga (hiperteksto-transiga) | hypertext transfer |
hiphopo | hip hop, hiphop, hip-hop |
hipio | hippie |
Hipno | Hypnos |
hipnotigi | hypnotize |
hipnotisto | hypnotist |
hipnoto | hypnosis, hypnotic trance |
hipogloso | halibut |
Hipokrato | Hippocrates |
hipokrita | hypocritical |
hipokriti | dissemble |
hipokritulo | hypocrite |
Hipolito | Hippolytus |
hipopotamo | hippo, hippopotamus |
hipoteko | mortgage |
hipoteza | hypothetical |
hipotezi | hypothesize |
hipotezo | hypothesis |
hiri-motuo | Hiri Motu, Police Motu, Pidgin Motu |
hirimotua | Hiri Motu, Police Motu, Pidgin Motu |
hirimotuo | Hiri Motu, Police Motu, Pidgin Motu |
hirta | bristly, standing on end, untidy |
hirta dekstro | ragged right |
hirti | bristle |
hirtigi | tousle |
hirudo | leech |
hirundo | swallow |
hisi | hoist, hoist up, run up, wind up |
hisilo | halyard |
hispana | Spanish |
hispanino | Spaniard (female), Spanish (female) |
Hispanio (Hispanujo) | Spain, Kingdom of Spain; España, Reino de España |
Hispaniolo | Hispaniola (Caribbean island); La Española |
Hispanlando (Hispanujo) | Spain, Kingdom of Spain; España, Reino de España |
hispano | Spaniard, Spanish (singular) |
hispanoj | Spaniards, Spanish (plural) |
Hispanujo | Spain, Kingdom of Spain; España, Reino de España |
histeria | hysterical |
histerio | hysteria |
histeriulino | hysteric (female) |
histeriulo | hysteric |
histo | tissue |
histogramo | histogram |
historia | historical |
historia materialismo (historia materiismo) | historical materialism |
historia materiismo | historical materialism |
historieto | story, anecdote |
historietoj | stories, anecdotes |
historiisto | historian |
historilisto | history list |
historio | history, story |
historioj | histories, stories |
historiprotokolo | history log |
histriko | porcupine |
Hiŝamo | Heysham |
hm | hmm, ah |
HM (honora membro) | honorary member |
ho | oh, whoa, wow, yikes, yow |
ho (H) | H, aitch (letter name); haitch (aitch) |
ho ve | alas, oh dear |
hobio | hobby |
hobioj | hobbies |
hobojo | oboe |
hodiaŭ | today |
hodiaŭ matene | this morning |
hodiaŭ posttagmeze | this afternoon |
hodiaŭ vespere | this evening |
hodiaŭa | current, present, present-day, today’s |
hoj | ahoy |
hoj | H’s, aitchs (plural letter name); haitchs (aitchs) |
hojli | howl |
hoka | hook |
hokeo | hockey |
hoketo | caron, háček, haček, hacek, wedge, inverted circumflex, inverted hat, ˇ̌; little hook |
hokfadeno | line, fishing line |
hokfiŝi | fish with a line |
hokfiŝilo | fishing rod |
hokfiŝkaptanto | angler |
hokfiŝkapti | fish with a line |
hoko | hook |
hola | hey |
holanda | Holland (from the Holland region of the Netherlands) |
Holanda Angulo | Hook of Holland |
holandano | Hollander (from the Holland region of the Netherlands) |
Holando | Holland (Dutch region, not the nation of the Netherlands) |
holdo | hold |
holmio | holmium |
holmo | hill |
holografio | holography |
homa | human |
homa lingvo | natural language; human language |
homa-komputila | human-to-computer, human-computer |
homamaso | crowd, mass, multitude |
homamo | charity, love of neighbor, love of neighbour |
homaranismo | homaranism, Zamenhofan humanism |
homaro | human race, mankind |
hombuĉado | massacre |
homekipi | man, crew, equip with people |
homekipo | crew |
Homero | Homer |
hometo | little person |
homlegebla | human-readable |
homo | human being, man |
homoj | people |
homomorfa | homomorphic |
homomorfio | homomorphism |
homonimigo | polymorphism, overloading |
homportilo | stretcher |
homrabanto | abductor |
homrabi | abduct |
homrabo | abduction |
homsimio | primate, ape |
hondura | Honduran |
honduranino | Honduran (female), Catracha (female) |
hondurano | Honduran, Catracho |
honduranoj | Hondurans, Catrachos |
hondurasa (hondura) | Honduran |
hondurasanino (honduranino) | Honduran (female), Catracha (female) |
hondurasano (hondurano) | Honduran, Catracho |
hondurasanoj (honduranoj) | Hondurans, Catrachos |
Honduraso (Honduro) | Honduras, Republic of Honduras; Honduras, República de Honduras; f.k.a. Spanish Honduras |
Honduro | Honduras, Republic of Honduras; Honduras, República de Honduras; f.k.a. Spanish Honduras |
honesta | honest, above-board |
honestulo | honest person |
honkonganino | Hong Konger (female) |
honkongano | Hong Konger |
honkonganoj | Hong Kongers |
Honkongo | Hong Kong; 香港; f.k.a. Hongkong |
honora | honorary |
honora protektanto | patron |
honorario | fee |
honori | honor, honour |
honorigo | honor, honour, admiration, veneration |
honorindeco | respectability, venerability |
honoro | honor, honour |
honorofica | voluntary, honorary, unpaid |
honorvorto | word of honor, word of honour |
honta | ashamed |
hontema | bashful |
honti | be ashamed |
hontiga | humiliating |
hontigi | abash, put to shame |
hontigita | ashamed |
hontinda | shameful |
honto | abashment, shame |
hopi | hop |
hora | hour, hour’s, hours’ |
Horacio | Horatio, Horace |
horaro | schedule, timetable |
hordeo | barley |
hordeoj | kinds of barley, barleys |
hordo | band, horde, troop |
horizontala | horizontal, level, landscape (layout), grand (piano) |
horizontalo | horizontal |
horizonto | horizon |
horloĝeto | watch |
horloĝigita ensaluto | timed login |
horloĝisto | clocksmith |
horloĝisto | watchmaker |
horloĝo | clock, watch |
Horloĝo | Horologium (constellation); clock, watch |
horo | hour; o’clock, time |
horoformo | time format |
horori | be horrified |
hororo | horror |
horoskopo | horoscope |
Horuso | Horus |
horzono | time zone |
hoso | hose, tube |
hospitalo | hospital |
hostimontrilo | monstrance |
hostio | host, wafer |
Hoŝea | Hosea |
hotelo | hotel |
hoto | giddy-up |
Hoŭlando | Howland Island |
HP (honora prezidanto) | honorary president, honorary chair |
HTML (Hiperteksta Marklingvo) | HTML, Hypertext Markup Language |
HTML-atributo | HTML attribute |
HTML-komponento | HTML component |
HTML-legilo | HTML viewer |
HTML-redaktilo | HTML editor |
HTML-redaktilo vidate-vidota | WYSIWYG HTML editor |
HTTP (Hiperteksto-Transiga Protokolo) | HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol |
HTTP-ĉapo | HTTP header |
HTTP-ĉapoj | HTTP headers |
HTTP-kapo (HTTP-ĉapo) | HTTP header |
HTTP-kapoj (HTTP-ĉapoj) | HTTP headers |
HTTP-kompaktigo | HTTP compression |
HTTP-peto | HTTP request |
hu! | boo! |
huadi | boo |
huado | booing, boo |
huadoj | booing, boos |
Huberto | Hubert |
huĉino | huqin (Chinese instrument); 胡琴 |
huĉjino (huĉino) | huqin (Chinese instrument); 胡琴 |
Hudsongolfo | Hudson Bay |
Hudsonkolo | Hudson Strait |
Hudsono | Hudson River |
hufferi | shoe |
huffero | horseshoe |
hufo | hoof |
hufoferi | shoe |
Hugo | Hugh, Hugo |
hui | boo |
humana | humane |
humanisto | humanist |
Humberto | Humbert, Umberto |
Humbro | Humber |
humida | damp, humid, moist |
humideco | humidity, dampness, moisture, damp |
humila | humble |
humileco | humility |
humiliga | humiliating |
humiligi | abase |
humiligo | abasement |
humiliĝi | abase oneself, humble oneself |
humiliĝo | abasement |
humilulo | humble person |
humo | humus |
humoro | temper, mood, humor, humour |
humura | humorous, humourous |
humuro | humor, humour |
hunda | dog, canine |
hundaĉo | monster |
hundeto | small dog |
hundido | puppy |
hundidoj | puppies |
hundo | dog |
hungara | Hungarian |
hungarino | Hungarian (female) |
Hungario (Hungarujo) | Hungary; Magyarország; f.k.a. Republic of Hungary |
Hungarlando (Hungarujo) | Hungary; Magyarország; f.k.a. Republic of Hungary |
hungaro | Hungarian |
hungaroj | Hungarians |
Hungarujo | Hungary; Magyarország; f.k.a. Republic of Hungary |
huo | booing, boo |
huoj | booing, boos |
hupo | hooter |
hura | hooray |
hurai | cheer |
hurao | cheer |
hurio | houri, ḥūr, ḥūrīyah, virgins of paradise |
hurli | howl |
hurlo | howl |
Husejno | Hussein, Hussain, Husain, Husein, Husayn; Hassan, Hasan |
husumo | fusuma (Japanese paneling); 襖 |
huŝ! | shoo! |
huŝi | to shoo away, to scare away |
huŝu! | shoo! |
huzo | beluga, European sturgeon, white sturgeon, hausen
Ĥ |
Ĥ (ĥo) | Ĥ, the letter Ĥ, H circumflex, H-circumflex |
Ĥabakuk | Habakkuk |
Ĥabakuko | Habakkuk |
Ĥagaj | Haggai (prophet) |
Ĥagajo | Haggai (prophet) |
Ĥajbaro | Khyber |
ĥakasa | Khakas |
Ĥakasio (Ĥakasujo) | Khakassia, Khakasiya, Republic of Khakassia; Хакасия |
ĥakaso (ĥakasa lingvo) | Khakas language |
Ĥakasujo | Khakassia, Khakasiya, Republic of Khakassia; Хакасия |
ĥalato | bathrobe, robe, gown |
ĥalazio | eyelid cyst, chalazion, meibomian gland lipogranuloma |
ĥalazioj | eyelid cysts, chalazia, meibomian gland lipogranulomas |
ĥaldea | Chaldean |
ĥaldeano | Chaldean |
Ĥaldeio (Ĥaldeujo) | Chaldea |
Ĥaldeo (Ĥaldeujo) | Chaldea |
ĥaldeo | Chaldean (person) |
ĥaldeino | Chaldean (person) (fem.) |
Ĥaldeujo | Chaldea |
ĥalifo | caliph |
ĥalifujo | caliphate |
ĥalkogeno | chalcogen |
ĥalkolitiko | Chalcolithic, Copper Age, Eneolithic, Aeneolithic |
ĥameleona | chameleon, chameleon-like, chameleon-esque; easily changed to fit setting |
ĥameleonedoj | chameleons, chamaeleons, Chamaeleonidae |
Ĥameleono | Chamaeleon (constellation); chameleon |
ĥameleono | chameleon |
ĥamemoro | cloudberry |
ĥamemoroj | cloudberries |
ĥamida (semida) | Semitic, Hamitic |
ĥamida lingvo (semida lingvo) | Semitic language, Hamitic language |
ĥamidaj lingvoj (semidaj lingvoj) | Semitic languages, Hamitic languages |
ĥamido (semida lingvo) | Semitic language, Hamitic language |
ĥamido (semido) | Semite, Semitic person, Hamite, Hamitic person |
ĥamidoj (semidoj) | Semites, Semitic people, Hamites, Hamitic people |
Ĥamo (Ŝem) | Shem, Ham |
Ĥamo (Svisujo) | Cham (Switzerland) |
ĥamsino | khamsin (North African wind), khamseen, chamsin, hamsin, khamsīn, khamaseen, khamāsīn |
ĥaneco | khanship |
ĥanejo | khanate, khaganate |
ĥano | khan |
Ĥanoĥ | Enoch |
Ĥanoĥo | Enoch |
ĥanto | Khanty, Ostyak (Khanty), Ostiak (Khanty), Khanti, Khande, Kantek |
ĥanujo | khanate, khaganate |
Ĥanuko | Hanukkah, Chanukah, Festival of Lights, Ḥănukkāh |
ĥaosa | chaotic |
ĥaose | chaotically |
ĥaosigi | cause chaos |
ĥaoso | chaos, tangle |
ĥaradriedoj | plovers (birds), lapwings, dotterels, pluviers, Charadriidae |
ĥaradrio | plover (bird), pluvier, Charadrius |
ĥaradrioformaj | Charadriiformes (birds) |
Ĥarkovo | Kharkiv (Ukraine), Harkow, Kharkov, Char’kov; Харків; Харьков |
Ĥarono (Karono) | Charon (Greek goddess); Charon (moon of Pluto) |
Ĥartumo | Khartoum, Khartum |
ĥasidismo | Hasidic Judaism, Hasidism |
ĥasido | Hassid, Hasid, Chasid |
ĥasidoj | Hassidim, Hasidim, Chasidim |
ĥato | thatched-roof house, hut; khat (drug), qat, gat, miraa, Catha edulis |
ĥazaro | Khazar, Chazar |
Ĥazarujo | Khazaria, Khazar Khaganate, Chazaria, Khazar Khanate, Khazar Empire |
ĥelonio | green sea turtle |
ĥem. (ĥemio) | chem., chemistry |
ĥemia | chemical |
ĥemiaĵo | chemical |
ĥemiaĵoj | chemicals |
ĥemie | chemically, with chemistry |
ĥemiinstruisto | chemistry teacher |
ĥemiisto | chemist |
ĥemio | chemistry |
ĥemiterapio | chemotherapy |
Ĥeopso | Khufu, Cheops |
Ĥeroneo | Chaeronea (Greek city); Χαιρώνεια |
ĥilia (ĉilia) | Chilean, Chile |
ĥilianino (ĉilianino) | Chilean (fem.) |
ĥilianinoj (ĉilianinoj) | Chileans (fem.) |
ĥiliano (ĉiliano) | Chilean |
ĥilianoj (ĉilianoj) | Chileans |
Ĥilio (Ĉilio) | Chile, Republic of Chile; Chile, República de Chile |
ĥilo | chyle (bodily fluid) |
ĥimera | chimerical; shadowy |
ĥimero | chimera |
ĥimerulo | monsterlike man, freakish man |
ĥimo | chyme (partially digested food), chymus |
ĥina (ĉina) | Chinese, China |
ĥina inko (ĉina inko) | India ink, Indian ink; carbon ink |
Ĥina Novjaro (Ĉina Novjaro) | Chinese New Year |
Ĥina Popola Respubliko (Ĉina Popola Respubliko) | People’s Republic of China, China, PRC |
ĥinino (ĉinino) | Chinese (fem. sing.) |
ĥinino (kinino) | quinine |
ĥininoj (ĉininoj) | Chinese (fem. pl.) |
Ĥinio (Ĉinujo) | China, People’s Republic of China, PRC |
Ĥinlando (Ĉinujo) | China, People’s Republic of China, PRC |
ĥino (ĉino) | Chinese (sing.), Chinese person |
ĥinoj (ĉinoj) | Chinese (pl.), Chinese people |
Ĥinujo (Ĉinujo) | China, People’s Republic of China, PRC |
Ĥio | Chios (Greek island), Χίος; qì (Chinese life force), qi, chi, ch'i; 气, 氣; chi (Greek letter), Χ, χ |
ĥio | qì (Chinese life force), qi, chi, ch'i; 气, 氣; chi (Greek letter), Χ, χ |
Ĥios (Ĥio) | Chios (Greek island), Χίος |
ĥiragro (artrito) | arthritis, arthritism |
ĥiromanciisto (kiromanciisto) | palm reader, palmreader, palmist |
ĥiromancio (kiromancio) | palm reading, palmistry, palmreading |
ĥironekto | water opossum, yapok |
Ĥirono | Chiron (Greek god), Cheiron, Kheiron; Χείρων; Chiron (planetoid) |
ĥiroptero (kiroptero) | bat (animal), Chiroptera |
ĥiropteroj (kiropteroj) | bats (animal) |
ĥirurga | surgical |
ĥirurgia | surgery, for surgery |
ĥirurgie | surgically |
ĥirurgiejo | operating room, surgery |
ĥirurgiisto | surgeon |
ĥirurgio | science of surgery, surgery |
ĥirurgo | surgeon |
ĥitino | chitin |
ĥitono (kitono) | chiton (tunic); χιτών |
ĥmera (kmera) | Khmer, Cambodian |
ĥmero (kmero) | Khmer (person), Cambodian (person) |
ĥmeroj (kmeroj) | Khmer people, Khmers |
ĥo (Ĥ) | Ĥ, the letter Ĥ, H circumflex, H-circumflex |
ĥo ĉapela (ĥo) | Ĥ, the letter Ĥ, H circumflex, H-circumflex |
ĥoj ĉapelaj (ĥoj) | letters Ĥ, letters H circumflex, H-circumflexes, letters H circumflexed |
ĥolecistito (kolecistito) | cholecystitis, gall inflammation |
ĥolera | choleric, cholera; hot-tempered, fiery |
ĥolero | cholera |
ĥolesterolo (kolesterolo) | cholesterol |
ĥora (korusa) | choral |
ĥoraĵo | carol, choral |
ĥoralkanto | chant, choral song |
ĥoralo | choral |
ĥorano (korusano) | choir singer, chorister, choirboy, choirgirl |
ĥoranoj (korusanoj) | choir singers, choristers, choirboys, choirgirls |
ĥoraro (korusaro) | chorus |
ĥordo | notochord |
ĥordulo | chordate |
ĥorduloj | chordates |
ĥore (koruse) | as a chorus, in unison, as a group |
ĥoregrafio (koreografio) | choreography |
ĥoregrafo (koreografo) | choreographer |
ĥorejo (korusejo) | choir loft, chancel |
ĥoreo | chorea, Sydenham’s chorea, St. Vitus’s dance, Saint Vitus’s dance |
ĥoreografio (koreografio) | choreography |
ĥoreografo (koreografo) | choreographer |
ĥorestro (korusestro) | choir director, choirmaster |
ĥoristo (korusisto) | choir singer, chorister, choirboy, choirgirl |
ĥoristoj (korusistoj) | choir singers, choristers, choirboys, choirgirls |
ĥorjambo | choriamb, long–short–short–long |
ĥorkanto (koruskanto) | chorale, chant, choral song |
ĥoro (koruso) | choir, chorus, chorale |
Ĥufu (Ĥeopso) | Khufu, Cheops |
Ĥufuo (Ĥeopso) | Khufu, Cheops
I |
i | I, the letter I |
i.a. (inter aliaj) | among other things, i.a., inter alia |
i.a. (interalie) | among other things, i.a., inter alia |
i.r.p.k. (Internacia Respondkupono) | International Reply Coupon |
ia | some kind of |
ia ajn | any kind of |
iafoje | sometimes |
iagrade | to some extent |
iai | bray |
ial | for some reason |
iam | at some time, ever, sometime |
iama | erstwhile, one-time |
ibekso | ibex |
ibera | Iberian |
ibibia | Ibibio (in Nigeria) |
ibiso | ibis |
icaro | chip set, chipset |
icingo | chip socket |
ico | integrated circuit |
iĉa | male, masculine, non-feminine |
iĉseksemulo | androphile |
iĉuma | masculine |
ida | offspring, child, son |
Idaho | Idaho |
idaro | offspring |
ideala | ideal |
idealigo | idealization, idealisation |
idealisto | idealist |
idealo | ideal |
idearo | body of thought, ideas |
ideismo | idealism |
idekonfuzo | confusion of ideas |
idempotento | idempotent |
identa | identical |
identaĵo | identity |
identeco | identity |
identiga | identifying |
identiga simbolo | logo |
identigi | identify |
identigilo | identifier, ID, identification |
identignumero | ID number, identification number |
identigo | identification, ID |
identigo de vokanto | caller ID |
identiĝi | identify |
idento | identity |
identobildigo | identity mapping |
identoprunta | impersonation |
identoprunto | impersonation |
ideo | idea |
ideografio | ideography, picture writing; (formerly: ideografy [sic]) |
ideologio | ideology |
idilio | idyll |
idiomaĵo | idiom |
idiomo | idiom |
idiomo neŭtrala | Idiom Neutral |
idiota | idiotic |
idiotaĵo | idiocy |
idioteco | idiocy |
idiotismo | idiom |
idioto | idiot |
ido | child, offspring, young; Ido |
Ido | Ido |
idolano | idolator |
idolfiguro | idol |
idolismo | idolatry |
idolkulto | idolatry, idol worship |
idolo | idol |
idolservo | idolatry, idol worship |
ie | anywhere, somewhere |
iea funkcio | partial function |
iel | anyway, somehow |
IEMW (Internacia Esperanto-Muzeo en Wien) | Internacia Esperanto-Muzeo en Wien (museum) |
ien | somewhere, to some place |
ien-ajn-elsendi | anycast |
ies | someone’s, somebody’s |
IF (Internacia Festivalo) | International Festival |
IFEA (Itala Fervojista Esperanto Asocio) | Itala Fervojista Esperanto Asocio (organization) |
IFEF (Internacia Fervojista Esperanto-Federacio) | Internacia Fervojista Esperanto-Federacio (organization) |
igba | Igbo |
Igdrasilo | Yggdrasil, Yggdrasill |
igi | cause, get, make |
iglo | igloo |
ignamo | sweet potato, yam |
ignorato | plonker, plonk |
ignordosiero | kill file |
ignori | ignore |
IGS (Internacia Gazetara Servo) | International Press Service |
igvano | iguana |
iĝaŭa | Ijaw |
iĝi | become, get, grow |
iĝi la edzino de | become the wife of, marry |
iĝi la edzo de | become the husband of, marry |
IJK (Internacia Junulara Konferenco) | International Youth Conference |
IJK (Internacia Junulara Kongreso) | International Youth Conference |
ikonoklasto | iconoclast |
ikonrompado | iconoclasm |
iks-fotografaĵo | x-ray, radiograph |
iks-radio | x-ray, radiograph |
ikskruroj | knock-kneed legs, turned-in legs |
ikso | X, the letter X, ex (letter name) |
iksodo | tick |
iksoj | X’s, exes (plural letter name) |
iksradioj | x-rays, radiographs |
ikto | attack |
IKU (Internacia Kongresa Universitato) | International Congressional University (formerly Internacia Somera Universitato) |
il. (ilustrita) | illus., illustrated |
ilaro | equipment, tools |
ilekso | holly |
ilfako | tool pane |
ilfaristo | toolmaker |
ilgarnituro | toolkit, toolbox |
ili | them, they |
ilia | their |
Iliado | Iliad |
ilin | them |
Ilinojo | Illinois |
ilkomputilo | host computer, source computer |
ilmaŝino | machine-tool |
ilo | tool, means |
ilobreta | toolbar |
ilobreto | toolbar, tool bar |
ilobreto por la taskostrio | deskband |
iloj | tools, means |
iloka | Ilokano |
ilopleto | tool pane |
ilprogramo | system software, tool program |
ilrimedo | tool |
ilumini | enlighten, illuminate |
ilus. (ilustrita) | illus., illustrated |
ilustraĵo | illustration |
ilustri | illustrate |
ilustrita | illustrated |
iluzia | misleading |
iluzii | delude |
iluziisto | magician |
iluzio | illusion |
ilvojo | tool path |
ilzono | tool pane |
IM (individua membro) | individual member |
imagebla | imaginable |
imagi | fancy, imagine |
imaginara | imaginary |
imago | imagination |
imagopovo | imagination |
Imhotepo | Imhotep |
Imiro | Ymir |
imita | emulator, imitating, imitation |
imitado | imitation |
imitaĵo | imitation |
imiti | imitate |
imitilo | emulator |
imitita | counterfeit, faked, forged |
imito | imitation |
imperia | imperial |
imperialismo | imperialism |
imperiestrino | empress |
imperiestro | emperor |
imperiismo | imperialism |
imperiisto | imperialist |
imperio | empire |
impertinenta | impertinent |
impertinenteco | impertinence |
impertinentulo | boor |
impeti | leap, spring, shoot forwards |
impeti al | rush at |
impeto | impetus |
implica | implicit, assumed |
implici | imply |
implicita | implied |
implikacio | implication |
implikaĵo | tangle |
implikanta | confusing |
impliki | entangle, implicate |
impona | imposing |
imponeco | airs |
imponi | impress, strike |
importado | importing, import |
importaĵo | import, imported product |
importi | import |
importo | import |
impostdeklaro | return, tax return |
impostdepreno | tax deduction |
impostebla | subject to tax |
imposti | tax |
impostisto | revenue agent, tax collector |
impostkonsilisto | tax consultant |
impostkvoto | assessment |
impostmalplialtigo | tax abatement, tax reduction, tax relief |
imposto | tax |
impostoficejo | tax-collector’s office |
impostpaganto | ratepayer, taxpayer |
impostplialtigo | tax hike, tax increase |
impostpremo | tax burden |
impostsistemo | fiscal system, system of taxation, tax system |
impotenta | impotent |
impresebla | accessible, impressible, sensitive |
impresi | impress |
impresiĝem | sensitive |
impresiĝema | impressable, sensitive |
impresionismo | impressionism |
impresionisto | impressionist |
impreso | impression |
impulsi | impel |
impulso | access, impetus, impulse |
imputi | blame, hold against |
imputo | imputation |
imuna | immune |
imuneco | immunity |
imunigi | immunize, immunise |
ina | female, feminine, non-male |
inaŭgura | inaugural |
inaŭguracii | inaugurate |
inaŭguri | inaugurate |
inaŭguro | inauguration |
incendia | incendiary |
incendio | conflagration, fire |
incenso | incense |
incensujo | censer, incensory, thurible |
incesto | incest |
incida | incident |
incidmatrico | incidence matrix |
incitanto | firebrand, instigator |
inciteti | tease |
inciti | abet, excite, incite, provoke, rouse, stimulate, stir up |
incitiĝi | get riled, become upset |
inda | deserving, worthy |
indaĵo | useful item |
indaĵoj | useful items |
indeco | worthiness |
indeksa | indexed |
indeksado | indexing |
indeksbufro | index buffer |
indeksero | index entry |
indekshava | indexed |
indeksi | index |
indeksilo | indexer |
indeksmapo | clickable image map |
indeksmarko | index marker |
indeksnodo | inode |
indekso | index |
indeksodosiero | concordance file |
indeksvica atingo | index-sequential access method, ISAM |
indi | be worth, be worthy of |
indiana | Indian, Red Indian |
Indianao | Indiana |
indiano | Indian, American Indian |
indichava | indexed |
indico | index |
indicreĝistro | index register |
indictipo | index type |
indiferenta | immaterial, indifferent |
indiferenteco | indifference |
indigestio | indigestion, dyspepsia |
indigna | indignant |
indigni | be indignant |
indigni pri | resent, take exception to, take offence at |
indignigi | annoy |
indigno | offence, scandal |
indiĝena | indigenous, aboriginal, native, aborigine, host |
indiĝenaŭstralia | aboriginal Australian, Australian aborigine |
indiĝenaŭstraliano | aboriginal Australian, Australian aborigine |
indiĝeno | indigene, aboriginal, native, aborigine, host |
indik-aparato | pointing device |
indika | characteristic |
indikaparato | pointing device |
indikativo | indicative, indicative mood |
indikatoro | sensor, sensing device, pickup, transducer, transformer |
indiki | indicate, suggest |
indikilo | meter, indicator |
indikita | designated |
indiko | indication |
indio | indium |
individua | individual |
individuo | individual |
indo | value, worth |
indonezia | Indonesian |
indonezianino | Indonesian (female) |
indoneziano | Indonesian |
indonezianoj | Indonesians |
Indonezio | Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia; Indonesia, Republik Indonesia |
Indro | Indra |
indukto | induction |
indulga | lenient |
indulgenco | indulgence |
indulgi | be lenient with, indulge, spare |
Induso | Indus |
industria | industrial, industry |
industriigo | industrialization, industrialisation |
industriisto | industrialist |
industrio | industry |
inerta | inert |
infalo | drop in |
infana | childish |
infanaĝo | childhood |
infanaĵo | childish act, kid’s stuff |
infaneca | childish |
infaneto | baby |
infanĝardeno | nursery school |
infanlito | child’s bed, cot |
infano | child, infant |
infanprostituado | child prostitution |
infanterio | infantry |
infekta | infectious, catching, contagious, infection |
infektado | contagion, contamination, infection |
infekti | infect |
infektita | contaminated, infected |
infekto | infection |
infera | infernal, hellish |
inferenco | inference |
infero | hell, underworld |
infesti | infest |
infesto | infestation |
infinito | infinity |
inflacio | inflation |
inflamo | inflammation |
influi | affect, influence |
influo | influence |
influsfero | sphere of influence |
inform-ŝoseo | information superhighway |
informa | informative |
informa ŝoseo | information superhighway |
informacio | information content |
informadiko | information science, computer science |
informado | information |
informaĵo | information |
informatiko | information science |
informatingo | information access |
informbreto | information bar, info bar |
informdosiero | information file |
informejo | inquiry office |
informero | data |
informeroj | data |
informfluo | information flow |
informfonta | information source; feed (reader) |
informi | inform, report |
informiĝi | be advised, find out |
informilo | brochure, informational publication |
informivo | information content |
informkontrola | information control |
informmendi | query |
informmendo | query, enquiry, inquiry |
informo | information |
informokiomo | information content |
informorivelado | information disclosure |
informoŝoseo | information superhighway, information highway, Infobahn, Info Strada |
informpeta | query |
informpeti | query |
informpeto | query |
informsigno | information character |
informŝoseo | information super highway |
informteorio | information theory |
informuzado | intelligence (business) |
infraruĝa | infrared |
infrastrukturo | infrastructure |
infuzaĵo | extract, infusion |
infuzi | infuse |
ingadnivelo | nesting level |
ingado | nesting |
ingbanda | Ngbandi |
ingita | nested |
ingo | holder, socket |
ingredienco | component, element, ingredient, part |
inguŝa | Ingush |
Inguŝio (Inguŝujo) | Ingushetia, Ingushia |
inguŝo | Ingush |
Inguŝujo | Ingushetia, Ingushia |
ingveno | groin |
inĝ. (inĝeniero) | Eng. (honorific), Engineer (honorific) |
inĝenia | ingenious |
inĝenierado | engineering |
inĝeniero | engineer |
inhali | inhale |
inhalilo | inhalator |
inici | initiate |
inicialo | initial |
iniciatema | go-ahead, enterprising, venturous |
iniciati | initiate, start |
iniciatinto | instigator |
initi | initialize |
injekti | inject |
injektilo | syringe |
injekto | injection |
inkandeska | incandescent |
inkĵeta printilo | inkjet printer |
inkkartoĉo | ink cartridge |
inkl. (inkluzive) | incl., including, inclusively |
inklina | inclined |
inklini | incline, be inclined |
inkliniĝi | be inclined |
inklino | disposal, inclination, tendency |
inkluzica | inclusive |
inkluziva | inclusive |
inkluzivaĵo | include |
inkluzive | including, inclusively |
inkluzive de | including |
inkluzivenda | to be included |
inkluzivi | include |
inkluzivigo | inclusion |
inko | ink, toner |
inkokartoĉo | ink cartridge |
inkostreko | ink stroke |
inkpulvora | toner |
inkpulvoro | toner |
inkŝpruca | inkjet |
inkŝpruca printilo | inkjet printer |
inkuba | nightmarish |
inkubo | incubus, nightmare |
inkubsonĝo | nightmare |
inkujo | inkwell, ink well, well |
inkuso | anvil, incus |
ino | female |
inokuli | inoculate |
inseksa | female |
inseksemulo | gynephile |
insektforpelilo | repellent, insect repellent |
insekto | bug, insect |
insida | insidious |
insidanto | attacker, enemy |
insidi | set a trap, set a trap for |
insidi kontraŭ | beset, threaten |
insido | snare |
insigno | insignia, badge |
insili | ensile |
insista | emphatic |
insistadi | persevere, persist, pursue one’s point |
insistado | insistence, pressure, urgency |
insisti | insist |
insisto | insistence, pressure, urgency |
inskripcio | inscription |
inspektado | inspection |
inspekti | inspect |
inspektisto | inspector |
inspekto | inspection |
inspektoro | inspector |
inspira | inspiring |
inspiraĵo | inspiration |
inspiri | inspire |
inspiriĝi | be inspired |
inspiro | inspiration |
instal-asistanto | installation assistant, installation wizard |
instala | installation |
instalasistanto | installation assistant, installation wizard |
instaldosieroj | installation files |
instali | install |
instalilo | installer, installation program |
instalita | installed |
instalo | installation |
instanco | authoritative source, court |
instiga | instigating |
instiga kaŭzo | inducement, occasion, motive |
instiga okazaĵo | inducement, motive, occasion |
instigi | encourage, impel, instigate, spur on, stimulate, urge |
instigilo | prompt |
instigo | impetus, incitement, stimulus |
instinkto | instinct |
institucio | institution |
instituto | institute |
instruado | education |
instrui | teach |
instruilo | tutorial |
instruistino | teacher, female teacher |
instruisto | instructor, teacher |
instruita | erudite, learned |
instrukciadreso | instruction address |
instrukciaro | instruction set |
instrukciciklo | instruction cycle |
instrukciformato | instruction format |
instrukcii | instruct |
instrukcimodifo | instruction modification |
instrukcinombrilo | instruction counter |
instrukcio | directions, instruction |
instrukcioj | instructions |
instrumento | instrument |
instruo | instruction |
insulano | islander |
insularo | archipelago |
insulo | island |
insulta | insulting, offensive, opprobrious |
insultado | abuse |
insulti | abuse, insult, offend |
insulto | abuse, insult |
inta | past active participle singular, having -ed |
intaj | past active participle plural, having -ed |
intajn | past active participle plural accusative, having -ed |
intan | past active participle singular accusative, having -ed |
inte | past active participle, having -ed |
integra | integral |
integrado | integration |
integreco | integrity |
integri | integrate |
integriĝi | integrate |
integrismo | fundamentalism |
integristo | integrator |
integrita | integrated, built-in |
integrita programaro | firmware |
intelekta | intellectual |
intelekto | intellect, mind |
intelektularo | intellectuals, intelligentsia |
intelektulo | intellectual |
inteligencio | intelligentsia |
inteligenta | intelligent, smart, sagacious |
inteligenta memorkarto | smartcard, smart card |
inteligenteca kvociento | I.Q. |
inteligenteco | intelligence |
inteligento | intelligence |
intenca | intentional |
intence | deliberately, on purpose |
intenci | intend, mean |
intenco | intention, meaning, plan |
intendantino | matron |
intendanto | steward, superintendant |
intensa | intense, intensive |
intensigi | intensify |
inter | between, among, inbetween |
inter ... kaj | ... to, from ... to, of ... to |
interaga | interactive |
interagado | interactive |
interago | interactive |
interakordi | agree |
interalie | amongst other things |
interatendo | deadlock |
interbatali | be at loggerheads, tussle |
interbatiĝi | fight |
interbatiĝo | scuffle |
interĉela | cell (spacing) |
interdigigi | dam in, dam up, embank |
interesa | interesting |
interesega | absorbing |
interesi | interest |
interesiĝi | be interested, take an interest |
interesiĝi pri | be interested in, take an interest in |
interesiĝo | interest |
interesita | gripped, interested |
intereskomunumo | community of interests |
intereso | interest |
interesto | interest |
interezo | interest |
interfaci | interface |
interfaclingvo | interface language |
interfaco | interface |
interfokusa | focal |
interfono | intercom |
interfratiĝo | fraternalisation |
intergloso | Interglossa |
interhelpo | mutual aid |
interhoma | interhuman, interpersonal |
interioro | indoors |
interjekcio | interjection |
interkomerca | business to business |
interkompreniĝi | communicate, understand each other |
interkompreno | mutual understanding |
interkona | social networking |
interkonatiĝi | get to know one another, meet |
interkonekta | interconnected, LAN, local area network |
interkonekti | interconnect |
interkonsenti | agree, accommodate |
interkonsento | accommodation, agreement |
interkonsento pri servonivelo | service level agreement, SLA |
interkonsiliĝi | deliberate |
interkonsiliĝo | consultation, deliberation |
interkovro | intersection |
interkvereli | be at loggerheads, tussle |
interligi | connect, join |
interligiteco | connection |
interlingvao | Interlingua |
interlingveo | Occidental, Interlingue |
interlinia | line (spacing) |
intermeta | insert, infix |
intermiksi | confuse, mix up |
intermita | intermittent |
intermita febro | tertian fever, intermittent fever |
intermiti | occur intermittently |
intermonto | defile, mountain pass |
interna | inner, inside, internal, backend, back-end |
interna ligilo | cross-link, internal link |
Interna Mongolio (Interna Mongolujo) | Inner Mongolia |
Interna Mongolujo | Inner Mongolia |
interna referenco | cross-reference, crossreference |
internacia | international |
internaciigo | internationalization |
internaciismo | internationalism |
internacio | International |
internaĵo | inside |
interne | inside |
interne de | inside, within |
internen | inside, inwards |
internet-adreso | internet address |
internigi | intern |
interno | inside, interior |
internulejo | boarding school |
interorda | inorder (traversal) |
interparolado | conversation |
interparoli | converse |
interpaŝo | pitch |
interpelacii | ask a question in parliament |
interpelacio | parliamentary question |
interplekti | interlace |
interplektita | interlaced |
interpolado | interpolation |
interpolo | interpolation |
interpreti | interpret |
interpretilo | interpreter |
interpretisto | interpreter |
interpreto | interpretation, resolution (name) |
interpulso | back beat |
interpunkcia | punctuation |
interpunkcii | punctuate |
interpunkcio | interpunction, punctuation |
interrasa | interracial |
interrespondo | correspondence |
interret-peranto | internet provider |
interreta | online, on the web, on line, on-line, webbased |
Interreta Esplorilo | Internet Explorer |
interreta relajsa babilo | IRC, Internet Relay Chat |
interretaliro | internet access |
interreto | internet |
interretperanto | access provider |
interrilati | associate |
interrilato | relation, understanding |
interrompebla | interruptable |
interrompi | interrupt |
interrompita | broken (line) |
interrompnivelo | interrupt level |
interrompo | interruption |
interrompopeto | interrupt request |
interrompotraktilo | interrupt handler |
interromptraktilo | interrupt handler |
interseksa | intersex |
interseksulo | intersex person |
interspaca | spacing |
interspacigi | space, make space between |
interspaco | space, gap |
interstacia bloko | section |
interŝanĝebla | exchangeable |
interŝanĝi | interchange, swap |
interŝanĝo | exchange |
interŝtata | interstate, intergovernmental |
intertempe | all the while, meanwhile |
intertrakteblo | interoperability |
intertrakti | negotiate |
intervalnomo | range name |
intervalo | interval |
interveni | intervene |
interveno | intervention |
intervjui | interview |
intervjuo | interview |
intestaro | intestines |
intesto | intestine |
intima | intimate, close, private |
intimeco | intimacy |
into | past active participle singular, having -ed |
intoj | past active participle plural, having -ed |
intojn | past active participle plural accusative, having -ed |
inton | past active participle singular accusative, having -ed |
intrareto | intranet |
intrigi | intrigue |
intrigo | plot |
inuita | Inuit |
inuma | feminine |
inundi | flood |
inundo | flood |
invadi | invade |
invado | invasion |
invalida | disabled |
invalido | disabled person |
invarianto | invariant |
inventaĵo | invention |
inventari | take stock, do inventory |
inventaro | inventory |
inventi | invent |
inventisto | inventor |
invento | invention |
Invergaro | Invergarry |
inversa | reverse, reversed; inverse |
inversa ciklo | loopback |
inverse | vice-versa |
invershava | invertible |
inversigebla | bijection |
inversigi | turn |
inversigilo | inverter |
inversigita | inverted |
inversvica memoro | LIFO queue, stack, push-down list |
investado | investment |
investanto | investor |
investi | invest |
investo-profito | return on investment |
investoprofito | return on investment |
inviti | invite |
invitilo | invitation |
invito | invitation |
io | something |
io (i) | I, the letter I |
ioj | I’s, ies (plural letter name) |
iom | a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent |
iom post iom | gradually, bit by bit, little by little |
iomete | a little, rather |
ionia modalo | Ionian mode |
ionika | Ionian |
Iovao | Iowa |
IP | IP |
IP-adresa | IP address |
IP-adreso | IP address |
IP-adresoj | IP addresses |
IP-alinomigo | IP aliasing |
IP-esceptoj | IP exceptions |
IP-maskado | IP masking, IP masquerading |
iperito | mustard gas |
ipo | nonbinary person, enby, genderqueer person, non-binary person |
Ipro | Ypres |
ipsilono | Y, the letter Y, wye (letter name), wy (letter name) |
ipsilonoj | Y’s, wyes (plural letter name) |
irado | operation, walking; run |
iraka | Iraqi |
irakano | Iraqi |
irakanoj | Iraqis |
Irako | Iraq, Republic of Iraq; العراق |
irana | Iranian, f.k.a. Persian |
irananino | Iranian (female), f.k.a. Persian (female) |
iranano | Iranian, f.k.a. Persian |
irananoj | Iranians, f.k.a. Persians |
Irano | Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran; ایران; f.k.a. Persia |
iranta sampaŝe | abreast |
irebla | passable, practicable |
irejo | path, road, way |
Ireno | Irene |
iri | go |
iri plue | pass on |
iridio | iridium |
iriga | play (button) |
irisa | iris |
Iriso | Iris |
iriti | irritate |
iriza | iridescent |
irk. | international answer coupon (post office) |
irlanda | Irish |
Irlanda Maro | Irish Sea |
irlandanino | Irishwoman, Irish (female) |
irlandano | Irishman, Irish |
irlandanoj | Irish, Irishmen |
Irlando | Ireland, Éire |
iro | go, run, operation, course |
ironia | ironic |
ironio | irony |
irorevena bileto | return-ticket |
irpk. (Internacia Respondkupono) | International Reply Coupon |
irpreni | fetch, get, pick up |
iru | play |
IS (Internacia Seminario) | International Seminar |
ISE (Internacia Semajnfino Esperantista) | International Esperanto Weekend, International Esperantist Weekend |
Isido | Isis |
islama | Islamic |
islamano | Muslim, Mohammedan, Moslem, Mussulman |
islamo | Islam |
islanda | Icelandic, Icelander |
islandano | Icelander |
islandanoj | Icelanders |
Islando | Iceland, Republic of Iceland; Ísland, Lýðveldið Ísland |
Islolago | IJsselmeer, IJsselmeer, Lake IJssel, Lake Yssel |
ismo | doctrine, -ism |
ISO-kodo | ISO code |
israela | Israeli |
israelanino | Israeli (female) |
israelano | Israeli |
israelanoj | Israelis |
israelida | Israelite, Israelitish, Israelitic |
israelido | Israelite, Israelitish, Israelitic |
Israelo | Israel, State of Israel; מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל, دَوْلَة إِسْرَائِيل |
Isro | Yser (river); Yser, IJzer |
Istanbulo | Istanbul; İstanbul; f.k.a. Byzantium, Constantinople |
istmo | isthmus |
isto | -er, -ist, -or |
ISU (Internacia Somera Universitato) | International Summer University (now Internacia Kongresa Universitato) |
Iŝtaro | Ishtar |
ita | past passive participle singular, -ed |
itaj | past passive participle plural, -ed |
itajn | past passive participle plural accusative, -ed |
Itako | Ithaca |
itala | Italian |
italino | Italian (female) |
Italio (Italujo) | Italy, Italian Republic; Italia, Repubblica italiana |
italo | Italian |
italoj | Italians |
Italujo | Italy, Italian Republic; Italia, Repubblica italiana |
itan | past passive participle singular accusative, -ed |
ite | past passive participle, -ed |
iteracia | iteration |
iteracia nombrado | loop count |
iteraciĉapo | loop header |
iteraciero | iteration |
iteracii | iterate |
iteraciilo | iterator |
iteracikorpo | loop body |
iteracinombrilo | control variable |
iteracio | statement, loop, iteration |
iterbio | ytterbium |
itinero | route |
ito | past passive participle singular, -ed |
itoj | past passive participle plural, -ed |
itojn | past passive participle plural accusative, -ed |
iton | past passive participle singular accusative, -ed |
itrio | yttrium |
iu | someone, somebody, some, anybody, one, anyone |
iu ajn | any |
iuj | a few, some |
izola | isolated, secluded |
izolado | insulation, isolation |
izolaĵo | insulation |
izoleco | isolation, separation |
izoli | insulate, isolate, seclude |
izolilo | insulator |
izolita | remote |
izolite | out of the way |
izoliteco | isolation, separation |
izometria | isometric |
izomorfa | isomorphic |
izomorfio | isomorphism |
izraela (israela) | Israeli |
izraelano (israelano) | Israeli |
Izraelo (Israelo) | Israel
J |
J (jo) | J, the letter J, jay (letter name), jy (letter name) |
J-MA (Juna Membro-Abonanto) | Youth Member-Subscriber (UEA) |
J-MJ (Juna Membro kun Jarlibro) | Youth Member with Yearbook (UEA) |
j. (jaro) | year, y. |
ja | certainly, indeed, rather, surely |
jada | jade |
jado | jade |
jaguaro | jaguar |
jahurto (jogurto) | yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt |
jaĥto | yacht |
jako | jacket |
Jakob (Jakobo) | James, Jacob, Jake, Jay, Jaime, Jamie, Jas, Jim, Jimmie, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jem, Jemmy, Jambo, Jacques |
jakobia | Jacobian |
Jakobio | Jacobi; Karl Jacobi |
Jakobo | James, Jacob, Jake, Jay, Jaime, Jamie, Jas, Jim, Jimmie, Jimmy, Jimbo, Jem, Jemmy, Jambo, Jacques |
jakto (jaĥto) | yacht |
Jalto | Yalta (Ukraine); Ялта, Ялта, Yalta |
jam | already, by now, yet |
jam de | since |
jam ne | no longer |
jama | already existing |
jamaika (jamajka) | Jamaican |
jamaikanino (jamajkanino) | Jamaican (fem.) |
jamaikaninoj (jamajkaninoj) | Jamaicans (fem.) |
jamaikano (jamajkano) | Jamaican |
jamaikanoj (jamajkanoj) | Jamaicans |
Jamaiko (Jamajko) | Jamaica |
jamajka | Jamaican |
Jamajka kreola | Jamaican creole |
Jamajka kreolo (Jamajka kreola lingvo) | Jamaican creole language |
jamajkanino | Jamaican (fem.) |
jamajkaninoj | Jamaicans (fem.) |
jamajkano | Jamaican |
jamajkanoj | Jamaicans |
Jamajko | Jamaica |
Jamao | Yama (Hindu and Buddhist god of the underworld); यम, यमराज; གཤིན་རྗེ།; 閻, 閻羅王; 염라대왕; 閻魔大王 |
Jamo | Jammu (region of India), Duggar (region of India) |
Jamo kaj Kaŝmiro | Jammu and Kashmir (state of India) |
Jamusukro | Yamoussoukro (Côte d’Ivoire capital) |
Jangono | Yangon (Burma); ရန်ကုန်; f.k.a. Rangoon |
Janguno (Jangono) | Yangon (Burma); ရန်ကုန်; f.k.a. Rangoon |
jankio | Yankee |
Janmajeno | Jan Mayen |
Jano | Janus |
jansenismo | Jansenism |
jansenisto | Jansenist, follower of Cornelius Jansen |
jansenistoj | Jansenists, followers of Cornelius Jansen |
Janseno | Cornelius Jansen, Cornelius Jansenius, Cornelius Jansen, Corneille Janssens; Jansen |
januaro | January |
japana | Japanese |
Japana Maro | Sea of Japan |
japanaĉo | Jap (pejorative) |
japanaĉoj | Japs (pejorative) |
japanino | Japanese (fem. singular) |
japaninoj | Japanese (fem. pl.) |
Japanio (Japanujo) | Japan; 日本, 日本国 |
Japanlando (Japanujo) | Japan; 日本, 日本国 |
japano | Japanese (singular) |
japanoj | Japanese (pl.) |
Japanujo | Japan; 日本, 日本国 |
jara | annual |
jarabono | annual subscription |
jarcento | centennial, century |
jarcento | century; centennial |
jarcentoj | centuries; centennials |
jardeko | decade |
jardo | yard |
Jarfina Tago (Silvestro) | New Year’s Eve |
jargono | gibberish, jargon, lingo |
jarkolekto | one-year collection |
jarlibro | yearbook |
jarmilo | millenium |
jaro | year |
Jaroslav (Jaroslavo) | Jaroslav |
Jaroslavo | Jaroslav |
Jasono | Jason |
jato | yat |
Jaundeo | Yaoundé (Cameroon capital) |
jaŭa | Iu Mien, Mien, Yao |
jaŭo (jaŭa lingvo) | Iu Mien language, Mien language, Yao language |
java | Javanese, Javan |
Java Maro (Javomaro) | Java Sea |
javanino | Javanese (fem. singular) |
javaninoj | Javanese (fem. pl.) |
javano | Javanese (singular) |
javanoj | Javanese (pl.) |
Javaskripto | JavaScript, Javascript (JavaScript) |
javaskripto (Javaskripto) | JavaScript, Javascript (JavaScript) |
Javeo | Yahweh |
Javo | Java; Jawa |
Javomaro | Java Sea |
Jazono | Jason |
jc. (jarcento) | c., century |
JD (Junulara Delegito) | Youth Delegate |
je | at, by, on, upon |
je la fino | at the end, at the back, behind, in the rear |
je via sano | cheers, to your health |
JEB (Junaj Esperantistoj en Britio) | Young Esperantists in Britain |
Jehovo | Jehovah |
Jeĥezkel | Ezekiel, Zeke |
jelpi | yelp, yowl |
jemena | Yemeni |
jemenanino | Yemeni (fem.), Yemenite (fem.) |
jemenaninoj | Yemenis (fem.), Yemenites (fem.) |
jemenano | Yemeni, Yemenite |
jemenanoj | Yemenis, Yemenites |
Jemeno | Yemen, Republic of Yemen; اليَمَن, الجمهورية اليمنية; f.k.a. Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen), North Yemen, Yemen—Sanaa; f.k.a. People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen (South Yemen), South Yemen, Yemen—Aden |
jen | behold, here is, here are, look, there; sometimes |
jene | thus |
Jeniseja Golfo | Yenisei Gulf (Russia), Yenisey Gulf; Енисейский залив |
Jenisejo | Yenisei (Russia), Yenisei River, Yenisey, Yenisey River; Енисей, Енисе́й |
jeno | the following, this |
jeno (eno) | yen, ¥, Japanese yen |
jenoj | the following, these |
jerego | hard sign |
Jeremia | Jeremiah, Jeremy, Jerry, Jeremias |
jereto | soft sign |
Jeriĥo | Jericho |
Jeriko (Jeriĥo) | Jericho |
Jerusalemo | Jerusalem; יְרוּשָׁלַיִם; القُدس |
Jeruzalemo (Jerusalemo) | Jerusalem; יְרוּשָׁלַיִם; القُدس |
jes | yes |
jesa | affirmative |
Jesaja | Isaiah, Isiah, Esaias |
jesi | say yes, assent |
jeso | assent, consent |
Jesu-Kristo (Jesuo Kristo) | Jesus Christ |
Jesukristo (Jesuo Kristo) | Jesus Christ |
Jesuo | Jesus |
Jesuo Kristo | Jesus Christ |
jeto (reagaviadilo) | jet, jet plane |
jetsocieta (elita) | elite, jet-set; élite |
jetsocieto (elitoj) | elites, jet set; élites |
jetulara (elita) | elite, jet-set; élite |
jetularo (elitoj) | elites, jet set; élites |
Jezuo (Jesuo) | Jesus |
Jezuo Kristo (Jesuo Kristo) | Jesus Christ |
jia (siĉŭana jia) | Yi, Nuoso, Northern Yi, Liangshan Yi, Sichuan Yi |
jida | Yiddish |
jido (jida lingvo) | Yiddish |
jo (J) | J, the letter J, jay (letter name), jy (letter name) |
Joĉjo | Johnny, Johnnie, John; Euan, Evan, Ewan, Iain, Ian, Ivan, Jack, Sean, Shane, Shaun |
jodido | iodide |
jodli | yodel |
jodo | iodine, I, element 53 |
Joel | Joel |
jogo | yoga |
jogurto | yogurt, yoghurt, yoghourt |
Johanesburgo | Johannesburg |
Johano | John, Johnny, Johnnie; Euan, Evan, Ewan, Iain, Ian, Ivan, Jack, Sean, Shane, Shaun |
joj | J’s, jays (pl. letter name) |
jokero | wild card |
jokersigno | wild card, * |
Jona | Jonah, Jonas |
Jonika Maro (Ionia Maro) | Ionian Sea |
Jonstonatolo | Johnston Atoll |
jordanĝero | danger of skidding |
jordanianino | Jordanian (fem.) |
jordanianinoj | Jordanians (fem.) |
jordaniano | Jordanian |
jordanianoj | Jordanians |
Jordanio | Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; اَلأُرْدُن, اَلمَمْلَكَة اَلأُرْدُنِيَّة اَلهَاشِمِيَّة |
Jordano (Jordanio) | Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; اَلأُرْدُن, اَلمَمْلَكَة اَلأُرْدُنِيَّة اَلهَاشِمِيَّة |
jori | skid |
joruba | Yoruba |
Josuo | Joshua, Josh, Jesus, Jason |
Joŝuo | Joshua |
joto | iota, jot; iota (Greek letter), Ι, ι |
joviala (gajema) | jovial, cheerful |
Jozefo | Joseph |
ju | the |
ju ... des | the ... the |
ju pli | the more ... |
juano | yuan |
jubila | jubilant |
jubilea | jubilee |
jubileo | jubilee |
jubileulo | person celebrating an anniversary |
jubileuloj | people celebrating an anniversary |
jubili | exult |
jubilo | exultation, jubilation |
juda | Jewish |
judaismo (judismo) | Judaism |
judaro | Jewry, Jewish people, the Jews |
Judas | Jude |
judejo | Jewish quarter, ghetto |
judezma (judhispana) | Judaeo-Spanish |
judezmo (judhispana lingvo) | Judaeo-Spanish language |
judhispana | Judaeo-Spanish |
judino | Jew (fem.), Jewess |
judinoj | Jews (fem.), Jewesses |
judismo | Judaism |
judkvartalo (judejo) | Jewish quarter, ghetto |
judo | Jew |
Judujo | Judea, Judæa, Judaea |
jufto (rusa ledo) | yuft, Russian leather |
jugi | yoke |
juglandarbo | walnut tree |
juglando | walnut |
juglandujo | walnut tree |
jugo | yoke |
jugoslava | Yugoslav, Yugoslavian |
jugoslavino | Yugoslav (fem.), Yugoslavian (fem.) |
jugoslavinoj | Yugoslavs (fem.), Yugoslavians (fem.) |
Jugoslavio (Jugoslavujo) | Yugoslavia; Jugoslavija; Jugoslavija; Југославија; Jugoslavija; Југославија |
jugoslavo | Yugoslav, Yugoslavian |
jugoslavoj | Yugoslavs, Yugoslavians |
Jugoslavujo | Yugoslavia; Jugoslavija; Jugoslavija; Југославија; Jugoslavija; Југославија |
juĝa | judgement, judge, judging |
juĝado | adjudication, trial |
juĝalvoko | summons |
juĝalvokoj | summonses |
juĝantaro | jury |
juĝantaroj | juries |
juĝejo | court, courtroom |
juĝi | judge |
juĝi laŭ | go by, rely on, trust |
juĝisto | judge |
Juĝistoj | Judges (Bible) |
juĝo | judgment |
juki | itch |
juko | itch |
Julia (Friulo-Venecio Julia) | Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian region) |
julio | July |
Julo | Yule |
juna | young |
juna angilo | elver (fish) |
Junano | Yunnan (Chinese province, not “Yunan”); 云南 |
juneco | youth |
jungaĵo | harness |
jungaĵoj | harnesses |
jungi | harness |
jungilaro | harness |
junigi | rejuvenate |
junio | June |
junipero | juniper |
Juno | Juno |
junti | join, connect, fit |
junto | seam |
junulargastejo | youth hostel |
junularo | youth |
junulino | youth (fem.), youngster (fem.) |
junulo | youngster, youth |
jupika | Yupik |
Jupitero | Jupiter; Jove |
Jupitro | Jove; Jupiter |
jupo | skirt |
jura | juridical, legal, judicial |
juristo | jurist, lawyer |
juro | law (system), jurisprudence, science of law |
juroscienco | jurisprudence |
jurscienco (juroscienco) | jurisprudence |
justa | fair, just, righteous |
justeco | justice, judiciary, righteousness |
justico (justeco) | justice, judiciary, righteousness |
Justitio | Justice |
Jutlando | Jutland; Jylland; Jütland |
juvelarto | jewelery; jewellery |
juvelisto | jeweler; jeweller |
juvelo | jewel
Ĵ |
Ĵ (ĵo) | Ĵ, the letter Ĵ, J circumflex, J-circumflex |
ĵaboto | jabot, ornamental frill |
ĵaka | plug |
ĵaketo | jacket |
ĵako | jack, plug; topcoat, tunic |
ĵaluza | jealous |
ĵaluze | jealously |
ĵaluzi | be jealous |
ĵaluzo | jealousy |
Ĵargonbesto | Jabberwock |
ĵargono | jargon; lingua franca, pidgin |
ĵaro | stone jar |
ĵartelo | garter, suspender |
ĵaŭde | Thursdays, on Thursdays |
ĵaŭdo | Thursday |
ĵazbando | jazz band |
ĵazisto | jazz musician |
ĵazkantisto | jazz singer |
ĵazo | jazz |
ĵazroko | jazz fusion, fusion rock |
ĵerzo | sweater, cardigan, jersey |
Ĵerzo | Jersey |
ĵetadi | keep throwing |
ĵetado | throwing, tossing |
ĵetaĵo | projectile |
ĵetarmilo | missile |
ĵetbulo | bocce ball, boule, bowling ball |
ĵetdisko | disc, discus, disk, frisbee |
ĵetegi | hurl |
ĵeteti | toss |
ĵeti | throw |
ĵeti sin sur | leap upon, pounce upon, spring upon |
ĵeti sur | abdicate to |
ĵetita | thrown, drop (shadow) |
ĵetkovri | sprinkle, strew |
ĵetkubludo | dice game, game of dice |
ĵetkubo | dice, die |
ĵetlanco | javelin |
ĵeto | throw, toss, pitch |
ĵetono | token, chip |
ĵibo | jib, frontmost sail |
ĵinglo | jingle |
ĵo (Ĵ) | Ĵ, the letter Ĵ, J circumflex, J-circumflex |
ĵokera | wildcard; pattern-matching |
ĵokero | joker |
ĵokervorto | wildcard |
ĵongli | juggle |
ĵonglisto | juggler |
ĵonko | junk (boat) |
ĵosi | earth, earth up, hill, hill up |
ĵuĵuo | juju |
ĵulo | joule |
Ĵulo | Joule, James Joule |
Ĵuno | Juneau |
ĵura | sworn, testified, testified to, affirmed, vowed, avowed |
ĵurasa | Jurassic |
Ĵuraso | Jurassic |
ĵuratesti | adjure |
ĵurdeklaranto | affiant |
ĵurdeklarinto | affiant |
ĵurdeklaro | affidavit |
ĵurdeklaronto | affiant |
ĵuri | swear, testify, affirm, vow, testify under oath |
ĵurigi | swear in |
ĵurintaro | jury |
ĵurintino | juror (fem.), jurymember (fem.), jurywoman |
ĵurinto | juror |
ĵurio | jury |
ĵurligi | bind by oath |
ĵurligita | bound by oath |
ĵurnalaĉo | tabloid (pejorative), rag |
ĵurnalismo | journalism |
ĵurnalistino | journalist (fem.) |
ĵurnalisto | journalist |
ĵurnalo | newspaper, journal, paper |
ĵurnalvendejo | newsstand, newspaper stand |
ĵuro | oath |
ĵurrompi | perjure, commit perjury |
ĵurrompo | perjury, breach of oath |
ĵus | just, just now |
ĵusa | recent |
ĵusaĵo | predecessor |
ĵuso | predecessor
K |
k (ek-) | (prefix marking the beginning of an action) |
k (kaj) | & , and |
k-diska | CD |
k-disketo | CD single |
k-diskludilo | CD player |
k-disko | CD |
k-do (kamarado) | comrade |
k-io (kompanio) | co., company |
k. (kaj) | & , and |
k.a. (kaj aliaj) | and others, et al. |
k.c. (kaj ceteraj) | and others, etc., et cetera |
k.c. (kaj cetere) | and besides, etc., and furthermore, et cetera |
k.e.p. (kaj eble plej) | and perhaps most |
k.e.p.b. (kaj eble plej baldaŭ) | and perhaps soonest |
k.s. (kaj similaj) | and such |
k.s. (kaj simile) | and such, and the like |
k.t.p. (kaj tiel plu) | etc., et cetera |
ka (kaj aliaj) | and others, et al. |
kaba emberizo | Cape bunting |
kaba | Cape, cape |
kabalo | cabal |
Kabalo | Cabbala; cabal |
kabangrupo | group of cabins, settlement |
kabano | cabin, hut, shack |
kabarda | Kabardian |
kabaredo | cabaret |
kabareto | cabaret |
kabazo | cabaza |
kabei | leave the Esperanto movement |
kabineto | cabinet |
kabinetula | nerdish, nerdy |
kabinetulo | cabinet secretary, minister |
kabla atingopovo | cable range |
kabla modemo | cable modem |
kabla televido | cable television |
kabla | cable |
kablero | strand |
kableto | wire |
kablingo | cringle, eyelet |
kablisto | linesman |
kablo | cable |
kablogramo | cablegram |
kablotelevido | cable television |
kablotramo | funicular |
Kabo de Bona Espero | Cape of Good Hope |
kabo | cape |
Kaboprovinco | Cape Province |
kaboverdano | Cape Verdean |
Kaboverdo | Cape Verde |
kabrioleto | cabriolet, chaise, convertible, hansom |
kabuko | kabuki (theater) |
Kabulo | Kabul |
kaburbano | Capetonian |
Kaburbo | Cape Town |
kaĉaloto | cachalot, sperm whale |
kaĉina | Jingpo |
kaco | cock, prick |
kaĉo | gruel, mess, mush |
kacosuĉado | cocksucking, cock-sucking |
kadastro | cadastral survey, land registry |
kadavra | cadaverous |
kadavraĵo | carrion |
kadavrejo | morgue |
kadavro | cadaver, corpse |
kadavrogrifo | vulture |
kadavromanĝa | carrion, scavenger |
kadavromuŝo | bluebottle |
Kadelo | Cadell |
kadenco | cadence |
kadeto | cadet |
kadio | cadi, kadee |
kadisto | treasurer |
kadmia | cadmium |
kadmio | cadmium |
kadraĵo | box, cadre, context, frame, framework, level, official, parameters |
kadraro | frameset |
kadrato | quad, quadrant |
kadre de | in the framework of |
kadreto | mount |
kadri | frame |
kadro por ligita objekto | bound object frame |
kadro-formo | frame format |
kadro-tipo | frame type |
kadro | cadre, frame, framework |
kadroaranĝo | box model |
kadroformo | frame format |
kadroj ene de unu sekundo | frames per second |
kadroj sekunde | frames per second |
kadroj | frames |
kadropaĝo | frames page |
kadrotipo | frame type |
kaduceo | caduceus |
kaduka | decayed, decrepit, dilapidated, lapsed, rickety |
kadukaĵo | ailment, sign of decay |
kaduke | feebly |
kadukeco | decadence, decay |
kadukega | senile |
kadukegeco | senility |
kadukiĝema memoro | dynamic memory |
kadukiĝi | be on the decline, go downhill, go off |
kadukigi | bring down |
kadukiĝo | decay |
kadukulo | infirm person |
kafaparato | coffee machine, coffee maker |
kafarbo | coffee plant |
kafeino | caffeine |
kafejo | cafe |
kafeterio | cafetaria |
kafkeska | Kafkaesque |
kafkruĉo | coffeepot |
kafmuelilo | coffee grinder, coffee mill |
kafo | coffee |
kafopaŭzo | coffee break |
kafpulvoro | coffee grounds, ground coffee |
kafro | Kaffir |
Kafrujo | Kaffraria |
kafskatolo | coffee canister, coffee tin |
kaftano | caftan |
kafujo | coffeepot |
kafumi | have coffee, do coffee |
kaĝego | coop |
kaĝigi | coop |
kaĝo | cage |
kaĝobirdo | cage bird |
kahela aranĝo | tiling |
kaheli | tile |
kaheligi | tile |
kahelita | tiled |
kahelo | tile (floor), paving block, paver, flagstone |
kaheloj | tiles (floor), paving blocks, pavers, flagstones |
kahelojn | tiles (floor), paving blocks, pavers, flagstones |
Kahero | Caher |
Kahersiveno | Cahersiveen |
kaido | kaid |
Kaino | Cain |
kainsigno | brand of Cain, mark of Cain |
Kairo | Cairo |
kaj ... kaj | both ... and |
kaj aliaj | and others, et al. |
kaj ankaŭ | and also, and ... as well, as well as, together with |
kaj cetere | etc., et cetera |
kaj ene kaj ekstere | both internally and externally |
kaj sekve | and as follows, and the following |
kaj simile | etc., et cetera |
kaj tamen | and yet |
kaj tiel plu | and so on, et cetera |
kaj-operacio | and-operation |
kaj-signo | ampersand, & |
kaj | and |
kaja | conjunctive |
Kajafo | Caiaphas |
kajaki | kayak |
kajako | kayak |
kajaŭ | and/or, inclusive or |
kajaŭo | disjunction |
kajerkomputilo | subnotebook |
kajero | notebook, folder |
Kajleakino | Kyleakin |
kajmano | cayman |
kajo | platform, quay, wharf |
kaĵoli | wheedle, cajole |
kajovo | Kiowa |
Kajrvirdino | Carmarthen |
kajsigno | ampersand, & |
kajto | kite |
Kaĵuna | Cajun |
kajuto | cabin |
kakaarbo | cocoa tree |
kakaĵo | turd, piece of shit |
kakao | cocoa |
kakaoarbo | cocoa tree |
kakapulvoro | cocoa powder |
kakatuo | cockatoo |
kakaujo | cocoa tree |
kakemono | kakemono (Japanese unframed painting), 掛物 |
kaki | take a shit, defecate |
kakia | khaki |
kakio | khaki |
kakodemono | cacodemon |
kakofonia | cacophonous |
kakofonio | cacophony |
kakto | cactus |
kala | callous |
kalabaseto | zucchini, courgette |
kalabaso | calabash, gourd |
Kalabrio | Calabria |
Kalabrujo | Calabria |
kalaftri | caulk |
kalaĵo | corn |
kalambako | agarwood, aloeswood, eagle wood |
kalamino | calamine, carbon deposit |
kalamo | calamus |
kalandrao | corn weevil |
kalandri | mangle, press |
kalandrilo | mangle |
kalandro | corn weevil, mangle |
kalankoo | kalanchoe |
kalao | bog arum, water arum |
kalaŝnikova fusilo | Kalashnikov rifle, AK-47 |
kalaŝnikovo | Kalashnikov (rifle) |
kalcedono | chalcedony |
kalceolario | calceolaria, lady’s purse, pocketbook flower, slipper flower, slipperwort |
kalcini | calcine, convert to calx by heating |
kalcio | calcium |
kalcito | tiff |
kalcitri | recalcitrate, kick |
kalcitro | kick |
kaldronegejo | boiler house |
kaldronego | boiler, steam boiler |
kaldronfaristo | tinker |
kaldronisto | tinker |
kaldrono | boiler, cauldron, kettle |
kaledona | Caledonian |
kaledonia | Caledonian |
Kaledonio | Caledonia |
kaledono | Caledonian |
Kaledonujo | Caledonia |
kalejdoskopo | kaleidoscope |
kalemburo | pun |
kalendara elemento | calendar item |
kalendara | calendar |
kalendaraj datumoj | calendar data |
kalendaraj | calendar |
kalendaro | calendar |
kalendaroprogramo | calendar program |
kalendo | calend |
kalendulo | marigold |
kaleŝaĵo | chassis |
kaleŝeto | buggy |
kaleŝisto | carriage maker, coachman |
kaleŝo | carriage, coach |
kalfatri | calk, caulk |
kalibri | calibrate |
kalibrigi | recalibrate |
kalibrilo | calibrator |
kalibro | calibre |
kalibrocirkelo | callipers |
kalifo | caliph |
Kalifornia Golfo | Gulf of California |
kalifornia | Californian |
kaliforniano | Californian |
Kalifornio | California; californium |
kalifornio | californium |
kaliforniumo | californium |
kaliforo | blowfly, bluebottle |
kalifujo | caliphate |
kaligrafia | calligraphic |
kaligrafiisto | calligrapher |
kaligrafio | calligraphy |
kaligrafo | calligrapher |
kalikfolio | sepal |
kaliko | chalice, goblet |
kalikoto | calico |
kalimbo | kalimba |
kalio | potassium |
kalipso | calypso |
kalistefo | china aster |
kalistegio | bindweed |
kalistemo | bottlebrush |
kalisteniko | calisthenics |
kalisteno | calisthenics |
Kalisto | Callisto |
kalitriko | water-starwort plant |
kalkaĵo | whitewash |
kalkaneo | heel bone |
kalkano | heel |
kalkansidi | squat, sit on one’s heels |
kalkanumo | heel |
kalkargilo | marl |
kalkedonio | chalcedony |
kalkeo | calque |
kalki | whitewash |
kalko estingita | slack lime, slaked lime |
kalko kaŭstika | burnt lime, quicklime |
kalko | lime |
kalkoŝtono | limestone |
kalkotofo | Travertine |
kalkŝmiri | plaster |
kalkŝtono | limestone |
kalkulado | calculation, computation |
kalkulaĵo | account, bill, reckoning |
kalkularo | accounts |
kalkulatoro | calculator, adding machine |
kalkulbastono | slide rule |
kalkulebla | calculable |
kalkulema | calculating |
kalkuleraro | miscalculation |
kalkuli je | count on |
kalkuli kun | take into account |
kalkuli perfingre | count on one’s fingers |
kalkuli proksimume | approximate |
kalkuli | calculate, count, figure, work out |
kalkuliĝi | amount to, amount |
kalkulilo | calculator |
kalkulisto | accountant |
kalkulita kampo | calculated field |
kalkulita kolumno | calculated column |
kalkulita kontrolilo | calculated control |
kalkulita | calculated |
kalkullibro | ledger, reckoning book |
kalkulmaŝino | calculator |
kalkulo | bill, calculation, count |
kalkulscio | numeracy |
kalkultabela | spreadsheet |
kalkultabelo | spreadsheet |
kalkuluso | calculus |
kalkumi | lime |
kalmaro | squid |
kalmuko | Kalmuck |
kalo | corn |
Kalokalŝo | Kyle of Lochalsh |
kalomelo | calomel |
kalorio | calorie |
kaloto | spherical cap |
kalpako | bearskin, bearskin cap |
kalsoneto | briefs |
kalsono | drawers, panties, underpants |
kalto | buttercup, Caltha |
kalumnia | defamatory, slanderous |
kalumnianto | detractor, slanderer |
kalumnii | slander, calumniate, defame, libel, malign, run down |
kalumnio | slander, scandal, backbiting, calumny, false charge, malicious misrepresentation, slanderous report |
kaluno | heather |
kalva | bald |
kalvaria vojo | Calvary, stations of the cross |
Kalvario | Calvary, Golgotha |
kalveco | baldness |
kalviĝi | be balding |
kalvinano | Calvinist |
kalvinisma | Calvinistical |
kalvinismo | Calvinism |
kalvinisto | Calvinist |
Kalvino | Calvin |
kalvulo | bald man |
kamaradeco | comradeship |
kamaradi | be friends with |
kamaradino | comrade |
kamarado | comrade, buddy, companion, pal |
kamarilo | camarilla |
Kamarilo | Campbelltown; camarilla |
kamba | Kamba |
Kambeltaŭno | Campbelltown |
kambia makleristo | broker, exchange broker, bill broker |
kambio | bill of exchange, draft |
kambiono | cambion |
kamboĝa | Cambodian |
kamboĝanino | Cambodian woman |
kamboĝano | Cambodian |
Kamboĝo | Cambodia |
Kambriĝo | Cambridge |
kambrio | Cambrian (period) |
Kambuslango | Cambuslang |
Kamĉatko | Kamchatka |
kameciparo | cedar, false cypress |
kameleono | chameleon |
kamelino | camel (fem.) |
kamelio | camelia |
kamelo | camel |
Kameloto | Camelot |
kamemberto | camembert |
kamemoro | cloudberry |
kamenbreto | mantel, mantelpiece |
kamenfajro | fire on the hearth |
kameno | fireplace, hearth |
kamenpurigisto | sweep |
kamenskrapisto | chimney sweep |
kamenstableto | fire dog |
kamentubisto | chimney sweep |
kamentubo | chimney, smokestack |
kameo | cameo |
kamerai | film |
kameraisto | cameraman, cinematographer, cameraperson |
kamerao | camera |
kameristo | cameraman |
kamerlingo | camerlengo |
kamero | darkroom, small room |
kameruna | Cameroonian |
Kamerunio | Cameroon |
Kameruno | Cameroon, Republic of Cameroon, Cameroun |
kamforarbo | camphor tree |
kamforo | camphor |
kamforujo | camphor tree |
kamioneto | van |
kamionisto | truck driver |
kamiono | lorry, truck |
kamizolo | camisole |
Kamlopso | Kamloops |
kamloto | camlet |
Kamo | Kama |
kamomilo | camomile |
kampa konvolvulo | lesser bindweed |
kampa | pastoral, rural |
kampadejo | camping ground, camping site |
kampadi | camp, be encamped, lie encamped, camp out |
kampado | camping |
kampadveturilo | caravan |
Kampalo | Kampala |
kampanilo | bell tower, clock tower |
kampanjanto | campaigner |
kampanji | campaign |
kampanjo | campaign |
kampanolo | bellflower, Canterbury bell |
kampanulo | bellflower, campanula, harebell |
kampara bluso | country blues |
kampara domo | country house |
kampara | rural, countryside, country |
kamparana | peasant’s, peasant |
kamparanido | country lad |
kamparano | countryman, peasant |
kampare | in the country |
kampareca | rustic |
kamparo | country, countryside |
kamparregiono | rural region |
kampatingo | field designator |
kampeĉo | campeachy, logwood |
kampejo | campground, camp site, camp |
kampekipaĵo | field equipment |
kampeto | paddock |
kampfesteno | picnic |
kampfortikaĵo | field fortification |
kamphirundo | barn swallow |
kampi | camp out |
Kampino | Kempenland |
kampkardo | creeping thistle |
kamplaboristo | agricultural worker |
kamplisto | field list |
kamploĝejo | camp, encampment |
kamploĝi | camp out |
kampo de batalo | battlefield |
kampo de formularo | form field |
kampo de hiperligilo | hyperlink field |
kampo de kolumno | column field |
kampo de ligilo | link field |
kampo kun propraj grupoj | custom group field |
kampo | field |
kampoatributo | field attribute |
kampodometo | villa |
kampodomo | country house |
kampokodo | field code |
kampokorvo | rook |
kampomuso | grass vole |
kampovaloro | field value |
kampuĉea | Cambodian |
kampuĉeanino | Cambodian (fem.) |
kampuĉeano | Cambodian |
Kampuĉeo | Cambodia |
kampularo | peasantry |
kampulino | country woman |
kampulo | farmer |
kampulservisto | hand |
kampumi | camp out |
kamuflaĵo | camouflage |
kamufli | camouflage |
kamuflilo | camouflage material |
kamuflo | camouflage |
kana | cane |
Kanaanio | Canaan |
Kanaanujo | Canaan |
kanaba | cannabis, pot, weed; hemp |
kanabcigaredo | joint |
kanabeno | linnet |
kanabo | weed, pot, cannabis; hemp |
kanada cervo | elk, wapiti |
kanada elodeo | Canadian waterweed |
kanada | Canadian |
kanadanino | Canadian woman |
kanadano | Canadian |
kanadia | Canadian |
kanadianino | Canadian woman |
kanadiano | Canadian |
Kanadio | Canada |
Kanado | Canada |
kanajla | villainous |
kanajlaĵo | villainy |
kanajlaro | rabble, riff-raff |
kanajleco | baseness |
kanajlo | rogue, scoundrel |
kanala tavolo | data link layer |
kanaligi | sewer, canalize, canal |
kanalizi | canalize, ditch |
kanalo | canal, channel |
kanapo | couch, sofa |
kanara | Kannada |
Kanaria Insularo | Canary Islands |
kanaria | Canary |
Kanariaj Insuloj | Canary Islands |
kanariino | hen canary |
kanario | canary |
kanato | canoe, pleasure boat |
Kanbero | Canberra |
kancelario | chancellery, chancery, office of public records, reception, waiting room |
kanceliereco | chancellorship |
kancelierejo | chancellery |
kanceliero | chancellor |
kancero | cancer, canker |
kancerologio | oncologist |
kancerologo | oncologist |
kandela diagramo | candlestick chart |
kandelabro | candelabrum |
kandeleto | taper |
Kandelfesto | Candlemas |
kandelingo | candlestick |
kandellumo | candlelight |
kandelo | candle, candela |
kandidataro | ticket |
kandidateco | candidacy |
kandidati | run for election |
kandidatiĝi | apply |
kandidatigi | nominate |
kandidatigo | recommendation, nomination |
kandidatlisto | nomination, recommendation |
kandidato | candidate |
kandidatpropono | recommendation |
kanditatiĝo | application |
kandizi | candy, crystalize |
kando | candy |
kanejo | cane field |
kanelaĵo | groove |
kaneli | chamfer, groove, rifle |
kanelo | groove (of record), channel |
kanguruo | kangaroo |
kanibalismo | cannibalism |
kanibalo | cannibal |
kanino | canine (tooth), eye tooth |
kanistro | fuel tank |
Kanjo | Cathy |
kanjono | canyon |
kankano | cancan |
kankro | crayfish |
kankrogenta | crustaceous |
kano | cane, reed |
kanona bazo | canonical basis |
kanona horo | canonical hour |
kanona juro | canon law |
kanona projekcio | canonical projection |
kanona | canonical, canon |
kanonadi | shell |
kanonado | shelling |
kanonaj horoj | canonical hours |
kanonaro | artillery |
kanonigi | canonize |
kanonigo | canonization |
kanoniko | prebendary, canon |
kanonisto | artilleryman, gunner, bombardier |
kanonizi | canonize |
kanono | cannon |
kanonŝipo | gunboat |
kanoto | canoe |
kansasa | Kansan |
kansasano | Kansan |
Kansaso | Kansas |
kantabra | Cantabrian |
kantadi | sing (continually), keep singing |
kantado | singing |
kantaĵo | act of singing |
kantalupo | cantaloupe |
kantarelo | chanterelle, cantharides, Spanish fly |
kantarido | cantharides, Spanish fly |
kantaro | songbook |
kantarto | singing, art of singing |
kantato | cantata |
kantbirdo | songbird, singing bird |
Kanterburgo | Canterbury |
kanteti | sing a little; hum |
kanteto | ditty |
kanti | sing |
kantia | Kantian |
kantiko | canticle |
kantilevro | cantilever |
kantino | canteen, cafeteria |
Kantio | Kant |
kantistino | singer (fem.), female singer |
kantisto | singer |
kantlibro | songbook |
kanto | song |
kantona | Cantonese |
kantonigo | block system |
kantonlingva | Cantonese |
kantonmento | billet |
Kantonmento | Cantonment; billet |
kantono | canton, administrative district |
kantoro | cantor, choir member |
kantraŭi | oppose |
kanuado | canoeing |
kanulo | cannula |
kanuo | canoe |
kanura | Kanuri |
kanvaso | canvas |
kanzonisto | singer |
kanzono | ballad |
kaosa | chaotic |
kaose | chaotically |
kaosigi | chaosify, disarrange, disarray |
kaoso | chaos, tangle |
kap-aŭskult-parolilo | headset |
kapa teksto | header, running head |
kapabla | able, capable |
kapable | ably, aptly |
kapableco | ability |
kapabli | be able, be able to |
kapabliga permeso | qualifying license |
kapabliga | qualifying |
kapabligi | habilitate, enable |
kapabligo en la entrepreno | on-the-job training |
kapabligo | training, qualification |
kapablo | ability |
kapablulo | competent person, capable person |
kapacitanco | capacitance |
kapacito de datumfluo al servilo | upstream |
kapacito de traigivo | throughput capacity |
kapacito | capacity |
kapadoca | Cappadocian |
kapadoco | Cappadocian |
kapaĵo | headset, headpiece |
kapantaŭe | head first |
kapapogilo | headrest |
kapaŭdilo | headphone |
kapaŭdiloj | headphones |
kapaŭskultilo | headphone |
kapaŭskultiloj | headphones |
kapaŭskultparolilo | headset |
kapdolori | have a headache |
kapdoloro | headache |
kapdosiero | header file |
kapei | lie to |
kapeigi | heave to |
kapelestro | choirmaster |
kapelo | chapel |
kaperanto | hijacker, pirate |
kaperi | capture, seize |
kaperisto | buccaneer, freebooter, pirate, corsair |
Kapernaumo | Capernaum |
kaperŝipo | privateer |
kapeto lega-skriba | read/write head, read–write head |
kapeto | head |
kaphararo | hair of the head |
kaphaŭteroj | dandruff |
kapibaro | capybara |
kapilara | capillary |
kapilareco | capillarity, capillary action |
kapilaro | capillary |
kapimposto | head tax |
kapitaligi | capitalize |
kapitalisma | capitalist |
kapitalismo | capitalism |
kapitalisto | capitalist |
kapitalo | capital |
kapitano | captain |
kapitelo | capital (of a column), header |
Kapitolo | Capitol |
kapitulaci | capitulate, surrender |
kapitulaco | capitulation |
kapitulo | capitulum |
kapjesi | nod |
kapklini | bow one’s head |
kapkosta krimo | capital crime |
kapkuseno | pillow |
kaplinio | header, headline |
kapmikrofono | headset microphone |
kapneadi | shake one’s head |
kapnei | shake one’s head |
kapnomancio | capnomancy |
kapo de formularo | form header |
kapo de la pafilo | butt (gun) |
kapo kaj piedo | header and footer |
kapo pri la enhavo | content header |
kapo | head, pate |
kapobanto | topknot |
kapobati | butt heads, headbutt |
kapofrapo | blow to the head |
kapoko | kapok |
kapokujo | kapok tree |
kapolo | cabochon |
kapono | capon, castrated cock, castrato, eunuch |
kapopiede | end-to-end, head-to-toe |
kapopieduloj | cephalopods |
kaporalo | corporal |
kaporo | caper |
kapotasto | capo |
kapoto | bonnet, hood |
kappo | kappa |
kapra | goat’s, of a goat |
kapraĵo | goat meat |
kapraro | flock of goats |
kapreolido | fawn |
kapreolo | roe |
kaprica taktiko | quirksmode, quirks mode |
kaprica | capricious, fitful |
kaprice | on a whim |
kapricemo | capriciousness |
kaprici | act up |
kaprico | caprice, whim |
kapridaĵo | kid |
kaprido | kid |
kaprifolio | honeysuckle |
Kaprikorno | Capricorn |
kaprimulgo | nightjar |
kaprinaro | herd of goats (fem.) |
kaprino | goat (fem.), nanny-goat, she-goat |
kaprioladi | frolic, gambol |
kapriolado | frolic, gambol |
kaprioli | caper, frolic about |
kapriolo | caper |
kapristo | goatherd |
kapro | goat |
kaprobleki | bleat, bleat like a goat |
kaprofela | goatskin |
kaprofelo | goatskin |
kaprograsa | goat fat |
kaprograso | goat fat |
kaproledo | goatskin |
kaprompa | fatal |
kaprompilo | billy club |
kaproviro | billy-goat, he-goat |
kapselo | shepherd’s-purse |
kapsiketo | chili |
kapsiko | chilli |
kapŝirmilo | head protector |
kapstano | capstan, winding gear |
kapsulo | capsule, firing cap |
kapta adaptilo | capture device |
kaptado | capture |
kaptaĵo | prey |
kaptanto | catcher |
kaptema | avid, eager, greedy |
kapti per gvidiloj | snap to guides |
kapti per krado | snap to grid |
kapti sin | seize, grasp, grab hold of |
kapti | capture, catch, grapple |
kaptiĝi | get caught, be captured |
kaptilo | snare, trap |
kaptinto | one who has captured |
kaptipova | prehensile, adapted for grasping, grabbing, grappling |
kaptisto | catcher |
kaptita ĉe la freŝa faro | caught in the act, caught red-handed |
kaptita | caught |
kaptitaĵo | capture |
kaptiteco | captivity |
kaptito | prisoner |
kapto | catch, prey |
kaptoganto | catcher’s mitt |
kaptolinio | snap line |
kaptopunkto | snap point |
kaptoŝnuro | lasso tool |
kaptuko | kerchief |
kapturna | dizzy |
kapturne | dizzily |
kapturniga | dizzying |
kapturnigi | make giddy |
kapturniĝo | dizziness |
kapturno | dizziness, giddiness, swimming (in head), vertigo |
kapuceno | Capuchin monk |
kapuĉino | cappuccino |
kapuĉmantelo | cape, cloak |
kapuĉo | cowl, hood |
kapuĉpalto | parka |
kapuslinio | zero alignment |
kaputa | decrepit, broken down |
Kapverdaj Insuloj | Cape Verde Islands |
kapvesto | head dress, headwear |
kapvorto | headword |
kapvualo | wimple |
kara | expensive, valuable; dear |
karabeno | carbine |
karabo | ground beetle, ground-beetle |
karaĉaja-balkara | Karachay-Balkar |
karadrio | ringed plover |
karafi | decanter |
karafo | carafe, decanter |
Karaiba Maro | Caribbean Sea |
karaiba | Caribbean |
karakoli | prance about, caracole |
karaktera | characteristic |
karakteranalizo | profile |
karakteristiko | characteristic |
karakteriza funkcio | characteristic function |
karakteriza polinomo | characteristic polynomial |
karakteriza vektoro | characteristic vector |
karakteriza | characteristic |
karakterizado | characterization |
karakterizaĵo | characteristic |
karakterize | characteristically |
karakterizi | characterize |
karakterizo | profile |
karaktero | character, nature, personality |
karaktraro | character set, char set, charset |
karaktro | character |
Karaljo | Crail |
karambolfrukto | carambola, starfruit |
karamboli | crash, bump |
karambolo | strike, collision |
karamelo | caramel |
karaokeo | karaoke |
karapaco | carapace, shell |
karaso | crucian carp |
karateisto | karatega |
karateo | karate |
karato | carat |
karavanejo | caravanasary |
karavano | caravan |
karavelo | caravel |
karbardaĵo | charcoal |
karbe nigra | coal black |
karbejo | colliery |
karbfosisto | collier |
karbo | coal |
karbobriketo | briquette |
karbofosado | coal mining |
karbokrajona skizo | charcoal sketch, carbon sketch |
karbokrajona | charcoal-pencil, carbon-pencil |
karbolo | carbolic acid, phenol |
karbominejo | coal mine |
karbomino | coalmine |
karbona | carbon |
karbonakrajono | charcoal pencil, carbon pencil |
karbonhidrato | carbohydrate |
karbonido | carbide |
Karbonifero | Carboniferous |
karbonigra | coal-black, pitch-black |
karbonkopio | CC, carbon copy, courtesy copy |
karbono 14 | carbon 14 |
karbono | carbon |
karbonpapero | carbon paper |
karbopapero | carbon paper |
karboprenilo | (fireplace) poker |
karborundo | carborundum |
karboskorio | cinder |
karbpapero | carbon paper |
karbujo | coal scuttle |
karbujoeto | coal scuttle |
karbunklo | boil, carbuncle |
karbunkolo | carbuncle |
karburaĵo | fuel |
karburatoro | carburetor |
karburi | carburate, vaporize |
karburilo | carburettor |
karcero | cell |
karcinomo | cancer |
kardamino | bittercress |
kardamomo | cardamom |
kardano | universal joint |
kardario | hoary cress |
kardaro | thisle field |
kardelo | goldfinch |
kardi | card |
Kardifo | Cardiff |
Kardigano | Cardigan |
kardinalbirdo | cardinal |
kardinalo | cardinal |
kardio | cockle |
kardiogramo | cardiogram |
kardioido | cardioid |
kardjo | cardia |
kardo | thisle |
kardono | artichoke thistle, cardoon |
kardopapilio | painted lady |
kareaĵo | curry |
kareco | love, value, worth |
karega | darling |
karegulo | darling |
karekso | sedge |
Karelio | Karelia |
karena | Karen language; boat-shaped |
karenasekuro | hull insurance |
karenco | malnutrition |
karenforma | keel-shaped, boat-shaped |
kareno | keel, hull |
kareo | curry |
karesa | wheedling |
karesado | caressing, fondling |
karese | caressingly, tenderly |
karesema | affectionate, caressing, cuddlesome, cuddly |
kareseme | softly, tenderly |
karesemo | softness, tenderness |
karesi | caress, chuck, fondle, stroke |
karesiga | cuddly |
karesindaĵo | knick-knack, trinket, bauble |
Karesmo | Lent |
karesnomo | nickname |
kareso | caress, chuck, stroke |
karespremi | cuddle, hug |
karganto | shipper, consignor |
kargboato | freight boat, freighter |
kargi | freight |
kargisto | shipping agent |
kargo | cargo |
kargoatesto | bill of lading |
Karia Maro | Karian Sea |
kariatido | caryatid |
Kariba Maro | Caribbean Sea |
kariba | Caribbean |
Karibdo | Charybdis |
Karibio | Caribbean |
karibuo | caribou |
Karibuo | Caribou, Maine; caribou |
karier-konsilisto | career counselor, guidance counselor |
karierismo | careerism |
karieristo | careerist |
karierkonsilisto | career counselor, guidance counselor |
kariero | career |
karierresumo | resume, CV, curriculum vitæ, curriculum vitae, résumé |
kariertabelo | curriculum vitae |
karikaturi | caricature |
karikaturisto | caricaturist |
karikaturo | caricature |
Karikfergo | Carrickfergus |
kariko | papaya |
kariljonisto | carillonneur |
kariljono | carillon, chimes |
kario | tooth decay, caries |
kariofila fromaĝo | clove cheese |
kariofila | clove |
kariofilo | clove |
kariofilujo | clove tree |
kariokinezo | mitosis |
kariolo | dog cart, trap |
karisma | charismatic |
karismo | charisma |
karitado | charity, love of neighbor, love of neighbour |
karitata | charitable |
karitato | charity |
karito | charity, love of neighbor, love of neighbour |
Karlajlo | Carlisle |
karlino | carline thistle |
Karlo | Charles |
Karlourbo | Charlestown |
Karlovo | Carlow |
karmelanino | Carmelite |
karmelano | Carmelite |
karmelo | carmel, burnt sugar |
karmemora | deceased, lamented |
karmezina | crimson |
karmezino | crimson |
karmina | carmine |
karmino | carmine |
karmo | karma |
karna | carnal |
Karnarvono | Caernarfon, Carnarvon, Caernarvon |
karnavalo | carnival |
karnejo | charnel house |
karnevalo | carnival |
karno | flesh |
karnokolora | flesh-colored, meat-colored |
karnomanĝa | carnivorous |
karnomanĝulo | carnivore |
karnovora | carnivorous |
karnovoro | carnivore |
karnulo | mortal man |
karobarbo | algarroba |
karobo | carob, St. John’s bread |
karobujo | carob tree |
karolida skribo minuskla | Carolingian minuscule |
karolida | Carolingian |
karolo | carol |
Karono | Charon |
karoo | diamond |
karoserio | coachwork; frame (vehicle), body |
karoteno | carotene |
karotido | carotid |
karoto | carrot |
Karpatoj | Carpathians, Carpathian mountains |
karpelo | carpel |
karpeno | hornbeam, yoke elm |
karpeo | wrist bone |
karpo | carp |
karsto | karst |
kartaga | Carthaginian |
kartagano | Carthaginian |
Kartago | Carthage |
kartaro | card deck, card file |
kartavi | make a uvular R |
kartego | placard, poster |
kartelo | cartel, bulletin |
karteto | card (visiting), docket |
kartezia folio | Cartesian folium |
kartezia koordinato | Cartesian coordinate |
kartezia ovalo | Cartesian oval |
kartezia prisigna regulo | Descartes rule of signs |
kartezia produto | Cartesian product |
kartezia | Cartesian |
Kartezio | Descartes |
kartilago | cartilage |
kartingo | card slot, socket |
kartlegilo | card reader |
kartludi | play cards |
kartludo | card game |
karto geografia | chart, geographic chart |
karto por ekstera memorilo | external storage card |
karto | card, map, menu |
kartoĉego | shell |
kartoĉo | cartridge |
kartoĉozono | bandoleer |
kartoĉujo | cartridge box |
kartografia | cartographic |
kartografiisto | cartographer |
kartografio | cartography |
kartomancio | cartomancy |
kartona | cardboard |
kartonalumetaro | book |
kartono | cardboard |
kartoteko | cardfile |
karttradukilo | card interpreter |
kartujo | card cage |
kartunisto | cartoonist |
kartuno | cartoon |
kartuŝo | cartouche, scroll |
kartuziano | Carthusian |
kartuzio | Chartreuse |
kartvela | Georgian |
Kartvelio | Georgia |
kartvelo | Georgian |
Kartvelujo | Georgia (country), საქართველო |
karula | dear |
karulino | darling (fem.) |
karulo | darling |
karusela memoro | carousel storage |
karusela | carousel, carrousel |
karuselo | carousel, carrousel, merry-go-round |
karvibrando | kümmel |
karvio | caraway |
kaŝ-kromprogramo | cache plugin, cache plug-in |
kas. (kasisto) | treas., treasurer |
kaŝa | veiled |
kasacii | quash, vacate, overturn |
kasacio | annulment |
kaŝado | hiding |
kasajo | stash, something hidden, something concealed |
Kasandro | Cassandra |
kasangulo | hiding place |
kaŝanta | hiding |
kaŝata | occult |
kaŝaŭskulti | bug, eavesdrop, listen in, monitor, tap |
kasavo | cassava |
kaŝdosiero | cache file |
kaŝdosierujo pri elŝutoj | download cache |
kaŝdosierujo | cache directory, cache folder |
kaŝe | clandestinely, secretly |
kasebla | concealable, able to be hidden |
kaŝeco | clandestinity, concealment |
kasedbendo | cassette, cassette tape |
kasedilo | cassette recorder |
kasedludilo | cassette player |
kasedmagnetofono | cassette player |
kasedo | cassette |
kasejo | cash desk, cashier’s office, cashpoint |
kaŝejo | hiding place |
kaŝema | sly, underhand |
kaŝeme | furtively, slyly |
kaŝememora dosierujo | cache directory |
kaŝemo | dissimulation |
kaserolo | casserole, saucepan |
kaseto | cassette |
kaŝgardi | hold back, keep back, withhold |
kaŝgastigi | harbor |
kaŝhelpilo | cheat sheet |
kaŝi sin | hide, hide oneself |
kaŝi subparagrafojn | collapse |
kaŝi | hide, conceal |
kaŝiĝi | lie concealed, hide |
kasigo | hiding, concealment (of oneself) |
kasilo | camouflage, hiding place, cover, pretext |
kasinda | worthy of being hidden |
kasio | cassia |
Kasiopeo | Cassiopeia |
kaŝiri | steal |
kasiso | cassis |
kasistino | cashier, treasurer |
kasisto | cashier, treasurer |
kaŝisto | hider, concealer |
kaŝita al mi | hidden to me |
kaŝita dosiero | dot file, hidden file |
kaŝita kampo | hidden field |
kaŝita kopio (KK) | BCC, blind carbon copy, blind copy |
kaŝita kopio | BCC, blind carbon copy |
kaŝita subdisko | hidden partition |
kaŝita tavolo | hidden layer |
kaŝita teksto | hidden text |
kaŝita | hidden |
kaŝitaĵo | mystery |
kaŝite komuna dosierujo | hidden share |
kaŝite opuza dosierujo | hidden share |
kaŝite | behind one’s back, underhand |
kaŝiteco | secrecy |
kaskada evento | cascading event |
kaskada menuo | cascading menu |
kaskada | cascaded, cascading |
kaskadi | cascade (arrange) |
kaskado | waterfall |
kaskaro | cascara |
kaskedo | cap |
kasko | helmet |
kaskofloro | aconite, monkshood, wolfsbane, leopard’s bane |
kaŝkomerco | black market, contraband, illegal commerce |
kaŝkomuna dosierujo | hidden share |
kaŝkopio | BCC, blind carbon copy |
kaŝkromprogramo | cache plugin, cache plug-in |
Kaslebajo | Castlebay |
kaslibro | account book |
Kaslobaro | Castlebar |
kaŝloko | hiding place |
kaŝludi | play hide-and-seek |
kaŝludo | hide-and-seek |
kaŝmemora adrestrovilo | caching resolver |
kaŝmemora dosierujo | cache directory |
kaŝmemora | cache, caching |
kaŝmemorado de dosieroj | file cache |
kaŝmemorigado | caching |
kaŝmemorigi | cache |
kaŝmemorigita paĝo | cached page |
kaŝmemorigita | cached |
kaŝmemorigo | caching |
kaŝmemorita | cached |
kaŝmemoro de kaptado | capture buffer |
kaŝmemoro | cache (storage) |
kaŝmikrofono | bug, hidden microphone |
kaŝmiksi | scramble |
kaŝmira | Kashmiri |
kaŝmirano | Kashmiri |
Kaŝmiro | Kashmir |
kaŝnomo | nickname |
kaŝo | concealment, act of hiding, obfuscation |
kaso | register, till, cashier’s stand, fund, money box |
kaŝobservanto | spy |
kaŝobservi | peep, peep upon, spy, spy upon |
kasono | caisson |
kaŝpafisto | sniper |
kaŝpasaĝero | stowaway |
kaspenso | hidden thought, hidden agenda |
Kaspia Maro | Caspian Sea |
Kaspio | Caspian Sea |
kaŝpolicano | undercover policeman |
kaspolicisto | undercover policeman |
kaŝprovokistino | agent provocateur (fem.), agente provocatrice, inciting agent (fem.) |
kaŝprovokistinoj | agents provocateurs (fem.), agentes provocatrices, inciting agents (fem.) |
kaŝprovokisto | agent provocateur, inciting agent |
kaŝprovokistoj | agents provocateurs, inciting agents |
kasraporto | treasurer’s report |
kasrevizoro | auditor |
kaŝridi | giggle, snigger |
kaŝrigardi | peep |
kaŝŝargilo | cache loader |
kaŝtanarbo | chestnut tree |
kaŝtanbruna | chestnut |
kastanhara | chestnut-haired, chestnut-brown-haired, chestnut brown-haired |
kastanjeto | castanet |
kastankolora | chestnut-brown |
kaŝtano | chestnut |
kaŝtanujo | chestnut tree |
kaŝtanurbo | chestnut tree |
kastego | ark |
Kastelburgo | Castlebury |
kastelestro | castellan |
kastelgrafo | viscount |
kastelo | castle |
kastila | Castillian |
kastilia | Castilian Spanish |
kastiliano | Castilian |
Kastilio | Castile |
kastilo | Castilian |
Kastilujo | Castile |
kastismo | caste system |
kasto | caste |
kastora | beaver, of a beaver |
kastoredoj | beavers |
kastoro | beaver |
kastrado | castration |
kastri | castrate |
kastrita virĉevalo | gelding |
kastrita | castrated |
kastro | castration |
kaŝu kaj serĉu | hide and seek |
kasuarino | beefwood |
kasuaro | cassowary |
kasuba | Kashubian |
kasubio | Kashubia |
kasubo | Kashubian |
kaŝvesti | disguise |
kaŝvesto | disguise |
kaŝvojaĝanto | stowaway |
kata | feline |
katadioptrika | mirror |
katafalko | catafalque, open hearse |
kataklismo | cataclysm |
katakombo | catacomb |
katalepsio | catalepsy, trance |
katalizi | catalyse |
katalizilo | catalyser |
katalo | katal |
katalogi | catalog, catalogue |
katalogo | catalogue, directory |
kataluna | Catalan |
Katalunio | Catalonia |
Katalunujo | Catalonia |
katamarano | catamaran |
kataplasmo | plaster, poultice |
katapulti | catapult |
katapulto | catapult |
katarakto | cataract |
katarano | Qatari |
Katarino | Catherine |
katario | catmint, catnip |
kataro | catarrh (illness) |
Kataro | Qatar; catarrh (illness) |
katartedoj | New World vultures |
katastro | real estate register, survey |
katastrofa | catastrophic, miserable |
katastrofo | catastrophe |
katatonio | catatonia |
katbleki | meow, mew |
kateca | feline, catlike |
kateĉuareko | betelnut palm |
kateĉuo | catechu, cutch |
kateĉupalmo | betelnut palm |
katedralo | cathedral |
katedro | pulpit |
Kategato | Kattegat |
kategoria vorto | keyword |
kategoria | firm, peremptory, resolute |
kategoriado | classification |
kategorie | categorically |
kategoriigi | classify |
kategorio | category |
kateĥismo | catechism |
kateĥisto | catechist |
kateĥiza | catechetical |
kateĥizado | confirmation classes |
kateĥizato | catechumen |
kateĥizi | catechize |
kateĥizisto | catechist |
kateĥizo | catechetics |
katekismo | catechism |
katekisto | catechist |
katekiza | catechetical |
katekizado | confirmation classes |
katekizato | catechumen |
katekizi | catechize |
katekizisto | catechist |
katekizo | catechetics |
kateni | fetter, shackle |
kateniĝi | become chained up, be placed in chains |
kateno | fetter, shackle |
katetero | catheter |
kateto | little cat, kitty |
katherbo | allheal, valerian |
katido | kitten |
katino | cat (fem.), female cat |
katio | catty |
katizi | glaze, gloss |
katizo | gloss, luster |
katjono | cation |
kato | cat |
katodo | cathode, negative electrode |
katodradia ekrano | cathode ray screen |
katodradia tubo | cathode ray tube |
katodradia | cathode ray |
katolika | Catholic |
katolikeco | catholicity |
katolikino | Catholic |
katolikismo | Catholisism |
katoliko | catholic |
katuna | cotton |
katuno | cotton |
katviro | tom cat |
kaŭcie | under bond, on bail |
kaŭcii | post bail, bail |
kaŭcio | deposit; bail, bond |
kaŭĉuka | rubber |
kaŭĉukarbo | rubber tree |
kauĉukfloso | inflatable raft |
kaŭĉuko | rubber |
Kaŭkaza montaro | Caucasus Mountains |
kaŭkaza | Caucasus, Caucasia |
kaukazo | Caucasus |
Kaŭkazo | Caucasus, Caucasia |
Kaŭkazoj | Caucasus |
kaŭranto | lurker |
kaŭri | cower, crouch, squat |
kaŭriĝi | crouch, squat |
kaŭsalgio | burning pain |
kaŭstika | burning, caustic, corrosive |
kaŭstikaĵo | caustic substance, cautery |
kaŭstikeco | causticity |
kaŭteri | cauterize |
kaŭterizi | cauterize, sear |
kaŭterizilo | cautery |
kaŭtero | branding iron, cautery |
kaŭza | causal |
kaŭze de | because of, on account of |
kaŭzeco | causality |
kaŭzi malprofiton | harm, hurt, injure, prejudice |
kaŭzi malutilon al | harm, hurt, injure, prejudice |
kaŭzi skandalon | create a scandal, give offence |
kaŭzi | cause, give rise to |
kaŭzinto | perpetrator, responsible party |
kaŭzo | cause, reason |
kava | concave, hollow |
kavaĵo | cavity |
kavaleriano | cavalryman |
kavalerio | cavalry |
kavalira | chivalrous, gallant, knightly |
kavaliraĵo | gallant act, gallant deed |
kavalire | chivalrously, gallantly |
kavalireca | chivalrous, knightly, gallant |
kavalireco | knighthood, chivalry |
kavalirigo | accolade |
kavaliro | knight |
kavalirsprono | larkspur |
kavalkado | cavalcade |
Kavano | Cavan |
kaveca | hollow |
kaverna | hollow |
kaverneto | small cave |
kavernhomo | caveman |
kaverno | cave, cavern, den |
kavernulo | cave-dweller, caveman, troglodyte |
kaveta | concave |
kaveto | indentation |
kavi | dig out, excavate |
kaviaro | caviar |
kavigi | burrow, excavate, hollow |
kavio | guinea pig |
kavo | cave, cavity |
kavokula | hollow-eyed |
kaza ordono | case statement |
kaza | case, affair, variant (part) |
kazaĥa | Kazakh, Kazak, Qazaq |
Kazaĥio (Kazaĥujo) | Kazakhstan |
Kazaĥio | Kazakhstan |
kazaĥo | Kazakh, Kazak, Qazaq |
Kazaĥujo | Kazakhstan |
kazako | colors, smock |
kaze ke | in the event that |
kazeigaĵo | rennet |
kazeiĝi | curdle |
kazeigilo | rennet |
kazeino | casein |
kazemato | casemate |
kazeo | curd |
kazerno | barracks |
kazetikedo | tag field, variant selector |
kazfrazo | case |
kazigilo | rennet |
kazino | casino |
kazo | case, affair, matter |
kazostudo | case study, casestudy |
kazstudo | case study |
kazuaro | cassowary |
kazublo | chasuble |
kazuistiko | causistry |
kazuisto | causist |
kazuo | difficulty of conscience |
Kbajt | Kbyte |
Kbit | Kbit |
kc (kaj ceteraj) | etc., and others, et cetera |
kc (kaj cetere) | etc., and besides, and furthermore, et cetera |
KCE (Kultura Centro de Esperanto) | Esperanto Cultural Center |
KCE (Kultura Centro Esperantista) | Esperantist Cultural Center |
KD (kompakta disko) | CD, compact disc |
KD (kompaktdisko) | CD, compact disc |
KD-a etikedo | CD label, compact disc label |
KD-a | CD, compact disc |
KD-ilo | CD drive |
KD-legilo | CD player, compact disc player, CD-ROM drive, CD ROM drive |
KD-registrado | CD mastering |
KD-registrilo | CD burner, CD writer, CD recorder |
KD-ujo | jewel case (CD) |
ke | that |
kebabejo | kebab |
kebabo | kebab |
kecalo | quetzal |
keĉapo | ketchup |
keĉua | Quechua |
keĉupo | ketchup |
kefiro | kefir |
kegio | skittle |
keglado | bowling |
keglanto | bowler |
keglaro | ninepins, skittles, bowling |
keglejo | bowling alley |
keglisto | bowler |
keglo | pin |
kegloj | skittles |
kegloludanto | bowler |
kegloludejo | bowling alley |
kegloludo | bowling |
keiranto | wallflower |
kejli | peg, pin |
kejlo | peg, plug |
Kejmanoj | Cayman Islands |
Kejto | Keith |
kekso | biscuit, cookie |
keletaĝo | basement |
kelfenestro | basement window |
kelidonio | greater celandine |
kelisto | butler, cellar man |
kelka | some |
kelkafoje | a few times |
kelkaj homoj | some people |
kelkaj | a few, any, some |
kelkajn horojn poste | several hours later |
kelkatage | for a few days |
kelkatempa | temporary |
kelkatempe | for a time, temporarily |
kelkcent | several hundred |
kelke da | a few, some |
kelke | some |
kelkfoja | occasional |
kelkfoje | several times, sometimes |
kelkmonate | for a few months |
kelkoble | several times as much |
kelkoblo | several times |
kelkokaze | sometimes |
kelkope | several together |
kelktempe | temporarily |
kelneri | wait |
kelnerino | waitress |
kelnero | waiter |
kelo | basement, cellar |
kelonio | turtle |
kelŝtuparo | basement stairs |
kelta lingvo | Celtic language |
Kelta Maro | Celtic Sea |
kelta | Celtic |
kelto | Celt |
kelvino | kelvin |
kelvinometro | color meter |
kemia | chemical |
kemiaĵo | chemical |
kemie | chemically |
kemiisto | chemist |
kemio | chemistry |
kemiterapio | chemotherapy |
kenja | Kenyan |
kenjanino | Kenyan woman |
kenjano | Kenyan |
Kenjo | Kenya |
Kenmaro | Kenmare |
keno | keno (game); resinous wood |
kenomelo | dwarf quince |
kenopodiacoj | goosefoot |
Kenozoiko | Caenozoic, Cenozoic |
kenta | Kentish |
kentukia | Kentuckian |
kentukiano | Kentuckian |
Kentukio | Kentucky |
keo | kea |
Keopso | Cheops |
kep (kaj eble plej) | and perhaps most |
kepb (kaj eble plej baldaŭ) | and perhaps soonest |
keplera | Kepler, Keplerian |
kepleraj leĝoj | Kepler’s laws |
Keplero | Kepler |
kepo | cap (military) |
kepro | twill |
Kerbero | Cerberus |
Kerero | Kerrera |
Kergeloj | Kerguelen |
kerio | Japanese yellow rose |
kerkedula | teal |
kerkedulo | garganey |
kermeso | fair |
kerna dosiero | core file |
kerna eraro | kernel fault |
kerna escepto | kernel exception |
kerna nivelo | core level |
kerna profilado | kernel profiling |
kerna reĝimo | kernel mode |
kerna sencimigilo | kernel debugger |
kerna | kernel, core |
kerneca | pithy |
kerneco | centrality |
kernenergio | nuclear energy |
kerneto | pit |
kernfrukto | drupe |
kerno | core, nucleus, kernel, pit |
kernovoko | system call, supervisor call |
kernreĝima escepto | kernel mode exception |
kernreĝima pelilo | kernel mode driver |
kernrompulo | hawfinch |
kero | heart |
kerofilo | chervil |
kerosena | kerosene |
keroseno | kerosene |
kerubo | cherub |
kesteto | cassette |
kestkaptilo | box trap |
Kesto de Interligo | Ark of the Covenant |
kesto | box, chest |
kestoŝranko | buffet |
KEV (Konciza Etimologia Vortario) | Konciza Etimologia Vortario (Concise Etymological Dictionary) |
kia ajn | any at all, whatever, whatever kind of, whatsoever |
kia ĝi estis | such as it was, as it was |
kia lingvaĵo! | what language! |
kia patro, tia filo | like father, like son |
kia | what kind of, what sort of |
kiagrade | to what extent |
kial | why; what for |
kialigi | explain, give reasons, explain motivations, justify |
kialo | reason |
kiam ajn | whenever |
kiam | when; as |
kiamaniere | how, in what way |
kiamotive | for what reason |
kian | what kind of, what sort of |
kiarezulte | with what result, with what effect |
kiberkosmo | cyberspace |
kibernetika | cybernetic |
kibernetiko | cybernetics |
kibico | bushbody, meddler |
Kiblo | Qibla (in Mecca) |
kiborgo | cyborg |
kibucano | kibbutznik |
kibuco | kibbutz |
kiĉa | kitschy |
kiĉaĵo | kitsch |
kiĉea | K'iche', Quiché, Qatzijob'al |
kiĉo | kitsch |
kidnapi | to kidnap |
kidnapo | kidnapping |
kie ajn | wherever |
kie diable | where the devil, where in the dickens |
kie | where |
kiel ajn | whatever the case may be |
kiel antaŭe | as before |
kiel ĉiam | as always |
kiel dirite | that said, having said that, as was mentioned |
kiel ordinare | as per usual, as usual |
kiel se | as if |
kiel vi fartas? | how do you do?, how are you? |
kiel | as, how, like, in what way |
kiela | what kind of |
kiele | in what way, how |
kielmaniere | in what way |
kien | to where |
kieo | whereabouts |
kies | of which, which one’s, whose |
Kieva Regno | Kievan Rus |
Kievo | Kiev |
Kijevo | Kiev |
kikero | chickpea |
Kilarnio | Killarney |
Kilimanĝaro | Kilimanjaro |
Kilino | Killin |
Kilkenio | Kilkenny |
Kilmarnoko | Kilmarnock |
kilo | keel |
kilobajto | kilobyte (kB) |
kilobito | kilobit |
kilobitoko | kilobyte, kilo-octet |
kilociklo | kilocycle |
kilogramo | kilo |
kiloherco | kilohertz (kHz) |
kiloĵulo | kilojoule |
kilokalorio | kilocalorie |
kilolitro | kiloliter |
kilometro | kilometer, kilometre |
kilomolo | kilomole |
kiloneŭtono | kilonewton |
kilonutono | kilonewton |
kiloomo | kilohm, kilo-ohm |
kiloparseko | kiloparsec |
kilopaskalo | kilopascal |
Kilorglino | Killorglin |
kilotuno | kiloton |
kiloŭato | kilowatt |
kilovathoro | kilowatt-hour |
kilovato | kilowatt |
kilovatto | kilowatt |
kilovolto | kilovolt |
Kilruŝo | Kilrush |
Kilsido | Kilsyth |
kilsono | centerboard |
kilto | kilt |
Kimberlio | Kimberley |
kimbunda | Kimbundu, Mbundu |
kimĉio | kimchi |
kimono | kimono |
kimra lingvo | Welsh, Welsh language |
kimra | Welsh |
Kimrio | Wales |
kimro | Welshman |
Kimrujo | Wales |
kinaĵo | film |
kinarto | art of cinema, cinema |
kinazo | kinase |
Kinegado | Kinnegad |
kinejo | cinema, movie theatre |
kinejvizitanto | moviegoer |
kinematiko | kinematics |
kinematografaĵo | film, cineographic work |
kinematografejo | cinema, movie theatre, theatre, the pictures |
kinematografi | film |
kinematografio | cinematography |
kinematografo | film projector, movie projector |
kineta energio | kinetic energy |
kineta | kinetic |
Kinguso | Kingussie |
kinino | quinine |
kinisto | filmmaker |
Kinkardino | Kincardin |
kinkonino | cinchonine |
kinkono | cinchona (bark, tree) |
Kinloĥbervo | Kinlochbervie |
kino | cinema |
kinofilmo | movie |
kinono | quinone |
kinostudio | study of cinema |
kinoteatro | cinema, movie house, movie theater |
Kinroso | Kinross |
Kinstono ĉe la Hulo | Kingston upon Hull |
kinstudio | study of cinema |
Kintajlo | Kintail |
kio ajn okazos | at all events |
kio ajn | whatever |
kio estas al vi | to what’s the matter |
kio estis pruvota | Q.E.D., quod erat demonstrandum, QED, which is what had to be proved |
kio plu estas | what’s more |
kio | what, which |
kiom ajn | however much |
kiom da tempo | how long |
kiom da | how many, what quantity of |
kiom eble | as much as possible, as far as possible |
kiom mi vidas | as far as I can see |
kiom oni volas | as much as one wishes |
kiom | how many, how much |
kioma horo estas? | what time is it? |
kioma horo | what time |
kioma | how many, what number |
kiomgrade | to what extent |
kiomjara | how old |
kiomo | amount, quantity; what, which |
kion ajn | anything, whatever |
kiosko | kiosk, gazebo |
Kioto | Kyoto |
kipĉaka | Kipchak, Qypchaq |
kipĉako | Kipchak, Qypchaq |
kipo | kip |
kipra | Cypriot, Cypress, Cypriote, Cyprian |
kipranino | Cypriot (fem.), Cypriote (fem.), Cyprian (fem.) |
kipraninoj | Cypriots (fem.), Cypriotes (fem.), Cyprians (fem.) |
kiprano | Cypriot, Cypriote, Cyprian |
kipranoj | Cypriots, Cypriotes, Cyprians |
Kipro | Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus; Κύπρος, Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία; Kıbrıs, Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti |
kirasa | armored |
kirasaŭto | armored car |
kirasglaso | armor glass |
kirasi | armor, armour |
kiraso | armor, armour |
kiraspiko | armor-piercing |
kirasŝipo | armored ship |
kirgiza | Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstani |
Kirgizio (Kirgizujo) | Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kirghizia |
Kirgizio | Kirghizia |
kirgizo | Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstani |
Kirgizujo | Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kirghizia |
kiribata | I-Kiribati, Gilbertese, Kiribati, Kiribatese |
kiribatano | I-Kiribati, Kiribati |
Kiribato | Kiribati, Republic of Kiribati |
kirilico | kirillitsa, Cyrillic writing |
Kirkaldo | Kirkcaldy |
kirko | church |
Kirkudbrito | Kirkcudbright |
Kirkvalo | Kirkwall |
kirlakvo | maelstrom, whirlpool |
kirlakvoj | rapids |
kirli | curl, froth, stir, whip, whirl |
kirliĝi | swirl |
kirlilo | whisk |
kirlita | whipped, frothed |
kirlo | curl |
kirlovaĵo | scrambled eggs |
kirloventego | cyclone |
kirlovento | whirlwind |
kirmeso | kermes |
kiromancio | chiromancy, palmistry |
kiroptero | bat (animal), Chiroptera |
kiropteroj | bats (animal) |
kirŝo | cherry brandy, kirsh |
kirurga masko | surgical mask |
kirurga operacio | surgical operation, operation, surgery |
kirurga | surgical |
kirurgia instrumentaro | surgical instruments |
kirurgia | surgery |
kirurgie | surgically |
kirurgiejo | surgery |
kirurgiisto | surgeon |
kirurgio | surgery |
kirurgo | surgeon |
kisi iun ĝisrevide | kiss someone goodbye |
kisi | kiss |
kisinde | kissable |
kisinto | one who has kissed |
kisito | one who has been kissed |
kiso | kiss |
kiŝo | quiche |
kisonto | one who will kiss |
kisoto | one who will be kissed |
kisto | cyst (medical) |
kitelo | overalls, smock |
Kitimato | Kitimat |
kitino | chitin |
kitio | kittywake |
kitivako | kittywake |
kiu ajn | any, whichever, whoever |
kiu pli frue venas, pli bonan lokon prenas | first come, first served |
kiu | who, that, which, which one |
kiucele | why, for what purpose |
kiuhore | at what time |
kiuj | who, which, which ones, that |
kiumaniere | in which fashion, which way |
kiun | which, which one, that, who |
kivifrukto | kiwi |
kivio | kiwi |
kivo | kiwi |
KK (kaŝita kopio) | BCC, blind carbon copy, blind copy |
KKS (Konstanta Kongresa Sekretario) | Permanent Congress Secretary |
klabfungoj | club fungi |
klabi | bludgeon |
klabo | club, bludgeon |
klabujo | golf bag |
klaĉado | gossip |
klaĉemulino | yenta |
klaĉgazetaro | tabloids |
klaĉgazeto | tabloid |
klaĉi | gossip |
klaĉisto | gossip (person) |
klaĉo | gossip |
klaĉulino | gossip (fem.) |
klaĉulo | gossip (person) |
klado | phylum, sub-kingdom |
kladonio | cup lichen, Cladonia |
klafto | fathom |
klaka ofteco | click frequency |
klaka rapido | click speed |
klaka | click |
klakbildo | clickable image |
klakĉapelo | high hat, top hat |
klakdanco | tap dance |
klakfermi | bang, slam |
klakfermiĝi | slam shut |
klaki dekstre | right click, context click |
klaki per butono de muso | click |
klaki | click, clap, rattle |
klakileto | castanet |
klakilo | rattle (noisemaker) |
klakmapo | clickable image map |
klako | click |
klakokanalo | click track |
klakreaga bildo | clickable image |
klakreaga | clickable |
klangulo | goldeneye (duck), long-tailed duck, Bucephala |
klano | clan |
klapeto | tab |
klapkonko | bivalve |
klaplito | crib |
klapo | valve |
klappordo | trapdoor |
klapseĝo | folding chair |
klara | clear, distinct, plain |
klaraŭdebla | audible |
klaraŭdeco | clairaudience |
klarcentra filtrilo | center-spot |
klare | clearly |
klareco | clarity |
klarega | limpid, self-evident |
klaresprima | articulate |
klaresprime | articulately |
klareto | claret (wine) |
klariga | explanatory |
klarigebla | explainable |
klarigeto | legend |
klarigi la voĉon | clear one’s voice |
klarigi per ekzemploj | clarify by examples |
klarigi | clarify, explain |
klariĝi | clear |
klarigilo | callout |
klarigo | explanation |
klariona | clarion |
klarioni | sound |
klarionisto | bugler |
klariono | clarion |
klarkio | clarkia |
klarmensa | lucid, clear-thinking |
klarneto | clarinet |
klarsento | clairsentience |
klarvida | clairvoyant |
klarvideco | clairvoyance |
klas-identigilo | class identifier |
klasa diagramo | class diagram |
klasa ŝlosilo | class key |
klasado | sorting |
klasamiko | classmate |
klasano | grader |
klasbatalo | class struggle |
klasĉambro | classroom |
klasejo | classroom, schoolroom |
klasi | sort |
klasidentigilo | class identifier |
klasifika datenaro | sort file |
klasifikado | classification |
klasifiki | classify |
klasifiko | classification |
klasigi | classify |
klasigo | classification |
klasika vido | classic view |
klasika | classic, classical |
klasikaĵo | classic |
klasike | classically |
klasikeco | classicalness |
klasikismo | classicism |
klasikisto | classicist |
klasikulo | classics person, classical person |
klaskonscio | class consciousness |
klaso | class |
klaŭnaĵo | antic |
klaŭni | clown around |
klaŭno | clown |
klaŭstro | cloister |
klaŭstrofobio | claustrophobia |
klaŭzo | clause |
klava | key |
klavado | keystrokes, keystroking, stroke (key) |
klavaĵo | key |
klavararanĝo | keyboard layout |
klavardifino | keyboard definition |
klavareto | key pad |
klavarfasono | keyboard layout |
klavarinstrumento | keyboard instrument |
klavaristino | keyboard player |
klavarlingvo | keyboard language |
klavaro | keyboard |
klavceno | harpsichord |
klavea ritmo | clave |
klaveoj | claves |
klavi | stroke in |
klaviceneto | ottavino, spinet, virginal |
klaviceno | harpsichord |
klaviklo | clavicle, collar bone |
klavikordo | clavichord |
klavkomando | hot key |
klavkombino | keyboard shortcut, keybinding |
klavkombinoj | keyboard shortcut, key combination, key combo |
klavmapo | keymap file |
klavo | key |
klavofrapo | keystroke |
klavoj | keys |
klavoprotokoligilo | keylogger |
klavoŝloso | key lock |
klavosupro | keytop |
klavpremo | keystroke |
klavripeta rapido | key repeat rate |
klavripeta | key-repeat, key repeat |
klefo | clef |
klejdomancio | cleidomancy |
klematido | clematis, old man’s beard, traveler’s joy, clematis |
klementino | clementine |
klemo | terminal |
kleo | clef |
kleomo | spiderflower, cleome |
Kleopatro | Cleopatra |
klepsidro | sandglass, hourglass, water clock |
kleptomanio | kleptomania |
klera | cultured, educated, learned, well-informed |
kleraĉa | academic |
klereco | scholarship |
klerega | profound, learned |
klerigado | education, enlightenment |
klerigi | educate, enlighten |
klerijuo | clerihew |
klerika | clerical |
klerikala | clerical, clericalist |
klerikalismo | clericalism |
klerikaro | clergy |
klerikino | clergywoman |
kleriko | cleric |
klerismo | Age of Reason, Enlightenment |
klero | literacy, learnedness |
kleromancio | cleromancy |
klerulo | scholar |
klevinkulo | accolade |
Klevlando | Cleveland, Ohio |
klienta aplikaĵo | useragent, user-agent |
klienta-servila arkitekturo | client–server architecture |
klienta-servila reto | client server network |
klienta-servila | client-server, client server |
klientaro | clientele |
klientaservila | client-server, client server |
klientflanka bildigo | client-side rendering |
klientflanka | client-side |
klientino | customer |
klientkomputilo | client computer |
kliento | client, customer |
klientonumero | client number |
klientorilata administrado | CRM, customer relationship management |
klientoserva mastrumado | CRM, customer relationship management |
klientoservo | front office |
klientserva mastrumado | CRM, customer relationship management |
klientservo | customer care |
klientzorgado | customer care |
Klifdeno | Clifden |
klifo | cliff |
klikhorloĝo | stopwatch |
kliko | clique, coterie, junto, set |
klikproblemo | clique problem |
klimaksa | climactic |
klimaksi | climax |
klimakso | climax |
klimaktera | climacteric |
klimakteriko | climacteric |
klimaktero | climacteric |
klimata | climatic |
klimatizado | air conditioning, AC |
klimatizi | air condition, climatize |
klimatizilo | air conditioning, AC |
klimatizita | air-conditioned |
klimatizo | air conditioning, AC |
klimato | climate |
klimatologio | climatology |
klimatologo | climatologist |
klinĉo | deadlock, deadly embrace |
klingo | blade |
klingona | Klingon |
klini sin | bend, stoop |
klini | bend, incline, tilt |
kliniĝi antaŭen | bend over |
kliniĝi | stoop |
kliniĝinte | stealthily, furtively |
kliniĝo | inclination, pitch, slant, slope, stoop, tilt |
kliniigi | tilt |
klinika | clinical |
kliniko | clinic |
klinita | bent, tilted |
klinko | latch, doorhandle |
klino | bending, bow |
klinrando | beveled edge |
klintranĉi | bevel |
klintranĉita rando | bevel |
klintranĉita | beveled, bevelled, bevel |
klipo | clip, clasp |
klipso | adjusting clip |
kliŝaĵaro | stereotype, plate (stereotype) |
kliŝaĵo | stereotype |
kliŝi | stereotype |
kliŝo | stereotype |
klisterilo | enema |
klistero | clyster, injection (medical), douche, enema |
klitoro | clitoris |
klivi | cleave, split |
kloakaĵo | sewage |
kloakfaŭko | drain |
kloako | sewer |
Kloĥo | Clough |
kloni | clone |
klonigi | clone |
klonigo | cloning |
klonika | clonic |
klonita | cloned |
Klonmelo | Clonmel |
klono | clone |
klonulo | cloned person, clone |
klopodado | bustle, exertion, proceedings, striving |
klopodema | assiduous, bustling |
klopodi | aim, attempt, endeavor, endeavour, take steps, undertake |
klopodo | attempt, effort |
kloralo | chloral |
klorbromida | chlorbromide |
klorido | chloride |
kloro | chlorine |
klorofilo | chlorophyll |
kloroformi | chloroform |
kloroformo | chloroform |
kloroza | anemic |
klorozo | chlorosis, iron-deficiency anemia |
klorpromazino | chlorpromazine |
kloŝforma kurbo | bell curve, bell-shaped curve, Gaussian curve |
kloŝforma | bell-shaped, bell |
kloŝo | cloche, bell jar, bell-shaped cover |
kloŝoĉapelo | bowler |
kloŝopo | closed shop |
klostro | cloister |
klostrofobio | claustrophobia |
klozeto | toilet |
klozoneo | cloisonné |
klubaneco | club membership |
klubano | club member |
klubejo | clubhouse |
klubo | club, society |
kluĉi | clutch |
kluĉilo | clutch |
kluĉopedalo | clutch pedal |
kluĉorisorto | clutch return spring |
kluĉstango | clutch arm, clutch lever |
kluki | cluck |
klukkluki | gurgle |
klupeo | clupeoid |
kluso | hawse hole, hawse pipe |
kluza adreso | gateway address |
kluza fajroŝirmilo | edge firewall |
kluza | gateway |
kluzo | lock, sluice |
kmera | Khmer, Cambodian |
knaba | boyish |
knabaĉo | brat |
knabaĝo | boyhood |
knabeca | boyish |
knabeco | boyishness |
knabego | big boy |
knabeto | little boy |
knabina nomo | maiden name |
knabina | girlish |
knabineca | girlish |
knabineto | little girl |
knabino | girl, lass |
knabo | boy |
knabulino | tomboy |
knali | bang, explode, burst, make a loud sound |
knaligi | bang |
knalo | backfire, bang |
knara | strident |
knaranaso | gadwall |
knari | creak, grate |
knarilo | clack |
knaro | scratch, scratching, scraping, grating |
knedaĵo | dough |
knedi | knead |
knedliko | dumpling |
knedpasto | plasticine |
knedujo | kneading bowl, kneading trough |
knelo | dumpling |
kniki | buckle |
knikiĝi | buckle |
knikiĝo | buckling |
knokaŭto | knockout, knock out, knock-out |
knuto | knout |
ko (K) | K, the letter K, kay (letter name) |
ko. (kompanio) | co., company |
ko | name of the letter K |
koagulaĵo | clot |
koaguli | coagulate |
koaguliĝi | coagulate |
koaguliĝo | blood clump |
koaksiala | coaxial |
koakso | coke |
koaliciano | ally |
koalicii | form a coalition |
koalicio | coalition |
koalo | koala |
koano | choana |
kobajo | guinea pig |
kobalto | cobalt |
Kobeo | Kobe (city in Japan) |
kobitidedoj | loach |
kobitido | loach |
koboldo | goblin, imp |
Kobolo | COBOL, Common Business-Oriented Language, COmmon Business-Oriented Language |
kobro | cobra |
koĉenilo | cochineal |
Koĉero | Auriga; coachman |
koĉero | coachman |
koĉo | coccus |
koda | coded |
kodado | coding, encoding |
kodaĵa administrado | snippet management |
kodaĵa | snippet |
kodaĵo | snippet, program code, key |
kodako | snapshot camera |
kodaliro | code access |
kodaro | character set, charset |
kodeino | codeine |
kodeko | codec |
kodekso | codex, pharmacopoeia |
kodero | code element |
kodi | encode |
kodicilo | codicil |
kodigi | encode |
kodigo | codification |
kodiĝo | coding, encoding |
kodilo | coder |
kodisto | coder |
kodita | coded |
kodo | code, law |
kodogenerilo | code generator |
kodono | code element, code point, code position, bit combination |
kodoprezenta | encoding |
kodoprezento | character encoding scheme, encoding, content transfer encoding |
kodoromo | CD-ROM, CD ROM |
kodoteko | library |
kodpaĝo | code page, code set, coded character set |
kodranto | quadrant |
kodrompi | hack |
kodrompilo | crack |
kodrompisto | cracker |
kodŝanĝa signo | escape character |
kodstrekaro | barcoding, barcodes, bar codes |
kodstreko | barcode, bar code |
kodteorio | coding theory |
kodumi | hack |
kodumulo | hacker |
kodvorto | code word |
koeficiento | coefficient |
kofaktoro | cofactor |
kofro | trunk |
kofrujo | trunk |
kohera | coherent, connected, consistent |
kohere | coherently |
kohereckontrolo | consistency check |
kohereco | consistency |
koheri | cohere |
kohero | cohesion |
kohorto | cohort |
koincida | coincident |
koincidi | coincide, concur |
koincidigebla | superposable |
koincido | coincidence |
koiti | make love |
koito | coition |
kojlo | colon |
kojna dento | fang |
kojnaĵo | greeking |
kojnforma skribo | cuneiform |
kojni | wedge |
kojno | wedge |
kojnodento | canine (tooth) |
kojnoforma | cuneiform |
kojnoskribo | greeking |
kojono | testicle |
kojonoj | balls |
kojoto | coyote |
kojpo | coypu |
koka ovo | hen’s egg |
koka | hen, chicken |
kokaino | cocaine |
kokaĵo | chicken, hen |
kokao | coca bush |
kokardo | bow, cockade |
kokbatalo | cockfight |
kokcigo | coccyc |
kokcinelo | ladybug |
kokejo | coop |
Kokenzo | Cockenzie |
kokeriki | crow, cock-a-doodle-doo |
kokeriko | cock-a-doodle-doo |
koketa | coquettish |
koketeco | coquetry |
koketi | flirt |
koketulino | coquette, flirt |
koketulo | beau |
kokidaĵo | chicken |
kokideto | baby chicken |
kokidino | pullet |
kokido | chick, chicken |
kokinaĵo | chicken, hen |
kokino | chicken, fowl |
kokleario | scurvy-grass |
kokluŝo | pertussis, whooping cough |
koko | chicken, fowl |
kokono | cocoon |
kokosarbo | coconut palm |
Kokosinsuloj | Cocos Islands |
kokoslakto | coconut milk |
kokosnukso | coconut, cocoanut, cocoa-nut, coco-nut |
kokoso | coconut, cocoanut, cocoa-nut, coco-nut |
kokospalmo | coconut palm |
kokospulpo | coconut pulp |
kokossuko | coconut water |
kokosujo | coconut palm |
kokotraŭsto | hawfinch |
kokpito | cockpit |
kokri | be unfaithful, be unfaithful to |
kokrito | cuckold, deceived husband |
koksalgio | coxalgia |
kokso | hip |
koktelo | cocktail |
kolapsa traktilo | crash handler |
kolapsi | crash (computer) |
kolapso | crash |
kolardo | collard |
kolbasbulko | hot dog bun |
kolbaseto | sausage |
kolbaso | sausage |
kolbo | butt, grip |
kolbrido | halter |
kolĉeno | necklace |
kolĉikino | colchicine |
kolĉiko | meadow saffron |
koldkremo | cold cream |
koldoloro | stiff neck |
kole | by the neck, around the neck |
koledoko | bile duct |
kolega | fraternal |
kolegaro | band of coworkers |
kolegeca | fraternal |
kolegeco | good fellowship |
kolegema | fraternal |
kolegemo | good fellowship |
kolegieco | collegiality |
kolegio | college |
kolego | colleague |
kolektado de kundividantoj | peer exchange (torrent) |
kolektado | collection |
kolektanto | collector |
kolekti | collect, gather, pick up |
kolektiĝi | collect, get together, gather together |
kolektiĝo | parade; roll-call |
kolektisto | receiver, collector (taxes) |
kolektita dosiero | collected file |
kolektita | collected |
kolektiva | collective, joint |
kolektive | collectively |
kolektiveco | collectivity |
kolektivigi | collectivize |
kolektivismo | collectivism |
kolektivisto | collectivist |
kolektivo | collective |
kolekto | collection |
koleo | coleus |
koleoptera | coleopterous |
koleoptero | beetle |
koleopteroj | beetles |
kolera je | angry at, mad at |
kolera | angry, cross |
Kolerajno | Coleraine |
kolere | angrily |
kolereco | anger, choler, ire, wrath |
kolerega | furious |
kolerege | extremely angry, furious |
koleregi | be in a rage |
koleregiĝi | become furious, become very angry |
koleregigi | exasperate |
kolerego | anger, rage, wrath |
kolerema | passionate, testy |
koleremo | temper |
kolereta | sullen |
kolereti | pout, sulk |
koleri kontraŭ | be angry at, be mad at, get angry at, get mad at |
koleri | be angry |
koleriga | exasperating |
koleriĝi | get angry |
kolerigi | madden, anger |
kolerika | choleric |
kolerikulo | hothead, hot-tempered, choleric person |
kolero | anger |
kolerpreta | quick to anger |
kolesterolo | cholesterol |
kolhararo | mane |
kolharoj | mane |
Kolĥido | Colchis |
kolĥozo | collective farm, kolkhoz |
kolibro | hummingbird |
koliero | necklace |
koliko | colic, gripes |
koliksorpujo | chequer tree, wild service-tree |
kolimati | adjust |
kolimbo | diver (bird), loon |
kolirio | eye drops, eye salve, eye wash |
kolizii kontraŭ | collide with, crash into |
kolizii kun | collide with, crash into |
kolizii | collide |
koliziigi | crash |
kolizio | collision |
kolizo | collision |
kolo | neck |
kolocinto | bitter apple, colocynth, colocynth apple |
kolodio | collodion |
kolofono | colophony, rosin, resin |
koloida | colloidal |
koloido | colloid |
kolojnakvo | cologne |
kolokvo | colloquium |
kolomba | of a dove, pigeon |
kolombejo | dovecot, pigeon house |
kolombia | Colombian |
kolombianino | Colombian woman |
kolombiano | Colombian |
kolombino | dove (fem.); pigeon (fem.) |
Kolombio | Colombia |
kolombo | dove; pigeon |
kolombumi | bill and coo |
kolonaro | colonnade |
kolonelo | colonel |
kolonia stilo | colonial style |
kolonia | colonial |
koloniado | colonization |
koloniano | colonial |
kolonii | colonize |
koloniiĝi | be settled |
koloniigi | colonize |
koloniisma | colonialist |
koloniismo | colonialism |
koloniisto | colonist |
kolonio de abeloj | bee colony |
kolonio | colony, settlement |
kolonja akvo | cologne, eau de cologne |
Kolonjo | Cologne |
kolono | column, pillar |
Kolonsajo | Colonsay |
kolor-mastruma sistemo | color management system |
kolor-mastruma | color management |
kolora ekrano | color display |
kolora monitoro | color monitor |
kolora presilo | color printer |
kolora printilo | color printer |
kolora | colored |
koloradia | Coloradan |
koloradiano | Coloradan |
Koloradio | Colorado |
koloraĵo | color, coloring, tinge |
kolorapartigo | color separation |
koloraro | color set |
koloraturo | coloratura |
kolorblindeco | colorblindness, achromatopsia |
kolorbreto | color bar |
kolorcirklo | color gamut, color wheel |
koloreco | color saturation |
kolorelektilo | column selector |
koloretendo | color ramp |
koloretigi | tinge, tint |
kolorfilmo | color film |
kolorfiltrilo | color filter |
kolorfotografio | color photography |
kolorgamo | color gamut |
kolorheleco | shading |
kolori | color, paint |
kolorigaĵo | paint |
koloriĝi | color |
kolorigi | color, colour, paint |
kolorigilo | dye, paint |
kolorigisto | dyer, painter |
kolorilo | crayon, paint, dye |
kolorindekso | color index |
kolorindekstabelo | color lookup table |
kolorintenso | color depth, colour depth |
koloristo | colorist |
kolorita | colored |
kolorivo | color depth |
kolormastruma sistemo | color management system |
kolormastruma | color management, colour management |
kolormastrumado | color management |
kolornombro | chromatic number |
kolornuanco | hue, dye |
koloro | color, colour, dye |
kolorozo | color saturation |
kolorpaletro | color palette |
kolorpendinta | pale, sallow |
kolorplena | colorful |
kolorplene | colorfully |
kolorprofilo | color profile |
kolorskemo | color scheme |
kolorŝlosilo | color key |
kolorspaca modelo | color space model |
kolorspaca | colorspace, color space, color-space |
kolorspaco | colorspace, color space, color-space, colorspaces, color spaces, color-spaces |
kolorspacoj | colorspaces, color spaces, color-spaces, colorspace, color space, color-space |
kolorspektro | color spectrum |
kolortabelo | color table, color map |
kolortemperaturo | color temperature |
kolortono | hue |
kolortransiro | gradient |
kolorvasteco | color range |
kolosa | colossal, huge |
kolose | colossally |
koloso | colossus |
kolostro | colostrum |
kolporti | peddle, sell door-to-door |
kolportisto | peddler |
kolrimeno | collar |
kolrompa | fatal |
kolskarpo | shawl |
koltuko | scarf, neckerchief |
kolubro | adder, colubrid |
Kolumbo | Columbus |
kolumĵerzo | poloneck |
kolumno-opcioj | column options |
kolumno | column |
kolumnogrando | column size |
kolumnolarĝo | column width |
kolumnopartigo | column split |
kolumnopcioj | column options |
kolumnosalto | column break |
kolumnotitolo | column heading |
kolumnovico | column row |
kolumo | collar |
koluzio | collusion |
Kolvinbajo | Colwyn Bay |
kolzo | colza, winter rape |
koma dosiero | comma-separated file, .csv, comma-separated values |
komanda butono | command button |
komanda dosiero | command file |
komanda enŝovo | command substitution |
komanda historio | command history |
komanda klavo | command key |
komanda linio | commandline, command line, command-line |
komanda sintakso | command syntax |
komanda | command |
komandanta | in charge, in command |
komandanto | commander |
komandaro | instruction set |
komandega arkitekturo | CISC architecture, Complex Instruction Set Computing architecture |
komandega | CISC, complex instruction set computer |
komandejo | bridge |
komandema | peremptory |
komandeta arkitekturo | RISC architecture, Reduced Instruction Set Computing architecture |
komandeta | RISC, reduced instruction set computer |
komandi | command, be in command, order |
komandinvito | command prompt |
komandita | ordered, commanded |
komanditanto | silent partner, sleeping partner |
komandito | limited partnership |
komandlinia interfaco | command-line interface |
komandlinia parametro | command-line parameter |
komandlinia sintakso | command-line syntax |
komandlinia | commandline, command-line |
komandlinio | commandline, command line, command-line, order line |
komando | command |
komandoareo | command area |
komandociklo | instruction cycle |
komandodirektata | command-driven |
komandodosiero | command file |
komandoformato | instruction format |
komandoformo | instruction format |
komandonombrilo | instruction counter, program counter, PC |
komandoro | commander |
komandozono | command area |
komata | comatose |
komatiĝi | hang |
komato | coma |
komatulo | feather star |
komatuloj | feather star |
kombajno | combine |
kombi | comb |
kombilo | comb |
kombinado | combination |
kombinaĵo | combination |
kombinato | combine |
kombinatorikaĵo | choice |
kombinatoriko | combinatorics, combinatorial analysis |
kombineo | body suit |
kombini | combine |
kombiniĝemo | affinity |
kombiniĝi | combine |
kombinita kablo | multicore |
kombino | combination, compound |
kombisto | barber |
komedia | comedic |
komedianto | comedian |
komediisto | actor (drama), comedian |
komedio | comedy |
komedono | acne |
komenca krampo | open parenthesis, opening parenthesis, left parenthesis, “( ” |
komenca litero | initial |
komenca paĝo | initial page |
komenca periodo | initial stage |
komenca pozicio | initial position |
komenca rando | initial vertex |
komenca respondotempo | startup latency |
komenca salajro | commencing salary |
komenca valoro | initial value |
komenca | initial, start-up, beginning |
komencaj kostoj | initial cost, initial costs, start-up cost, start-up costs |
komencantklaso | class for beginners |
komencanto | beginner |
komence de | at the beginning of, in the beginning |
komence ŝargi | bootstrap |
komence | at first, at the outset, in the beginning |
komenci de | start with |
komenci | begin, commence, start |
komenciĝi | begin, commence, start |
komenciĝo | beginning, commencement, start |
komencinto | intermediate user |
komenckondiĉa iteracio | while loop |
komenclitero | initial |
komencloko | starting point |
komenco | beginning, commencement, start |
komencrapido | initial velocity |
komencvalorizi | initialize |
komenta linio | comment line |
komenta marko | comment mark, note tag |
komenta | comment |
komentarii | comment on |
komentariisto | commentator |
komentario | annotation, note |
komentaro | commentary |
komenti | comment |
komentlinio | comment line, comment (code) |
komento | comment |
komerca kaj | ampersand, & |
komerca | business, commercial, proprietary, trade |
komercado | trading |
komerca | business (pl.), commercial (pl.), proprietary (pl.), trade (pl.) |
komercaĵo | merchandise, wares |
komercebla | tradable |
komerci | do business, trade |
komercistino | businesswoman |
komercisto | merchant |
komerco | business, commerce, trade |
komercocentro | business center |
komercŝipo | bulk carrier, cargo ship, container ship, freighter, merchant vessel, tanker |
Komercurbo | Commerce City |
kometo | comet |
komforta | comfortable |
komforte | comfortably |
komforteco | comfort |
komforti | comfort, solace |
komfortigi | make comfortable |
komforto | comfort |
komia | Komi, Zyrian, Komi-Zyrian |
komika | comic, comical, funny |
komike | comically |
komikeco | comedy, comicalness, funniness, humorousness, wittiness |
komikso | comic, comic strip |
komikulo | comedian, comic |
Komino | Comine |
komisario | commissioner |
komisaro | commissar |
komisia agento | commission agent |
komisiano | commissioner |
komisie de | on the part of, in someone’s name |
komisii | entrust, tell |
komisiitaro | commission |
komisiite de | on the part of, in someone’s name |
komisiito | commissioner |
komisiknabo | errand-boy |
komisio | commission, errand |
komisiono | commission |
komitatano | committee member |
komitatkunsido | committee meeting |
komitato de sindikataj delegitoj | shop stewards |
komitato | committee |
komizo | clerk |
komo | comma, “, ” |
komocii | cause a commotion |
komocio | commotion |
komodo | dresser, chest |
komodoro | commodore |
komorano | Comoran |
Komoroj | Comoros, Comoro Islands, Comoros Islands, Union of the Comoros |
kompakta disketo | CD single, compact disc single |
kompakta disko | CD, compact disc |
kompakta histo | compacta |
kompakta | compact |
kompaktadiskludilo | CD player, compact disc player |
kompaktdiskilo | CD player, compact disc player |
kompaktdisko | CD, compact disc |
kompaktiga makulaturtraktado | compacting garbage collection |
kompaktigi | compress |
kompaktigo | compaction |
kompaniano | associate |
kompanio kun limigita respondeco | LLC, limited liability company, company with limited liability |
kompanio | company |
kompaniulo | companion |
kompano | buddy, companion, comrade, pal |
kompara gramatiko | comparative grammar |
kompara kvalitprovo | benchmarking, benchmark |
kompara operacio | comparison |
kompara | comparison |
komparacio | comparison |
komparado | comparison |
komparaĵo | inequality |
komparativo | comparison |
kompare kun | compared to, in comparison with, compared with |
kompare | comparatively |
komparebla | comparable |
kompari | compare |
komparilo | comparator |
komparo | comparison |
kompartimento | compartment |
komparu | cf., compare |
kompasdirekto | compass direction |
kompaso | compass |
kompata | compassionate, kind |
kompataema | merciful |
kompatema | charitable, merciful |
kompatemo | charity, mercifulness, mercy |
kompati | have compassion on, pity |
kompatigi | excite pity |
kompatinda | dismal, miserable, pitiful, poor |
kompatindulo | poor person |
kompato | compassion, pity |
kompatoeco | mercy |
kompendio | abridgment, compendium |
kompensa | compensative |
kompensaĵo | amends, compensation, reparation, satisfaction |
kompensatoro | compensator |
kompense al | as compensation to |
kompense pro | in exchange for, in compensation for |
kompense | as compensation |
kompensi | compensate |
kompensilo | compensator |
kompenso | compensation |
kompensodevo | liability |
kompetenta | able, competent |
kompetente | capably, efficiently |
kompetenteco | ability |
kompetenti | be capable, be competent |
kompetento | ability, competence, qualification |
kompetentulo | expert |
kompila tempo | compile time, compile-time |
kompilado | compilation, compiling |
kompilaĵo | compilation |
kompilanto | compiler |
kompildaŭro | compile time |
kompilero | compiler |
kompili | compile |
kompililgeneratoro | compiler |
kompililo | compiler |
kompilo | compilation |
kompleksa reto | complex network |
kompleksa | complex |
komplekseco | complexity |
kompleksio | complexion, constitution |
komplekso de edipo | Oedipus complex |
komplekso de malplivaloreco | inferiority complex |
komplekso de malsupereco | inferiority complex |
komplekso | complex |
komplementa metaloksida duonkondukti | CMOS, complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor, complementary-symmetry metal–oxide–semiconductor |
komplementa metaloksida duonkonduktilo | CMOS, complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor |
komplementa prezento | complement representation |
komplementa | complementary, complement |
komplementi | complement |
komplemento ĝis dek | ten’s complement |
komplemento ĝis du | two’s complement |
komplemento ĝis naŭ | nine’s complement |
komplemento ĝis unu | one’s complement |
komplemento | adjunct |
kompleta domajna nomo | fully-qualified domain name |
kompleta ĝisdatigo | full update |
kompleta grafeo | complete graph |
kompleta instalado | full installation |
kompleta kopio | deep copy |
kompleta savkopio | full backup |
kompleta sekurkopio | full backup |
kompleta sumilo | full adder, three-input adder |
kompleta | complete, absolute |
komplete | completely, entirely, through |
kompleteco | completeness, wholeness |
kompletiga | complementary, supplementary, expansion |
kompletigaj | complementary (pl.), supplementary (pl.), expansion (pl.) |
kompletigeco | complementariness |
kompletiĝi | become complete |
kompletigi | complete |
kompletiĝo | completion, consummation |
kompletigo | replacement, replenishment, supplement |
kompletiva | completive |
kompleto | outfit, set, suit |
kompleza | kind, obliging |
kompleze | kindly |
komplezema | kind, obliging |
komplezemo | kindness, benevolence, good will |
komplezi | do a favor, do a favour |
kompleziĝema | easily accommodated |
komplezismo | appeasement |
komplezo | favor, favour |
kompliceco | abetment |
komplico | abetter, accessory, accomplice |
komplika | complicated |
komplikaĵo | complication |
komplike | intricately |
komplikeco | complexity, intricacy |
kompliki | complicate |
komplikiĝi | become complicated |
komplikiĝo | complexity |
komplikiteco | complexity |
kompliko | complexity |
komplikteorio | complexity theory |
komplimentado | giving compliments |
komplimentema | complimentary |
komplimenti | compliment |
komplimento | compliment |
komplota teorio | conspiracy theory |
komploti | conspire, plot |
komploto | conspiracy, plot |
komponado | composition |
komponaĵo | composition |
komponanto | component |
komponi | compose |
komponilo | builder tool, application designer tool |
komponisto | composer |
kompono | composition, superposition |
komposta grafiko | character graphics |
komposta | character, typeset |
kompostado | typesetting |
kompostaĵo | type |
komposteraro | typo, typographical error |
komposti | typeset |
kompostisto | typesetter |
kompoŝto | compost |
kompoto | compote |
kompozicio | musical composition, composition, composition of music |
kompozito | composite material |
komprenaĵo | conception, idea, notion |
komprene | understandably |
komprenebla | understandable |
kompreneble | of course |
komprenebleco | comprehensibility, intelligibility |
kompreneblo | comprehensibility, intelligibility |
kompreneco | comprehension |
komprenema | understanding |
komprenemo | understanding |
kompreneti | begin to understand, understand somewhat |
kompreni | understand, realize, realise |
kompreniĝi | be understandable, understand each other |
komprenigi | explain |
kompreniĝilo | aid to understanding |
kompreniĝo | comprehension |
komprenilo | aid to understanding |
komprenita | understood |
komprenkapablo | intellect, intelligence, understanding |
kompreno | notion, sense, realization |
komprenpovo | understanding |
kompreso | compress, gauze pads |
kompresoro | compressor |
kompromisi | compromise |
kompromiso | accommodation |
kompromiti | compromise, jeapardise |
kompromitiĝi | be involved in something, be mixed up in something, be implicated in something |
kompromito | dishonor, discredit, prejudice |
kompti | count |
komptilo | meter, counter |
komputa reĝimo | compute mode |
komputa sistemo | computer system |
komputa | computer, compute |
komputada stato | processor state |
komputado oficejo | bureau |
komputado | computing |
komputebla aro | effectively computable set, recursively enumerable set |
komputebla funkcio | computable function, effectively computable function |
komputebla | effectively computable |
komputeblo | effective computability |
komputejo | computing center, computer center |
komputemulo | avid computer user |
komputera | computer |
komputerdisketo | diskette |
komputero | computer |
komputeroscienco | computer science |
komputerprogramisto | computer programmer |
komputerprogramo | computer program |
komputi | compute |
komputika | computer, relating to computers |
komputiko | computer science |
komputil-nedependa | machine independent |
komputila administranto | computer administrator |
komputila aldonplato | PC Card, PCMCIA Card |
komputila algebro | algebraic symbol manipulation |
komputila arkitekturo | computer architecture |
komputila festo | LAN party |
komputila fraŭdo | computer fraud |
komputila grafiko | computer graphics |
komputila karto | extension card |
komputila KD | CD-ROM |
komputila klero | computer literacy |
komputila konto | computer account |
komputila krimo | computer crime |
komputila labortablo | desktop |
komputila laiko | computer-illiterate user |
komputila lingvo | computer language |
komputila nulo | computer illiterate user |
komputila povo | computing power |
komputila programo | computer program |
komputila reto | computer network |
komputila sekurigo | computer security |
komputila viruso | virus |
komputila | computer |
komputilaj festoj | LAN parties |
komputile helpata fabrikado | computer-aided manufacturing |
komputile helpata instruado | computer-aided learning |
komputile helpata | computer-aided, computer aided, computer-assisted, computer assisted |
komputile ligita | online, on-line, on line |
komputilego | mainframe |
komputilejo | computer center |
komputileto | personal computer |
komputilisto | computer scientist, informaticist |
komputilizi | computerize |
komputilizita dokumentado | computer-aided documentatio |
komputilizita fabrikado | CAM, computer-aided manufacturing |
komputilizita inĝenierado | computer-aided engineering |
komputilizita instruado | CAI, computer-aided instruction |
komputilizita procezplanado | computer-aided process plann |
komputilizita programar-inĝenierado | computer-aided software engineering |
komputilizita programarinĝe | computer-aided software engi |
komputilizita programarinĝenierado | computer-aided software engineering |
komputilizita projektado | CAD, computer-aided design |
komputilizita tradukado | computer-aided translation |
komputilizita trejnado | computer-based training |
komputilizita | computer-aided, computer-assisted, computer aided, computer assisted |
komputilnedependa | machine-independent |
komputilo kun instaldosieroj | reference computer |
komputilo | computer |
komputilreta poŝto | email, e-mail, electronic mail |
komputilscienco | computer science |
komputilujo | case (hardware) |
komputisto | programmer |
komputivo | computer power, computing power |
komputo | calculation, computation |
komputoro | computer |
komputoscienco | computer science |
komputpasiulo | freak (computer) |
komputsistema | system |
komuna kluza interfaco | CGI, Common Gateway Interface, Common-Gateway Interface |
komuna parto | fixed part |
komuna pelilo | generic driver |
komuna | common, joint, shared, collaborative |
komunaĵo | community, common property, commons |
komune | jointly, mutually |
komuneco | community, communality, sharing |
komunehoma | of humanity, of mankind, common |
komunejo | commons, green (village) |
komunestro | mayor |
komunhoma | of general interest, of humanity, of mankind, common |
komunigi | share |
komunigita dosierujo | shared folder |
komunigita | shared |
komunigo de aplikaĵo | application sharing |
komunigo | sharing |
komunii | administer communion, administer holy communion |
komuniiĝanto | communicant |
komuniiĝi | take communion |
komunika pordo | communications port |
komunika servilo | communications server |
komunika | communications |
komunikadisto | communicator |
komunikado | communication |
komunikaĵo | communication |
komunikebla | contagious |
komunikejo | communication (link), method of connecting, passage, connection location |
komunikema | communicative, talkative |
komuniki | communicate, report |
komunikiĝado | communication |
komunikiĝantaj verticoj | connected vertices |
komunikiĝantaj | connected |
komunikiĝejo | connecting passage, connection location |
komunikiĝema | communicative |
komunikiĝi | be in contact, be in communication, exchange, be connected |
komunikigi | make connect, link, make something known, communicate something |
komunikiĝo | exchange, communication, contact, liaison, link, traffic, connection |
komunikilo | means of communication |
komuniko | communication |
komuniksistemo | communication system |
komunikteorio | communication theory |
komunio | communion |
komunisma | communist |
komunismo | communism |
komunista | communist |
komunisto | communist |
komunuma areo | community area |
komunuma buĉejo | abattoir, slaughterhouse |
komunuma zono | community area |
komunuma | community |
komunumaro | community |
komunumbazita | community-based, community based |
komunumo-bazita | community-based, community based |
komunumo | community |
komunumobazita | community-based, community based |
komunuza | colloquial |
komuta praŝargilo | dual boot |
komuta | commutative |
komutatoro | switch |
komutebla | commuting |
komuteca | commutative |
komuteco | commutativity |
komuti | commute |
komutiĝanta | commuting |
komutilaro | switchboard |
komutilo | commutator |
komutisto | switchboard operator |
konado | knowledge, familiarity |
konarligno | zebrawood |
konaro | zebrawood |
konata cimo | known bug |
konata problemo | known issue |
konata | known, well-known |
konateco | acquaintance, conversance, familiarity |
konatiĝi kun | make someone’s acquaintance |
konatigi | acquaint |
konatiĝi | become acquainted |
konatiĝo | acquaintance |
konato | acquaintance |
koncedi | admit, concede, grant |
koncedo | concession |
koncentejo | concentration camp |
koncentra | concentric |
koncentrado | concentration |
koncentratoro | concentrator |
koncentrejo | concentration camp |
koncentri sin | concentrate |
koncentri | concentrate, make denser |
koncentriĝi | be concentrated |
koncentrigi | concentrate |
koncentriĝo | concentration |
koncentrilo | concentrator |
koncentrita | concentrated, strong |
koncentriteco | concentration |
koncentro | concentration |
koncepcii | become pregnant, conceive |
koncepta fasonado | conceptual design |
koncepta skemo | conceptual schema |
koncepta | conceptual |
konceptado | conception, representation, creation, vision |
konceptaro | conceptual system |
konceptebla | conceivable, imaginable |
koncepti | conceive |
koncepto | concept, idea |
konceptprovo | proof of concept |
koncerna | concerned, in question |
koncernaĵo | subject, matter, affair, issue |
koncernato | stakeholder |
koncerne min | as far as I am concerned |
koncerne | about, concerning |
koncerneco | relevance |
koncerni | concern |
koncerno | concern |
koncertado | performance |
koncerteca | live in studio |
koncertejo | concert hall, concert room |
koncerti | give a concert, play a concert |
koncertino | concertina |
koncertisto | performer |
koncertkafejo | music hall, cabaret, concert café |
koncerto | concert |
konĉerto | concerto |
koncesii | concede, franchise, license |
koncesio | concession, franchise |
koncesiulo | licensee |
koncilio | council |
koncipa | conceptual |
koncipe | conceptually |
koncipi | conceive |
koncipiĝi | be conceived |
koncipo | conception |
konciza | concise |
koncize | briefly |
koncizeco | brevity, briefness, conciseness |
koncizigi | abridge |
kondamna | proscriptive |
kondamnato | convict |
kondamni | condemn, sentence |
kondamninda | reprehensible, prohibited, forbidden, blameworthy |
kondamnito | condemned, condemned person |
kondamno | condemnation, conviction, doom |
kondamnulo | convict |
kondensaĵo | moisture |
kondensatoro | capacitor |
kondensi | compress |
kondensiĝi | condense |
kondensila | condensor |
kondenskovriĝi | get blurred, dim |
kondiĉa | conditional |
kondiĉe ke | if, assuming that, on the condition that |
kondiĉe | conditionally |
kondiĉi | set conditions, stipulate |
kondiĉigi | stipulate |
kondicionalo | conditional tense |
kondiĉkvalito | conditionedness |
kondiĉnombro | condition number |
kondiĉo | condition, stipulation, terms |
kondiĉoj | terms, conditions, stipulations |
kondimento | condiment |
kondolenca | sympathetic |
kondolence | sympathetically |
kondolenci | express condolences |
kondolenco | condolences |
kondomo | condom, rubber |
kondoro | condor |
kondotiero | condottiere |
kondukado | charge, lead, leadership |
kondukanta virŝafo | bellwhether |
kondukantino | usher |
kondukanto | conductor, leader |
konduki | conduct, guide, lead |
kondukilo | rein |
kondukisto | conductor, driver |
kondukita | bridged (transaction) |
konduklernejo | driver’s ed, driver’s education, driving school, school of motoring |
konduko | conduct, lead, leadership |
kondukpermesilo | driver’s license, driver license, driving licence |
kondukrimeno | reins |
konduktanco | conductance |
konduktanto | conductor |
kondukti | conduct |
konduktilo | conductor, conduit |
konduktokodo | code of conduct |
konduktoro | guard |
konduta | behavioral |
konduti | behave, conduct oneself |
kondutmaniero | policy |
konduto de redaktado | edit behavior |
konduto | behavior, behaviour, conduct, deportment |
koneksa al | connected to, related to |
koneksa grafeo | connected graph |
koneksa komponanto | connected component |
koneksa memorareo | contiguous area |
koneksa | connected, contiguous |
koneksega grafeo | strongly connected graph |
koneksega | strongly connected |
konekseta grafeo | weakly connected graph |
konekseta | weakly connected |
konekta objekto | connection object |
konekta ponteto | jumper |
konekta | connection |
konekteco | connectivity |
konektejo | port |
konekti kaj ek | plug and play |
konekti | connect, connect up, plug in |
konektiĝi | connect |
Konektikuto | Connecticut |
konektilo de tipo USB | USB port |
konektilo | connector |
konektingo | socket |
konektita uzanto | connected user |
konektita | connected |
konektite | online |
konektloko | interface |
konekto per komutebla lineo | dial-up account |
konekto per komutebla linio | dial-up account |
konekto per telefonlineo | dial-up account |
konekto | connection |
konektoadministrilo | connection manager |
konektopunkto | connection point |
konektorapido | connection speed |
konektoskatolo | socket |
konektotabulo | switchboard |
konektu-kaj-preĝu | plug-and-pray, plug and pray |
konfederacii | confederate |
konfederaciiĝi | confederate |
konfederacio | confederation |
konfederi | confederate |
konfedero | commonwealth, confederation |
konfekcio | confection (clothing), ready-made clothes |
konferenca | conference |
konferenci | have a conference |
konferenco | conference |
konferenseo | entertainer |
konfermi | confirm |
konfervo | conferva |
konfesanto | penitent |
konfese | admittedly |
konfesejo | confessional |
konfesi | admit, confess, profess |
konfesia | confessional |
konfesigi | make a confession, to confess |
konfesinto | confessor |
konfesio | confession |
konfeso | confession |
konfesprenanto | confessor |
konfespreni | shrive |
konfeto | confetti |
konfida | trusting |
konfidatesto | power (of attorney), power of attorney |
konfidatisto | procuration |
konfidato | confidente, trusted person |
konfide | confidently |
konfidebla | reliable, honest, loyal, sure, trustworthy |
konfidema | confident, trustful |
konfidenca | confidential, sensitive, nondisclosure |
konfidencaj datumoj | sensitive data |
konfidencaj | confidential (pl.), sensitive (pl.), nondisclosure (pl.) |
konfidence | confidentially |
konfidencio | confidence |
konfidenco | confidence, secret |
konfidi al | rely on, trust in |
konfidi | confide, have confidence in, trust, entrust |
konfidinda | reliable |
konfido | confidence |
konfidulo | confidant, trusted person |
konfigura dosiero | configuration file |
konfigura | config, configuration |
konfiguraĵo | configuration |
konfiguri | configure |
konfiguro | configuration |
konfirma mesaĝo | confirmation message |
konfirma paĝo | confirmation page |
konfirma signo | acknowledge character |
konfirma | confirmation, acknowledge |
konfirmacii | confirm |
konfirmacio | confirmation |
konfirmado | affirmation |
konfirme | affirmatively |
konfirmi | confirm, corroborate |
konfirmiĝi | be confirmed, be ratified |
konfirmo | confirmation |
konfisiki | confiscate |
konfiski | confiscate |
konfisko | confiscation |
konfitaĵo | preserve, jam |
konfiti | preserve |
konfitisto | confectioner |
konflikta | conflicting |
konflikti | clash |
konflikto | conflict |
konfliktosolvado | conflict resolution |
konforma | conforming, fitting |
konforme al tio | accordingly |
konforme al | in accordance with |
konforme kun | in conformance with |
konforme | in conformity |
konformeco | conformity |
konformema | compliant |
konformi | conform, fit, fit in |
konformiĝi al | abide by |
konformiĝi | conform |
konformigi | fit |
konformiĝo | compliance |
konformismo | conformism |
konformisto | conformist |
konformiva tabelo | conformant array, conformant-array parameter |
konformiva tabelskemo | conformant-array schema |
konfrontado | confrontation |
konfronti | confront |
konfronto | confrontation |
konfuceanismo | Confucianism |
konfuceano | Confucian |
Konfuceismo | Confucianism |
Konfuceo | Confucius |
konfuza | jumbled up |
konfuzaĵo | hotchpotch, medly |
konfuzakapa | addle-brained, addle-pated |
konfuzanta | confusing |
konfuze | confusedly |
konfuzeco | perplexity |
konfuzegi | puzzle |
konfuzego | disarray |
konfuzi | confuse, puzzle |
konfuziĝi | be confused |
konfuzio | confusion |
konfuzita | dazed, perplexed, upset |
konfuziteco | perplexity |
konfuzo povas estiĝi | confusion can arise |
konfuzo | confusion |
konfuzoado | confusion |
konfuzoringo | confusion circle |
konga | Congolese, Congo, Kongo |
kongano | Congolese |
kongao | conga |
kongatamburo | conga |
kongeli | deep-freeze |
kongesta | congestive |
kongesto | congestion |
konglomeraĵo | conglomerate, conglomeration, pudding-stone |
konglomerato | conglomerate |
konglomeri | conglomerate |
konglomeriĝi | fuse |
Kongo Brazavila (Respubliko Kongo) | Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville; f.k.a. People’s Republic of the Congo, French Congo |
Kongo Brazavila | Republic of the Congo |
Kongo Kinŝasa (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo-Kinshasa; f.k.a. Zaire, Zaïre, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville), Belgian Congo, Congo Free State |
Kongo Kinŝasa | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
kongo-brazavilano | Brazzaville Congolese |
kongo-kinŝasano | Congolese, Kinshasa Congolese |
Kongo | Congo |
kongoĵazo | congo jazz |
kongola (konga) | Congolese, Congo, Kongo |
Kongolando (Kongo) | Congo |
Kongolando | Congo |
kongolano (kongano) | Congolese |
Kongolo (Kongo) | Congo |
Kongolo Brazavila (Respubliko Kongo) | Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville; f.k.a. People’s Republic of the Congo, French Congo |
Kongolo Kinŝasa (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo-Kinshasa; f.k.a. Zaire, Zaïre, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville), Belgian Congo, Congo Free State |
kongolo-brazavilano (kongo-brazavilano) | Brazzaville Congolese |
kongolo-kinŝasano (kongo-kinŝasano) | Congolese, Kinshasa Congolese |
kongregacio | congregation |
kongresa | congressional |
kongresanino | congresswoman |
kongresano | congress participant |
kongresejo | site of a congress |
kongresi | attend a congress |
kongreso | congress, convention |
kongresraportoj | actae, actas |
kongro | conger, conger eel |
kongrua malplien | backward compatible, backwards compatible, downward compatible |
kongrua plien | forward compatible, forwards compatible |
kongrua | compatible, congruent |
kongrueca kontrolilo | compatibility checker |
kongrueca reĝimo | compatibility mode |
kongrueca | compatibility |
kongrueco | compatibility |
kongrui | coincide, fit together |
kongruo | match |
kongruotesto | conformance test |
konĥoido de rekto | conchoid of Nicomedes |
konĥoido | conchoid |
koni iom pri | know something about |
koni | be acquainted with, know |
koniferaro | conifer forest |
konifero | conifer |
koniĝi pri | get acquainted with |
konigi sin pri | acquaint oneself with |
konigi sin | acquaint oneself |
konigi | let know, reveal |
konigilo | key |
koniko | conic section |
konio | hemlock |
koniozo | coniosis |
konita | known |
konizo | fleabane |
konjakglaso | brandy glass |
konjako | brandy, cognac |
konjekta | speculative |
konjektebla | presumable, conceivable |
konjekti | conjecture, surmise |
konjekto pri la kvar koloroj | four-color conjecture |
konjekto | conjecture, guess, guesswork |
konjugacii | conjugate |
konjugacio | conjugation |
konjugi | conjugate, pair |
konjugita | conjugate |
konjuglineara | antilinear, semilinear |
konjugo | conjugation |
konjunkcii | be in conjunction |
konjunkcio | conjunction |
konjunktivito | conjunctivitis |
konjunktivo | subjunctive, subjunctive mood |
konjunkturo | conjuncture |
konkana | Konkani |
konkava | concave |
konkeraĵo | loot |
konkeranto | conqueror |
konkeri | conquer |
konkerinto | conqueror |
konkero | conquest |
konklavo | conclave |
konklude | as a conclusion, in conclusion |
konkludi | abstract, induce, gather, infer |
konkludiga | conclusive |
konkludige | conclusively |
konkludo | conclusion, inference |
konko | shell |
konkoido | conchoid |
konkonspiranto | co-conspirator, coconspirator |
konkorda | concordant, harmonious |
konkordanco | concordance |
konkordato | concordat |
konkorde | harmoniously |
konkordi | agree |
konkordo | concord |
konkreta klaso | concrete class |
konkreta | concrete |
konkretaĵo | something concrete |
konkrete | concretely |
konkreteco | concreteness |
konkretigi | put into concrete form |
konkretiĝi | take on concrete form |
konkubeco | concubinage |
konkubino | concubine |
konkura kontraktkomisiado | public tender |
konkurado | competition, rivalry |
konkurantaro | competition |
konkuranto | competitor |
konkure | competitively |
konkurema | competitive |
konkuremeco | competitiveness |
konkurencantaro | competition |
konkurencanto | competitor |
konkurencebla | competitive |
konkurenceblo | competitiveness |
konkurencema | competitive |
konkurenci | compete |
konkurenco | competition |
konkuri | compete, rival |
konkuro | competition, rivalry |
konkuroeco | rivalry |
konkursa | competitive |
konkursado | competition, form |
konkursaga reprezento | action replay |
konkursanto | competitor, contender, contestant |
konkursebleco | competitiveness |
konkursejo | venue |
konkursero | event, match |
konkursi | compete, contend |
konkurso | competition, contest |
konkursoserio | league |
kono | knowledge |
konoido | conoid |
konosamento | bill of lading, consignment note, waybill |
konscia | aware, conscious |
konscidubo | qualm |
konscie | consciously, lucidly |
konscienca | conscientious |
konsciencdubo | scruple |
konscienco | conscience |
konsciencriproĉo | remorse |
konscii pri | be aware of |
konscii | be aware of, be conscious of, realize, realise |
konsciiĝi | become aware |
konsciigi | make conscious |
konscio | awareness, consciousness |
konsekri | consecrate, coronate, dedicate, devote, hallow, sanctify, ordain |
konsekriĝo | consecration |
konsekvenca | consistent |
konsekvence de | as a consequence of, as a result of |
konsekvence | accordingly, consequently, consistently, logically, therefore |
konsekvenco | consequence, consistency |
konsentado | agreement, assent |
konsentebla | accommodating, admissible |
konsentema | accommodating, good-hearted |
konsentemo | accommodation |
konsenti neesprimite | acquiesce |
konsenti pri | agree to |
konsenti | accede, agree, consent |
konsentinta | consenting, agreeing |
konsentite | agreed, OK, O.K., okay |
konsento | agreement, consent, permission |
konservado | conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention |
konservaĵfabriko | canning factory |
konservaĵo | preserve |
konservatismo | conservatism |
konservativa | conservative |
konservativismo | conservatism |
konservativulo | conservative, Tory |
konservatorio | academy of music |
konservejo en loka reto | network-attached storage |
konservejo | storage area, storage room, box room |
konservema | conservative |
konservemulo | conservative |
konservi dosieron | save file |
konservi kiel | save as |
konservi malneton | save draft |
konservi proporciojn | constrain proportions |
konservi | save, conserve, keep, maintain, preserve |
konserviĝi | be preserved |
konservisma | conservative |
konservismo | conservatism |
konservisto | conservator |
konservita ŝanĝo | tracked change, saved change |
konservita vido | saved view |
konservo | conservation, maintenance, preservation, retention |
konservospaco | storage, storage space |
konservujo | bin |
konservulo | conservative |
konsiderada | deliberative |
konsiderado | deliberation |
konsidereco | considerateness |
konsiderema | thoughtful |
konsideri kiel | consider |
konsideri | consider, esteem, regard |
konsiderinda | considerable, sizable |
konsiderinde | considerably |
konsidero | consideration, deliberation |
konsila | advisory |
konsilado | advice |
konsilantara salono | boardroom |
konsilantaro | council |
konsilanto | counsellor |
konsilebla | advisable |
konsilejo | boardroom |
konsileto | hint, tip |
konsili | advise, counsel |
konsilia | conciliar |
konsiliĝi kun | consult with |
konsiliĝi | deliberate |
konsiliĝo | consideration, deliberation |
konsililo | expert system |
konsilinda | advisable |
konsilinde | advisable |
konsilindeco | advisability |
konsilio | advisory board, advisory committee, council |
konsilistaro | advisory board, advisory committee |
konsilisto | adviser |
konsilo | advice, counsel |
konsistaĵo | ingredient, constituent |
konsistenco | consistency |
konsisti el | consist of |
konsisti | consist |
konsistiga | constituent, constitutive |
konsistigaĵo | component, element, ingredient, part |
konsistigi | constitute, make up |
konsisto | consistency |
konsistorio | consistory |
konskripcii | conscript |
konskripcio | conscription |
konskripto | conscript |
konsolado | consolation, solace |
konsolanto | comforter |
konsoli | comfort, console |
konsoliĝi pri | get over |
konsoliĝi | get over, be consoled |
konsolo | consolation |
konsomeo | clear soup |
konsonanco | chord |
konsonanto | consonant |
konsorcio | consortium |
konspiranto | conspirator |
konspiri | conspire |
konspiro | conspiracy |
konst | const, constant |
konstanta bitrapido | constant bit rate |
konstanta kurento | direct current |
konstanta ligilo | permalink, permanent link |
konstanta memoro | read-only memory, ROM |
konstanta | constant, continual, permanent, sustained |
konstantaj datenoj | constant data |
konstantaĵo | feature |
konstante | constantly |
konstanteco | consistency, constancy |
Konstanteno | Constantine |
Konstantinopolo | Constantinople |
konstanto | constant |
konstantodeklaro | constant definition |
konstantoj | constants |
konstati | ascertain, establish, take note |
konstatigi | perpetuate |
konstato | determination, finding |
konstelacio | constellation |
konsterna | startling |
konsternanta | startling |
konsterni | appall, dismay, puzzle |
konsterniĝinta | upset |
konsterniĝo | alarm, consternation |
konsternita | taken aback, upset |
konsterno | consternation |
konstipeco | constipation |
konstipi | constipate |
konstipiĝi | become constipated |
konstipilo | adstringent |
konstipita | constipated |
konstipo | constipation |
konstitucia | constitutional |
konstitucie | constitutionally |
konstitucio | constitution |
konstitucirompo | violation of the constitution |
konstitui | account for, constitute, make up |
konstriktoro | boa |
konstru-komponanto | building block |
konstrua | constructive |
konstruado | building |
konstruaĵaro | complex |
konstruaĵideo | constructive idea |
konstruaĵo | building |
konstruanto | builder |
konstruareo | building plot, building site |
konstruarto | architecture |
konstruata | under construction, undeveloped |
konstruejo | construction site |
konstruelementaro | construction box |
konstruentreprenisto | builder, contractor, building contractor, master builder |
konstruestro | builder, architect |
konstrui | build, construct |
konstruiĝi | be constructed, become built |
konstruigi | have built, contract |
konstruilo | constructor |
konstruisto | builder |
konstruita | built, constructed |
konstruiva matematiko | constructible mathematics, constructive mathematics |
konstruiva | constructible, constructive |
konstrukcii | build, construct |
konstrukesto | construction box |
konstrukompanio | building company |
konstrukomponanto | building block |
konstrulaboristo | construction worker |
konstrulaboro | public works |
konstruligno | building material |
konstrumaterialo | building material |
konstrumetio | building trade |
konstruo | construction, erection |
konstrupermeso | building permit |
konstruplaco | construction site |
konstruplano | specifications |
konstruskatolo | box of bricks |
konstrustilo | building style |
konstruŝtono | building block, building stone |
konstrutereno | building plot, building site |
konstumo | costume |
konsulejo | consulate |
konsulo | consul |
konsulta | advisory, consultative |
konsultado | consultation |
konsultejo | consultancy |
konsulti | consult |
konsultiĝa | advisory |
konsulto | consultation |
konsumado | consumption |
konsumaĵo | consumable resource |
konsumantligo | consumers’ union |
konsumanto | consumer |
konsumi | consume, use up |
konsumiĝi | be consumed, languish, wear away, decline, waste away |
konsumiĝo | consumption |
konsumismo | consumerism |
konsumite | consumed |
konsumiteco | exhaustion |
konsumo | consumption |
konta | account |
kontado | accounting |
kontaĝa | catching, contagious, infectious |
kontaĝi | communicate |
kontaĝo | contagion, contamination, infection |
kontaj | account (pl.) |
kontakta sonprenilo | transducer |
kontaktadministrilo | contect manager |
kontaktejo | contact center |
kontakti | contact |
kontaktiĝi | come into contact |
kontaktlenso | contact lens |
kontaktloko | point of contact |
kontakto | contact |
kontaktoskatolo | socket |
kontaktpersono | contact, contact person |
kontaktpunkto | point of contact |
kontaktujo | socket |
kontaktulo | contact |
kontanta | cash, in cash |
kontantaĵo | cash |
kontante | in cash |
kontantigi | cash |
kontanto | cash money |
kontekspertizisto | accountant |
konteksto | context |
kontekzameni | audit |
konteltiro | statement of account |
kontempla | contemplative |
kontemplado | contemplation |
kontempli | consider, contemplate, envisage, look at, regard, view |
kontenero | container |
kontenta | contented, pleased, satisfied |
kontenteco | contentedness, contentment |
kontenti | be content |
kontentiga | satisfactory |
kontentige | satisfactorily |
kontentiĝi | be satisfied |
kontentigi | meet with, satisfy |
kontentiĝo | gratification |
kontentigo | gratification, satisfaction |
kontento | contentment, satisfaction |
kontestado | controversy |
kontestanto | protestor |
kontestebla | debatable, questionable |
kontesti | challenge, question |
kontesto | contest |
kontinenta | continental |
kontinentano | mainlander |
kontinento | continent, mainland |
kontinentodrivo | continental drift |
kontingento | contingent |
kontinua formuladpapero | continuous document |
kontinua paperbendo | continuous stationery |
kontinua | lasting |
kontinue | continuously |
kontinueco | continuity |
kontinuega | uniformly continuous |
kontinui | continue, last |
kontinuigi | continue |
kontinuigo | continuance, perpetuation |
kontisto | accountant |
kontjaro | financial year |
kontnero | freight container, container |
konto de administranto | administrator account |
konto de uzanto | user account |
konto | account |
kontonumero | account number |
kontorbezonaĵbutiko | stationer’s shop |
kontoristo | clerk |
kontoro | office |
kontoroficiro | yeoman |
kontorvaro | office automation system |
kontoscienco | accountancy |
kontrabandado | smuggling |
kontrabandaĵo | contraband |
kontrabandi | smuggle |
kontrabandisto | smuggler |
kontrabando | contraband |
kontrabaso | acoustic bass |
kontradanco | contradance, country dance |
kontradmiralo | commander |
kontrakta | contractual |
kontrakti prunton | contract a loan |
kontrakti | make a contract |
kontraktita | job |
kontrakto | contract |
kontrakturo | contracture |
kontralto | contralto |
kontramarko | countermark |
kontrapunkto | counterpoint |
kontrasta | contrasting |
kontraste al | in contrast to |
kontraste kun | compared to, contrasted with |
kontraste | by contrast, in contrast |
kontrasti | contrast |
kontrastigi | compare, point out difference between, set off |
kontrasto | contrast |
kontrastoproporcio | contrast ratio |
kontraŭ ĉia atendo | contrary to all expectations, against all expectations |
kontraŭ la fluado | against the current |
kontraŭ la suno | towards the sun, facing the sun |
kontraŭ mia volo | against my will |
kontraŭ | against, across from, in exchange for, opposed to, opposite, upon |
kontraŭa al | alien to |
kontraŭa valoro | opposite value |
kontraŭa | alien, contrary |
kontraŭabortiga | pro-birth, anti-abortion, pro-life (pro-birth) |
kontraŭabortigulo | pro-birth activist, anti-abortion activist, pro-lifer (pro-birth activist) |
kontraŭacida | antacid |
kontraŭacido | antacid |
kontraŭaerataka ŝirmejo | air-raid shelter |
kontraŭagaca | soothing |
kontraŭagi | counteract |
kontraŭaĵo | disappointment, obstacle |
kontraŭamerika | anti-American |
kontraŭargumento | objection |
kontraŭastma | antiasthmatic |
kontraŭatako | counter attack |
kontraŭavia | antiaircraft |
kontraŭaviadila artilerio | anti-aircraft artillery |
kontraŭaviadila defendo | air-defense, anti-aircraft defense |
kontraŭaviadila | anti-aircraft |
kontraŭbakteria | antibacterial |
kontraŭbalistika | antiballistic |
kontraŭbatalanto | opponent, adversary, antagonist |
kontraŭbatali | combat, contend with, fight, fight against |
kontraŭbataliagi | react |
kontraŭciklono | anticyclone |
kontraŭdeprimilo | antidepressant |
kontraŭdiagonalo | antidiagonal, secondary diagonal |
kontraŭdira | contradictory |
kontraŭdiradi | recriminate |
kontraŭdirado | recrimination |
kontraŭdiri | contradict |
kontraŭdiro | contradiction |
kontraŭdiskriminacia | anti-discrimination |
kontraŭdiskutebla | debatable, questionable |
kontraŭdolora | painkilling |
kontraŭdolorilo | pain remedy, painkiller, analgesic |
kontraŭdumpinga | antidumping |
kontraŭe al | against |
kontraŭe de | opposite |
kontraŭe | on the contrary, otherwise |
kontraŭeco | adversity |
kontraŭegala | opposite |
kontraŭegalo | additive inverse, opposite element |
kontraŭekzameni | cross-examine |
kontraŭekzemplo | counterexample |
kontraŭflua | upstream |
kontraŭflue | against the current, upstream |
kontraŭflugilarmilo | ack-ack, anti-aircraft artillery |
kontraŭfolia | opposite-leaved |
kontraŭfrostaĵo | antifreeze |
kontraŭgasmasko | gasmask |
kontraŭglita ĉeno | nonskid chain, non-skid chain |
kontraŭhelikso | anthelix |
kontraŭhoketo | barb |
kontraŭhorloĝdirekte | counterclockwise |
kontraŭi | oppose |
kontraŭĵora | non-skid |
kontraŭjudismo | anti-Semitism |
kontraŭkirasa | armor-piercing |
kontraŭkloraĵo | antichlor |
kontraŭkoloniismo | anti-colonialism |
kontraŭkoncipa | contraceptive |
kontraŭkoncipado | contraception |
kontraŭkoncipilo | contraceptive |
kontraŭkontroli | countercheck |
kontraŭkopia protekto | copy protection |
kontraŭkrima | anti-crime |
kontraŭlabori | work against |
kontraŭlatera | opposite |
kontraŭleĝa | illegal |
kontraŭleĝeco | illegality |
kontraŭlineara | antilinear, semilinear |
kontraŭlogaritmo | antilogarithm |
kontraŭlume | backlight |
kontraŭmalaria | anti-malarial |
kontraŭmarki | check |
kontraŭmendi | cancel, countermand |
kontraŭmeta konjunkcio | adversative conjunction |
kontraŭmeti | oppose |
kontraŭmetoado | opposition |
kontraŭmikroba | antiseptic |
kontraŭmilitarismo | antimilitarism |
kontraŭmini | countermine, sap, undermine |
kontraŭmisila | antimissile |
kontraŭmoskita gazo | mosquito net, mosquito netting |
kontraŭmoskita vualo | mosquito net |
kontraŭmoskita | anti-mosquito, mosquito (net) |
kontraŭnatura | unnatural |
kontraŭnaturaĵo | abnormality, perversion |
kontraŭnature | unnaturally |
kontraŭneŭtrino | antineutrino |
kontraŭo | opposite value |
kontraŭpapo | antipope |
kontraŭparoli | object, speak against |
kontraŭparolo | objection |
kontraŭpartiklo | antiparticle |
kontraŭparto | counterpart |
kontraŭpersona | ad hominem |
kontraŭpersone | ad hominem |
kontraŭpezi | counterbalance, offset |
kontraŭpezo | counterbalance |
kontraŭpirata sistemo | anti-piracy system |
kontraŭpirata | anti-piracy |
kontraŭpostulo | counterclaim, countersuit |
kontraŭpozicio | contrapositive |
kontraŭprotono | antiproton |
Kontraŭreformacio | Counter-Reformation |
kontraŭregula | undue |
kontraŭregule | unduly |
kontraŭreligia | antireligious |
kontraŭrevolucia | counterrevolutionary |
kontraŭrevolucio | counter-revolution, counterrevolution |
kontraŭrusa | anti-Russian |
kontraŭsemidismo | anti-Semitism |
kontraŭsemitismo | anti-Semitism |
kontraŭsenco | misinterpretation |
kontraŭsepsa | antiseptic |
kontraŭsepso | antisepsis |
kontraŭsigna | opposite-signed |
kontraŭsimetria matrico | antisymmetric matrix, skew-symmetric matrix |
kontraŭsimetria | skew-symmetric, antisymmetric |
kontraŭsklaveca movado | abolitionism |
kontraŭsklaveca | abolition |
kontraŭsklavecisto | abolitionist |
kontraŭskriba protektado | write protection |
kontraŭskriba protekto | write protection |
kontraŭskriba | write |
kontraŭskribe protektita | write-protected |
kontraŭskribe | write-protected |
kontraŭsocia | antisocial, unsocial |
kontraŭspamilo | anti spam |
kontraŭspionado | counter-espionage |
kontraŭstarema | intractable, obstinate, refractory, stubborn |
kontraŭstari al | brave, face, stand up to |
kontraŭstari | confront, stand up to, withstand |
kontraŭstarigi | confront |
kontraŭstaro | resistance |
kontraŭŝtata | anti-state |
kontraŭŝtelseruro | antitheft lock, anti-theft lock |
kontraŭsuna kremo | sunscreen |
kontraŭtanka artilerio | antitank artillery |
kontraŭtanka | anti-tank |
kontraŭterorisma | antiterrorist |
kontraŭtezo | antithesis |
kontraŭtinea sako | mothproof storage bag |
kontraŭtinea | mothproof |
kontraŭtrompa filtrilo | phishing filter |
kontraŭtrompa | anti-phishing, phishing |
kontraŭtrusta | antitrust |
kontraŭtumulta polico | anti-riot police |
kontraŭtusa | antitussant, antitussive |
kontraŭtutmondiĝa | anti-globalization |
kontraŭulo | adversary, opponent |
kontraŭutopia | dystopian, anti-utopian |
kontraŭutopio | dystopia, anti-utopia |
kontraŭutopiulo | dystopian (person), anti-utopian |
kontraŭvenana | antivenin |
kontraŭvenena | antidotal |
kontraŭveneno | antidote |
kontraŭvermaĵo | vermifuge |
kontraŭvermilo | vermicide |
kontraŭvirusa protektado | virus protection |
kontraŭvirusa | antivirus, anti-virus, virus |
kontraŭvola | against one’s will, unwilling |
kontraŭvole | against one’s will |
kontreo | country music, country and western music |
kontrevizori | audit |
kontrevizoro | accountant |
kontribuaĵo | contribution |
kontribuanto | contributor |
kontribucio | reparations |
kontribui | contribute |
kontribuo | contribution |
kontricio | compunction, contrition, remorse, repentance |
kontrola bito | check bit |
kontrola reĝimo | break mode |
kontrola | supervisory |
kontrolado | verification |
kontrolanto | moderator (website) |
kontrolareaĵo | control block |
kontrolata grupo | moderated group |
kontrolata | moderated |
kontrolbito | control bit |
kontrolcentro | control center |
kontrolcifero | check digit |
kontrolejo | checkpoint |
kontroli | audit, check, check up on, supervise, verify |
kontrolilo | verifier, checker |
kontrolisto | checker, controller |
kontrolita versio | checked build |
kontrolita | checked |
kontrolkarto | hash total card |
kontrolkonsilio | board of directors |
kontrollisto | checklist |
kontrolmarko | check mark |
kontrolo de amplekso | range check |
kontrolo de nepareco | odd parity check |
kontrolo de unu parto de sistemo | unit test |
kontrolo | check, diagnostics |
kontrolobito | check bit |
kontrololisto | checklist, check list |
kontrolpunkto | checkpoint |
kontrolroboto | checkbot |
kontrolsumo | checksum |
kontulo | account holder |
kontumace | in one’s absence |
kontura nivelo | outline level |
kontura tiparo | outline font |
kontura | outline, contoured, delineated |
konturi | delineate, draw |
konturo | contour, outline |
kontuzaĵo | bruise |
kontuzblua | black-and-blue |
kontuzi | bruise |
kontuziĝi | bruise |
kontuziĝo | bruise, bruising |
kontuzo | bruise |
konuro | conures |
konusa | conical |
konuso | cone |
konustrunko | frustum of cone |
konusturo | steeple |
konvalo | lily of the valley |
Konvejo | Conway |
konveksa | convex |
konvekti | convect, move heat via convection |
konvektilo | convector |
konvekto | convection |
konvena | appropriate, becoming, seemly, suitable |
konvencia | conventional |
konvencio | convention |
konvene | appropriately |
konveneco | propriety |
konveni | be appropriate, suit, be suitable |
konvento | convent |
konverĝa en distribuo | convergent in distribution |
konverĝa en mezuro | convergent in measure |
konverĝa en probablo | convergent in probability |
konverĝa | converging |
konverĝeco | convergence |
konvergi | converge |
konverĝi | converge |
konverĝintervalo | interval of convergence |
konverĝo | convergence |
konverĝocirklo | circle of convergence |
konverĝoradiuso | radius of convergence |
konverĝradiuso | radius of convergence |
konversacii | converse |
konversacio | conversation |
konversado | conversation |
konversi | chat, converse, talk |
konverso | conversion |
konverta tabelo | conversion table |
konverta | conversion |
konverteblo | convertibility |
konverti | convert |
konvertiĝi | convert |
konvertiĝo | conversion |
konvertilo | converter |
konvertito | convert, proselyte |
konverto de enhavo | content conversion |
konverto inter kolorspacoj | colorspace conversion, color-space conversion |
konverto | conversion |
konvertoro | converter |
konvertrapido | conversion rate |
konvikti | convict |
konvinka | persuasive |
konvinke | convincingly |
konvinki | convince, persuade |
konvinkiĝi | be convinced |
konvinko | belief, conviction |
konvojo | convoy |
konvolvadoaĵo | convolution |
konvolvulo | convolvulus, bindweed |
konvulsii | convulse |
konvulsio | convulsion |
konvulso | convulsion |
konzerno | concern, corporation |
konzolo | console |
koopera | cooperative |
kooperado | cooperation |
kooperativo | cooperative |
kooperi | be a member of a cooperative |
koopti | co-opt |
koordinata akso | coordinate axis |
koordinata paro | coordinate pair |
koordinata sistemo | coordinate system |
koordinata | coordinate |
koordinatakso | coordinate axis |
koordinato | coordinate |
koordinatsistemo | coordinate system |
kopalo | copal |
kopeko | kopeck |
Kopenhago | Copenhagen |
kopernicio | copernicium, ununbium |
koperniciumo | Copernicium |
Koperniko | Copernicus, Nicolas Copernicus |
kopia programo | copy program |
kopia | copy, copying |
kopiaĵo | copy |
kopii kaj alglui | copy and paste, copy-and-paste |
kopii | copy |
kopiilo | copier |
kopiisto | copier |
kopiita agordo | cloned configuration |
kopiita | copied, cloned |
kopikadro | contact frame, print frame |
kopilasigo | copyleft |
kopilaso | copyleft |
kopio de dosieroj | file copy |
kopio de mesaĝo | carbon copy, CC |
kopio | copy |
kopirajta simbolo | copyright symbol, ©, (c), Ⓒ, ⓒ, Ⓧ |
kopirajta | copyright |
kopirajto | copyright |
kopli | connect, couple |
kopro | copra |
kopta | Coptic, Coptic Egyptian |
kopto | Copt |
kopulacii | copulate |
kopulacio | copulation |
kopulo | copula |
kora inklino | affection, fondness |
kora | cordial, hearty; cardiac |
koracio | roller |
korajn salutojn | cordial greetings, sincerely yours |
koraklo | coracle |
korako | raven |
korala | coral |
koralinsulo | atoll |
koralmevo | Larus audouinii |
koralo | coral |
koralorizo | coralroot orchid |
koralrifo | atoll |
koramikeco | relationship |
koramikino | girlfriend |
koramiko | lover, loved one, boyfriend, girlfriend |
Korano | Koran |
Korantino | Corantin |
koraŭriklo | auricle |
korbat-regulilo | pacemaker, cardiac pacemaker |
korbatado | heartbeat, pulse |
korbati | palpitate |
korbato | heartbeat |
korbatoado | palpitation |
korbelo | corbel |
korbeto | small basket |
korbfarado | basket-making, basket-weaving |
korbfaristo | basket-maker, basket-weaver |
korbo | basket |
korbopilkado | basketball |
korbopilkejo | basketball court |
korbopilkisto | basketball player |
korbopilko | basketball |
kordinstrumento | string instrument |
kordito | cordite |
kordo | cord, string |
kordobo | cordoba |
kordono | cordon |
kordurojo | corduroy |
kore afabla | cordial, hearty, warm |
kore | cordially |
korea | Korean |
korega | hearty |
koregidoro | Spanish mayor |
koregono | cisco, whitefish |
koregrafio (koreografio) | choreography |
koregrafo (koreografo) | choreographer |
koreino | Korean woman |
Koreio | (the isle of) Korea |
korekta | correct, right |
korektado | correction |
korekte | correctly |
korekteco | correctness |
korekti | correct |
korektilo | adjusting |
korektisto | proofreader |
korekto | correction |
korelaci-tipo | correlation type |
korelaciaro | correlation set |
korelacii | correlate |
korelacio | correlation coefficient |
korelacitipo | correlation type |
korelativa | correlated, correlative |
korelativaj konjunkcioj | adversative conjunction |
korelativeco | correlation |
korelativigi | correlate |
korelativo | correlative |
koreo | Korean |
koreografio | choreography |
koreografo | choreographer |
koreopso | tickseed, coreopsis, calliopsis |
korespondado | correspondence |
korespondadreso | accommodation address |
korespondaĵo | piece of correspondence |
korespondamiko | penpal |
korespondanto | correspondent, penpal |
korespondi kun | correspond to |
korespondi | correspond |
korespondisto | correspondent |
korespondkurso | correspondence course |
korespondo | correspondence, correspondence |
Koreujo | Korea |
korfavora | charitable, merciful |
korfavoro | charity, mercifulness, mercy |
korfbalo | korfball |
korforto | strength of heart, courage |
korĝojiga | heartwarming |
korĝojige | heartwarmingly |
koriandro | coriander |
korido | bullfight, bullfighting |
koridora | corridor |
koridoro | corridor, passage |
korifeo | chorus leader, coryphaeus |
korimbo | corymb |
korinklino | affection |
korinta | Corinthian |
korintika | Corinthian |
korintime | (deep) in one’s heart |
korinto | Corinthian |
korizo | cold |
korkflosilo | float |
korki | cork, cork up |
korko | cork |
korkokverko | cork oak |
korktirilo | corkscrew, cork screw |
korlando | heartland |
korligita | close, dear to the heart |
kormalsana | having heart disease |
kormalsano | heart disease |
kormo | corm |
kormorano | cormorant |
kornaro | antlers |
kornaŭza | disturbing, unsettling, upsetting |
kornaŭzigi | disturb, unsettle, upset |
kornblovego | loud trumpeting, loud blow |
kornblovi | trumpet, blow on a horn |
kornbranĉo | antler |
kornbruo | sound of trumpet, blow of a horn |
kornbruto | horned animal |
korneca | horny |
kornemuzo | bagpipe |
korneo | cornea |
korneto | cornet |
korni | honk |
kornico | cornice |
korniko | crow |
korno | horn |
kornobati | buck |
kornobranĉaro | antlers |
kornuso | cornel, dogberry |
kornvala | Cornish |
kornvipuro | cerastes, horned viper |
koro ĉe koro | heart to heart |
koro | heart |
koroda | corrosive |
korodado | corrosion |
korodema | corrosive |
korodi | corrode |
korodiĝi | corrode |
korodimuna | stainless |
korodo | corrosion |
koroido | choroid |
korolario | corollary |
korolo | corolla |
koronaria | coronary |
koronilo | axseed |
korono | corona |
korpa sufero | physical suffering |
korpa | bodily, body, corporal, corporeal, of the body, physical |
korpaĉo | bulk, hulk |
korpe | physically |
korpeca | bodily, physical, corporal |
korpego | bulk, hulk |
korperdi | lose heart |
korpeto | corpuscle |
korphararo | body hair |
korpigi | embody |
korpiĝi | impersonate |
korpiĝo | incarnation |
korplingvo | body language |
korpo de makroodifino | macro expansion |
korpo | body |
korpodamaĝo | bodily harm, body damage |
korpodifekto | bodily harm, body damage |
korpodoro | body smell |
korpoforto | body strength, vigor |
korpogardisto | bodyguard, lifeguard |
korpomasa indico | BMI, body mass index |
korpoparto | body part |
korporacia | corporate |
korporaciestro | guildmaster |
korporacio | corporation, trade-union |
korporalo | corporal |
korposana | able-bodied |
korprema | distressing, oppressing |
korpremita | dejected, depressed |
korpremiteco | dejection, depression, oppression |
korpremo | heartache |
korpstato | physique |
korpulenta | fat, stout |
korpusklo | corpuscle |
korpuso | corps |
korsaĵo | bodice, body, corsage |
korsaro | corsair, privateer |
korseto | corset |
korsika | Corsican |
korsikanino | Corsican woman |
korsikano | Corsican |
korsikia | Corsican |
korsikianino | Corsican woman |
korsikiano | Corsican |
Korsikio | Corsica |
Korsiko | Corsica |
korŝira | heart-rending |
korŝiranta | heartrending |
korŝireco | poignancy |
korŝiri | heartbreak, break a heart |
korso | broadway, mall |
kortaderio | pampas grass |
kortbirdara | of poultry |
kortbirdaro | poultry |
kortbirdejo | poultry yard |
kortbirdo | fowl |
kortega spritulo | court jester |
korteganaro | royal household |
korteganino | lady-in-waiting |
kortegano | courtier |
kortego | court |
kortegulo | courtier |
korthundo | mastiff |
kortiko | cortex |
kortikosurrena | adrenocortical |
kortikotropa | adrenocorticotrophic, adrenocorticotropic |
kortizono | cortisone |
korto | court, yard, courtyard |
kortobirdo | domestic fowl, farm bird |
Kortrajo | Courtrai |
Kortrejko | Courtrai |
kortuma | judicial |
kortumo | court |
kortumoficisto | court official |
kortuŝa | moving, touching |
kortuŝanta | affecting, touching, pathetic |
kortuŝeco | emotion |
kortuŝi | affect, move |
kortuŝiĝi | be moved emotionally, be moved |
kortuŝita | seized with emotion |
kortuŝite | seized with emotion, moved |
kortuŝo | emotion |
korundo | corundum |
korupta | corrupt |
koruptado | corruption, graft, subornation |
koruptanto | choir, chorus |
korupteco | corruption |
korupti | bribe |
koruptilo | bribe |
korupto | bribery, corruption, graft |
korusa | choral, chorus |
korusano | choir singer, chorister, choirboy, choirgirl |
korusanoj | choir singers, choristers, choirboys, choirgirls |
korusaro | chorus |
koruse | as a chorus, in unison, as a group |
korusejo | choir loft, chancel |
korusestro | choir director, choirmaster |
korusisto | choir singer, chorister, choirboy, choirgirl |
korusistoj | choir singers, choristers, choirboys, choirgirls |
koruskanto | chorale, chant, choral song |
koruso | choir |
Korveno | Corwen |
korvestiblo | auricle, auricula |
korvetkapitano | lieutenant commander |
korveto | corvette |
korvo | crow |
kosa lingvo | Xhosa, Xhosa language |
kosa | Xhosa |
kosekanto | cosecant |
koŝera | kosher |
Koŝi-vico | Cauchy sequence, fundamental sequence |
koŝia vico | Cauchy sequence, fundamental sequence |
koŝia | Cauchy |
kosino | Xhosa woman |
kosinuso | cosine |
Koŝio | Cauchy |
Koŝivico | Cauchy’s sequence, fundamental sequence |
kosma spaco | outer space |
kosma | cosmic |
koŝmaro | nightmare |
kosmetikaĵo | cosmetics |
kosmetiko | cosmetics |
kosmo | cosmos |
kosmodromo | space center |
kosmogonio | cosmogony |
kosmografiisto | cosmographer |
kosmografio | cosmography |
kosmografo | cosmographer |
kosmologio | cosmology |
kosmonaŭtiko | cosmonaut |
kosmonaŭto | cosmonaut |
kosmonavigado | astrogation |
kosmonavigi | astrogate |
kosmonavigisto | astrogator |
kosmopolita | cosmopolite |
kosmopoliteco | cosmopolitanism |
kosmopolitismo | cosmopolitanism |
kosmopolito | cosmopolite, cosmopolitan |
kosmopramo | space shuttle |
kosmoŝipo | spaceship |
kosmoso | cosmos |
kosmosondilo | space probe |
kosmostacio | space station |
kosmoveturilo | space ship |
koŝo | thimble |
koso | Xhosa |
kosovano | Kosovar |
Kosovo | Kosovo |
kost-evitiga | cost-cutting |
kosta | dear, expensive |
Kostabravo | Costa Brava |
kostarika | Costa Rican |
kostarikano | Costa Rican |
Kostariko | Costa Rica |
koste de | at the cost of, at the price of |
kostega | priceless, invaluable |
kostelportebla | affordable |
kostevitiga | cost-cutting |
kosti | cost |
kosto je alklako | cost-per-click, cost per click |
kosto po alklako | cost-per-click, cost per click |
kosto | cost |
kostoj | costs, expenses, charge, cost, expense |
kostpago | charge |
kostredukta | costcutting, cost-cutting |
kostumo | costume, outfit, suit |
kota | dirty, muddy, filthy, mucky, muddy |
kotangento | cotangent |
kotanimulo | low-minded person |
kotejo | mudhole |
koterio | coterie, exclusive circle, set |
koti | defecate, shit |
kotigi la akvon | muddy the waters |
kotigi | dirty |
kotiledono | cotyledon |
kotiljono | cotillion |
kotisto | dustman |
kotizi | subscribe |
kotizo | dues, subscription |
kotiztabelo | subscription table, dues table |
kotkovrita | muddy, mud-stained, mud-covered |
kotleto | cutlet |
kotligita | dear to the heart |
koto | mud |
kotona | cotton |
kotonarbo | cotton plant, cotton |
kotoneastro | cotoneaster |
kotonkampo | cotton field |
kotono | cotton |
kotonrubando | tape |
kotonujo | cotton plant, cotton |
kotoo | koto |
kotorno | buskin, cothurnus |
kotŝirmilo | mudguard |
kotujo | mud hole |
koturno | quail |
kovaĵo | brood |
kovalento | covalency |
Kovalo | Cowal |
kovarianco | covariance |
kovĉelo | brood cell |
kovejo | birth place, nesting place, nest |
koverto | envelope |
kovi | incubate, sit |
koviĝi | incubate |
kovilo | incubator |
kovitaro | covey |
kovotempo | breeding season |
kovra | protective |
kovraĵo | cover |
kovri parte | overlay |
kovri per | cover with |
kovri | cover |
kovriĝi | be covered |
kovrilo | cover, hood, lid |
kovrita | covered |
kovro | cover |
kovropapero | wrapping paper |
kovrotuko | veil |
kozakestro | ataman |
Kozako | Cossack |
kp. (komparu) | cf., compare |
krabli | sidle, sidle like a crab |
krabo | crab |
krabro | hornet |
kraĉaĵo | saliva, spittle |
kraĉeti | drivel |
kraĉi | spit |
kraĉo | spittle |
kraĉospiri | wheeze |
kraĉotusi | clear one’s throat, ahem, wheeze |
kraĉujo | cuspidor, spittoon |
krada bloko | grid block |
krada | grid |
kradaĵo | grate, grating, railing, trellis |
kradi | fence in, fence off, rail in, rail off |
kradita | plaid |
kradlinio | grid line |
krado | grate, grid, grill |
kradrostado | barbecue |
kradrosti | barbecue |
kradrostilo | barbecue |
krajono | pencil |
krajonpintigilo | pencil sharpener |
kraka cimbalo | crash cymbal |
krakado | crunch, scrunch, grating noise, grinding noise, scratch, scratching, scraping, grating |
krakeno | cracker |
kraketa | brittle, crisp, crunchy |
kraketado | grating |
kraketi | crackle |
kraketigi | munch, crunch, crack |
kraki | crack |
krakmaĉa | brittle |
krakmaĉi | to munch, crunch, crack |
krako | crack |
Krakovo | Cracow |
kraksoni | crunch, scrunch, grate, grind |
kraktiko | butcher bird |
krambo | sea kale |
kramfo | cramp |
krampfo | cramp |
krampi | clamp, staple |
krampilo | stapler |
krampo | clamp, brace, bracket, parenthesis, staple |
krampoj | brackets, parantheses |
krampomalvolvo | bracket expansion, brace expansion |
kranio | skull |
kranko | crank |
krankŝaftingo | bottom bracket (shell) |
krano | faucet, tap |
kraŝi | crash |
kraŝo | crash (computer) |
krasulo | crassula, mossy stonecrop |
kratago | hawthorn |
kratero | crater |
kravali | riot |
kravato | tie, necktie |
kravattenilo | tie clip, tie pin |
Krea Komunaĵo | Creative Commons |
krea | creative |
kreado de bildeto | thumbnail creation, clip creation |
kreado | creation |
kreaĵo | creature |
kredado | belief, believing |
kredanto | believer |
kredartikolo | article of faith |
kredas ke ne | don’t think so, doesn’t think so |
kredato | creation date |
kredebla | believable, credible, plausible |
kredeble | probably |
kredebleco | probability |
kredema | credulous |
kredemo | credulity |
kredenci | believe |
kredenco | credence table |
kredi al | believe in |
kredi je | believe in |
kredi pri | believe in |
kredi | believe, deem |
krediga | convincing, persuasive |
kredige | convincingly |
kredigi | induce to believe, pretend |
kredinda | plausible |
kredinde | credibly, reliably |
kredindeco | credibility, believability |
kredite | on credit |
krediti | arrange a credit to, credit to, enter on the credit side |
kreditigi | accredit |
kreditkarto | credit card |
kreditletero | letter of credit |
kredito | credit |
kreditoro | account payable, creditor |
kredkonfeso | creed |
kredo je | belief in |
kredo | belief |
kredu-ne-kredu | believe it or not |
kreema | creative |
kreemo | creativeness, creativity |
krei branĉon | branch |
krei krommarĝenon | indent |
krei | create |
kreiĝi | be created |
kreilo | builder |
kreintismano | creationist |
kreintismo | creationism |
kreinto | creator |
kreismo | creationism |
kreitaĵo | creature |
kreito | creature |
kreiva | creative |
krekso | corn crake, corncrake, landrail |
krema | cream |
kremaciejo | crematory |
kremacii | cremate |
kremacio | cremation |
kremaĵo | cream |
krematorio | crematory |
kremkolora | cream, crème |
kremkruĉo | creamer |
Kremlo | Kremlin |
kremo | cream |
kremondo | creation of the world |
krenela | crenate, crenellated, notched, scalloped, toothed |
kreneli | crenellate |
krenelo | crenel, crenellation |
kreno | horseradish |
krensaŭso | horseradish |
kreo | creation |
kreodato | creation date |
kreola lingvo | Creole language |
kreola | Creole |
kreoliĝi | to become a Creole |
Kreolo | Creole |
kreota | to be created |
kreozoto | creosote |
krepido | hawksbeard |
krepiti | crepitate, crackle |
krepo | crepe |
kreppapero | crepe paper |
krepuska | dim |
krepuski | dawn, become daytime |
krepuskiĝi | dusk has fallen |
krepusko | dusk, twilight |
kreŝcendi | swell |
kresĉendo | crescendo |
krescento | crescent |
kreska diftongo | rising diphthong |
kreska ordigo | ascending sort |
kreska ordo | ascending order |
kreska | ascending |
kreskado | growth |
kreskaĵado | vegetation |
kreskaĵbarilo | hedge |
kreskaĵo | plant |
kreskanta luno | waxing moon |
kreskanta | increasing |
kreski per ŝlimo | silt up |
kreski | grow |
kreskiĝi | accrue, increase, grow |
kreskigi | raise, cultivate |
kresko per ŝlimo | accretion |
kresko | growth |
kreso | cress |
krespo | pancake, crêpe |
kresteto | wale |
kresto | mountain ridge |
krestomatio | chrestomathy |
Kreta Maro | Sea of Crete |
kreta | chalk |
Kretaceo | Cretaceous |
kretano | Cretan |
kreteca | chalky |
kreteno | cretin |
kreto | chalk |
kretobreto | chalk tray |
kretono | cretonne |
kretskribi | chalk |
krevaĵo | burst, crack, flaw |
krevi | burst |
krevigi | burst |
kreviĝo | blowout |
krevinta | cracked |
krevmaizo | popcorn |
krevo | burst, crack |
kria signo | exclamation point, “! ” |
kriaĉi | scream horribly |
kriado | shouting, clamor, clamour |
Krianlariko | Crianlarich |
kribri | sift |
kribrilo | sieve |
kriĉi | screech |
kriĉo | screech |
krie | screamingly |
kriega | vociferous |
kriegado | howling, shouting |
kriegi | yell |
kriego | scream |
kriegulino | termagant |
krieti | squall |
krieto | squeal |
krifo | claw, talon |
krii | cry out, scream, shout |
kriketo | cricket (sport) |
kriko | jack |
krima | criminal |
krimbruliganto | arsonist |
krimbruligi | commit arson |
krimbruligisto | arsonist |
krimbruligo | arson |
krimea tataro | Crimean Tatar |
krimea | Crimean |
krimeco | criminality, iniquity |
krimego | atrocity, outrage |
Krimeo | Crimea |
krimeto | misdemeanor |
krimi | commit a crime |
kriminala kodo | penal law |
kriminala leĝo | criminal law |
kriminala | criminal, penal |
kriminale | criminally |
kriminaleco | criminality |
kriminalisto | criminal scientist |
kriminologio | criminal science |
kriminologo | criminal scientist |
kriminto | offender, perpetrator |
krimo | crime |
krimologio | criminal science |
krimologo | criminal scientist, criminologist |
krimosciencisto | criminal scientist, criminologist |
krimoscienco | criminal science |
krimpago | blood money |
krimromano | crime novel, detective novel, murder mystery |
krimscienco | criminal science |
krimulo | criminal |
kringo | ring-shaped roll, biscuit |
krinolino | crinoline |
krio | cry, shout; Krio language |
kriogeniko | cryogenics |
kripla | crippled, infirm |
kriplaĵo | deformity, impairment, infirmity |
kripli | disable |
kripliga | disabling |
kripliĝi | be crippled, become handicapped |
kripligi | cripple, handicap |
kripligo | maiming, mutilation |
kriplulo | cripple |
kripta haketaĵo | encryption hash |
kripta | encryption |
kriptaĵo | cryptogram |
kriptaĵoscienco | cryptology |
kriptigado | encryption |
kriptigi | encrypt |
kripto | crypt, underground cell, vault |
kriptogamo | cryptogam |
kriptografio | cryptography |
kriptogramo | cryptogram |
kriptonimo | alias, pseudonym |
kriptono | krypton |
kriptorkidio | cryptorchidia |
krisigno | exclamation point, “! ” |
Kriŝno | Krishna |
krisolo | crucible |
krispa | frizzy, curly |
krispaĵo | crinkle, kink |
krispiĝi | become crinkled |
krispigi | crimp, wave, curl |
krispo | frill, ruffle, frilled collar |
kristala globo | crystal ball |
kristala mezembriantemo | common ice plant, crystalline ice plant |
kristala | crystal |
kristaligi | crystallize |
kristaliĝi | crystallize |
kristalo | crystal |
kristalografia | crystallographic |
kristalografio | crystallography |
kristalomancio | crystallomancy, scrying |
Kristalveno | Advent |
kristana erao | Christian Era |
kristana | Christian |
kristanaro | Christiandom |
kristaneco | Christianity |
kristaniĝi | become a Christian |
kristanigi | Christianize |
kristanismo | Christianity |
kristano | Christian |
Kristanujo | Christendom |
kristarbo | Christmas tree |
kristismo | Christianity |
kristnaska arbeto | Christmas tree |
Kristnaska Festo | Christmas, Christmas feast |
Kristnaska Insulo | Christmas Island |
kristnaska piceo | Christmas tree |
kristnaska tago | Christmas Day |
kristnaska vespero | Christmas Eve |
Kristnaska Viro | Father Christmas |
kristnaska | Christmastime, Christmas, of Christmas |
kristnaskarbo | Christmas tree |
kristnaskdono | Christmas box |
kristnaski | spend Christmas |
Kristnaskinsulo | Christmas Island |
Kristnasko | Christmas, Yule |
kristnaskokanto | carol |
Kristo | Christ |
kristologio | Christology |
krita risurco | critical resource |
krita sekcio | critical section |
krita vojo | critical path |
krita | critical |
kriterio | criterion |
kriterioj por akceptado | acceptance criteria |
kriterioj | criteria |
kriticismo | criticism |
kritika | critical |
kritikaĉi | cavil, carp |
kritikado | flak |
kritikanto | judge |
kritike | critically |
kritikema | critical |
kritikeme | critically |
kritiki | criticize |
kritikinda | worth criticising |
kritikismo | criticism |
kritikisto | critic |
kritiko | criticism |
kriulo | Guinea-Bissau Creole |
kriza | critical |
krizalido | chrysalis, pupa |
krizantemo | chrysanthemum |
krize | critically, desperately |
krizi | be in critical condition |
krizo | crisis, depression, emergency |
krizofriso | goldfish |
krizokalo | pinchbeck |
krizolito | chrysolite, olivine, peridot |
krizosplenio | golden saxifrage |
krizotorĉo | flare |
kroata | Croat, Croatian |
kroatino | Croat (fem.), Croatian (fem.) |
Kroatio (Kroatujo) | Croatia, Republic of Croatia |
Kroatio | Croatia |
kroato | Croat, Croatian |
Kroatujo | Croatia, Republic of Croatia |
kroĉado | catenation |
kroĉfermo | concatenation closure, Kleene star |
kroĉi | hook |
kroĉiĝi al | board, clutch |
kroĉiĝo | adhesion |
kroĉilo | hook |
kroĉo | concatenation, catenation |
krokedo | croquette |
kroketo | croquet |
krokizi | sketch |
krokizo | design, outline, sketch, storyboard, plan |
krokodili | crocodile |
krokodilklemo | alligator clip |
krokodilo | crocodile |
krokosmio | montbretia |
krokuso | crocus |
krom se | unless |
krom tio ke | except for the fact that |
krom tio | besides, in addition, moreover |
krom | except for, except, apart from, besides |
kroma aparato | add-on device, addon device |
kroma ekrano | additional display |
kroma intervalo | minor interval |
kroma krado | minor grid |
kroma ordo | secondary order |
kroma ŝlosilo | spare key |
kroma | additional, accidental |
kromaĵa | chrome |
kromaĵo | something else, extra |
kromaĵoj | extras |
kromakcento | secondary accent, secondary stress |
kromartikuloj | Xenarthra |
kromata | chromatic |
kromateco | chromaticity |
kromatogena | colorgenic |
kromatografio | chromatography |
krombaloto | by-election |
kromĉaro | sidecar |
kromcelo | hidden agenda |
kromdiagonalo suba | subdiagonal |
kromdiagonalo supra | superdiagonal |
kromdiagonalo | diagonal, off-diagonal; superdiagonal; subdiagonal |
kromdomo | outbuilding, outhouse |
krome | besides, in addition, moreover |
kromefiki | cause side effects |
kromefiko | side-effect |
Kromero | Cromer |
kromgusto | additional flavor |
kromi | chromeplate, chrome plate, chromium plate |
kromindekso | secondary index |
kromintenco | hidden agenda |
kromio | chromium |
kromizi | chromeplate, chrome plate, chromium plate |
kromkarto | plugin card, plug-in card |
kromklapo | tab |
kromleciono | additional lesson |
krommarĝeni | indent |
krommarĝeno | indent, indentation |
krommemoro | external memory, backing storage |
kromnomado | aliasing |
kromnomo de konto | account alias |
kromnomo | byname, nickname, sobriquet |
kromnumero | extension (telephone) |
kromo | chromium |
kromofotografio | color photography |
kromolitografio | chromolithography |
kromosfero | chromosphere |
kromosomo | chromosome |
krompagi | pay extra |
krompago | additional payment |
kromperiodo | overtime |
kromplato | plugin card, plug-in card |
kromposteno | moonlight job |
kromprocesoro | coprocessor |
kromprocezilo | coprocessor, co-processor |
kromprodukto | waste product |
kromprogramo | plugin, plug-in |
kromrado | spare time |
kromreĝimo | minor mode |
kromrolanto | extra |
kromrolulo | extra |
kromsigna klavo | accent key |
kromsignifo | side meaning, secondary meaning, additional meaning |
kromsigno | accidental |
kromŝlosilo | secondary key |
kromspongo | refill (mop) |
kromstudi | minor in, concentrate in |
kromsubdisko | extended partition |
kromteksto | subsidiaries |
kromtono | overtone |
kromtubo | spare tire, spare tyre |
kromvagono | trailer |
kromvirino | concubine |
kromviroino | paramour |
kronado | coronation |
kroneto | corolla |
kroni | crown |
kronika | chronic, lingering |
kronikisto | chronicler, historian |
kroniko | chronicle |
krono | crown |
kronologia | chronological |
kronologio | timeline |
kronometri | time |
kronometria | chronometric |
kronometrio | chronometry |
kronometristo | timekeeper |
kronometro | chronometer |
kropo | craw, crop, goiter, gullet, pouch |
krotalo | rattlesnake |
krotofago | ani |
krozadi | cross |
krozado | cruise |
krozanto | crusier |
krozi | cruise |
krozilo | browser |
krozisto | crusier |
krozŝipo | cruiser |
kruca haĉo | crosshatch, cross hatch |
kruca militiro | crusade |
kruca ombrostreko | crosshatch, cross hatch |
kruca | crucial, cruciform |
krucarmo | crossarm |
krucbekulo | crossbill |
kruĉego | ewer |
kruĉeto | ampoule |
krucforme | across |
kruci | cross |
krucifikso | crucifix |
kruciĝe | across |
krucigi | cross |
kruciĝi | cross |
krucigo | crossing |
kruciĝo | intersection |
krucisto | crusader |
krucita konekta kablo | crossover cable |
krucita | crossed, crossover |
kruckavaliro | Teutonic knight |
kruckontrolo | cross-check |
krucmarki | check off, mark with a cross, put a cross against, tickoff |
krucmasto | driver, mizenmast |
krucmilitiro | crusade |
krucmilitisto | crusader |
krucmilito | crusade |
kruco | cross |
kruĉo | jug, pitcher |
kruĉoforma | ascidiform |
krucosigni | make the sign of the cross |
krucplakaĵo | plywood |
krucreferenca tabelo | crossreference table, cross-reference table |
krucreferenca | cross-reference |
krucreferenco | cross-reference |
krucumi | crucify |
krucumo | crucifixion |
krucvojo | way of the cress |
krucvortenigma | crossword |
krucvortenigmo | crossword puzzle |
kruda datumo | raw data |
kruda petrolo | crude oil |
kruda skizo | adumbration, shadow |
kruda | crude, raw, rough, brute-force |
krudaj datumoj | raw data |
krudaj materialoj | raw materials |
krudaj | crude, raw, rough, brute-force |
krudaĵo | commodity |
krude | in the rough |
krudeco | crudity |
krudfero | pig iron |
krudlanŝtofa | baize |
krudlanŝtofo | baize |
krudmaterialo | raw material |
krudulaĉa | loutish, yobbish |
krudulaĉo | lout |
krudulo | churl, boor |
kruela | cruel |
kruelaĵo | act of cruelty, atrocity |
kruele | cruelly |
krueleco | cruelty |
kruelega | horrible |
kruelegaĵo | atrocity |
kruelege | atrociously, ferociously |
kruelegeco | ferocity |
kruelego | atrocity, ferocity |
krueloeco | cruelty |
kruelulo | brute |
krupiero | croupier |
krupo | croup |
kruraĵo | leg meat |
krurbraceleto | anklet |
kruro | leg, paw |
kruroprotezo | artificial leg |
krurrompo | fracture of the leg |
krurungo | spur |
krurvindaĵoj | leggings, gaiters |
krurvindo | puttee |
krurzono | garter |
krustaco | crustacean |
krusto | crust |
krustulo | crustacean |
krustuloj | crustacean |
kruta | abrupt, steep |
krutaĵo | precipice |
krute | steeply |
kruteco | steepness |
krutegaĵo | escarpment, precipice |
krutiĝi | steepen, become steep |
krutigi | steepen, make steep |
kruzejro | cruzeiro |
kruzero | cruzeiro |
ks (kaj similaj) | and such, and the like, and similar |
ks (kaj simile) | and such, and the like, and similar |
ksantato | xanthate |
ksantelasmo | xanthelasma |
ksanteno | xanthin |
ksantino | xanthine |
ksantofila | xanthophyllic, xanthophyllous |
ksantofilo | xanthophyll |
ksantomo | xanthoma |
ksantomozo | xanthomatosis |
ksantosomo | yautia |
Ksavero | Xavier |
ksenio | xenia |
ksenobiologio | exobiology, xenobiology |
ksenofobia | xenophobic |
ksenofobio | hostility to foreigners, xenophobia |
ksenofobiulo | xenophobe |
ksenofobo | xenophobe |
ksenogamia | xenogamous |
ksenogamio | xenogamy |
ksenogeneza | xenogeneic |
ksenogenezo | xenogenesis |
ksenogrefto | xenograft |
ksenologio | xenology |
ksenonlampo | xenon lamp |
ksenono | xenon |
ksera | xerographic |
kserazo | xerasia |
ksero | xerography |
kserodermo | xeroderma |
kserofila | xerophilous |
kserofito | xerophilous plant, xerophyte |
kseroftalmio | xerophthalmia |
kserografia | xerographic |
kserografio | xerography |
kserokopio | xerographic copy |
kseroradiografio | xeroradiography |
kseroradiogramo | xeroradiogram |
ksifio | swordfish |
ksifisterno | xiphisternum |
ksifoida | xiphoid |
ksifoido | xiphoid |
ksifosura | xiphosuran |
ksilano | xylan |
ksilemo | xylem |
ksileno | xylene |
ksilofaga | xylophagous |
ksilofonisto | xylophonist |
ksilofono | xylophone |
ksilografaĵo | woodcut, xylograph |
ksilografi | woodcut, xylograph |
ksilografia | woodcutting, xylographic, xylographical |
ksilografiaĵo | woodcut, xylograph |
ksilografiisto | woodcutter, wood engraver, xylographer |
ksilografio | woodcutting, xylography |
ksilografo | woodcutter, wood engraver, xylographer |
ksilotoma | xylotomous |
ksilozo | xylose |
ksio | xi |
ksisto | xyst, xystus |
ksk (kaj sekvantaj) | and the following |
KSM (Koresponda Servo Mondskala) | Worldwide Correspondence Service |
ksosa | Xhosa |
ktp. (kaj tiel plu) | etc., et cetera |
ktp | and so on |
Kualalumpuro | Kuala Lumpur |
kuba splajno | cubic spline |
kuba | Cuban; cubic |
kubano | Cuban |
kube | in the Cuban way |
kubika metro | cubic meter |
kubĵeto | roll, throw of the dice |
Kubo | Cuba; cube |
kubo | cube |
kubutlibereco | elbow-room |
kubuto | elbow |
kubutumi | nudge |
kudrado | needlework |
kudraĵo | needlework |
kudrero | stitch |
kudri | sew |
kudrilarkorbo | sewing basket, workbasket |
kudrilaro | sewing things |
kudrilarujo | sewing box |
kudrilkuseno | pincushion |
kudrilo | needle |
kudristino | needlewoman, seamstress |
kudrofadeno | sewing thread |
kudrokurso | sewing class |
kudromaŝino | sewing machine |
kufo | bonnet, cap |
kuglaĵo | canon ball, shot |
kuglego | shell, bomb |
kugletaĵo | grapeshot |
kugletarpafilo | shotgun |
kugleto | pellet |
kuglingo | case, casing |
kuglo | bullet |
kuglomontrilo | trackball, track ball |
kuirado | cookery |
kuiraĵo | cooking |
kuirarta | culinary |
kuirarto | cuisine |
kuirbanano | plantain |
kuireja | kitchen, of a kitchen |
kuirejo | kitchen |
kuirejstablo | dresser |
kuirforno | stove |
kuiri | cook |
kuiriĝi | cook |
kuirilaro | kitchen utensils |
kuirilvendisto | hardwareman |
Kuirista Markolo | Cook Strait |
Kuirista Monto | Mount Cook |
kuiristino | cook (fem.), female cook |
kuiristo | cook, male cook |
kuirita | cooked |
kuirlibro | cookbook |
kuiropreta | ready to cook |
kuirpoto | cooking pot |
kuja | Gikuyu, Kikuyu |
kukaburo | kookaburra |
kukaĵo | pastry |
kukbakejo | confectionery |
kukbakisto | confectioner |
kukejo | confectioner’s, confectioner’s shop |
kuketo | cupcake |
kuketujo | biscuit tin |
Kukinsuloj | Cook Islands |
kuklando | land of milk and honey |
kuko | cake |
kukolhorloĝo | cuckoo clock |
kukolo | cuckoo |
kukumeto | gherkin |
kukumo | cucumber |
kukurbacoj | curcurbits |
kukurbeto | zucchini |
kukurbo | gourd, pumpkin, squash |
kulako | kulak |
kulasbloko | breech block |
kulaso | breech of gun |
kulasriglilo | breech bolt |
kuleranaso | shoveler |
kulerĉerpi | dish up |
kulerego | spoon, large spoon |
kulerkavo | bowl of a spoon |
kulero | spoon |
kulinara | culinary |
kulinario | art of cooking |
kulio | coolie |
kuliso | wing (stage), slip (stage), coulisse |
kulisoj | wings (stage), slips (stage), coulisses |
kulisoŝovisto | stagehand |
kulmina | climactic, ultimate |
kulmini | climax, culminate |
kulmino | acme |
kulmo | blade, stalk |
kulo | gnat |
kulombo | coulomb |
kuloto | short pants, shorts |
kulpa | guilty |
kulpatesto | admission of guilt |
kulpeco | culpability |
kulpi | be guilty |
kulpiga | accusatory |
kulpiganto | accuser |
kulpigi pri | accuse of, charge with, impeach of, indict for, tax with |
kulpigi | accuse, blame |
kulpiĝi | be guilty |
kulpigito | accused, defendant |
kulpigo | accusation, charge, complaint, indictment |
kulpiko | gnat bight |
kulpo | blame, fault, guilt |
kulposente | guiltily, with feelings of guilt |
kulposento | guilt feeling |
kulpovaro | guiltware |
kulpsentoj | guilty feelings, guilt |
kulpulo | culprit |
Kulroso | Culross |
kulŝirmilo | mosquito net |
kultejo | place of worship |
kulti | worship |
kultivado | cultivation, tillage |
kultivebla | arable |
kultivejo | plantation |
kultivi | cultivate |
kultivisto | cultivator, grower |
kultivo | cultivation, growing |
kulto | cult |
kultura | cultural |
kulturado | cultivation |
kulturdomo | cultural centre |
kulture | culturally |
kulturejo | plantation |
kulturhomo | cultured person, educated person |
kulturi | cultivate, grow |
kulturiĝi | become cultivated |
kulturita | cultivated |
kulturkampo | farmland |
kulturo | culture |
kulturologio | humanities |
kulvualo | mosquito net |
kumano | Cuman |
Kumarado | Cumbrae |
Kumbernaŭldo | Cumbernauld |
kumino | cumin |
kumiso | koumiss |
kumkvato | kumquat |
kumulado | cumulation |
kumuli | cumulate |
kumuluso | cumulus, woolpack |
kun antaŭmedito | premeditated, with premeditation |
kun ĉirkaŭfluo | wrap on, wordwrap on, word wrap on |
kun escepto de | with the exception of |
kun la spiro retenita | holding one’s breath |
kun la tempopaso | over the course of time |
kun rezervo pri | bar, barring, except for, subject to, without prejudice |
kun versikontrolo | versioned |
kun- | co-, fellow |
kun | with |
kuna | joint, combined |
kunagi | cooperate |
kunaĵo | union |
kunalie | with others |
kunaparteni | belong together, go together |
kunaŭtoro | co-author, coauthor |
kunbatalantaro | military team |
kunbatalanto | fellow fighter |
kunbati | beat together |
kunbekiĝi | squabble, wrangle |
kuncelebri | concelebrate |
kuncentrigi | center, centralize, concentrate |
kuncentrigo | centralization |
kuncivitano | fellow citizen |
kundancantino | dance partner |
kundancanto | dance partner |
kundecido | co-decision, accord; compromise |
kundividantaro | swarm (torrent) |
kundividanto de dosieroj | filesharer, file sharer |
kundividanto | sharer |
kundividantoj | peers (torrent) |
kune kun | together with, along with |
kune | together |
kuneco | togetherness |
kunefrapi | clap together, clap hands together |
kunegali | tally |
kunekzistado | coexistence, co-existence |
kunekzisti | coexist |
kunenzimo | coenzyme |
kunestado | coexistence |
kunesti | be together |
kunesto | meeting |
kunfanda kampo | merge field |
kunfanda operacio | merge operation |
kunfanda | merge |
kunfandaĵo | alloy |
kunfandema lingvo | inflective language |
kunfandi | merge, collate |
kunfandiĝi | coalesce, fuse |
kunfandiĝo | consolidation |
kunfandita ĉelo | merged cell |
kunfandita | merged |
kunfando | merging |
kunfaranto | accessory |
kunfinanci | cofinance, co-finance |
kunflua | confluent |
kunflue | downstream |
kunfluiĝo | confluence |
kunforĝi | weld |
kunfrapo | impact |
kunfrato | confrère |
kunfripono | accomplice |
kunfunkciebla | interoperable |
kunfunkcieblo | interoperability |
kunfunkcipovo | interoperability |
kunglui | paste together |
kungluiĝemo | adhesiveness |
kungrefti | graft |
kunhava proporcio | share ratio |
kunhava uzantokonto | shared user account |
kunhava uzantoprofilo | shared user profile |
kunhava | shared, share |
kunhavaj borderoj | shared borders |
kunhavaj | shared |
kunhavata kajero | shared workbook |
kunhavata | shared |
kunhavataj dosierujaj permesoj | shared folder permissions |
kunhavataj | shared |
kunhavi | to have (with oneself), share |
kunhaviga reĝimo | sharing mode |
kunhaviga | sharing |
kunhaviganto de dosieroj | filesharer, file sharer |
kunhaviganto | sharer |
kunhavigi | share |
kunhavigilo | sharing program, sharing tool |
kunhavigita | shared |
kunhavigo de scio | knowledge sharing |
kunhavigo | sharing |
kunhelpa | cooperative |
kunhelpanto | accessory, helpmate |
kunhelpe | cooperatively |
kunhelpi | provide help, cooperate |
kunhelpinto | assistant, helper |
kunhelpo | assistance, help, aide |
kunhelpoado | cooperation |
kunhomo | fellow human being, neighbor |
kuni | conjoin, put together |
kuniga ekkrampo | opening brace, { |
kuniga finkrampo | closing brace, } |
kuniga histo | connective tissue |
kuniga informpeto | union query |
kuniga krampo | brace, “{ ” or “} ” |
kuniga | union |
kuniĝado | convergence |
kunigado | multiplexing |
kunigaj krampoj | curly braces, { and } |
kunigaĵo | union |
kunigi en faskon | bundle |
kunigi node | tie on |
kunigi siajn ideojn | to collect one’s thoughts |
kuniĝi | associate, come together, join, pool |
kunigi | join, unite |
kunigilo | multiplex |
kunigita | muxed |
kunigo | concatenation, catenation |
kuniĝo | joining, junction |
kuniklejo | rabbit hutch, warren |
kunikleto | bunny |
kuniklo | rabbit |
kuniklostalo | rabbit hutch |
kuniranto | fellow traveler, running buddy |
kuniri | go with |
kunjungitaĵo | set of draft horses |
kunĵuri | conspire |
kunkajigo | &-introduction |
kunkantado | singalong, sing-along |
kunkanti | accompany, sing along with |
kunkapitala entrepreno | joint venture |
kunkateni | shackle |
kunkrimulo | accomplice |
kunkudraĵo | seam |
kunkudri | sew together |
kunkudro | seam |
kunkulpa | accessory |
kunkulpeco | complicity |
kunkulpulo | abetter, accessory, accomplice |
kunkura funkciado | concurrent process |
kunkura | concurrent |
kunkuro | concurrency |
kunlabora komputado | collaborative computing |
kunlabora lumbildo | collaborative slide |
kunlabora plurtaskado | cooperative multitasking |
kunlabora produktado | commons-based peer product, peer production |
kunlabora sistemo | collaborative system |
kunlabora | collaborative |
kunlaborado | collaboration |
kunlaboranto | collaborator |
kunlabore | cooperatively |
kunlabori | cooperate, co-operate |
kunlaboro | collaboration |
kunlernanto | schoolfellow |
kunliga vorteto | conjunction |
kunligado | joining |
kunligaĵo | composition product |
kunligi | connect, join, attach |
kunligo | connection |
kunliverita | inbox (driver) |
kunloĝantejo | dormitory |
kunloĝanto | co-occupant, cooccupant |
kunloĝi | cohabit, live together, cohabitate |
kunlokigado de ekipaĵo | collocation, colocation |
kunlokigejo de ekipaĵo | collocation center, colocation center, collocation centre, colocation centre |
kunludanto | fellow player |
kunludi | play together |
kunmanĝanto | messmate |
kunmanĝi | eat together, mess |
kunmet-ordo | collating sequence |
kunmetado | collation |
kunmetaĵo | build |
kunmeti | put together |
kunmetilo | assembler |
kunmetita dosiero | compound file |
kunmetita dosierujo | compound file directory |
kunmetita signo | composite character |
kunmetita | composite |
kunmetitaĵo | combination |
kunmeto | concatenation, catenation |
kunmetordo | collating sequence |
kunmezurebla | commensurable |
kunmiksi | combine |
kunmunti | assemble |
kunnaskita | congentital, inborn, inbred, innate, native |
kunnomumi | duplicate |
kunokaze | coincidentally |
kunokazeco | coincidence |
kunordiga klasifiko | merge sorting |
kunordiga konjunkcio | coordinating conjunction |
kunordiga servilo | tracker |
kunordiga | coordinating |
kunordigi | coordinate, co-ordinate |
kunordigo | coordination |
kunparolanto | conversation partner, interlocutor |
kunparoli | speak together |
kunplekti | entwine, interweave |
kunporti | bring along, take along |
kunpremado | constriction, squeeze |
kunpremebla | compressible |
kunpremegi | squash, squeeze |
kunpremi | compress |
kunpremilo | compressor |
kunpremo | compression |
kunpreni | bring along |
kunprogramo | coroutine |
kunproksimiĝi | huddle |
kunpuŝiĝi | collide |
kunpuŝiĝo | collision |
kunrespondi | correspond |
kunrespondo | connection |
kunrimi | rhyme |
kunrula procezo | concurrent process |
kunrula | concurrent |
kunrulaj procezoj | concurrent processes |
kunrulaj | concurrent |
kunrulo | concurrency |
kunsenco | connotation |
kunsendaĵo | attachment |
kunsendi | enclose |
kunsenta | sympathetic |
kunsente | sympathetically |
kunsenti | feel together |
kunsento | sympathy |
kunsidantaro | assembly |
kunsidi | meet |
kunsido | meeting |
kunŝovi | kern, overhang |
kunŝovo | kerning |
kuntara pezo | gross weight |
kuntara | gross |
kunteksta helpo | context help |
kunteksta kampo | context field |
kunteksta menuo | context menu |
kunteksta | context |
kunteksteco | contextuality |
kuntekstigi | contextualize |
kunteksto | context |
kuntekstohava gramatiko | context-sensitive grammar |
kuntekstohava lingvo | context-sensitive language |
kuntekstohava | context-sensitive |
kuntena streketo | nonbreaking hyphen, non‑breaking hyphen, ‑ |
kuntena | non-breaking, nonbreaking |
kunteniĝi | cohere, hold together |
kunteniĝo | cohesion |
kuntira | astringent |
kuntiri | draw together, tighten |
kuntiriĝi | cower, shrink |
kuntiro | contraction |
kuntreni | bring with it |
kuntreniĝi | involve |
kuntreniĝo | involvement |
kuntuŝiĝi | touch, adjoin |
kunularo | company |
kunuleco | companionship, comradeship, fellowship |
kunulino | companion |
kunulo | companion |
kunumado | being together |
kunuzi | share |
kunvarianco | covariance |
kunvenejo | meeting place, rendezvous, resort |
kunvenestro | moderator (meeting) |
kunveni | assemble, congregate, gather, meet |
kunvenigi | take along |
kunvenintaro | assemblage |
kunveno | assemblage, gathering, meeting |
kunveturi | travel together |
kunvivado | cohabitation |
kunvivantino | partner |
kunvivanto | cohabitee, partner |
kunvivi | huddle |
kunvojaĝanto | travel companion |
kunvojaĝi | travel together |
kunvoki | convoke, call |
kunvokitaro | convocation |
kunvoko | roll-call; parade |
kunvulsio | convulsion |
kuo | Q, the letter Q, cue (letter name) |
Kuparo | Cupar |
kupeo | compartment |
kupido | cupid |
kuplado | feedback |
kupleto | couplet |
kupli | couple |
kuplilo | clutch |
kupliretro | feedback |
kuplita retadaptilo | cluster adapter |
kuplita | coupled, cluster |
kupo | cupping glass |
kupokso | cowpox |
kupolo | cupola, dome |
kupono | coupon |
kupra | copper |
kupraĵo | brassware |
kupreca | coppery |
kuprepoko | copper age |
kupri | copperplate, plate with copper, copper plate |
kupristo | coppersmith |
kupro | copper |
kuproepoko | copper age |
kuprokolora | copper, coppery |
kupromonero | copper |
kupropirito | chalcopyrite |
kupulo | cupule |
kuraca gimnastiko | physiotherapy |
kuraca | medical |
kuracado | treatment |
Kuracao | Curaçao |
kuracarto | healing arts |
kuracato | sick person, patient |
kuracebla | curable |
kuracejo | health resort, nursing home, sanatorium |
kuracherbo | medicinal herb |
kuraci | care for, cure, treat |
kuraciĝi | heal |
kuracilejo | dispensary |
kuracilo | drug, medicine, pharmaceutical |
kuracistino | physician, doctor |
kuracisto | doctor, physician |
kuracloko | spa, health resort |
kuraco | cure, curing, act of curing |
kuracplanto | medicinal plant |
kuradi | keep on running |
kurado | running |
kuraĝa | brave, courageous, valiant |
kuraĝanima | brave |
kuraĝanime | bravely, boldly |
kuraĝe | courageously |
kuraĝeco | fortitude |
kuraĝega | intrepid |
kuraĝege | fearlessly |
kuraĝegeco | prowess |
kuraĝi batali kontraŭ | dare to fight, stand up to |
kuraĝi entrepreni | dare, venture |
kuraĝi | be courageous, be bold, dare |
kuraĝiga | encouraging |
kuraĝige | supportively |
kuraĝiĝi | embolden, encourage |
kuraĝigi | encourage |
kuraĝigo | encouragement |
kuraĝo | courage |
kuraĝulo | brave person |
kuraĝus | would dare to |
kuraĥo | currach |
kuranta dosierujo | current directory, current working directory, working directory, working folder |
kuranta | current |
kuranto | runner |
kuraro | curare |
Kuraso | Curaçao |
kurataki | assault, storm |
kuratako | assault, storming |
kuratoreco | curatorship, trusteeship |
kuratoro | curator, custodian |
kurba krampo | brace, [ , ] |
kurba paragrafo | section sign, § |
kurba | bent, curved |
kurbaj krampoj | braces, [ and ] |
kurbbastono | Episcopal staff |
kurbeco | bending |
kurbecocentro | center of curvature |
kurbecocirklo | circle of curvature |
kurbecoradiuso | radius of curvature |
kurbecradiuso | radius of curvature |
kurbflugo | curving flight |
kurbiĝadi | twist |
kurbigi arkon | bend a bow |
kurbigi | bend |
kurbiĝi | bend |
kurbiĝo | bend, crook, curve, turn |
kurbkrua | bowlegged, bow-legged |
kurbo | bend, curve |
kurboplena | twisting |
kurĉatovio | Kurchatovium |
kurĉevalo | racehorse |
kurda | Kurdish |
Kurdio | Kurdistan |
kurdo | Kurd |
Kurdujo | Kurdistan |
kuregado | stampede |
kuregi | race, run |
kuregisto | runner |
kurego | dash, race, stampede |
kurejo | course, race-course, track, running track |
kuremulino | woman who likes to run |
kuremulo | person who likes to run |
kurentintenseco | amperage |
kurentintenso | electric current |
kurentmalŝalto | power off |
kurento | current |
kurentomastrumado | power management |
kurentoskemo | power scheme |
kurentpaneo | power failure |
kurentprovizi | apply power to |
kurentprovizo | power supply |
kurentŝalto | power on |
kurhundeto | whippet |
kuri | run |
kuriero | courier; bishop (chess) |
kurierŝipo | packet boat, transporter |
kuriga | fast-forward |
kurigi | cause to run, make run |
kurilo | cooker |
Kuriloj | Kuril Islands, Kurile Islands |
kurio | curia |
kurioza | curious, interesting, quaint |
kuriozaĵo | curiosity |
kuriozeco | singularity, oddity |
kuristo | runner |
kuriumo | curium |
kurkulio | curculio, weevil |
kurkumino | curcumin |
kurkumo | turmeric |
kurlingisto | curler |
kurlingo | curling |
kurlo | curlew |
kuro de la rivero | course of the river |
kuro kontraŭ la tempo | race against time |
kuro | course (race) |
kursadi | circulate |
kursado | circulation, run |
kursano | course participant |
kursaviadilo | airliner, air liner |
kursgvidanto | teacher of a course |
kursilo | router |
kursiva | in italics |
kursive presita | printed in italics |
kursivigi | italicize |
kursivigita | italicized |
kursivita | italicized |
kursivo | italic type |
kurso | class, course |
kursomaterialo | course material |
kursoro | cursor, point |
kurspaĝaro | course website |
kursŝanĝi | reroute |
kursvaro | courseware |
kurta | short |
kurtaĝo | broker commission, broker fee, brokerage |
kurtaĵo | hot key |
kurtena listo | dropdown list, drop-down list, combo box, combobox |
kurtena menuo | dropdown menu, dropdown box |
kurtena | curtain; dropdown, drop-down, combo (box) |
kurteno | curtain |
kurtenstango | curtain rod |
kurtigi | abbreviate, shorten |
kurtino | curtain |
kurtonda | shortwave, short-wave |
kurtvojo | shortcut |
kuru | fast forward |
kuruko | garden warbler |
kurvo | curve |
kurvojo | jogging path |
kurzo | exchange rate, rate of exchange |
kuŝa | recumbent |
kuŝado | lying |
kuŝbenko | bunk |
kuŝbiciklo | recumbent, recumbent bicycle, recumbent bike |
kuŝe | secretly, secretively, in secret, in hiding |
kuŝejo | lair |
kuŝemulo | truant |
kusenego | thick comforter used as a bed covering |
kuseneto | pad |
kusenlito | pillow |
kuseno | cushion |
kusensako | cushion cover, pillow case |
kusentegilo | cushion cover, pillow case |
kusentego | cushion cover, pillow case |
kusenveturilo | hovercraft |
kuŝi antaŭe | lie ahead |
kuŝi supre sur | be on top of, lay on top of |
kuŝi | lie, recline |
kuŝiĝeti | nestle |
kuŝigi | lay |
kuŝiĝi | lie down |
kusineto | bolster, bush |
Kusko | Cuzco |
kuskuso | couscous |
kuskuto | dodder |
kuŝoseĝo | couch, divan |
kuspi | roll up, brush against the grain |
kuspnaza | snub-nosed |
kustardo | cream, custard |
kuŝujo | riverbed, bed (river) |
kutima instalo | standard installation |
kutima | customary, accustomed, standard, used to, usual, wonted |
kutime | ordinarily, usually |
kutimeto | familiarity |
kutimi | accustom, be in the habit of |
kutimigi | accustom |
kutimiĝi | accustom oneself, get used |
kutimiĝo | adjustment |
kutimita | accustomed to, used to |
kutimo | custom, habit, way |
kutimulo | regular (guest) |
kutro | cutter |
kuvajta | Kuwaiti |
kuvajtano | Kuwaiti |
Kuvajto | Kuwait |
kuvego | vat |
kuveto | tray |
kuvo | tub, vat |
kuvoeto | tub |
kuzino | cousin |
kuzo | cousin |
kvad | Sqr |
kvadranto | quadrant |
kvadrata matrico | square matrix |
kvadrata metro | square meter |
kvadrata mezumo | quadratic mean |
kvadrata | square, quadratic |
kvadratangule | in a square (pattern) |
kvadrategala | idempotent |
kvadratigi | square |
kvadratita | checked, chequered |
kvadratmejlo | square mile |
kvadrato | square |
kvadraturo | quadrature |
kvadrigo | chariot, quadriga |
kvadriko | quadric |
kvadrilo | quadrille |
kvadro | ashlar |
kvadroŝtono | ashlar |
kvago | quagga |
kvajzoj | chopsticks |
kvakado | honking |
kvakera | Quaker |
kvakero | Quaker |
kvaki | quack, croak |
kvako | croak, honk, squawk |
kvalifi | qualify |
kvalifika | qualified, qualifying |
kvalifiki | qualify |
kvalifikiĝi | become qualified, become qualified to |
kvalifikiĝo | qualification |
kvalifikita | able |
kvalifiko | ability, qualification |
kvaliteco | qualification |
kvalitigi | qualify |
kvalitkontrolo | QA, quality assurance, QC, quality control |
kvalito | property, quality |
kvalitokontrolo | quality control |
kvankam | though, although |
kvanteca | quantitative |
kvantesprimo | expression of quantity |
kvanto | quantity |
kvantoro | quantifier |
kvantumigi | quantumize |
kvantummeĥaniko | quantum mechanics |
kvantummekaniko | quantum mechanics |
kvantumo | quantum |
kvantumteorio | quantum theory |
kvar | four, 4 |
kvara | fourth, 4th |
kvarangula | quadrangular |
kvarangulaĵo | quadrangle |
kvarangulo | quadrangle |
kvaranteni | be quarantined |
kvaranteno | quarantine |
kvarco | quartz, rock-crystal |
kvardek | forty, 40 |
kvardeka | fortieth |
kvare | fourthly |
kvaredro | tetrahedron |
kvarfoje | four times |
kvarko | quark |
kvarkura | four-legged |
kvarlampa | four-tube |
kvarlatero | quadrilateral |
kvarliteraĵo | tetragraph |
kvarmonate | four-monthly |
kvaro | foursome, quartet, quad |
kvarobla | quadruple |
kvarobligi | square (math) |
kvarolo | quadruplet |
kvarona noto | quarter note, crotchet |
kvaronarierulo | quarterback |
kvaronbuŝelo | quarter bushel |
kvaronhoro | quarter hour, 15 minutes |
kvaronjara | quarterly |
kvaronjare | quarterly |
kvaronjaro | quarter |
kvarono | a fourth, one quarter, ¼, 1/4, 25% |
kvaronujo | quarter |
kvaronumi | quarter, cut into four pieces |
kvarope | by fours |
kvaropo | quadruple, quadruplets, quadruplet |
kvarpieda | four-legged, quadruped |
kvarpiede | on all fours |
kvarpiedulo | quadruped |
kvarrada | four-wheel |
kvartakta motoro | four-cycle engine |
kvartalaĉo | back street, slum |
kvartalo | district, neighborhood, neighbourhood, quarter |
kvartermo | quadrinomial |
kvarteto | quartet |
kvartiro | billet |
kvarto | fourth |
kvasio | quassia |
kvaso | kvass |
kvassupo | kvass (soup) |
kvasto | tassel |
kvaternara | Quaternary |
kvazaro | quasar |
kvazaŭ sur la manplato | as though on the palm of my hand |
kvazaŭ | as if, as though, in a way |
kvazaŭa | seeming, quasi- |
kvazaŭĉasta | demure |
kvazaŭdecmora | demure |
kvazaŭdiri | insinuate, suggest |
kvazaŭe | almost, as it were |
kvazaŭfreneza | nutty |
kvazaŭhomo | manikin |
kvazaŭkompakta | quasicompact (space) |
kvazaŭkunrulo | quasi-concurrency |
kvazaŭmilita | paramilitary |
kvazaŭparalelado | pseudoparallelism, quasi-parallel processing; quasi-concurrency |
kvazaŭpruda | demure |
kvazaŭstokasta | pseudorandom |
kvazaŭstokasto | pseudorandom number |
kvazaŭtrupoj | paratroops |
kvazaŭvokalo | semivowel |
kvelao | kwela |
kver | transverse |
kverelado | altercation, dispute, quarreling, squabbling, wrangling |
kverelema | cantankerous, quarrelsome |
kvereli | quarrel, wrangle |
kvereliga | contentious, controversial |
kverelo | quarrel |
kverelulo | brawler |
kveri | coo |
kverka | oak, oaken |
Kverkaro | Oak Forest |
kverkejo | oak, oak-wood |
kverko | oak |
kverkoligno | oak, oak-wood |
kverpanelo | flag |
kvestisto | mendicant friar |
kvestoro | quaestor, questore |
kvieta | calm, quiet |
kviete | quietly, leisurely |
kvietebla | placable |
kvieteco | calmness, quietness |
kvietega | impassive |
kvietema | placable |
kvietiga | soothing |
kvietiĝi | abate, subside |
kvietigi | silence, pacify |
kvietigo | abatement, alleviation, appeasement |
kvietiĝo | abatement, respite |
kvietismo | quietism |
kvietmaso | rest mass |
kvieto | calm, quiet, silence |
kviettemperamenta | staid |
kvikstepo | quickstep |
kvin | five, 5 |
kvina | fifth, 5th |
kvinangulo | pentagon |
kvinanokte | on, during the fifth night |
kvincent | five hundred |
kvindek | fifty, 50 |
kvindekjara | fifteen year-old |
kvine | fifthly |
kvinedro | pentahedron |
kvinjambo | iambic pentameter |
kvinkunkso | quincunx |
kvinlatero | pentagon |
kvinoble | five times as much |
kvinolo | quintuplet |
kvinono | fifth, ⅕, 1/5, 20% |
kvinoo | quinoa |
kvinope | by fives |
kvinopo | quintuple |
kvintalo | quintal |
kvintesenca | quintessential |
kvintesenco | quintessence |
kvinteto | quintet |
kvinto | fifth |
kvintona | pentatonic |
kvira | queer |
kviragenro | genderqueer, queer |
kvislingo | quisling |
kvita | even, paid up, paid-up |
kvitanca mesaĝo | handshake message |
kvitanca reĝimo | handshaking |
kvitanca signo | ACK, acknowledge character, ␆ |
kvitanca | acknowledging |
kvitanci | receipt, acknowledge |
kvitanco | receipt, acknowledgement |
kvitigi | clear, release from debt |
kvitiĝi | settle, square up |
kvitigo | acquittal |
kvitiĝo | settlement |
kviviti | chatter, twitter, warble, peep, tweet, pipe, chirp |
kvizo | quiz |
kvocienta aro | quotient set |
kvocienta frakcio | common fraction, vulgar fraction |
kvocienta grupo | factor group, quotient group |
kvocienta ringo | quotient ring |
kvocienta | quotient |
kvociento | quotient |
kvodlibeto | medley, potpourri, quodlibet |
kvoruma disko | quorum disk |
kvoruma protokolo | quorum log |
kvoruma | quorum |
kvorumo | quorum |
kvota limo | quota limit |
kvota ŝablono | quota template |
kvota uzo | quota usage |
kvotigi | allocate |
kvotigo | allocation, allotment |
kvoto de retkesto | mailbox quota |
kvoto | quota |
kvotovirino | token woman
L |
l (li) | he |
l’ | the |
la | the |
LA (Landa Asocio) | National Association, National Esperanto Association |
la antaŭan semajnon | last week |
la cia | thine, yours |
La Dipatrino | Our Lady |
la hieraŭan nokton | last night |
la ilia | theirs |
la lia | his |
la mia | mine |
la nia | ours |
la pasintan nokton | last night |
la pasintan semajnon | last week |
la proksiman semajnon | next week |
la ŝia | hers |
la tutan | all, throughout the |
la venontan semajnon | next week |
la via | yours |
labila | unstable |
labora | work; auxiliary, intermediate, scratch, temporary |
laboradministra | job-control, command |
laborado | toil, work |
laboraĵo | result of work |
laboranto | worker |
laborareo | work area |
laboratoria | lab, laboratory |
laboratorio | lab, laboratory |
laborborso | employment exchange, labor exchange, labour exchange |
labordivido | division of labor, division of labour |
labordonanto | employer |
laboregi | work hard |
laborejo | workplace |
laborema | hardworking, industrious |
laborenskribo | tender |
laboreto | trifle |
laborfluo | workflow |
laborfolio | worksheet |
laborforto | manpower |
laborgrupo | workgroup |
laborhoroj | working hours |
labori | work |
laborilo | tool |
laborintensiva | labor-intensive, labour-intensive |
laborista | worker, labor, labour, working |
laboristaro | labor force, labour force, work force |
laboristino | female laborer, female labourer, female worker |
laboristo | hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, workman |
laboristoj | laborers, labourers, workers, workmen |
laborkapitalo | working capital |
laborkondiĉoj | terms of employment |
laborkonflikto | labor dispute, labour dispute |
laborkopio | working copy |
laborloko | workplace |
labormaltaŭga | disabled, unfit for work |
labormemora | RAM, random-access memory, random access memory |
labormemoro | RAM, random-access memory, random access memory |
labormerkato | labor market, labour market |
labornekapabla | disabled, unfit for work |
laboro | job, work |
laborpanelo | workpane |
laborperiodo | shift (work) |
laborplanado | job scheduling |
laborplanilo | job scheduler |
laborposteno | job |
laborprenanto | employee |
laborpreta | in working order |
laborsesio | workshop |
laborspaca | workspace |
laborspaco | workspace |
laborstacio | workstation |
laborŝarĝo | workload |
labortabla | desktop |
labortablo | desktop |
laborulo | hand, laborer, labourer, operative, worker, working man, worker |
laborzono | work area, working area |
laca | tired |
lacega | exhausted, tired out, worn out |
lacegigi | fag out, jade, overdrive, override |
lacerto | lizard |
laciga | tiring |
lacigi | tire |
laciĝi | get tired |
laĉi | lace |
laĉo | lace, shoelace |
lada | sheet metal, tin, tin plate |
ladaĵo | firmware |
ladbotelo | flask |
lado | sheet metal, tin, tin plate |
Ladono | Ladon |
ladskatolo | can, tin, tin can |
lafa | lava |
lafo | lava |
lageto | pond |
lago | lake, loch |
lagro | bearing |
laguno | lagoon |
laika | lay |
laikeco | lay status |
laikismo | laicism |
laiko | layman |
Lakadivoj | Lakshadweep Islands, Laccadive Islands, Laccadives |
lakeo | lackey |
laki | lacquer, varnish |
lakmuso | litmus |
lako | lacquer |
laksa | loose |
laksigilo | laxative |
lakso | diarrhoea |
Lakta Vojo | Milky Way |
laktaĵfabriko | dairy |
lakto | milk |
laktodento | milk tooth |
laktuko | lettuce |
laktumo | roe |
lama | lame |
lambastono | crutch |
lameneto | thin plate |
lameno | lamina, thin plate |
lamenti | lament, wail |
lamentinda | lamentable |
lami | limp |
lamio | lamium (flower), nettle, nettles, deadnettle |
lampa | lamp |
lampa petrolo | kerosene, lamp oil |
lampo | lamp |
lampŝaltilo | lightswitch, light switch, light-switch |
lampŝirmilo | lampshade |
lamptenilo | flash casing |
lamulo | lame person |
lana | wool |
lanco | lance, spear |
lanĉi | launch |
lanĉilo | kicker |
lanĉobreto | launchbar |
landano | compatriot |
landinterno | hinterland |
landkodo | country code |
landlimo | border |
lando | country, land |
landstrato | highway |
lanfadeno | worsted |
langeto | tab |
langetobreto | tabbar, tab bar |
langetoj | tabs |
langetojn | tabs |
langeton | tab |
lango | tongue |
langusto | lobster |
langvoro | languor |
Lanko | Sri Lanka |
lano | wool |
lanta | slow |
lantano | lanthanum |
lanteco | slowness |
lanterno | lantern |
lanugo | down, fluff |
laosa | Laotian, Lao |
laosano | Laotian, Lao |
Laoso | Laos, Lao People’s Democratic Republic |
lapo | burr |
lapona | Lapp, Lappish |
laponino | Lappish (female), Lapponian (female) |
Laponio (Laponujo) | Lapland |
lapono | Laplander, Lapp |
Laponujo | Lapland |
lapsano | nipplewort |
Laptevmaro | Laptev Sea; мо́ре Ла́птевых; f.k.a. Nordenskjold Sea; мо́ре Норденшельда |
lardi | lard, stuff |
lardo | bacon |
larĝa | broad |
larĝanima | broadminded, broad-minded |
larĝbenda | broadband |
larĝe | widely |
larĝeco | width |
larĝekrana | widescreen |
larĝformata | large format |
larĝkapacita | broadband |
larĝo | width |
lariko | larch |
laringito | laryngitis |
laringo | larynx |
larmi | shed tears, weep |
larmo | tear |
Larno | Larne (in Northern Ireland); Lairne, Latharna |
larvo | grub, larva |
lasera | laser |
laserdiska | CD, compact-disc, laser-disc, compact disc, laser disc |
laserdisko | CD, compact disc, laser disc |
lasi | let, release, allow, leave |
lasta | last |
lastaj ŝanĝoj | recent changes |
lastatempa | recent |
lastatempe | lately, recently |
lastfoje | the last time |
latekso | latex |
latenta | latent |
Laterono | Latheron (in Scotland); Latharan |
Latin-Amerika | Latin, Latin American |
Latin-Ameriko | Latin America; América Latina, Latinoamérica, América Latina, Amérique latine |
latina | Latin |
Latina-1 | Latin-1, Latin alphabet no. 1, ISO-8859-1, ISO/IEC 8859-1, ISO/IEC 8859-1:1998 |
Latina-2 | Latin-2, Latin alphabet no. 2, ISO-8859-2, ISO/IEC 8859-2, ISO/IEC 8859-2:1999 |
Latina-3 | Latin-3, Latin alphabet no. 3, ISO-8859-3, ISO/IEC 8859-3, ISO/IEC 8859-3:1999 |
latinida | Romance |
Latinida Ameriko (Latin-Ameriko) | Latin America; América Latina, Latinoamérica, América Latina, Amérique latine |
latinĵazo | Latin jazz |
latinmuziko | Latin (music), Latin music |
latino | Latin |
latino sen fleksio | Latino sine Flexione (Latin without Inflections) |
latinroko | Latin rock |
latiso | lattice; algebra (Boolean) |
latitudo | latitude (geographical) |
latkurteno | Venetian blind |
lato | lath, slat |
latrino | latrine |
latuna | brass |
latunaj | brass |
latunaj blovinstrumentoj | brass instruments |
latuno | brass |
latva | Latvian; f.k.a. Lettish |
latvino | Latvian (female); f.k.a. Lett (female) |
Latvio (Latvujo) | Latvia, Republic of Latvia; Latvija, Latvijas Republika |
latvo | Latvian; f.k.a. Lett |
Latvujo | Latvia, Republic of Latvia; Latvija, Latvijas Republika |
laŭ | according to, along, by |
laŭ deziro | at choice, at pleasure, at will |
laŭ insisto de | at the instance of |
laŭ la cirkonstancoj | in the circumstances, under the circumstances |
laŭ onidiroj | it is understood that, it is rumored that, it is rumoured that |
laŭa (laosa) | Lao |
laŭbezone | as need be, where needed |
laŭbildera | pixel |
laŭbita | bitwise |
laŭbo | arbor |
laŭcela | adequate |
laŭcifera komplemento | radix-minus-one complement |
laŭdi | laud, commend, praise |
laŭdinda | commendable |
laŭdire | allegedly, as is being said |
laŭdneso | loudness |
laŭdo | praise |
laŭe | accordingly |
laŭeble | if possible, as much as possible |
laŭgrada | gradual |
laŭgrade | gradually, little by little |
laŭhorloĝa | clockwise |
laŭkvanta | volume (license) |
laŭlarĝe | crossways |
laŭlegenda | legendary |
laŭleĝa | legal |
laŭlitere | to the letter |
laŭlonge | lengthwise |
laŭlonge de | along |
laŭmenda | custom |
laŭmezura | to measure |
laŭmoda | fashionable |
laŭnominala | at par |
laŭnorma | standard |
laŭofice | officially |
laŭorda | in due form, orderly |
laŭpeta | on demand |
laŭpeta filmo | VOD, video-on-demand |
laŭpeta presado | POD, print on demand, publishing on demand |
laŭpeta printado | POD, print on demand, publishing on demand |
laŭpete | on demand |
laŭplaĉe | as one pleases |
laŭplana | according to plan, planned |
laŭrencio | lawrencium |
laŭro | laurel |
laŭsistema | systematic |
laŭŝajna | seeming, apparent |
laŭta | loud |
laŭte | loudly |
laŭtecnivelado | volume leveling |
laŭtema stilfolio | cascading stylesheet |
laŭtlegi | read aloud |
laŭtoregilo | volume control |
laŭtparolila skatolo | loudspeaker cabinet |
laŭtparolilo | loudspeaker |
laŭtvoĉe | in a loud voice |
laŭvica | sequential, serial |
laŭvica atingo | serial access, sequential access |
laŭvice | in turn |
laŭvide | by sight |
laŭvole | as you wish, at will |
laŭvorta | literal |
laŭvorte | verbatim, word for word, word-for-word, as originally said |
lavabo | washbasin, sink |
lavado | washing |
lavaĵpinĉilo | clothespin, clothes peg, peg |
lavango | avalanche |
lavejo | washroom |
lavendo | lavender |
lavi | wash |
lavistino | laundress |
lavkuvo | washing-up bowl |
lavpurigebla | washable |
lavpurigi | wash, purify by washing |
lavtabulo | washboard |
lavtuko | washcloth |
lavurso | raccoon |
lazo | lasso |
lazura | sky blue |
Lazura Bordo | French Riviera, Côte d’Azur, Còsta d’Azur |
lazuro | sky blue, azure, голубой |
LD (lumdisko) | CD, compact disc |
Lebanono (Libano) | Lebanon |
leciono | lesson |
leda | leather |
ledaĵoj | leather goods |
Ledao | Leda |
ledo | leather |
lega-skriba | read-write, I/O, in-out, open (basedir) |
legacio | legation |
legaĵo | reading matter |
leganto | reader |
legebla | legible |
legenda | legendary |
legendo | legend |
legeraro | read error |
legi | read |
legilo | reader, player |
leginda | worth reading |
legio | legion |
legitimaĵo | credentials |
legitimi | legitimize |
legitimilo | I.D., ID, identification |
legkapo | reading head |
legmaniero | reading view |
legokapo | playhead |
legokonfirmo | read receipt |
legomo | vegetable |
legordo | reading order |
legosigno | bookmark |
legpanelo | reading pane |
legumino | readme file |
leĝa | legal |
leĝdona | legislative |
leĝeco | legality |
leĝera | light |
leĝo | law |
leĝprojekto | bill |
leĝpropono | bill |
lejdena | Leyden, Leiden |
lejdena kondensoro | Leyden jar (battery), Leiden jar (battery) |
Lejdeno | Leyden |
lekanteto | daisy |
lekanto | marguerite |
lekcii | lecture |
lekciisto | lecturer |
lekcio | lecture |
leki | lick |
leksemo | lexeme |
leksika | lexical |
leksika analizilo | lexical analyser, scanner |
leksika analizo | lexical analysis, scan |
leksiko | vocabulary |
leksikografia | lexicographic |
leksikono | lexicon |
lektoro | lector, lecturer |
lekumi | eat, eat cunt |
lemingo | lemming |
leno | lane |
lenso | lens |
lento | lentil |
lentugo | freckle |
leono | lion |
leontodo | dandelion |
leopardo | leopard |
leporhundo | greyhound |
leporo | hare |
lepororeloj | rabbit ears |
lepro | leprosy |
leprulo | leper |
lernado | learning |
lernado-kurbo | learning curve |
lernadokurbo | learning curve |
lernantino | learner, student, pupil |
lernanto | learner, student, pupil |
lernejaj ferioj | school holidays |
lernejano | pupil, scholar |
lernejestro | principal, headmaster, head of a school |
lernejo | school |
lerni | learn |
lernigi | teach |
lernilo | tutorial |
lernita | acquired, learnt |
lernolibro | textbook |
lerta | clever, dexterous, skillful |
lerteco | expertness, skilfulness, skill, skillfulness |
lesba | lesbian |
lesbanino | lesbian |
lesivakvo | lather |
lesivejo | laundry |
lesivi | wash |
lesivistino | laundress |
lesivo | lye |
leslio | leslie (speaker) |
lesotano | Mosotho (singular), from Lesotho |
lesotanoj | Basotho (plural), from Lesotho |
Lesoto | Lesotho, Kingdom of Lesotho |
letargi-dosiero | hibernation file |
letargidosiero | hibernation file |
letargiigi | hibernate |
letargiigo | hibernation |
letargio | lethargy |
leterbloko | notepad |
leterkesto | letterbox, mailbox |
letero | letter |
leterpapero | writing paper |
leterportisto | postman |
Leto | Lethe (river of Hades), Λήθη |
leŭtenanto | lieutenant |
levanta | Levantine |
levantano | Levantine |
Levantenio | Levant (Middle Eastern region) |
Levanto | Levant |
levi | lever, lift, raise |
levido | Levite |
leviĝi | lift, ascend, get up, go up, rise, arise |
levilo | crowbar |
levstango | crowbar |
lezi | harm |
lezo | harm |
LG (La Gazeto) | La Gazeto (magazine) |
li | he, him |
LI (Lingvo Internacia) | Esperanto, International Language |
lia | his |
Liaso | Lias, Early Jurassic |
libana | Lebanese |
libanano | Lebanese |
Libano | Lebanon, Republic of Lebanon; لبنان, Liban; f.k.a. Liban |
libelo | dragonfly |
libera | free, open |
liberala | liberal |
libereco | freedom |
liberia | Liberian |
liberianino | Liberian (female) |
liberiano | Liberian |
liberigi | release |
liberigi sin de | get rid of |
liberigo | liberation |
Liberio | Liberia, Republic of Liberia |
libermana | freehand, free-hand, handsfree, hands-free, handfree, hand-free, freeform |
libertempo | spare time, time off, vacation |
libervola | voluntary |
libervole | voluntarily |
libia | Libyan |
libianino | Libyan (female) |
libiano | Libyan |
Libio | Libya; ليبيا |
libraro | book collection |
librejo | library |
libreto | booklet |
libro | book |
librobreto | bookshelf |
librobutiko | bookshop, bookstore |
libroŝranko | bookcase |
librotenado | bookkeeping, book-keeping |
librotenisto | bookkeeper, book-keeper |
librovendisto | bookseller |
licenco | licence, license |
liceo | lyceum |
lici | be allowed, be permitted |
licia | Lycian |
licianino | Lycian (female) |
liciano | Lycian |
Licio | Lycia (Turkey), Λυκία |
lidia | Lydian |
lidiano | Lydian |
Lidio | Lydia |
Lieĝo | Liège; Liège, Luik, Lidje, Lüttich, Leodium; f.k.a. Liége |
lieno | spleen |
Liero | Lyra |
lifto | elevator, lift |
ligado | linking |
ligaĵo | braid, fillet, string, tie |
ligamento | ligament |
ligaturo | tie, double breve, enotikon, ligature tie, papyrological hyphen, undertie, ͝, ͡, ͜, ‿, ⁀, ⁔, ⏜, ⏝, ⌢, ⌣ |
ligfermi | ligature, tie, tie up |
ligi | bind, connect, join, tie, tie up |
ligiĝi | be attached, link up |
ligilbreto | link bar |
ligillisto | linked list, blogroll |
ligilo | bond, tie |
ligiloj | links |
ligiltavolo | link layer |
ligiltraduka | link translation |
ligita | linked, connected, attached, bound (variable) |
ligitaj | linked, connected, attached, bound (variable) |
ligna | wooden |
ligna tegaĵo | campshedding, campsheeting, campshot |
lignaj | wooden |
lignaj blovinstrumentoj | woodwinds, woodwind instruments |
lignaĵisto | carpenter, cabinetmaker |
lignaĵoj | wooden articles |
lignero | splinter |
ligno | timber, wood |
lignogarni | board, wainscot |
lignokarbo | charcoal |
ligo | connection, league |
Ligo de Nacioj | League of Nations |
ligorilato | link relationship |
ligsigno | tie, double breve, enotikon, ligature tie, papyrological hyphen, undertie, “͝”, “͡”, “͜”, “‿”, “⁀”, “⁔”, “⏜”, “⏝”, “⌢”, “⌣” |
ligura | Ligurian |
Ligura Maro | Ligurian Sea |
ligustro | privet |
liĥtenstejnanino (liĥtenŝtejnanino) | Liechtensteinerin (female) |
liĥtenstejnano (liĥtenŝtejnano) | Liechtensteiner (male), Liechtensteinerin (female) |
Liĥtenstejno (Liĥtenŝtejno) | Liechtenstein, Principality of Liechtenstein; Liechtenstein |
liĥtenŝtejnanino | Liechtensteinerin (female) |
liĥtenŝtejnano | Liechtensteiner (male), Liechtensteinerin (female) |
Liĥtenŝtejno | Liechtenstein, Principality of Liechtenstein; Liechtenstein |
liki | leak (out of) |
liko | leak |
likva | liquid |
likva petrolgaso | liquefied petroleum gas, LPG |
likvaĵo | liquid |
likvakristala ekrano | LCD, liquid crystal display |
likvida | liquid |
likvidi | liquidate |
likvo | liquid |
likvokristala ekrano | LCD, liquid crystal display |
likvoro | liqueur |
lila | lavender, lilac |
lilako | lilac |
lilio | lily |
limaĵo | separator, delimiter |
limako | slug |
Limburgo | Limbourg; Limburg, Limburg |
limdato | deadline |
limdifini | mark out, trace, trace out |
Limeriko | Limerick; Luimneach |
limfrekvenco | cut-off frequency |
limi | limit, bound |
limiga | restrictive |
limigado | throttling, limiting, limit, limitation |
limigi | abridge, confine, limit, restrict |
limigilo | limiter |
limigita | confined, limited, restricted, delimited |
limigita per taboj | tab-delimited |
limigite alirebla | restricted-access |
limigo | limit, limitation, restriction |
limigoj | limits, limitations, restrictions |
limiĝi | be limited |
limnomo | bound identifier |
limo | boundary, frontier, limit |
limonado | lemonade |
limtempo | deadline |
limtransirejo | border crossing |
limtuŝanta | adjacent |
limtuŝi | abut, adjoin, be next to |
lin | him |
linaĝo | linen |
linaĵo | linen |
linda | lovely, charming, pretty |
lineara | linear |
lineare | linear |
linebufro | line buffer |
lineo | line |
lingala | Lingala |
lingva | linguistic, language |
lingva-frankao | Mediterranean Lingua Franca, Sabir |
lingvaĵo | language |
lingvistika | linguistic |
lingvisto | linguist |
lingvo | language, tongue |
lingvo-dependa | language-dependent |
lingvo-neŭtra | language-neutral |
lingvo-specifa | language-specific |
lingvodependa | language-dependent |
lingvodosiero | language file |
lingvoiteracio | Kleene closure, Kleene star, star closure, iteration |
lingvoneŭtra | language-neutral |
lingvospecifa | language-specific |
linia | line, linear |
liniatributo | line property |
liniavanca | linefeed |
liniavanco | linefeed |
linifaldo | line wrap, word wrap |
linifina | end-of-line |
linifinilo | end-of-line marker, line separator, newline |
linifino | end of line |
linigrando | line size |
liniilo | ruler, straightedge, straight-edge |
linikoloro | line color |
linikomenco | line head |
linio | line |
liniosalto | word wrap |
linipaŝo | baseline skip; leading |
linisalta | line break, ␊ |
linisalta etikedo | line break tag |
linisalta signo | line feed character, ␊ |
linisalto | line break |
linisegmento | line segment |
linko | lynx |
Linkolno | Lincoln |
lino | flax |
Lino | Linus; Linus, Linus, Λινος |
linolea tolo | linoleum |
linoleo | flax oil, linseed oil |
linoleumo | linoleum |
Linukso | Linux |
liphararo (lipharoj) | mustache, moustache |
lipharoj | mustache, moustache |
lipo | lip |
lirli | burble, gurgle, murmur, purl |
liro | lira; lyre |
Lisbono | Lisbon; Lisboa |
lispi | lisp |
list-kontrolo | list control |
listado | listing |
listera | list-item, list item |
listerdisilo | list separator |
listero | list item |
listigi | list, make a list |
listigi je nigra listo | blacklist |
listigita | enumerated |
listigita je nigra listo | blacklisted |
listkontrolo | list control |
listo | list |
listujo | list box |
lita superkovrilo | bedspread, counterpane, coverlet |
litaĵo | bedding, bed linens, bed clothes |
litanio | litany |
lite | abed |
litera | alphabetic |
literalo | literal |
literatura | literary |
literaturo | literature |
litercifera | alphanumeric |
litero | letter |
literoj | letters |
litersimila | letterlike (symbol) |
literumada | spell, spelling |
literumada kontrolilo | spellchecker, spell checker, speller, spelling checker |
literumada kontrolo | spellchecker, spell checker, speller, spelling checker |
literumado | spelling |
literumi | spell |
literumilo | speller, spelling checker |
litio | lithium |
litkadro | bedstead |
litkovrilo | blanket |
litkuseno | pillow |
litmalsana | bedridden, confined to one’s bed, laid up |
lito | bed |
litorino | winkle, periwinkle |
litova | Lithuanian |
litovino | Lithuanian (female) |
Litovio (Litovujo) | Lithuania, Republic of Lithuania; Lietuva, Lietuvos Respublika |
litovo | Lithuanian |
Litovujo | Lithuania, Republic of Lithuania; Lietuva, Lietuvos Respublika |
litro | liter, litre |
litŝranko | cupboardbed |
littuko | sheet |
liturgio | liturgy |
liturinado | bedwetting, bed-wetting, enuresis |
litvagono | sleeping-car |
liuto | lute |
liva | left |
livemigo | flush left, ragged right, left alignment |
livera | parcels |
liverado | delivery |
liveraĵo | yield, value returned |
liveranto | supplier |
liveraŭto | delivery van |
liveraŭtomobilo | delivery van |
liveri | deliver, furnish, supply |
liverkondiĉoj | terms of delivery |
livero | delivery |
livertipo | result type |
livona | Livonian |
Livonio | Livonia |
livono | Livonian |
Livonujo (Livonio) | Livonia |
Ljubljano | Ljubljana (in Slovenia); Ljubljana, Laibach, Lubiana, Labacum, Aemona |
LKK (Loka Kongresa Komitato) | Local Congress Committee |
LLZ (Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof) | Ludwig Lazarus Zamenhof |
LMLP (La Monda Lingvo-Problemo) | La Monda Lingvo-Problemo (magazine) |
lo (L) | L, the letter L, el (letter name), ell (letter name) |
lo! | hello? (telephone) |
LOdE (La Ondo de Esperanto) | La Ondo de Esperanto (magazine) |
Lofotoj | Lofoten (Norwegian archipelago); Lofuohta |
logad | attraction |
logado | luring |
logaĵo | bait |
logaritmo | logarithm |
logi | attract, decoy, lure |
logika | logical |
logika elemento | gate, logic element |
logiko | logic |
logilo | bait |
loglano | Loglan |
loĝado | habitation |
loĝanta | housed |
loĝantaro | population |
loĝanto | inhabitant |
loĝdomo | residence, dwelling |
loĝebla | inhabitable |
loĝejo | abode, accommodation, dwelling, residence |
loĝi | dwell, live |
loĝigo | accommodation |
loĝio | loge, box; lodge |
loĝloko | residence, abode, dwelling place |
loĝoĉambro | living room, sitting room |
Loĥalino | Lochaline (in Scotland) |
Loĥmado | Lochmaddy; Loch nam Madadh |
loj | L’s, els (plural letter name), ells (plural letter name) |
lojala | faithful, loyal |
loĵbana | Lojban |
Loĵbano | Lojban |
loka | local |
loka reto | local area network, LAN |
lokado | relocation |
lokaĵaro | locale |
lokaĵo | locale category, local custom |
lokalo | premises, location |
lokdependa | location-based |
loke | locally |
loki | locate, place |
loki laŭ krado | align to grid |
lokigo | positioning |
lokiĝi | be placed, be positioned |
loko | location, place, spot |
lokokupa | placeholder, dummy |
lokokupilo | placeholder |
lokomotivo | engine |
lokria | Locrian (of ancient Greece) |
lokucio | expression, phrase |
lokusto | grasshopper |
lombardejo | pawnshop |
lombardi | borrow money on, pawn |
lombardo | pawning |
Londono | London |
longa | long |
longa haltostreko | long dash, — |
longa kodono | wide-character code |
longa tremao | double acute accent, Hungarian umlaut, Hungarumlaut, ˝, ̋, ˝, ˶, ᐥ |
longano | longan (fruit) |
longe | a long time, for a long time |
longeco | length |
longedaŭra | protracted, long-lasting |
longeluda disko | LP disc, long-play disc |
longetempa | long, of long standing, prolonged, protracted |
longetempe | at great length, for a long time |
longfokusa | long-focus |
longitudo | longitude |
longnoma | long-named |
longnomaj | long-named |
longo | length |
longtempa | prolonged, of long standing, long-term, protracted |
lontana | distant, remote |
lordo | lord |
Lorelejo | Lorelei, Loreley |
Loreno | Lorraine; Lorraine, Lothringen, Louréne |
lorno | binocular, binoculars |
lot-identigilo | lot ID, lot identification |
loteca | random |
loterio | lottery, raffle |
loti | draw lots |
lotidentigilo | lot ID, lot identification |
lotnumero | lot number |
loto | lot (something assigned by chance) |
lotumi | allot |
lotuso | lotus |
Loveno | Leuven, Leuven, Louvain, Löwen |
loza | loose |
LP-disko | LP disc, long-play disc |
lua | Luo (Kenya and Tanzania), Luo language |
luado | rental, renting |
Luando | Luanda (Angolan capital); f.k.a. São Paulo da Assunção de Loanda |
luanto | renter, tenant |
luba | Luba-Kasai, Tshiluba, Luba-Lulua, Western Luba, Kasai, Luva |
lubriki | lubricate |
Lucas Larson | Lucas Larson |
lucerno | hanging lamp |
Lucifero | Lucifer |
ludbastono | joystick, joy stick |
ludejo | playground |
ludi | play |
ludila | game, gaming |
ludilo | toy |
ludkartoj | playing cards |
ludlisto | playlist |
ludmantenilo | joystick, joy stick |
ludo | game |
ludomo | apartment building |
ludoni | let |
ludotabuleto | gamepad |
ludregilo | game controller |
ludstirilo | game controller |
ludvaro | gameware |
luebla | for rent, to let |
luhia | Luhya, Luyia, Luhia |
lui | hire |
luigi | let, rent out |
luigita | hired out |
luita | hired, rented |
Luiziano | Louisiana |
luko | porthole, skylight |
lukontrakta | leased |
lukontrakto | lease |
lukri | earn, make money |
luksa | deluxe, de luxe, luxurious |
luksaĵo | luxury |
lukseco | luxury |
luksemburga | Luxembourgish; Lëtzebuergesch, Luxembourgeois, Luxemburgisch, Luxemburgs, Lussimbordjwès |
luksemburgano | Luxembourger, Luxembourgian, f.k.a. Luxemburger |
luksemburgia (luksemburga) | Luxembourgish; Lëtzebuergesch, Luxembourgeois, Luxemburgisch, Luxemburgs, Lussimbordjwès |
luksemburgiano (luksemburgano) | Luxembourger, Luxembourgian, f.k.a. Luxemburger |
Luksemburgio (Luksemburgo) | Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; f.k.a. Luxemburg; Lëtzebuerg, Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Großherzogtum Luxemburg |
Luksemburgo | Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; f.k.a. Luxemburg; Lëtzebuerg, Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg, Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Luxemburg, Großherzogtum Luxemburg |
lukso | luxury, lux |
Luksoro | Luxor |
luktanto | fighter, wrestler |
lukti | struggle, wrestle |
luli | lull, rock |
lulilo | cradle |
lulkanto | lullaby |
luma | bright, light |
lumado | glow, radiance |
lumbilda | slide |
lumbilda modelo | slidemaster, slide master |
lumbildo | slide |
lumbildoprezento | slideshow (program) |
lumbo | loin |
lumbriko | earthworm |
lumdiska legilo | CD-ROM drive; CD player |
lumdiskego | DVD, Digital Versatile Disk, Digital Video Disk |
lumdiskingo | CD-ROM drive |
lumdisko | optical disc, optical disk |
lumeno | lumen |
lumfibro | optical fiber |
lumfonto | light source |
lumforto | brilliance |
lumĝeni | dazzle |
lumi | shine |
lumigado | lighting |
lumigi | illuminate, light |
lumigilo | floodlight |
lumigo | lighting |
lumilo | floodlight |
lumintenso | luminosity |
lumĵetilo | floodlight |
lumkrajono | light pen |
lummarkilo | light pen |
lummezurilo | exposure meter |
lumo | light |
lumplumo | light pen |
lumpulsado | blinking |
lumpulsi | blink |
lumradio | ray |
lumŝirmilo | lampshade |
lumtubo | fluorescent lamp |
lumturo | lighthouse |
luna | lunar |
lunarko | breve, short mark |
lunĉo | lunch, snack |
lundo | Monday |
luno | moon |
lupago | rent |
lupeo | magnifying glass |
lupido | cub (wolf) |
lupino | she-wolf; lupine (plant), lupin (plant) |
lupo | wolf |
lupolo | hop, hops |
lupreni | rent |
luprezo | rent, rent money |
lustro | chandelier |
lutaĵo | solder |
lutecio | lutetium |
Lutero | Luther; Lutero, Lutero, Лютер |
luti | solder |
lutilo | soldering iron |
lutreolo | mink
M |
m (metro) | m, meter |
m (metroj) | m, meters |
m (mi) | I, me |
m (mo) | M, the letter M, em (letter name) |
m- (mal) | opposite, contrary |
m. (mortinta) | d., died |
m.m. (marmejlo) | nautical mile, nm, n.m. |
MA (Membro-Abonanto) | Member Subscriber |
MA-K (Membro-Abonanto kun Kontakto) | Member Subscriber with Kontakto |
maato | mate (boat) |
macedona (makedona) | Macedonian |
Macedonio (Makedonujo) | Macedonia |
macedono (makedono) | Macedonian |
Macedonujo (Makedonujo) | Macedonia |
maceri | soften by soaking, macerate |
maco | matzo, unleavened bread |
maĉado | chewing, mastication |
maĉeto | machete |
maĉgumo | chewing gum |
maĉi | chew, masticate |
Maĉjo | Mac, Macintosh computer |
maĉo | match |
maĉtabako | chewing tobacco, chew |
madagaskara | Madagascan |
madagaskarano | Madagascan |
Madagaskaro | Madagascar |
Madejro | Madeira |
madjaro | Magyar |
Madono | Madonna |
Madrido | Madrid |
madrigalo | madrigal |
madrigala | madrigalian |
madrigalisto | madrigalist |
madura | Madurese |
mafia | mafia, mafia-related |
mafiano | member of the mafia, mafioso |
mafio | mafia |
mafiulo | member of the mafia, mafioso |
mag. (magistro) | Master (of Arts) (honorific), graduate, master |
magaha | Magahi, Magadhi |
magarino | margarine |
magazenego | department store |
magazeno | department store; warehouse |
magazino | magazine |
Magdalenio | Magdalenian |
Magdaleno | Magdalena |
magenta | magenta, fuchsia |
magia | magical |
magiisto | magician |
magio | magic |
magistrata | city council |
magistrata domo | city hall, town hall |
magistratano | city councilor, city councilperson |
magistratejo | city council, town council |
magistrato | city council, town council |
magistro | Master (of Arts), graduate, master |
magneta | magnetic |
magnetigi | magnetize |
magnetismo | magnetism |
magnetkerna memoro | core |
magneto | magnet |
magnetofono | tape recorder |
magnetoskopo | video recorder |
magnezio | magnesium |
magnolio | magnolia |
Magogo | Magog |
magra | gaunt, lean, meager, skimpy, skinny, thin |
magrebano | Maghrebian |
magreco | leanness, meagerness |
magrulo | skinny person |
maĝango | mahjong |
maĝangi | play mahjong |
mahometano | Muslim, Mohammedan, Moslem, Mussulman |
Mahometo | Mohammed, Muhammad |
maĥo | mach |
maitila | Maithili |
maizfaruno | cornmeal |
maizflokoj | cornflakes |
maizo | corn, Indian corn, maize |
maizpano | cornbread |
majaa | Mayan |
majao | Maya |
majesta | majestic |
majesteco | majesty |
majesto | majesty |
Majno | Maine (American state) |
majo | May |
majorano | majoram |
majoritato | majority |
Majorko | Majorca, Mallorca |
majoro | major |
Majoto | Mayotte |
majskarabo | june bug |
majstreco | mastership |
majstri | master |
majstro | maestro, master |
majtila | Maithili |
majuskla | uppercase, upper case, upper-case, lining (figure) |
majuskla baskulo | caps lock |
majuskleto | small caps, small capitals |
majuskletoj | small caps, small capitals |
majuskliga | shift |
majuskligeraro | capitilization error |
majuskligo | upcasing, upshifting |
majusklo | capital letter, upper-case letter, upper case letter |
majuskloj | upper case, capital letters, caps |
maĵora | major |
maĵorsepta akordo | major seventh chord |
Makabeoj | Maccabees |
makabra | macabre |
Makao | Macau |
makaronio | macaroni |
makasara | Makassar, Makassarese, Macassar, Mangkasar |
Makaŭo | Macao |
makedona | Macedonian |
Makedonio (Makedonujo) | Macedonia |
makedono | Macedonian |
Makedonujo | Macedonia |
maketo | miniature, scale model |
Makiavelo | Machiavelli |
Makintoŝa komputilo kun Intel-procesoro | Intel-Mac, MacIntel |
Makintoŝo | Mac, Macintosh, macOS |
Makintoŝo OS X | Mac OS X, macOS |
makleraĵo | brokerage, commission |
makleri | act as a middleman |
makleristo | broker |
maklero | broker |
Makmuro | MacMurray |
makonda | Makonde, ChiMakonde |
makoso | makossa (music) |
makro-permesa | macro-enabled |
makroa | macro |
makrofoto | macrophotograph |
makrofotografio | macrophotography |
makroklavo | macro, key sequence, programmed key |
makrokodo | macro assembler |
makrono | macron, ¯ |
makroo | macro |
makroodifino | macro definition, macro declaration |
makroogenerilo | macro generator, macro processor |
makropermesa | macro-enabled |
makropo | kangaroo |
maks | max, maximum |
maks-min | max-min, maximum-minimum; dynamic |
maksimuma | maximum |
maksimume | at most |
maksimumigi | maximize |
maksimumo | maximum |
makua | Maku, Maku-Auari, Máku, Macú |
makulaturilo | garbage collector |
makulaturo | garbage |
makulaturtraktado | garbage collection |
makuleto | spot |
makuli | soil, spot, stain |
makulo | blot, spot |
makzelo | jaw, jawbone |
mala | opposite, contrary |
malaboni | unsubscribe |
malabunda | in short supply |
malafabla | brutal, gruff, harsh, rough, sour, surly, unkind, unpleasant |
malafablega | grim |
malagasa | Malagasy |
Malagasio | Madagascar |
malagrabla | bleak, dismal, dreary, horrible, ghastly, grisly, nasty |
malaja | Malay |
malajala | Malayalam |
malajalama | Malayalam |
Malajgo | Mallaig |
malajo | Malay |
Malajujo | Malaysia |
malajzia | Malaysian |
malajziano | Malaysian |
Malajzio | Malaysia |
malakceli | decelerate, slow down |
malakcepti | reject |
malakcepti voĉdone | reject, reject by vote |
malakcepto | rejection |
Malako | Malacca |
malakordo | discord |
malakra | blunt |
malakrigi | blunt |
malaktivigi | deactivate |
malakuto | grave accent, “`” |
malalta | low |
malalta lernejo | grammar school, primary school |
malalta skribo | subscript |
malaltega | very low, rock-bottom, distressed |
malaltgermana | Low German |
malaltigi | abase, decrease, lower, mark down |
malaltigo | abasement |
malaltreliefo | bas-relief, low relief |
malaltvalora | inferior |
malambigua | unambiguous |
malami | hate |
malamika | hostile |
malamikeco | enmity |
malamiko | enemy |
malaminda | nasty |
malamo | hate |
malantaŭ | behind, after |
malantaŭ-elreligilo | rear derailleur |
malantaŭa | rear, back, hind, reverse; rather |
malantaŭa lampo | taillight, tail light, rear-lamp, rear-light |
malantaŭa pordo | backdoor, back door |
malantaŭe | behind |
malantaŭelreligilo | rear derailleur |
malantaŭen | aback, backwards |
malantaŭenigi | move back |
malantaŭplano | background |
malaperi | disappear |
malaperigi | liquidate |
malapero | disappearance |
malapostrofo | backquote, backtick, left quote, reverse apostrophe, “`”; grave accent, “`” |
malaprobegi | do down, slash, slate |
malaprobi | condemn, disapprove, disapprove of, rebuke |
malaprobinda | blameworthy, censurable, condemnable, objectionable |
malaprobo | censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval |
malaranĝi | disarrange, put into disarray |
malario | malaria |
malasidua | absent, truant |
malasiduismo | absenteeism |
malatenti | neglect |
malatribui | deallocate |
malaŭo | NOR, logical nor, joint denial, Peirce’s arrow, Peirce function, Quine’s dagger, ampheck, neither-nor |
malaŭtonome | online, on-line |
malavanco | backtracking |
malavantaĝa | detrimental, disadvantageous, prejudicial |
malavantaĝe | detrimentally, disadvantageously, prejudicially |
malavantaĝo | disadvantage |
malavara | generous |
malavia | Malawian |
malaviano | Malawian |
Malavilago | Lake Malawi |
Malavio | Malawi, Nyasaland |
malbela | nasty, ugly |
malbelega | dismal, dreary, horrible, nasty |
malbeni | curse |
malblokanta | release |
malbloki | deblock |
malbobenado | unrolling, unwinding |
malbobeni | unroll, unwind, wind off |
malbona | bad, miserable, nasty, poor |
malbona traktado | abuse, bad treatment |
malbonaĵo | abuse |
malbonaŭgura | portentous, foreboding |
malbone | badly |
malbonfama | ill-famed |
malbonfaro | outrage |
malbonfartanta | not well, unwell |
malbongusta | bad-tasting; in bad taste |
malbonhumora | cross, peevish, pettish, petulant |
malbonigi | spoil |
malboniĝi | go bad |
malboniĝo | corruption, decay, depravation, taint |
malbonintenca | malicious |
malbonkvalita | inferior |
malbonŝance | unfortunately |
malbonŝanco | bad luck |
malcedi | confront |
malcentra | decentralized |
malcentrebla | perspective-control |
malcentrigo | devolution |
malcerta | uncertain |
malĉasta | lewd |
malĉaste | lewdly |
malĉastejo | brothel, house of ill-repute |
malĉasti | commit sexual improprieties |
malĉastulino | slut, trollop |
malĉeesto-averto | out of office reply |
malĉifrado | decryption |
malĉifri | decipher |
malĉifrilo | decrypter |
maldeca | indecent |
maldekstra | left, port, not starboard; left (politics) |
maldekstra korno | grave accent, “`” |
maldekstre | on the left |
maldekstren | left, to the left |
maldekstrume | counter-clockwise |
maldelikata | coarse, crude, harsh |
maldensa | rare, thin; sparse |
maldensejo | clearing |
maldensigi | thin out |
maldensigilo | reducer |
maldetala | general, vague |
maldiafana | opaque |
maldika | gaunt, lean, slender, thin |
maldikaj | fine, thin |
maldikiĝi | lose weight |
maldiligenta | lazy |
maldiligenteco | laziness |
maldiligentulo | lazy person |
maldiskreta | meddlesome |
maldiskreteco | meddlesomeness |
maldissolvi | fade in |
maldiva | Maldivian, Dhivehi |
maldivano | Maldivian, Dhivehi |
Maldivoj | Maldives, Maldive Islands |
maldoki | undock |
maldolĉa | bitter |
maldolĉeco | bitterness |
maldorma | awake |
maldunga | discharge from employment |
maldunga aranĝo | severance pay, severance package, redundancy pay, redundancy scheme |
maldungi | discharge, dismiss, fire, sack |
maldungo | discharge, paying off |
male | on the contrary |
malebena | bumpy |
malebenaĵo | bump |
malebla | impossible |
malebligi | bar, inhibit, prevent |
malebria | sober |
malediva (maldiva) | Maldivian, Dhivehi |
maledivano (maldivano) | Maldivian, Dhivehi |
Maledivoj (Maldivoj) | Maldives, Maldive Islands |
malegala | different |
maleleganta | coarse, crude |
malembarasi | rid |
maleo | mallet |
maleolo | ankle |
malespera | desperate |
malespere | despairingly |
malesperi | despair |
malespero | despair |
malestimeco | abjection |
malestimi | despise |
malestiminda | abject |
malestimo | contempt |
malesto | non-existence |
maletendi | collapse |
maletendita | collapsed |
malfacila | difficult, hard, inconvenient |
malfacilaĵo | difficulty, trouble |
malfacile | hardly, not easily, with difficulty |
malfacileco | difficulty |
malfaciligi | hamper, hinder, thwart |
malfaldi | spread out |
malfara | undo |
malfari | undo, revert |
malfaro | revision |
malfavora | unfavorable, unfavourable, disinclined |
malfavoro | disfavor, disfavour |
malfekunda | barren, infertile |
malfeliĉa | unhappy |
malfeliĉe | unfortunately |
malfeliĉiga | miserable |
malfeliĉulo | unfortunate |
malfermegi | open wide |
malfermenhava | open-content, open content |
malfermetita | ajar |
malfermi | open, open up |
malfermiĝi svinge | swing open |
malfermita | open, inline (subroutine) |
malfermitkoda | opensource, open-source, open source |
malfermo | opening |
malfida | suspicious |
malfidela | unfaithful |
malfideliĝi | apostatize, desert, secede |
malfideliĝo | apostasy, defection |
malfidelulo | deserter, renegade |
malfidema | suspicious |
malfidi | distrust |
malfido | suspicion |
malfieriĝi | back down, climb down |
malfiksi | unfasten, detach, unfreeze |
malfinia | infinite |
malfinio | infinity |
malfirma | unstable, loose |
malflua | ebb, low-tide |
malfluo | ebb, low tide |
malfluso | low tide |
malfona | foreground |
malfono | foreground |
malforbari | unban (from website) |
malforigi | undelete |
malforta | faint, light, weak |
malforte | lightly, weakly |
malfortigi | weaken |
malfortiĝi | abate, weaken |
malforto | weakness |
malfortoj | weaknesses |
malfragmentiĝo | defragmentation |
malfreŝa | stale |
malfreŝaera | close, frowsty, stuffy |
malfrostigi | unfreeze |
malfrua | late, tardy |
malfrue | late |
malfrui | be late |
malfruigilo | decelerator |
malfruiĝo | delay, slow |
malfrumatene | late in the morning |
malfrunokte | late at night |
malfruposttagmeze | late in the afternoon |
malfunkciigi | shut off, stop, switch off, turn off |
malfunkciiĝi | go on the blink, malfunction |
malgaja | bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, miserable, sad, somber |
malgajamalĝoja | miserable |
malgajeco | grief, sadness, sorrow |
malgarantio | disclaimer |
malglata | coarse, rough |
malglora | inglorious |
malgracia | awkward |
malgranda | small, little, diminutive |
Malgranda Azio | Asia Minor |
Malgrandaj Antiloj | Lesser Antilles |
malgrandanimeco | pettiness, small-mindedness |
malgrandega | tiny |
malgrandiĝi | decrease, decline, wane |
malgrasa | gaunt, thin |
malgrasaj punktoj | fine dotted |
malgrasaj streketoj | fine dashed |
malgraŭ | despite, in spite of, notwithstanding |
malgraŭ tio | nevertheless |
malgrava | unimportant |
malgrupigi | ungroup |
malĝentila | rude |
malĝentilega | super impolite, exceedingly insolent, shameless |
malĝentilulo | rude person |
malĝoja | dismal, gaunt, miserable, sad |
malĝoje | sadly |
malĝoji | be grieved, be sad, be sorrowful |
malĝojiga | dismal, miserable |
malĝojigi | afflict, cause pain, cause pain to, distress, give pain to |
malĝojo | sadness, sorrow |
malĝusta | incorrect, wrong |
malhavi | lack, not have |
malhela | bleak, dark, dismal, dreary |
malhelblua | dark blue |
malhele | dark |
malheligi | dim |
malheligita | dimmed |
malheliĝi | darken |
malhelpaĵo | handicap, impediment, obstacle |
malhelpi | bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent |
malhelpo | hindrance |
malhisi | lower |
malhonesta | dishonest |
malhonora | dishonorable, dishonourable |
malhonoro | dishonor, dishonour |
malhumana | inhuman, inhumane |
malhumila | proud, haughty |
malia | Malian |
malianino | Malian woman |
malica | malicious, mischievous, nasty, vicious |
malicaĵo | malicious act, nastiness |
malice | maliciously, nastily |
malice ruza | shrewd, maliciously tricky |
malico | malice, craft, craftiness, cunning, guile |
maliculo | malicious person |
maligna | vicious |
maligneco | malignancy |
malimpliki | untie, take apart |
malinda | unworthy, dishonorable, dishonourable |
malindento | undent, unindent |
malinfekti | disinfect |
malinhibicio | abandon |
malinka | Malinké, Maninka |
malinklina | averse |
malinstali | deinstall |
malinstalilo | uninstaller, deinstallation program |
malintegriĝi | disintegrate |
malinteligenta | obtuse |
malinterplekti | deinterlace |
Malio | Mali |
maljuna | old |
maljunula hejmo | old people’s home, old folks’ home |
maljunulejo | old people’s home, old folks’ home |
maljunulino | old woman |
maljunulo | old man |
maljusta | unjust |
maljusteco | injustice |
malkajo | NAND, Sheffer stroke, disjunction |
malkapabla | incapable |
malkara | cheap, inexpensive |
malkare | cheaply |
malkaŝa | unhidden, above-board |
malkaŝe | frankly, openly |
malkaŝi | reveal |
malkateni | unfetter, unchain |
malkaŭri | delurk |
malklara | blurry, indistinct |
malklariĝi | blur, fade |
malklera | uneducated |
malklereco | lack of education |
malkodado | decoding |
malkodi | decode |
malkodilo | decoder |
malkomenti | uncomment |
malkomforto | discomfort |
malkompakta | loose, sandy |
malkompaktigi | decompress |
malkompaktigo | decompression |
malkompata | incompassionate |
malkomponi | disassemble |
malkomponilo | parser |
malkompono | disassembly |
malkomunigi | unshare |
malkoncentri | disperse, dilute, rarefy, thin |
malkonekti | cut, cut a connection |
malkonektita | disconnected, disjointed, disjoint |
malkonektite | offline, off line, off-line |
malkonfesi | disclaim, recant, disavow |
malkonfidencigo | privacy compromise |
malkonfirmi | deny |
malkongrua | incompatible |
malkongruo | incompatibility |
malkonsenti | disagree |
malkonsili | advise against, dissuade from |
malkonstruado | demolition |
malkonstrui | break down, demolish, pull down, take down |
malkonstruigebla | destructible |
malkonstruilo | destructor |
malkonstruo | demolition |
malkontenta | discontent |
malkontento | dissatisfaction |
malkonvena | not fitting, unseemly |
malkovri | discover, uncover |
malkovro | discovery |
malkreska | decreasing, descending |
malkreska arbo | incoming tree, input tree |
malkreskante | descending |
malkreski | abate, decrease, diminish |
malkresko | abatement, decrease, diminution, wane |
malkrommarĝeno | outdent, unindent, outdentation |
malkruda | soft |
malkunhavigi | unshare |
malkunigado | demultiplexing |
malkunigilo | demultiplex |
malkupli | uncouple |
malkuraĝa | afraid |
malkuraĝeco | cowardice |
malkuraĝiĝi | be discouraged |
malkuraĝo | cowardice |
malkuraĝulo | coward, funk |
malkvieta | noisy, restless |
mallaborema | slothful |
mallaksa | constipated |
mallaksigilo | adstringent |
mallakso | constipation |
mallarĝa | narrow |
mallaŭdi | reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold |
mallaŭdo | observation, remark, reproof |
mallaŭta | soft, quiet |
mallerni | unlearn |
mallerta | awkward |
mallevi | lower |
malleviĝi | descend, go down |
malliberejo | jail, gaol, prison |
malliberigi | imprison, jail |
malliberulejo | jail, gaol, prison |
malliberulo | prisoner |
malligado | delinking, unlinking |
malligebla | detachable |
malligi | untie |
malloga | repellent, repelling, repulsive |
mallojala | illoyal, disloyal |
malloka | global |
malloka reto | WAN, wide-area network, wide area network |
mallokaj | global |
mallokaĵo | global variable |
mallokaĵoj | register globals |
mallonga | short, brief |
mallongan tempon | a short while, momentarily |
mallongdaŭra | short-lived |
mallongfokusa | short-focus |
mallongigaĵo | abbreviation, abridgement |
mallongigi | abbreviate, abridge, shorten |
mallongigo | abbreviation |
malluksa | spartan, frugal |
malluma | dark, dim |
mallumĉambro | darkroom |
mallumo | darkness, murk |
malmagnetigi | demagnetize |
malmarki | unmark |
malmasiva | hollow |
malmendi | cancel, countermand |
malmergiĝi | emerge |
malmilda | bleak |
malmobiliziĝi | be released, demob |
malmodera | excessive, immoderate |
malmodesta | arrogant |
malmodesteco | arrogance, assumingness, high-handedness, presumption, pretence |
malmoduli | demodulate |
malmodulilo | demodulator |
malmola | hard |
malmoleco | hardness |
malmorala | abandoned, nasty |
malmorale | abandonedly |
malmulta | little, not much |
malmultaj | few |
malmulte da | little |
malmultekosta | cheap, inexpensive |
malmultekoste | cheaply |
malmunti | take apart |
malnaiva | sophisticated |
malnajbara | noncontiguous |
malnepra | optional |
malnepras | optional |
malneta | gross; draft, scratch |
malneto | draft, rough draft |
malnetujo | draft folder |
malnobla | abject, base, low, nasty, vile |
malnobleco | abjection |
malnodi | untie |
malnova | old (not new) |
malnoviĝi | become old (not new) |
malnovmoda | old-fashioned |
malobea | disobedient, insubordinate |
malobeema | disobedient, insubordinate |
malobei | disobey |
malobeo | disobedience |
malobservi | violate, disregard |
malobservo | violation |
malofta | rare |
malofte | seldom |
malokupi | deallocate |
maloportuna | unsuited, inopportune |
maloportunaĵo | flaw, inconvenience |
malordigi | disarrange, mess up |
malordo | confusion, disorder |
malpaci | quarrel |
malpaciĝi | get in a quarrel |
malpaco | quarrel |
malpaki | unpack |
malpara | odd |
malpareca | odd |
malpareckontrolo | odd parity check |
malperfekta | imperfect |
malpermanenta | temporary |
malpermesi | forbid, prohibit |
malpermesita | forbidden, prohibited, restricted, blocked, illegal |
malpermesita elirtempo | curfew |
malpermesita signo | illegal character |
malpermeslisto | blocklist, block list |
malpermeso | prohibition, ban |
malpermesoj | restrictions |
malpeza | light |
malplaĉa | nasty |
malplej | fewest, least |
malplekti | unbraid, take apart |
malplena | empty, void, blank |
malplenaĵo | emptiness |
malpleneco | emptiness |
malpleniga | clean (software) |
malplenigi | empty |
malplenigi diskon kaj reinstali | clean install |
malplenigo de disko kaj reinstalo | clean installation |
malpleno | empty set |
malplezuro | displeasure |
malpli | fewer, less |
malplialtigi | decrease, lower |
malplialtiĝi | go down |
malpliboniĝi | decline, go back, fall off |
malplien | downward |
malplifortiĝi | abate, settle |
malpligrandigi | reduce |
malpligravigi | demote (level) |
malpliigebla | abatable |
malpliigi | abate, abridge, decrease, lessen |
malpliigo | curtailment, retrenchment, reduction, shortening |
malpliiĝi | abate, decrease, diminish, drop, fall |
malpliiĝo | abatement |
malplilongigi | abbreviate, abridge, curtail, shorten |
malplimulto | minority |
malpliosigno | less-than sign, “<” |
malplipeziĝi | fall away, lose, lose flesh, lose in weight |
malplivarmigi | cool, cool down |
malplivarmiĝi | get cold |
malplivarmiĝo | cooling |
malpolurita | frosted |
malpotenculoj | have-nots |
malprava | wrong, incorrect |
Malpravaĵo | the Wrong Thing |
malpravi | be wrong |
malpreciza | imprecise |
malprecizigi | fuzzify |
malpreferi | subordinate |
malprefero | neglect, slighting |
malpretendo | disclaimer |
malprofito | loss |
malprofunda | shallow, superficial |
malprogresi | decline, recede |
malproksima | distant, far, remote |
malproksima ĉarlestono | remote hihat |
Malproksima Oriento | Far East |
malproksime | far away, remotely |
malproksimeco | distance |
malproksimiĝi | blow over |
malpromocia | downgrade |
malpromocii | downgrade |
malpropra | not one’s own, other people’s, another person’s |
malprosperi | decline, recede |
malprospero | decay |
malprotekti | unprotect |
malprotektilo | crack |
malprotesto | acquiescence, resignation, submission |
malpruda | lewd, unabashed, ribald |
malprunto | carry |
malpublikigi | unpublish |
malpura | dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean |
malpureco | dirtiness, untidiness |
malpurega | nasty |
malpurigi | soil |
malracia | irrational |
malrapida | slow |
malrapide | leasurely, slowly |
malrapidtrajno | slow train |
malrapidvagonaro | slow train |
malreferenci | unswizzle |
malregula | irregular |
malrekta | indirect, curved |
malremburi | unjustify |
malrespektigi | abase |
malrespektigo | abasement |
malrespekto | disrespect |
malriĉa | miserable, poor |
malriĉeco | poverty |
malriĉulejo | almshouse, almonry, workhouse |
malriĉulo | pauper, poor man |
malriĉulprizorgado | almonership |
malriĉulprizorgisto | almoner |
malrigi | dismantle, unrig |
malrompa spaceto | non-breaking space, nonbreaking space, “ ” |
malsaĝa | foolish |
malsaĝulo | fool |
malsama | different |
malsameco | difference |
malsamkreda | dissenting |
malsana | ill, sick |
malsanejo | hospital |
malsaneta | not well, upset |
malsani | be ailing |
malsaniga | causing illness, pathogenic |
malsaniĝi | be taken ill, fall ill |
malsano | disease, illness |
malsanulejo | hospital |
malsanulo | patient |
malsata | hungry |
malsatego | famine |
malsati | be hungry |
malsato | hunger |
malseka | wet |
malsekaĵo | damp |
malsekeco | dampness |
malseketa | moist |
malseketigi | dampen |
malsekiĝi | get wet |
malselekti | deselect |
malserena | dismal, dreary |
malseriozaĵo | wives’ tale |
malservi | be detrimental to, detract from, do harm to |
malsevera | lenient, indulgent, mild-mannered |
malsilentigi | unmute |
malsimetria | asymmetric, asymmetrical, dissymmetric |
malsimila | different |
malsimpatia | nasty |
malsimpatio | antipathy |
malsimpla | complex, complicated; structured |
malsincera | underhanded |
malsinkrona | asynchronous |
malsovaĝa | tame |
malsovaĝigi | tame |
malsperta | inexperienced |
malsprita | dull, stupid |
malstabila | unstable |
malstaki | unstack |
malstreĉiĝi | relax |
malstreĉo | d‚tente |
malstrikta | loose |
malsubstanca | insubstantial, light |
malsukcesa | abortive |
malsukcesego | failure, flop |
malsukcesi | abort, fail |
malsukcesi pro | be foiled by, be frustrated by |
malsukcesigi | abort, quash |
malsukceso | abortion |
malsupera | inferior |
malsupra | below, lower |
malsupre | below, downstairs, underneath |
malsupre de | below, beneath, under |
malsupre-supren | bottom-to-top |
malsupren | down |
malsupren-supersigno | grave accent, “`” |
malsuprenirejo | slope |
malsupreniri | descend, get off, go down |
malsupreniro | descent |
malsuprenpendi | depend, hang down |
malsuprensalti | jump off, leap down |
malsuprenstreko | backslash, “\” |
malsupro | bottom |
malŝalti | shut off, stop, switch off, turn off |
malŝaltilo | off-button |
malŝargi | discharge, fire, fire off, let off |
malŝargiĝi | go off |
malŝarĝi | unload |
malŝati | dislike |
malŝato | dislike, disdain |
malŝlosi | unlock |
malŝloso | unlock |
malŝminki | take off make-up |
malŝpari | waste |
malŝparita | spoiled, wasted |
malŝparo | waste |
malŝpruci | pop-in |
malŝraŭbi | unscrew |
malŝtopi | unplug |
malta | Maltese |
maltano | Maltese |
maltaŭga | unsuited |
malteni | release |
maltima | daring |
maltimema | daring |
maltimi | dare |
Malto | Malta |
maltraduki | reverse assemble |
maltrafi | miss |
maltrafo | miss |
maltrankvila | anxious |
maltrankvile | anxiously |
maltrankviliga | anxious, grave, serious |
maltrankviligi | oppress |
maltroo | underflow |
malutila | harmful |
malutile | detrimentally, disadvantageously, prejudicially |
malutili | harm |
malutilo | harm |
malva | magenta, fuchsia |
malvalida | invalid, void |
malvalidigi | disable, turn off |
malvalidigita | disabled |
malvarma | bleak, chilly, cold |
malvarma reŝarĝo | cold reboot, hard reset |
malvarmeta | cool |
malvarmetiĝi | cool, cool down |
malvarmigi | cool off |
malvarmigilo | cooler |
malvarmigita | cooled |
malvarmigita per akvo | watercooled |
malvarmiĝi | cool off |
malvarmo | cold |
malvarmsanga | cold-blooded |
malvarmumo | cold |
malvasta | close, cramped |
malvastejo | narrow space |
malvenki | be defeated, lose |
malvenko | defeat |
malvera | false, untrue |
malveraĵo | untruth |
malvero | untruth |
malversacio | embezzlement, misappropriation |
malvesti | undress |
malvestiĝi | strip, undress |
malvigla | slack, sluggish, indolent |
malvirto | vice |
malvirtulo | evil-doer |
malviŝi | unerase, undelete |
malviva | lifeless, dead |
malvo | mallow (flower) |
malvolo | unwillingness, disinclination |
malvolonta | unwilling |
malvolvado | unwinding |
malvolvi | unroll |
malzipi | unzip |
malzomi | unzoom, zoom out |
malzorga | careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss |
malzorgeco | carelessness, negligence, remissness |
mambesto | mammal |
mamego | udder |
mamnutri | suckle |
mamo | breast, teat |
Mamono | Mammon |
mampinto | nipple |
mamsuĉi | nurse |
mamulo | mammal |
mamuto | mammoth |
mamzono | bra |
mana | manual |
manaĝero | manager |
manaĝi | manage |
manaĝisto | manager |
manaĵo | handset |
manĉua | Manchurian |
manĉuo | Manchurian |
manĉura | Manchurian |
Manĉurio | Manchuria |
Manĉurujo | Manchuria |
mandarino | tangerine |
mandato | mandate |
mandatulo | bearer of a mandate |
mandolino | mandolin |
mandreno | spool (tape) |
manekeno | fashion model, mannequin |
manfaritaĵo | handiwork |
mangano | manganese |
mango | mango |
mangostano | mangosteen |
mangujo | mango tree |
manĝaĵo | food |
manĝaĵoŝranko | larder, pantry, store-cupboard |
manĝebla | edible |
manĝejo | dining room |
manĝeti | nibble, snack |
manĝeto | snack, small meal |
manĝi | eat, feed |
manĝigi | feed |
manĝilara lavilo | detergent, washing-up liquid |
manĝilaro | forks, knives and spoons |
manĝo | meal |
manĝobastonetoj | chopsticks |
manĝoĉambro | dining room |
manĝokarto | menu |
manĝoprovizejo | pantry |
Manĝurio | Manchuria |
maniero | manner, mode, way |
manifestacii | demonstrate |
manifestacio | demonstration |
manifesti | demonstrate, manifest, show |
manifestiĝi | manifest itself |
manifesto | manifest |
Manika Markolo | English Channel |
Manikaj Insuloj | Channel Islands |
Maniko | English Channel |
maniko | sleeve |
Manikuagano | Manikuagan |
manikuri | manicure |
manilo | handle |
manio | mania |
manioko | cassave |
manipulado | treatment |
manipuli | handle, manipulate |
manipura | Meitei, Meitei-lon, Meitei-lol, Manipuri, Meithei |
Manitobolago | Lake Manitoba |
maniulo | maniac |
manka | missing, imperfect, flawed |
mankanta | absent |
mankantlisto | attendance register |
manke de | in the absence of |
manki | be lacking, be missing |
mankigi | drop, omit |
mankiso | hand-kiss |
manko | absence, lack, shortage, shortcoming |
manksa | Manx, Manx Gaelic |
manlaboro | handiwork; manual labor, manual labour |
manlibreto | primer |
manlibro | handbook, manual, guide |
manlibro por uzantoj | userguide, user guide, user manual, user’s guide |
mano | hand |
manovri | maneuver, manoeuvre, manœuvre, manoeuver, manouver |
manovro | maneuver, manoeuvre, manœuvre, manoeuver, manouver |
manpilkado | handball |
manpilkludo | ball game |
manplata frapado | applause |
manplato | palm |
manpremi | shake hands |
manpremo | handshake |
manradiko | wrist |
mansaketo | handbag, hand-bag |
mansako | handbag, hand-bag |
mansardo | attic, garret |
mansigni | wave |
mansigno | hand signal |
manskriba | handwriting |
manskribado | handwriting |
manskribita | handwritten, hand-written |
manskribo | handwriting |
mantelo | cloak, mantle |
manteni | have got hold of |
mantiso | mantissa |
manto | mantis |
mantuko | towel |
manufakturo | factory |
manumo | cuff |
manuskripto | manuscript |
maora | Māori, Maori (Māori) |
maoria | Māori, Maori (Māori) |
mapado | mapping |
maparo | atlas |
mapiga | mapping |
mapigi | map |
mapigita | mapped |
mapigo | mapping |
mapo | map |
mara | maritime, sea |
maraglo | white-tailed eagle |
marakoj | maracas |
mararmeo | navy |
marata | Marathi |
marborda | coastal, coast |
marbordo | coast, seaside, shore |
marbranĉo | arm of the sea, estuary, firth |
marcipano | marzipan |
marĉandi | bargain, haggle |
marĉo | marsh, swamp |
mardo | Tuesday |
marfundo | bottom of the sea, sea bottom, seabed |
margarino | margarine |
margarito | daisy |
marĝena | marginal |
marĝeno | margin |
marĝenulo | fringe existence, marginalised person |
maria | Marian; Mari, Mari language |
Marianoj | Mariana Islands |
mariĥuano | marijuana |
Marilando | Maryland |
marimbo | marimba |
marini | marinate |
marioneto | marionette, puppet |
marista | navy |
mariste | navy |
maristo | sailor |
mark-arbo | tag tree |
markado | markup |
markarbo | tag tree |
markezo | penthouse, shed |
marki | mark |
markilo | highlighter |
Markisoj | Marquesas Islands |
markizo | marquis |
marko | mark |
marko-kampo | tag field |
markobutono | check box, choice button |
markoj | tags |
markokampo | tag field |
markolisto | check list |
markolo | strait |
Markolo de Forto | Firth of Forth, Linne Foirthe |
markoti | layer |
markoto | layer |
marmalsano | seasickness |
marmeladi | jam |
marmelado | jam, marmelade |
marmito | cooking pot |
marmonstro | sea monster |
marmora | marble |
marmoro | marble |
marnivelo | sea level |
maro | sea |
maroka | Moroccan |
marokanino | Moroccan woman |
marokano | Moroccan |
Maroko | Morocco |
maronarbo | chestnut tree |
maronujo | chestnut tree |
maroto | eccentricity, quirk |
marsano | Martian |
Marso | Mars |
marŝala | Marshallese |
Marŝalinsuloj | Marshall Islands |
marŝalo | marshal |
Marŝaloj | Marshall Islands |
marŝi | march, walk |
marŝo | walk |
martagono | martagon lily |
martelado | hammering |
marteli | hammer |
martelo | hammer |
Martiniko | Martinique |
martireco | martyrdom |
martiriĝo | martyrdom |
martirino | martyr, female martyr |
martiro | martyr |
marto | March |
marvara | Marwari, Marvari, Marwadi, Marvadi |
Masaĉuseco | Massachusetts |
masaĝi | massage |
masaĝo | massage |
masaja | Maasai |
masakri | massacre |
masakro | massacre |
masiva | massive |
maskado | masquerade |
maskerado | masquerade |
maski | mask |
maskla | male |
masklo | male |
masko | mask |
maskobalo | masked ball |
maso | lump, mass |
masonaĵo | masonry |
masoni | build |
masonisto | mason |
mastiko | putty |
masto | mast |
mastra | master |
mastri | be master over, dominate |
Mastriĥto | Maastricht (Netherlands), Mestreech, Maëstricht, Mastrique, Maestricht |
mastrino | mistress |
mastro | boss, master |
mastrobendo | master tape |
mastruma | operating; supervisor |
mastrumado | management, housekeeping |
mastrumado de ciferecaj rajtoj | DRM, digital rights management |
mastrumata | managed |
mastrumataj | managed (pl.) |
mastrumenhava | managed content |
mastrumi | keep house, manage |
mastrumilo | maintenance tool; operating system; monitor |
mastrumistino | housekeeper |
masturbi | masturbate |
maŝinadreso | mac-address |
maŝinaro | machinery |
maŝinkodo | machine code |
maŝinlegebla | machine-readable |
maŝinlingvo | machine language, machine code |
maŝino | engine, machine |
maŝinpafilo | machine gun |
maŝinsendependa | network-transparent, network transparent |
maŝinskribi | type |
maŝo | loop, mesh |
matabela | Ndebele |
matĉo | game, match |
matematika | mathematical |
matematikisto | mathematician |
matematiko | mathematics |
matene | in the morning |
matenhoro | morning time |
matenkoncerto | aubade |
matenmanĝo | breakfast |
mateno | morning |
matenruĝo | red of dawn |
matenstelo | morning star |
Materhorno | Matterhorn |
materia | material |
materialkontrolo | hardware check |
materialo | data, material |
materiiĝi | materialize, materialise |
materiismo | materialism |
materio | matter |
mato | mat; checkmate |
matraco | mattress |
matrica | matrix |
matrico | matrix |
matricotipo | array type |
matrikulo | roll, list of members |
matura | mature, ripe |
matureco | maturity |
maturiĝi | ripen |
maŭismo | Maoism |
Maŭricio | Mauritius |
Maŭritanio | Mauritania |
Maŭrolando | Mauritania |
Maŭrujo | Mauritania |
mava (malbona) | bad |
Mbajt | Mbyte, megabyte |
meblaro | furniture |
mebli | furnish |
meblita | furnished |
meblo | piece of furniture |
mebloj | furniture |
mecenato | patron |
meĉo | fuse, wick |
medalo | medal |
media | ambient |
mediacii | mediate |
mediacio | mediation |
mediano | median |
medicina | medical |
medicinaĵo | drug, medicine, pharmaceutical |
medicino | medicine, practice of medicine |
medikamento | drug, medicine, pharmaceutical |
medikonverto | media conversion |
Medino | Medina |
medio | environment, ambience, medium, milieu |
meditema | thinking, thoughtful, meditative, pensive |
Mediteraneo | Mediterranean |
mediti | meditate, think to oneself |
medivariablo | environment variable |
medo | mead |
medolo | marrow, pith |
Meduzo | Medusa |
Mefisto (Mefistofelo) | Mephistopheles, Mephisto |
Mefistofelo | Mephistopheles, Mephisto |
mefito | skunk |
megabajto (Mbajt) | megabyte, MB |
megera | bitchy, shrewish |
megero | shrew |
megrela | Mingrelian, Megrelian |
meĥanika | mechanical |
meĥanikisto | mechanic |
meĥaniko | mechanics |
meĥanismo | mechanism |
Meĥlino | Malines, Mechlin |
mejlo | mile |
mejlostono | milestone |
mejloŝtono | landmark, milepost, milestone |
mejtnerio | meitnerium |
mekanika | mechanical |
mekanikakrajono | mechanical pencil |
mekanikisto | mechanic |
mekaniko | mechanics |
mekanismo | mechanism |
meki | bleat |
Mekko | Mecca |
Mekongo | Mekong |
Meksika Golfo | Gulf of Mexico |
meksikanino | Mexican woman |
meksikia (meksika) | Mexican |
Meksikia Golfo (Meksika Golfo) | Gulf of Mexico |
meksikianino (meksikanino) | Mexican woman |
meksikiano (meksikano) | Mexican |
Meksikio (Meksiko) | Mexico |
Meksiko | Mexico |
melanezia | Melanesian |
melaneziano | Melanesian |
Melanezio | Melanesia |
melankolia | bleak, dismal, dreary, gaunt, melancholy |
melankolio | melancholy |
melaso | molasses |
meleagro | turkey |
melki | milk |
melo | badger |
melodia | tuneful |
melodio | melody |
melodrama | melodramatic |
melodramo | melodrama |
melongeno | aubergine |
melono | melon |
melopepo | squash |
melotrono | mellotron |
mem | self, herself, himself, itself |
memadaptiĝi | autoadjust, auto-adjust |
memadjunkta matrico | self-ajoint matrix, Hermitian matrix |
memaliĝo | selfjoin, self-join |
memalkremento | autoincrement |
memamo | love of self |
membrano | drum head, drum skin |
membraro | membership |
membreco | membership |
membriĝi | accede |
membro | limb, member |
membrokotizo | dues |
membrorilato | membership relation |
memcerta | self-assured |
memdecido | self-determination |
memdekremento | autodecrement |
memdetermino | self-determination |
memdokumenta | self-documenting |
memekspansia | self-extracting, self extracting |
memestimo | self-esteem |
memevidenta | self-evident |
memfarita | homemade, home-made, self-produced |
memfida | confident, self-assured |
memfido | self-confidence |
meminstruito | autodidact, self-taught man |
memkompato | self-pity |
memkomprenebla | natural, self-evident |
memkonservado | autosave |
memkontraŭdiro | self-contradiction |
memkontroli | autoverify |
memkorekti | autocorrect, auto-correct |
memkritiko | self-criticism |
memlanĉo | autorun, auto start, autostart |
memlerninto | autodidact, self-taught man |
memmortigi | commit suicide |
memnomado | autonymy |
memoradministrado | storage management |
memoradministrilo | storage management system, storage manager |
memoradreso | memory address |
memoraĵo | keepsake, memento, souvenir |
memoraliro | memory access |
memorareo | storage area |
memoratribuo | storage allocation |
memorbastoneto | thumb drive, memory stick, flash drive, USB stick |
memorbloko | memory block |
memorcikla daŭro | memory cycle |
memorĉelo | memory cell |
memordisponigo | allocation |
memorejo | store area, storage area |
memorero | cell, location, word |
memorgenerado | memory allocation |
memorgenerilo | allocator, generator |
memorhava | sequential |
memorhavigo | memory allocation |
memorhelpa | memory-helping, recovery (password) |
memorhierarkio | memory hierarchy |
memori | remember, recall, recollect |
memoriga helpilo | mnemonic |
memorigaĵo | keepsake, memento, souvenir |
memorigi | recall, remind |
memorigilo | reminder |
memorigo | reminder; memorialization, memorialisation |
memorilo | storage device, storage, memory, store |
memorinda | memorable |
memorkapablo | memory |
memorkapacito | memory size |
memorkarto | memory card |
memorkartoĉo | memory cartridge |
memorlikado | memory leak |
memormaltroa | low-memory, low memory |
memormanko | out of memory |
memormapo | memory map, storage map |
memormodulo | memory module |
memoro | memory, recollection |
memorplateto | external storage card |
memorplato | storage card |
memorprotekto | memory protection |
memorradika | storage root |
memorraporto | storage report |
memorsubsistemo | storage subsystem |
memortabulo | memorial plaque |
memortago | anniversary |
memoruzado | memory usage |
memouza | memory-usage |
memportreto | self-portrait |
memregado | self-control; self-rule |
memsaniga | self-healing |
memserva | self-service |
memserva vendejo | supermarket |
memsignado | autonymy |
memstara | independent |
memstareco | independence |
memstarto | autoplay, auto-play, autostart, auto-start |
memsubskribita | self-signed |
memsufiĉa | self-sufficient |
memtesto | self test |
memvola | willing |
mencii | mention |
mencii mallonge | touch lightly on, touch on |
menciinda | worth mentioning |
mencio | mention |
menda | order |
mendea | Mende |
mendelevio | mendelevium |
mendi | book, order, reserve |
mendilo | order-form |
mendo | order |
mensa | mental |
mensa postrestanteco | backwardness |
mense postrestanta | backward, mentally deficient, retarded |
mensmalsana | mentally ill |
menso | mind |
mensogi | lie, tell a lie |
mensogisto | cheat, deceiver, imposter |
mensogo | lie |
mensogulo | liar |
mensostato | state of mind, mentality |
mentaleco | mentality |
mento | mint |
mentono | chin |
mentoo | mento |
menu-etikedo | menu label |
menubreto | menu bar |
menubutono | menu button |
menuero | menu item |
menuetikedo | menu label |
menukomando | menu command |
menuo | menu |
menuo Dosiero | File menu |
menuo Redakti | Edit menu |
menustrio | menu bar |
menutrabo | menu bar |
menuzono | menu bar |
merdo | shit |
mergi | immerse |
mergiĝi | submerge |
meriti | be worthy of, deserve, merit |
merito | merit |
merizo | wild cherry |
merkatado | marketing |
merkato | market, sales activity |
merkredo | Wednesday |
Merkuro | Mercury |
merlo | blackbird |
mesaĝa | message |
mesaĝado | messaging |
mesaĝara | digest |
mesaĝaro | digest |
mesaĝero | message item |
mesaĝeto | note, text message, SMS |
mesaĝfiltrilo | message filter |
mesaĝo | message; errand |
mesaĝogrupo | distribution group, message group |
mesaĝokapo | message header |
mesaĝoklaso | message class |
mesaĝokorpo | message body |
mesaĝotraktilo | message handler |
mesaĝovosto | message trailer |
mesaĝtabula | message board |
mesaĝtabulo | message board |
Mesino | Messina |
mesio | Messiah |
meso | mass |
meta-klavo | meta key |
metadatumoj | metadata, meta data |
metadosiero | meta file |
metaesprimo | meta-expression |
metaetikedo | meta tag |
metafaktoro | meta-factor |
metaforo | metaphor |
metaforriĉa | full of images |
metaklavo | meta key |
metala | metal, metallic |
metalgarnaĵo | ironwork, mounting, studs |
metalingvo | metalanguage, meta-language |
metalo | metal |
metalroko | heavy metal |
metalurgio | metallurgy |
metamarko | meta tag, metatag |
metamatematiko | metamathematics |
metamorfozi | transform |
metamorfozo | metamorphosis, recreation, regeneration, transformation |
metano | methane |
metapsikio | parapsychology |
metasimbolo | meta symbol |
metateorio | metatheory |
meteo | atmospheric phenomenon |
meteologio | meteorology |
meteorito | meteorite |
meteoro | atmospheric phenomenon |
meteorologio | meteorology |
meti | lay down, place, put, put down |
meti supre sur | superimpose |
metiejo | workshop |
metiisto | artisan |
metilernanto | apprentice |
metilernejo | trade school |
metilo | methyl |
metio | handicraft, occupation, trade |
metoda | methodical |
metodista | Methodist |
metodisto | Methodist |
metodo | method |
metodo de pleja konveno | best-fit algorithm |
metodo de unua taŭgaĵo | first-fit algorithm |
metra | metric |
metro | meter, metre |
metronomo | metronome |
metroo | subway, underground |
metropolito | archbishop |
metropolo | metropolis |
metrostacio | underground station, subway station |
Metuŝelaĥo | Methuselah |
mevo | seagull |
Mez-Ameriko | Central America |
Mez-Azio | Central Asia |
meza | middle, average, mean, central |
Meza Oriento | Middle East |
meza punkto | interpunct, interpoint, central dot, “·” |
Mezafrika Respubliko | Central African Republic |
mezaĝa | middle-aged |
mezalianco | misalliance; marriage into lower class |
Mezameriko | Central America |
mezaranĝo | accommodation |
Mezazio | Central Asia |
meze | on average; rather |
meze de | among, amidst, in the middle of |
mezepoka | medieval |
mezepoko | Middle Ages |
Mezeŭropo | Central Europe |
mezgrada | medium-grade |
mezkvalita | mediocre |
mezkvalita aparataro | middleware |
mezmalnovnederlanda | Middle Dutch |
Mezmara | Mediterranean |
Mezmaro | Mediterranean Sea |
meznederlanda | Middle Dutch |
meznokto | midnight |
meznombra | average, mean |
meznombro | average, mean |
mezo | average, mean, middle |
mezolidia | Mixolydian |
Mezolitiko | Mesolithic, Mesolithic Age |
mezonombro | mean |
Mezopotamio | Mesopotamia |
Mezoriento | Middle East |
Mezozoiko | Mesozoic, Mesozoic era |
meztagmanĝi | eat lunch |
mezumo | mean, average |
mezurado | measurement |
mezurcilindro | graduated glass |
mezurebla | measurable |
mezuri | measure |
mezurilo | measure |
mezurita | measured |
mezurita ĝuste | adjusted |
mezuro | measurement, measure, bar |
mezurunuo | unit of measurement |
mezvoje | half-way |
mfb (mi fartas bone) | I’m well |
mi | I, me |
mia | my |
miaj | my |
miaopinie | in my view, in my opinion, to my thinking |
miaŭi | meow |
Miĉigano | Michigan |
Midaso | Midas |
MIDI-o | MIDI, Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
midŝipmano | middy, midshipsman, naval cadet |
Midvejinsuloj | Midway Islands |
midzi | perform oral sex on |
miela monato | honeymoon |
mielĉelaro | honeycomb |
mielo | honey |
mieltrinkaĵo | mead |
mieneto | emoticon, smiley |
mieno | expression |
miensimbolo | emoticon |
mienvinjeto | emoticon |
migdalkukaĵo | almond pastry |
migdalo | almond |
migdalokula | almond-eyed |
migdalujo | almond tree |
migrado | migration; hiking |
migranto | wanderer, migrant; hiker |
migrema | migrant |
migreno | migraine |
migri | migrate, roam, wander, wander about |
migrigado | migration |
migrigi | make migrate |
Mikeno | Mycenae |
mikrobo | germ, microbe |
mikrofilmado | photomicrography |
mikrofilmo | microfilm |
mikrofono | microphone |
mikrofotografio | microphotography |
mikrokanela | finely grooved |
mikrokanela disko | LP, long playing |
mikrokomputilo | microcomputer |
mikroneziano | Micronesian |
Mikronezio | Micronesia |
mikroprismo | microprism |
mikroprocesoro | microprocessor |
mikroprocezilo | microprocessor |
mikroprogramado | microprogramming |
mikroprogramara | firmware |
mikroprogramaro | firmware |
mikroprogramo | microprogram, firmware |
mikroskopa | microscope |
mikroskopo | microscope |
Mikrosofta | Microsoft, Windows |
Mikrosofto | Microsoft, Windows |
miksado | mixing |
miksaĵo | mixture |
miksedziĝo | mixed marriage |
miksi | blend, mingle, mix, shuffle |
miksiĝi | blend, mingle, mix |
miksilo | mixer |
miksita | mixed |
miksomatozo | myxomatosis |
mikspoto | potpourri |
miksta | mixed, coeducational, desegregated |
miksuskla | camel case, CamelCaps, mixed case |
mil | thousand, one thousand |
Milano | Milan |
milda | gentle, mild |
mildeco | balminess, gentleness, leniency, meekness, mildness |
mildefika | soft focus |
mildigi | alleviate, soften |
miliardo | milliard, thousand million |
milibaro | millibar |
milicano | militiaman |
milico | militia |
milimetro | millimeter, millimetre |
milimetroj | millimeters, millimetres |
milio | millet |
miliono | million, 1,000,000, 1 000 000, 1.000.000 |
milionulo | millionaire |
milita | military |
militbazo | military base |
militdeklaro | declaration of war |
militema | martial, warlike |
militi | make war, wage war |
militista | military |
militistaro | army |
militisto | warrior |
militkaptito | prisoner of war |
milito | war |
militpastro | chaplain, padre |
militpaŭzo | truce |
militservo | military service |
militŝipo | warship |
miljaro | millennium |
milvo | kite |
mimado | mime |
MIME-kodado | MIME encoding, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension encoding |
MIME-tipo | MIME type, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension type |
MIME-versio | MIME version, Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension version |
mimozo | mimosa |
min | me |
min mem | myself |
minaca | menacing, threatening |
minaca timigo | intimidation |
minacanta | menacing, threatening |
minaci | menace, threaten |
minaco | menace, threat |
minacoj | threats |
minacordono | exhortation, warning |
minankabaŭa | Minangkabau |
minbalaa ŝipo | minesweeper, mine sweeper |
minbarita tereno | minefield |
minca | slender |
Minĉo | Minch |
minejo | mine |
minejoligno | pit-props, pitwood |
minekspluatado | mining |
minerala | mineral |
mineralo | mineral |
Minervo | Minerva |
Minesoto | Minnesota |
mingalerio | gallery of a mine |
mingaso | fire-damp |
miniaturigi | miniaturize, miniaturise, minify |
miniaturo | miniature; thumbnail |
minidiskludilo | MiniDisc player |
minidisko | MD, MiniDisc |
minimuma | minimum |
minimume | at least |
minimumigi | minimize, minimise |
minimumismo | minimalism |
minimumo | minimum |
mininĝeniero | mining-engineer |
ministerio | ministry |
ministo | miner |
ministra | ministerial |
ministrejo | ministry |
ministro | minister |
minlampo | mine lamp, safety lamp, davy |
mino | mine |
minora | minor |
minoritata | minority |
minoritato | minority |
minsema ŝipo | minelayer |
minus | minus |
minuskla | lowercase, lower-case, lower case |
minuskla cifero | old-style digit, non-lining figure, hanging figure |
minuskligi | lower case, lowercase |
minuskligo | lowercasing, downshifting |
minusklo | lower-case letter, lowercase letter, lower case letter, small letter |
minuso | minus |
minussigno | minus sign, −, - |
minuto | minute |
Mioceno | Miocene |
miopa | near-sighted, short-sighted |
miopeco | myopia, nearsightedness |
miozoto | forget-me-not |
miraĝo | mirage |
mirakla | miraculous |
miraklo | miracle |
miredo | mired |
mirho | myrrh |
miri | marvel, marvel at, wonder |
miriado | myriad |
miriapodo | centipede |
miriga | amazing, astonishing |
mirigi | amaze |
mirinda | wonderful |
mirindaĵo | wonder |
mirlando | wonderland |
mirmekofago | anteater |
mirtelo | blueberry |
mis- | mis- |
misa | incorrect, amiss |
misago | misdeed |
misagordi | put out of tune |
misdecidi | make a bad decision |
misdigesto | dyspepsia, indigestion |
misfaro | misdeed |
misfino | abnormal termination, ABEND |
misformita | deformed |
misfunkcia tolero | fault tolerance |
misfunkcii | malfunction |
misfunkcio | fault, failure, malfunction |
misfunkcio-tolero | fault tolerance |
misfunkciotolero | fault tolerance |
misgvidi | misguide |
misiisto | missionary |
misio | mission |
misiro | tilt |
Misisipio | Mississippi |
miskalkuli | miscalculate |
miskompreni | misunderstand |
miskompreno | misunderstanding |
miskondiĉa | ill-conditioned |
miskongruo | mismatch |
misloki | misplace |
mislumo | flare |
miso | failure |
mispaŝo | aberration, false step |
misprezenti | misrepresent |
misreferenco | dangling reference, bad pointer |
missignalo | glitch |
mistajpi | mistype |
mistera | abstruse, mysterious |
mistero | mystery |
mistifikaĉi | cheat, defraud, fool, swindle |
mistifikado | spoofing |
mistifiki | fool, hoax, mystify, trick |
mistifiko | mystification |
mistika | mystic, mystical |
mistikismo | mysticism |
mistikisto | mystic |
mistona | flat |
mistraduki | mistranslate |
mistrakti | abuse, mistreat |
Misurio | Missouri |
misuzi | abuse, misuse |
misuzo | abuse |
mita | mythical |
mitingo | meeting, political meeting |
mito | myth |
mitologiisto | mythologist |
mitologio | mythology |
mitralo | machine gun |
mitro | miter, mitre |
mitulejo | mussel bank, mussel bed |
mitulo | mussel |
mizantropo | misanthrope |
mizera | abject, dismal, meager, miserable, wretched |
mizera salajro | starvation wage |
mizere | miserably |
mizerikordo | mercy |
mizerkvartalo | slum |
mizero | misery |
mizerulo | pauper, poor devil, poor man |
MJ (Membro kun Jarlibro) | Member with Yearbook |
mjaŭa | Miao |
mjelo | spinal cord |
mm (milimetro) | mm, millimeter, millimetre |
mm (milimetroj) | mm, millimeters, millimetres |
mnemonika | mnemonic |
mo (M) | M, the letter M, em (letter name) |
mobilizi | mobilize |
mocio | motion |
moda | fashionable |
modalo | mode, modality |
modela | model, form (letter), master (mode) |
modelado | modeling, model-building |
modelfolio | pattern |
modeli | model |
modeligilo | pattern maker |
modelo | model, master |
modelrekono | pattern matching, pattern recognition |
modelsolvado | model solution |
modemo | modem |
modemodensigo | modem compression |
modemoservilo | modem server |
modera | moderate, reasonable |
modere | modestly |
moderigi | moderate |
moderkosta | reasonable |
moderna | modern |
modernigi | modernize |
modero | moderation |
moderpreza | reasonable |
moderulo | temperate person, moderate |
modesta | modest |
modesteco | modesty |
modesto | modesty |
modifa | modifier |
modifi | modify |
modifilo | modifier |
modifo | modification, alteration |
modifota | presumptive |
modistino | milliner |
modjulo | module |
modli | model, mold, mould |
modo | fashion, mode |
modula | modular |
modulado | modulation |
moduleca | modular |
moduli | modulate |
modulo | module |
moduso | mode |
mojosa | cool, awesome |
mojoseco | coolness, awesomeness |
mojosejo | cool place, awesome place |
mojosi | be cool, be awesome |
mojosulo | cool person, awesome person |
mokado | derision, mockery, ridicule |
mokaĵo | mockery |
moki | jeer at, make fun of, mock |
moki pri | deride, mock, quip, ridicule |
mokimiti | echo, repeat parrot-like |
mokinsulti | jeer, jeer at, taunt |
moknomo | dirty name, term of derision |
moko | mockery |
mokridi pri | mockingly laugh at |
mola | soft |
molaĵo | something soft, soft copy |
moldava | Moldavian |
Moldavio (Moldavujo) | Moldavia |
moldavo | Moldavian |
Moldavujo | Moldavia |
moldisko | floppy disk, diskette |
moleco | mellowness, softness, tenderness |
molekulo | molecule |
moleo | breakwater, mole |
molibdeno | molybdenum |
moligaganto | wetting agent |
moligi | soften up |
moliĝi | soften up |
molkoreco | tenderness |
molo | mole (unit) |
Moloĥo | Moloch |
molotovkoktelo | Molotov cocktail |
moluka | Moluccan |
molukano | Moluccan |
Molukoj | Moluccas |
molusko | mollusk |
momenta | momentary |
momente | currently |
momentfoto | snapshot |
momento | instant, moment |
momenton | a moment, a few minutes |
mona | monetary, pecuniary; Mon language |
monaĥejo | monastery |
monaĥestro | archimandrite |
monaĥino | nun |
monaĥo | monk |
monaka | Monegasque, Monacan |
monakano | Monacan, Monegasque |
Monako | Monaco |
monarko | monarch |
monata | monthly |
monataĵo | period, menses |
monate | monthly |
monato | month |
monavida | greedy |
monavidulo | money grubber |
monbileto | bill (currency), banknote |
monbiletujo | wallet |
Moncerato | Montserrat |
monda | world, worldwide |
Monda Banko | World Bank |
Monda Faktlibro | World Factbook |
Monda Naturfonduso | World Wildlife Fund |
mondcivitano | world citizen |
Mondezo | Mondezo |
mondfama | world-famous |
mondkoncepto | world view |
Mondmilito | World War |
mondo | world |
mondparto | area of the world |
mondskala | worldwide |
mondumo | high society |
mondvojaĝo | world trip |
monereta mono | change |
monerfiguro | effigy, head |
monero | coin |
monfarejestro | master of the mint (money), mint-master (money) |
monfarejo | mint |
monfari | coin, mint |
mongola | Mongolian |
Mongolio (Mongolujo) | Mongolia |
mongolo | Mongol, Mongolian |
Mongolujo | Mongolia |
monitora | monitoring |
monitorado | monitoring |
monitoro | monitor |
monkolekto | collection (of money) |
monkompenso | monetary compensation |
monludi | gamble |
mono | money |
monofonio | mono |
monogamio | monogamy |
monojdo | monoid |
monoklo | monocle |
monokromata | monochromatic |
monolito | monolith |
monologo | monologue, soliloquy |
monoo | mono |
monopola | sole |
monopoligi | monopolize, monopolise |
monopolo | monopoly |
monorivelilo | monobath |
monotona | monotonous |
monperdo | loss |
monpuni | fine |
monpuno | fine |
monsinjoro | monsignor, Mgr., Msgr., Mons. |
monsinjoroj | monsignori |
monsistemo | monetary system |
monstra | monstrous |
monstraĵo | monstrosity |
monstreco | monstrosity |
monstro | monster |
monsumo | sum of money |
monŝanĝejo | money exchange |
monŝranko | strongbox |
Montano | Montana |
montara | mountain |
montarano | mountaineer, hillbilly |
montaro | mountain chain |
montbiciklo | mountain bike, ATB, all-terrain bike, all terrain bike, all-terrain bicycle, all terrain bicycle |
montbretio | montbretia |
montenegra | Montenegrin |
montenegrano | Montenegrin |
Montenegro | Montenegro |
monteta deklivo | hillside |
monteto | hill |
montfendo | chasm, cleft, gorge, gully, ravine |
montgrimpado | mountain climbing |
montgrimpanto | Alpinist, climber, mountain climber, mountaineer |
montkabano | Alpine hut, climber’s hut, mountain hut |
montkresto | mountain ridge |
monto | mountain |
montobiciklo | mountain bicycle |
montoĉeno | chain of mountains, mountain chain, mountain range, rand |
montodeklivo | mountain slope |
montodorso | mountain ridge |
montopinto | summit, mountaintop, peak |
montpasejo | pass |
montra | demonstrative |
montrebla | apparent |
montri | indicate, point out, show |
montri langetojn | show tabs |
montriĉa | mountainous |
montriĝi | point out to be |
montrilo | pointer, indicator |
montro | view |
montrofenestro | show window |
montrostato | view state |
montrotipo | view type |
Montrozo | Montrose |
montspino | mountain ridge |
montsuben | down the slope, downhill |
montsupro | mountain peak, mountain top, pinnacle |
montŝuo | mountaineering boot |
montvojeto | mountain path |
monujo | purse, wallet |
monumenta | monumental |
monumento | monument |
monunio | monetary union |
monunuo | currency unit, monetary unit |
mopedo | moped |
mopso | pug, pug dog |
morala | moral |
moralaĵo | moral |
moraleco | morality |
moralinstruo | moral |
moralisto | moralist |
moralo | morals |
moratorio | moratorium |
moravia | Moravian |
Moravio | Moravia |
morbilo | measles |
morbo | disease |
mordaĵo | mordant, stain, wood-dye, wood stain |
mordema | biting, scathing |
mordeti | nibble |
mordi | bite |
mordo | bite |
mordpeco | morsel |
mordva | Mordvinic |
moreno | moraine |
morfemo | morpheme |
morfemscienco | morphology |
Morfeo | Morpheus |
morfinmaniulo | morphine addict, morphinomaniac |
morfino | morphine, morphia |
morfio | morphism |
morfologio | accidence |
morganata | morganatic, morganatical |
morgaŭ | tomorrow |
morgaŭ matene | tomorrow morning |
morgaŭ posttagmeze | tomorrow afternoon |
morgaŭ vespere | tomorrow evening |
morgaŭa | tomorrow’s, of tomorrow |
morgaŭo | tomorrow |
morĥelo | morel |
Morifirto | Moray Firth |
morkelo | morel |
mormona | Mormon |
mormono | Mormon |
morna | desolate, dismal, dreary, gaunt, gloomy, mournful |
moro | custom, mores |
moroza | fretful, morose, peevish, sullen |
morsa | Morse code |
morsi | send in Morse code |
Morso | Morse |
morta | dead |
morta klavo | accent key, dead key |
morta malamiko | archenemy |
Morta Maro | Dead Sea |
mortanoncisto | undertaker’s man |
mortbati | beat to death, kill |
mortema | mortal |
mortero | morter |
morterujo | hod |
morti | die, expire, pass away |
mortiga | deadly |
mortigi | kill, liquidate, slay |
mortigi sin | commit suicide, kill oneself, kill yourself |
mortigiloj | instruments of murder |
mortinta | dead |
mortnaskita | stillborn |
morto | death |
mortpafi | shoot dead |
mortpala | ghastly |
mortpuno | death penalty |
mortsciigisto | undertaker’s man |
moruo | cod, codfish |
moruoleo | codfish oil |
morusarbo | mulberry tree |
morusujo | mulberry tree |
Moseo | Moses |
mosia | Mòoré, Mooré, Moré, Moshi, Mossi, Moore, More |
moskatelo | muscatel |
moskeo | mosque |
moskitforpelilo | mosquito repellant |
moskito | mosquito |
mosko | musk |
moskodoro | musky smell |
moskulo | musk deer |
moskuloj | musk deer (pl.) |
moskva | Muscovite |
moskvano | Muscovite |
mosto | must |
moŝta | honorary |
moŝto | excellency, majesty |
motaŭno | motown |
motelo | motel |
moteto | motet |
motivado | motivation |
motiviĝo | motivation |
motiviteco | motivation |
motivo | motive, reason; pattern |
moto | motto |
motorboato | motorboat |
motorcikla | motorcycle |
motorciklisto | motorcyclist |
motorciklo | motorcycle |
motoristo | motorist |
motorizi | motorize |
motoro | engine, motor |
motorveturilo | motor vehicle |
motuo | Motu |
mova | locomotive, motorial |
movado | movement |
movanta | moving |
movbilda | animated |
movbildo | animation, animated image |
movebla | mobile |
movi | move |
movi en la poŝon | cut; move to the pocket |
moviĝanta | animated |
moviĝeblo | roaming |
moviĝi | move |
moviĝo | gesture |
moviĝoklavo | cursor key |
movklavo | cursor key |
movlibero | freedom of movement, elbow room |
movo | movement |
movostirilo | move handle |
movovojo | motion path |
movsablo | quicksand, quicksands |
mozaika prezento | quick tabs |
mozaiko | mosaic, mosaic work |
mozaikplanko | mozaic floor |
mozambika | Mozambican |
mozambikano | Mozambican |
Mozambiko | Mozambique |
Mozelo | Moselle |
mozelvino | moselle |
Mozilo | Mozilla |
Mozo | Meuse |
MP3-ludilo | MP3 player |
MS (Membro-Subtenanto) | Supporting Member |
MSZ (Membro de Societo Zamenhof) | Member of the Zamenhof Society |
mu | mu |
mucida | moldy, mouldy, musty |
muelejo | mill |
mueli | grind, pulverize |
muelilo | mill |
muelisto | miller |
muezino | muezzin |
muĝado | growling, roaring |
muĝi | howl, roar |
muka | mucous |
muko | mucus, phlegm |
mukozo | mucous membrane |
mulatino | mulatto, female mulatto |
mulato | mulatto |
muldaĵo | cast |
muldi | cast, mold, mould |
muldilo | mold, mould |
mulo | mule |
mulpelisto | muleteer |
multa | a lot of, much, plenty |
multaj | many |
multampleksa | comprehensive |
multamplekse | comprehensively |
multatembra | multitimbral |
multe | a lot, much, plenty |
multe da | a lot of, much, plenty of |
multekosta | costly, dear, expensive, pricey |
multenombro | plural |
multflanka | multifaceted, many-sided |
multfoja | repeated, on many occasions |
multfrekvenco | multiple-frequency |
multigi | multiply, increase |
multiĝi | increase, multiply |
multipleksorado | multiplexing |
multipleksoro | multiplexer |
multiplika grupo | multiplicative group |
multiplikeska simbolo | multiplying operator, ×, *, ·, x |
multipliki | multiply |
multiplikilo | multiplier |
multkolora | multicolored, multicoloured |
multlingva | multilingual |
multnacia | multinational |
multnombra | numerous |
multobla | multiple |
multobligi | duplicate, multiply |
multobligilo | multiplier |
multobligo | multiplication |
multokupita | busy |
multopa | mass |
multpaperujo | ring binder |
multpeza | weighty |
multsignifa | significant |
multvalora | of great price |
multvojaĝinta | traveled, well-traveled, widely-traveled |
mumiigo | mummification |
mumio | mummy |
mungo | mongoose |
mungoto | mongoose |
municio | munition, ammunition |
municipo | municipality |
munta | build |
muntado | assemblage, assembly, composing, erecting, fitting up, mounting |
muntadohalo | assembly hall, assembly shop |
muntaĵo | build |
muntejo | assembly room |
munti | assemble, link, mount |
muntilo | linker |
muntisto | assembler, fitter |
muntita | mounted |
muntita foto | photomontage |
muntodosiero | makefile |
muntokadro | chassis |
muntopunkto | mount point, mountpoint |
muntumo | setting |
muo | mu |
muono | muon |
murapogilo | abutment |
murbalo | squash |
murdema | bloodthirsty |
murdemo | bloodthirstiness |
murdi | murder |
murdilo | murderous weapon |
murdintino | murderess |
murdinto | murderer |
murdisto | murderer |
murdo | murder |
murego | wall |
murgazeto | wall newspaper |
murkahelo | wall tile |
murkrampo | brace, cramp iron |
murmuri | murmur, mutter |
murmuro | murmur, muttering |
muro | wall |
murpapero | wallpaper, paper hangings |
murpentraĵo | mural, mural painting, wall painting |
murstilo | wall style |
murtapiŝo | tapestry, wall hanging |
musbutono | mouse button |
muska | mossy |
muskaptilo | mousetrap, mouse trap |
muskato | nutmeg |
muskatvino | muscatel |
muskedo | musket |
musketero | musketeer |
musketisto | musketeer |
musketo | musket |
musklako | mouse click |
musklavo | mouse button |
musklavoj | mouse keys |
musko | moss |
muskola | muscular |
muskolo | muscle |
muskursoro | mouse pointer, cursor, mark |
muskverda | moss-green, moss green |
muslino | muslin |
musmato | mousepad |
musmontrilo | mouse cursor |
muso | mouse |
musono | monsoon |
mussimbolo | mouse icon |
mustarda | mustard |
mustardo | mustard |
mustardujo | mustard pot |
mustelo | weasel |
musumi | hover (mouse) |
musveneno | rat poison |
muŝo | fly, housefly |
muta | dumb, mute, speechless |
mutacio | mutation |
mutili | mutilate |
mutnaturo | still life |
mutulo | mute |
muzako | muzak |
muzelingo | muzzle |
muzelo | snout, muzzle |
muzeo | museum |
muzika | musical |
muzika komedio | musical |
muzikaĵo | piece of music |
muzikalo | musical |
muzikamanto | music lover |
muzikanto | music maker, musician |
muzikema | musical |
muzikemo | musicality |
muziki | make music |
muzikilo | musical instrument |
muzikinstruado | musical instruction |
muzikistaro | band |
muzikisto | musician |
muzikkesto | music box, musical box |
muzikkiosko | bandstand |
muzikleciono | music lesson |
muziklernejo | school of music |
muziklibro | music book |
muziko | music |
muzikologio | musicology |
muzikportilo | music stand |
muzikteatraĵo | musical |
muzikteorio | theory of music |
muzikverko | piece of music |
muzo | muse |
muzulmano | Muslim, Mohammedan, Moslem, Mussulman
N |
n-ro (numero) | no., number |
n. (naskiĝinta) | b., born |
N.B. (notu bone) | note:, NB, N.B., nota bene |
N.d.l.R. (Noto de la Redakcio) | ed., editor’s note, editors’ note |
naba | hubbed |
nababo | nabob |
nabo | hub, nave |
naboĉapo | hubcap |
nacia | national |
nacieco | nationality |
naciigi | nationalize, nationalise |
naciisma | nationalistic |
naciismo | nationalism |
naciliberiga | of national liberation |
nacilingva | national-language |
nacilingvo | national language |
nacio | nation |
nadiro | nadir |
nadlara | stylus, dot matrix |
nadlo | needle |
naftaleno | naphthalene, naphthaline |
naftalino | naphthalene, naphthaline |
nafto | crude oil |
naftolo | naphthol |
naĝbarelo | buoy |
naĝbaseno | swimming pool |
naĝejo | swimming bath |
naĝi | float, swim |
naĝilo | fin |
nahua | Nahuatl |
nahuatla | Nahuatl |
nahŭatla | Nahuatl |
Naĥum | Nahum |
Naĥumo (Naĥum) | Nahum |
naiva | naive |
naiveco | confidence |
naivulo | naive person |
najado | naiad |
najbara | adjacent, nearby, neighboring, neighbouring |
najbaraĵo | neighborhood, neighbourhood, vicinity |
najbareco | neighborhood, neighbourhood |
najbarmatrico | adjacency matrix |
najbaro | neighbor, neighbour |
najleto | tack |
najli | nail |
najlo | nail |
najlofiksita | fixed with nails |
najlotirilo | pincers |
najtingalo | nightingale |
Nameno | Namur (in Belgium) |
namibia | Namibian |
namibianino | Namibian (female) |
namibiano | Namibian |
Namibio | Namibia, Republic of Namibia; Namibië, Republiek van Namibië, Namibia, Republik Namibia |
nana | dwarf, midget |
nano | dwarf, midget |
napo | turnip |
napola | Neapolitan |
napolano | Neapolitan |
Napolo | Naples |
narcisismo | narcissism |
narciso | daffodil, narcissus |
Narciso | Narcissus |
nargileo | water pipe |
narkotaĵo | drug |
narkoti | drug |
narkotismo | drug abuse, drug addiction |
narkotiulo | drug addict |
narkotulo | drug addict |
Narnio | Narnia |
Naserlago | Lake Nasser |
NASK (Nord-Amerika Somera Kursaro) | NASK (North American Summer Esperanto Institute) |
naskado | giving birth |
naskantino | generatrix (fem.) |
naskanto | generator |
naskdoloroj | birth pains, labor pains, labour pains, pains of childbirth, throes |
naskema | with many children, very fertile |
naski | bear, give birth to; generate, span |
naskigi | beget, make born |
naskiĝa | birth |
naskiĝejo | place of birth; cradle |
naskiĝi | be born; arise |
naskiĝinta | born, was being born |
naskiĝinto | having been born |
naskiĝintoj | having been born (pl.) |
naskiĝo | birth |
naskiĝtago | birthday, date of birth |
naskiĝurbo | city of birth |
naskitaro (idaro) | brood |
naskito (ido) | child, offspring (singular); newborn |
naskitoj (idoj) | children, offspring (pl.); newborns |
naskitojn (idojn) | children (acc.), offspring (pl. acc.); newborns (acc.) |
nasko | childbirth, delivery, parturition |
naskolimigo | birth control |
naskotago (naskiĝtago) | birthday, date of birth |
Natalo | Natal |
NATO (Nord-Atlantika Traktat-Organizaĵo) | NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
natria | sodium; soda |
natrio | sodium |
natura | natural |
naturamiko | friend of nature |
naturdotita | gifted, talented |
naturdoto | aptitude, disposition, talent, turn |
nature | naturally |
natureco | abandonment |
naturigilo | natural (sign), ♮ |
naturismo | living according to nature, nudism |
naturkatastrofo | natural disaster |
naturleĝo | law of nature, natural law |
naturo | character, nature |
naturparko | natural park |
naturriĉaĵo | natural resource |
naurano | Nauruan |
Nauro | Nauru |
Nauro | Nauru, Republic of Nauru; Naoero, Ripublikee Naoero; f.k.a. Pleasant Island |
naŭ | nine |
naŭa | ninth |
naŭatla | Nahuatl |
naŭatlo | Nahuatl |
naŭdek | ninety |
naŭto | ninth |
naŭza | abhorrant, abominable, alien, disgusting, nasty, nauseous |
naŭzi | nauseate |
naŭzo | disgust, nausea |
navaha | Navajo, Navaho |
Navaro | Navarre, Chartered Community of Navarre; Navarra, Comunidad Foral de Navarra, Nafarroa, Nafarroako Foru Erkidegoa |
navedo | shuttle |
naviga | navigation |
navigaciado | navigation |
navigacii | navigate |
navigado | navigation |
navigejo | navigation bar |
navighaltejo | landing stage, pier |
navigi | navigate |
navigilo | navigator |
navigligilo | navigation link |
naza | nasal |
nazalo | nasal sound |
nazia | Nazi |
nazio | Nazi |
nazkataro | cold |
nazlobo | nostril |
nazmuko | snot |
nazo | nose |
naztruo | nostril |
naztuko | handkerchief |
nazumo | pince-nez (glasses) |
NB (notu bone) | note:, NB, N.B., nota bene |
ndebela | Ndebele |
ndebelo | Ndebele |
NdlR (Noto de la Redakcio) | ed., editor’s note, editors’ note |
ne | no, not |
ne ...u | don’t ... |
ne atentante | apart from |
ne daŭrigi | discontinue |
ne eblas | cannot |
ne efektiviĝi | break down, come to nothing |
ne fari | fail, neglect, omit |
ne kapabli | be unable |
ne konservi | discard |
ne malbone | so so |
ne plu | no longer |
ne plu paroli pri | speak no more of, leave in abeyance |
nea | negative |
neadekvata | inadequate |
neadministrata | unmanaged |
neado | denial |
neaktina | adiactinic |
neaktiva | inactive |
neaktiveco | inactivity |
neaktuala | obsolete |
nealiancita | non-aligned |
neapartigebla | no, not |
neaplikebla | NA, N/A, not applicable |
neaprobita | unapproved |
nearanĝita | unformatted |
neatendita | abrupt |
neatendite | unexpectedly |
neatenta | careless, negligent |
neatingebla | unreachable |
neatribuita | unallocated |
neaŭdita | unheard of |
nebonvena | unwelcome |
nebonvena antaŭinstalitaĵo | crapware, unwelcome preinstallation, unwelcome pre-installation |
Nebrasko | Nebraska |
nebrila | dim |
Nebukadnezo | Nebuchadnezzar |
nebula | fuzzy, misty |
nebuleco | nebulosity |
nebuligi | befog, cloud, dim |
nebuliĝi | become steamy, get covered with, get dim |
nebulo | fog, mist |
necerta | uncertain |
necesa | necessary |
necesaĵoj | materials, necessaries, requisites |
neceseco | necessity |
neceseja | toilet |
neceseja papero | toilet paper, TP |
necesejo | toilet |
necesi | be needed; use the toilet |
necesigi | make necessary |
necesujo | kit, toolbox; toilet, toilet bowl |
necivilizita | uncivilized |
neciviliziteco | want of civilization |
neĉefa | auxiliary |
nedankinde | you’re welcome, don’t mention it |
nedaŭra | temporary |
nedeca | indecent |
nederland-zelanda | Zeelandic (Netherlands province), Zeeland, Zealand |
nederlanda | Dutch |
Nederlanda Suda Maro | Zuiderzee (defunct Dutch bay); Zuiderzee; f.k.a. Zuyderzee |
Nederlanda Zelando | Zeeland (Netherlands province), Zealand; Zeeland |
Nederlandaj Antiloj | Netherlands Antilles, Dutch Antilles; Nederlandse Antillen, Antia Hulandes |
nederlandaneco | Dutch nationality, Dutch-ness |
nederlandanino | Dutch (female) |
nederlandano | Dutch |
Nederlando | Netherlands, The Netherlands; Nederland, Nederlân, Hulanda; a.k.a. Holland |
nederlandzelanda | Zeelandic (Netherlands province), Zeeland, Zealand |
nedetektebla | undetectable |
nedeterminismo | nondeterminism |
nedeviga | optional |
nedezirata | unwanted, unsolicited |
nedifinita | undefined |
nedigestebla | stodgy |
nedisigebla | inseparable |
nedisponigita | unallocated |
nedividebla | indivisible |
neduuma | nonbinary |
nee | negatively |
neebena | uneven, space (curve) |
neebla | impossible |
neeble | impossibly |
needukita | uneducated |
neekvilibra | skewed, unbalanced |
neelĉerpebla | inexhaustible |
neeltenebla | unbearable |
neesprimeble | inexpressibly |
nefari | fail, neglect, omit |
nefermita | open |
nefermita fontteksto | open source, opensource |
nefiksa | nonlocking |
nefiksita | loose |
nefikspunkta | variable-point |
nefleksebla | inflexible |
neforgesebla | unforgettable |
neforigebla | unremovable, indelible |
neformatita | unformatted |
nefruktodona | barren, infertile, sterile, unfruitful |
nefunkcianta | broken |
negacii | negate |
negacio | negation |
negativa | negative; hanging (indent) |
negativo | negative; roll film |
negativujo | roll film holder, negative carrier |
negi | deny |
neglektebla | neglectable |
neglektema | careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss |
neglektemo | carelessness, negligence, remissness |
neglekti | neglect |
neglektita | neglected |
neglekto | neglect, slighting |
negliĝa robo | dressing gown |
negliĝo | undress, negligée, negligee |
nego | negation |
negocado | trading |
negoci | negotiate, trade |
negocisto | businessperson, merchant |
negoco | business, trade |
negra | Black, African-American, Afro-American, Negro (pejorative) |
negrava | unimportant |
negravaĵo | accessory |
negravas | it doesn’t matter |
negro | Black, African-American, Afro-American, Negro (pejorative) |
neĝblanka | snow white, white as snow |
neĝblovado | blizzard, wind and snow |
neĝbuli | throw snowballs |
neĝbulo | snowball |
neĝero | snowflake |
neĝhomo | snowman |
neĝi | snow |
neĝisdata | outdated |
neĝisrandigita | unjustified |
neĝkovrita | snowy |
neĝo | snow |
Neĝulino | Snow White |
neĝusta | wrong |
neĝviro | snowman |
Neĥemja | Nehemiah |
Neĥemjo (Neĥemja) | Nehemiah |
Neĥemjao (Neĥemja) | Nehemiah |
nei | deny |
neidentigita | unidentified |
neidentigita fluganta objekto | UFO, U.F.O., unidentified flying object |
neimagebla | unimaginable |
neindeksita | unindexed |
neintima | detached |
nek | neither, nor |
nek ... | neither ... |
nek ... nek | neither ... nor |
nekartografita | uncharted |
neklara | unclear |
neklarigebla | inexplicable |
nekohera | inconsistent |
nekohero | inconsistency |
nekombita | unkempt |
nekompleta | incomplete |
nekomprenebla | inconceivable, unintelligible |
nekonata | unknown |
nekonektita | disconnected |
nekonektite | offline, unconnected |
nekonformismo | non-conformism |
nekonsekvenca | inconsistent |
nekorektebla | unrecoverable |
nekredebla | incredible |
nekristalizita | caster, uncrystallized, castor |
nekrologo | obituary |
nekropsio | autopsy; dump |
nekrozo | necrosis |
nektaro | nectar |
nekuirita | raw, uncooked |
nekulturita | dreary |
nekuracebla | incurable |
nekutima | unusual |
nelaŭaksa | off-axis |
nelaŭhorloĝa | counterclockwise, counter-clockwise |
neleĝa | unlawful, illegal |
neligita | unconnected |
nelimigita | absolute |
neliverita | undelivered, bounced (message) |
nelivero | non-delivery |
nelivero-raporto | non-delivery report |
neliveroraporto | non-delivery report |
neloĝata | gaunt |
nemalhavebla | indispensable |
nemalplilongigita | unabbreviated |
nemaskebla | nonmaskable, non-maskable |
nematodo | eelworm, nematode |
nematura | unripe |
nememorebla | impossible to remember, immemorial |
Nemeso | Nemesis |
nemetiisto | amateur |
nemetiulo | amateur |
nemodifita | undisturbed |
nemoveblaĵoj | real estate |
nenatura | artificial |
nenecesa | needless |
nenepra | optional |
nenia | no kind of |
neniaĵo | nothing, trifle |
nenial | for no reason |
neniam | never |
nenie | nowhere |
neniel | by no means, in no way, not at all |
nenies | no one’s, nobody’s, no-one’s |
nenieslando | no-man’s land |
neniigi | destroy |
neniiĝi | be destroyed |
nenio | nothing |
neniom | none |
neniu | nobody, none, no one, no-one |
nenocivo | harmlessness |
nenombrebla | countless |
nenormala | abnormal |
nenormalaĵo | abnormality |
nenormaleco | abnormality |
neo | negative response |
neodimo | neodymium |
neofito | neophyte |
neokupita | free, unoccupied, vacant |
Neolitiko | Neolithic |
neologismo | neologism |
neona | neon |
neono | neon |
neordigita | unsorted |
neordinara | unordinary |
neorganika | inorganic |
nepagita | back, outstanding, overdue |
nepaĝigita | nonpaged, non-paged |
nepala | Nepalese, Nepali |
nepalano | Nepalese, Nepali |
Nepalo | Nepal |
nepardonebla | unpardonable |
nepartia | neutral |
nepenetrebla | impenetrable |
nepera | Napierian; not by way of, not via |
neperkuta | nonimpact |
nepermanenta | volatile |
nepero | e (mathematical constant), Napier’s constant |
Nepero | Napier, John Napier, Neper, John Neper |
nepino | granddaughter |
nepo | grandson |
neportebla | stationary |
nepra | absolute, mandatory, hard |
nepras | required |
nepre | absolutely, definitely, without fail |
nepre ne | definitely not |
nepreco | absolute necessity |
nepresebla | nonprinting, non-printing, unprintable |
nepreseblaj | nonprinting |
neprintebla | nonprinting, non-printing, unprintable |
nepriskribeble | indescribably |
neprocedura | nonprocedural, declarative |
neprofitema | disinterested |
neprotektita | unprotected |
neptunio | neptunium |
Neptuno | Neptune |
nepublika | private |
nepublika kompanio | company, limited liability |
nerajtigita | unauthorized |
neredaktita | unedited |
neregistrita | unregistered |
neregula | abnormal |
nereguleco | abnormality |
nerekonita | unrecognized |
nerekta | indirect, deferred |
nereligia | non-religious |
nerestaŭrebla | unrecoverable |
nerevenigebla | irretrievable |
nerevokebla | irrevocable |
nerezistebla | irresistible |
nericeva | snubbed (torrent) |
nericeva stato | snubbed (torrent) |
nerifuzo | nonrepudiation |
neriparebla | unrecoverable, fatal (error) |
nerivelita | unprocessed |
nerompebla | no-break, non-breaking, nonbreaking |
nerompebla spaceto | non-breaking space, nonbreaking space, no-break space, “ ” |
nerva | nervous |
nervo | nerve |
nervoza | nervous |
nesatigebla | insatiable |
nesekura | unsafe |
nesenda | nonsending, choked (torrent) |
nesfera | aspherical |
nesignifa | insignificant |
nesimetria | asymmetric, asymmetrical, dissymmetric |
nesinkrona | asynchronous |
nesondebla | abysmal |
nestabila | unstable |
nesti | nest |
nesto | den, nest |
nesufiĉa | insufficient |
neŝanĝiĝema | constant, continual, lasting, steady |
neŝanĝita | unmodified |
neŝtopebla | jam proof |
neta | cleanly cut, neat, precize; net |
netaksata | unrated |
netaksebla | priceless |
neteco | sharpness |
netigi | finalize, put in finished form |
neto | final copy |
netolerebla | intolerable |
netolerema | intolerant |
netonala | atonal |
netradukita | untranslated |
netraktita | unhandled |
netransitiva | intransitive, non-transitive |
netrovebla | unfindable, undetectable |
netuŝumino | touch-me-not |
neutila | not useful, useless |
neutila apleto | crapplet |
neutila retprogramo | crapplet |
neuzata | unused |
neuzebla | unusable, unavailable |
Neŭmana | von Neumann |
neŭrenberga (nurenberga) | Nuremberg; Nürnberger |
Neŭrenbergo (Nurenbergo) | Nuremberg; Nürnberg, Norymberga, Norimberga |
neŭrozo | neurosis |
neŭtono | newton (unit) |
neŭtra | neuter |
neŭtraĵo | identity element |
neŭtrala | impartial, neutral |
neŭtralulo | neutralist, opponent of political involvement |
neŭtriga | inverse |
neŭtriganto | inverse element |
neŭtrigebla | invertible |
Nevado | Nevada |
nevalida | invalid |
nevara | Nepal Bhasa |
nevenkebla | invincible |
nevera | false, untrue |
nevidata | unseen |
nevidebla | unseeable; unprintable |
Nevidebla Rozkolora Unukornulo | Invisible Pink Unicorn |
nevino | niece |
nevizitita | unvisited |
nevo | nephew |
nevola | involuntary |
nevola halto | hang up |
nevundebla | invulnerable |
ngunio | Nguni |
ni | us, we |
nia | our |
Nia Sinjorino | Our Lady |
niaflanke | for our part |
Niĉjo la Dormigulo | the Sandman, the Dustman, Wee Willie Winkie |
niĉo | niche |
nifo (Neidentigita Fluganta Objekto) | UFO, U.F.O., unidentified flying object |
NIFO (Neidentigita Fluganta Objekto) | UFO, U.F.O., unidentified flying object |
nigeria (niĝeria) | Nigerian |
nigerianino (niĝerianino) | Nigerian (female) |
nigeriano (niĝeriano) | Nigerian |
Nigerio (Niĝerio) | Nigeria, Federal Republic of Nigeria |
nigra | black |
Nigra Arbaro | Black Forest |
nigra listo | blacklist |
Nigra Maro | Black Sea; f.k.a. Euxine Sea |
nigra rando | bezel |
nigra skatolo | blackbox, black box |
nigra-blanka | black and white |
nigraskatola testado | black box testing, functional testing |
nigreco | blackness |
nigrega | pitch black |
nigrigi | blacken; besmirch |
nigro | black |
nigrulo | black, black person |
nigrumi | black-out, black out |
niĝerano | Nigerien (not Nigerian) |
niĝeria | Nigerian |
niĝerianino | Nigerian (female) |
niĝeriano | Nigerian |
Niĝerio | Nigeria, Federal Republic of Nigeria |
Niĝerlando (Niĝero) | Niger, Republic of Niger |
Niĝero | Niger, Republic of Niger |
nikaragva | Nicaraguan |
nikaragvano | Nicaraguan |
Nikaragvo | Nicaragua |
nikelo | nickel |
Nikobaroj | Nicobar Islands |
Nilo | Nile |
nilona | nylon |
nilono | nylon |
nimbo | halo, nimbus |
Nimego | Nijmegen; f.k.a. Nimwegen |
nimfeo | waterlily |
nimfo | nymph |
Nimrodo | Nimrod |
nin | us |
niobo | niobium |
niplo | nipple |
nita | rivet |
niti | rivet |
nito | rivet |
nitrogeno | nitrogen |
niua | Niuean |
Niuo | Niue |
nivelado | alignment |
niveli | level |
nivelilo | level |
nivelo | level |
njamveza | Nyamwezi |
njanĝa | Chichewa |
njankora-kiga | Nyankore-Kiga, Runyankole |
njo | (female affectionate diminutive) |
NLM (nurlegebla memoro) | ROM, Read-Only Memory, Read Only Memory |
no (N) | N, the letter N, en (letter name) |
Noa | Noah, Noé, Noach; נוֹחַ, נֹחַ, نُوح, Νωέ |
Noaĥo | Noah |
Nobel-premio | Nobel Prize |
nobela | of noble birth |
nobela klaso | nobility |
nobelaro | nobility |
nobeleco | nobility |
nobelio | nobelium |
nobelo | noble person |
nobla | noble |
nobleco | nobleness |
nobligi | ennoble |
noblulo | noble person |
noca | harmful |
nocio | notion |
noĉo | notch |
noda | nodal |
nodi | knot |
nodo | knot, node |
nokta | nocturnal, night |
noktblinda | night-blind |
noktblindeco | night-blindness |
nokte | at night, by night |
noktfesteni | make a night of it |
noktgardisto | night guard |
noktgardo | night-watch |
noktiĝo | evening twilight |
noktmeza | midnight |
noktmezo | midnight |
nokto | night |
noktoĉemizo | night shirt |
noktogardo | nightwatch |
noktoklubo | night club, night spot |
noktomezo | midnight |
noktoŝranko | pedestal cupboard |
noktotarifo | night rate, night tariff |
noktovazo | pot, chamber pot |
noktpapilio | moth, night moth |
noktseruro | double lock |
noktŝranko | pedestal cupboard |
noktuo | screech owl |
noktvazo | chamber pot |
noktvestaĵo | evening wear, nightclothes, night attire |
nom-ellaso | name release |
nom-solvado | name resolution |
nomada | nomadic |
nomado | nomad |
nomaro | group of names, name tree, tree (names) |
nombazo | basename |
nombra | numerical, digital, numeric, number |
nombra baskulo | Num Lock, num lock, NmLk |
nombrado | counting |
nombrametoda | numeric |
nombrebla | countable |
nombri | count |
nombrila iteracio | for-loop, for-statement |
nombrilo | counter |
nombrilo de redaktado | edit counter (Wikipedia) |
nombro | amount, number |
nombro-valora | name-value |
nombroformo | number format |
Nombroj | Numbers (Bible); numbers |
nombrosistemo | number system |
nombrovalora | name-value |
nome | namely, that is to say, viz. (videlicet) |
nomellaso | name release |
nomfesto | name-day, saint’s day |
nomhava | named, figurative |
nomi | call |
nomiĝi | be called |
nominalvalora | at par |
nomita | named |
nomitaj | named |
nomizi | name, assign |
nomkonflikto | names conflict |
nomlisto | identifier list |
nomo | name, appellation |
nomo de gastiga komputilo | hostname, host name |
nomo-malcentrigo | name devolution |
nomomalcentrigo | name devolution |
nomplato | nameplate |
nomregistra | name registration |
nomservilo | DNS server, domain name server |
nomsolvado | name resolution |
nomspaco | namespace |
nomtago | name day |
nomumi | appoint, nominate |
nomumo | appointment, nomination |
nomuskla | title case |
Nord-Ameriko (Nordameriko) | North America |
Nord-Atlantika Traktat-Organizaĵo (NATO) | NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
Nord-Holando | North Holland (Dutch province); Noord-Holland, Noard-Holland |
Nord-Irlando (Nordirlando) | Northern Ireland |
nord-koreano (nordkoreo) | North Korean |
nord-koreanoj (nordkoreoj) | North Koreans |
nord-koreo (nordkoreo) | North Korean |
Nord-Koreo (Nordkoreujo) | North Korea, DPRK, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea |
nord-koreoj (nordkoreoj) | North Koreans |
Nord-Marianoj | Northern Mariana Islands |
nord-oseta (nordoseta) | North Ossetian, North Ossetic, North Ossete |
Nord-Osetio (Nord-Osetujo) | North Ossetia-Alania, North Ossetia, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania; Северная Осетия-Алания, Республика Северная Осетия-Алания; Цæгат Ирыстон-Алани, Республикæ Цæгат Ирыстон-Алани |
nord-oseto (nordoseto) | North Ossetian, North Ossetic, North Ossete |
nord-osetoj (nordosetoj) | North Ossetians, North Ossetics, North Ossetes |
Nord-Osetujo | North Ossetia-Alania, North Ossetia, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania; Северная Осетия-Алания, Республика Северная Осетия-Алания; Цæгат Ирыстон-Алани, Республикæ Цæгат Ирыстон-Алани |
norda | northern |
Norda Dakoto | North Dakota |
Norda Dvino | Northern Dvina River (in Russia); Се́верная Двина́ |
Norda Holando (Nord-Holando) | North Holland (Dutch province); Noord-Holland, Noard-Holland |
Norda Karolino | North Carolina |
Norda Maro | North Sea |
nordafrika | North African |
nordafrikano | North African |
Nordafriko | North Africa |
nordamerika | North American |
nordamerikano | North American |
Nordameriko | North America |
Nordbrabanto | North Brabant (in the Netherlands), Brabant; Noord-Brabant |
norde de | above |
nordholandana | North Holland |
nordholandano | North Hollander |
Nordholando (Nord-Holando) | North Holland (Dutch province); Noord-Holland, Noard-Holland |
Nordirlando | Northern Ireland |
nordkorea | North Korean |
nordkoreano (nordkoreo) | North Korean |
Nordkoreio (Nordkoreujo) | North Korea, DPRK, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea |
nordkoreo | North Korean |
Nordkoreujo | North Korea, DPRK, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea |
nordo | north, North, N. |
nordoseta | North Ossetian, North Ossetic, North Ossete |
nordoseto | North Ossetian, North Ossetic, North Ossete |
nordosetoj | North Ossetians, North Ossetics, North Ossetes |
Nordrejn-Vestfalio | North Rhine-Westphalia; Nordrhein-Westfalen |
Nordvjetnamo | North Vietnam |
Norfolkinsulo | Norfolk Island |
norma | normal, standard |
norma ĉina | Standard Chinese, Mandarin, Mandarin Chinese, Guan Chinese |
norma vortsignifo | acceptation |
normala | normal |
normale | ordinarily |
normanda | Norman |
Normandio (Normandujo) | Normandy |
normando | Norman |
Normandujo | Normandy |
normano | Dane, Northman, Norseman |
normĉina (norma ĉina) | Standard Chinese, Mandarin, Mandarin Chinese, Guan Chinese |
normhava | normed |
normi | norm |
normigi | standardize, standardise |
normigita | normalized |
normigo | standardization, , standardisation |
normo | norm, standard |
normokontrola testaro | validation suite |
Norno | Norn (Norse goddess of fate); norn |
Nornoj | Norns (Norse goddesses of fate); nornir |
norvega | Norwegian |
Norvega Maro | Norwegian Sea; Norskehavet |
norvegino | Norwegian (female) |
Norvegio (Norvegujo) | Norway, Kingdom of Norway; Norge, Noreg |
norvego | Norwegian |
Norvegujo | Norway, Kingdom of Norway; Norge, Noreg |
nostalgio | nostalgia |
nota | notes, note |
notacio | notation |
notado | notation |
notario | notary |
notbloka | notebook, notepad |
notbloko | notepad, notebook |
notfoliaro | notepad |
noti | note, make a note, write down |
notilo | note-taking tool |
notinda | noteworthy |
notlibro | notebook |
noto | grade, note |
notzono | notes area |
Nov-Hampŝiro | New Hampshire |
Nov-Jorkio | New York (state) |
Nov-Jorko (Novjorko) | New York City, New York; f.k.a. New Amsterdam |
Nov-Ĵerzejo | New Jersey |
nov-kaledonia (novkaledona) | New Caledonian, Caledonian |
Nov-Kaledonio (Novkaledonujo) | New Caledonia; Nouvelle-Calédonie |
Nov-Meksiko | New Mexico |
Nov-Orleana ĵazo | New Orleans, New Orleanian |
Nov-Orleano | New Orleans |
Nov‑Zelando | New Zealand; Aotearoa |
nova | new, novel |
Nova Gvineo | New Guinea |
Nova Kaledonio | New Caledonia |
Nova Sudkimrio (Novsudkimrujo) | New South Wales |
Nova Sudkimrujo (Novsudkimrujo) | New South Wales |
Novaj Hebridoj | New Hebrides |
novaĵ-kolektilo | news aggregator |
novaĵa rulbendo | newsticker |
novaĵagentejo | news agency |
novaĵgrupo | forum |
novaĵkolektilo | news aggregator |
novaĵlegilo | newsreader |
novaĵo | news, novelty, something new |
novaĵogrupo | newsgroup, news group |
novaĵoj | news |
novaĵokolektilo | news aggregator |
novaĵolegilo | newsreader, news reader |
novaĵoletero | newsletter |
novaĵoservilo | news server |
novaĵservilo | news server |
noveco | newness |
novedzino | bride |
novedzo | bridegroom |
noveldono | upgrade |
novelo | short story |
novembro | November |
novenaskito (novnaskito) | newborn |
novenaskitoj (novnaskitoj) | newborns |
novenaskitojn (novnaskitojn) | newborns (acc.) |
novenaskiton (novnaskiton) | newborn (acc.) |
novgreka | Modern Greek |
novhebrea | Modern Hebrew |
novialo | Novial |
novico | novice |
novigi | renovate, renew |
Novjara Tago | New Year’s Day |
Novjaro | New Year |
Novjartago | New Year’s Day |
Novjorkio (Nov-Jorkio) | New York (state) |
Novjorko | New York City, New York; f.k.a. New Amsterdam |
novkaledona | New Caledonian, Caledonian |
Novkaledonio (Novkaledonujo) | New Caledonia; Nouvelle-Calédonie |
novkaledono | New Caledonian, Caledonian |
Novkaledonujo | New Caledonia; Nouvelle-Calédonie |
novlinio | newline,  |
novnaskito | newborn |
novnaskitoj | newborns |
novnaskitojn | newborns (acc.) |
novnaskiton | newborn (acc.) |
novpaganismo | Paganism (contemporary), Neo-Paganism, Neopaganism |
novriĉulo | nouveau riche, newly-rich |
Novsudkimrio (Novsudkimrujo) | New South Wales |
Novsudkimrujo | New South Wales |
Novtero | Newfoundland |
novulo | new person, newcomer |
novzelanda | New Zealand |
novzelandanino | New Zealander (female), Kiwi (female) |
novzelandano | New Zealander, Kiwi |
Novzelando (Nov‑Zelando) | New Zealand; Aotearoa |
NPIV (Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro) | NPIV, The New Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto, The New PIV |
NRO (Neregistara Organizaĵo) | NGO, Non-Governmental Organization |
NTFS-dosiersistemo | NTFS, NTFS filesystem, NTFS file system, New Technology File System |
nu | now (changing subject), well then (changing subject), well… (changing subject), anyhow, anyway, so then |
nuanco | hue, nuance, shade, tint |
nuba | cloudy |
nubia | Nubian |
nubiano | Nubian |
Nubio | Nubia |
nubo | cloud |
nuda | bare, naked, nude |
nudaĵo | nude |
nudeco | nakedness, nudity |
nudelo | noodles |
nudismo | nudism |
nudisto | nudist |
nudpieda | barefoot |
nugato | nougat |
nuklea | nuclear |
nukleo | nucleus |
nuko | back of the neck, nape |
nukso | nut |
nuksrompilo | nutcracker |
nul | zero, nought |
nula | zero |
nule nuligi | zero out |
nulforigo | zero suppression |
nulgrafeo | null graph |
nuliga | cancel, canceling |
nuliga signo | cancel character, ␘ |
nuligi | cancel, escape, annul, abolish, remit, abjure, abrogate |
nuligi per nuloj | zero out |
nuligo | abolition, abrogation |
nuligu | cancel, dismiss, forget |
nulizi | zero fill, zeroize |
nullonga | zero-length |
nulmodemo | null modem |
nulo | zero, naught, nought, null, zilch |
nulplenigi | zero fill |
nulredukto | zero suppression |
nultaga | zero-day, zero day |
numerado | numbering |
numeralo | numeral |
numerebla | countable, ordinal, denumerable |
numeri | number, assign a number |
numero | number, numeral |
numerplato | numberplate |
numerumi | dial |
numerumo | dialing |
numismatikisto | numismatist |
numismatiko | numismatics |
numismato | numismatist |
nun | at present, now |
nun ankoraŭ | still, yet |
nuna | current, present |
nuno | present, present-day |
nuntempa | current, present |
nuntempe | currently, nowadays, these days |
nuo | nu (Greek letter), Ν, ν |
nupta | wedding |
nupto | wedding |
nur | exclusively, just, only |
nur majuskloj | all caps, all capital letters |
nura | mere, solitary, sole |
nurenberga | Nuremberg; Nürnberger |
Nurenbergo | Nuremberg; Nürnberg, Norymberga, Norimberga |
Nurio | Newry (in Northern Ireland); Newrie, Iúr Cinn Trá, An tIúr |
nurkaŝmemora | caching-only |
nurlega | read-only |
nurlegebla | read-only |
nurlegebla memoro | ROM, Read-Only Memory, Read Only Memory |
nurskriba | write-only |
nurŝanĝa | changes only, incremental (backup) |
nutra | nutritional |
nutrado | nutrition; supply (battery) |
nutraĵo | food, nourishment |
nutri | feed, nourish |
nutro | nutrient, supply (power)
O |
o | O, the letter O, o (letter name) |
OAF (Original-Aparata Firmao) | OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OAF-permesilo | OEM license agreement |
oazo | oasis |
Oba Golfo | Gulf of Ob, Ob Bay; Обская губа, О́бская губа́ |
Obadja | Obadiah |
obea | obedient |
obeema | obedient |
obei | obey |
obeigi | break |
Oberono | Oberon |
obeza | obese |
objekta | object |
objektbiblioteko | object library |
objektbibliotekoj | object libraries |
objektema | object-oriented |
objektidentigilo | object identifier |
objektivo | objective |
objektmodulo | object module |
objekto | article, object, thing |
objekto-grupigo | object grouping, object pooling |
objektofoliumilo | object browser |
objektogrupigo | object grouping, object pooling |
objektoklaso | object class |
objektomodela | object model |
obĵeti | object |
obla | -fold |
obligacio | bond |
obligi | multiply |
obligilo | multiplier |
obligo | multiplication |
obligo-signo | multiplication sign, ×, *, ·, x |
obligosigno | multiplication sign, ×, *, ·, x |
oblikva | oblique, slanting, slanted |
oblikva frakcistreko | solidus, slash, forward slash, fraction bar, oblique stroke, separatrix, virgule, inline fraction bar, in-line fraction bar, bar, fraction slash, shilling mark, ⁄, /, ∕ |
oblikva streketo | solidus, slash, forward slash, fraction bar, oblique stroke, separatrix, virgule, inline fraction bar, in-line fraction bar, bar, fraction slash, shilling mark, ⁄, /, ∕ |
oblikvo | solidus, slash, forward slash, fraction bar, oblique stroke, separatrix, virgule, inline fraction bar, in-line fraction bar, bar, fraction slash, shilling mark, ⁄, /, ∕ |
oblo | multiple |
Obo | Ob, Ob River, Obi; Обь |
obscena | obscene |
obsedi | obsess |
obsedo | obsession |
observadopunkta | point-of-view, point of view |
observadopunkto | point of view |
observi | keep, mind, observe |
observi kaŝe | peep, peep at, spy, spy upon |
observo | observation |
obskura | obscure |
obskuro | obscurity |
obskuroj | obscurities |
obstaklo | obstacle |
obstina | obstinate, stubborn |
obstini | be obstinate, be stubborn, persist |
obstinulo | stubborn person |
obstrukci | hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct, stand in the way of |
obstrukci-rego | congestion control |
obstrukcio | impediment, obstruction |
obstrukcirego | congestion control |
obstrukco | obstruction, impediment |
obturatoro | shutter |
obturilo | shutter |
obtuza | dull, obtuse |
obuso | shell |
oceana | oceanic |
Oceanio | Oceania, Oceanica |
oceano | ocean |
ODBC-datumfonto | ODBC data source |
ODBC-pelilo | ODBC driver |
Odino | Odin |
odiseada | Odyssean |
Odiseado | Odyssey |
Odiseadoj | Odysseys |
Odiseo | Odysseus, Ulysses |
odo | ode |
odoraĉi | reek, smell bad, stink |
odori | give off odor, give off odour, reek, smell |
odori kiel | smell of |
odoro | odor, odour, scent, smell |
Odro | Oder, Oder River; Odra, Odra, Oder |
OEKE (Organizaĵo por Ekonomiaj Kunlaboro kaj Evoluigo) | OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; f.k.a. OEEC, Organisation for European Economic Co-operation |
ofenda | offending, abusive, nasty |
ofendi | offend, abuse, insult |
ofendiĝema | easily offended, touchy |
ofendiĝi | take offense, take offence |
ofendiĝi pro | take offense at, take offence at, resent, take exception to |
ofendita | offended, insulted, hurt, affronted |
ofendo | abuse, offense, offence |
ofensiva | offensive, aggressive |
oferado | offering |
oferi | offer, offer up, sacrifice |
oferti | offer, make an offer of, bid |
oferto | offer |
ofica | official |
ofica kostumo | robes of office |
ofica periodo | term in office |
oficdono | appointment, nomination |
oficeja | office, office-place |
oficejo | office, bureau |
oficiala | official |
oficialulo | official, official person |
oficiro | officer |
oficisto | officer, official |
oficĵuro | oath of office |
ofico | office, function, job, post |
oficperiodo | term of office |
oficsekreto | official secret |
ofseto | offset printing, offset |
ofta | frequent |
oftaj demandoj | FAQ, frequently asked questions |
ofte | often, frequently, regularly |
ofteco | rate |
oftiĝi | become frequent |
ogoneko | ogonek, ̨, ˛ |
ogro | ogre |
oĝibva | Ojibwe, Ojibwa, Ojibway, Chippewa |
Ohio | Ohio |
Oĥocka Maro | Sea of Okhotsk; Охотское море, Охо́тское мо́ре |
Oĥocko | Okhotsk; Охотск, Охо́тск |
Oĥotska Maro (Oĥocka Maro) | Sea of Okhotsk; Охотское море, Охо́тское мо́ре |
Oĥotsko (Oĥocko) | Okhotsk; Охотск, Охо́тск |
oj | Os, oes (plural letter name) |
Ojdipo | Oedipus |
ojo | oi (music) |
ojstro | hornet |
ok | eight, 8 |
oka | eighth, 8th |
okangula | octagonal |
okangulo | octagon |
Okao (en Azia Rusujo) | Oka River (in Asian Russia) |
Okao (en Eŭropa Rusujo) | Oka River (in European Russia) |
okazaĵo | occasion, event, occurrence, opportunity |
okazaĵoj | occasions, events, occurrences, opportunities |
okazantaĵo | event, occasion |
okaze | occasionally, by chance, on occasion |
okazejo | scene, locale, setting |
okazelekta | in case, case |
okazelekta ordono | case statement |
okazi | occur, come about, happen |
okazigi | cause, cause to occur, cause to take place |
okazintaĵo | event |
okaznotilo | logger |
okazo | occurrence, chance, event, opportunity |
okazoj | occurrences, chances, events, opportunities |
okazonta | pending |
okazontaĵo | event |
okcent | eight hundred, 800 |
okcidenta | western |
Okcidenta Aŭstralio | Western Australia |
Okcidenta Azio | Middle East, Near East, western Asia |
Okcidenta Dvino (Daŭgavo) | Daugava River, Western Dvina River; Daugava, Западная Двина, За́падная Двина́, Заходняя Дзвіна |
Okcidenta Flandrio (Okcidenta Flandrujo) | West Flanders (Belgium); West Vloandern, West-Vlaanderen, Flandre-Occidentale, Westflandern |
Okcidenta Flandrujo | West Flanders (Belgium); West Vloandern, West-Vlaanderen, Flandre-Occidentale, Westflandern |
Okcidenta Frisio (Okcidenta Frisujo) | West Friesland, West Frisia; West-Fryslân, West-Friesland |
Okcidenta Frislando (Okcidenta Frisujo) | West Friesland, West Frisia; West-Fryslân, West-Friesland |
Okcidenta Frisujo | West Friesland, West Frisia; West-Fryslân, West-Friesland |
Okcidenta Frizonio (Okcidenta Frisujo) | West Friesland, West Frisia; West-Fryslân, West-Friesland |
Okcidenta Frizonujo (Okcidenta Frisujo) | West Friesland, West Frisia; West-Fryslân, West-Friesland |
Okcidenta Germanio (Okcidenta Germanujo) | West Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, FRG; Westdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Okcidenta Germanujo | West Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, FRG; Westdeutschland, Bundesrepublik Deutschland |
Okcidenta Kongo (Respubliko Kongo) | Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville; f.k.a. People’s Republic of the Congo, French Congo |
Okcidenta Kongolo (Respubliko Kongo) | Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville; f.k.a. People’s Republic of the Congo, French Congo |
Okcidenta Saharo | Western Sahara; الصحراء الغربية, Sahara Occidental |
Okcidenta Samoo (Samoo) | Samoa, Independent State of Samoa; f.k.a. Western Samoa, German Samoa |
Okcidenta Skeldo | Western Scheldt (Netherlands), Western Skeldt; Westerschelde |
Okcidenta Virginio | West Virginia |
Okcidentaj Indioj | West Indies |
Okcidentalo | Interlingue (language); f.k.a. Occidental (language) |
okcidentano | Westerner |
Okcidentaŭstralio | Western Australia |
okcidenteŭropa | Western European, West European |
okcidentgermana | West German |
okcidentindia | West Indian |
okcidento | west |
Okcidento | West, The West |
okcipito | back of head, occiput |
okcitana | Occitan; Occitan, Lenga d’òc |
Okcitanio (Okcitanujo) | Occitania; Occitània |
Okcitanujo | Occitania; Occitània |
okdek | eighty, 80 |
Okeano | Oceanus |
okej | OK, okay |
Oklahomo | Oklahoma |
oko | number of eight, octet |
okobla | eightfold, octuple |
okona | eighth, ⅛, 1/8, 12.5% |
okono | eighth, eighth part, ⅛, 1/8, 12.5% |
oksido | oxide |
oksigeno | oxygen |
oksikoko | cranberry |
oksikokoj | cranberries |
okso | ox |
okto | octave |
oktobro | October |
oktopuso | octopus |
okulario | eyepiece |
okulfrapa | striking |
okulglobo | eyeball |
okulisto | ophtalmologist, oculist, eye doctor |
okulkuracisto (okulisto) | ophthalmologist, oculist, eye doctor |
okulo | eye |
okulta | occult |
okulumi | make eyes at, ogle, stare at |
okulvitroj | glasses, spectacles |
okuma | octal |
okuma glitkomo | FLOP, floating octal point |
okumaj glitkomoj | FLOPs, floating octal points |
okupacio | occupation |
okupado | occupation |
okupanto | occupant |
okupata | busy, occupied |
okupi | occupy, take |
okupiĝi | keep busy, be concerned |
okupiĝo | occupation |
okupita | occupied, busy |
okupo | occupation |
ol | than |
OLAP-provizanto | OLAP provider |
olda (maljuna) | old, not young |
olda (malnova) | old, not new |
oldulo (maljunulo) | old person |
OLE | OLE, Object Linking and Embedding |
OLE-DB-provizanto | OLE DB provider, OLE database provider |
OLE-entenilo | OLE container |
OLE-objekto | OLE object |
OLE-servilo | OLE server |
OLE/DDE-ligilo | OLE/DDE link, OLE-Dynamic Data Exchange link |
oleo | oil |
Oligoceno | Oligocene |
olimpika | Olympics, olympic |
Olimpiko | Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympiad |
Olimpikoj (Olimpiko) | Olympics, Olympic Games, Olympiad |
Olimpo | Olympus |
olivarbo | olive tree |
Olivero | Oliver, Ollie |
olivo | olive |
olivoleo | olive oil |
olivujo | olive tree |
omaĝi | pay homage to |
omaĝo | homage |
omana | Omani |
Omana Golfo | Gulf of Oman |
omanano | Omani |
omananoj | Omanis |
Omano | Oman, Sultanate of Oman; عُمان, سلطنة عُمان |
omaro | lobster |
ombra | shaded |
ombrado | shadowing |
ombraĵo | shade |
ombrelo | umbrella |
ombri | cast a shadow |
ombrigilo | shader |
ombro | shade, shadow |
ombrodona | shade-giving |
ombrostreko | hatch (cross) |
ombrumi | hatch, shade |
omego | omega (Greek letter), Ω, ω |
omikrono | omicron (Greek letter), Ο, ο |
omleto | omelet, omelette |
ommetro | ohmmeter, Ωm |
omnibuso | omnibus, bus |
omo | ohm (unit), Ω |
Omo | Ohm, Georg Simon Ohm |
on-punkto | decimal point, radix point |
ona | (marks fractional) |
onagro | onager |
onani | jack off, jerk off, masturbate, toss off |
onanigi | jack someone off, jerk someone off |
onanismo | jacking off, jerking off, masturbate, onanism |
ondatro | muskrat, musquash |
ondego | billow |
ondi | undulate |
ondo | wave |
ondolongo | wavelength |
ondumi | corrugate, wave |
oni | one, they, you, people in general |
onidiro | rumor, rumour |
onikso | onyx |
onisko | woodlouse |
oniskoj | woodlice |
onjo | auntie |
onklino | aunt |
onklo | uncle |
onkomo | radix point |
ono | fraction |
onpunkto | radix point |
onta | future active participle singular, going to |
ontaj | future active participle plural, going to |
ontajn | future active participle plural accusative, going to |
ontan | future active participle singular accusative, going to |
ontariano | Ontarian |
ontarianoj | Ontarians |
Ontario | Ontario |
onte | future active participle, going to |
onto | future active participle singular, going to |
ontoj | future active participle plural, going to |
ontojn | future active participle plural accusative, going to |
onton | future active participle singular accusative, going to |
Onufrio | Humphrey; Onofrio |
oomotano | member of Oomoto |
Oomoto | Oomoto |
opaka | opaque |
opakeco | opacity |
opakecoj | opacities |
opalo | opal |
opciaro | option group |
opcibutono | option button |
opcio | option |
ope | (marks collective numeral) |
OPEL (Organizaĵo de Petrol-Eksportaj Landoj) | OPEC, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries |
operaci-reto | operations network |
operacia | operational |
operaciato | operand |
operaciesploro | operations research |
operacii | operate |
operaciindika | operating |
operacio | operation, surgical operation |
operacireto | operations network |
operacisimbolo | operator |
operaciskribo | notation |
operaciumkolapso | system crash |
operaciumkraŝo | system crash |
operaciumo | operating system |
operaco | operation |
operacosistemo | operating system |
operando | operand |
operatoro | operator |
opero | opera |
opiaĵo | opiate |
opinii | think that, think, deem, opine |
opinio | opinion |
opiniosondo | opinion poll |
opinisondi | poll |
opinisondo | poll |
opio | opium |
opo | tuple (mathematics) |
oponi | oppose |
oportuna | opportune, convenient, handy |
oportunisto | opportunist |
opozicii | be in opposition |
opozicio | opposition |
opoziciulo | member of opposition, anti |
optika signorekono | OCR, optical character recognition |
optikisto | optician |
optima | optimal |
optimigi | optimize |
optimigo | optimization, optimisation |
optimisma | optimistic |
optimismo | optimism |
optimisto | optimist |
optimuma | optimal |
optimumiganto | optimizer, tweaker |
optimumigi | optimize |
optimumigita | optimized |
optimumigo | optimization |
opulo | guelder rose, water elder, European cranberrybush, cramp bark, snowball tree |
opuza | shared |
opuzigi | share |
ora | gold, golden; premium |
Ora Bordo | Gold Coast |
Ora hordo | Golden Horde (defunct khanate); Züchi-iin Ulus; f.k.a. Kipchak Khanate, Ulus of Jochi |
Ora Lanfelo | Golden Fleece |
oraĵisto | goldsmith |
oraklo | oracle |
orakolo | oracle |
oranĝa | orange |
oranĝarbo | orange tree |
oranĝkolora | orange |
oranĝo | orange |
oranĝosuko | orange juice |
Oranĝrespubliko | Orange Free State |
oranĝujo | orange tree |
oratora | oratorical |
oratoraĵo | oration |
oratoro | orator |
orbito | orbit |
orblonda | golden blond, golden blonde |
orda | ordered, tidy, ordinal |
orda aro | ordered set, poset |
ordemo | orderliness |
ordeno | order |
ordiga | sorting, sort |
ordigado | sorting |
ordigi | put in order, sort, arrange, tidy |
ordigilo | sorter |
ordigo | sort |
ordigokriterioj | sort criteria |
ordinara | ordinary, common, usual, regular |
ordinare | ordinarily, usually |
ordinarulo | ordinary person |
ordiza | collating |
ordizi | define order, collate |
ordo | order, ordering |
ordodifina | collating |
ordodifinado | collation |
ordodifini | collate |
ordon-enigo | order entry |
ordon-kapo | order header |
ordon-nuliga | escape (key) |
ordona kazo | case, case list element |
ordonema | compelling, authoritative, procedure-oriented (language), imperative |
ordonenigo | order entry |
ordoni | order, command, instruct, notify, summon, tell |
ordonkapo | order header |
ordonnuliga | escape (key) |
ordono | order, command, instruction, notification, summons |
Oregono | Oregon |
orela lobo | earlobe |
orelaj loboj | earlobes |
orelaŭskultilo | ear bud |
orelo | ear |
oreloj | ears |
orelpendaĵo (orelringo) | earring |
orelpendaĵoj (orelringoj) | earrings |
orelringo | earring |
orelringoj | earrings |
orfa | orphan, orphaned |
orfa linio | orphan (typography), orphaned line (typography), orphaned line (typography) |
orfejo | orphanage, orphanarium |
Orfeo | Orpheus |
orfiĝi | be orphaned |
orfino | orphan (fem.) |
orfiŝo | goldfish |
orflava | golden yellow |
orfo | orphan |
organika | organic |
organismo | organism |
organizacio | organization, organisation |
organizaĵo | organization, organisation |
Organizaĵo de Petrol-Eksportaj Landoj (OPEL) | OPEC, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries |
Organizaĵo por Ekonomiaj Kunlaboro kaj Evoluigo (OEKE) | OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; f.k.a. OEEC, Organisation for European Economic Co-operation |
organizi | organize |
organizilo | organizer |
organizo | organization, organisation |
organo | organ |
orgeno | organ |
orgia | orgiastic |
orgio | orgy |
orgioj | orgies |
orgojlo | arrogance, haughtiness, pride, vaingloriousness |
ori | gold plate, gild |
orient-timorano | Timorese (sing.); f.k.a. East Timorese, Portuguese Timorese |
orient-timoranoj | Timorese (pl.); f.k.a. East Timorese, Portuguese Timorese |
orienta | eastern, Oriental |
Orienta Azio | East Asia, Far East; Southeast Asia |
Orienta Ĉina Maro (Orientĉina Maro) | East China Sea; 东海 |
Orienta Flandrio (Orienta Flandrujo) | East Flanders; Oost-Vlaanderen, Flandre-Orientale, Ostflandern |
Orienta Flandrujo | East Flanders; Oost-Vlaanderen, Flandre-Orientale, Ostflandern |
Orienta Frisio (Orienta Frisujo) | East Frisia, Eastern Friesland, East Friesland; Oostfreesland, Ostfriesland |
Orienta Frislando (Orienta Frisujo) | East Frisia, Eastern Friesland, East Friesland; Oostfreesland, Ostfriesland |
Orienta Frisujo | East Frisia, Eastern Friesland, East Friesland; Oostfreesland, Ostfriesland |
Orienta Frizonio (Orienta Frisujo) | East Frisia, Eastern Friesland, East Friesland; Oostfreesland, Ostfriesland |
Orienta Frizonujo (Orienta Frisujo) | East Frisia, Eastern Friesland, East Friesland; Oostfreesland, Ostfriesland |
Orienta Germanio (Orienta Germanujo) | East Germany, GDR, German Democratic Republic; Ost-Deutschland, Deutsche Demokratische Republik, DDR |
Orienta Kongo (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo-Kinshasa; f.k.a. Zaire, Zaïre, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville), Belgian Congo, Congo Free State |
Orienta Kongolo (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo-Kinshasa; f.k.a. Zaire, Zaïre, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville), Belgian Congo, Congo Free State |
Orienta Siberia Maro (Orientsiberia Maro) | East Siberian Sea; Илин Сибиирдээҕи байҕал; Восточно-Сибирское море, Восто́чно-Сиби́рское мо́ре |
Orienta Skeldo | Eastern Scheldt (Netherlands), East Skeldt; Oosterschelde |
Orienta Timoro | Timor-Leste, Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste; f.k.a. East Timor, Portuguese Timor; Timór Lorosa'e, Timor-Leste; Repúblika Demokrátika Timór Lorosa'e, República Democrática de Timor-Leste |
orientano | easterner |
Orientazio | East Asia, Far East; Southeast Asia |
Orientĉina Maro | East China Sea; 东海 |
oriente de | east of, eastward of, to the east of |
orienten | eastward |
orientgermana | East German |
orienthinda | East Indian |
orienti | orient, orientate |
orientiĝi | orient oneself |
orientiĝo | orientation |
orientita | directed, oriented |
oriento | east |
Oriento | East, the East |
Orientsiberia Maro | East Siberian Sea; Илин Сибиирдээҕи байҕал; Восточно-Сибирское море, Восто́чно-Сиби́рское мо́ре |
orienttimorano | Timorese (sing.); f.k.a. East Timorese, Portuguese Timorese |
orienttimoranoj | Timorese (pl.); f.k.a. East Timorese, Portuguese Timorese |
origi | gild, make golden |
origina | original, aboriginal |
Original-Aparata Firmao | OEM, Original Equipment Manufacturer |
originala | original |
originalo | original |
originalulo | eccentric person |
origine | originally |
origini | originate |
origino | origin |
orija (orisa) | Oriya (language); Odisha (Indian state); f.k.a. Orissa (Indian state) |
Orijo (Oriso) | Odisha (Indian state), Oriya (language); f.k.a. Orissa (Indian state) |
orikteropo | aardvark |
Oriono | Orion, Hunter |
orisa (orisa) | Oriya (language); Odisha (Indian state); f.k.a. Orissa (Indian state) |
Oriso | Odisha (Indian state), Oriya (language); f.k.a. Orissa (Indian state) |
orissa (orisa) | Oriya (language); Odisha (Indian state); f.k.a. Orissa (Indian state) |
orkestro | orchestra |
orkestrumi | orchestrate |
orkideo | orchid |
Orkniinsularo | Orkney, Orkney Islands, Orkneys (Orkney); Arcaibh |
orkolora | golden, gold-colored, gold-coloured, gold |
orli | hem |
orlo | hem |
orminejo | goldmine, gold mine |
ornama | ornamental |
ornamaĵo | adornment, decoration, ornament |
ornami | adorn, decorate, ornament |
ornamita | adorned |
ornamo | ornament |
ornato | robes of office |
oro | gold |
orpremia | gold-prize; gold-premium |
orpremio | gold prize; gold premium |
orta | right-angle, square; orthogonal |
orta krampo | square bracket, “[” or “]” |
ortaĵo | rectangle |
ortangula | rectangular |
ortangulilo | rectangle tool |
ortangulo | right angle |
ortilo | carpenter’s square, T-square |
orto | right angle |
ortodoksa | orthodox |
ortodokseco | orthodoxy |
ortodoksecoj | orthodoxies |
ortodoksulo | orthodox person |
ortografio | orthography |
ortografioj | orthographies |
ortogramo | bar chart, bar graph, column chart |
ortokromata | orthochromatic |
ortonorma | orthonormal |
orumi | gold plate, gild |
oscedi | yawn |
oscedo | yawn |
oscilado | oscillation |
oscili | oscillate |
oscililo | oscillator |
oscilo | oscillator |
oscilografo | oscilloscope |
oseta | Ossetian, Ossetic, Ossete |
Osetio (Osetujo) | Ossetia |
oseto | Ossetian, Ossetic, Ossete |
osetoj | Ossetians, Ossetics, Ossetes |
Osetujo | Ossetia; Ир, Ирыстон, Осетия, ოსეთი |
osira (ozirisa) | Osirian |
Osiro (Oziriso) | Osiris |
Oskaro | Oscar; Oscar (cinema) |
Oslo | Oslo; f.k.a. Christiania, Kristiania |
Osman (Osmano) | Osman |
osmanida | Ottoman |
osmanido | Ottoman |
osmanidoj | Ottomans |
Osmano | Osman |
osmio | osmium |
ostaĝo | hostage |
ostaro | skeleton |
osteca | bony |
Ostendo | Ostend (Belgium); Oostende, Ostende, Ostende |
ostenta | ostentatious, conspicuous |
ostenti | show off, flaunt |
osto | bone |
ostpulvoro | bonedust, bone dust |
ostro | oyster |
ostrogoto | Ostrogoth |
ostrogotoj | Ostrogoths |
Osvaldo | Oswald |
ota | future passive participle singular, going to be ‑ed |
otaj | future passive participle plural, going to be ‑ed |
otajn | future passive participle plural accusative, going to be ‑ed |
otan | future passive participle singular accusative, going to be ‑ed |
ote | future passive participle, going to be ‑ed |
Oterburno | Otterburn |
oto | future passive participle singular, going to be ‑ed |
otoj | future passive participle plural, going to be ‑ed |
otojn | future passive participle plural accusative, going to be ‑ed |
otomana (osmanida) | Ottoman |
otomano (osmanido) | Ottoman |
otomanoj (osmanidoj) | Ottomans |
oton | future passive participle singular accusative, going to be ‑ed |
ovacio | ovation |
ovaĵo | egg dish |
ovala | oval |
ovalo | oval |
ovibovo | muskox, musk-ox, musk ox |
Ovidio | Ovid, Publius Ovidius Naso |
ovimbunda | Umbundu, of the Ovimbundu |
Ovimbundo | Ocimbundu (sing.); f.k.a. Southern Mbundus |
Ovimbundoj | Ovimbundu (pl.); f.k.a. Southern Mbundus |
ovo | egg |
ovoblanko | egg white |
ovobrando | egg nog, eggnog |
ovoflavo | yolk |
ovolado | ovulation |
ovolo | ovum |
ozirisa | Osirian |
Oziriso | Osiris |
ozono | ozone
P |
p (paĝo) | p., page |
p (paĝoj) | pp., pages |
P-ro (profesoro) | Prof., Professor (honorific) |
p. (paĝo) | p., page |
p. (paĝoj) | pp., pages |
p.a. (per adreso) | ℅, c/o, care of |
p.K. (post Kristo) | A.D., AD, a.d., ad, anno Domini |
P.S. (Posta Skribo) | P.S., PS, postscript, post script, post scriptum |
p.t.m. (posttagmeze) | P.M., PM, p.m., pm, post meridiem |
pa (per adreso) | ℅, c/o, care of |
pa3no (patrino) | mom, mother |
paca | peaceful |
pacama | peaceful, peaceloving |
pacema | peaceful |
pacienca | patient |
pacienci | be patient |
pacienco | patience |
paciento | patient |
Pacifiko | Pacific, Pacific Ocean |
pacifismo | pacifism |
pacifisto | pacifist |
pacigi | pacify |
pacismo | pacifism |
pacisto | pacifist |
paco | peace |
pactraktato | peace treaty |
paĉjo | daddy, dad |
padeli | paddle |
padelo | blade, paddle |
pado | path |
paeljo | paella |
pafado | firing |
pafaĵo | projectile |
pafanto | shooter |
pafatingi | command, cover, sweep |
pafforigi | shoot off |
pafi | fire, shoot |
pafilo | gun |
pafmortigi | shoot dead |
pafvundi | wing, wound |
pafvundita | winged, wounded |
PAG (Plena Analiza Gramatiko) | Complete Analytical Grammar (of Esperanto) |
pagadmoni | dun, dun for payment |
pagana | pagan |
paganismo | paganism |
pagano | pagan |
paganto | payer |
pagenda | payable |
pagi | pay |
pagigi | charge |
pagipova | solvent |
pagita | paid |
pagmaniero | method of payment |
pago | payment |
pagprokrasto | moratorium |
paĝ-nombrado | page numbering |
paĝa | page |
paĝa bordero | page border |
paĝa ĉirkaŭfluo | page wrap |
paĝa stilo | page style |
paĝagordo | page setup |
paĝaranĝo | page layout |
paĝavanco | form feed |
paĝio | page |
paĝmontro | pageview, page view |
paĝnivela | breadcrumb, page-level |
paĝnombrado | page numbering |
paĝo | page |
paĝo-agordo | page setup |
paĝoagordo | page setup |
paĝofino | break, page break |
paĝogrupo | page group |
paĝokapa | page header |
paĝokapo | header |
paĝonumerado | pagination |
paĝonumeri | paginate |
paĝoparo | opening, double-page spread |
paĝopiedo | footer |
paĝorango | Pagerank, page rank |
paĝosalta signo | form feed character |
paĝosaltantaŭvido | page break preview, page-break preview, pagebreak preview |
paĝosalto | break, page break |
paĝosalto-antaŭvido | page break preview, page-break preview, pagebreak preview |
paĝosaltoantaŭvido | page break preview, page-break preview, pagebreak preview |
paĝosigno | bookmark, favorite |
paĝotitolo | running title, page header and footer |
paĝotitolo suba | page footer |
paĝotitolo supra | page header |
paĝovizito | page view |
paĝvido | pageview, page view |
pajlero | piece of straw |
pajlo | straw |
pajloĉapelo | straw hat |
Pajno | Pan |
pajro | peer |
pakaĵ-mastrumado | package management |
pakaĵa administrilo | package manager |
pakaĵa serĉo | package search |
pakaĵbileto | luggage ticket |
pakaĵmastrumado | package management |
pakaĵo | baggage, luggage |
pakaĵoj | goods |
pakaĵospaco | bagagehaallare |
pakego | bale |
paketa plusendado | packet forwarding |
paketo | packet, parcel |
paki | pack |
pakistananino | Pakistani, Pakistani lady, Pakistani woman |
pakistanano | Pakistani |
Pakistano | Pakistan |
pako | pack |
pakumo | packaging, wrapper |
pakvagono | packwagon, pack wagon, luggage-van |
pala | pale, sallow |
palaco | palace |
paladio | palladium |
palato | palate (of mouth) |
palaŭa | Palauan |
Paleoceno | Palaeocene, Paleocene |
Paleolitiko | Palaeolithic, Paleolithic |
Paleozoiko | Palaeozoic, Paleozoic |
palestina | Palestinian |
palestinano | Palestinian |
Palestino | Palestine |
paletro | palet |
paligi | dim |
paliĝi | fade |
palio | Pali |
palisaro | fence, palisade |
paliso | stake |
palisumi | impale |
palmo | palm, palmtree |
Palmodimanĉo | Palm Sunday |
Palmofesto | Palm Sunday |
palmvina | palm wine |
palpebro | eyelid |
palpebrumi | blink |
palpebrumo | half-smiley, semi-smiley, winkey face, ;) |
palpi | feel, grope |
palpi serĉe | feel, grope |
palto | coat, overcoat |
palumbo | pigeon |
pamfletisto | pamphleteer |
pamfleto | pamphlet |
pampelmo | grapefruit |
pampelmuso | grapefruit |
panakiranto | breadwinner |
panama | Panamanian |
Panama Golfo | Gulf of Panama |
panamanino | Panamanian woman |
panamano | Panamanian |
Panamo | Panama |
panbutiko | bakery |
Pandoro | Pandora |
panea | fault |
panegiro | panegyric |
panei | breakdown, break down, malfunction |
paneimuno | fault tolerance |
paneinta | out of order |
panelo | dashboard, panel, wainscot |
paneloj | panes |
panelojn | panes |
panelon | pane |
paneo | breakdown |
panero | crumb |
panetolera | failsafe |
panetolero | fault tolerance |
panetrovo | fault detection |
panĝaba | Punjabi, Panjabi |
paniko | panic |
panisto | baker |
panjo | mom, mommy, mum, mummy |
pankorbo | breadbasket |
pankreaso | pancreas |
pankreato | pancreas |
pankromata | panchromatic |
pano | bread, loaf |
panorama | panoramic |
panorami | pan |
panoramilo | pan pot |
panoramo | view |
panrostilo | toaster |
pansaĵo | bandage |
pansbendo | bandage, swathe |
pansi | dress |
pantaloneto | short pants, shorts |
pantalono | pants, trousers |
pantalonportanta | trousers wearing |
panterino | female panther |
pantero | panther |
pantoflo | slipper |
pantomimi | pantomime |
pantomimo | pantomime |
papa | papal |
papago | parrot |
papagumi | parrot |
papajo | papaya, papaw |
paparaco | paparazzo |
papaveto | poppy |
papavo | poppy |
papera | of paper |
paperaĉo | scrap of paper |
paperenmetilo | document feeder |
paperenmeto | feed, paper feed |
paperformato | paper format |
papergrando | paper size |
paperkopio | hardcopy, hard copy, paper copy |
paperkorbo | paper basket |
papermankdetektilo | paper-out detector |
papero | paper |
paperorientiĝo | paper orientation |
paperpleto | paper tray |
paperpoŝto | snailmail |
paperprovizo | feed (paper) |
paperŝtopiĝo | paper jam |
papertapeto | wallpaper |
papertenilo | copyholder |
papiamento | Papiamento, Papiamentu |
papilio | butterfly |
papo | pope |
papriko | paprika |
Papua Nova Gvineo | Papua New Guinea |
papuo | Papuan |
Papuo-Nov-Gvineo | Papua New Guinea |
par (paragrafo) | p., paragraph |
para | even |
parada | pretentious |
paradi | display, parade |
paradidlo | paradiddle |
paradizo | paradise |
parado | display, parade |
paradoksa | paradoxical |
paradokso | paradox |
parafino | paraffin |
parafo | initials |
paragrafo | paragraph |
paragvaja | Paraguayan |
paragvajanino | Paraguayan woman |
paragvajano | Paraguayan |
Paragvajo | Paraguay |
paralakso | parallax |
paralela | parallel |
paralelado | parallel processing, parallelism |
paralelo | parallel |
paralizi | paralyse |
paraliziĝi | hang |
paraliziĝinta | paralysed |
paralizo | paralysis |
parametro | parameter |
parametropasigo | parameter passing, parameter substitution |
paranoja | paranoid |
paranojo | paranoia |
paraŝuto | parachute |
paraziti | parasitize, parasitise, mooch |
parazito | parasite |
parceligi | parcel out |
parcelo | lot, parcel |
pardoni | forgive, pardon |
pardono | absolution, pardon |
pardonpeti | ask forgiveness, excuse oneself |
pardonpeto | apology |
pardonu | excuse me |
pareca | even, evenparity (check) |
parecbito | parity bit |
pareckontrolo | parity check |
pareco | parity |
parecosigno | parity sign |
parenca | related |
parencaro | relations, relatives |
parenceco | consanguinity, relationship, blood-relationship |
parencino | relative, female relative |
parenco | relative |
parenteza | in parentheses, compound (statement) |
parenteze | by the way |
parentezo | parenthesis |
parfumi | perfume |
parfumo | perfume |
pargeto | parquet |
parigi | couple, match, pair, unite |
pariĝi | mate |
pario | pariah |
Pariso | Paris (mythology) |
pariza | Parisian, Paris |
parizano | Parisian |
Parizo | Paris |
parkadgaraĝo | parking garage |
parkejo | parking lot, car park, parking garage, parkingplace |
parkere | by heart |
parkeri | memorize |
parkerigi | memorize |
parki | park |
parko | park |
parlamenta | parliamentary |
parlamentano | member of parliament |
parlamento | parliament |
parnasa | poetic, Parnassian |
Parnaso | Parnassus |
paro | pair |
paroĥa | parochial |
paroĥano | parishioner |
paroĥestro | pastor, vicar |
paroĥo | parish |
paroka | parochial |
parokano | parishioner |
parokestro | pastor, vicar |
paroko | parish |
parola | oral |
parolado | speech |
parolanto | speaker |
parolema | talkative |
paroli | speak, talk |
paroli sensence | drivel, twaddle |
parolkapablo | speech |
parolmaniero | speech |
parolo | speech |
parolrekona | speech recognition |
parolrekonilo | speech recognizer |
parolrekono | speech recognition |
parolturno | locution, turn of speech |
parta | partial |
parte | partially, partly |
parte orda aro | poset |
parte ordigita | semi-sorted |
parte sinkovranta | cascaded |
parte sinkovrantaj | cascading |
parte sinkovri | cascade (arrange) |
partero | parterre |
parteromantika | demiromantic |
parteseksema | demisexual |
partia | biased, partial |
partianiĝi kun | side with |
partiano | member, supporter |
partianoj | adherents, disciples, followers, party members |
participo | participle |
partieca | partisan |
partieco | partisanship |
partigi | partition |
partikulara | particular, particularist |
partio | faction, party, side |
partnera | affiliation, affiliate, partner |
partnereco | partnership |
parto | part, Parthian, share |
partopago | installment payment |
partoprenanto | participant |
partopreni | participate, share, take part |
partpago | installment payment |
partpreni | participate |
partpreni sentojn | sympathize |
paruo | titmouse |
parvolo | wren |
pasa ŝlosilo | passkey |
pasaĝeri | travel as passenger |
pasaĝerigi | convey as passenger |
pasaĝero | passenger |
pasamento | trimming |
pasanta | passing |
pasanto | passerby |
pasejo | gate, gangway, passage, passageway |
pasema | transient, ephemeral |
paseo | past |
pasero | sparrow |
pasfrazo | passphrase |
pasi | pass, pass by |
pasi preskaŭtuŝe | skim |
pasi preskaŭtuŝe super | skim |
pasia | passionate |
pasiggrupo | formal parameter section |
pasigi | pass, spend |
pasigo | call |
pasinta | last, past, passed, elapsed (time) |
pasinteco | past |
pasintjare | last year |
pasinto | past |
pasio | lust, passion |
pasiulo de informatiko | freak |
pasiva | passive |
pasivumiga | hibernation |
pasivumigi | hibernate |
pasivumigo | hibernation |
paska | Easter |
Paskalo | Pascal |
Pasko | Easter |
paso | pass |
pasperkuta | on-the-fly, dynamic |
pasporto | passport |
pasteĉo | pate, pie |
pastiĉo | pastiche |
pasto | dough, paste |
pastoro | pastor |
pastreco | ministry, priesthood |
pastriĝi | become a minister, become a priest |
pastro | clergyman, pastor, priest |
pasvort-rememoriga | password recovery (email) |
pasvorta | password |
pasvortaj | password |
pasvorto | password |
pasvorto-rememoriga | password recovery (email) |
pasvorton | password |
pasvortorememoriga | password recovery (email) |
pasvortrememoriga | password recovery (email) |
pasvortŝtelo | phishing |
paŝegi | stalk, stride |
paŝeti | toddle, trip |
paŝi | pace, stalk, step, stride, tread |
paŝi al | approach |
paŝo | pace, step, stride |
paŝtabulo | gangway |
paŝtejo | meadow |
paŝtelo | pastel |
paŝti | feed |
paŝtiĝi | graze |
paŝtisto | shepherd |
paŝtoa | Pashto, Afghani, Pashtu, Pakhto, Pushto, Pukhto, Pushtu |
paŝtua | Pashto, Afghani, Pashtu, Pakhto, Pushto, Pukhto, Pushtu |
Patagonio | Patagonia |
patento | patent |
patkuko | pancake |
pato | frying pan; stalemate (chess) |
patoso | pathos |
patra | parent, parental; father |
patraj | parental, parent |
patriarko | patriarch |
patrico | die, stamp |
patrinfikulo | motherfucker, mother fucker |
patrinflanka | maternal |
patrinflanke | maternally |
patrini | mother |
patrino | mother |
patrio | fatherland, homeland |
patriota | patriotic |
patriotismo | patriotism |
patrioto | patriot |
patro | father |
Patro Kristnasko | Father Christmas |
patroflanka | paternal |
patroflanke | paternally |
patroli | patrol |
patrolo | patrol |
patroni | act as patron |
patrono | patron |
patrujo | fatherland |
paǔzi | pause |
paŭsi | trace |
paŭta | dismal |
paŭti | pout, sulk |
paŭzi | pause, take a break, take a rest |
paŭziga klavo | pause button |
paŭzigi | pause |
paŭzo | break, intermission, pause, recess |
paŭzpunkta halto | breakpoint halt |
paŭzpunkta instrukcio | breakpoint instruction |
paŭzpunkto | breakpoint |
paŭzu | pause |
pava | showy, strutting, flashy |
pavi | show off, strut around |
paviano | baboon |
pavilono | pavilion |
pavimado | paving |
pavimi | pave |
pavimo | pavement |
pavimŝtono | cobblestone |
pavo | peacock |
PCI-konektingo | PCI expansion slot, Peripheral Component Interconnect expansion slot |
PCMCIA-aparato | PCMCIA device, Personal Computer Memory Card International Association device |
pĉk (postĉekkonto) | postal checking account |
PDF-legilo | PDF-viewer |
pecetiĝi | crumble, crumble away, crumble off |
peceto | fragment, morsel |
peco | bit, lump, piece |
peĉo | pitch |
pedagogo | pedagogue |
pedala | pedal |
pedali | pedal |
pedalo | pedal |
pedaltaksio | pedicab, trishaw |
pedelo | beadle, usher |
pedia | Pedi |
pediko | louse |
pedio | Pedi |
PEFA (Pola Esperanto Fervojista Asocio) | Polish Esperanto Railway Workers’ Association |
Pegaso | Pegasus |
pego | woodpecker |
pejzaĝo | landscape, scenery |
peka | sinful |
pekanto | sinner |
peki | sin, transgress |
Pekino | Beijing, Peking, Peiping |
pekli | pickle |
peklita | pickled, salted (meat) |
peko | sin, transgression |
pektro | spectrum |
pekulo | sinner |
pela | driving |
pelargonio | geranium |
pelĉasi | victimize, victimise, hound |
peli | chase, drive, drive on, impel, shoo |
pelikano | pelican |
pelila | driver |
pelilo | driver (device) |
peliloj | drivers (device) |
pelto | fur, fur coat, fur piece |
peltoĉapo | bearskin, bearskin cap |
pelvo | basin, bowl, pelvis |
penado | efforts |
penalo | penalty |
penco | penny |
pendanta | mounted, hanging, small (tom) |
pendglisilo | hang glider |
pendi | hang, droop, mount |
pendigi | hang |
pendkolumo | bands |
pendoli | swing |
pendolo | pendulum |
pendomenuo | pulldown menu, pull-down menu |
pendumi | hang |
pene | with effort |
Penelopo | Penelope |
penetri | penetrate |
peni | aim, attempt, endeavor, endeavour, try |
penicilino | penicillin |
peniga | laborious, hard |
penigaĵoj | fuss, to-do |
peniko | paintbrush |
peniseto | peter, willy |
peniso | penis |
peno | effort |
pensado | thinking |
pensi | think |
pensiga | thought-provoking |
pensigi | cause to think, remind |
pensiiĝi | go on pension, retire |
Pensilvanio | Pennsylvania |
pensio | pension, retirement |
pensiono | boarding house, boarding school |
pensiulo | pensioner, retiree |
pensmaniero | way of thinking |
penso | thought |
pensulo | thinker |
pentanta | contrite, penitent, repentant |
pentaprismo | pentaprism |
Pentateŭko | Pentateuch |
Pentekosto | Pentecost, Whitsunday |
penti | repent, feel sorry, be sorry |
penti pri | feel sorry for, regret, repent, repent of |
pentigi | regret, repent, repent of |
pento | repentance |
pentofari | do penance |
pentrado | painting |
pentraĵkadro | frame, picture frame |
pentraĵo | painting, picture |
pentri | paint |
pentrinda | picturesque |
pentristo | painter |
peono | pawn |
pepi | chirp, peep, twitter |
peplomo | quilt |
pepo | alert, beep |
pepsino | pepsin |
per | by, by means of, on, through, with |
per kio | whereby |
per tio | thereby |
perado | mediation |
peranto | agent |
percepti | find, notice, perceive |
perda | lossy (data compression) |
perdi | lose |
perdiĝi | be lost, get lost |
perdita | lost |
perditaj | lost |
perdo | loss |
perdosiersistema | file-based |
perdriko | partridge |
pere de | per |
pereĥa kontrolo | echo check |
perei | perish |
pereigi | destroy, ruin |
pereigo | destruction |
perenhava | associative |
perenhave adresebla memoro | associative storage, content-addressable memory, CAM |
perfekta | perfect |
perfekteco | perfection |
perfektigi | perfect |
perfektulo | perfect person |
perfida | treacherous |
perfidema | treacherous |
perfidi | betray |
perfido | betrayal, treachery |
perfidulo | betrayer, traitor |
perfolia | tabbed (browsing) |
perforte | by force, violently |
perforti | force, violate |
perforto | violence |
pergameno | parchment |
peri | act as agent |
periferaĵoj | peripherals |
periferia | peripheral |
periferiaĵo | peripheral |
periferio | outskirts, periphery |
perimetro | circumference, perimeter |
perinterreta | online, on-line, on line |
perioda gazeto | periodical |
periodaĵo | periodical |
periodo | period, time |
periosto | periosteum |
periskopo | periscope |
perkabla | cable (connection), by cable |
perko | bass |
perkome disigita | comma-separated |
perkome disigitaj valoroj | comma-separated values, CSV |
perkomputila | computer-aided, computer-assisted, computer |
perkomputila eldonado | DTP, desktop publishing |
perkomputila fabrikado | CAM, computer-aided manufacturing, computer aided manufacturing |
perkomputila fasonado | CAD, computer-aided design |
perkomputila instruado | CAI, computer-assisted instruction, computer assisted instruction |
perkomputila lernado | CAL, computer-aided learning, computer aided learning, computer-assisted learning, computer assisted learning |
perkudrila laboro | needlework |
perkuti | percuss |
perkutinstrumentoj | percussion |
perlabori | earn |
perlo | pearl |
perlueto | ampersand |
permana | by hand, manual |
permane | by hand, manually |
permanenta | permanent, dedicated (line) |
permesagordo | permission setting |
permesi | allow, permit |
permesilo | licence, license, permit |
permesiloj | licenses |
permesitaj | allowed |
permeso | permission |
permeso donita | opt-in, opt in |
permeso supozita | opt-out, opt out |
permesoj | permissions |
permesopolitiko | permission policy |
Permo | Perm |
permutaĵo | permutation |
permuti | swap |
permuto | swapping |
permutodosiero | swap file |
perono | platform, railway platform |
perpasvorta | password, by password |
perpendikulara | perpendicular |
perpleksa | perplexed, taken aback |
perpulsa | pulse (dialing) |
persa | Persian |
Persa Golfo | Persian Gulf |
Persefono | Persephone |
persekutado | persecution, pursuit |
persekuti | chase, persecute, prosecute, pursue |
persekuto | persecution, pursuit |
Perseo | Perseus |
persiko | peach |
persilentaĵo | default |
persino | Persian woman |
Persio | Persia |
persista | persistent, hard (error) |
persistado | perseverance |
persistemo | perseverance |
persisti | abide, persevere, persist |
perso | Persian |
persona | personal |
persona komputilo | PC, personal computer |
persona nomo | first name |
personaro | personnel |
persone | personally |
personeco | personality |
personidentiga | personally identifiable |
personigi | personify |
persono | person |
personoj | people, persons |
persontrajno | passenger train |
perspektivo | perspective |
Persujo | Persia |
persvadi | persuade |
persvadi aĉeti | palm off on, persuade to buy |
persvado | persuasion |
pertelefonlinea | dial-up, by telephone line |
perturbi | perturb, disturb, disquiet, interfere with |
perturbo | disturbance, interference, disquiet, unrest |
perua | Peruvian |
peruanino | Peruvian woman |
peruano | Peruvian |
peruko | hairpiece, wig |
Peruo | Peru |
pervalora | value, by value |
pervarma | thermal (printer) |
perversa | perverse |
perverseco | perversity |
perversio | perversion |
pesi | weigh |
pesilo | scales |
pesimisma | pessimistic |
pesimismo | pessimism |
pesimisto | pessimist |
pesita | weighted |
pesto | pestilence, plague |
petalo | petal |
petanto | applicant |
petardo | firecracker |
petegi | beseech |
petego | appeal, entreaty, supplication |
petformularo | application form, form of application |
peti | ask, ask for, beg, bid, request |
peticio | petition |
petilo | application form, form of application |
petita | brevier, 8pt type |
petitaj | requested |
peto | request |
petola | frolic, frolicsome, petulant |
petolaĵo | trick, prank |
petolema | mischievous, playful |
petoli | frolic |
petotraktilo | request handler |
petpako | request packet |
Petroburgo (Sankt-Peterburgo) | Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Санкт-Петербург |
petrolo | petroleum, paraffin oil |
Petromaricburgo | Pietermaritzburg |
petroselo | parsley |
petskribinto | applicant, petitioner |
petskribo | petition |
petveturanto | hitchhiker |
petveturi | hitchhike |
peza | burdensome, heavy, onerous |
pezaĵo | heavy thing |
pezekstremo | endianness |
pezfina | little-endian |
pezi | weigh |
pezigi | weigh down |
pezilo | weight |
pezkomenca | big-endian |
pezo | weight |
Pfalzo | Palatinate |
pfenigo | pfennig |
PG (Plena Gramatiko) | Complete Grammar (of Esperanto) |
PGKD | GCD, greatest common denominator, GCD, greatest common divisor |
pĝ (paĝo) | p., page |
pĝ. (paĝo) | p., page |
pĝk (postĝirkonto) | postal giro account |
pi | π, pi |
pia | pious |
pianisto | pianist |
piano | piano |
piceo | spruce (tree) |
pico | pizza |
piĉo | cunt, pussy |
pieco | reverence, piety |
piedbati | kick |
piedbato | kick |
piede | on foot |
piedestalo | pedestal |
piedfingro | toe |
piedfrapado | tramping |
piedingo | stirrup |
piediranto | pedestrian |
piediri | go on foot |
piedlinio | footer |
piednoto | footnote |
piedo | foot, paw |
piedpasi | tread |
piedpilko | football, soccer ball |
piedpremi | step on |
piedvarmigilo | footwarmer |
piedvestaĵo | footwear |
pigmeo | pigmy |
pigo | magpie |
pigra | lazy |
piĵamo | pyjamas |
pika | nasty |
pikdrato | barbwire, barbed wire |
piki | pick, stab, sting |
pikilo | sting |
pikkalkanumo | stiletto heel |
pikniki | picnic |
pikniko | picnic |
piko | prick, spades, sting |
pikplukado | chickenpicking |
pikpluki | peck, pick |
piktogramo | icon |
piktogramoredaktilo | icon editor |
pilaro | battery |
pilgrimado | pilgrimage |
pilgrimanto | pilgrim |
pilgrimi | go on pilgrimage |
pilgrimo | pilgrimage |
piliero | pier, pillar |
pilko | ball |
pilo | pile, cell of battery |
pilolo | pill |
pilotado | steering |
piloti | pilot |
piloto | pilot |
pimpa | smart, chic |
pinĉegi | pinch |
pinĉi | pick |
pinĉilo | pincers, tongs |
pinĉpreno | bit |
pinĉtenajlo | pincers |
pinĉtenilo | developing pliers |
pindo | pint |
pinglo | pin, needle |
pingloarbo | conifer |
pingveno | penguin |
pino | pine, pine tree |
pinta | pointed, spiked |
pinta hoketo | caron, háček, haček, hacek, wedge, inverted circumflex, inverted hat, ˇ̌ |
pintigi | sharpen |
pinto | peak, point, tip, summit |
pintoteknologia | hi-tech |
pintteknologia | hi-tech |
pioĉo | pickaxe, pick-axe, pick axe |
pionira | pioneer |
pioniro | pioneer |
pipo | pipe |
pipri | pepper |
pipro | pepper |
pipromento | peppermint |
piramida | pyramid |
piramido | pyramid |
pirarbo | pear tree |
pirata | bootleg, pirated |
piratado de retregiona nomo | cybersquatting |
pirateco | piracy |
piratestro | pirate chief |
pirato | pirate |
pirenea | Pyrenean |
Pireneoj | Pyrenees |
piro | pear |
pirogo | dugout canoe |
pirozo | heartburn |
pirujo | pear tree |
pisi | urinate |
pispoto | chamber pot |
pisti | crush, pound |
pistilo | pestle |
pistolo | pistol, spray gun |
pistujo | mortar |
piŝto | piston |
Piterhedo | Peterhead |
Pitkarna Insulo | Pitcairn Island |
Pitono | Python |
pitoreska | picturesque |
piulo | religious person |
PIV (Plena Ilustrita Vortaro) | Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto, The PIV |
PIV1 (Plena Ilustrita Vortaro) | Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto, The PIV |
PIV2 (Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro) | New Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto, The New PIV |
PIV2005 (Nova Plena Ilustrita Vortaro, 2a eldono, korektita) | New Complete Illustrated Dictionary of Esperanto, 2nd edition, corrected |
pivotgrafiko | pivot chart |
pivoti | pivot |
pivoto | pivot |
pivottabelo | pivot table |
pivotzono | pivot area |
pizango | banana |
pizo | pea |
pK (post Kristo) | A.D., AD, a.d., ad, anno Domini |
pk (poŝtkarto) | postcard |
pk. (poŝtkarto) | postcard |
placo | plaza, square, public square |
plaĉa | pleasing |
plaĉi | please |
plaĉo | pleasure |
plado | platter, course, dish, plate |
plafono | ceiling |
plagi | afflict, plague |
plagiati | plagiarize, plagiarise |
plago | calamity, scourge |
plaĝo | beach |
plako | plate |
planado | planning |
plando | sole |
plandumo | sole |
planeda | planetary |
planedo | planet |
plani | plan |
planilo | scheduler |
planizi | plan |
planka | floor |
planko | floor |
planlingvistiko | linguistics of constructed languages |
planlingvo | planned language, constructed language |
plano | design, diagram, plan, plane |
planta | plant, vegetable |
plantado | planting |
plantaĵo | plantation |
plantaro | plantation, planting |
plantejo | plantation |
planti | plant |
planto | plant |
plasi | invest |
plasmo | plasma |
plasta | plastic |
plastika | plastic |
plastiko | plastic art, modelling |
plasto | plastic |
plastro | plaster |
plata | flat |
plataĵo | plateau |
platano | plane, plane tree, sycamore |
plateno | platinum |
plateso | plaice |
platformo | platform |
platgermana | Low German, Low Saxon |
platigi | flatten |
platnazo | pug nose |
plato | pad |
platona | platonic |
platteksta | plaintext, plain-text |
platteksta redaktilo | notepad |
plaŭda cimbalo | splash cymbal |
plaŭdeti | burble, gurgle, murmur, purl |
plaŭdi | lap, plash, splash |
plebano | plebeian |
plebo | plebeian |
pledi | plea, plead |
pledi por | advocate, plead for |
pledo | plea |
Pleistoceno | Pleistocene |
plej | most |
plej bona | best |
plej bonega | best of all, very best |
plej ekstera | outer, furthest out |
plej malbona | worst |
plej oftaj demandoj | FAQ, frequently asked questions |
plej posta | hind, hindmost, furthest back |
plej proksima | nearest, next |
plej proksimaj parencoj | next of kin |
plej supra | highest, upper |
Plejadoj | Pleiades |
plejbonigita | optimized |
pleje | at most |
plejeta | minimal |
plejetigi | minimize |
plejmulto | majority |
plejparte | mostly |
plejparto | most, greater part, preponderance |
plekti | braid, plait, twine, wreathe |
plektita | braided, plaited |
plektri | pick |
plektro | pick |
plektroŝirmilo | pick guard |
plena | complete, full |
plena noto | whole note, semibreve, 𝅝 |
plenaera kradrostado | barbecue |
plenaĝa | adult, grownup, grown-up, full-grown |
plenaĝulo | adult |
plenblovi | inflate |
plenbrako | armful |
plenbuŝo | mouthful |
plendanto | complainer; plaintiff |
plendi | complain |
plendi kontraŭ | accuse |
plendo | complaint |
plendupleksa | full duplex |
plenduta | whole-tone |
plenduto | whole tone |
plene | completely, fully, full |
plenekrana | fullscreen, full-screen, full screen |
plenig-signo | leader character, leader (sign) |
pleniga | fill |
plenigi | fill, fill in, fill up |
plenigo | fill up, fill in |
plenigsigno | leader character, leader (sign) |
pleniĝi | become full |
plenkore | with all one’s heart, heartily |
plenkreska | adult, full-grown, grownup, grown-up |
plenkreskulo | adult, grownup, grown-up |
plenkreskuloj | adults |
plenkunsido | plenary session |
plenluno | full moon |
plenmano | handful |
plenplena | brimming, replete |
plenpovo | empowerment, legal authority |
plenteksta | fulltext, full-text, full text |
plenum-agordo | run settings |
plenuma | running, execution |
plenuma fazo | execute phase |
plenumagordo | run settings |
plenumebla | executable; satisfiable |
plenumebloproblemo | satisfiability problem |
plenumi | accomplish, achieve, keep, observe, perform, fulfil |
plenumigi | execute |
plenumigo | completion (task) |
plenumiĝi | come true, be fulfilled |
plenumindikilo | progress indicator |
plenumita | completed |
plenumo | execution, execute phase |
plenumraporto | progress report |
plenumskalo | progress bar |
plenumtempo | run time, execution time |
plenvoĉa | at the top of one’s lungs |
plenzorga | anxious |
plenzorge | anxiously |
pleonasmo | pleonasm, redundancy |
pleta | tray, plate, bar |
pleto | tray |
plezura | pleasant, agreeable |
plezuriga | pleasurable |
plezuro | pleasure, fun |
pli | more |
pli aĝa | older, elder |
pli bona | better |
pli detala | more detailed; further |
pli detale | more precisely |
pli ĝuste | rather |
pli juna | younger |
pli kaj pli | increasingly, more and more |
pli malbona | worse |
pli malfrue | later, later on |
pli maljuna | older, elder |
pli malpli | more or less, quite |
pli malproksima | farther, further |
pli malproksime | beyond, farther, further |
pli malproksime ol | beyond, past |
pli malproksimen | farther |
pli ol | more than, over, above |
pli poste | later, later on |
pli proksima | nearer |
pli proksime | nearer |
pli volonte | preferably |
plia | another, one more |
pliakrigi | sharpen |
plialtigi | raise, increase |
plialtiĝi | ascend, go up, increase |
pliampleksigi | expand (hardware) |
plibeligi | embellish, make grow more beautiful |
plibeliĝi | grow more beautiful |
pliboniga | improving, improvement |
pliboniga eldono | upgrade |
plibonigi | improve |
plibonigita | improved |
plibonigo | enhancement |
pliboniĝo | progress |
plibonstatiĝo | progress |
plidensigilo | intensifizer |
plidikigi | thicken |
plie | and also, and ... as well, as well as, together with |
plien | forward, upward |
plietiĝi | decrease, diminish |
plifaciligi | facilitate |
plifervorigi | cheer, fire, inspire, stimulate |
plifortigado | intensification |
plifortigi | fortify |
plifortiĝi | increase, freshen |
plifruigi | accelerate |
pligrandig-indico | enlargement |
pligrandiga | enlarging |
pligrandigado | enlargement |
pligrandigaĵo | enlargement |
pligrandigatora | enlarging |
pligrandigatoro | enlarger |
pligrandigi | augment, enlarge, increase |
pligrandigilo | magnifier |
pligrandigindico | enlargement |
pligrandigita | enlargement |
pligrandigo | enlargement, increase |
pligrandiĝi | increase |
pligrandiĝo | enlargement, increase |
pligravigi | blow up, heighten |
pliigi | increase |
pliigo | surge |
pliiĝi | augment, grow, increase |
plilaŭtiĝi | swell, swell into a roar |
plilongigi | lengthen |
plilongilo | extender, extension (length) |
plimalgrandigi | decrease |
plimalgrandiĝi | decrease, diminish |
plimalpli | more or less |
plimultigi | enhance |
plimultigo | accession |
plimultiĝo | increase |
plimulto | majority |
Plioceno | Pliocene |
pliosigno | greater-than sign, “>” |
plipeziĝi | gain, put on weight |
pliposte | later on |
pliproksimiĝi | advance, come on |
plirajtigita | power (user) |
plirapidigi | accelerate |
plirapidigilo | accelerator (card) |
plirapidigo | acceleration |
plirapidiĝi | accelerate |
plirapidiĝo | acceleration |
plisentivigo | latensification |
plistreĉi | draw tighter, tighten |
plivastigi | extend |
plivastiĝi | extend |
plivigligi | fan, fire, inspire, stimulate, stir up, urge on |
ploceedoj | weavers (birds) |
ploceidoj (ploceedoj) | weavers (birds) |
plombi | fill (tooth) |
plombo | filling, plug, dental cement |
plonĝi | dive, plunge |
plonĝisto | diver |
plorema | tendency to cry, disposition to weep |
plori | cry, weep |
plorigi | cause to cry |
plorsaliko | weeping willow |
plorsingulti | sob |
plotono | platoon |
plu | else, further, more, on |
plua | additional, another |
pludaŭrigi | extend |
plue | besides, furthermore, in addition, moreover |
plugebla | arable |
plugi | plough |
plugilo | plough, plow |
pluigi | continue, extend |
pluki | pick, pluck |
plumba | lead |
plumbo | lead |
plumo | feather; pen |
plumono | quilt |
plumpa | rude, ungainly, clumsy |
plumpeza | lightweight |
plur | multi-, poly |
plur-al-plura | many-to-many |
plur-bitrapida | multiple bitrate, multiple bit rate |
plur-elekta | multiple-choice |
pluradresa | multiple-address, multiple address |
plurafiŝi | multipost |
pluraj | several |
pluralo | plural |
plurampleksa | multirange |
plurangulo | polygon |
pluraro | bag, multiset |
pluratinga | multi-access |
plurbajta | multibyte, multi-byte |
plurbitrapida | multiple bitrate, multiple bit rate |
plurcela | multipurpose |
plureco | plurality |
plureksponado | multiple exposures |
plurelekta | multiple-choice |
plurelekto | multiselection |
plurelsendi | multicast |
plurflanka | multilateral |
plurfoje | repeatedly |
plurfolidisigi | decollate |
plurfolidisigilo | deleaver |
plurfrekvenca | multiple-frequency |
plurfulmilo | multiple flash |
plurfunkcia | multifunction |
plurfunkcia telefono | smartphone |
plurgastiga | multi-hosting |
plurgrafeo | multigraph |
plurhejma | multihoming |
plurismo | pluralism |
plurkanala | multi-channel, media parser (plugin) |
plurkerna | multicore, multi-core |
plurkomputila | multi-computer, distributed |
plurkomunikila | crossmedia |
plurlatero | polygon |
plurlineara | multilinear |
plurlingva | multilingual |
plurlinia | multi-line |
plurlinio | polyline |
plurmedia | multimedia |
plurmedio | multimedia |
plurmediuma | crossmedia |
plurnacia | multinational |
pluropa | multiple |
pluropa elekto | multiple select |
pluroperaciuma | dual OS, dual operating system |
plurparta | multipart |
plurpasa | multipass, multi-pass |
plurpaŝa | multistep, multilevel |
plurplura | many-to-many |
plurprocesora | multiprocessor |
plurprocesorado | multiprocessing |
plurprocesoro | multi-processor |
plurseanca | multisession |
plursenca | ambiguous |
plursenceco | ambiguity |
plursistema | cross platform |
plurŝargado | multiple boot, multiboot |
plurtaska | multitasking |
plurtaskado | concurrency |
plurtaskplenumado | multitasking |
plurtavola | layered, stratified |
plurtavola ligno | plywood |
plurtegado | multicoating |
plurtraktado | multiprocessing |
plurtraktilo | multiprocessor |
plurvoĉa | polyphonic |
plurvojigado | multipathing |
plus | plus |
plusa | plus |
plusenda | forwarding, forwarder |
plusendado | forwarding |
plusendi | forward (message) |
plusendita | forwarded (message) |
plusendo | relaying (mail) |
pluserĉi | find next |
pluskvamperfekto | pluperfect |
pluso | surplus |
plussigno | plus sign, “+” |
plusvaloro | surplus value |
Pluto | Pluto |
plutonio | plutonium |
Plutono | Pluto |
plutransigo | onward transfer |
pluva | rainy |
pluvalidigi | extend |
pluvarbaro | rain forest |
pluvegi | pour, rain cats and dogs |
pluvego | flood |
pluvendisto | reseller |
pluveti | drizzle, mizzle |
pluveto | drizzle, drizzling rain |
pluvi | rain |
pluvmantelo | raincoat |
pluvo | rain |
pluvombrelo | umbrella |
pluvsezono | rainy season |
pm (poŝtmarko) | stamp, postage stamp |
pm. (poŝtmarko) | stamp, postage stamp |
PMEG (Plena Manlibro de Esperanta Gramatiko) | PMEG, Complete Handbook of Esperanto Grammar |
pneŭ-malmuntilo | tire lever |
pneŭmalmuntilo | tire lever |
pneŭmatiko | tire, tyre |
pneŭmo | tire, tyre |
pneŭmonio | pneumonia |
pneŭo | tire, tyre |
po | at, at the rate of, by |
po (P) | P, the letter P, pee (letter name) |
po-signo | at-sign, @ |
pobe | abaft |
poben | abaft |
pobo | poop, poopdeck, stern |
podagro | gout |
podetala | fine-grain (parallelism); retail |
podetale | retail |
podetalisto | retailer |
podia | podium, platform, stage; live |
podicipo | grebe |
podio | podium, platform, stage |
podkasto | podcast |
poemo | poem |
poento | point |
poeto | poet |
poezia | poetic |
poezio | poetry |
pogoniuleto | small woodpecker |
pogranda | coarse-grain (parallelism); wholesale |
pogrande | wholesale |
pograndisto | wholesaler |
pohora | hourly, by the hour, in hourly increments |
pojno | wrist |
poka | little |
pokalo | goblet |
pokero | poker |
pola | Polish |
polariza | polarizing |
polarizilo | polarizing filter |
polarizita | polarized |
polaroido | instant camera |
polekso | thumb |
polemiki | engage in a controversy |
polemiko | controversy |
polenado | pollination |
poleni | pollinate |
policano | policeman |
policejo | police station |
policestro | chief of police |
policisto | policeman |
polico | police |
policpatrolo | squad |
poligono | polygon |
polinezia | Polynesian |
polinezianino | Polynesian woman |
polineziano | Polynesian |
Polinezio | Polynesia |
polinia | line (printer), by the line, by line |
polino | Polish woman |
polinoma | polynomial |
polinomo | polynomial |
Polio (Pollando) | Poland |
polipo | polyp |
poliso | policy, insurance policy |
politenata | polythened |
politika | political |
politikisto | politician |
politiko | policy, politics |
polivinilklorido | PVC, polyvinyl chloride |
polko | polka |
Pollando | Poland |
polmo | palm of the hand |
polo | Pole |
polonio | polonium |
polpo | octopus |
poluado | pollution |
polui | pollute |
Polujo (Pollando) | Poland |
poluri | polish |
poluro | shine, lustre |
polusa | polar |
poluso | pole |
polva | dusty |
polvo | dust |
polvobroso | brush |
polvokovri | cover with dust |
polvosuĉilo | vacuum cleaner |
poma | apple |
pomarbo | apple tree |
Pomerio | Pomerania |
Pomerujo | Pomerania |
pomfritpastaĵo | apple fritter |
pomkaĉo | applesauce |
pomkompoto | applesauce |
pomo | apple |
pompa | resplendant |
pompasteĉo | apple turnover |
pompo | pomp, splender |
pomsuko | apple juice |
pomtorto | apple tart |
pomujo | apple tree |
ponardo | dagger |
ponardosigno | dagger, † |
poneo | pony |
ponteto | jumper |
ponto | bridge |
pontolingvo | intermediate language, bridge language |
POP-servilo | POP-server, Post Office Protocol server |
popakaĵa reto | packet switching |
popaŝe | single step |
popeca | piecemeal, piece-meal, piecewise |
poplo | poplar |
popo | pop (music) |
popola | popular, folk |
popolamasoj | masses |
popolarto | folk art |
popoldanco | folk dance |
popolismo | populism |
popolkanto | folk song |
popolnombrado | census |
popolo | folk, nation, people |
poproko | pop rock |
populara | popular |
popularaĵeto | gadget |
por | for, to, in order to, per |
por ke | so that, so, because |
por tiel diri | so to speak |
poranonca gazeto | advertiser |
porbicikla | for bikes, for bicycles |
porbicikla sako | cyclebag, bike bag, bicycle bag |
porcelano | porcelain, china (porcelain) |
porcio | share |
porciumi | ration |
porĉiama | eternal |
porda | port |
pordaperturo | doorway |
pordego | gate, gateway, portal |
pordistino | doorwoman |
pordisto | porter |
pordo | door, gate |
pordogardejo | gatekeeper |
poreo | leek |
porinfana | for children, children’s |
porka | pig, pork |
porkaĵo | pork |
porkejo | sty |
porkido | piglet |
porkino | sow |
porklienta | client |
porko | hog, pig, swine |
pormanĝilara lavmaŝino | dishwasher |
pornografaĵo | pornography |
pornografia | pornographic |
pornografio | pornography |
porprogramista | developer, developers’ |
porretpoŝta kunfandado | mail merge |
portalo | portal |
portanta ondo | carrier |
portanto | carrier |
Portaskajgo | Port Askaig |
portebla | portable |
porteblo | portability |
portempa | provisional, temporary |
porti | carry, wear |
porti antaŭen | bring forward |
porti malfonen | bring to front |
portiko | porch |
portil-etikedo | volume label |
portiletikedo | volume label |
portilmarko | volume label |
portilo | litter, strecher |
portisto | porter |
portkomputilo | mobile computing device |
Porto | Oporto |
portreta | portrait, iconic |
portreti | portray |
portretiko | portrait |
portreto | portrait |
portugala | Portuguese |
portugalino | Portuguese woman |
Portugalio | Portugal |
portugalo | Portuguese |
Portugalujo | Portugal |
porvespera | evening, for evening |
porvesperaj | evening, for evening |
posedaĵo | possession, property |
posedaĵoj | possessions |
posedanto | owner |
posedi | own, possess |
posedo | possession |
Posejdono | Poseidon |
posigno (po-signo) | at-sign, @ |
post | after, behind |
post nelonge | soon |
post tio | beyond, next, then, thereafter |
posta | hind, hindmost |
posta meditado | commentary |
posta steveno | stern |
posta tuŝo | aftertouch |
postaĵo | backside, rump |
postaldonebla | appendable |
postaldoni | append |
postalkremento | postincrement |
postanto | successor |
postatentado | follow-up |
postbendo | trailer (magnetic tape) |
postdekremento | postdecrement |
poste | afterwards, next, subsequently |
posten | backwards |
posteni | be on duty, stand guard |
posteniri | go back, go backwards |
posteno | post |
posterizo | posterization |
posteularo | offspring |
posteulo | offspring, successor |
posteuloj | issue, offspring, posterity, progeny |
postfikso | postfix; suffix |
postgluebla | appendable |
postglui | append |
postgvardio | defence, rear, rearguard |
postiĝi | fall back, get behind |
postiĝinta | retarded, backward |
postiri | follow |
postkolapsa | post-collapse, crash (recovery) |
postkondiĉo | postcondition |
postkremento | autoincrement; postdecrement; postincrement |
postkrii | hoot, cry after |
postkuri | chase |
postlasaĵo | estate |
postlasi | leave behind |
postmanĝaĵo | dessert |
postmeta | postfix |
postmeti | affix, add |
postmilita | postwar, post-war |
postmorgaŭ | the day after tomorrow |
postmorta | posthumous |
postmorta mondo | afterlife, hereafter |
postnaskaĵo | afterbirth, placenta |
postoperacia | post-op, post-operation |
postoperacia kuracado | after-treatment, follow-up, after care |
postorda | postorder |
postparolo | epilogue, afterword |
postraza | aftershave |
postraza ŝmiraĵo | aftershave, aftershave cream |
postredaktado | editing |
postregiono | hinterland |
postresta pozicio | arrears |
postrestanto | laggard, straggler |
postresti | be kept in, be detained, remain, stay on |
postrestigi | keep in |
postresto | lag |
postrigardi | follow up with one’s eyes, look after |
postsekvi | run after |
postsigno | trace, sign |
PostSkripto | PostScript |
postsoifo | thirst after drinking to excess |
postsoni | resound |
postsono | echo, resonance |
posttagmezo | afternoon |
postteksto | end matter, end-matter, subsidiaries |
posttraktado | postprocessing |
posttraktilo | postprocessor |
postulata | required (argument) |
postulema | demanding |
postuli | demand, postulate, require |
postulo | demand, requirement |
postuloj | requirements |
postulspecifo | expression of requirements, requirement specification |
postvango | buttock |
postveninta | subsequent |
postveninto | afterthought |
postvenonta | the one after next |
postveturilo | trailer |
poŝ-k-diskludilo | CD walkman, discman |
poŝ-KD-ilo | portable CD player |
poŝa | pocket, pocket size |
poŝformata | pocket-size |
poŝhorloĝo | pocket watch |
poŝkasedludilo | walkman (cassette) |
poŝkomputilo | handheld computer, palmtop, pocket computer, PDA, personal digital assistant |
poŝlanterno | electric torch |
poŝlibro | paperback, pocket book |
poŝmagnetofono | walkman (cassette) |
poŝmemorilo | flash drive, memory stick, USB stick |
poŝmono | allowance, pocket money |
poŝo | pocket |
poŝradio | radio walkman |
poŝskanilo | handheld scanner |
poŝt-etikedo | mailing label |
poŝta | postal |
poŝtado | mailing |
poŝtadreso | mailing address |
poŝtaĵo | piece of mail |
poŝtaktivigita | mail-enabled |
poŝtĉeko | postal cheque |
poŝteja protokolo | POP, Post Office Protocol |
poŝtejo | post office, P.O., PO |
poŝtelefono | cell phone, mobile telephone, cellular telephone |
poŝtestro | postmaster |
poŝtetikedo | mailing label |
poŝti | post, mail |
poŝtilo | mailer |
poŝtisto | mailman |
poŝtkarto | postcard |
poŝtkesto | postal box |
poŝtkodo | postal code |
poŝtlivera | mail delivery |
poŝtmandato | money order |
poŝtmarko | stamp, postage stamp |
poŝto | mail, post |
poŝtobombo | mailbomb |
poŝtoficeja protokolo | POP, Post Office Protocol |
poŝtoficejo | post office, P.O., PO |
poŝtoservilo | mail server |
poŝtotraktado | mail handling |
poŝtotraktilo | mail handler |
poŝtranĉilo | penknife |
poŝtricevulo | mail recipient |
poŝtskatolo | mailbox |
poŝtstampo | postmark |
poŝtujo | mailbox |
poŝtuko | handkerchief |
poŝvortaro | pocket-size dictionary |
potaĵo | pottery |
potenca | powerful |
potenciometro | potentiometer |
potenco | power |
potenculo | potentate, holder of power |
potenculoj | haves |
potisto | potter |
potkovrilo | pot lid |
poto | jug, pot |
pounua | one-on-one, biunique |
pounupaŝa | single stepping |
poŭpo | poop, poopdeck, stern |
pova | capable of, able to |
povi | be able to |
povigita de | powered by |
povo | ability |
povoscii | be master of, know |
povra | poor |
povrulo | poor person |
pozi | pose |
pozicia | positional, radix |
pozicidetermino | reckoning |
pozicii | position |
pozicio | position |
Pozikso | POSIX, Portable Operating System Interface for Unix |
pozistino | model |
pozisto | model |
pozitiva | positive |
pozitivo | positive |
pozo | pose |
pr (proksimume) | approx., approximately |
pr. (proksimume) | approx., approximately |
pra- | fore-, greatgrand- |
pra-etiopa | Ge'ez, Gəʿəz, Gi'iz |
praa | primeval, ancient |
praarbaro | primeval forest |
praavino | great-grandmother |
praavo | great-grandfather |
prabesto | prehistoric animal |
prafunkcio | intrinsic function, standard function, predefined function |
pragmataĵo | pragma |
pragmatiko | pragmatics |
pragmato | pragma |
Prago | Prague |
prahistorio | prehistory |
prahomo | prehistoric human being |
prajmo | primer |
praktika | practical |
praktikado | practice |
praktikaj | practical |
praktikaj konsiloj | tips and tricks |
praktikanto | practitioner |
praktiki | exert, practice |
praktiko | practice |
prakuzo | second cousin |
praloĝanta | indigenous, native |
praloĝanto | native |
pramo | ferry |
pranepino | great-granddaughter |
pranepo | great-grandson |
pranevino | grandniece, grand-niece |
pranevo | grandnephew, grand-nephew |
praonklino | great-aunt, great aunt |
praonklo | great-uncle, great uncle |
prapatro | forefather |
prapeko | original sin |
prapranepo | greatgrandchild |
praproceduro | standard procedure, predefined procedure, intrinsic function |
praŝarga | boot, start |
praŝarga administrilo | bootmanager, boot manager |
praŝarga disko | bootdisk, boot disk, boot drive |
praŝarga rikordo | bootrecord, boot record |
praŝargebla | bootable |
praŝargi | bootstrap |
praŝargilo | boot loader |
praŝargo | boot, booting, bootstrapping |
praŝarĝa administrilo | boot manager |
praŝarĝa disko | boot disk |
praŝarĝa rikordo | boot record |
praŝarĝi | boot |
praŝarĝo | bootstrap |
pratempo | prehistoric time |
pratipo | prototype |
praulo | ancestor |
prava | right, true |
Pravaĵo | the Right Thing |
pravaloriza | initialization |
pravalorizi | initialize |
pravaloro | initial value |
praveco | rightness, correctness |
pravi | be right |
pravigi | justify |
prazeodimio | praseodymium |
prazeodimo | praseodymium |
precedenco | precedence |
precioza | overrefined, affected, pretentious |
precipa | main, predominant, principal |
precipe | above all, especially, chiefly, mainly, principally |
preciza | accurate, precise |
precize | exactly, sharp |
precizeco | exactness, precision |
precizigi | specify, make precise |
precizo | precision |
predi | loot, prey (upon) |
predikato | predicate (grammar) |
prediki | preach |
predikisto | preacher |
prediko | sermon |
predikofico | benefice |
predo | prey |
preferata | preferred |
prefere | preferably, rather |
preferi | prefer |
preferita | preferred |
preferlisto | hotlist |
prefikso | prefix |
preĝejo | church, kirk |
preĝi | pray |
preĝo | prayer |
prelegi | lecture |
prelego | lecture |
preludo | overture, prelude |
prema | burdensome, onerous |
premado | pressure |
prembutono | pushbutton, push-button |
premfiksi | press, press firmly |
premi | press, oppress, squeeze |
premiero | premier, prime minister; first run |
premii | award a prize |
premilo | pressure plate |
premio | premium, prize |
premisi | take for granted, posit, presuppose |
premiso | premise, precondition |
premita | oppressed |
premo | pressure |
premoplato | pressure plate |
premrulado | press roll |
premsigno | print, imprint |
premteknologio | push technology |
premteni | press and hold |
preni | get, lay hold of, pick up, take |
preni juĝe | lay a distress upon, seize |
prenilo | tongs |
preno | grasp |
prepara | preliminary, preparatory, prior |
preparado | preparation |
prepari | prepare |
prepariĝi | get ready |
preparmaniero | method of preparation |
preparo | preparation |
prepozicio | preposition |
prerio | prairie |
presa | printing, print |
presaĵo | printed matter |
presarto | typographic art, printing |
presbufro | print spooler, print buffer |
presdosiero | print file |
presebla | printer-friendly, printable |
presebla versio | printer-friendly version, printer friendly version, print version, printversion |
presejo | printing office |
preseraro | misprint |
presgrupo | printing pool |
presi | print |
presil-markoj | printer’s marks, printers’ marks |
presila | printer |
presilaj | printer |
presilmarkoj | printer’s marks, printers’ marks |
presilo | press |
presisto | printer |
preskaŭ | almost, nearly |
preskaŭa | near, virtual |
preskribi | prescribe |
preskribo | regulation |
preskvalito | print quality |
preslitero | type |
presmemoro | printer memory |
preso | print |
presota | to be printed |
presotaĵo | print (preview), item to be printed |
prespreta | ready for printing |
prespretigo | copyediting, copy-editing |
presprovaĵo | proof |
presprovo | proof |
presservilo | print server |
pressignaro | font, fount |
presti | achieve, effect, perform |
prestiĝa | glamorous, glamourous, prestigious |
prestiĝo | glamor, glamour, prestige |
prestiparo | font, fount |
prestipo | type |
preszono | print area, print range |
preta | finished, ready, through |
pretaranĝita | preformated, verbatim |
preteco | readiness |
preteksti | give as an excuse, pretend |
preteksto | pretext |
pretendema | arrogant |
pretendemo | assumingness, overbearingness, presumption, pretence |
pretendi | claim, presume |
pretendo | claim, presumption, pretence |
preter | beyond, by, past, straight past |
preteriranto | passerby, passer-by |
preteriri | pass, pass by |
preterlasema | careless, neglectful, negligent, remiss |
preterlasi | leave out, omit, overlook |
preterlasita | left out, omitted |
preterlaso | omission |
preterpasi | overtake, pass by |
preterveturi | overhaul, overtake, pass |
pretervidi | overlook |
pretervola | unintended, accidental |
preti | be ready |
pretigi | finish, prepare |
pretiĝi | get ready |
Pretorio | Pretoria |
pretparta konstruado | prefabrication |
pretstara | stand by |
preventa | preventive |
preventado | prevention |
preventi | prevent |
preventilo | preservative |
prez (prezidanto) | pres., chairman, president |
prez (prezidento) | pres., president (head of state) |
prez. (prezidanto) | pres., chairman, president |
prez. (prezidento) | pres., president (head of state) |
prezaltigo | price increase |
prezenco | present tense |
prezenta | presentation |
prezentado | presentation |
prezentaĵo | presentation |
prezentata | presented |
prezenti | introduce, perform, present |
prezentiĝi | be presented |
prezentiĝi forire | check out |
prezento | presentation |
prezidanteco | presidency |
prezidanto | chairman, president |
prezidento | president (head of state) |
prezidi | preside |
prezidio | presidium |
prezido | chairmanship, leadership |
prezkonjekto | budget, estimate, estimates |
prezkonkurado | tender |
prezkonkuro | public tender |
prezlisto | price list, pricelist |
prezo | price |
prezokategorio | pricing category |
prezolisto | price list |
preztrompi | fleece |
preztrompisto | extortioner, swindler |
preztrompita | taken in |
preztrompo | swindle, swindling |
pri | about, concerning, on, upon |
pri-dialogujo | about box |
priaĵo | descriptor |
pridemandi | interrogate |
pridialogujo | about box |
pridubi | cast doubt upon |
prierara | error, about errors |
prifajfi | hiss at, boo |
prijuĝaj rimarkoj | feedback, feed back |
prijuĝi | judge |
prikomunikila | media, about media |
prilabori | process, handle |
prilaboro | process |
prilumi | light up, shine upon |
primara | primary |
primavero | springtime |
primitiva | primitive |
primitive | primitive |
primoki | deride, mock, quip, ridicule |
primolo | primrose |
princido | prince’s son |
princino | princess |
principa | principled, firm in principle |
principe | in principle |
principo | principle |
princlando | principality |
princo | prince |
prinonto | annotation |
prinoti | annotate |
prinoto | annotation |
printado | printing |
printaĵo | hard copy; listing |
printaparato | contact printer |
printareo | print area |
printbufro | print buffer |
printdosiero | print file |
printebla | printable, printer-friendly |
printempo | spring, springtime |
printenda | to be printed |
printeraro | printer error |
printi | print |
printi en dosieron | print to file |
printila | printer |
printila kapeto | head (printer) |
printilaj | printer |
printilo | printer |
printkadro | contact frame, print frame |
printkvalito | print quality |
printmemoro | printer memory |
printo | print |
printota | to be printed |
printotaĵo | that which will be printed, what will be printed |
printservilo | print server |
printtasko | print job |
printzono | print area, print range |
prioritata | priority, major (road) |
prioritatindikilo | priority indicator |
prioritato | priority, precedence |
priparolado | discussion |
priparoli | discuss |
pripensi | think, think about, reflect on |
pripenstempo | time to consider |
priplanti | plant |
priplori | mourn |
priproprieta | proprietary |
prirabi | rob |
prirabo | robbery |
prirespondeco | responsibility |
prirespondi | be answerable, be liable, be responsible |
priserĉi | search |
prisilenti | conceal, maintain silence about |
priskriba | descriptive |
priskribi | describe |
priskribo | description |
prismo | prism |
prisondo | feedback, feed back |
pristudi | study |
pristudo | study |
priŝteli | rob |
pritakso | rating |
pritondado | pruning |
pritondi | prune |
pritraktado | treatment, processing |
pritraktata | pending |
pritrakti | treat |
pritraktigi | bring before, lay before, take up |
pritraktota | pending |
privata | private, personal |
privataj | private, personal |
privateca | privacy |
privatecaj | privacy |
privateco | privacy |
privatulo | private person |
priverŝi | water |
priveturebla | passable, practicable |
priveturi | drive over, ride over |
privilegia | privileged |
privilegio | privilege |
privilegiulo | privileged user |
prizono | jail, gaol, prison |
prizorga | maintenance |
prizorgado | maintenance |
prizorgi | look after |
prizorgo | care |
pro | because of, for, for sake of, on account of, owing to, through |
pro honoro | honorary, honoris causa |
pro kio | what for, wherefore, why |
pro tio | therefore |
pro tio ke | because, for the reason that |
probabla | probable |
probable | probably |
probablo | probability |
problem-spurado | issue tracking |
problemanalizo | requirements analysys, requirements engineering |
problemaro | set of problems |
problemdifino | problem definition |
problemo | problem, trouble |
problemo pri kvar farboj | four color map conjecture |
problemo pri la Konigsbergaj pontoj | Königsberg bridge problem |
problemo pri la mortemaj manĝantaj filozofoj | mortal dining philosophers problem |
problemo pri la Nederlanda standardo | Dutch flag problem |
problemo pri ok damoj | eight queens problem |
problemo pri vojaĝa komizo | traveling salesman problem |
problemsolvado | troubleshooting |
problemsolvi | troubleshoot |
problemspurado | issue tracking |
procedi | proceed |
procedo | procedure, process |
procedura | procedure |
procedurĉapeto | procedure identification |
procedurĉapo | procedure heading |
procedurdeklaro | procedure declaration |
procedurnomo | procedure identifier |
proceduro | procedure, subroutine |
procedurparametra | procedural parameter |
procedurvoko | call, procedure statement |
procentaĵo | commission |
procento | percent, percentage, rate |
procentsigno | percent sign, % |
procesi | go to court, litigate, sue |
procesi kontraŭ | sue |
procesio | procession |
proceso | lawsuit |
procesor-intensa | CPU-intensive |
procesora | processor |
procesorintensa | CPU-intensive |
procesoro | processor |
proceza | process |
procezilo | processor |
proceznumero | process identifier, PID |
procezo | process |
procezodisfadenigo | multithreading, multi-threading |
procezofadenigo | multithreading, hyperthreading |
procezonumero | process identifier |
procezoplanado | process scheduling |
procezplanado | process planning |
procezregado | process control |
prociono | raccoon, racoon, washing-bear |
prodaĵo | act of prowess, feat |
prodigi | squander |
prodo | knight-errant |
produkta | production, product |
produktado | production |
produktaktivigo | product activation |
produkti | bear, produce |
produktisto | producer |
produkto | product |
produkto-grupo | product group |
produktogrupo | product group |
proedziĝa | by marriage, related by marriage |
prof (profesoro) | Prof., Professor (honorific) |
prof. (profesoro) | Prof., Professor (honorific) |
profani | defile, profane |
profesi-aspekta | professional-looking |
profesia | professional |
profesiaspekta | professional-looking |
profesio | profession |
profesiulo | professional (person) |
profesoro | professor |
profetaĵo | prophecy |
profeti | forecast, foretell, prophesy |
profeto | prophet |
profililo | profiler |
profilo | profile |
profita | credit, surplus |
profiti | profit |
profito | gain, profit |
profitparto | share |
profunda | deep, profound |
profundaĵo | depth |
profundeco | depth |
profundegaĵo | abyss, gulf, precipice |
profundiĝi | submerge, sink |
profundo | depth |
profundsenca | abstruse |
prognozi | forecast |
prognozo | forecast, prognosis |
programada | programming, development, interactive development |
programada ĉirkaŭaĵo | development environment, IDE, integrated developement environment, programming environment |
programado | programming |
programar-inĝenierado | software engineering |
programara | programming, software |
programara doko | dock (Mac) |
programara kopiilo | copy program, copying application |
programara metiejo | programming environment |
programaranĝilo | pretty printer |
programarinĝenierado | software engineering |
programaro | software, programs |
programbiblioteko | program library |
programdosierujo | application folder |
programebla | programmable |
programebla nurlega memoro | PROM, programmable read-only memory, programmable read only memory |
programebla nurlegebla memoro | PROM, programmable read-only memory, programmable read only memory |
programero | program item, programme item |
programfino | end of program |
programi | program, programme |
programilo | programmer, blaster |
programista | development |
programista programara ilaro | SDK, software development kit, software-development kit |
programisto | programmer, developer |
programita | programmed |
programkodaĵo | program code |
programkontrolo | program verification and validation |
programlingvo | programming language |
programo | application; program, programme |
programreferencverko | language guide (programming) |
programreĝimo | program mode |
programsistemo | programming system |
progresbreto | progressbar, progress bar |
progresema | progressive |
progresi | get along, proceed, progress |
progresigi | foment, move forward, advance |
progresinta | advanced |
progresive | progressively |
progresive enkonduki | phase in |
progresive forigi | phase out |
progreso | progress |
progresraporto | progress report |
projekcii | project |
projekciilo | projector |
projekciisto | projectionist |
projekcio | projection |
projektadministrilo | project manager |
projektdosiero | project file |
projektforko | project fork, fork, forking |
projektgrupo | project group |
projekti | make a project of, plan |
projekto | plan, project, scheme |
proklamado | proclamation |
proklamaĵo | proclamation |
proklami | issue, proclaim |
proklamo | proclamation |
prokrastaj klavoj | bounce keys |
prokrastemo | procrastination |
prokrasti | procrastinate, delay, hold in abeyance, postpone, put off |
prokrastilo | delay unit |
prokrastita | in abeyance |
prokrasto | delay |
prokrastoperiodo | grace period |
proks. (proksimume) | approx., approximately |
proksima | close, near, nearby, next |
Proksima Oriento | Middle East, Near East |
proksimaĵo | neighborhood, neighbourhood, vicinity |
proksime | close, near, nearby |
proksime al | close to, near |
proksime de | close to, near |
proksimeca | proximity |
proksimeca sensoro | proximity sensor (iPhone) |
proksimeco | nearness, proximity |
proksimelsendo | narrowcasting |
proksimigi | bring near to |
proksimiĝi | advance, approach, come close, come closer, come on |
proksimiĝo | approach |
proksimo | proximity |
proksimulo | neighbor, neighbour, fellow-creature |
proksimuma | approximate |
proksimuma kalkulado | approximation |
proksimumado | approximation |
proksimume | about, approximately |
prokura | proxy |
prokurilo | proxy |
prokuristo | attorney |
prokuroro | public prosecutor |
prolegomeno | prolegomenon |
proleta | proletarian |
proletario | proletarian |
proletaro | proletariat, the proletariat |
proleto | proletarian |
prologo | prologue |
promenado | stroll, walk |
promenanto | stroller |
promenbaso | walking bass |
promenejo | promenade |
promeni | go for a walk, stroll |
promenkasedilo | walkman |
promesi | promise |
promeso | promise |
Prometeo | Prometheus |
prometio | promethium |
promocia | upgrade |
promocianto | promoter, evangelist |
promocii | promote |
promocio | promotion |
prompto | prompt |
promulgi | promulgate |
pronomo | pronoun |
prononci | pronounce |
prononcmaniero | accent |
prononco | pronunciation |
propagaĵo | shareware |
propagandaĵo | publicity material |
propagandi | advertise, publicize |
propagando | propaganda, publicity |
propagi | propagate |
propanea ŝaltiĝo de rezervosistemo | failover |
proparoli | advocate, intercede for |
proparolo | intercession, advocacy |
propeka | for sinning |
propeka kapro | scapegoat |
propeti | intercede, plead for |
proponado | offer, tender |
proponi | offer, propose, suggest |
propono | offer, proposal, suggestion |
proporcia | proportional |
proporcie | proportionally |
proporcie kun | proportional to |
proporcio | proportion, rate |
propozicia | propositional |
propozicio | sentence |
propra | own, personal, custom |
propraj | own, personal, custom |
propraĵo | property |
propraĵoj | possessions |
propravole | voluntarily |
propre difinita | user-defined |
proprieto | ownership |
proprietulo | owner |
proprulo | owner |
propulsakso | drive shaft, driving axle |
propulsi | drive |
propulso | drive |
proskripciulo | exile |
prospekto | prospectus |
prospektoro | prospector |
prosperi | be successful, prosper |
prospero | prosperity, success |
prostituado | prostitution |
prostituejo | bawdy, brothel, house of ill fame, whorehouse |
prostitui | prostitute |
prostituitino | prostitute |
protaktinio | protactinium |
proteino | protein |
protekta | protectionist |
protektado | protection |
protektanto | patron |
protektatino | protege |
protektato | protege |
protekti | protect |
protektisma | protectionist |
protektita | protected |
protektita kontraŭ kopiado | copy-protected, copy protected |
protektita per pasvorto | password-protected, password protected |
protekto | protection |
protekto-planado | protection schedule |
protektoplanado | protection schedule |
protektspirito | guardian angel |
Proteo | Proteus |
Proterozoiko | Proterozoic |
protestanta | Protestant |
protestanto | Protestant |
protesti | protest |
protesto | protest |
protezo | false limb, prosthesis |
protokola | protocol; log (file) |
protokola transmetnivelo | data-link layer |
protokolado | logging, journaling |
protokolaj | protocol; log (file) |
protokolanto | minute-taker |
protokolero | journal entry |
protokolflarilo | sniffer |
protokoli | give a ticket, take somebody’s name |
protokoliga | journaling |
protokolilo | logger |
protokolo | protocol; minutes, log |
protokolostakoj | stack |
protono | proton |
prototipa | prototype |
prototipado | prototyping |
prototipo | prototype |
provaĉetado de retregiona nomo | domaintasting, domain tasting |
provaĵo | test, trial |
provejo | sandbox |
provenca | Provençal |
proverbo | proverb |
proversia | version, by version |
provi | attempt, test, try |
proviantado | catering |
provianto | supplies, provisions |
provinca | provincial |
provinco | province |
provizado | supply, arrival, arrivals, delivery |
provizaĵestro | purser |
provizanta | provider, supplier |
provizanto | provider |
provizanto de retkonekto | ISP, internet service provider, IAP, internet access provider |
provizanto de retservoj | ISP, internet service provider, IAP, internet access provider |
provizejo | pantry |
provizi | provide, supply, accommodate |
provizi je | accommodate with |
provizi per | accommodate with |
provizi sin je | store |
provizi sin per | buy, get, procure |
provizo | supply |
provizora | provisional, temporary, tentative |
provizora solvo | workaround |
provizoraĵo | provisional arrangement, makeshift |
provizore | for the time being, temporarily |
provizoreco | temporariness |
provizujo | hopper (card) |
provizumado | catering |
provizumi | provision |
provludo | rehearsal |
provnumero | trial copy |
provo | attempt, test |
provo de koncepto | PoC, Proof of Concept |
provo de la koncepto | PoC, Proof of Concept |
provoki | defy, incite, provoke |
provoversio | trial version, demo version |
provreĝimo | test mode |
provversio | trial version |
prozelito | convert, proselyte |
prozo | prose |
pruda | prudish |
prudenta | prudent, reasonable, sensible |
prudulino | prude |
prudulo | prude |
prujna | frosted, hoar |
prujno | frost |
pruno | plum |
prunte | as a loan |
pruntedoni | lend |
pruntedoni al | lend |
pruntepreni | borrow |
prunti | borrow, lend, loan |
prunti al | lend |
prunti de | borrow from |
prunto | loan |
pruo | prow (ship), bow; stem (bicycle, bike) |
prusa | Prussian |
prusacido | prussic acid |
prusbluo | Prussian blue |
Prusio | Prussia |
Pruslando | Prussia |
pruso | Prussian |
Prusujo | Prussia |
pruvado | proof, demonstration |
pruvebla | provable |
pruvi | prove |
pruvo | proof, sign, token |
ps (pseŭdonimo) | pseudonym |
ps. (pseŭdonimo) | pseudonym |
psalmo | psalm |
pseŭda | false, fake |
pseŭdohazarda | pseudorandom, pseudo-random |
pseŭdokodo | pseudocode |
pseŭdomaŝino | pseudomachine |
pseŭdonimo | pseudonym |
pseŭdosumo | hash total |
pseŭdosunplenigo | pseudosolarization |
Psiĥo | Psyche |
psika | psychic |
psikanalizo | psychoanalysis |
psikedela roko | acid rock |
psikiatra | psychiatric |
psikiatrio | psychiatry |
psikiatro | psychiatrist |
psiko | psyche |
psikologa | psychological |
psikologio | psychology |
psikologo | psychologist |
psikopatio | psychopath |
psikopatologio | abnormal psychology |
psikozo | psychosis |
psoriazo | psoriasis |
ptm (posttagmeze) | P.M., PM, p.m., pm, post meridiem |
ptm. (posttagmeze) | P.M., PM, p.m., pm, post meridiem |
Ptolemeo | Ptolemy |
PTT (poŝto, telegrafo kaj telefono) | postal service, telegraph, telephone |
puba | pubic |
pubereco | puberty |
publici | publicize |
publicisto | journalist, publicist |
publika | public |
publikaĵo | public domain software, freeware |
publike | openly |
publikeco | publicity |
publikiga | publishing |
publikigi | publish, reveal |
publikigo | proclamation, publication |
publiko | public |
publikpermeso | issuance license |
publikŝlosila | public-key, public key |
publikulino | prostitute |
publikutila | charitable, nonprofit, non-profit |
pubo | pubic region |
puĉo | coup d’état, coup, overthrow, putsch |
puĉoj | coups d’état, coups, putsches |
pudingo | pudding |
pudoro | chastity, modesty |
pudri | powder |
pudro | powder, cosmetic powder |
Puertoriko | Puerto Rico |
pufigi | puff out |
pufiĝi | puff up |
pufo | puff, swelling |
pugno | fist |
pugnobatalanto | boxer |
pugnobatalo | fistfight |
pugnobati | punch |
pugo | behind, bottom, buttocks |
pugtruo | asshole |
Puĝeta Fjordo | Puget Sound |
Pulĉinelo | Punch |
pulio | pulley |
pulma | pulmonary |
pulmo | lung |
pulmonario | lungwort, pulmonaria |
pulo | flea |
pulovero | pullover sweater |
pulsa | blinking |
pulsado | blinking |
pulsi | pulsate, throb |
pulso | beat |
pulsrapido | blink time |
pulvo | gunpowder |
pulvora | powdery |
pulvorigi | pulverize |
pulvorigita | pulverized, powdered |
pulvoro | powder |
pumiko | pumice |
pumo | cougar, mountain lion, puma |
pumpi | pump |
pumpilo | pump |
pumpo-peniko | blower brush |
pumpopeniko | blower brush |
punado | punishment |
punĉo | punch |
pundo | pound |
pundomo | prison, penitentiary |
pundosigno | pounds sterling sign, £ |
punebla | punishable |
punenda | deserving of punishment, punishable |
puni | punish |
puni trafe | chastise, correct, punish |
punko | punk (rock) |
Punkt-al-Punkta Protokolo | Point to Point Protocol, PPP |
punkti | punctuate |
punktismo | dithering |
punktita | dotted |
punkto | dot, period, point, spot, “.” |
punktoforma | pinpoint |
punktoj | dots |
punktoj cole | DPI, dots per inch |
punktoj en colo | DPI, dots per inch |
punktokomo | semicolon, “;” |
punlaborejo | forced-labor camp, forced-labour camp |
puno | punishment |
punto | lace |
pupilo | pupil (of eye) |
pupitro | desk, lectern, school desk |
pupo | doll, puppet |
pura | clean, pure |
pureco | cleanliness, purity |
pureo | pure |
purgatorio | purgatory |
purigi | clean, cleanse, make clean, purge |
purigi la nazon | blow one’s nose |
purigo | cleaning, cleaning up, purification |
Purimfesto | Purim |
puritana | puritan |
puritano | puritan |
purpura | purple |
purpuro | purple |
purrasa | pedigree, purebred, pure-bred |
pusi | discharge pus |
puso | pus |
puŝekfunkciigi | push |
puŝi | push, thrust |
puŝiĝi kun | collide with, run into |
puŝo | push |
puŝveturilo | wheelbarrow |
putinfilaĉo | son of a bitch, son of a whore |
putino | hooker, whore, escort |
puto | well |
putra | bad, rotten |
putreco | rottenness |
putrema | perishable |
putri | putrefy, rot |
putriĝo | decay |
puzlo | puzzle |
PV (Plena Vortaro) | Complete Dictionary
R |
r.p.k. (respondkupono) | reply coupon, answer coupon |
rabaĵo | booty |
rabarbo | rhubarb |
rabati | discount, rebate |
rabato | abatement, discount, rebate |
rabbesto | beast of prey |
rabdo | divining rod |
rabeno | rabbi |
rabi | plunder, rob |
rabia | mad, rabid |
rabio | rabies |
rabisto | robber |
rabo | robbery |
rabobesto | beast of prey |
raboti | abrade, plane |
rabotilo | plane |
raboto | abrasion |
racia | rational |
raciigo | streamlining, rationalization, rationalisation |
raciismo | rationalism |
racio | reason, logical reasoning |
raciono | rational number |
rad | Sqrt |
radaro | radar |
radbendo | wheel binding, wheel strip; tire |
radia | radio |
radiado | radiation |
radiatoro | radiator |
radiestezo | divination, dowsing |
radii | radiate |
radika | root |
radikala | radical |
radikale | radically, thoroughly |
radikalo | radical |
radikalulo | radical |
radikatesta | root certification |
radikhava | rooted, root-having |
radikilo | radical, radical sign |
radiko | root |
radiksigno | root sign, √ |
radio | radio |
radiobutono | radio button, exclusive setting |
radiofonio | wireless telegraph |
radiofrekvenca | radio-frequency, radio frequency |
radiofrekvenco | radio frequency |
radiografia | xray, x-ray, x ray |
radiolisto | radio list |
radiostacio | radio station |
radioterapio | radiation |
radiumo | radium |
radiusa | radial |
radiuso | radius |
rado | wheel |
radono | radon |
radringa | cover, outer cover |
radringo | cover, outer cover |
radrondo | felly, felloe, rim |
rafaneto | radish |
rafano | radish, black radish |
rafinejo | refinery |
rafini | refine |
ragtimo | ragtime |
raguo | ragout, stew |
raĝabo | Rajab |
Raĝastujo | Rajasthan |
rajda | mounted |
rajdanta | mounted |
rajdi | ride |
rajo | skate, stingray |
rajpi | scraping, grinding |
rajti | may, have the right to |
rajtigi | authorize |
rajtigilo | authorization, authorisation |
rajtigita | authorized |
rajtigo | authorization |
rajto | right |
rajtoadministrado | authorization manager |
rajtoj | rights |
rajtoj rezervitaj | patents pending |
rakedo | missile, rocket |
raketo | rocket |
rako | rack |
rakontanto | narrator, storyteller |
rakonti | narrate, relate, tell |
rakonti ŝercojn | tell jokes, gag |
rakontintrigo | plot |
rakontisto | storyteller |
rakonto | narrative, story, tale |
RAM-disko | RAM disk |
ramadano | Ramadan |
rambutano | rambutan |
ramfasto | toucan |
ramo | battering ram; RAM |
rampi | crawl, creep |
ramplo | ramp |
rampulo | reptile |
ranbleki | croak |
ranca | rancid |
ranĉo | ranch |
randbato | rimshot |
randklako | rimshot, cross stick |
rando | border, brim, brink, edge, rim |
randsvenado | vignette |
randtranĉilo | cutter, guillotine trimmer |
ranfemuroj | frog’s legs |
rangigi | rank |
rango | grade, rank, rate |
rangordo | order, ranking |
ranido | tadpole |
rankoro | grudge, rancor, rancour |
rano | frog |
ranunkolo | buttercup |
Rao | Ra, Re |
rapid-aldona | quick-add |
rapid-serĉa | quick-search |
rapida | fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift |
rapida metalroko | speed metal |
rapida ordigo | quicksort |
rapidaĉe | quick and dirty |
rapidaldona | quick-add |
rapidalira | quick-access, quick access |
rapide | fast, quickly, swiftly |
rapide sed senpolura | quick-and-dirty, quick and dirty |
rapideco | speed |
rapideco de dosiera transdono | file transfer time |
rapidega | high-speed, racing |
rapidemo | haste |
rapidfiksaĵo | quick fixing |
rapidi | go fast, hurry, rush |
rapidigi | accelerate, speed up |
rapidlanĉa | quick-launch, quick launch, quicklaunch |
rapidlanĉilo | quick launcher |
rapidlanĉo | quicklaunch, quick launch, quick-launch |
rapidlimo | speed limit, speed-limit |
rapido | speed |
rapidpluigi | fastforward, fast forward |
rapidresponda | to the point |
rapidriparo | quickfix, quick fix |
rapidserĉa | quick-search |
rapidtrajno | fast train |
rapidum-ŝanĝilo | shifter |
rapidumo | gear |
rapidumskatolo | gearbox, gear case |
rapidumŝanĝilo | shifter |
rapidumujo | gearbox, gear case |
rapidvagonaro | fast train |
rapiro | foil, rapier |
rapo | turnip |
raport-modelo | report model |
raporta | report |
raportgenerilo | RPG, report program generator |
raporti | report |
raportista | press |
raportistiko | reportage |
raportisto | reporter |
raportmodelo | report model |
raporto | account, record, report |
rapsodio | rapsody |
rara | rare, precious |
raraĵo | rarity |
rasa | racial |
rasismo | racism |
rasli | rustle, rattle |
raso | breed, race |
raspi | grate, rasp |
raspilo | grater |
rastero | bit map, raster |
rasti | rake |
rastilo | rake |
rastruma | raster, bitmap |
rastruma bildo | bitmap, bit map |
rastruma signobildo | dot matrix |
rastruma tiparo | bitmap font |
rastrumera | pixel |
rastrumere | per pixel |
rastrumero | pixel |
rastrumigi | rasterize |
rastrumigilo | rasterizer, raster processor |
rastrumigo | rasterization |
rastrumo | bitmap, raster |
ratifi | ratify |
ratifiki | ratify |
ratifo | ratification |
rato | rat |
raŭka | hoarse |
raŭndo | round |
raŭpo | caterpillar |
rava | delightful, lovely |
ravi | delight |
raviĝinta | delighted |
ravino | ravine |
ravo | delight |
razeno | lawn |
razi | shave |
razilo | razor |
razio | police raid |
razisto | barber |
razklingo | razor blade |
razpeniko | shaving brush |
re- | re- |
re-registrebla k-disko | CD-RW, compact disc-rewritable |
re-registrebla KD | CD-RW, compact disc-rewritable, rewritable CD, CD rewritable |
reaĉeti | buy back, redeem |
readaptado | readaptation, rehabilitation |
Readmono | Deuteronomy |
reagi | react, respond |
reagordi | reconfigure |
reakcia | reactionary |
reakcio | reaction |
reakciulo | reactionary |
reakiri | recover |
reaktivigi | reactivate, resume |
reala | actual, practical, real |
realaĵo | reality |
reale | genuinely, indeed, really, truly |
realeco | reality |
realiga | implementation |
realigi | produce |
realigo | implementation |
realiĝi | come true |
realisma | feasible |
realisto | realist |
realtempa | real-time, real time |
reanimi | reanimate |
rearanĝi | rearrange |
reasigni | reassign |
reasigni prioritaton | reassign priority, renice |
reatribui | reassign |
rebapti | rechristen, rename |
rebaptisto | Anabaptist |
rebati | reduce the price |
rebonigi | repair |
rebrilo | reflection |
receli | retarget |
recenzanto | reviewer |
recenzi | review |
recenzo | review |
recepto | prescription, recipe |
reciproka | reciprocal, mutual |
reciproka blokado | deadlock |
reciproke | mutually, reciprocally |
reciprokeca | reciprocity |
reciprokeco | reciprocity |
reciproki | reciprocate |
reciti | recite |
red. (redakcio) | ed., editorial staff |
red. (redaktis) | ed., edited by |
red. (redaktoro) | ed., editor |
redakcio | editorial staff, editorial office |
redakta | edit, editing |
redaktado | editing |
redaktanto | editor (person) |
redaktebla falmenuo | combobox, combo box, dropdown combobox, drop-down combo box |
redakti | edit |
redaktilo | editor |
redaktis | edited, edited by |
redaktisto | editor |
redakto | edit |
redaktokomando | edit command |
redaktomilito | edit war |
redaktoro | editor |
redaktujo | edit box |
Redemptoro | Redeemer, Savior, Saviour |
redesegni | redraw |
redingoto | frock coat |
rediri | repeat |
redisponigo de memoro | garbage collection (memory) |
redistribuo | redistribution |
redoni | give back, return |
reduktado | reduction |
reduktado de bildogrando | downsampling |
reduktaganto | reducing agent |
redukti | reduce |
redukti bildograndon | downsample |
reduktiĝi | recede, fall, be reduced |
redunda | redundant |
redundo | redundancy (redundant), redundancy (redundant) |
redundokontrolo | redundancy check |
ree | again, once more |
reedukado | re-education |
reeduki | re-educate |
reela | real |
reeldono | reissue, new edition |
reelekti | re-elect |
reelo | real number |
reen | back, backwards |
reenigi | reenter |
reenkarniĝo | reincarnation |
reetikedi | relabel |
refali | lapse |
refari | redo |
referaĵo | scholary report |
referanto | referrer |
referenca | reference, referring, refering |
referencaj | reference, referring, refering |
referencato | referenced variable |
referencdatuma | reference data, reference-data |
referenci | reference, refer |
referenci al | refer to |
referencilo | reference mark |
referenco | reference |
referenco-generilo | reference builder |
referencogenerilo | reference builder |
referenctabelo | table of authorities |
referi | give a report, lecture |
refleksiva | reflexive |
reflekso | reflex |
reflekta | reflective, reflector |
reflekti | reflect |
reflektilo | reflector |
reflektita | reflected |
reflektoro | headlight |
reflori | bloom later |
reflui | ebb |
refluo | low tide |
Reformacio | Reformation |
reformi | reform |
reformita | reformed |
reformo | reform |
refortiĝi | convalesce, get stronger, grow stronger, recuperate |
refrakto | refraction |
refreno | chorus |
refreŝigi | refresh |
refuĝi | flee back |
refuti | refute |
Reg. (Regularo) | bylaws, by-laws, regulations, rules |
regado | control, reign, rule |
regajni | earn back, regain, win back |
regali | entertain, treat |
regali per | treat to |
regalo | treat |
reganto | ruler |
regata | controlled |
regcedi | yield control |
regebla | manageable |
regeneri | regenerate |
regenerilo | restorer |
regenero | regeneration |
regeo | reggae |
regi | control, govern, restrain, rule |
regilo | control |
regimento | regiment |
regiona | regional |
regiondistribua | bridgehead (server) |
regionkodo | area code, areacode |
regiono | region |
registaro | government |
registra | record, registration |
registrado | recording, registration |
registraliro | write-access |
registrebla | recordable |
registrebla k-disko | CD-R, Compact Disc-Recordable |
registrebla KD | CD-R, Compact Disc-Recordable |
registreja | registry |
registreja ŝlosilo | registry key |
registrejo | registry |
registri | record |
registriĝo | registration |
registrilo | recorder |
registristo | registrar |
registrita | registered |
registro | record, register |
registro-aliro | write-access |
registro-starto | registry boot |
registroaliro | write-access |
registrostarto | registry boot |
registrota | to be burned, to be recorded |
registrumblinda | fold case |
registrumo | shift key, case |
registrumsentiva | case sensitive |
registrumviŝa | smash case |
regita | controlled |
reglamento | regulations, rules |
reglui | paste, yank |
regna | state, royal, national |
Regna Delegitaro | States General |
regnestro | head of state |
regno | realm, state |
regpovo | power, state power |
regrandigebla | resizable |
regrandigi | resize |
regresio | regression |
regreso | decline, going down |
regsigno | control character |
regstango | joystick |
regula | even, regular |
regula esprimo | regular expression |
regularo | regulations, rules, bylaws, by-laws |
regule | regularly |
regulesprimo | regexp, regular expression |
reguligi | regulate |
reguligilo | adjusting barrel |
reguligo | regulation |
regulilo | controller |
regulo | regulation, rule, bylaw, by-law |
reĝa | regal, royal |
reĝeco | kingship, royalty |
reĝimo | mode; regime |
reĝino | queen |
Reĝino Ĉarlotinsuloj | Queen Charlotte Islands |
reĝisoro | stage-manager |
reĝistra aŭtomato | unbounded register machine, URM; random-access machine, RAM |
reĝistro | register |
reĝlando | kingdom |
reĝo | king |
reĝustigi | adjust |
reinformpeti | requery |
reiri | go back, return |
rejnbarĝo | Rhine barge |
rejnlanda | Rhineland |
rejnlanda vino | hock, Rhine-wine |
Rejnlando | Rhineland |
Rejno | Rhine |
rejnŝipo | barge, Rhine-barge |
rejŝo | ratio, rate |
reĵeti | reject; throw back |
rekalkuli | recalculate; resample (image) |
rekalkuli senkondiĉe | recalculate hard |
rekapabligi | rehabilitate |
reklamacio | complaint |
reklamado | advertising |
reklamaĵo | ad |
reklambutono | advertising button |
reklami | advertise |
reklamilo | banner |
reklamo | advertisement |
reklamprogramaro | adware |
reklamrubando | banner |
rekomenci | resume, restart, start |
rekomenciga | reset |
rekomencigi | reset, set again, set to zero |
rekomencigo | reset |
rekomenda | recommendation |
rekomenda letero | letter of recommendation, letter of introduction |
rekomendi | recommend, register |
rekomendinda | recommendable; recommended; registered |
rekomendita | recommended; registered |
rekomendita letero | registered letter |
rekomendo | recommendation |
rekompenci | compensate, reward |
rekompenco | compensation, reward |
rekompili | recompile |
rekon-eraro | recognition error |
rekonebla | recognizable |
rekoneraro | recognition error |
rekoni | recognize, recognise |
rekonilo | recognition tool, recognizer |
rekonita | recognized |
rekonkeri | recapture |
rekono | recognition |
rekonsciiĝi | regain consciousness |
rekonstrui | reconstruct |
rekordo | record |
rekrei | re-create |
rekruti | recruit |
rekrutigi | recruit |
rekruto | recruit |
rekta | direct, straight |
rekta ekkrampo | opening square bracket, “[” |
rekta fasono | roman, upright |
rekta finkrampo | closing square bracket, “]” |
rekta komunikado | face-to-face communication |
rekta krampo | square bracket, “[” or “]” |
rekta ligilo | hard link, direct link |
rekta matrico | rectangular matrix |
rekta memoraliro | direct memory access |
rekta paragrafo | pilcrow |
rektangulo | right angle; relative |
rekte | directly, straight ahead |
rekte antaŭen | straight ahead, straight along |
rekte tra | throughout |
rektigo | straightening |
rektiĝi | stand upright |
rektkonekta kablo | cross-cable |
rektlinee | online |
rektoro | rector |
rektvica memoro | FIFO, first in first out |
rekunigi | put back together |
rekuniĝi | get back together |
rekuperi | reuse, reprocess |
rekuriga | rewind |
rekuriga klavo | rewind button |
rekursia | recursive |
rekursia ingado | nesting |
rekursie | recursively |
rekursio | recursion, recursive |
rekviemo | requiem |
rekvizicii | exact, requisition, seize |
rekvizicio | requisition |
relajsa | relay |
relajso | relay |
relativa | relative |
relative | fairly, rather, relatively |
relativigi | qualify, place in perspective |
releviĝi | get back up, rise again |
reliefigo | emboss (font effect) |
reliefiĝi | bevel |
reliefiĝo | chamfer |
reliefo | relief (sculpture) |
religia | religious |
religieco | religiosity |
religio | religion |
religiulo | religious person |
relikvo | relic |
relo | rail |
relokebla | relocatable |
remaĉi | chew the cud |
remaĉulo | ruminant |
remapi | remap |
remboato | rowboat, rowing boat |
remburi | pad, upholster, stuff |
remburso | COD, collect on delivery |
rememori | recall, recollect, remember |
rememorigi | recall |
rememorigo | recollection |
rememoro | recollection |
remendi | give a repeat order for, order a fresh supply of |
remeti | put back |
remi | row |
remilo | oar |
remisto | rower |
remizo | coach-house, shed |
remorki | tow |
remorko | trailer |
remparo | rampart |
rena | renal |
renaskiĝi | be born again |
renaskiĝo | rebirth |
rendevuejo | rendezvous, meeting place |
rendevui | meet |
rendevuo | appointment, date, rendezvous |
rendimenta | efficient, performance |
rendimento | return, yields, output |
renegato | deserter, renegate |
renesanco | renaissance |
renio | rhenium |
renkonti | come across, encounter, meet, see |
renkonti unu la alian | meet each other, meet one another |
renkontiĝi | meet |
renkonto | encounter |
reno | kidney |
renoma | famous |
renomi | rename |
renomo | fame, renown |
renonci | cancel |
renovigi | renew |
rentgena | x-ray, xray, x ray |
rentgenio | roentgenium |
rento | income, return |
rentumo | interest |
renversi | overthrow, turn, turn over, upset |
renversi veturile | run into |
renversiĝi | turn over |
reordigi | put back into order |
repacigi perkise | kiss and be friends again, make up by kissing |
repaciĝi | make up, reconcile |
repagi | repay |
repertuaro | repertoire |
repkantado | rap, rapping |
replenigi | refill |
replika | replication |
replikado | replication |
replikaĵaro | replica set |
replikaĵo | replica |
repliki | reply, answer back |
repliko | retort, reply |
repo | rap, rapping |
reporti | take back, bring back |
repostuli | demand back |
repravalorizi | reinitialize |
repreni | abjure |
represaĵo | reprint |
represi | reprint |
represo | reprint |
reprezalio | reprisal |
reprezentanto | representative |
reprezenti | represent |
reprezentigi | represent |
reprezento | representation |
reprinti | reprint |
reproduktado | playback |
reprodukti | render, reproduce |
reproduktiĝi | be reproduced |
reprodukto | reproduction |
reprovi | retry |
reptilio | reptile |
repuŝa | repulsive, repellent |
repuŝi | repulse |
reputacio | reputation |
resalti | rebound |
resanigi | cure, heal, remedy |
resaniĝi | recover |
resenda | return (address) |
resendi | return, send back |
reskani | rescan |
resonanca skatolo | sound box |
resondado | pingback |
resoni | echo, resound |
resono | echo, resonance |
resp (respektive) | respectively |
resp. (respektive) | respectively |
respecimeni | resample (image) |
respeguli | mirror, reflect |
respeguliĝo | reflection |
respektatesto | accolade |
respekti | respect |
respektinda | respectable |
respektindeco | deference, devotion, respect |
respektiva | respective |
respektive | respectively, as the case may be |
respekto | respect |
respiriga | respiration |
respiriga kuracado | artificial respiration |
responda | responsible |
respondado | answering, replying |
respondafiŝo | followup |
respondaparato | answering machine |
respondaro | FAQ, frequently asked questions, FAQ list |
respondblinko | prompt |
respondbutono | reply button |
respondeca | responsible |
respondecasekuro | liability insurance |
respondeci | bear responsibility |
respondecigi | hold responsible, blame |
respondeco | responsibility |
respondfrazo | fill in |
respondi | answer, reply, respond |
respondi al | answer |
respondigi | hold responsible |
respondil-atribuo | form assignment |
respondil-stirado | form control |
respondilatribuo | form assignment |
respondildifina | form-definition, form definition |
respondilo | answering tool |
respondilstirado | form control |
respondkupono | reply coupon, answer coupon |
respondo | answer, reply |
respondodosiero | answer file |
respondonivelo | response level |
respondotempo | response time |
respondtempo | response time, latency |
respublika | republican |
respublikano | republican |
respubliko | republic |
Respubliko de Makedonio (Makedonujo) | Macedonia, Republic of Macedonia |
Respubliko Kongo (Brazavila) | Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville; f.k.a. People’s Republic of the Congo, French Congo |
Respubliko Kongo, Demokratia (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) (Kinŝasa) | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo-Kinshasa; f.k.a. Zaire, Zaïre, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville), Belgian Congo, Congo Free State |
Respubliko Kongolo (Brazavila) | Republic of the Congo, Congo-Brazzaville; f.k.a. People’s Republic of the Congo, French Congo |
Respubliko Kongolo, Demokratia (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) (Kinŝasa) | Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo-Kinshasa; f.k.a. Zaire, Zaïre, Republic of the Congo (Léopoldville), Belgian Congo, Congo Free State |
Respubliko Makedonio (Makedonujo) | Macedonia, Republic of Macedonia |
Respublikon de Makedonio (Makedonujon) | Macedonia (accusative), Republic of Macedonia (accusative) |
Respublikon Makedonio (Makedonujon) | Macedonia (accusative), Republic of Macedonia (accusative) |
respurado | trackback |
restadejo | abode |
restadi | abide |
restado | stay |
restaĵejo | dump, refuse dump, tip, rubbish tip |
restaĵo | remainder, rest |
restanta | abiding, left, left over, remaining |
restarigo de ĉefsistemo | failback |
restarta | rerun |
restarteto | warm reboot, soft restart |
restarti | rerun |
restartigi | restart (computer) |
restartigo | reboot, restart |
restarto | reboot, restart |
restaŭra | restore, back-up |
restaŭrado | restoration |
restaŭrciklo | back-up cycle |
restaŭrdosiero | back-up file |
restaŭrebla | recoverable |
restaŭri | restore |
restaŭrkopio | backup file, recovery file, benchmark |
restaŭro | recovery |
restaŭrotaĵo | restore point |
resti | remain, stay, stay over |
resti en funkcio | continue in office, remain in office |
restigi | leave, keep |
resto | remainder, rest |
restoracio | restaurant |
restrikti | confine, limit, restrict |
restrukturi | reformat |
resuma | summary, outline |
resumaj | summary, outline |
resumi | abstract, summarize |
resumo | abridgement, abstract, summary |
reŝargi | reload, reset, reboot |
reŝargo | reset, reboot |
reŝarĝa | reset |
reŝarĝi | reboot |
reŝarĝo | reboot |
ret- | net-, web-, e-, electronic |
ret-araneo | webcrawler, web crawler, robot, web crawling bot, web-crawling bot, webcrawling bot, network spider |
ret-komunika | communication, web communication |
ret-regado | network control |
ret-registara | e-government, e-gov, electronic government |
reta | web-based, network, web, e-, online, web |
reta administrado | e-government |
reta aranĝo | web layout |
reta bulteno | e-newsletter |
reta indeksroboto | webcrawler, web crawler, robot, web crawling bot, web-crawling bot, webcrawling bot, network spider |
reta informpeto | webquery |
reta konferenco | conference (online) |
reta subregiono | subdomain |
reta versio | web version, webversion |
retadaptilo | network adapter, adapter |
retadresa | network address, email |
retadreso | email address |
retalira | network-access, network access, internet-access, internet access |
retaliro | network access, internet access |
retanalizilo | network tool |
retano | netter; netizen |
retaplikaĵo | web application, webapp, web app |
retaraneo | webcrawler, robot, network spider |
retarkivo | web archive, webarchive |
retbabilado kun video | videochat, video chat |
retbabilejo | chat box |
retbabili | chat |
retbankumado | e-banking |
retbutiko | e-shop |
retdepeŝo | email, email message |
reteja atestilo | site certificate |
reteja mapo | sitemap, site map |
retejestro | webmaster, web master |
retejgastigo | webhosting, web hosting |
retejliga | site-link (bridge), site link (bridge) |
retejo | site |
retelsendi | webcast |
retenhava | web-content, web content |
retenhavo | internet content |
reteni | detain, hold back, retain |
retestro | webmaster, web master |
retfasonisto | webdesigner, web designer |
retfasono | webdesign, web design |
retfluo | web feed |
retfoliumilo | browser, web browser, webbrowser |
retforumo | internet forum |
rethelpilo | web help |
retiketo | netiquette |
retikuliĝo | reticulation |
retinterfaca | network-interface, network interface |
retiri | draw back, withdraw |
retiriĝi | retreat |
retiriĝo | retreat |
retkafejo | internet cafe, internet café |
retkamerao | webcam |
retkaptejo | access point |
retkarto | network card |
retkesta | webmailbox, web mailbox |
retkesto | webbased email, web-based e-mail, web based e-mail, mailbox |
retkliento | web client |
retkomerco | e-commerce, ecommerce |
retkomunika protokolo | communication protocol |
retkonektado | networking, net-connecting |
retkonekto | internet access |
retkunsido | online meeting |
retlandano | netizen |
retlando | cyberspace |
retlernado | e-learning |
retletero | email |
retlibrejo | ebook website |
retlibro | ebook |
retligilo | weblink |
retmasko | network mask |
retmesaĝo | email |
retmigri | roaming |
retmigrula | roaming (profile), roaming user (profile) |
retmono | e-cash, electronic cash, e-money, electronic money, e-wallet, electronic wallet |
retmoroj | netiquette |
retnodo | host, node |
retnovaĵoj | Usenet, netnews |
reto | net, network |
retorika | rhetorical |
retorikaĵo | piece of rhetoric |
retoriko | oratory, rhetoric |
retotaglibra verkanto | blogger |
retotaglibro | blog, weblog, web log |
retotelefonado | VOIP, voice over IP, voice over internet protocol |
retotelefono | internet phone |
retpaĝaro | website, web site |
retpaĝo | internet page |
retpaĝoredaktilo | web authoring tool |
retpirato | cracker |
retplato | network card |
retponto | network bridge |
retpordego | network gateway |
retpoŝta | email, e-mail |
retpoŝta adreso | email address |
retpoŝta trompo | email-scam |
retpoŝtadreso | email address |
retpoŝtaj | email, e-mail |
retpoŝtamasa | mass email, mass e-mail |
retpoŝti | email |
retpoŝtilo | email client |
retpoŝto | email |
retpoŝtosistemo | email system, mail system |
retpoŝtotraktado | mail handling |
retpoŝtotraktilo | mail handler |
retprogramo | applet |
retrakti | reprocess |
retrega | network control, network-control |
retregado | network control |
retregiona | domain name, domain, DNS |
retregiona nomsistemo | DNS, domain name system |
retregiono | top-level domain, TLD |
retregistara | e-government, e-gov, electronic government |
retrejni | retrain |
retreklamo | webvertising |
retreto | retreat |
retrevuo | ezine |
retro-klavo | backspace |
retro-spegulo | rearview mirror, rear view mirror, rear-view mirror |
retrocitilo | backward quote |
retroira | backward, retrograde |
retroĵeto | inverse function |
retroklino | backslash |
retrokompilado | decompilation |
retrokongrua | backward compatible |
retrokongruo | backward compatibility, backwards compatibility |
retrokuplado | feed back |
retromendo | backorder |
retropaŝa | backspace |
retropaŝi | walk back, walk backwards; backspace |
retropaŝo | backspace |
retroprojektado | reverse engineering |
retroprojekti | reverse engineer |
retrospegulo | driving mirror |
retrospektiva | retrospective |
retrospurado | backtrace |
retrotraduki | disassemble |
retrotraduko | decompilation; disassembly |
retrovi | find, find again |
retrovo | salvage |
retseminario | webinar |
retserĉilo | search engine, webcrawler, spider |
retservilaro | web farm |
retservilo | webserver |
retservo | internet service |
retservoj | internet service |
retspaco | web space |
rettaglibro | weblog |
rettelefonado | VOIP, voice over IP, voice over internet protocol |
rettelefono | internet phone |
retumanto | cybernaut, internaut |
retumejo | cyber café, internet café |
retumi | browse (internet) |
retumilo | internet suite |
returne | back |
returniĝi | turn back |
retuŝi | touch up, retouch |
retuŝo | retouching |
Reunio | Réunion |
reunuigi | reunite |
reuzebla | reusable, boilerplate |
reuzebla fontkodo | reusable source code; snippet |
reuzi | reuse |
reŭmatismo | rheumatism |
revado | reverie |
revalorigo | revaluation |
revelacii | reveal |
revenadreso | return address |
revenbutono | return button |
revendi | resell |
revenĝismo | revanchism |
reveni | come back, return |
revenigi | return |
reveninta | bounced (email) |
reveno | return |
revenordono | return statement |
reverki | rewrite |
reverso | tails; lapel, back |
reveturi | travel back, go back |
revi | dream, daydream, fancy |
revidi | see again |
revigliĝi | revive, come to life again |
revivigo | revival, revitalization, revitalisation |
reviviĝi | revive |
revizia | revision, audit |
revizianto | reviewer |
revizii | revise |
reviziismo | revisionism |
reviziisto | auditor |
reviziita | revised |
revizio | revision |
revizoro | auditor, government inspector |
revo | dream, daydream |
revoka | callback |
revoki | revoke; call back |
revolando | dreamland |
revolucia | revolutionary |
revolucii | revolt |
revolucio | revolution, revolt |
revoluciulo | revolutionary |
revolvero | revolver |
revolvi | rewind |
revui | review |
revulo | dreamer, daydreamer, muser |
revuo | magazine, periodical, revue |
rezerva | reserve, backup, back-up, stand-by, standby, stand by |
rezerva memoro | back-up store |
rezervejo | preserve, reservation |
rezervi | reserve |
rezervigi | reserve |
rezervigo | booking |
rezervita | reserved, parking (hosting) |
rezervo | reserve, preserve |
rezervosistemo | reserve system, backup system, back-up system, stand-by system, standby system |
rezervujo | tank |
rezida | resident |
rezidejo | residence |
rezidi | reside |
reziduo | breakdown product |
rezignacii | acquiesce, resign oneself |
rezignacio | resignation |
rezignemo | acquiescence, resignation, submission |
rezigni | abandon, give up, resign, renounce |
rezigni pri | relinquish, renounce, waive |
rezigno | cession, relinquishment, renunciation, surrender |
rezignu | cancel, dismiss, forget |
rezino | resin |
rezista | resistive, resistant |
rezistado | resistance |
rezistanto | resister |
rezisti | resist, withstand |
rezisto | resistance |
rezolucio | motion, resolution |
rezoni | reason |
rezoni pri | argue, discuss, reason about, reason upon |
rezultato | conclusion, effect, result |
rezulti | result |
rezultigi | bring about |
rezulto | result |
ri | they (sing.) |
ri/rin/ria | they/them/theirs (sing.) |
ria | their (sing.), theirs (sing.) |
Riado | Riyadh |
ribelanto | mutineer, rebel |
ribelema | insubordinate, rebellious |
ribeli | rebel, revolt |
ribelo | mutiny, rebellion, revolt |
ribelulo | rebel |
ribĝino | black currant gin |
ribmarmelado | currant jam |
ribo | currant |
ribofolio | currant leaf |
ribokremaĵo | currant custard |
ribokustardo | currant custard |
ribsuko | currant juice |
ribujo | currant, currant bush |
ricelanto | fence |
ricevanto | recipient, consignee |
ricevatesto | receipt |
ricevebla | available |
ricevejo | reception room |
ricevi | get, have, receive |
ricevi erektiĝon | have an erection |
ricevilo | receiver |
ricevo-kvitanco | receive receipt, return receipt |
ricevokvitanco | receive receipt, return receipt |
ricevonto | receiver |
ricevujo | inbox |
riĉa | rich, wealthy, well-off |
Riĉa Teksto-Formato | RTF, Rich Text Format, Rich-Text Format, .rtf |
Riĉa Teksto-Formo (Riĉa Teksto-Formato) | RTF, Rich Text Format, Rich-Text Format, .rtf |
riĉaĵo | wealth |
riĉeco | abundance, wealth |
riĉega | immensely rich, rolling in money |
riĉigi | enrich, make rich |
riĉiĝi | become rich |
riĉulo | rich man |
ridado | laughter |
ridegi | roar with laughter |
rideti | smile |
rideto | smile |
ridetulo | smiley, smiley guy, smileyface, smiley face |
ridi | laugh |
ridinda | ridiculous |
ridindaĵo | ridiculous thing |
ridindigi | ridicule |
ridmieno | smiley face |
rido | laugh |
rifo | reef |
rifuĝejo | place of refuge, shelter |
rifuĝi | take refuge |
rifuĝinto | refugee |
rifuĝo | refuge |
rifuzi | refuse, reject |
rifuzo | refusal |
rig (rigardo) | look |
rigardaĉi | gape at |
rigardado | examination |
rigardanto | spectator |
rigardi | consider, deem, look, look at, regard, view, watch |
rigardi fikse | gaze, peer, stare |
rigardi kiel | consider, deem, see as |
rigardi malsupren | look down |
rigardo | look |
rigi | rig |
rigida | rigid, stiff |
riglado | interlocking |
rigli | bolt, fasten |
riglilo | bolt |
Rigo | Riga (Latvia) |
Rigon | Riga (Latvia) (accusative) |
rigora | rigorous, stringent |
rigoro | rigor, rigour |
rikani | sneer |
rikiŝo | rickshaw |
rikoltaĵo | harvest |
rikolti | harvest |
rikolto | harvest |
rikorda kazo | variant |
rikordaro | action table |
rikordlongo | record length |
rikordo | record |
rikordotipo | record type |
rikura | recursive |
rikuro | recursion, recursive, recursion, recursive |
rikurskemo | recurrence pattern, recursion pattern |
rilakso | relaxation |
rilata | related, relational |
rilatato | antecedent |
rilate | as to, as regards, concerning |
rilate al | toward, towards, with reference to |
rilateca | relevancy, relevance |
rilateco | relevance, relevancy |
rilati | concern, relate |
rilato | relation |
rilatsimbolo | relational operator |
rilatumo | ratio |
rim (rimarkigo) | note, note that, n.b., nota bene |
rim (rimarko) | note, note that, n.b., nota bene |
rim. (rimarkigo) | note, note that, n.b., nota bene |
rim. (rimarko) | note, note that, n.b., nota bene |
rimarki | notice |
rimarkigi al | bring to the attention of |
rimarkigo | remark |
rimarkinda | noteworthy, remarkable |
rimarko | notice, observation, remark |
rimarkoj | feedback |
rimed-elĉerpo-solvilo | resource exhaustion resolver, resource-exhaustion resolver |
rimed-elĉerpo-trovo | resource exhaustion detector, resource-exhaustion detector |
rimedelĉerpo-solvilo | resource exhaustion resolver, resource-exhaustion resolver |
rimedelĉerpo-trovo | resource exhaustion detector, resource-exhaustion detector |
rimedelĉerposolvilo | resource exhaustion resolver, resource-exhaustion resolver |
rimedelĉerpotrovo | resource exhaustion detector, resource-exhaustion detector |
rimedo | means, remedy, resources |
rimedoj | means |
rimeno | strap |
rimi | rhyme |
rimigi | rhyme |
rimo | rhyme |
rin | them (sing.) |
ringa | ring, circular, cyclic, end-around |
ringego | hoop |
ringo | ring; ring (diacritic), kroužek, ̊, ˚ |
rinocero | rhino, rhinoceros |
ripara | repairing, corrective |
ripara funkciteno | corrective maintenance |
riparado | recovery, repair |
ripardisko | recovery disk, recovery media |
ripardosiero | recovery file, backup file, back-up file |
riparebla | recoverable |
ripari | fix, repair |
riparilo | repair tool; wrench |
riparisto | repairman |
riparo | repair |
riparopcio | recovery option |
riparpago | reparation |
riparpolitiko | recovery policy |
riparprotokolo | recovery log |
ripartempo | repair time |
ripeta | repetitive |
ripetadi | iterate |
ripetado | repetition |
ripetaĵo | vamp |
ripetfoje | repeatedly |
ripetfrazo | riff |
ripeti | repeat |
ripetiĝi | repeat oneself, be repeated |
ripetilo | repeater, iterator |
ripetita | repeated |
ripeto | repetition |
ripetprokrasto | repeat delay |
ripo | rib |
ripozejo | resting place |
ripozi | repose, rest |
ripozo | repose, rest |
riproĉa rimarko | observation, remark |
riproĉadmono | reproof |
riproĉi | blame, rebuke, reproach, reprove, scold |
riproĉi malafable | snap at, snarl at, snub |
riproĉinda | reprehensible |
riproĉo | reproach |
riska | hazardous, risky |
riskanalizo | risk analysis |
riski | hazard, risk, venture |
risko | hazard, risk |
risko-analizo | risk analysis |
riskoanalizo | risk analysis |
riskomastrumado | risk management |
rismo | ream |
risorto | spring |
risurco | resource |
risurco-rezervo | resource allocation |
risurcorezervo | resource allocation |
rita | ritual |
rita sinlavo | ablution, ritual purification |
ritaro | ritual |
ritma | rhythmic |
ritmenbluso | rhythm and blues |
ritmo | rhythm |
rito | rite |
rivali | rival |
rivalo | rival |
riveladhaltigenzo | stop bath |
rivelado | developing |
rivelaganto | developer |
rivelatoro | developing machine |
riveli | develop, reveal |
rivelilo | developer |
rivelita | processed |
rivelkuvo | developing tank |
riverbordo | riverbank |
riverenci | bow, curtsy |
riverenco | bow, curtsy, obeisance |
rivereto | stream |
rivero | river |
Riviero | Italian Riviera |
rivoluo | revolution (mechanical) |
rizero | grain of rice |
rizkampo | paddy field, ricefield |
rizkampulo | rice field, paddy field |
rizo | rice |
rizoplanto | rice plant |
rizvino | sake |
rk. (respondkupono) | answer coupon |
ro (R) | R, the letter R, ar (letter name), or (letter name) |
Roberto | Robert |
Roberton | Robert (accusative) |
robo | dress, gown, robe |
roboto | robot |
robotteĥniko | robotics |
Rod-Insulo | Rhode Island |
Rodano | Rhone |
Rodesio | Rhodesia |
Rodezio | Rhodesia |
rodi | gnaw |
rodio | rhodium |
rodo | anchorage, moorage, mooring |
rododendro | rhododendron |
rojeto | brooklet, rill, rivulet |
rojo | brook, stream |
roka | rocky; rock (music) |
rokabilo | rockabilly |
rokenrolo | rock and roll, rock |
Rokmontaro | Rocky Mountains |
roko | rock (stone); rock (music) |
rokstedio | rock steady |
rokvideo | rock video |
rol-atribuo | role assignment |
rol-difino | role definition |
rol-ŝango | role switching |
rolanto | character |
rolatribuo | role assignment |
rolbazita | role-based, role based |
roldifino | role definition |
rolo | part, role |
rolŝango | role switching |
rolulo | character |
roma | Roman |
romaa | Romani, Romany, Gypsy, Gipsy |
Romana | Roman |
romanco | romance |
romanĉa | Romansh, Romansch, Rumantsch, Rumantsh, Romanche |
romanika | Romanesque |
romanisto | fiction writer, novelist |
romano | Roman; novel |
romantika | romantic |
romantiko | romanticism |
rombo | rhombus |
romia | Roman |
romiano | Roman |
Romio | Roman Empire |
romkatolikismo | Roman Catholicism |
romkatolikismon | Roman Catholicism (accusative) |
Romo | Rome |
rompdancado | break dance |
rompi | break |
rompiĝema | breakable, brittle, fragile |
rompiĝi | break |
rompiĝinta | broken |
rompita | broken |
rompŝtelisto | burglar |
rompŝtelo | burglary |
ronda | round |
ronda ekkrampo | opening parenthesis, “(” |
ronda finkrampo | closing parenthesis, “)” |
ronda hoketo | breve, ̆, ̆, ̮, ̯ |
ronda krampo | bracket, parenthesis, “(” or “)” |
rondeto | circle, small group |
rondigeraro | rounding error |
rondigi | round, round off |
rondigita | rounded |
rondigo | rounding off (rounding down, rounding up) |
rondo | circle |
rondodanco | round dance |
ronĝi | gnaw, nibble |
ronĝulo | rodent |
ronki | snore |
rosmaro | walrus |
roso | dew |
rostaĵo | roast |
rostbifo | roastbeef |
rosti | roast, toast |
rostiĝi | roast |
rostita | roasted |
rostro | proboscis, trunk |
rotacii | rotate (intr.) |
rotacio | rotation |
rotango | rattan |
rotario | Rotary, Rotary clubs |
Roterdamo | Rotterdam |
roto | gang, squad |
rototamo | roto-tom |
roza | pink |
rozarbusto | rose bush |
rozario | rosary |
rozkolora | pink |
rozo | rose |
rpk (respondkupono) | reply coupon, answer coupon |
RSS-abono | RSS subscription, RSS subscription, RDF Site Summary subscription, Really Simple Syndication subscription, Resource Description Framework Site Summary subscription |
RSS-fluo | RSS feed, RSS feed, RDF Site Summary feed, Really Simple Syndication feed, Resource Description Framework Site Summary feed |
RSS-legilo | RSS reader, RSS reader, RDF Site Summary reader, Really Simple Syndication reader, Resource Description Framework Site Summary reader |
RTF-a (de Riĉa Teksto-Formato) | RTF, Rich Text Format, Rich-Text Format, .rtf |
ruanda | Rwandan, Kinyarwanda |
ruandano | Rwandan |
Ruando | Rwanda |
rubaĵo | junk |
rubanda | banded |
rubando | ribbon |
rubejo | garbage dump |
rubekolo | robin |
rubeno | ruby |
rubeolo | German measles |
rubidio | rubidium |
Rubikono | Rubicon |
rublo | rouble, ruble |
rubo | debris, rubbish, rubble |
ruboj | rubbish, old materials |
rubriko | column, header |
rubujo | garbage can |
rubusbero | blackberry |
rubuso | blackburry bush, bramble |
rudimento | rudiment |
Rudolflago | Lake Rudolf |
rudro | rudder |
rufa | russet, rust-colored, rust-coloured, roan |
rufo | ruff |
ruĝa | red |
Ruĝa Kruco | Red Cross |
Ruĝa Maro | Red Sea |
ruĝa ribo | currant |
ruĝa-ribgelatenaĵo | currant jelly |
ruĝbruna | maroon |
ruĝhaŭtulo | redskin |
ruĝiĝi | blush |
Ruĝkufulineto | Little Red Ridinghood |
ruĝo | red |
ruĝulo | red |
ruinigi | ruin |
ruiniĝi | decay |
ruiniĝo | decay |
ruino | ruin |
rukti | belch, burp |
rul | run |
rulado | drum roll, roll |
rulbendo | open reel (tape) |
ruldomo | mobile home, trailer |
rulfari | roll |
ruli | roll |
ruliĝi | roll |
rulilo | roller |
rulkurteno | roller-blind |
rulo | roll |
rulpremilo | wring roller |
rulringo | hub (wheel) |
rulseĝo | wheelchair |
rulsketi | roller skate |
rulsketilo | roller skate |
rulŝtuparo | escalator |
rulŝuo | rollerskate |
rultamburo | side drum |
rultempa | run-time, dynamic |
ruluma | scroll |
rulumado | scrolling |
rulumi | roll |
rulumilo | scroll ball (mouse) |
rulumsaga | scroll-arrow, scroll arrow |
rulumskalo | scroll bar |
rumana | Romanian, Rumanian |
rumanĉa | Romansh, Romansch, Rumantsh, Rumantsch, Romanche; rumantsch, rumauntsch, romontsch |
rumanino | Romanian woman, Rumanian woman |
Rumanio | Romania, Rumania |
rumano | Romanian, Rumanian |
Rumanujo | Romania, Rumania |
rumekso | sorrel |
rumo | rum |
rumoro | hubbub, din, racket |
ruro | rural areas, countryside |
Rurvalo | Ruhr |
rusa | Russian |
rusena | Ruthenian, Chancery Slavonic, Western Russian |
Rusia Federacio (Rusujo) | Russian Federation, Russia |
Rusian Federacion (Rusujon) | Russian Federation (accusative), Russia (accusative) |
rusino | Russian woman |
Rusio | Russia |
Ruslando | Russia |
ruso | Russian |
rusta | rusty |
rusti | rust |
rustimuna | rustproof |
rusto | rust |
Rusujo | Russia |
rutenio | ruthenium |
rutino | routine |
ruza | clever, cunning, sly, smart |
ruzaĵo | ruse, stratagem, trick |
ruzeco | cunning, subtlety, slyness |
ruzo | ruse, trick |
ruzulo | sly person, cunning person |
RVB (Ruĝa-Verda-Blua) | RGB, Red-Green-Blue |
RVB-valoro | RGB value
S |
s (sudo) | S., S, south |
s (ŝi) | she |
s-ano | fellow Esperantist (honorific) |
s-ino (sinjorino) | Mrs. |
s-inoj (sinjorinoj) | Mmes., Mesdames |
s-ro (sinjoro) | Mr. |
S-ta (Sankta) | St., Saint |
SA (Simpla Abonanto) | simple subscriber |
sabato | Saturday; Sabbath |
sabiro | Mediterranean Lingua Franca, Sabir |
sabla | sandy, sand |
sablero | grain of sand |
sablo | sand |
sablobenko | bank, sandbank |
sablopapero | sandpaper |
saboti | sabotage |
sacerdota | priestly |
sacerdoto | priest |
sadisma | sadistic |
sadismo | sadism |
sadisto | sadist |
sagaca | astute, shrewd |
sageto | dart |
Sagitario | Sagittarius |
sago | arrow |
sagoklavo | arrow key |
saĝa | sagacious, sage, wise |
saĝeco | wisdom |
saĝo | wisdom |
saĝumi | act wise, show off, split hairs |
Saharo | Sahara |
saketo | minisack, mini-sack, minibag, mini-bag |
sakfajfilo | bagpipes |
sako | bag, sack |
Sakramenta Tago | Corpus Christi |
sakramento | sacrament |
sakreto | stub network |
sakri | curse, cuss, swear |
sakrilegio | sacrilege |
saksa | Saxon |
Saksio | Saxe, Saxony |
sakso | Saxon |
saksofono | saxophone |
sakstrato | deadend street, dead-end street, dead end street |
Saksujo | Saxe, Saxony |
sakŝalmo | bagpipes |
sakvojo | blind alley, cul-de-sac |
sal (saluton) | hi, hello |
sala | salty |
sala akvo | salt water |
salajro | salary, wage, wages |
salajrulo | wage-earner |
salamandro | salamander |
salamo | salami |
salato | salad |
saldi | strike a balance |
saldo | balance |
salero | grain of salt |
sali | salt |
saliko | willow |
salikoketo | shrimp |
salikoko | prawn |
salivi | salivate |
salivo | saliva |
salivtuketo | bib |
salivumi | slobber |
salmo | salmon |
salo | salt |
Salomono | Salomon |
Salomonoj | Solomon Islands |
salono | lounge, parlor, parlour, salon, sitting room |
salpingo | Fallopian tube |
salso | salsa |
saltataki | leap upon, pounce upon, spring upon |
salteti | hop |
salti | jump, leap, spring |
salti al | jump to |
salto | jump, leap; break |
saltopaĝo | jump page |
saltotabulo | diving board |
salujo | saltshaker |
saluta ŝelo | login shell |
salutadministrilo | login manager |
salutado | greeting, salutation |
saluti | greet, salute |
saluti militiste | salute |
salutnomo | login name, user name |
saluto | greeting |
saluton | hello |
salutŝildo | splash screen |
Salvadoro | El Salvador |
salvio | sage |
sama | same |
samaĝa | of the same age |
samaksa | coaxial |
samaksa kablo | coax cable |
samampleksa | of the same size, co-extensive |
samaria | Samaritan |
samariano | Samaritan |
Samario | Samaria, samarium |
samaritano | Samaritan |
sambo | samba |
sambuko | elder |
samcentra | concentric |
same | equally, likewise |
samea | Sami, Saami |
samgrada | of equal degree, of equal extent |
samideano | fellow Esperantist; fellow-thinker |
samlandano | compatriot |
samloke | in place |
sammomenta | concurrent |
samnomulo | namesake |
samoa | Samoan |
Samoo | Samoa |
samopinii | concur |
samovaro | samovar |
sampli | sample |
samplilo | sampler |
samprofesiano | colleague |
samranga | on the same level, of equal rank |
samseksa | of the same sex |
samseksemulo | gay person, homosexual |
samsenca | having the same sense |
samspeca | similar |
samtavola | same-level, peer |
samtavola dosierdivida protokolo | BitTorrent |
samtavola kaŝmemorigo | peer-caching |
samtavola komunikada | peer-to-peer |
samtavola komunikado | peer-to-peer |
samtavolano | peer |
samtempa | simultaneous |
samtempe | at the same time |
samtempulo | contemporary |
samurajo | samurai |
sana | healthy, well |
sandalo | sandal |
sandviĉo | sandwich |
saneco | health |
sanga | bloody |
sangadulto | adultery |
sangalfluo | congestion, rush |
sangavida | bloodthirsty |
sangellasi | bleed |
sangellaso | bleeding, blood-letting |
sangi | bleed |
sango | blood |
sangoa | Sango, Sangho |
sangokovrita | bloodstained, covered with blood |
sangomakulita | bloodstained, covered with blood |
sangomanka | anaemic |
sangomanko | anaemia |
sangopremo | blood pressure |
sangoruĝa | blood-red, blood red |
sangoverŝo | bloodshed |
sani | be well |
saniga | healing, healthy |
sanigi | cure, heal, remedy |
saniĝi | return to health |
sankciado | sanction |
sankcii | sanction |
sankcio | sanction |
sankorpa | able-bodied |
Sankt-Peterburgo | Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Санкт-Петербург |
sankta | holy, sacred |
Sankta Heleno | Saint Helena, St. Helena |
Sankta Ĵaŭdo | Maundy Thursday |
Sankta Kristoforo kaj Neviso | Saint Kitts and Nevis, St. Kitts and Nevis |
Sankta Lucio | Saint Lucia, St. Lucia |
Sankta Nikolao | Saint Nicholas, St. Nicholas |
Sankta Petroburgo (Sankt-Peterburgo) | Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Санкт-Петербург |
Sankta Piero kaj Mikelono | Saint Pierre and Miquelon, St. Pierre and Miquelon |
Sankta Vendredo | Good Friday |
Sankta Vincento kaj Grenadinoj | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Vincent and the Grenadines |
sanktago | holy deed |
sanktaĵo | holy object, sacred object |
sankteco | holiness |
sanktejo | sanctuary, sanctum |
sanktiga | sanctifying |
sanktigi | sanctify |
sanktiĝi | become holy |
sanktoleado | administration of the last sacraments |
sanktolei | administer the last sacraments |
Sanktulara Festo | All Hallows, All Saints’ Day |
sanktulino | saint (female) |
sanktulo | saint |
Sanmarino | San Marino |
sano | health |
sanskrito | Sanskrit |
sanstato | state of health |
santala | Santali |
Santomeo kaj Principeo | São Tomé and Príncipe, Sao Tome and Principe |
sanulo | healthy person |
sapei | sap, undermine |
sapo | soap |
sapumi | soap |
sarda | Sardinian |
sardelo | sardine |
sardinia | Sardinian |
Sardinio | Sardinia |
sardino | sardine |
Sardio | Sardinia |
Sardlando | Sardina |
sardo | Sardinian |
Sardujo | Sardinia |
sarkasma | sarcastic |
sarkasmo | sarcasm |
sarki | weed, weed out |
sarkilo | hoe |
sarkindaĵo | garbage, refuse, rubbish, waste |
Sarlando | Saarland |
sarongo | sarong |
SAT (Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda) | World Anational Association |
sata | full, replete, satisfied |
satana | Satanic |
Satano | Lucifer, Satan |
SATEB (Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda en Britio) | World Anational Association in Britain |
sateco | satiety |
satelito | satellite |
sateno | satin |
sati | be full, have enough |
satiga | filling |
satigi | fill, satiate |
satira | satire |
satiro | satire |
satureco | saturation |
saturi | saturate |
Saturnalio | Saturnalia |
Saturno | Saturn |
Sauda Arabujo | Saudi Arabia |
Saudiarabio | Saudi Arabia |
Saudiarabujo | Saudi Arabia |
saŭco | gravy, sauce |
saŭdado | nostalgia, pensiveness |
saŭno | sauna |
savanto | savior, saviour |
Savarmeo | Salvation Army |
savboato | lifeboat |
savebla | salvageable, saveable |
savi | keep, save, rescue |
saviĝi | be preserved, be saved |
Savinto | Savior, Saviour |
savmono | salvage, salvage money |
savo | salvage, salvation, recovery |
savzono | seatbelt, lifebelt, safety belt |
sbiro | cop, pig |
scenara mastrumilo | scenario manager |
scenaro | script |
scenejo | stage |
sceno | scene |
sceptro | sceptre |
Schengen-spaco | Schengen Area |
Schengen-zono (Schengen-spaco) | Schengen Area |
Schengena | Schengen |
Schengeno | Schengen |
sciado | knowledge |
sciavida | inquisitive |
sciavido | curiosity |
scienca | scientific |
sciencisto | scientist |
scienco | science |
scienculo | scholar |
scii | know, know how |
sciiga | notification |
sciigi | let know, inform |
sciigo | advice, announcement, communication, message, notice, report |
sciiĝi | find out, hear, learn of |
sciinda | worth knowing |
scio | knowledge |
sciobazo | knowledge base |
sciocentro | center of excellence |
sciodivido | knowledge sharing |
sciokunhavigo | knowledge sharing |
scipovi | know how |
scipovo | know-how |
sciuro | squirrel |
scivola | curious, inquisitive |
scivole | inquisitively |
scivolema | inquisitive |
scivoleme | inquisitively |
scivolemo | curiosity |
scivoli | want to know, wonder |
scivolo | curiosity |
se | if, provided that |
SE (sudeosto) | S.E., SE, southeast, south east, south-east |
sea | what-if |
seanca | session |
seanco | session |
seanco-koncentriĝo | session concentration |
seancokoncentriĝo | session concentration |
sebo | suet, tallow |
seborgio | seaborgium |
secesio | breakaway, secession, separation |
sed | but |
segi | saw |
segilo | saw |
segmento | segment |
segregacio | apartheid |
seĝo | chair |
sejŝela | Seychellois |
Sejŝeloj | Seychelles |
sek. (sekretario) | sec., secy., secretary |
seka | dry |
sekalo | rye |
sekcado | autopsy |
sekci | dissect |
sekcia nomo | section name |
sekcia vidujo | section viewport |
sekciestro | head of department |
sekcio | section |
sekeco | dryness |
sekiga tuko | tea towel |
sekigado | drying |
sekigi | dry |
sekiĝi | dry |
sekr. (sekretario) | sec., secy., secretary |
sekrecii | secrete |
sekrecio | secretion |
sekreta | secret |
sekretariino | secretary |
sekretario | secretary |
sekreto | secret |
sekretŝlosila | secret-key, secret key |
seksa | generative, sexual |
seksarda | in heat |
seksardo | heat, sexual desire |
seksilo | sex organ |
sekskuniĝi | have sexual intercourse, mate |
sekskuniĝo | copulation |
sekso | sex |
seksumi | have sex |
seksumo | sex |
sektisma | sectarian |
sekto | sect |
sektoraro | cluster |
sektorkodo | industry code |
sektoro | sector |
sekunde | per second |
sekundo | second |
sekundo, en | per second |
sekura | safe, secure |
sekurec-vundeblo | security vulnerability |
sekureca | security |
sekureco | safety, security |
sekureco-cimo | security bug |
sekureco-politiko | security policy |
sekureco-testo | security test |
sekurecocimo | security bug |
sekurecopolitiko | security policy |
sekurecotesto | security test |
sekurecvundeblo | security vulnerability |
sekuriga | security |
sekurigebla | securable |
sekurigfiltrilo | safelight filter |
sekurigi | secure, make safe |
sekurigilo | fuse |
sekurigita | secured |
sekuriglumigilo | safelight |
sekurigo | safety, security |
sekurigo-dialogujo | put file dialog |
sekurigodialogujo | put file dialog |
sekurkopii | backup |
sekurkopio | backup |
sekurmarĝeno | safety margin |
sekurŝelo | SSH, secure shell |
sekurzono | safety belt |
sekva | next |
sekvanta | following, next |
sekvantaro | adherents, disciples, followers, following, party, supporters |
sekvanto | successor |
sekve | consequently, so, subsequently, thus, because |
sekve de tio | as a consequence, consequently |
sekvenca | sequential |
sekvencilo | sequencer |
sekvenco | sequence |
sekvi | follow |
sekvigi | entail |
sekvilo | trace program |
sekvinta | next |
sekvo | consequence |
sekvojo | sequoia |
sekvonta | following, next |
Selando | Zealand |
selektaĵo | selection |
selektiva | selective |
seleno | selenium |
selforko | seat stay, saddle fork |
selligilo | seat binder, saddle linker, saddle link |
selo | nut |
selsaketo | saddle minibag, saddle minisack, seat minibag, underseat minibag |
selsako | saddlebag, saddle sack, seat bag, underseat bag |
selstango | seatpost |
seltubo | seat tube, saddle tube |
semaforo | stoplight, semaphore |
semajnfino | weekend |
semajno | week |
semantika | semantic |
semantiko | semantics |
semi | sow |
semida | Semitic |
semido | Semite |
semiotiko | semiotics |
semo | seed |
sen | without |
sen- | without, -less, un- |
senafekteco | abandonment |
senage | passively |
senalkohola | non-alcoholic |
senamika | friendless |
senantaŭjuĝa | free of prejudice |
senarbigi | deforest, clear |
senarma | unarmed |
senarmigi | disarm |
senasista | unattended |
senatano | senator |
senatendeco | zero wait state |
senatenta | careless, negligent |
senatenteco | carelessness, negligence |
senato | senate |
senaŭtorrajta | royalty-free |
senbara | unbounded |
senbarba | beardless |
senbezona | needless |
senbrida | lawless, licentious, riotous |
senbrua | noiseless |
senbufra | unbuffered |
sencela | pointless, purposeless |
sencerba | brainless |
senceremonia | unceremonious |
sencimiga | debugging, debug |
sencimigi | debug |
sencimigo | debugging |
senco | meaning, sense |
senĉesa | constant, lasting, sustained |
senĉese | all the time, ceaselessly |
senda | sending; SMTP (server), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (server), Simple Mail-Transfer Protocol (server) |
sendado | submission |
sendaĵero | bag, bale, barrel, package |
sendaĵeroj | bags, bales, barrels, goods, packages |
sendaĵo | item of mail |
sendanĝera | safe, harmless, safety |
sendanĝereco | safety |
sendanka | ungrateful, thankless |
sendefenda | defenceless |
sendenta | toothless |
sendependa | independent |
sendepende | independently, independent |
sendependeco | independence |
sendevigi | exempt |
sendi | send, transmit, submit |
sendia | godless |
sendigna | without dignity, undignified |
sendilo | sender, sending tool, transmitter |
sendinto | sender |
sendirekta | undirected |
sendistinge | regardless, without distinction |
sendita | sent |
sendito | ambassador, emissary, envoy, messenger |
senditujo | outbox |
sendkontrolilo | send-monitor |
sendolora | painless |
sendorma | sleepless |
sendormeco | sleeplessness |
sendrata | wireless |
sendrata reto | Wi-Fi, wifi |
sendricevilo | transceiver |
sendrogiĝi | kick it |
sendube | no doubt, undoubtedly |
senefekta | waste |
senefika | ineffective, to no avail |
senegala | unequalled |
senegaliano | Senegalese |
Senegalio | Senegal |
Senegalo | Senegal |
seneĥa | without any reaction |
senenergia | listless |
senerara | free of errors |
senerarigi | debug |
senerarigo | debugging |
senescepta | free of exceptions |
senespera | abysmal, desperate |
senespere | despairingly |
senetikeda | unlabelled |
senfadenigi | string |
senfama | obscure |
senfara | idle |
senfeligi | flay, skin, strip |
senfina | everlasting, infinite, endless |
senfine | endlessly |
senfokusa | afocal |
senforma | shapeless |
senforta | feeble, powerless |
senfragmentigi | unfragment |
senfrukta | barren |
sengusta | tasteless |
senĝena | free and easy |
senĝeneco | abandonment |
senhalta | continuous |
senhalte | at a strech, on end |
senhara | hairless |
senhaŭtigi | skin |
senhava | miserable, needy |
senhaveco | destitution, distress, indigence, need, penury |
senhavigi | deprive of |
senhavigo | denial (service) |
senhavigo de servoj | DoS, denial of service, denial-of-service |
senhavulo | pauper, poor man |
senhejma | homeless |
senhejmulo | homeless person |
senhelpa | helpless |
senherbigi paŝtiĝe | browse, graze |
senheredigi | disinherit |
senhezite | without hesitation |
senhoma | gaunt |
senhonorigi | dishonor, dishonour |
senhonta | abandoned |
senhontaĵo | shamelessness, outrage |
senhonte | abandonedly |
senigi | deprive, deprive of |
seniluziigi | disappoint, set straight |
seniluziiĝi | become disillusioned |
senimposta | duty-free, tax-free |
senindulga | merciless |
seninfana | childless |
seninflua | without influence |
senintenca | unintentional |
senintence | by accidence |
senintereza | interest-free |
seninterrompa | continuous |
seninterrompe | at a strech, for ... together, on end |
senjoro | feudal lord, squire, lord |
senjunta | seamless |
senkabla | without cables; radio |
senkapa | headless |
senkapigi | behead, decapitate |
senkaŝa | unconcealed |
senkaŭza | unfounded, groundless |
senkolora | colorless, colourless |
senkompato | harshness |
senkondiĉa | unconditional |
senkondiĉa iteracio | loop statement |
senkonekte | offline, off-line, off line |
senkonscia | unconscious |
senkonscienca | unscrupulous, unprincipled |
senkonsciiĝi | lose consciousness |
senkonsidera | ruthless, heedless |
senkonsila | disconsolate |
senkonsola | desolate |
senkopirajta | public-domain, public domain |
senkora | heartless |
senkosta | free, free of charge |
senkrampa | parentheses-free, Polish (notation) |
senkreditigi | discredit |
senkremigi | cream, skim |
senkreskaĵa | bleak |
senkritika | uncritical |
senkulpa | guiltless, innocent |
senkulpeco | innocence |
senkulpigi | excuse |
senkulpigi sin | apologize |
senkultura | without culture, dreary |
senkunkudra | seamless |
senkunteksta | context-free |
senkuraĝa | disheartened |
senlabora | unemployed |
senlaboreco | unemployment |
senlaborulo | unemployed person |
senlaca | tireless |
senlima | absolute |
senlinee | offline, off-line, off line |
senluma | pitch-dark |
senmakroa | macro-free |
senmakula | spotless |
senmalica | guileless, inoffensive |
senmanke | without fail |
senmaska | unmasked |
senmaskigi | unmask |
senmemora | combinational, combinatorial |
senmona | broke, without money; non-monetary |
senmora | immoral |
senmorta | immortal |
senmorterigi | chip, chip off |
senmova | motionless |
sennacia | anational |
sennacieco | anationality |
sennaciismo | anationalism |
sennaciisto | anationalist |
sennaciulo | anational |
sennoma | anonymous, nameless, without a name |
sennoma akcio | bearer share, share to bearer |
sennombra | countless |
sennomeco | anonymity |
senodorigi | deodorize, deodorise |
senofica | private |
senokupa | idle |
senorda | disordered |
senpaga | free |
senpage | for nothing, free, gratis |
senpanea | failproof |
senpaneigi | fix |
senpartia | impartial |
senpasie | dispassionately |
senpaŝa | dead, non-spacing |
senpatra | fatherless |
senpena | effortless |
senpensa | unthinking, without any thought |
senpera | direct; immediate (addressing) |
senpera ligilo | direct link, hardlink, hard link |
senperda | lossless |
senpere | directly |
senperspektiva | without any prospects |
senpezeco | weightlessness |
senpinta | blunt |
senpintigi | top, truncate |
senplana | unplanned |
senplue | without compunctions, without further ado |
senpolvigi | dust |
senposedigi | deprive of |
senpotencigi | remove from power |
senpova | powerless |
senpoveco | impotence, powerlessness |
senprava | without justification |
senprecedenca | unprecedented |
senpretenda | unassuming, unpretentious |
senpretendiĝi | back down, climb down |
senpripensa | thoughtless |
senproblema | free of problems |
senprocesora | without a processor, dumb (terminal) |
senprokraste | at once, instantly, immediately, without delay |
senprotekta | unprotected |
senpune | unpunished, without penalty |
senradika | rootless |
senrajta | without rights |
senregila | headless |
senreĝima | modeless |
senrekona | anonymous |
senrevigi | disillusion |
senrimeda | without means, destitute |
senriproĉa | irreproachable |
senrubigi | clean up, purge |
senrubigo | garbage collection |
sensacia | lurid, sensational |
sensacio | sensation |
sensala | salt-free, fresh (water) |
sensama | sensual, sensuous |
sensanga | bloodless |
sensenca | absurd |
sensencaĵo | nonsense |
sensenceco | absurdity |
sensentigita | numbed |
senserifa | sans-serif, Doric |
sensignifa | insignificant, meaningless |
sensignuma | unsigned |
sensiva | sensitive |
senskrupula | unscrupulous |
senso | sense |
sensorgano | sense |
sensoro | sensor |
sensperta | inexperienced |
senspira | breathless |
senspiriga | breathtaking |
senspure | without a trace |
senstokiĝo | stockout |
sensuka | feeble, spiritless |
sensukcesa | unsuccessful |
sensuprigi | top, truncate |
sensvagigi | defuzzify |
senŝanca | lucklessness |
senŝarĝiĝo | unburdening, relief |
senŝaŭmigi | skim |
senŝeligi | shell, peel |
senŝeligita | husked |
senŝirma | bleak |
sent | feel |
sentabua | without taboos |
sentakta | tactless |
sentalenta | untalented |
sentaŭga | good-for-nothing, useless |
sentaŭgulo | good-for-nothing |
sentebla | palpable, perceptible |
sentema | sensitive |
sentenco | maxim, proverb |
Sentheleno (Sankta Heleno) | Saint Helena, St. Helena |
senti | feel, sense |
sentilo | sensor, sensing device, pickup, transducer, transformer |
sentima | bold, courageous, fearless |
sentimenta | sentimental |
sentimento | sentiment |
sentitola | untitled |
sentiva | sensitive |
sentivmaterialo | sensitive material |
sentivometrika | sensitometric |
sentivometriko | sensitometry |
sento | feel, feeling, sensation |
sentrua | punchless |
sentumo | sense |
senufa | Senufo |
senutila | abortive, useless |
senvalidigi | revoke |
senvalidigo | revocation |
senvalidiĝi | expire |
senvalora | worthless |
senvaloraĵo | something worthless, trash |
senventeco | windlessness |
senverva | dull, lifeless, stodgy |
senvestigi | undress |
senvestiĝi | undress, strip |
senvica | direct |
senvice atingebla memoro | RAM, random-access memory |
senvirusigilo | anti-virus software |
senviva | lifeless |
senvorte | without a word |
senvualigi | unveil |
senzorga | careless; carefree |
senzorgeco | carlessness;freedom from care |
seo | IF statement, conditional statement |
sep | seven, 7 |
sepa | seventh, 7th |
sepdek | seventy, 70 |
sepia | sepia |
sepiaĵo | sepia |
sepio | sepia |
sepono | seventh, 1/7 |
sepsa | infected, septic |
septa | seventh (chord), 7th (chord) |
septembro | September |
septo | seventh, 7th |
sepultentreprenisto | mortician, undertaker |
sepulti | dispose of the dead |
serba | Serb |
Serbio (Serbujo) | Serbia |
serbo | Serb |
Serbujo | Serbia |
serĉa | search |
serĉado | quest, search |
serĉarbo | search tree |
serĉbreto | search bar |
serĉi | search, look for, seek, track down |
serĉilo | search engine |
serĉindekso | search index |
serĉmendi | query |
serĉmendo | query |
serĉo | lookup, search |
serĉomendo | query, enquiry, inquiry |
serĉpaĝo | search page |
serĉpeto | pattern (search) |
serĉvojo | path |
serena | serene, untroubled |
serenado | serenade |
serĝento | sergeant |
seri-al-paralela konvertilo | staticizer |
seria | serial |
seriaj | serial |
serifa | serif |
serifo | serif |
seriigo | serialization |
serinumero | serial number |
serio | series, set |
serioza | earnest, serious, staid |
sero | serum |
serpento | serpent, snake |
serpentumi | meander, twist, wind around |
serpo | sickle |
serumo | serum |
seruristo | locksmith |
seruro | lock |
serva | service |
servadministranto | service administrator, service manager |
servado | attendance, service, waiting |
servalira | service-access, service access |
servi | serve |
servico | crockery set |
servila | server |
servilaplika | application server |
servilaplikaj | application server |
servilaro | server farm |
servilflanka | server-side |
servilo | server |
serviri | serve |
servistino | maid, servant |
servisto | boy, servant |
servitulo | serf |
servleto | servlet |
servo | service |
servo-administranto | service administrator, service manager |
servo-sistemero | service component |
servoadministranto | service administrator, service manager |
servocentro | service center |
servodaŭro | seniority |
servoj | services, service |
servokonto | service account |
servokvalito | quality of service |
servonivela | service-level, service level |
servonivelo | service level |
servopreta | obliging, ready, willing |
servosistemero | service component |
servuto | serfdom, servitude |
servutulo | serf, villain |
ses | six, 6 |
sesa | sixth, 6th |
sesangulo | hexagon |
sesdek | sixty, 60 |
sesdeka | sixtieth, 60th |
sesio | session |
sesono | one-sixth, 1/6 |
sesto | sixth, 6th |
Seŝeloj | Seychelles |
setlejo | settlement |
setli | settle |
Seto | Seth |
Seulo | Seoul |
severa | severe, strict |
severeco | severity, rigor, rigour, sternness |
sezono | season |
sfera | spheric |
sfero | ball, sphere |
si | himself, herself, itself, theirself (reflexive pronoun) |
sia | his own, her own, its own, their own |
SIA (Semajno de Internacia Amikeco) | International Friendship Week |
siama | Siamese |
Siamo | Siam, Thailand |
siatempe | in his time, in her time, in its time , in their time; at the time |
sibarito | sybarite |
siberia | Siberian |
siberiano | Siberian |
Siberio | Siberia |
sibla | swish (cymbal) |
sibli | hiss |
Sibrandaboro | Sybrandabuorren, Sijbrandaburen |
sicilia | Sicilian |
sicilianino | Sicilian woman |
siciliano | Sicilian |
Sicilio | Sicily |
sidejo | seat |
sidi | sit |
sidi bone | fit |
sidigi | seat |
sidiĝi | sit down |
sidloko | place to sit, seat |
sidvango | buttock |
sieĝanto | besieger |
sieĝi | besiege |
sieĝo | siege |
Sieraleono | Sierra Leone |
sifiliso | syphilis |
sifono | siphon |
sigeli | seal |
sigelilo | seal |
sigelo | seal |
siglo | acronym |
signa | sign, character |
signalero | signal element |
signalhorloĝo | alarm clock |
signali | signal |
signalo | cue |
signara enkodigo | character encoding |
signara kodo | character encoding |
signara kodpaĝo | character code page, code page |
signarkodo | coded character set, code set |
signaro | character set, charset |
signejo | font reticle |
signi | indicate, point out, show |
signifa | significant |
signifi | imply, mean, signify |
signifo | meaning |
signifoplena | significant |
signo | character, mark, sign, signal, token |
signobildo | glyph, character image; face |
signoĉeno | character string |
signogenerilo | character generator |
signoklaso | character class |
signokoda | character-encoding, character encoding |
signokodo | character code |
signolingvo | sign language |
signomapo | character map |
signonumero | code element, code point, code position, bit combination |
signoreĝimo | character mode |
signorekono | character recognition |
signostango | beacon |
signostilo | character style |
signosuperrigardo | character map |
signovica | character line, string |
signovicaĵo | string expression |
signovico | string |
signumo | signum (function); sign, signature; number sign |
signumpluigo | sign extension |
signumŝanĝo | sign inversion |
siĥo | Sikh |
sikho | Sikh |
sikomoro | sycomore, sycomore fig |
silaba | syllabic |
silabo | syllable |
silenta | silent |
silente | silently |
silentema | taciturn |
silenti | be quiet |
silentigi | mute |
silento | rest |
Silezio | Silesia |
silicio | silicon |
silicitradukilo | silicon compiler |
siliko | flint, gravel |
silka | silk, silken |
silko | silk |
silueto | outline, silhouette |
Silurio | Silurian |
Siluro | Silurian |
silvestro | New Year’s Eve |
silvio | warbler, hedge-sparrow |
simbola | symbolic |
simbola ligilo | symbolic link, symlink, soft link (Unix), shortcut (Windows), alias (Mac) |
simboli | symbolize |
simbolkonflikto | names conflict |
simbolo | symbol |
simboltabelo | symbol table |
simboltraktado | symbol manipulation |
simenso | siemens (unit) |
simetria | symmetric |
simetrio | symmetry |
simfonia | symphonic |
simfonio | symphony |
simieca | ape-like, apish, monkey-like |
simila | like, alike, similar |
similaj | similar |
similaĵo | image, picture, portrait |
simileco | resemblance, similarity |
simili | resemble |
simili laŭkaraktere | take after |
simio | ape, monkey |
simiosimila | ape-like, apish, monkey-like |
simpatia | sympathetic |
simpatio | sympathy |
simpla | simple, straightforward, ordinary |
simpligi | simplify |
simptomo | symptom |
simulado | simulation |
simuli | simulate |
simulilo | simulator |
sinagogo | synagogue |
sinapa | mustard |
sinapo | mustard-plant, mustard, mustard plant |
sincera | above-board, sincere |
sincereco | sincerity |
sincero | sincerity |
sinda | Sindhi |
sindefendo | defence, defense |
sindeteni | abstain |
sindeteno | abstention, abstinence |
sindetrua | self-erasing |
sindevigo | commitment |
sindikatismo | trade-unionism; syndicalism |
sindikato | labor union, labour union, trade union, syndicate |
sindiko | trustee, receiver, syndic |
sindona | devoted, selfless |
sindone | devotedly, selflessly |
sindoneco | attachment |
sindonema | devoted, selfless |
sindonemo | attachement |
sindono | attachment |
singapura | Singaporean |
singapurano | Singaporean |
Singapuro | Singapore |
singarda | careful, cautious |
singarde | carefully, gently, lightly |
singardeco | caution |
singardema | careful, cautious |
singardemo | discretion, generalship, prudence |
singardi | be careful, take care |
singardo | caution |
singularo | singular |
singulti | hiccough, hiccup |
singulto | hiccough, hiccup |
sinĝena | abashed, self-conscious, shy |
sinĝenema | shy |
sinĝeno | bashfulness, shyness, timidity |
sinhala | Sinhala, Singhalese |
sinhalo | Singhalese, Sinhalese |
sinhumiligo | abasement |
sinjorino | Mrs., madam, madame |
sinjorinoj | Mmes., Mesdames |
sinjoro | Mr., sir, mister |
sinki | sink |
sinkigi | sink |
sinkigita | engrave (font effect) |
sinkopo | syncopation |
sinkrona | synchronous |
sinkroniga | synchronous |
sinkroniga signo | SYN, synchronous idle sign, ␖ |
sinkronigi | sync, synchronize |
sinkronigo | sync, synchronization, syncing, synching |
sinmortigo | suicide |
sino | bosom |
sino (sinjorino) | Mrs. |
sinofero | abnegation |
sinoj (sinjorinoj) | Mmes., Mesdames |
sinokomputilo | laptop computer, bosom computer |
sinonimado | aliasing |
sinonimo | synonym |
sinrega | composed, restrained, self-possessed |
sinretenema | detached |
sinsekva | consecutive, sequential |
sinsekve | consecutively |
sinsekvigi | link together, link up |
sinsekvo | order, sequence |
sinskriba programo | quine, self-printing program, self-reproducing program |
sintaksa | syntactic, syntax |
sintaksa analizilo | syntax analyzer, parser |
sintaksa analizo | syntactic analysis, parse |
sintaksarbo | syntax tree |
sintakse analizi | parse |
sintaksema | syntax-oriented |
sintakso | syntax |
sinteno | attitude |
sintezi | synthesize |
sintezilo | synthesizer |
sinto | synthesizer |
sintonizi | tune |
sintrompo | self-deception |
sinui | meander, snake, weave |
sinusa | sine (tone) |
Sirakuso | Syracuse |
siria | Syrian |
siriano | Syrian |
siringo | lilac |
Sirio | Syria |
siroko | sirocco |
siropo | syrup |
sismo | earthquake |
sisopo | SysOp, systems operator |
sistem-pritakso | system rating |
sistem-protekto | system protection |
sistema | systematic, system |
sistemadministrado | system administration |
sistemadministranto | system administrator |
sistemanalizisto | systems analyst |
sistemaparato | system device |
sistemarkitekturo | system architecture |
sistemdosiero | system file |
sistemdosierujo | system folder |
sistemeraro | system error |
sistemestra ilaro | rootkit |
sistemestro | system administrator |
sistemevento | system event |
sistemfermo | shutup, shutdown |
sistemgenerado | system generation |
sistemhorloĝo | system clock, clock |
sisteminĝeniero | system engineer |
sistemklonado | system cloning, hardware imaging |
sistemkoloroj | system colors |
sistemkunteksto | system context |
sistemo | system |
sistemoperatoro | systems operator |
sistempepo | system bell |
sistempostuloj | system requirements |
sistempritakso | system rating |
sistemprofilo | system profile |
sistemprogramado | system programming, software engineering |
sistemprogramaro | systems software |
sistemprogramisto | systems programmer |
sistemprotekto | system protection |
sistemprotokolo | system log |
sistemradiko | system root |
sistemsubdisko | system partition |
sistemŝargo | system load |
sistemŝarĝo | system load |
sistemvolumo | system volume |
sitelo | bucket, pail |
situaci-dependa | contextual |
situacia | situational, situation, context-sensitive |
situacidependa | contextual |
situacio | circumstances, condition, situation |
situi | be situated |
situo | site |
siverto | sievert (unit) |
sizifa | Sisyphean |
skabeno | alderman |
skafaldo | scaffold |
skafandro | wetsuit, diving-suit |
skala | scalar |
skalado | scaling |
skalaro | scalar |
skalebla | scalable |
skalebla vektora grafikaĵo | SVG, scalable vector graphic |
skaleblo | scalability |
skalfaktoro | scale factor |
skali | scale |
skalo | scale |
skanado | scan |
skandalo | commotion, scandal |
skandi | scan |
skandinava | Scandinavian |
skandinavino | Scandinavian woman |
Skandinavio | Scandinavia |
skandinavo | Scandinavian |
Skandinavujo | Scandinavia |
skandio | scandium |
skani | scan, sweep |
skanilo | scanner |
skanintervalo | scan interval |
skankapo | scan head |
skanprofilo | scan profile |
skao | ska |
skapolo | shoulderblade |
skarabo | beetle |
skarlatino | scarlet fever |
skarpo | scarf; arm-sling |
skatkantado | scat singing |
skato | scat singing |
skatoleto | box |
skatolmalfermilo | can opener, tin opener |
skatolo | box |
Skeldo | Scheldt |
skeleta | outline |
skeleto | skeleton |
skema | scheme, outline |
skemaj | scheme, outline |
skemdatumoj | chart data |
skemeco | schematism |
skemkoloro | scheme color |
skemo | model, pattern, scheme |
skeptika | skeptical |
skeptikulo | skeptic |
skermi | fence |
sketi | skate |
sketilo | skate |
skiflo | skiffle |
skii | ski |
skikuri | ski |
Skilo | Scylla |
skio | ski |
skipo | shift |
skismo | schism |
skismulo | schismatic |
skiza | draft design |
skizi | plan, sketch |
skizilo | sketching tool, drawing tool |
skizo | design, outline, sketch |
sklava | slave |
sklavigi | enslave |
sklavino | bondwoman, slave, female slave |
sklavo | slave |
sklerozo | sclerosis |
skoldi | reproach, rebuke, reprove, scold |
skolo | school (of thought, opinion, art, etc.) |
skolopendro | centipede |
skoltismo | scouting movement, scouting |
skolto | scout, boyscout, boy scout |
skombro | mackerel |
skorbuto | scurvy |
skorio | scoria, cinders, dross, clinker |
skorpio | scorpion |
skot-gaela | Scottish Gaelic |
skota | Scottish |
skotgaela | Scottish Gaelic |
skotino | Scotswoman |
Skotio (Skotujo) | Scotland |
Skotlando (Skotujo) | Scotland |
skoto | Scot, Scotsman |
Skotujo | Scotland |
skrapgumo | rubber |
skrapi | scrape, scratch |
skrapvundo | abrasion, scratch |
skriba | written |
skriba ordono | warrant, writ |
skribado | writing |
skribaĵo | writing |
skribaliro | write access |
skribdifekti | clobber |
skribebla | writable |
skriberaro | write error |
skribesko | script, calligraphic face |
skribi | write |
skribilo | writing implement |
skribisto | clerk |
skribkapo | write head |
skribmarko | cursor |
skribmaŝina tiparo | typewriter face, monospace |
skribmaŝino | typewriter |
skribo | script, writing |
skriboplumo | pen |
skriborapido | write speed |
skribregiono | writing area |
skribsurfaco | writing pad |
skribtablo | desk, writing desk |
skribtabulo | writing pad |
skribzono | writing area |
skriptado | scripting |
skripto | script, batch file, command file, wrapper |
skriptoankro | script anchor |
skriptodosiero | script file |
skriptokomando | script command |
skriptomotoro | scripting engine; script motor |
skrupula | scrupulous |
skrupuleco | scrupulousness |
skrutinio | polling |
skueti | jog |
skuetilo | jogger |
skui | shake, shock |
skuiĝi | shake |
skulptaĵo | sculpture |
skulpti | carve, sculpture |
skulptilo | chisel |
skulptisto | sculptor |
skulpturo | sculpture |
skurĝi | whip |
skusorbilo | shock absorber |
skutilo | scooter |
skvamo | scale |
slava | Slavic |
slavo | Slav |
slavona | Slavonian |
Slavonio (Slavonujo) | Slavonia |
slavono | Slavonian |
Slavonujo | Slavonia |
sledo | sledge, sleigh |
sliparo | file |
slipo | filing card, slip |
slojdo | crafts, handicrafts |
slovaka | Slovak |
slovakino | Slovak woman |
Slovakio (Slovakujo) | Slovakia |
slovako | Slovak |
Slovakujo | Slovakia |
slovena | Slovenian |
Slovenio (Slovenujo) | Slovenia |
sloveno | Slovene, Slovenian |
Slovenujo | Slovenia |
smeraldo | emerald |
smirga | abrasive |
smirgi | abrade |
snoba | snobbish |
snobo | snob |
snufi | snuffle |
so (S) | S, the letter S, ess (letter name) |
SO (sudokcidento) | S.W., SW, southwest, south west, south-west |
SO (sudoriento) | S.E., SE, southeast, south east, south-east |
sobra | abstemious, sober, staid, temperate |
socia | social |
sociala | social |
socialismo | socialism |
socialisto | socialist |
societema | sociable |
societo | society |
socio | society |
sociologio | sociology |
sociologo | sociologist |
socitavolo | social stratum |
sodomii | have anal sex |
sodomiigi | sodomize, fuck in the ass, fuck in the arse |
sofo | sofa |
softvaro | software |
soifa | thirsty |
soifi | be thirsty |
soifo | thirst |
soj (S) | Ss, esses (plural letter name) |
sojfabo | soybean |
sojkazeo | tofu |
sojla | threshold |
sojlo | sill, threshold |
sojo | soy sauce |
soklo | supporting base |
sola | alone, only, sole, solitary |
solano | nightshade |
soldata botelo | canteen, water bottle |
soldatejo | barracks |
soldato | pawn, soldier |
soldo | sou; pay |
sole | alone, just, only, solely |
soleca | lonely, solitary |
soleco | solitude |
solena | ceremonious, solemn |
solenado | celebration |
solenaĵo | ceremony |
soleneco | ceremony, solemnity |
soleni | celebrate |
soleno | ceremony |
soleo | sole |
solgitaristo | lead guitarist |
solida | firm, solid |
solidara | standing together |
solidareco | solidarity |
solidaro | solidarity |
solideco | virtue |
solidkorpa | solid body |
solido | solid |
solidstata | solid-state, solid state |
solidstata disko | SSD, solid-state drive, solid-state disk, solid state drive, solid state disk |
solinfano | only child |
solisto | soloist |
solo | solo |
solresolo | Solresol |
solulo | single, single man, unattached man |
solvaĵo | solution |
solvaloriza | single-assignment |
solventeco | ability |
solvi | dissolve; solve, resolve |
solviĝi | dissolve |
solvo | solution |
somala | Somali, Somalian |
somalino | Somalian woman |
Somalio (Somalujo) | Somalia |
somalo | Somali, Somalian |
Somalujo | Somalia |
sombra | sombre |
somerdomo | summerhouse, summer house |
somero | summer |
son- | audio, sound |
sonaĵo | sound clip, audio clip |
sonato | sonata |
sonaŭdigilo | audio player, sound player |
sonbendo | audio tape |
sonbilda | audiographic |
sonbufro | sound buffer |
sondado | survey |
sondi | probe, fathom, sound |
sondilo | depth-finder, plummet, lead |
sondisko | audio CD |
sondosiero | audio file |
sonekvilibrilo | sound balance control |
sonelsendo | audio broadcasting, podcasting |
sonforteco | volume (sound), audio strength |
songenerilo | sound card |
songhaja | Songhay, Songhai, Songai |
sonĝi | dream |
sonĝo | dream |
soni | sound |
sonkarto | sound card |
sonkesto | sound box |
sonkluzo | sound gate |
sonkodeko | audio codec |
sonkontrolo | sound check |
sonlegilo | sound player |
sonlibro | audiobook, audio book |
sonmiksilo | audio mixer |
sono | sound |
sonoj | sounds, audio |
sonora | sonorous, sonourous |
sonorado | tolling |
sonori | peal, ring |
sonorigi | ring |
sonorilaristo | carillonneur |
sonorilaro | carillon, chimes |
sonorilbutono | bell-button, bell-push |
sonorilego | bell |
sonorileto | bell, little bell |
sonorilo | bell |
sonormartelo | clapper |
sonoro | sound, ringing |
sonpeco | sample (music) |
sonplato | sound card, audio card |
sonprenilo | pick up |
sonprofilo | envelope |
sonredaktilo | audio editor |
sonregistrilo | audio recorder |
sonteknikisto | sound technician |
sontelekonferenco | audio conference, audio teleconference |
sontremigilo | tremolo arm |
sontruo | soundhole |
sopira | longing |
sopiranta | anxious |
sopiri | long for, yearn |
soprano | soprano |
soraba | Sorbian |
sorba | absorbent; blotting, blotter |
sorbada | absorption |
sorbema | logical (operator), shortcut (operator) |
sorbi | absorb, sip |
sorbilo | absorbent; blotter |
sorĉa | magic |
sorĉado | enchantment, magic, sorcery, witchcraft, wizardry |
sorĉi | bewitch |
sorĉinfluo | spell |
sorĉistino | witch |
sorĉisto | enchanter, magician, sorcerer, warlock, wizard |
sorĉo | sorcery |
sorĉvortoj | abracadabra |
sordida | dirty, foul, nasty |
sorgo | sorghum |
sorpo | mountain-ash berry, rowan berry |
sorpujo | mountain-ash, rowan |
sortimento | assortment |
sorto | destiny, fate, fortune, luck |
sortobato | stroke of fate |
sota | Sotho |
soto | Sotho |
soulĵazo | soul jazz |
soulo | soul (music) |
sovaĝa | savage, wild |
sovaĝejo | wilderness |
Sovet-Unio | Soviet Union, USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР |
soveta | Soviet |
Sovetio (Sovet-Unio) | Soviet Union, USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР |
soveto | soviet |
sovetunianino | Soviet (fem.) |
sovetunianinoj | Soviets (fem.) |
sovetuniano | Soviet |
sovetunianoj | Soviets |
Sovetunio (Sovet-Unio) | Soviet Union, USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР |
sozo | sharp S, German double S, ß |
spacado | spacing |
spacete plenigi | blank |
spacetklavo | space bar |
spaceto | space, space character, blank, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, ⍽, ␠, ␢, ␣ |
spaceto-signo | space character, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, “ ”, ⍽, ␠, ␢, ␣ |
spaco | room, space |
spacosonilo | reverb unit |
spacosono | reverb |
spacostango | space bar |
spado | rapier |
spamfiltrilo | spam filter |
spami | spam |
spamisto | spammer |
spamo | spam |
sparkado | ignition |
sparkilo | plug, spark plug |
sparko | spark |
sparta | Spartan |
spartano | Spartan |
Sparto | Sparta |
spasmo | spasm |
speciala | special, particular, advanced |
specialaĵo | speciality |
specialcela | ad hoc, non-generalizable |
speciale | particularly, specially |
specialigita | special-purpose, special purpose |
specifa | specific |
specifadlingvo | specification language |
specifi | specify |
specifigo | specification |
specifika | specific |
specifiki | specify |
specifo | specification |
specimena | sample |
specimenado | sampling |
specimenaro | specimen, swatch |
specimenboteleto | sample bottle |
specimeniga | data-sampling, data sampling, sample-data, sample data |
specimenkarto | sample card |
specimenlibro | sample book |
specimeno | sample, specimen |
specimenrapido | sampling rate |
specio | species |
speco | kind, sort |
spegulado | mirroring |
speguli | reflect |
spegulo | mirror, looking glass |
spegulplato | mirror plate |
spegulreflektilo | flash reflector |
spektaklo | show, spectacle |
spektanto | spectator |
spekti | watch |
spektilo | media player |
spekulativa | speculative |
spekulativi | speculate |
spekulativo | speculation |
spelto | spelt |
spermo | sperm |
sperta | experienced, expert |
sperteco | expertise, literacy |
sperti | experience, go through, live to see |
sperto | experience |
spertoj | experiences |
spertulo | expert |
spezado | cash flow |
spezi | transact money |
spezo | turnover |
spica | spicy |
spiceca | nutty |
spici | spice |
spicisto | grocer |
spico | spice |
spiko | ear |
spili | bottle |
spinaco | spinach |
spindelo | spindle |
spino | spine |
spiona | spy |
spiona programaro | spyware |
spionado | espionage |
spioni | spy |
spiono | spy |
spirado | respiration |
spiralo | spiral |
spirblovi | snuffle |
spirĝeno | tightness of the chest |
spiri | breathe |
spirita | spiritual |
spiritforesta | absentminded, absent-minded |
spiritismo | spiritualism |
spirito | spirit |
spiritstato | state of mind, emotional state |
spirmanko | dyspnea, dyspnoea |
spiro | breath |
spirpaŭzo | breather, breathing space |
spite | defiantly, despite, in spite of |
spiti | defy, brave |
spito | defiance, spite |
splajno | spline |
splendi | sparkle, be brilliant |
spleno | ill humor, ill humour |
spliti | splinter, split |
splito | splinter |
spokingo | spoke-holder, nipple |
spokoj | spokes |
sponga | spongy |
spongeca | spongy |
spongi | sponge, sponge down, sponge over |
spongo | sponge |
spontana | spontaneous |
spontanea | spontaneous |
sporada | sporadic, soft (error) |
sportĉemizo | sports shirt |
sportejo | sports ground |
sportisto | sportsman |
sporto | sport |
spoto | spotlight |
spraji | spray |
sprita | lively, witty |
spritaĵo | witticism |
sprito | wit |
spritresponda | to the point |
sproni | incite, rouse, spur, stimulate, stir up |
sprono | spur |
spuri | trail, track |
spurilo | trace program |
spurĵetono | tracer token |
spuro | trace, track |
spurodosiero | trace file |
spuromesaĝo | trace message |
spuroprotokolo | trace log |
spursekvi | trace |
sputi | spit |
srilanka | Sri Lankan |
srilankanino | Sri Lankan woman |
srilankano | Sri Lankan |
Srilanko | Sri Lanka |
sro (sinjoro) | Mr., mister |
SSE | iff, if and only if |
stabejo | headquarters |
stabila | stable |
stabileco | stability |
stabiliga | stabilizing, truss (rod) |
stablo | bench, easel, tressle, workbench |
stablolaboristo | benchhand, fitter |
stabo | staff |
stacidomo | station |
staciestro | stationmaster |
stacio | stage, station, stop |
stadio | stadium, stage |
stadiono | stadium |
stafeto | relay racer, relay rider |
stafetringo | token ring |
stagni | stagnate |
staĝanto | trainee, intern |
staĝi | serve as a trainee |
staĝo | traineeship, internship |
stajo | brace, cramp iron |
staka | pushdown |
staki | stack |
stakiso | woundwort |
stakita | stacked |
stakloko | stack location |
stakmaltroo | stack underflow |
stako | heap, pile, stack |
stakoj | stacks, stack |
staktroo | stack overflow |
stalfako | stall |
stalo | stable, stall, sty |
stalono | stallion |
stameno | stamen |
stampi | mark, stamp |
stampi monerojn | coin, mint |
stampilo | stamp, rubber stamp |
stampo | mark, stamp (something printed or impressed) |
stana | tin |
standardo | flag, standard |
stango | pole, rod |
stangogaŭĝo | dipstick |
stano | tin |
stapla | batch |
stapla presado | batch-printing |
stapla printado | batch-printing |
staplo | batch |
staranta | standing, floor- |
stari | stand |
starigi | stand |
stariĝi | get up, rise, stand, stand up |
starpunkto | standpoint |
starti | start off |
startigi | start |
startigilo | starter |
startigo | boot, booting, bootstrap, startup |
startila | startup |
startmenuo | start menu |
starto | start |
stas (estas) | is |
Stat (Statuto) | Constitution (UEA) |
stat-alarmo | status alert |
stat-sistemo | status system |
Stat. (Statuto) | Constitution (UEA) |
stata | status |
stata breto | status bar |
statalarmo | status alert |
statfiltra | status-filter, status filter |
statika | static |
statika bindado | early binding, static binding |
statikaj | static |
statikŝarga | static-load, static load |
statisti | play a small part |
statistiko | statistics |
statisto | bit-player, supporting actor |
stativgambo | telescopic leg |
stativkapo | panoramic head |
stativo | tripod, stand, support |
statmesaĝa | status-message, status message |
statmesaĝo | status message, status |
stato | condition, state |
stato-kialo | status reason |
stato-mesaĝo | status message |
statokialo | status reason |
statomesaĝo | status message |
statregilo | control block |
statresumo | status summary |
statsistemo | status system |
statuo | statue |
staturo | stature |
statuto | constitution, bylaws, statute, regulations |
statzono | status area |
stebi | quilt, stitch |
stebilo | sewing machine |
steko | steak |
stela | stellar, star, sidereal |
steleto | asterisk, *, ﹡, *, ⁎, ∗, ✱, ✲, ✳, ✺, ✻, ✼, ✽, ✢, ✣, ✤, ✥, ❃, ❉, ❊, ❋, ٭, ※; little star |
stelo | star |
stelulino | celebrity, star |
stelulo | celebrity, star |
steno | shorthand |
stenografi | write shorthand |
stenografia | stenographic, stenographer’s |
stenografio | shorthand, stenography |
stenotajpistino | stenotypist, female stenotypist |
stepo | moor, steppe |
stereodiapozitivo | stereoscopic photograph |
stereofonio | stereo |
stereofotilo | stereo camera |
stereoskopio | stereoscopy |
stereoskopo | stereoscope |
stereotipo | stereotype |
sterila | sterile |
sterileco | sterility |
steriligi | sterilize |
sterkado | dressing, fertilization, manuring |
sterkakvo | liquid manure, muck water, stale |
sterki | fertilize |
sterko | fertilizer, manure |
sterlingo | pound sterling |
sterni | lay out, spread, spread out |
sterntabelo | spreadsheet |
stevardino | stewardess |
stevardo | attendant, steward |
sti (esti) | be |
stifto | peg, pin |
Stikso | Styx |
stildifino | styling, styles |
stilfolio | stylesheet, style sheet |
stilo | style |
stimuli | rouse, stimulate, stir up |
stimulilo | stimulant |
stimulo | impetus, incitement, stimulus |
stipendio | scholarship, stipend |
stipendiulo | exhibitioner, scholar |
stira registrumo | Ctrl key, control key, Ctrl-key, Ctrl, ⌃ |
stirado | steering |
stiranto | driver |
stirbito | control bit |
stircentro | control center |
stirdatumoj | control data |
stirflua | control flow, flow |
stirflua diagramo | flowchart, flow chart |
stirglobo | track ball, rolling ball |
stiri | steer |
stirilkorno | steering wheel horn; bar-end extension |
stirilo | joystick, steering wheel |
stiriloj | controls |
stirilsako | steering-wheel sack, handlebar bag |
Stirio | Styria |
stiristo | driver |
stirkampo | control field |
stirklavo | control key |
stirkonstruaĵo | control structure |
stirmenuo | control menu |
stirmesaĝo | control message |
stiroperacio | connector, control operator |
stirorgano | control unit |
stirpanelo | control panel |
stirprogramo | control program |
stirrado | steering wheel |
stirsignalo | control signal |
stirsigno | control character |
stirstango | joystick |
stirstrukturo | control structure |
stirŝablono | control pattern, control template |
stirtenilo | control handle |
stivi | stow |
stivisto | stevedore |
stoika | stoic, stoical |
stoikulo | stoic |
stokasto | random variable |
stokejo | storage |
Stokholmo | Stockholm |
stoki | stock |
stoko | stock |
stomaka | stomach, tummy; gastric (juice) |
stomakdoloro | stomach ache |
stomako | stomach |
stompi | feather |
stop | stop |
stopa | stop |
stoplo | stubble |
stopritmo | stop time |
stori | store |
storo | memory |
strabi | look askance, squint |
strando | beach |
strandŝtelisto | beachcomber |
stranga | odd, peculiar, strange |
strangaĵo | oddity, quirk |
strangeco | strangeness, oddity |
strangoli | choke, strangle |
strangul | nut |
strangulo | odd person |
Strasburgo | Strasbourg, Strasbourg, Straßburg, Strassburg, Strossburi, Strassbourg |
straso | baubles, junk jewelry |
stratangulo | corner, streetcorner, street corner |
strategia | strategic |
strategio | strategy |
strateto | alley, lane |
stratkruciĝo | intersection |
stratlanterno | streetlamp, streetlight |
stratlumigado | street lighting |
strato | street |
strebado | striving, aspiration |
strebi | strive for |
streĉanta | hard |
streĉe | tightly |
streĉi | strech, wind up |
streĉiĝo | tension |
streĉilo | tool to wind up, tool to stretch something; release (quick) |
streĉita | strained |
streĉo | tension |
streĉo-testo | stress test |
streĉotesto | stress test |
Streka Vari-skala Grafiko | SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics, scalable-vector graphics, scalable vector graphics, scalable vector graphic, scalable-vector graphic, .svg |
Streka Variskala Grafiko (Streka Vari-skala Grafiko) | SVG, Scalable Vector Graphics, scalable-vector graphics, scalable vector graphics, scalable vector graphic, scalable-vector graphic, .svg |
streketo | hyphen |
streketoj | dashes |
streki | draw, make a stroke |
strekkodo | barcode, bar code |
strekmarki | check off, tick off |
streko | streak, stroke |
strekokodo | barcode, bar code |
streta | narrow |
strigli | curry |
strigo | owl |
striita | striped |
striita oficefalo | striped snake-head fish |
striki | strike |
striko | strike |
strikrajto | right to strike |
strikrompanto | strike-breaker |
strikta | strict, tight |
strikta formato | strict format |
stringi | draw, tighten, constrict |
strio | ray, strip, stripe |
strobilo | cone, pine cone |
stroboskopa | stroboscopic |
stroboskopo | stroboscope |
strofo | stanza |
stroncio | strontium |
struktura | structured |
struktura transmetado | migration (data) |
struktura transmeto | migration (data) |
strukture transmeti | migrate (data) |
struktureca | structural |
strukturema | structured |
strukturi | format (disk) |
strukturo | structure |
struto | ostrich |
stuca | crop |
stuci | trim |
stucilo | trimmer |
stuco | crop |
studado | study |
studanto | student |
studentino | student, female student |
studento | academic, student |
studi | study |
studia | studio, session (musician) |
studio | studio |
studo | study |
studobjekto | subject, subject of study |
stufaĵo | stew |
stufi | stew, braise |
stuki | plaster |
stuko | plaster |
stulta | foolish, stupid |
stulte | stupidly |
stultega | as stupid as an ass |
stultigi | stultify |
stultiĝi | become stupid |
stultulo | fool |
stumbli | stumble |
stumpigi | top, truncate |
stumpo | stump, stub |
stupro | violation, rape, ravishment |
sturgo | sturgeon |
sturmi | assault, storm |
sturmo | assault, storming |
sturno | starling |
SU (suduesto) | S.W., SW, southwest, south west, south-west |
sub | below, beneath, under, underneath |
sub konstruo | under construction, undeveloped (website) |
sub- | under, subordinate; child |
suba | lower, underlying, sub-, downstairs |
suba fluo | lower course |
suba indico | subscript |
suba paĝotitolo | footer |
suba parto | lower part |
subaĉeti | bribe |
subakva | underwater |
subakviĝi | dive, sink |
subararo | power set |
subarbo | subtree |
subaro | subset |
subaŭskulti | eavesdrop |
subĉemizo | vest |
subĉeno | substring |
subĉiela | outdoor, open-air |
subdisko | partition, disk slice |
subdominanto | subdominant |
subdosierujo | subdirectory |
sube | below, underneath |
subeksponado | underexposure |
suben | down, underneath |
subeniri | sink |
subenŝarĝi | download |
subesprimo | subexpression |
subevoluinta | underdeveloped |
subfali | succumb |
subformo | subordinate shape |
subformularo | subform |
subfosa | subversive |
subfosi | subvert, undermine |
subgrafeo | subgraph |
subgrupo | subgroup |
subhoko | cedilla, cédille, cedilha, ogonek, ¸, ̨ |
subigi | subdue, subjugate |
subindekso | secondary index, fine index |
subiri | go down, set |
subita | abrupt, sudden |
subite | all of a sudden, suddenly |
subjektiva | subjective |
subjekto | subject |
subjoto | greek non-spacing iota below |
subjunkcio | subjunction |
subjunktivo | subjunctive |
subjupo | petticoat |
subkalkulfolio | subdatasheet |
subkampo | subfield |
subkaraktaro | character subset |
subklaso | subclass |
subkolekto | subsetting (font) |
subkomo | comma accent |
subkonscio | subconscious |
subkontraktado | outsourcing |
subkontrakti | outsource |
subkontraktulo | subcontractor |
sublimato | corrosive sublimate |
subliniaĵo | descender |
subluanto | subtenant, lodger |
sublui | lodge |
submara | submarine |
submarŝipo | submarine |
submatrico | submatrix |
submenuo | sub menu |
submeti | subdue, subjugate, submit |
submeti sin | submit |
submetiĝi | submit |
submodelo | submodel |
submodulo | submodule |
subnivelo | sublevel |
subnutrado | undernourishment |
subnutrita | undernourished |
suboficiro | NCO, non-com, non-commissioned officer, noncom, noncommissioned officer |
subombro | shade |
subordigi | subordinate |
subpaĝo | child page |
subpantalono | long underwear |
subpasejo | pedestrian underpass, subway |
subportilo | base |
subpremi | suppress |
subprocezo | child process |
subprogramo | routine |
subpropozicio | dependent clause |
subpunkto | underdot, dot below, ̣̣ |
subreta | subnet |
subreto | subnet |
subridi | snicker |
subringo | subring |
subrondigi | round down |
subrutino | subroutine |
subsekvenco | subsequence |
subsela | underseat, under-seat |
subsignaro | character subset |
subsistemo | subsystem |
subskribanto | signer |
subskribi | sign |
subskribita | signed (driver), underwritten |
subskriblinio | signature line |
subskribo | signature |
subskribo-linio | signature line |
subskribolinio | signature line |
substanco | matter, stuff, substance |
substantivo | noun, substantive |
substato | substatus |
substitui | substitute |
substreki | emphasize, underline |
substrekita | underlined |
substreko | underscore, understrike, underline, low line, low dash, _ |
subŝlosilo | subkey |
subŝovi | insinuate |
subŝteli | pilfer, pinch |
subŝtofo | lining |
subŝtupare | downstairs |
subtaksi | underestimate |
subtaso | saucer |
subtegmento | attic |
subtego | underlay |
subteksto | subtitle |
subtena | support, supporting |
subtenaĵo | abutment |
subtenanto | supporter |
subtenata | supported |
subteni | abet, support, sustain |
subtenilo | holder, support |
subteno | support |
subtenokontrakto | support contract |
subtera | underground |
subtila | subtle |
subtilaĵo | subtlety, fine distinction |
subtitolo | subtitle |
subtona | flat |
subtotalo | subtotal |
subtraha | subtractive, subtraction |
subtrahata | subtracted |
subtrahata nombro | subtrahend |
subtrahebla | deductible |
subtrahi | subtract |
subtrahilo | subtracter |
subtraho | subtraction |
subulo | subordinate |
suburbo | suburb |
subvariablo | component variable |
subvariejo | subrange |
subvencii | subsidize |
subvencio | subsidy |
subventra | abdominal |
subventro | abdomen |
subvesto | undergarment |
suĉbotelo | baby’s bottle, feeding bottle |
suĉi | suck |
suĉigi | suckle |
suĉilo | comforter, baby’s comforter, dummy, pacifier, vacuum-cleaner |
Sud-Afriko | South Afrika |
Sud-Georgio kaj Sud-Sandviĉinsuloj | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands |
Sud-Koreujo | South Korea |
suda | south, southern |
Suda Dakoto | South Dakota |
Suda Karolino | South Carolina |
Suda Kruco | Southern Cross |
suda vento | south wind |
sudafrika | South African |
sudafrikano | South African |
Sudafriko | South Africa |
sudamerika | South American |
Sudameriko | South America |
sudana | Sudanese |
sudananino | Sudanese woman |
sudanano | Sudanese |
Sudano | Sudan |
Sudaŭstralio | South Australia |
sudaziano | South Asian |
Sudĉina Maro | South China Sea |
sudeosto (sudoriento) | southeast, south east, S.E., SE, south-east |
Sudkoreio (Sud‑Koreujo) | South Korea |
Sudkoreujo (Sud‑Koreujo) | South Korea |
sudo | south |
sudokcidento | southwest, south west, S.W., SW, south-west |
Sudorientazio | Southeast Asia, South-East Asia |
sudoriento | southeast, south east, S.E., SE, south-east |
suduesto (sudokcidento) | southwest, south west, S.W., SW, south-west |
Sudvjetnamo | South Vietnam |
suferanta pro | affected with, afflicted with, subject to |
suferi | abide, bear, endure, put up with, suffer |
suferi de | suffer from |
suferi pro | suffer from |
sufiĉa | enough, sufficient |
sufiĉe | enough, quite, rather, sufficiently |
sufiĉega | abundant |
sufiĉego | abundance |
sufiĉi | suffice |
sufikso | extension, suffix, file name extension |
suflori | prompt |
sufloro | monitor speaker |
sufoka | stifling, oppressive, sultry, choke |
sufoki | choke, quell, suffocate, suppress |
sufokiĝi | choke |
sugesti | suggest |
sugestii | suggest |
sugestio | the power of suggestion |
sugesto | suggestion |
SUK (Someraj Universitataj Kursoj) | Summer University Courses (in Liège, defunct) |
sukceno | amber |
sukcese | successfully |
sukcesi | succeed |
sukcesigi | make succeed, push through |
sukceso | success |
sukcesplene | successfully |
sukeraĵo | sweet |
sukerkano | sugarcane |
sukero | sugar |
sukerpalmo | sugar palm |
sukerujo | sugarbowl, sugar bowl |
suko | juice, sap |
sukurejo | first-aid station |
sukurismo | first aid |
sukuristo | first-aider |
sukuro | first-aid |
sukuzo | soukous |
sulfura | sulfuric, sulphuric, sulphureous |
sulfuro | brimstone, sulphur |
sulki | furrow, wrinkle |
sulko | furrow, wrinkle |
sultano | sultan |
Sulumaro | Sulu Sea |
sumada | summation |
Sumatro | Sumatra |
sumigi | add up, sum up |
sumiĝi | amount |
sumiĝi je | amount to |
sumilo | adder |
sumo | amount, sum |
suna | solar, sun |
sunbrilo | sun, sunshine |
sunda | Sundanese |
sunfloro | sunflower |
sunhorloĝo | sundial |
sunleviĝo | sunrise |
sunluma | solar |
sunlumo | sunlight |
suno | sun |
sunokulvitroj | sunglasses |
sunplenigo | solarization |
sunradio | sunbeam |
sunsekigi | dry in the sun |
sunsubiro | sunset |
sunumi | sun, sun oneself, take a sunbath |
sunvitroj | sunglasses |
Suomio (Suomujo) | Finland |
Suomujo | Finland |
super | above, over |
super- | above, on, over; parent |
supera | superior |
superabundi | be superabundant, abound |
superakvego | flood |
superakvi | flood, inundate |
superakviĝi | emerge |
superaltara pentraĵo | altarpiece |
superaro | superset |
superatuti | surpass |
superbando | super group |
superbazaro | supermarket |
superblufi | abash |
superbrui | drown out |
superdosierujo | superdirectory |
supereco | upper hand |
supereksponado | overexposure |
superfantazia | great |
superfeliĉa | overjoyed |
superflua | overflowing, superfluous |
superflugo | browsing, view |
superflui | overflow |
superfluo | superfluity |
superforti | overpower, prevail over |
supergrafeo | supergraph |
supergrandangula | semi-fisheye |
superharmono | overtone |
superhoma | superhuman |
superhomo | superman |
superi | exceed, surpass |
superindekso | gross index, main index, master index |
superjaro | leap year |
superkomo | comma accent |
superliniaĵo | ascender |
supermarkto | supermarket |
supermem | dot-dot |
supermezura | oversized, excessive |
supernatura | supernatural |
supernodo | supernode |
superpotenco | superpower |
superpunkto | overdot, dot above, dot, ̇, ˙ |
superrealisma | surrealistic |
superrega | of paramount importance, predominating |
superregi | rule, command |
superrigardi | have an overview of |
superrigardo | overview |
superrondigi | round up |
superruli | roll over, rollover |
superruzi | outsmart, outwit |
supersigno | accent mark, supersign |
superskriba | overwrite |
superskribi | overwrite |
superstelulo | super star |
superstiĉa | superstitious |
superstiĉo | superstition |
superstreko | bar, overline, macron, ¯ |
superŝarĝa | overhead (time) |
superŝarĝo | overload |
superŝtupare | upstairs |
superŝuti | flood, overwhelm |
supertaksi | overestimate |
supertona | sharp |
supertuto | overalls |
superulo | chief, superior |
supervendejo | supermarket |
supla | supple |
suplemento | supplement |
supo | soup |
supoze | supposing, supposably |
supozeble | presumably |
supozi | guess, presume, suppose, surmise |
supozigi | cause to suppose, suggest |
supozo | supposition |
supra | upper; top-level (folder) |
supra indico | superscript |
supra registrumo | shift key, shift, ⇧ |
supraĵa | superficial |
supraĵe | shallowly |
supraĵo | summit, surface, top |
supre | above, on top, overhead, upstairs |
supre menciita | above, above-mentioned |
supre nomita | above, above-mentioned |
supre sur | on top of |
supre-malsupren | top-to-bottom |
Suprelago | Lake Superior |
supren | above, up, uphill, upwards |
supreniri | ascend, climb, go up |
suprenstreko | diagonal, separatrix, slash, solidus, stroke, virgule, / |
suprenŝarĝi | upload |
suprestaranta | above |
supro | summit, surface, top |
supujo | soup dish |
sur | on, upon |
surbaze de | on the basis of |
surbazigi | base, found, ground |
surbendaĵo | tape recording |
surbendigi | record |
surbendigo | tape recording |
surbordiĝi | be washed ashore |
surĉeftabula | onboard (sound) |
surda | deaf |
surdiga | deafening |
surdiĝi | go deaf |
surdiskigi | record |
surdmuta | deaf and dumb |
surdorsa | piggyback |
surdulo | deaf person |
surfaco | surface |
surgenui | kneel |
surgenuiĝi | kneel |
surgrati | scratch all over, scratch over |
surgrimpado | ascent, climbing, mounting |
surgrimpebla | mountable |
surgrimpi | ascend, climb, scale |
surhavi | wear |
surinama | Surinamese |
surinamanino | Surinamese woman |
surinamano | Surinamer, Surinamese |
Surinamo | Surinam |
surirebla | passable, practicable |
suriri | tread, walk, walk upon |
surkonstruita | built-up |
surkreskata | covered, grown over, overgrown |
surkreski | overgrow |
surloka | on site |
surmerkatigi | commercialize |
surmerkatigo | commercialization |
surmeteco | overlap |
surmeti | put on, mount |
surmetingo | mount point |
surmetita | superimposed |
surmeto | overlay; mount |
suro | calf |
surpapera | paper, written |
surpaperigi | print |
surpentri | paint over |
surpresi | print |
surpresita | overprint |
surpreso | overprint |
surpriza | startling, surprising |
surprize | aback |
surprizi | surprise |
surpriziĝi | be surprised |
surprizo | surprise |
surprovi | try on |
surradiado | irradiation |
surradii | irradiate, shine upon |
surregistrebla | writable |
surskribi | write upon |
surskribo | superscription |
surstakigu | push |
surstrate | in the street |
surŝipe | on board |
surŝprucigi | spatter, bespatter, splash, sprinkle |
surŝranketo | set top-box |
surtabla | desktop |
surtabligi | serve |
surtera | terrestrial |
surteriĝi | land |
surteriĝo | landing |
surtreti | tread upon, walk on |
surtroniĝo | accession |
surtuto | coat, overcoat |
surverŝi | water |
surveturi | run over |
survoje | on the way |
suspektema | suspicious |
suspekti | suspect |
suspektinda | suspicious |
suspekto | suspicion |
suspendi | postpone |
suspendita | in abeyance |
suspiri | sigh |
susuri | rustle, swish |
susuro | rustle, swish |
suturi | seam, suture |
suturo | seam, suture |
suverena | sovereign |
suvereno | sovereign |
svaga | vague, fuzzy |
svagigi | fuzzify |
svahila | Swahili |
svahilo | Swahili |
Svalbardo | Spitsbergen |
svarmi | abound, swarm |
svarmo | swarm |
svati | match, match make |
svatistino | matchmaker |
svatisto | matchmaker |
svazia | Swazi |
Svazilando (Svaziujo) | Swaziland |
Svaziujo | Swaziland |
sveba | hover |
sveda | Swedish |
Svedio (Svedujo) | Sweden |
Svedlando (Svedujo) | Sweden |
svedo | Swede |
Svedujo | Sweden |
svelta | slender, slim |
sveltiĝadi | slim |
sveltiĝi | slim down |
sveni | faint, swoon |
sveniga | intoxicating |
sveniga cerefolio | hemlock |
svenigi | drug, intoxicate, stun, stupefy |
sveninta | unconscious |
sveno | faint, swoon |
svetro | sweater |
svingi | swing, brandish, fling, wave, wave about |
svingiĝi | sway, swing |
svingo | swing |
svingpendi | swing |
svingsaluti | wave |
svisa | Swiss |
Svisio (Svisujo) | Switzerland |
Svislando (Svisujo) | Switzerland |
sviso | Swiss |
Svisujo | Switzerland |
SW (sudokcidento) | S.W., SW, southwest, south west, south-west
Ŝ |
ŝ (ŝi) | she, her |
Ŝ (ŝo) | Ŝ, the letter Ŝ, S circumflex, S-circumflex |
ŝabano | Sha'aban (Islamic month), Sha'ban (Islamic month) |
ŝabato | Sabbath |
ŝablon-datumbazo | template database |
ŝablondatumbazo | template database |
ŝablono | pattern, stencil, template, templet |
ŝafaĵo | mutton |
ŝafbleki | bleat |
ŝafejo | fold, pen |
ŝafhundo | sheepdog |
ŝafida | lamb |
ŝafidaĵo | lamb |
ŝafido | lamb |
ŝafisto | shepherd |
Ŝafo | Aries; sheep (singular) |
ŝafo | sheep (singular) |
ŝafoj | sheep (pl.) |
ŝafto | arbor, shaft, spindle |
ŝaho | shah |
ŝajne | apparently, seemingly |
ŝajni | appear, appear to be, seem |
ŝajnigi | feign, pretend |
ŝajno | appearance |
ŝak! | check! (chess) |
ŝakalo | jackal |
ŝaki | check |
ŝakludo | chess |
ŝako | chess |
ŝakri | peddle |
ŝaktabula | checkered, interleaved, multibank (memory) |
ŝaktabulo | chessboard |
ŝakto | shaft |
ŝalmo | reedpipe, reed pipe |
ŝalmo (trinkopajlo) | straw (drink) |
ŝalo | shawl |
ŝaltalgebro | switching algebra |
ŝalthorloĝo | timer |
ŝalti | switch on |
ŝaltileto | jumper |
ŝaltilo | on button |
ŝaltita | enabled |
ŝalupego | launch, longboat |
ŝalupo | boat, sloop, shallop |
ŝamano | shaman |
ŝamanoj | shamans (not shamen) |
ŝamo | chamois, chamois leather |
ŝampinjono | mushroom |
ŝampui | shampoo |
ŝampuo | shampoo |
ŝana | Shan (Burma), Shan language |
ŝanceli | shake |
ŝanceliĝanta | hesitant |
ŝanceliĝema | indecisive |
ŝanceliĝemo | infirmity of purpose, indecision, irresolution |
ŝanceliĝi | hesitate, waver |
ŝanco | chance, luck |
Ŝangrilao | Shangri-La, paradise |
Ŝangrilaon | Shangri-La (acc.), paradise (acc.) |
ŝanĝanta | changing, turning, fluid (gender) |
ŝanĝante | changing, turning, fluid (gender) |
ŝanĝanteseksema | abrosexual |
ŝanĝanteromantika | abroromantic |
ŝanĝi | change, turn |
ŝanĝi grandecon | resize |
ŝanĝi nomon | rename |
ŝanĝiĝi | change |
ŝanĝiĝo | alteration, change, conversion, transformation |
ŝanĝmono | change |
ŝanĝo | change, about-face, alteration, conversion, transformation |
ŝanĝo al rezerva sistemo | failover |
ŝanĝo al rezervosistemo | failover |
ŝanĝo-rapido | exchange rate |
ŝanĝohistorio | change history |
ŝanĝohistorioj | change histories |
ŝanĝokompleta | full-differential, full differential |
ŝanĝolisto | changelist, change list |
ŝanĝomalfaro | rollback |
ŝanĝomarko | change marker |
ŝanĝomastrumado | change management |
ŝanĝoprotokolo | changelog |
ŝanĝorapido | exchange rate |
ŝanĝospura modulo | tracker module |
ŝanĝospurado | tracking |
ŝanĝospuri | track (differences) |
ŝanĝospurilo | tracker |
ŝanhaja | Shanghainese, Shanghai language, Wu Chinese, Wu; 上海 |
Ŝanhajo | Shanghai; 上海 |
ŝarga tiparo | downloadable font, soft font |
ŝargado | loading |
ŝargeco | charge (charged state) |
ŝargi | charge, load |
ŝargilo | loader |
ŝargita | loaded |
ŝarglevilo | advance lever |
ŝargodosiero | boot record |
ŝargomapo | load map |
ŝargomodulo | load module |
ŝarĝanta | carrying, loaded with |
ŝarĝaŭto | truck, lorry |
ŝarĝaŭtoj | trucks, lorries |
ŝarĝbiciklo | carrier cycle, carrier tricycle |
ŝarĝi | load, burden, charge |
ŝarĝilo | charger |
ŝarĝmodulo | load module |
ŝarĝo | charge, load, burden |
ŝarĝobalancado | load balancing |
ŝarĝobalancilo | load balancer |
ŝarĝodistribuado | load balancing |
ŝarĝodistribuilo | load balancer |
ŝarĝorejŝo | loading factor |
Ŝario | Sharia, Shariah, Sharīʿah; احكام الشريعة |
ŝarko | shark |
ŝatateco | esteem, regard, respect |
ŝategi | be fond of, love |
ŝati | appreciate, like |
ŝatinda | likable |
ŝatokupo | hobby |
ŝatokupoj | hobbies |
ŝaumo | foam, froth |
ŝaŭma | effervescent, sparkling |
ŝaŭmi | foam, froth |
ŝaŭmo | foam, froth |
ŝedo | penthouse, shed |
ŝejko | sheik, sheikh |
ŝekelo | shekel |
ŝekereo | shekere |
Ŝekspiro | Shakespeare, William Shakespeare |
ŝelaliro | shell access |
ŝelkoj | braces, suspenders |
ŝelo | bark, husk, peel, shell |
ŝengena | Schengen (Luxembourg); Schengen Agreement |
Ŝengeno | Schengen (Luxembourg); Schengen Agreement |
Ŝengen-spaco (Schengen-spaco) | Schengen Area |
Ŝengen-zono (Schengen-spaco) | Schengen Area |
ŝenoprazo | chive |
ŝercaĵo | gag, joke |
ŝercema | jocular, playful |
ŝerci | jest, joke |
ŝerco | gag, joke |
ŝerculo | jokester |
ŝerifo | sheriff |
Ŝetlandaj Insuloj | Shetland, Shetland Islands, Shetlands; Sealtainn |
Ŝetlandinsularo (Ŝetlandaj Insuloj) | Shetland, Shetland Islands, Shetlands; Sealtainn |
ŝi | she, her |
ŝia | her |
ŝika | chic |
ŝildo | shield, signboard |
ŝilingo | shilling |
ŝima | moldy, mouldy |
ŝimi | get moldy, get mouldy |
ŝimiĝi | get moldy, get mouldy |
ŝimo | mold, mould |
ŝin | her |
ŝindo | shingle |
ŝinko | ham |
Ŝintoismo | Shintoism |
Ŝintoo | Shinto, Shintoism; 神道 |
Ŝintoon | Shinto (acc.), Shintoism (acc.); 神道 (acc.) |
ŝipanaro | crew |
ŝipano | crew member |
ŝiparo | fleet |
ŝipe | by ship |
ŝipestro | captain |
ŝipfarejo | shipyard |
ŝipisto | sailor |
ŝipo | ship, vessel |
ŝippereo | shipwreck |
ŝipripo | frame, timber |
ŝiprompi | be shipwrecked |
ŝipsava | ship salvage |
ŝipveturi | travel by ship |
ŝipveturo | traveling by ship |
ŝiraĵo | tear |
ŝiri | rip, tear |
ŝiriĝinta | torn |
ŝirita | torn |
ŝirmado | dodging |
ŝirmanto | protector |
ŝirmejo | shelter |
ŝirmi | shelter, protect |
ŝirmi sin | shelter |
ŝirmi sin kontraŭ | protect from, ward off |
ŝirmilo | shelter |
ŝirmo | protection, shelter |
ŝirmtegaĵo | dust sheet, loose cover |
Ŝivaismo | Shaivism, Shivaism (Shaivism) |
ŝivaisto | Shaiva, Saiva, Saivite |
ŝivaistoj | Shaivas, Saivas, Saivites |
Ŝivao | Shiva (Hindu god); शिव |
Ŝivaon | Shiva (Hindu god, acc.); शिव (acc.) |
ŝlejera | Schleyerian, Schleyer, Schleyer’s, Johann Martin Schleyer’s |
Ŝlejero | Schleyer, Johann Martin Schleyer (creator of Volapük) |
Ŝlesvigholstinio | Schleswig-Holstein; Schleswig-Holstein; Slesvig-Holsten; Sleswig-Holsteen; Sleeswijk-Holstein; Slaswik-Holstiinj; f.k.a. Sleswick-Holsatia |
Ŝlesvigo | Schleswig or South Jutland fka Sleswick; nl Sønderjylland or Slesvig; de Schleswig; Sleswig; Slaswik or Sleesweg |
Ŝlesvigo-Holŝtejno (Ŝlesvigholstinio) | Schleswig-Holstein; Schleswig-Holstein; Slesvig-Holsten; Sleswig-Holsteen; Sleeswijk-Holstein; Slaswik-Holstiinj; f.k.a. Sleswick-Holsatia |
ŝlimo | mud, slime |
ŝlosa | lock, locking |
ŝlosado | locking |
ŝlosi | lock |
ŝlosila | key |
ŝlosilgenerilo | key generator |
ŝlosilgeneriloj | key generators |
ŝlosilo | key, wrench |
ŝlosilo-generilo | key generator |
ŝlosiloalgoritmo | key algorithm |
ŝlosilogenerilo | key generator |
ŝlosiloj | keys, wrenches |
ŝlosilvorta | keyword |
ŝlosilvorto | keyword |
ŝlosita | locked |
ŝloso | lock; lockout |
ŝmaci | smack |
ŝminki | make up |
ŝminki sin | put on makeup, put on make-up, put on make up |
ŝminko | make up, make-up, makeup |
ŝmiraĵo | ointment |
ŝmiri | anoint, smear, spread |
ŝnurego | hawser, rope |
ŝnureto | string |
ŝnuro | cord, rope, string |
ŝnursalti | skip rope |
ŝnurŝtupetaro | accommodating ladder |
ŝo (Ŝ) | Ŝ, the letter Ŝ, S circumflex, S-circumflex |
ŝoforo | chauffeur, driver |
ŝoguno | shogun |
ŝoj (Ŝ) | Ŝ’s, S’s circumflex, S-circumflexes, S’s circumflexed |
ŝokanta | offensive |
ŝoki | shock |
ŝokiĝi | resent, take exception, take offence |
ŝoko | shock |
ŝona | Shona, chiShona |
Ŝopeno | Chopin, Frédéric François Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin |
ŝorbeto | sherbet |
ŝorto | shorts |
ŝoseo | highway |
ŝoseoj | highways |
ŝoso | shoot |
ŝovebla | gliding, sliding, moveable |
ŝoveli | shovel |
ŝovelilo | shovel |
ŝovi | shove, push along, drag |
ŝovi kaj demeti | drag and drop |
ŝovilo | slider |
ŝovinismo | chauvinism |
ŝovinisto | chauvinist |
ŝovmeti | drag and drop |
ŝovo | shift |
ŝovregilo | fader |
ŝovreĝimo | drag mode |
ŝovreĝistro | shift register |
ŝovsulko | slot |
ŝparado | economy; saving |
ŝparadoj | economies; savings |
ŝparaĵo | savings |
ŝparema | thrifty |
ŝpari | save, spare |
ŝparkaso | savings bank |
ŝparo | economy; saving |
ŝparoj | economies; savings |
ŝpato | spade |
ŝpini | spin |
ŝpinilo | spindle |
ŝpinrado | spinning wheel |
ŝpruca sugesto | tooltip, screentip, control tip |
ŝprucaj sugestoj | tooltips, screentips, control tips |
ŝprucakvumi | water |
ŝprucakvumo | watering |
ŝprucamelo | spray starch |
ŝprucfenestra | pop-up |
ŝprucfenestro | pop-up |
ŝpruchelpa konsilo | tooltip, balloon tip |
ŝpruchelpilo | tool tip, balloon help |
ŝpruci | spurt, gush, spray, spurt out |
ŝprucigi | squirt, spray |
ŝprucilo | nozzle |
ŝprucmenuo | pop-up menu |
ŝprucpistolo | airbrush |
ŝprucujo | spray can |
ŝpuro | gauge |
ŝranklito | cupboardbed |
ŝranko | cabinet, closet, cupboard, sideboard |
ŝrapnelo | shrapnel |
ŝraŭbi | screw |
ŝraŭbi pli firme | screw home |
ŝraŭbingo | nut |
ŝraŭbkrajono | pencil with screw mechanism, mechanical pencil |
ŝraŭbo | screw |
ŝraŭbŝlosilo | adjustable wrench, spanner |
ŝraŭbtenilo | vice |
ŝraŭbturnilo | screwdriver |
ŝrumpi | shrink, shrivel up |
ŝtala | steel, of steel |
ŝtalgitaro | steel guitar |
ŝtalo | steel |
ŝtaltamo | steel drum |
ŝtanci | punch, press, stamp |
ŝtata | state-run, government, state |
ŝtataneco | nationality |
ŝtatanecoj | nationalities |
ŝtatano | national, citizen |
ŝtatestro | head of state |
ŝtatigi | nationalize |
ŝtatigo | nationalization |
ŝtatisto | statesman |
ŝtatistoj | statesmen |
ŝtato | state |
ŝtatorgano | state organ |
ŝtatrenverso (puĉo) | coup d’état, putsch |
ŝtatrenversoj (puĉoj) | coups d’état, putsches, coup d’états (coups d’état) |
ŝtele | stealthily |
ŝteli | steal |
ŝteliri | steal |
ŝteliri al | stalk |
ŝtelistino | thief (fem.) |
ŝtelisto | thief |
ŝtelo | abstraction, theft |
ŝtelrampi | creep over, sneak around |
ŝtelrigardi | crib |
ŝtiparo | woodpile |
ŝtiparumi | burn at the stake |
ŝtipo | block, chunk of wood |
ŝtofo | cloth, material |
ŝtona | metalled, stone |
ŝtonego | boulder |
ŝtonepoka | stone-age, Stone Age |
ŝtonepoko | stone age |
ŝtonepoko | Stone Age |
ŝtonetaro | broken stones, chippings, road metal, rubble, stone chippings |
ŝtoneto | pebble |
ŝtonhakisto | stonemason, stonecutter |
ŝtoniĝinta | petrified |
ŝtonkarbo | anthracite |
ŝtono | stone |
ŝtonroko | hard rock |
ŝtopado | padding |
ŝtopaĵo | dummy, stub, placeholder |
ŝtopaĵoj | dummies, stubs, placeholders |
ŝtopi | block, clog, plug up, stop up |
ŝtopiĝo | bottleneck |
ŝtopiĝo-rego | congestion control |
ŝtopiĝorego | congestion control |
ŝtopilingo | electric socket |
ŝtopilo | plug |
ŝtormo | storm |
ŝtrumpeto | sock |
ŝtrumpo | stocking |
ŝtupara | step, step (function) |
ŝtuparejo | staircase |
ŝtuparo | staircase, stairs |
ŝtupetaro | ladder |
ŝtupo | stair, step, rung |
ŝufaristo | shoemaker |
ŝufiksilo | shoe holder, toeclip (bicycle, bike) |
ŝuflo | shuffle |
ŝuisto | shoemaker |
ŝukorno | shoehorn, shoe lift |
ŝulaĉo | shoelace |
ŝulaĉoj | shoelaces |
ŝuldi | owe |
ŝuldo | debt |
ŝultro | shoulder |
ŝultrolevi | shrug |
ŝultrozono | shoulder belt, bandoleer, bandolier, shoulder strap |
ŝuo | shoe |
ŝupurigisto | shoeshiner, bootblack |
ŝuŝa | fricative |
ŝuŝi | hiss, rustle, swish |
ŝuŝo | hissing, rustling, swishing |
ŝutado | pouring, dumping |
ŝuti | dump, pour, pour out, scatter |
ŝvaba | Swabian; schwäbisch |
Ŝvabio (Ŝvabujo) | Swabia (German region), Suabia, Svebia; Schwaben |
ŝvabo | Swabian; Schwabe (masc.), Schwäbin (fem.) |
ŝvaboj | Swabians; Schwaben, Schwäbinnen (fem.) |
ŝvabri | swab, mop |
ŝvabrileto | sponge, dish rag |
Ŝvabujo | Swabia (German region), Suabia, Svebia; Schwaben |
ŝveba | hover |
ŝvebi | float, hover |
ŝveli | swell |
ŝveligi | inflate |
ŝveliĝi | swell |
ŝviti | sweat |
ŝvito | perspiration, sweat
T |
T-ĉemizo | T-shirt |
t-regulado | time exposure |
t.e. (tio estas) | i.e., that is, id est |
t.n. (tiel nomata) | so-called |
tab-limigita | tab-delimited, tab delimited |
taba | tab, tab-delimited |
taba dosiero | TSV, tab-delimited file, tab-separated values, .tsv |
tabakaĵbutiko | tobacconist’s |
tabakbutiko | tobacconist’s |
tabako | tobacco |
tabano | gadfly, horsefly |
tabaro | tab set |
tabeleto | small table of data |
tabeli | tabulate, tab |
tabeliga | make-table (query), tab (stop) |
tabeligi | tabulate |
tabelkalkula | spreadsheet |
tabelkalkulilo | spreadsheet |
tabelnotacio | tablature |
tabelo | index, table, tablet, tabulation; matrix |
tabelotipo | array type |
tabeltipo | array type |
tabeltraserĉo | table lookup |
tabernaklo | tabernacle |
tabla | table, desktop (computer) |
tableto | little table |
tablimigita | tab-delimited, tab delimited |
tablo | table |
tablo-stativo | table tripod |
tablojdo | tablet |
tablostativo | table tripod |
tabloteniso | table tennis, ping-pong |
tablotuko | tablecloth |
tabo | tab, tabulator, tabulation |
tabopaŝi | tabulate, tab |
tabopaŝo | tabulation, tab, move |
tabpaŝi | tab |
tabpaŝo | tab |
tabula bordkovraĵo | campsheeting, campshedding, campshot |
tabuleto | tablet |
tabulo | board, plank |
tabulpaĝilo | pager |
tabuo | taboo |
tabureto | stool |
taĉmento | detachment |
taga | daily |
tagaloga | Tagalog |
tagbileto | day ticket |
tage | by day, in the daytime |
tageto | African marigold |
tagiĝo | dawn, daybreak |
taglaboristo | day laborer, day labourer |
taglibro | diary |
tagluma | daylight |
taglumo | daylight |
tagmanĝo | dinner, midday meal |
tagmezo | midday, noon |
tagnokto | 24-hour period |
tago | day |
Tago de Ĉiuj Sanktuloj | All Saints Day, November 1 |
Tago de la Mortintoj | All Souls’ Day |
Tago de la Patrinoj | Mother’s Day |
Tago de la Patroj | Father’s Day |
Tago de Pekliberigo | Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, Feast of Expiation |
tagordo | agenda |
taĝika | Tajik Persian, Tajik language, Tajikistani, Tajiki |
Taĝikio (Taĝikujo) | Tajikistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Тоҷикистон |
taĝiko | Tajikistani |
Taĝikujo | Tajikistan, Republic of Tajikistan, Тоҷикистон |
tahitia | Tahitian |
Tahito | Tahiti |
Taĥo | Tagus |
taja | Thai |
Taja Novjaro | Thai New Year |
tajdo | tide |
tajino | Thai woman |
tajlanda | Thai |
Tajlanda Golfo | Gulf of Thailand |
Tajlando (Tajujo) | Thailand, Kingdom of Thailand, ประเทศไทย; f.k.a. Siam |
tajli | cut, polish |
tajlorado | tailoring, customization |
tajlorebla | customizable |
tajlori | tailor |
tajlorigo | tailoring, personalization |
tajlorino | tailor, female tailor |
tajlorita | custom built |
tajloro | tailor |
Tajmzo | Times type family |
tajo | Thai |
tajpadaj | typing |
tajpado | typing |
tajperaro | typing error |
tajpeska tiparo | typewriter face, tt, teletype |
tajpi | type |
tajpistino | typist |
tajpmontrila | cursor, caret (mode) |
tajpmontrilo | cursor |
tajpujo | field, typing field, textarea, text area, text field |
Tajujo | Thailand, Kingdom of Thailand, ประเทศไทย; f.k.a. Siam |
tajvana | Taiwanese |
tajvanano | Taiwanese |
Tajvano | Taiwan |
TAKE (Tut-Amerika Kongreso de Esperanto) | TAKE, Esperanto Congress of the Americas |
takelo | tackle |
taksa | evaluation |
taksado | evaluation |
taksgarnituro | benchmark package |
taksi | appraise, estimate, rate |
taksiisto | taxi driver |
taksilo | evaluator |
taksio | taxi |
taksistacio | cabstand |
taksisto | appraiser |
taksotestado | benchmarking, benchmark |
taksotestilo | benchmark program, benchmarking program |
takstestado | benchmarking |
takstestilo | benchmark program |
taksuso | yew tree |
taktikisto | tactician |
taktiko | tactic, tactics |
taktilo | system clock |
takto | musical time, tact |
taktofrekvenco | clock rate |
taktoperiodo | clock cycle |
taktorapido | clock speed |
taktosento | sense of tact |
taktosigno | time signature |
talenta | talented |
talento | talent |
talentplena | gifted, talented |
Talino | Tallinn (Estonia) |
talio | waist, waistline |
taliumo | thallium |
talko | talcum |
Talmudo | Talmud |
talpo | mole |
tamariko | tamarisk |
tambono | tambon |
tamburbastoneto | stick, drum stick |
tambureto | small drum |
tamburino | tambourine |
tamburisto | drummer |
tamburmembrano | drum head, drum skin |
tamburo | drum |
tamburorulado | drum roll, roll |
tamego | floor tom |
tamen | but, however, nevertheless, yet |
tameto | small tom, mounted tom |
tamila | Tamil |
Tamizo | Thames |
tamo | tom (instrument) |
tampono | plug, tampon |
tandemo | tandem |
tangentarko | arctangent, arc tangent |
tango | tango |
tanĝa | grazing |
Tanĝero | Tangier |
tanĝi | graze, touch at one point |
tani | tan |
tanino | tannin |
tanko | tank |
tantalo | tantalum |
Tantalo | Tantalus |
tantiemo | royalties |
tanzania | Tanzanian |
tanzaniano | Tanzanian |
Tanzanio | Tanzania |
tapeti | paper |
tapetisto | paperer, paperhanger |
tapeto | tapestry, wall covering |
tapiŝo | carpet |
tarantulo | tarantula |
tarifo | tariff |
taska | task |
taskadministrilo | task manager |
taskaro | organizer, agenda |
taski | assign |
tasko | job, assigned job, task |
taskobreto | to-do bar, task bar |
taskolisto | task list, to-do list, todo list, to-do’s |
taskopanelo | task pane |
taskopeto | task request |
taskoplanilo | task scheduler |
taskopleta | task bar, task tray |
taskopleto | system tray |
taskorientita | task-oriented |
taskostrio | task bar |
taskplanado | job scheduling |
taskplanilo | job scheduler |
taskreto | activity network, PERT network |
tasmania | Tasmanian |
tasmaniano | Tasmanian |
Tasmanio | Tasmania |
taso | cup |
Taŝkento | Tashkent, Tashkend |
tatara | Tatar |
tataro | Tartar |
taŭga | of use, suitable |
taŭgeco | ability, capability, fitness, suitability |
taŭgi | fit, suit, be suitable |
taŭgprova programo | shareware |
taŭgprovaĵo | shareware |
taŭro | bull |
taŭrobatala areno | bullring |
taŭrobatalejo | bullring |
taŭrobatalo | bullfight |
taŭtologio | tautology |
taŭzi | dishevel, tousle |
taverno | inn, tavern |
tavola | layer |
tavolo | layer |
Tbiliso | Tblisi (Georgia) |
te (tio estas) | i.e., that is, id est |
teamo | team |
teatra | theatrical |
teatraĵo | play, theatre play |
teatro | theatre |
teda | boring, stodgy, tiresome |
tedaĵo | something boring, bore |
tedaĵoj | fuss |
tede banala | hackneyed, hard-worked, stale, trite, worn-out |
tedi | bore |
tedulo | bore |
teejo | teahouse |
tegado | coating |
tegaĵo | covering |
tegi | cover, overlay |
tegilo | cover, protective cover |
tegmento | roof |
tegola | cascaded |
tegolaj | cascading |
tegoli | cascade (arrange) |
tegolo | tile (for roof) |
tegumento | cover |
Tehrano | Tehran, Teheran, Tehrān |
Teĥinfo | Texinfo |
teĥniko | technique; technology |
Teĥo | TeX |
Teĥrano | Teheran |
TEJO (Tutmonda Esperantista Junarula Organizo) | TEJO, World Organization of Young Esperantists |
tekkomputilo | laptop computer, notebook computer |
teknecio | technetium |
teknika | technical |
teknika dokumento | whitepaper, white paper |
teknikisto | technician |
tekniko | technics, technique |
teknologio | technology |
teko | briefcase, file |
tekokomputileto | subnotebook (computer) |
tekokomputilo | laptop computer |
tekruĉo | teapot |
teksaĵo | fabric, textile |
teksasanino | Texan woman |
teksasano | Texan |
Teksaso | Texas |
teksestro | webmaster |
teksi | weave |
teksilo | loom |
teksta | text, textual |
teksta kampo | text field, textarea, text area |
teksta uzantinterfaco | TUI, text user interface |
tekstaj | text, textual |
tekstaldonilo | draw-text tool |
tekstaranĝilo | content formatter, text arranger |
tekstaranĝo | text arranging, content formatting, character formatting |
tekstaro | collection of texts |
tekstatribuoj | text attributes |
teksti | read, say |
tekstilaĵoj | textile |
tekstmesaĝi | text, SMS |
tekstmesaĝo | text message, SMS |
teksto | lyric, text |
teksto-al-parolo | text-to-speech, text-to-speak |
teksto-atribuoj | text attributes |
teksto-dependa | context-sensitive, context sensitive |
tekstoatribuoj | text attributes |
tekstoĉeno | text string |
tekstodependa | context-sensitive, context sensitive |
tekstodirekto | text direction |
tekstodosiero | text file |
tekstoformatilo | formatter |
tekstogrando | text size |
tekstokampo | text field |
tekstokorpo | text body |
tekstomesaĝo | text message, SMS |
tekstoreĝimo | text mode |
tekstotraktado | text processing, word processing |
tekstotraktilo | text processor, word processor |
tekstprilabora programeto | editor |
tekstprilaborilo | editor, word processor |
tekstredaktilo | text editor |
tekstrulumilo | ticker |
tekstujo | text box |
teksturo | texture |
tektono | teak tree |
tekulero | teaspoon |
telefona | telephone, dial-up |
telefonbudo | call box, telephone kiosk, phone booth, telephone booth |
telefoni | telephone |
telefonlibro | telephone book |
telefonlineo | telephone line, phone line |
telefono | telephone |
telefunkciigo | remote control |
telegrafi | telegraph |
telegrafo | telegraph |
telegramo | telegram |
telekomuniki | communicate by telecommunication |
telekonferenco | teleconferencing |
telekopii | fax, send by fax |
telekopiilo | fax machine, fax (machine) |
telekopio | fax (document) |
teleksi | telex |
telekso | telex |
telekunsidado | videoconferencing |
telematiko | telematics |
telemetrio | telemetry |
telemetro | rangefinder |
teleobjektivo | telephoto lens |
teleplenumo | remote execution |
telerega | remote-controlled, remote control |
teleregilo | remote control |
telereto | saucer, small plate |
telerlavilo | dishwashing brush |
telero | plate |
telerrako | draining board, drainer |
teleskopa | telescope |
teleskopo | telescope |
telestirado | remote control |
teletajpilo | teletype |
teleteksto | teletext |
teletrakti | teleprocess |
televida | TV, television |
televidaĵo | TV show, show, TV program |
televidi | see on TV, see on television |
televidilo | TV set, television set |
televido | TV, television |
telugua | Telugu |
teluro | tellurium |
tema prelego | keynote address |
temas pri | it’s regarding |
tembro | timbre |
tembroregilo | tone control |
temfadeno | topic thread |
temlinio | subject line |
temo | theme, topic, subject |
tempe replani | reschedule |
temperamento | temperament |
temperaturo | temperature |
tempesto | storm, tempest |
tempindiko | time stamp |
tempio | temple |
templimo | time limit, timeout, deadline |
templo | temple |
tempmezurilo | timer |
tempo | time, while |
tempoformato | time format |
tempoformo | time format |
tempogardilo | watch dog |
tempolimo | time limit, timeout |
tempomezurado | timing |
tempono | time slice |
tempopartigo | time sharing |
tempopaso | passage of time |
tempoperdo | waste of time |
tempoplano | schedule |
temporaba | time-consuming |
temporegistrado | time tracking |
temposervilo | time server |
temposkalo | time scale |
tempounuo | time unit |
tempovaloro | time value |
tenado | sustain |
tenajlo | pincers, pair of pincers |
tenaro | ball, ball of the thumb |
tenciklo | retention cycle |
tendaro | camp of tents, tented camp |
tendenca | biased, tendencious, tendentious |
tendenco | tendency |
tendeno | sinew, string, tendon |
tendi | camp |
tendo | tent |
Tendofesto | Feast of Tabernacles |
tendumi | camp |
tenebro | darkness |
tenejo | depository |
tenera | tender, tenderhearted |
tenereco | tenderness |
Tenesio | Tennessee |
teni | hang onto, hold |
teniĝo | deportment, bearing, attitude |
tenilo | handle, knob |
teniloj | handles |
teniso | tennis |
teno | grip, hold |
tenoristo | tenorist |
tenoro | tenor |
tenperiodo | retention period |
tensinivelo | voltage level |
tensio | tension, voltage |
tenti | entice, tempt |
tentiĝi | be tempted |
tento | temptation |
teo | tea |
teokratio | theocracy |
teologio | theology |
teologo | theologian |
teoremo | theorem |
teoria | abstract |
teorie | in the abstract |
teorio | theory |
teoriumi | theorize, theorise |
tepoto | teapot |
tera | earthen, Earthly, terrestrial |
tera akso | axis of Earth, Earth’s axis |
terabajto | terabyte |
terapio | therapy |
teraso | terrace |
terbio | terbium |
terbulo | clod of earth, lump of earth |
tereno | ground, grounds, terrain |
teretaĝo | ground floor |
tergaso | natural gas |
tergloba | terrestrial |
terglobo | globe, worldglobe |
tergrundo | earth |
teritoria | territorial |
teritorio | territory |
terkonekti | earth, ground |
terkonekto | earth connection, earthing, earth wire, grounding, groundwire |
terkrusto | Earth’s crust, crust of the earth |
terkultivisto | farmer |
terkulturisto | farmer |
terminalfenestro | terminal window |
terminalimitilo | terminal emulator |
terminalimito | display emulation |
terminalo | terminal |
terminalprogramo | terminal program |
terminalsimulilo | terminal emulator |
terminaro | glossary, terminology |
termino | term |
terminologia | terminology |
terminologio | terminology, nomenclature |
termito | termite |
termo | term |
termometro | thermometer |
termoregula | thermostating |
termoso | thermos bottle |
termostato | thermostat |
terni | sneeze |
ternivelo | first floor, ground floor, ground level |
terno | sneeze |
ternukso | groundnut |
Tero | Earth |
tero | earth, land, soil |
terorismo | terrorism |
teroristo | terrorist |
teroro | terror, reign of terror |
terpeko | asphalt, bitumen |
terpoma | potato |
terpomo | potato |
terpomsenŝeliga tranĉilo | potato peeler |
terpomŝimo | potato blight, potato disease, potato rot |
terskuo | earthquake shock |
Tersolo | Tersoal, Terzool |
tersupraĵo | surface (of the Earth) |
terŝoviĝo | landslide |
tertavolo | layer, layer of earth |
tertestudo | land tortoise |
Tertiaro | Tertiary |
tertremo | earthquake |
terura | abysmal, dreadful, gruesome, horrible, terrible |
terure | awfully |
terurega | hideous, horrible, ghastly |
teruregaĵo | abhorrence, abomination |
terurego | abhorrence, horror |
teruri | frighten, terrify |
teruriĝinta | startled |
terurita | startled |
teruro | terror |
tervermo | earthworm |
terzono | zone |
testa | test |
testa antaŭeldono | release candidate, RC |
testa antaŭversio | release candidate, RC |
testa programaro | testsuite, test suite |
testado | testing |
testamenti | bequeath, make a will |
testamento | testament, will |
testaro | test suite |
testdatumoj | test data |
testejo | sandbox, test area |
testi | test |
testiko | testicle |
testilo | tester |
testkazo | test case |
testo | test |
testo-retejo | staging web |
testofunkcio | test function |
testoretejo | staging web |
testorezulto | test result |
testoskripto | test script |
testoversio | test version, technology preview |
testudo | tortoise |
testversio | test version |
teujo | teapot |
tezaŭro | thesaurus |
tezo | essay, thesis |
tia | such, such a, that kind of |
tiaĵo | such a thing |
tial | therefore |
tial ke | because, for the reason that |
tiam | then |
tiama | of that time |
tiamaniere | in that way, this way, like this, thus |
Tiberio | Tiberius |
Tibero | Tiber |
tibeta | Tibetan |
tibetanino | Tibetan woman |
tibetano | Tibetan |
Tibeto | Tibet |
tibiingo | gaiter, legging |
tibio | shinbone, tibia |
tie | there, over there, yonder |
tie ĉi | here |
tie kaj tie | here and there |
tiea | that ... over there |
tiel | so, such, thus |
tiel ... kiel | as ... as, so ... as |
tiel estu | amen, so be it |
tiele | sic, thus, intentionally so written, sīc |
tien | that way, there, thither, yonder |
tien ĉi | here, hither, this way |
tien kaj reen | back and forth |
ties | that one’s |
tifo | typhus |
tifono | typhoon |
tigo | stalk, stem |
tigobrasiko | kohlrabi |
tigraja | Tigrinya, Tigrigna, Tigrina, Tigriña, Tigrinian, Tigrinyan |
tigrea | Tigrinya, Tigrigna, Tigrina, Tigriña, Tigrinian, Tigrinyan |
Tigriso | Tigris |
tigro | tiger |
tikla | delicate, ticklish |
tikli | tickle |
tikliĝema | ticklish |
tiko | tic, twich |
tiktako | jiffy, tick |
tildo | tilde, ˜, ~ |
tilia | lime, of a lime tree |
tilio | lime tree, linden tree |
tima | afraid |
timbaleo | timbale |
timbalo | kettle drum |
timego | fright |
timema | afraid, timid |
timemulo | coward, funk |
timi | be afraid of, fear |
timida | shy |
timiga | horrible |
timigi | frighten |
timigita | afraid, fearful |
timinda | frightful, awful |
timkrio | cry of distress |
timo | fear |
Timormaro | Timor Sea |
Timoro | Timor |
timtremiga | gaunt, ghastly, gruesome, horrible |
tindro | tinder, punk |
tinedifektita | moth-eaten |
tineo | moth |
tinko | tench |
tinkturi | dye, tint |
tinkturo | dye, tint |
tinta cimbalo | ride cymbal |
tintado | tinkling, clinking |
tinti | jingle, tinkle |
tintigi | ring |
tintilo | bell |
tinto | jingle, tinkle |
tinuso | tuna, tunafish, tunny |
tio | that, that over there, those |
tio ĉi | this, this here |
tio estas | that is, i.e. |
tio ne gravas | it doesn’t matter, never mind, nevermind |
tiom | that much |
tiom da | so many, so much |
tioma | so much |
tipa | typical |
tipara | font, type (font) |
tipara grando | font size, font-size |
tiparadapto | copyfitting |
tiparfasono | fontface, font |
tiparo | font |
tipdeklaro | type definition |
tipizema programlingvo | strongly typed language, typed language |
tipkonverto | type conversion |
tipnomo | type identifier |
tipo | type |
tipografio | publishing |
tirado | pulling |
tiraneco | tyranny |
tirani | tyrannize |
Tirano | Tirana (Albania); Tiranë, Tirana, Tirona |
tirano | tyrant |
Tirena Maro | Tyrrhenian Sea |
tiri | drag, draw, haul, pull, tug |
tiriĝi | drag on, wear on, be pulled |
tiristoro | thyristor |
tirkesto | drawer |
tirkestŝranko | cabinet |
tirlevi | hoist, hoist up |
tirmenuo | pulldown menu, pull-down menu |
tiroido | thyroid |
tirteknologio | pull technology |
titana | titanic |
titanio | titanium |
Titano | Titan |
titola | title |
titoli | title |
titolmodelo | title master |
titolo | title, degree, heading |
titolvico | header row |
titolzono | title area |
tiu | that, that one over there |
tiu ĉi | this |
tiuj | those |
tiuj ĉi | these |
tiumaniere | thus, in that way |
tiun ĉi nokton | tonight |
tiuokaze | then |
tiuspeca | of that kind, such |
tiutempe | at that time |
tiva | Tiv |
tm (tutmonde) | worldwide |
tm. (tutmonde) | worldwide |
tn (tiel nomata) | so-called |
to (T) | T, the letter T, tee (letter name) |
tobagano | Tobagonian |
Togo (Togolando) | Togo, Togolese Republic, Togoland |
togolandano | Togolese |
Togolando | Togo, Togolese Republic, Togoland |
Togolo (Togolando) | Togo, Togolese Republic, Togoland |
tohuvabohuo | confusion, disorder |
tok-pisino | Tok Pisin |
tokelaa | Tokelauan |
Tokelao | Tokelau |
toki-pono | Toki Pona |
Tokio | Tokyo, Tōkyō |
tokipono | Toki Pona |
Tokjo (Tokio) | Tokyo, Tōkyō |
tokpisino | Tok Pisin |
toksa | toxic |
tokseco | toxicity |
toksikomanio | substance addiction |
tola | linen |
tolaĵo | linen |
tolerebla | tolerable |
tolerema | tolerant |
toleremo | tolerance |
toleri | endure, put up with, tolerate |
tolmarko | laundry mark |
tolo | linen |
tomato | tomato |
tomatsuko | tomato juice |
tomatsupo | tomato soup |
tombejo | cemetery, graveyard |
tombo | grave, tomb |
tombomonteto | barrow, burial mound, grave mound, tumulus |
tomboŝtono | tombstone |
tonalsigno | key signature |
tonalto | pitch |
tonaltoregilo | pitch control |
tonda | clipping |
tondado | clipping |
tondaĵo | snip |
tondejo | clipboard |
tondeti | trim |
tondetilo | trimmer |
tondi | clip, cut, shear |
tondilo | scissors |
tondo-stirilo | shear handle |
tondostirilo | shear handle |
tondri | thunder |
tondro | thunder |
Tondrobirdo | Thunderbird |
tondrofrapita | thunderstruck |
tondujo | clipboard |
tonfleksado | pitchbend |
tonfleksilo | pitchbend control |
tonga | Tonga (Malawi) |
tongaa | Tongan (Tonga) |
tongano | Tongan |
Tongo | Tonga |
toniko | tonic |
tono | tone |
tonsento | pitch |
tonsilo | tonsil |
tonŝanĝigo | toning |
topazo | topaz |
topologio | topology |
torako | chest |
torĉo | torch |
tordi | contort, twist |
torenta | torrent |
torento | torrent, volley |
torentodosiero | torrent file |
torfejo | peat bog |
torfo | peat |
Torino | Turin |
torio | thorium |
torni | turn |
tornilo | lathe |
tornisto | turner, lathe operator |
tornistro | backpack, knapsack |
Toronto | Toronto |
torpedi | torpedo |
torpedo | torpedo |
torso | trunk |
torto | pie, tart |
torturado | torture |
torturi | torture |
torturisto | torturer |
torturo | torture |
Toskano | Tuscany |
tosti | toast, offer a toast |
tosto | toast |
totala | overall, total |
totale | altogether, in all, totally |
totaligi | add together, total |
totalismo | totalitarianism |
totemo | totem |
toŭfuo | tofu |
tra | through |
trabaro | framework, scaffolding |
trabati | come through, chop through |
trablovo | draught |
trabo | beam, girder |
trabori | drill through |
Tracio | Thrace, Thracia |
trad (tradukinto) | trans., translator |
trad (tradukis) | trans., translated by |
trad (tradukita) | trans., translated |
trad. (tradukinto) | trans., translator |
trad. (tradukis) | trans., translated by |
trad. (tradukita) | trans., translated |
tradicia | traditional |
tradiciismo | traditionalism |
tradicio | tradition |
traduka | translation |
tradukarto | art of translation |
traduki | translate |
tradukilgenerilo | compiler compiler, compiler generator, translator writing system, TWS |
tradukilo | compiler, translator |
tradukinto | translator |
tradukis | translated by |
tradukita | translated |
traduko | translation |
traduktempa | compile-time |
trafa | striking |
trafe | on target; apt, to the point |
trafe dirita | to the point |
trafe reaganta | to the point |
trafi | hit, strike, catch, run across |
trafik-limiga | throttle |
trafik-limigado | throttling |
trafikilo | means of transportation |
trafiklimiga | throttle |
trafiklimigado | throttling |
trafiko | traffic |
trafikregularo | traffic rules |
trafikreguloj | traffic rules |
trafikŝtopiĝo | traffic jam, traffic block, congestion |
trafo | hit |
trafosi | spade |
trafrejŝo | hit rate |
tragedia | tragedy |
tragedio | tragedy |
tragelafo | bushbuck |
tragika | tragic |
tragikeco | tragedy |
traĥeo | trachea |
traigivo | throughput |
trairejo | passage |
trairi | cover, go through, pass through |
trairo | traversal |
trajektorio | trajectory |
trajnbileto | railway ticket, train ticket |
trajno | train |
trajtaro | feature list, feature pack |
trajto | feature, trait |
trakeo | windpipe |
trakino | weever |
traklakado | click-through |
traklaki | click through |
traklako | click-through |
traknivela pasejo | level-crossing |
trako | track |
trakopio | carbon copy |
traktada | processing |
traktadaj | processing |
traktado | treatment, processing, handling |
traktaĵo | treatise |
traktata | treated |
traktato | treaty |
traktebla | processable |
trakti | deal with, handle, treat |
trakti malbone | abuse |
trakti per radioterapio | radiate |
traktilo | handler |
trakto | treatment, process |
traktoro | tractor |
tralasi | let through |
tralegi | read through |
traluma | transflective |
tramhaltejo | streetcar stop, tram stop |
tramo | streetcar, tram |
tranĉa | sharp, cutting |
tranĉaĵo | slice |
tranĉebeno | clipping plane |
tranĉeo | trench |
tranĉi | cut, slice |
tranĉilo | knife |
tranĉvundo | cut |
trankvila | calm, tranquil |
trankvileco | calmness, composure |
trankviligi | appease, calm, quiet, soothe, still |
trankviliĝi | calm down |
tranoktejo | accommodation |
tranokti | pass the night, spend the night |
trans | across, beyond, on the other side of |
transa | on the other side, opposite |
transakcia | transaction, update |
transakcio | transaction |
transcenda | transcendent |
transdoni | convey, hand, hand over, pass |
transdono | delivery, transfer |
transe | opposite |
transetendo | spanning (disk) |
transformado | transformation |
transformi | transform |
transformi afiŝen | posterize |
transformilo | transformer |
transformo | refashioning, transformation |
transfuzi | transfuse |
transgluaĵo | sticker |
transgenra | trans, transgender |
transgenrulo | trans person, transgender person |
transgenrulino | trans woman, transgender woman, woman |
transgenrulinoj | trans women, transgender women, women |
transgenruloj | trans people, transgender people |
transi | cross |
transig | transfer |
transiga | conversion |
transigi | transfer |
transigo | transfer, transmission |
Transilvanio | Transylvania |
transira | cutover, cut-over |
transirejo | level crossing |
transiri | cross, go beyond, transfer |
transiro | crossing, transfer |
transistora | transistor |
transistoro | transistor |
transita | transitive, transit |
transitiva | transitive |
Transkejo | Transkei |
transkodi | transcode |
transliterado | transliteration |
transliteri | transliterate |
transliterumado | transliteration |
transliterumi | transliterate |
transloĝigi | move |
transloĝiĝi | move |
transloki | move, transfer |
translokiĝi | move |
transmara | overseas |
transmetada | transfer |
transmeti | transfer |
transmeto | transfer |
transmetrapido | transfer rate |
transmetrapido en baŭdoj | baud, Bd, baud rate, modulation rate, baudrate |
transmisii | transmit |
transmisiilo | transmitter |
transmocio | sidegrade |
transmonta | across the mountains |
transpago | remittance, remittance of money |
transpasa | transition |
transpasaj | override |
transpasebla | overridable |
transpasi | go beyond |
transpaso | override |
transpaŝi | transgress, step across |
transponi | transpose |
transporta | transport |
transportado | transportation |
transportbiciklo | carrier cycle, carrier tricycle |
transporti | transport |
transportisto | carrier, transporter |
transporto | transport |
transpoŝigi | cut and paste, kill and yank |
transpreni | take on |
transpromocio | sidegrade |
transputoro | transputer |
transruĝa | infrared |
transsalti | jump across |
transseksa | trans, transexual, transgender |
transsekseco | transsexuality |
transseksulino | trans woman, transexual woman, woman |
transseksulo | trans person, transexual |
transsendfina | end of transmission, end-of-transmission, ␄ |
transsendfina signo | EOT character, end of transmission character, ␄ |
transsendi | submit |
transsendilo | transmitter |
transsendo | submission |
transskribi | transscribe |
transskribo | transliteration |
transŝarĝi | shift on to |
transtera | in the next world, in the hereafter |
transtomba | beyond the grave |
transvala | Transvaalian |
Transvalo | Transvaal |
transversa | transverse |
transversa fluto | flute |
transversaŝipe | abeam |
transverse | crosswise |
transviola | ultraviolet |
trapasejo | passageway |
trapasi | pass through |
trapiki | pierce, puncture |
trapuŝi | push through |
trarigarda | lookup, look across |
trarigardi | look through |
trarigardo | lookup |
trarompi | break through |
traserĉi | search |
traserĉi en subdosierojn | search subfolders |
traserĉilo | search tool |
traserĉo | search, search across |
trasorbigi | soak |
trastreka | strikethrough |
trastreki | cross out |
trastreko | strikethrough, strikeout, cross stroke, stroke, slash, ̵ |
trasuferi | suffer through |
trati | make a draft |
trato | draft |
traŭmata | traumatic |
traŭmato | trauma |
travadi | ford |
travedibleco | transparency, ability to look across, glassiness |
traverŝilo | colander, strainer |
travestianto | transvestite |
travestio | travesty |
traveturi | travel through, drive through |
travidebla | transparant |
travidebleco | transparency |
travideblo | transparency |
travidi | see through |
travintri | spend the winter |
travivaĵo | experience |
travivi | experience, live through, survive |
travizito | tour |
travojaĝi | travel through |
tre | quite, very, very much |
trea | high, extreme, verity |
tredi | thread |
tredistingiva | very distinguishable; HD, high-definition, high definition |
tredkodo | threaded code |
tredo | treading |
treege | enormously, extremely |
trefo | clubs |
trejnado | training |
trejnato | trainee |
trejni | coach, train |
trejnisto | trainer |
tremado | trembling |
tremao | umlaut, trema, dieresis, diaeresis, diæresis, ¨ |
tremi | quiver, shiver, tremble |
tremiga | eerie, grisly, gruesome, macabre |
tremo | quiver, quivering, vibration |
tremolo | aspen |
trempi | dip, immerse, soak |
trempiĝi | be soaked |
treni | drag, tow |
treniĝi | be towed, be dragged |
trenkablo | towing line |
trenŝipo | tug, tugboat |
treti | trample on, tread |
treuzata | very used, frequently used, hot |
trezoristo | treasurer |
trezoro | treasure |
tri | three, 3 |
tria | third, 3rd |
triangula | triangular |
triangulado | triangulation |
triangulo | triangle |
Triaso | Triassic |
triba | tribal |
tribano | tribe member |
tribestro | chief, chieftain |
tribismo | tribalism |
tribo | tribe |
tribordo | starboard |
tribunalo | tribunal |
tribuno | rostrum, speaker’s platform |
tribunuso | tribune |
tributi | pay tribute |
tributo | tribute |
triciklo | tricycle |
tridek | thirty, 30 |
tridimensia | 3D, three-dimensional |
Triero | Trier (Germany), Treves, Trèves, Tréier, Augusta Treverorum |
Triesto | Trieste (Italy) |
trifingra bradipo | ai, three-toed sloth |
trifoje | three times |
trifolio | clover, shamrock |
trigonometrio | trigonometry |
trikado | knitting |
trikfadeno | worsted |
triki | knit |
trikilo | knitting needle |
trikoloreto | pansy |
trikoto | stockinet |
trili | trill |
triliono | trillion |
trilo | trill |
trilogio | trilogy |
trimestro | quarter, term |
trinaskitoj | triplets |
trinidadano | Trinidadian |
Trinidado kaj Tobago | Trinidad and Tobago |
trinkado | drinking |
trinkaĵo | beverage, drink |
trinkebla | drinkable, drinking (water), potable |
trinkeja | bar, pub |
trinkeja servisto | barman, bartender |
trinkejo | bar, pub |
trinki | drink |
trinkmono | tip |
triobla | triple |
triono | third, ⅓, 1/3 |
Tripolo | Tripoli |
tripunkto | dots, (horizontal) ellipsis |
trirada | three-wheeled |
trista | dismal, dreary, sad |
triste | sadly |
tristigi | afflict, distress, grieve |
tritiko | wheat |
trito | third |
Tritono | Triton |
triumfi | triumph |
triumfo | triumph |
triunuo | trinity |
Triunuo | Trinity, Holy Trinity |
trivi | use up, wear out |
triviala | commonplace, coarse, vulgar |
tro | too, too much |
troa | undue |
trockiismo | Trotskyism |
trodorloti | spoil |
trodorlotita | spoiled |
trofeo | trophy |
trofidema | gullible |
trogo | manger, trough |
troigi | exaggerate |
troigo | exaggeration |
troja | Trojan (horse) |
troja ĉevalo | Trojan horse, Trojan |
trojano | Trojan |
trojĉevala | Trojan-horse, Trojan horse, Trojan |
trojĉevalo | Trojan horse, Trojan |
Trojo | Troy |
trolebuso | trolleybus, trolley bus |
troleo | trolley |
trolo | dragnet; troll |
troloĝata | overpopulated |
troloĝateco | overpopulation |
trolŝipo | trawler |
trombono | trombone |
trombozo | thrombosis |
trompa | deceitful |
trompado | deceit, defraudation |
trompaĵo | fraud, gyp |
trompanto | cheat, deceiver, imposter |
trompeti | take in |
trompi | cheat, deceive |
trompiĝi | be deceived, be fooled |
trompisto | phisher |
trompita | cheated, deceived |
trompito | deceived person, deceived one |
trompkodoj | cheat codes |
trompo | swindle |
trompo-retejo | phishing website |
tromporetejo | phishing website |
trompŝteli | pilfer, pinch |
trompŝtelisto | fraud |
trompŝtelo | fraud |
trono | throne |
troo | excess |
tropagigi | fleece |
tropeolo | nasturtium |
tropika | tropical |
tropiko | tropics |
tropikumigo | tropicalizing |
tropo | trope, figure of speech |
trorapidigo | overclocking |
troŝarĝi | overburden |
trotaksi | overestimate |
troti | trot |
trotilo | scooter |
trotuaro | pavement, sidewalk |
trouza braka malsano | RSI, repetitive strain injury |
trouzi | overuse |
trovaĵo | finding |
trovi | find |
trovi sin | be found, be located, find oneself |
troviĝi | be found, be located, find oneself |
trubenda | punched-tape |
trubendo | punch tape |
trud-malkovro | intrusion detection |
trudaĵo | spam |
trudfenestro | pop-up, pop up, pop-up window |
trudi | force, impose |
trudmalkovro | intrusion detection |
trudmesaĝo | spam, junk email, junk e-mail |
trudmesaĝujo | spam folder, junk email folder, junk e-mail folder |
trudo | imposition, coercion |
trudrivelado | overdeveloping |
trui | perforate |
truilo | perforator, punch |
truka | Chuukese, Trukese |
trukarta | punch card |
trukarto | punch card |
truko | trick |
trulo | trowel |
trumpeti | trumpet |
trumpeto | trumpet |
trunkado | truncating |
trunketo | blade, stalk |
trunki | cut off |
trunko | stem, trunk |
truo | hole |
truplena | full of holes |
trupo | troop, troupe |
Trutajpa | TrueType |
truto | trout |
tsvana | Tswana |
TTT | WWW, World Wide Web, World-Wide Web |
TTT (Tut-Tera Teksaĵo) | WWW, World Wide Web, World-Wide Web |
TTT-ejo | website |
TTT-legilo | browser |
TTT-paĝo | webpage, web page, internet page |
tualeto | toilet |
tualetujo | cosmetic case, vanity case |
tuba | tube |
tubercelerio | turnip-rooted celery |
tuberkulozo | tuberculosis |
tubero | lump, bump; knot; knob |
tubfotilo | miniature camera |
tubisto | fitter |
tubjo | tuba |
tubmuntisto | fitter |
tubo | barrel, channel, pipe, tube |
tuĉo | Indian ink |
tufalaŭdo | tufted lark |
tufgrebo | grebe |
tufo | tuft |
tuj | at once, immediately, just, right away, right now |
tuj kiam | as soon as |
tuja | immediate |
tujaĵo | hot key |
tujfotaĵo | instant photograph |
tujfotografio | instant photography |
tujmesaĝado | instant messaging |
tujmesaĝilo | instant messenger |
tujmesaĝo | IM, instant message |
tujo | successor, next |
tujpreta | instant |
tujrivelado | instant developing |
tujserĉilo | instant search |
tujstartilo | quickstarter |
tujvidigilo | instant viewer |
tukano | toucan |
tuko | cloth |
tulio | thulium |
tulipo | tulip |
tumoro | tumor, tumour |
tumultema | wanton |
tumultemo | wantonness |
tumulto | riot, tumult |
tumultsonorilo | alarm, alarm bell |
tunelado | tunneling (network) |
tunelo | tunnel |
tuneloservilo | tunnel server |
tungsteno | tungsten |
tuniko | tunic |
tunisiano | Tunisian |
Tuniso | Tunis |
tunizia | Tunisian |
tunizianino | Tunisian woman |
tuniziano | Tunisian |
Tunizio | Tunisia |
Tunizo | Tunis |
tuno | ton |
tura | tower |
turbano | turban |
turbo | top |
turdo | thrush |
tureto | turret |
turinga | Turing |
turismo | tourism |
turisto | tourist |
turistoficejo | tourist bureau |
turka | Turkish |
turkino | Turkish lady, Turkish woman |
Turkio (Turkujo) | Turkey |
turkiso | turquoise |
turkmena | Turkmeni |
Turkmenio (Turkmenujo) | Turkmenistan, Türkmenistan; f.k.a. Turkmenia |
Turkmenistano (Turkmenujo) | Turkmenistan, Türkmenistan; f.k.a. Turkmenia |
turkmeno | Turkmen |
Turkmenujo | Turkmenistan, Türkmenistan; f.k.a. Turkmenia |
turko | Turk |
Turkoj kaj Kajkoj | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Turkujo | Turkey |
turmentado | abuse |
turmenti | abuse, torment |
turmento | torment |
turnangulo | rotation angle |
turnei | go on tour |
turneisto | roadie |
turnemanaĝero | road manager |
turneo | tour |
turni | turn, turn around, turn round |
turni plipreme | fasten, tighten, turn, turn on |
turni sin al | apply to |
turniĝadi | swirl |
turniĝi | turn |
turniĝo | turn |
turniro | tournament |
turno | turn |
turnobjekto | rotation object |
turnopunkto | watershed, turning point |
turo | castle, tower; rook (chess) |
turpa | nasty, ugly |
turto | turtledove |
tusado | coughing |
tusi | cough |
tusilago | coltsfoot |
tuso | cough |
tuŝaĉi | tamper |
tuŝado | sense of touch |
tuŝanta | adjacent, adjoining, neighboring, neighbouring |
tuŝebla | palpable |
tuŝekrana | touchscreen |
tuŝekrano | touch-sensitive display |
tuŝeti | touch lightly |
tuŝi | touch |
tuŝo | touch |
tuŝosurfaco | tire tread |
tuŝplato | touchpad |
tut-tera teksaĵo | World Wide Web, World-Wide Web, WWW |
tuta | entire, overall, whole |
tutaĵo | entirety |
tutcerte | with absolute certainty |
tutdosiera | full-file, full file |
tute | at all, entirely, quite, wholly |
tute ne | not at all |
tuteco | totality |
tutekrana | full screen |
tutekrane | full screen |
tutkora | cordial, wholehearted, whole-hearted |
tutmonda | worldwide |
tutmonde | worldwide |
tutmondiĝo | globalization, globalisation |
tuto | whole |
tutteksta | fulltext, full-text, full text |
tuttera teksaĵo (tut-tera teksaĵo) | World Wide Web, World-Wide Web, WWW |
tuva | Tuvan, Tuvinian, Tyvan, Tuvin |
tuvala | Tuvaluan |
tuvalano | Tuvaluan |
Tuvalo | Tuvalu; f.k.a. Ellice Islands |
tvisti | twist |
tvisto | twist |
tvistodanco | twist
U |
u | U, the letter U, u (letter name) |
U (uranio) | uranium, U, element 92 |
U.R. (Unuiĝinta Reĝlando) | UK, United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
uadi (uedo) | wadi, valley |
UAE (Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj) | United Arab Emirates, UAE, the Emirates; دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة; f.k.a. Trucial Oman, Trucial States |
UAE-anino (anino de Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj) | Emirati (fem.) |
UAE-aninoj (aninoj de Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj) | Emiratis (fem.) |
UAE-ano (ano de Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj) | Emirati |
UAE-anoj (anoj de Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj) | Emiratis |
Uagaduguo | Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Ouaga |
Uago (Uagaduguo) | Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Ouaga |
uako (ĉina pato) | wok, Chinese frying pan, curved frying pan |
uako (kurba pato) | wok, curved frying pan, Chinese frying pan |
uakoj (ĉinaj patoj) | woks, Chinese frying pans, curved frying pans |
uakoj (kurbaj patoj) | woks, curved frying pans, Chinese frying pans |
ualabio (valabio) | wallaby |
ublieto (subtora malliberejo) | oubliette, dungeon |
udmurta | Udmurt |
udmurtino | Udmurt (fem.) |
udmurtinoj | Udmurts (fem.) |
Udmurtio (Udmurtujo) | Udmurtia (Russian Republic), Udmurt Republic; Удмуртия, Удмурт Республика; Удмуртия, Удмуртская Республика |
udmurto | Udmurt |
udmurtoj | Udmurts |
Udmurtujo | Udmurtia (Russian Republic), Udmurt Republic; Удмуртия, Удмурт Республика; Удмуртия, Удмуртская Республика |
UEA (Universala Esperanto-Asocio) | UEA, World Esperanto Association |
uesta (okcidenta) | west, western |
Uesta Virginio (Okcidenta Virginio) | West Virginia (U.S. state) |
uesto (okcidento) | west |
uganda | Ugandan |
ugandanino | Ugandan (fem.) |
ugandaninoj | Ugandans (fem.) |
ugandano | Ugandan |
ugandanoj | Ugandans |
Ugando | Uganda, Republic of Uganda; Uganda, Jamhuri ya Uganda |
uja | container |
ujgura | Uyghur, Uyĝur; f.k.a. Eastern Turk |
ujo | container, box, vessel, jug |
ujutna (komforta) | comfortable |
UK (Universala Kongreso) | World Congress, World Congress of Esperanto |
ukazo | edict, ukase |
ukazo (arbitra ordono) | arbitrary order, ukase |
ukazo (cara dekreto) | ukase, czarist imposition; arbitrary order |
ukraina | Ukrainian |
ukrainino | Ukrainian (fem.) |
ukraininoj | Ukrainians (fem.) |
Ukrainio (Ukrainujo) | Ukraine, the Ukraine (Ukraine); Україна; Украи́на; Ukraina; f.k.a. Ukrainian National Republic, Ukrainian State, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic |
ukraino | Ukrainian |
ukrainoj | Ukrainians |
Ukrainujo | Ukraine, the Ukraine (Ukraine); Україна; Украи́на; Ukraina; f.k.a. Ukrainian National Republic, Ukrainian State, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic |
ukrajnanino (ukrainino) | Ukrainian (fem.) |
ukrajnaninoj (ukraininoj) | Ukrainians (fem.) |
ukrajnano (ukraino) | Ukrainian |
ukrajnanoj (ukrainoj) | Ukrainians |
Ukrajno (Ukrainujo) | Ukraine, the Ukraine (Ukraine); Україна; Украи́на; Ukraina; f.k.a. Ukrainian National Republic, Ukrainian State, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic |
Ukrajnujo (Ukrainujo) | Ukraine, the Ukraine (Ukraine); Україна; Украи́на; Ukraina; f.k.a. Ukrainian National Republic, Ukrainian State, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic |
ukulela | ukulele |
ukulelo | ukulele |
UL (Unua Libro) | Unua Libro (“First Book”) |
Ulan-Batoro | Ulan Bator, Ulaanbaatar; Улаанбаатар |
ulcero | ulcer, sore |
Uligo | Uliga (Marshall Islands); Wūlka |
ulino | gal, chick |
Uliso | Ulysses |
ulmo | elm |
ulo | person, fellow, guy, chap |
ultimato (lasta oferto) | ultimatum, last offer |
ultragrandangula | fisheye, ultrawide |
ultrakurtonda | FM, ultrashort-wave |
ultramara (ĉielblua) | ultramarine, sky blue |
ultramaro (ĉielbluo) | ultramarine, sky blue, sky blueness |
ululi | wail, howl, hoot, yowl |
umaĵo | thingamajig, whatchamacallit |
umbiliko | navel |
umbunda (ovimbunda) | Ovimbundu, South Mbundu, Umbundu; úmbúndú |
umi | (indefinite suffix) |
umo | thingamajig, whatchamacallit |
UN (Unuiĝinta Naciaro (Unuiĝintaj Nacioj)) | UN, U.N., United Nations |
UN (Unuiĝintaj Nacioj) | UN, U.N., United Nations |
un’ (unu) | one, 1 |
unco | ounce, oz. (singular) |
uncoj | ounces, oz. (pl.) |
undino (akvofeino) | water fairy, undine |
Unesko (Organizaĵo de la Unuiĝintaj Nacioj por Edukado, Scienco kaj Kulturo) | UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
ungego | claw |
ungo | nail |
ungobroso | nailbrush |
ungokuŝejo | nailbed, nail bed |
ungotajlilo | nail clipper, nail clippers |
ungotondilo | fingernail clippers, nail clippers, nail scissors |
ungoverniso | nail varnish |
ungozono | cuticle |
ungvento (ŝmiraĵo) | ointment |
uniformo | uniform |
unika (unu sola) | unique |
unikaĵo | unique specimen |
Unikodo | Unicode |
unikorno (unukornulo) | unicorn |
Unikso | Unix |
uniksulo | Unix user |
unio (unuiĝo) | union |
Unio de Sovetaj Socialismaj Respublikoj (Sovet‑Unio) | Soviet Union, USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Союз Советских Социалистических Республик, СССР |
unita | unit, unitary |
unito | unit |
unito (unuo) | unit |
universala | universal, worldwide, general |
universala aplikaĵo (universala programo) | Universal (application), Universal Binary (application), UB |
universala programo | Universal (application), Universal Binary (application), UB |
universala seria buso | USB, Universal Serial Bus |
universala ŝraŭbilo | monkey wrench, shifting spanner |
universala ŝraŭbŝlosilo | monkey wrench, shifting spanner |
universalaj ŝraŭbiloj | monkey wrenches, shifting spanners |
universalaj ŝraŭbŝlosiloj | monkey wrenches, shifting spanners |
universaleco | universality, generality |
universalecoj | generalities |
universitata | university, academic |
universitato | university |
universitatoj | universities |
universo | universe |
unkti (sanktolei) | anoint with oils |
UNO (Unuiĝinta Naciaro (Unuiĝintaj Nacioj)) | UN, U.N., United Nations |
UNO (Unuiĝintaj Nacioj) | UN, U.N., United Nations |
unu | one, 1 |
unu kaj duona | one and a half, 1.5, 1½ |
unu kaj duono | one and a half, 1.5, 1½ |
unu la alian | each other, eachother, one another |
unu nivelon malsupren | demote a level |
unu nivelon supren | promote a level |
unu sola | unique |
unu-al-plura | one-to-many |
unu-foja | one-time |
unu-je-unu-rilato | one-to-one relationship |
unu-nur-uza | disposable, one-use-only |
unua | first, 1st; ground (floor); down (payment) |
Unua Epistolo de Johano | First Epistle of John |
Unua Epistolo de la Apostolo Paŭlo al la Korintanoj | First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians |
Unua Epistolo de la Apostolo Paŭlo al la Tesalonikanoj | First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonians |
Unua Epistolo de la Apostolo Paŭlo al Timoteo | First Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Timothy |
Unua Epistolo de Petro | First Epistle of Peter |
unua helpo | first aid |
unuafoje | for the first time |
unualoke | above all |
unuanima | unanimous |
unuaranga | first-rate |
unuavice | primarily, first and foremost |
unuavide | at first sight |
unubobena | single-coil |
unudirekta | one-way; simplex |
unue | first, firstly, first of all |
unueca | unified |
unueco | unity |
unuecoj | unities |
unuensaluta | single sign-on |
unuetaĝa | one-story, one-floor |
unuflanka | unilateral |
unufoja | one-time |
unufoje | once, one time, single |
unuforlaso | one drop |
unuforma | uniform |
Unuforma Risurca Lokindiko | URL, Uniform Resource Locator, Universal Resource Locator |
unugrafeo | graph |
unuhora | one-hour |
unuigi | join, unite |
unuigita | unified |
unuigo | combination, joining, junction, union |
unuiĝi | associate, join, pool |
unuiĝinta | united |
Unuiĝinta Naciaro (Unuiĝintaj Nacioj) | United Nations, UN, U.N. |
Unuiĝinta Regno (Unuiĝinta Reĝlando) | United Kingdom, UK, Great Britain, Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Unuiĝinta Reĝlando | United Kingdom, UK, Great Britain, Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Granda Britio kaj Nord-Irlando (Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Granda Britujo kaj Nord-Irlando) | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, UK, Great Britain, Britain |
Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Granda Britujo kaj Nord-Irlando | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, UK, Great Britain, Britain |
Unuiĝinta Reĝno de Granda Britio kaj Nord-Irlando (Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Granda Britujo kaj Nord-Irlando) | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, UK, Great Britain, Britain |
Unuiĝinta Reĝno de Granda Britujo kaj Nord-Irlando (Unuiĝinta Reĝlando de Granda Britujo kaj Nord-Irlando) | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, UK, Great Britain, Britain |
Unuiĝintaj Arabaj Emirlandoj | United Arab Emirates, UAE, the Emirates; دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة; f.k.a. Trucial Oman, Trucial States |
Unuiĝintaj Nacioj | United Nations, UN, U.N. |
Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj Amerikaj (Usono) | America (United States of America), United States, United States of America, the U.S., the USA, the States |
Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko (Usono) | America (United States of America), United States, United States of America, the U.S., the USA, the States |
unuiĝo | union |
unuj | ones, 1s, 1’s |
unukolora | monochrome; one-color |
unukornulo | unicorn |
unulingva | monolingual |
unuloka | unary |
ununbio (kopernicio) | copernicium, Cn, element 112; f.k.a. ununbium, Uub |
ununheksio (livermorio) | livermorium, Lv, element 116; f.k.a. ununhexium, Uuh |
ununilio (darmŝtatio) | darmstadtium, Ds, element 110; f.k.a. ununnilium, Uun |
ununkvadio (flerovio) | flerovium, Fl, element 114; f.k.a. ununquadium, Uuq |
ununoktio | ununoctium, Uuo, element 118, eka-radon |
ununorma | normalized |
ununpentio | ununpentium, Uup, element 115, eka-bismuth |
ununseptio | ununseptium, Uus, element 117, eka-astatine |
ununtrio | ununtrium, Uut, element 113, eka-thallium |
ununura | one and only, sole |
unuo | unit |
unuobla | single |
unuoblabata | one-stroke, single stroke |
unuokula | single lens |
unuopa | single |
unuope | one at a time, singly |
unuopulo | individual |
unupaŝa | one-pass |
unupersona | one person |
unuprocesoro | uni-processor, uniprocessor |
unusemajna | one-week, weeklong, week-long |
unusenca | unambiguous, unequivocal; one-way; single-valued (function) |
unusignifa | unambiguous |
unuŝaltila | single-switch, single switch |
unutaga | one-day, daylong |
unutavola | unstratified |
unutavoligi | flatten (image), condense layers, remove layers |
unuto | first note, prime note |
unutona | monotonous |
unuuma | unary |
unuvoĉa | monophonic |
unuvorte | in short, in a word |
uoj | U’s, ues (pl. letter name) |
uoko (ĉina pato) | wok, Chinese frying pan, curved frying pan |
uoko (kurba pato) | wok, curved frying pan, Chinese frying pan |
uokoj (ĉinaj patoj) | woks, Chinese frying pans, curved frying pans |
uokoj (kurbaj patoj) | woks, curved frying pans, Chinese frying pans |
upsilono | upsilon (Greek letter), Υ, υ |
upupedoj | Upupidae (birds) |
upupo | hoopoe (bird), hoopoo |
upupoj | hoopoes (birds), hoopoos |
UR (Unuiĝinta Reĝlando) | UK, United Kingdom, Great Britain, Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
uragano | hurricane |
urala-altaja | Ural-Altaic, Turanian |
Uralo (montaro) | Urals, Ural Mountains; Уральские горы, Ура́льские го́ры |
Uralo (rivero) | Ural River |
urana | Uranian, Uranus |
uranio | uranium, U, element 92 |
uranismo (vira samseksemo) | male homosexuality; f.k.a. uranism |
Urano | Uranus |
urba | urban |
urba bluso | urban blues |
urbanizi (urbigi) | urbanize |
Urbano | Urban; Urbanus |
urbano | urbanite, city-dweller |
urbdomo (urbodomo) | city hall, town hall, townhall |
urbecigi | urbanize |
urbega | city, metropolitan area |
urbego | city, metropolis |
urbegoj | cities, metropolises |
urbestro | mayor |
urbeto | town |
urbigi | urbanize |
urbo | city, town |
urbocentro | city center, city centre, downtown |
urbocentroj (centroj de urbo) | city centers, city centres, downtown areas |
urbocentroj (centroj de urboj) | cities’ centers, cities’ centres, cities’ downtowns |
urbodomo | city hall, town hall, townhall |
urboj | cities, towns |
urbomuro | city wall |
urbomuroj | city walls |
urborando | city periphery |
urborandoj | city peripheries |
urbŝtato | city state |
urbŝtatoj | city states |
urdua | Urdu; اردو |
Urduo | Urdu, Urdu language; اردو |
uretro (urinkanalo) | urethra |
urĝa | pressing, urgent |
urĝe | urgently |
urĝeco | urgency |
urĝecoj | urgencies |
urĝi | urge, hurry, press |
urĝi sin | hurry |
urĝiĝi | hurry, rush |
urini | urinate |
urinkanalo | urethra |
urino | urine |
urinujo | chamber pot |
URL (Unuforma Risurca Lokindiko) | URL, Uniform Resource Locator, Universal Resource Locator |
urlio (mumpso) | mumps, epidemic parotitis |
urno | ballot box, urn |
uro | aurochs |
ursino | she-bear, bear (fem.) |
Ursinsulo | Bear Island |
urso | bear |
urtiko | nettle |
urugvaja | Uruguayan |
urugvajanino | Uruguayan (fem.) |
urugvajaninoj | Uruguayans (fem.) |
urugvajano | Uruguayan |
urugvajanoj | Uruguayans |
Urugvajo | Uruguay, Oriental Republic of Uruguay, Eastern Republic of Uruguay; Uruguay, República Oriental del Uruguay |
usantreĝimo | user mode |
USB (universala seria buso) | USB, Universal Serial Bus |
USB-klavaro | USB keyboard |
USB-muso | USB mouse |
USB-pordo | USB port |
USB-poŝmemorilo | USB flash drive |
USB-poŝmemoro | memory stick |
USEJ (Usona Esperantista Junularo) | USEJ, U.S. Esperanto Youth Group, United States Esperanto Youth Group |
uskleca | case, letter case |
uskleciva | case sensitive |
usklecivo | case sensitivity |
uskleco | case, letter case |
usklecoblinda | fold case |
usklecodistinga | case sensitive |
usklecodistingeco | case sensitivity |
usklecodistingo | case sensitivity |
usklecoviŝa | smash case |
usona | American, U.S. |
usona futbalo | football, American football |
Usona Samoo | American Samoa; Amerika Sāmoa, Amelika Sāmoa, Sāmoa Amelika; f.k.a. Western Samoa |
Usonaj Malgrandaj Insuloj | United States Minor Outlying Islands, U.S. Minor Outlying Islands |
Usonaj Virgulininsuloj | Virgin Islands of the United States, Virgin Islands of the U.S., U.S. Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands of the U.S.), United States Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands of the United States), USVI |
usonanino | American (fem.) |
usonaninoj | Americans (fem.) |
usonano | American |
usonanoj | Americans |
Usono | America (United States of America), United States, United States of America, the U.S., the USA, the States |
USSR (Sovet‑Unio) | USSR, Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; СССР, Союз Советских Социалистических Республик |
Utaho | Utah (U.S. state) |
utero | uterus, womb |
utila | advantageous, useful |
utila respondaro | FAQ, frequently asked questions; useful answers |
utilaĵo | utility, utility program |
utilaĵoj | utilities, utility programs |
utileca programo | utility, utility program |
utilecaj programoj | utilities, utility programs |
utileco | usefulness, utility |
utili | avail |
utiligi | make use of, utilize |
utiligo | utilization, utilisation |
utilismo | utilitarianism |
utilo | advantage, benefit |
utilprogramo | utility, utility program |
utilprogramoj | utilities, utility programs |
utopia | utopian |
Utopio | Utopia, utopia |
Utreĥto | Utrecht (Dutch city); Utrecht (Dutch province) |
utrikulario (vezika herbo) | bladderwort |
Uub (kopernicio) | copernicium, Cn, element 112; f.k.a. ununbium, Uub |
Uuh (livermorio) | livermorium, Lv, element 116; f.k.a. ununhexium, Uuh |
Uun (darmŝtatio) | darmstadtium, Ds, element 110; f.k.a. ununnilium, Uun |
Uuo (ununoktio) | ununoctium, Uuo, element 118, eka-radon |
Uup (ununpentio) | ununpentium, Uup, element 115, eka-bismuth |
Uuq (flerovio) | flerovium, Fl, element 114; f.k.a. ununquadium, Uuq |
Uus (ununseptio) | ununseptium, Uus, element 117, eka-astatine |
Uut (ununtrio) | ununtrium, Uut, element 113, eka-thallium |
Uuu (rentgenio) | roentgenium, Rg, element 111; f.k.a. unununium, Uuu |
UV (Universala Vortaro) | Universala Vortaro (Universal Dictionary of the Fundamento de Esperanto) |
uverturo (muzika malfermo) | overture, musical opening |
uvo (vinbero) | grape |
uvoj (vinberoj) | grapes |
uzado | use, usage |
uzanco (uzo) | use, usage |
uzant-indikita | discretionary, user-indicated |
uzantindikita | discretionary, user-indicated |
uzantnivela | user-level |
uzantnomo | username, user name |
uzantnomoj | usernames, user names |
uzantnumero | user id |
uzantnumeroj | user id’s, user id numbers |
uzanto | user |
uzantokonto | user account |
uzantokvoto | user quota |
uzantolimigoj | user restrictions |
uzantonumero | user id, user identifier, uid |
uzantoprofilo | user profile |
uzantorolo | user role |
uzantreĝimo | user mode |
uzbeka | Uzbek, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistani |
uzbekino | Uzbek (fem.) |
uzbekinoj | Uzbeks (fem.) |
Uzbekio (Uzbekujo) | Uzbekistan |
uzbekistananino (uzbekino) | Uzbek (fem.) |
uzbekistananinoj (uzbekinoj) | Uzbeks (fem.) |
uzbekistanano (uzbeko) | Uzbek |
uzbekistananoj (uzbekoj) | Uzbeks |
Uzbekistano (Uzbekujo) | Uzbekistan |
uzbeko | Uzbek |
uzbekoj | Uzbeks |
Uzbekujo | Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan; O‘zbekiston Respublikasi, Ўзбекистон Республикаси |
uzebla | of use, suitable |
uzi | employ, use, make use of |
uziĝi | be used |
uzino (fabriko) | factory, mill |
uzinoj (fabrikoj) | factories, mills |
uzita | used |
uzita akvo | effluent; used water |
uzkutimo | customary use, customary usage |
uzo | use |
uzofini | discard |
uzokondiĉoj | terms of use, user conditions |
uzula manlibro | user guide, user manual |
uzulaj manlibroj | user guides, user manuals |
uzulinterfaco | user interface |
uzulinterfacoj | user interfaces |
uzulo | user |
uzuro | usury |
uzurpi | overpower, usurp
Ŭ |
ŭ | ŭ, Ŭ, the letter Ŭ, U breve, U with hook |
ŭa | wah (interjection) |
ŭa-ŭa-efekto | wah-wah (music), wa-wa |
ŭabi-sabi | wabi-sabi, 侘寂 |
Ŭadano | Ouadane (Mauritania), Wadan (Mauritania) |
ŭadi (uedo) | wadi, valley |
Ŭagaduguo (Uagaduguo) | Ouagadougou |
ŭahabismo (vahabismo) | Wahhabism, Wahhabi mission |
Ŭajkiki (Waikiki) | Waikiki, Waikīkī |
Ŭajlando (Volundo) | Wayland, Wayland the Smith, Wieland |
Ŭajto | Isle of Wight |
Ŭakajama | Wakayama |
ŭakao | waka (poetry) |
ŭalabio (valabio) | wallaby |
Ŭalasa akcipitraglo | Wallace’s hawk-eagle, Wallace’s hawk eagle, Nisaetus nanus |
Ŭalasa nizaglo (Ŭalasa akcipitraglo) | Wallace’s hawk-eagle, Wallace’s hawk eagle, Nisaetus nanus |
Ŭalera sturno | Waller’s starling, Onychognathus walleri |
Ŭalera | Waller’s |
Ŭanuko | Huánuco (Peru), Huanuco (Peru) |
ŭaraj-ŭaraja (ŭaraja) | Wáray-Wáray, Samarnon, Winarai, Lineyte-Samarnon |
ŭaraja | Wáray-Wáray, Samarnon, Winarai, Lineyte-Samarnon |
ŭaraje | in Wáray-Wáray, in Samarnon, in Winarai, in Lineyte-Samarnon |
ŭarajŭaraja (ŭaraja) | Wáray-Wáray, Samarnon, Winarai, Lineyte-Samarnon |
Ŭaŝita-Montaro | Ouachita Mountains |
ŭato (vato) | Watt |
ŭaurao | Wauja, Wauja person |
ŭauraoj | Wauja people |
ŭaŭao | wah-wah pedal, wah pedal |
ŭifio (vifio) | Wi-Fi, WiFi, wifi |
Ŭikipedio (Vikipedio) | Wikipedia |
Ŭiko | Wick |
ŭo (ŭ) | Ŭ, the letter Ŭ, U breve, U with hook |
ŭoj | Ŭ’s, U breves, U’s with hook |
ŭolabio (valabio) | wallaby |
ŭonbulismo | Won Buddhism, Wŏn Buddhism |
ŭongakolombo | Wonga pigeon |
ŭono | won (Korean currency) |
ŭoŭ | wow (expression of admiration, wonder) |
ŭoŭnano | Wounaan, Emberá-Wounaan, Embera-Wounaan |
ŭua lingvo (vua lingvo) | Wu Chinese language |
ŭuduo (vozuo) | wudu (ritual washing) |
ŭulong-teo | oolong tea |
ŭulongteo | oolong tea
V |
v (vi) | u, you |
v (vidu) | see |
v. (vidu) | see |
v-hoketo | caron, háček, hácek, hacek, wedge, inverted circumflex, inverted hat, ˇ |
v-hoko | caron, háček, hácek, hacek, wedge, inverted circumflex, inverted hat, ˇ |
vaĉo | watch |
vadi | wade |
vadio (uedo) | wadi, valley |
Vaduzo | Vaduz (in Liechtenstein); Vaduz |
vafleto | cone, wafer |
vaflo | waffle |
vaflo-provilo | wafer prober |
vafloprovilo | wafer prober |
vagado | wandering, roaming |
vagi | roam, wander |
vagino | vagina |
vagonaro | train |
vagonenira | train-entering |
vagonenira vestiblo | platform |
vagono | carriage, coach, railway carriage, wagon |
vagulo | vagabond |
vahabismo (ŭahabismo) | Wahhabism, Wahhabi mission |
vajco | vice |
Vajomingo | Wyoming |
vaka | vacant |
vakcinado | vaccination |
vakcini | vaccinate |
vakcino | vaccine |
vakero | cowboy |
vaki | be vacant |
vakigi | clear |
vakigi kaŝmemoron | clear cache |
vaksflava | wax yellow |
vakskandelo | taper, wax candle |
vakso | wax |
vakstolo | oilcloth |
vakua | blank, empty, dummy |
vakuo | vacuum |
Valaĥio (en Ĉeĥujo) | Moravian Wallachia; Valašsko |
Valaĥio (en Rumanujo) | Wallachia, Walachia; Țara Românească, Valahia |
Valakio (en Ĉeĥujo) (Valaĥio) | Moravian Wallachia; Valašsko |
Valakio (en Rumanujo) (Valaĥio) | Wallachia, Walachia; Țara Românească, Valahia |
Valencia Golfo | Gulf of Valencia |
Valencilando | Valencian Community; Comunitat Valenciana, Comunidad Valenciana |
Valencio (Valencujo) | Valencia |
Valencujo | Valencia |
valeriano | valerian |
Valhalo | Valhalla, Walhalla; Valhöll |
valida | valid |
valideco | validity |
validi | be valid |
validigi | validate |
validigo | validation |
valisa | Wallisian, Fakauvea, East Uvean |
Valiso kaj Futuno | Wallis and Futuna, Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands; Wallis et Futuna, Territoire des îles Wallis et Futuna |
valizo | suitcase, valise |
valkiro | valkyrie; valkyrja |
valo | valley |
valona | Walloon |
Valonio (Valonujo) | Wallonia, Walloon Region; Wallonie, Waloneye, Wallonie, Wallonien, Wallonië |
valono | Walloon |
valonoj | Walloons |
Valonujo | Wallonia, Walloon Region; Wallonie, Waloneye, Wallonie, Wallonien, Wallonië |
valora | valuable |
valoraĵo | valuable |
valoraldona imposto | VAT, Value-Added Tax, Value Added Tax |
valoreksceso | range error |
valori | be worth |
valoriza | assignment |
valorizato | left part (of assignment), destination (of assignment) |
valorizebla esprimo | l-value |
valorizi | assign (value to variable) |
valorizo | assignment |
valormodelo | value model |
valoro | value, worth |
valoromapigo | value mapping |
valorpaperoj | securities (asset) |
valorparametra | value parameter |
valorrezulto | value-result |
valso | waltz |
valuta | currency |
valuta simbolo | currency sign, ¤ |
valuto | currency |
valvo | valve, tube |
valvtrombono | valve trombone |
vampiro | vampire |
vana | vain, futile, useless, abortive |
vanadio | vanadium |
vandalo | vandal |
vando | wall |
vane | in vain |
vaneco | vanity |
vangharoj | sideburns, side whiskers, whiskers |
vango | cheek |
vangobarbo (vangharoj) | sideburns, side whiskers, whiskers |
vangofrapo | slap |
vangoharoj (vangharoj) | sideburns, side whiskers, whiskers |
vanigi | thwart, foil |
vanilo | vanilla |
vanta | conceited, frivolous, vain |
vantaĵo | frivolity, silliness |
vanteco | vanity |
vantulo | braggart, smart aleck, egocentric |
vanuatuano | Vanuatuan, Ni-Vanuatu |
Vanuatuo | Vanuatu, Republic of Vanuatu; Vanuatu, Vanuatu, Ripablik blong Vanuatu, République de Vanuatu |
vao | wah |
vaporigi | evaporate |
vaporiĝi | evaporate |
vaporkaldrono | steam boiler |
vaporkovriĝi | become steamy, get covered with, get dim |
vaporo | steam, vapor, vapour |
vaporpurigejo | drycleaner’s |
vaporŝipo | steamship |
vaporumi | steam |
varbi | recruit |
varbiĝi | enlist |
varbilo | piece of promotional material |
varbito | recruit |
varfo | wharf, pier, landing stage |
varia | variable |
variabla | variable |
variablo | variable |
variablodeklaro | variable declaration |
variabloparametra | variable parameter |
variado | change, variation |
variaĵo | variation |
varianca | standard (deviation) |
variebla | variable |
varieblaj | variable |
varieco | variety |
variejo | range, codomain |
variema | volatile |
varieteo | variety entertainment |
varifokusa | varyfocus |
varii | vary |
variigo | variation |
variko | varicose vein, varix |
varikoma | variable-point |
varilonga | variable-length |
vario | variety |
varioleto | chicken pox |
variolo | smallpox |
varma | warm |
varmarka | trademark |
varmarka simbolo | trademark symbol, ™ |
varmarko | trademark |
varmbotelo | thermos, thermos flask |
varme | warmly |
varmega | hot |
varmego | heat |
varmeta | lukewarm |
varmigi | warm up, heat |
varmiĝado | warming up |
varmo | warmth |
varmopresilo | thermal printer |
varmsanga | warm-blooded |
varo | wares, goods, commodities, merchandise; (formerly: Wares) |
varoj | goods, wares |
varpo | warp |
varsovia | Varsovian, Warsaw |
varsoviano | Varsovian |
varsovianoj | Varsovians |
Varsovio | Warsaw; Warszawa, Warschau, Warschau, Varsovia, Varsovia, Varsovie, Varsavia, וואַרשע, ורשה, Варшава, Варшава, Варшава, Варшава, Varšava, Varšava, Varšava, Varšava, Varšava, 华沙, وارسو; f.k.a.Warszewa, Warszowa |
vartado | maintenance |
vartantino | sitter, baby sitter |
vartanto | sitter, baby sitter |
vartejo | daycare center, day nursery |
varti | look after, nurse |
vartistino | nurse |
vartrajno | freight train |
varvagono | freight car |
vaska (eŭska) | Basque; Euskara |
vaska ĉapo (bereto) | beret; f.k.a. berret |
Vaskio (Eŭskujo) | Basque country; Euskal Herria |
vasko (eŭsko) | Basque; euskaldun |
Vaskujo (Eŭskujo) | Basque country; Euskal Herria |
vasta | extensive, spacious, vast, wide |
vasteco | vastitude, immensity |
vastega | abysmal, immense |
vastigi | widen, extend, spread out |
Vaŝingtonio | Washington (American state) |
Vaŝingtono | Washington (American capital), Washington, D.C. |
vatikana | Vatican, of the Holy See |
vatikanano | from Vatican City |
Vatikano | The Holy See, The Vatican; Sancta Sedes |
Vatikanurbo | Vatican City, Vatican City State, Stato della Città del Vaticano |
vato | watt; cotton wool, wadding |
vatto | watt |
vazelino | vaseline |
vazo | vase, vessel |
VD (Vicdelegito) | Vice-Delegate, Vice Delegate |
vd (vidu) | see |
vd. (vidu) | see |
ve | woe, alas |
VEB (Virtuala Esperanto-Biblioteko) | VEB, Esperanto Virtual Library |
vebero | weber (unit) |
vefto | weft |
vegetado | growth |
vegetaĵaro | vegetation |
vegetaĵo | vegetation |
vegetala | plant |
vegetalo | vegetable (not animal or mineral) |
vegetara | vegetarian |
vegetarano | vegetarian |
vegeti | vegetate |
vegeto | growth |
Vejkinsulo | Wake Island, Wake Atoll |
vejni | grain, vein |
vejno | vein |
VEK (Virtuala Esperanto-Kongreso) | VEK, Esperanto Virtual Congress |
vekhorloĝo | alarmclock |
veki | arouse, wake, awaken, wake up; resume |
vekiĝi | wake, wake up |
vekriado | lamentation |
vektora | vector, vectored |
vektorado | vectorization, vectorisation |
vektorigo | vectorization, vectorisation |
vektoro | vector |
vektorreĝima | vector-mode, directed-beam |
velboato | sailboat |
veldi | weld |
veli | sail |
velki | fade, wither |
velko | decay |
velkofino | fade (out) |
velo | sail |
velstango | yard |
velŝipo | sailing ship |
velura | velvet |
veluro | velvet |
vemieno | frowney face |
vendaa | Venda |
vendao | Venda |
vendejo | shop, store |
vendeto | vendetta, feud |
vendi | sell, vend, dispose of |
vendiĝi | sell, be sold |
vendistino | saleswoman |
vendisto | salesperson, salesman, vendor |
vendisto-dependa | vendor-dependent |
vendisto-dependiĝo | vendor lock-in |
vendistodependa | vendor-dependent |
vendistodependiĝo | vendor lock-in |
vendo | sale |
vendoplaco | market, marketplace |
vendoprezo | sales price |
vendosumo | turnover |
vendotablo | counter |
vendredo | Friday |
veneca (venecia) | Venetian |
venecano (veneciano) | Venetian |
venecia | Venetian |
veneciano | Venetian |
Venecio | Venice; Venexia, Venezia |
Veneco (Venecio) | Venice; Venexia, Venezia |
venena | poisonous |
veneni | poison |
veneno | poison |
venera (venerea) | venereal |
venerea | venereal |
venezuela | Venezuelan |
Venezuela Golfo | Gulf of Venezuela |
venezuelanino | Venezuelan (female) |
venezuelano | Venezuelan |
Venezuelo | Venezuela |
venĝado | vengeance |
venĝi | avenge, avenge oneself |
venĝo | revenge, vengeance |
veni | come |
venigi | get, send for |
venkanto | victor |
venki | defeat, win over |
venkiĝi | be beaten, be defeated, lose |
venkinto | victor |
venkito | loser, person vanquished |
venko | victory |
Venn-a diagramo | Venn diagram |
Venn-aj diagramoj | Venn diagrams |
veno | coming, arrival |
venonta | next |
venpreni | meet, pick up, take up |
venta | windy; vapid |
ventego | storm |
venteto | breeze |
venti | blow |
vento | wind |
ventolado | fanning |
ventoli | ventilate |
ventolilo | electric fan, ventilator |
ventra | abdominal |
ventro | abdomen, belly, tummy |
ventrodoloro | stomach ache, tummy ache |
ventumi | aerate, fan |
ventumilo | fan |
Venuso | Venus; Cytherea |
veprejo | bush, thicket |
vepro | scrub, brushwood |
vera | true |
veramo | love of truth |
verando | porch, veranda |
verbo | verb |
verda | green |
Verda Partio | Green Party |
Verda Stelo | Green Star (Esperanto symbol) |
Verdaj Steloj | Green Star (Esperanto symbol) (plural) |
Verdajn Stelojn | Green Star (Esperanto symbol) (accusative plural) |
Verdan Stelon | Green Star (Esperanto symbol) (accusative) |
verdikti | pass judgement |
verdikto | verdict |
verdire | tell the truth |
verdo | green |
verdulo | green; fervent Esperantist |
vere | truly, absolutely, genuinely, indeed, really |
vereco | truth |
verectabelo | truth table |
veremo | truthfulness |
vergeto | rib |
vergi | flog, take a switch to |
vergo | rod, switch, wand |
verigi | realize; verify |
veriĝi | come true |
verkaĵo | writing |
verkanto de retotaglibroj | blogger |
verkaro | works |
verki | compose, create, write |
verkilo | word processor |
verkinto | author |
verkisto | author, writer |
verkita | authored, written, composed, created |
verko | work |
vermborita | worm-eaten; unsound |
vermo | worm |
Vermonto | Vermont |
vermuto | vermouth |
verniso | varnish |
vero | truth; reality |
versaĵo | piece of verse |
versia | version, versioning |
versikontrolo | version control |
versio | version |
versiopolitiko | version policy |
versitena | version control, code management |
verso | verse |
verŝajna | likely, probable |
verŝajne | probably |
verŝajneco | probability |
verŝajnkontrolo | credibility check |
verŝi | pour, scatter, shed |
vertabelo | truth table |
vertebra kolono | spine |
vertebraro | spine |
vertebro | vertebra |
verticgrado | degree, local grade |
vertico | vertex, apex |
vertiĝi | feel dizzy |
vertiĝo | dizziness, vertigo |
vertikala | vertical, upright |
vertikala formato | portrait (layout) |
vertikala orientiĝo | portrait (layout) |
vertikala streko | vertical bar, | |
vertikala vico | column, vertical row |
vertikalo | vertical, | |
verto | top of the head |
veruko | wart |
verva | lively, vivacious |
vervo | verve, vivacity |
vespera | evening |
vespere | in the evening |
vesperiĝas | night is falling |
vespermanĝo | evening meal, supper |
vespero | evening |
vesperrobo | evening frock, evening gown |
vesperto (kiroptero) | bat (animal), Chiroptera |
vespertoj (kiropteroj) | bats (animal) |
Vespertviro | Batman |
vespo | wasp |
vestaĵo | article of dress, garment |
vestalo | vestal, vestal virgin |
vestarko | hanger, clothes hanger |
vestejo | cloakroom |
Vestfalio (Vestfalujo) | Westphalia; Westfalen |
Vestfalujo | Westphalia; Westfalen |
vesti prove | try on |
vesti sin | dress |
vesti | clothe, dress |
vestiĝi | dress, get dressed |
vesto | garment |
Vesto | Vesta |
vestoj | clothes, clothing |
vestoŝranko | closet, wardrobe |
veŝto | vest, waistcoat |
vetarmado | arms race |
veteraĉo | foul weather |
veterano | veteran |
veterinaro | veterinarian |
veterinformoj | weather report |
vetero | weather |
veterprognozo | weather forecast |
veti | bet, wager |
vetkuri | race |
vetludi | gamble |
vetludo | gambling |
veto | bet, wager |
vetoo | veto |
vetperisto | bookmaker |
veturbileto | ticket |
veturdirekto | direction of travel |
veturi | go, ride, travel |
veturigi | drive |
veturigisto | driver |
veturilo | vehicle |
veturo | trip, ride |
veturplano | schedule, timetable |
veturprezo | fare |
Vezero | Weser (river); Werser |
veziketo | blister |
veziko | bladder, bubble |
Vezuvo | Vesuvius, Vesuvio, Vesuvius |
vi | you |
vi mem | yourself |
via | your |
viadukto | viaduct |
viaflanke | for your part |
viandaĵo | meat dish |
viandhaketaĵo | minced meat |
viando | meat |
vibrado | flutter, vibration |
vibrafono | vibraphone |
vibri | vibrate |
vibro | vibration |
viburno | guelder rose, snowball |
vic- | vice-, spare |
vica | row |
vicaro | array |
Vicdelegito | Vice-Delegate, Vice Delegate |
vice | in rows |
vicfilino | step-daughter, stepdaughter |
vicfilo | step-son, stepson |
vicfratino | step-sister, stepsister |
vicfrato | step-brother, stepbrother |
vicigi | line up |
vicigilo | scheduler |
vicigita | cascading |
viciĝi | get in line, line up |
vicnutrilo | UPS, Uninterruptible Power Supply |
vico | file, line, rank, row, turn |
vicpatrino | step-mother, stepmother |
vicpatro | step-father, stepfather |
vicprezidanto | vice president |
vicrado | spare tire, spare tyre |
vicrisurco | backup |
vicvoki | call over |
vidaĵo | view |
vidalvide | across from, facing |
vidate-vidote | WYSIWYG, What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get, What You See Is What You Get |
vidbendaparato | video, videotape player, videotape device |
vidbendo | videotape |
vidbendregistrilo | video, videotape recorder |
viddiska (lumdiskega) | DVD, Digital Versatile Disc, Digital Video Disc |
viddisko (lumdiskego) | DVD, Digital Versatile Disc, Digital Video Disc |
videa retbabilado | videochat, video chat |
videbla | visible |
videbleco | visibility |
videbligi | expose |
videblo | visibility |
videgurdo | video juke box |
video (filmeto) | video |
video laŭ peto (filmeto laŭ peto) | video-on-demand, VOD |
video-instruilo | video tutorial |
videobendo | videotape |
videobufro | video buffer |
videoinstruilo | video tutorial |
videokarto | videocard, video card |
videokonversacio | video conversation |
videoludo | video game |
videomemoro | VRAM, video RAM |
vidi | see |
vidiga | display |
vidigejo | display area |
vidigi | display |
vidigilo | display; viewer |
vidigo | view |
vidiĝi | be visible |
vidilo | light box |
vidinda | worth seeing |
vidkarto | video card |
vidmalsufiĉo | vision insufficiency, low vision |
vidmemoro (videomemoro) | VRAM, video RAM |
vido | sight, view |
vidostato | viewstate, view state |
vidotipo | viewtype, view type |
vidpodkasto | video podcast |
vidpovo | vision |
vidpunkto | viewpoint |
vidteksto | display text |
vidtelekonferenco | videoconferencing, video-conferencing, video conferencing |
vidu | see, look |
vidujo | viewport |
vidviniĝi | be widowed |
vidvino | widow |
vidvo | widower |
viena | Viennese, Vienna |
vienanino | Viennese (female) |
vienano | Viennese |
Vieno | Vienna; Wean, Wien |
vifio | Wi-Fi, WiFi, wifi |
vigili | be vigilant, keep watch |
vigla atendo | busy wait |
vigla | alert, brisk, keen |
vigleco | activity, gusto, spirit, stir, zest |
vigligi | encourage, stimulate |
vigliĝi | stir |
vikingo | Viking |
vikio | wiki |
Vikipedio | Wikipedia |
Vikivortaro | Wiktionary |
viktimigi | victimize, victimise |
viktimiĝi | be victimized, be victimised |
viktimo | victim |
Viktoria-lago | Lake Victoria |
Viktorilago (Viktoria-lago) | Lake Victoria |
vila | hairy, shaggy |
vilaĝano | villager |
vilaĝestro | burgomaster, mayor, provost |
vilaĝeto | hamlet, township |
vilaĝo | village |
vilao | villa |
Vilĉjo | Willie; William (diminutive) |
Vilhelmfortikaĵo | Fort William |
Vilhelmo | William; Guglielmo, Guillaume, Guillermo, Guillem, Wilhelm, Wilhelm, Wilhelm, Vilhelm, Vilhelm, Viljalm, Vilém, Willem, Guilherme, Вильям, Guilielmus, Vilmos, Vilhjálmur |
Vilno | Vilnius (Lithuanian capital); Wilno, Вiльнюс, Вiльня, Wilna, Viļņa, Вильнюс, ווילנע; f.k.a. Вильна, Вильно |
vin | you, yourself |
vinagro | vinegar |
vinagrujo | vinegar bottle |
vinberejo | vineyard |
vinbero | grape |
vinbotelo | wine bottle |
vinĉestro | hard disk |
vinĉo | winch |
vindaĵo | diaper |
vindi | bandage, wind |
vindinfano | infant in arms |
vindistino | nurse, dry nurse, monthly nurse |
vindo | bandage; swathing |
vindotuko | swaddling cloth |
Vindoza klavo | Windows key |
Vindoza | Windows |
Vindozo | Windows |
vindozulo | Windows user |
vingustumado | wine tasting |
vinila | vinyl |
vinilo | vinyl |
vinjeto | vignette |
vinkulo | accolade |
vino | wine |
vinrikolto | grape harvest |
vintra | winter |
vintro | winter |
vintrodormo | hibernation |
viola | violet colored, purple |
violente | violently |
violkolora | violet |
violo | violet |
violonĉelo | cello |
violonisto | violinist |
violono | violin |
vipero | viper |
vipi | whip |
vipo | whip |
vipuro | viper |
vira | male, masculine |
viraĉo | asshole, arsehole, bastard, son-of-a-bitch |
viranaso | drake |
virbovo | bull |
vircervo | stag |
virĉevalo | stallion |
vireco | virility |
vireto | little man |
virga | virgin, virginal |
virgeco | virginity |
Virginio | Virginia |
Virgo | Virgo |
Virgulinaj Insuloj | Virgin Islands |
virgulino | virgin |
virgulo | virgin |
virhundo | dog (male) |
virina | female |
virineco | femininity, womanliness |
virino | woman |
virinsaketo | lady’s bag, vanity bag |
virkapro | goat (male) |
virkato | cat (male) |
virkoko | cock, rooster |
virkolombo | cock pigeon |
virkuniklo | buck-rabbit, buck |
virleporo | buck-hare, buck |
viro | fellow, man |
virporko | boar |
virseksa | male |
virseksulo | male |
virŝafo | ram, tup |
virto | morality, vice |
virtuala | virtual |
virtuala privata reto | VPN, virtual private network |
virtualaparata | virtual-device, virtual device |
virtualklava | virtual-key (code), virtual key (code) |
virtulo | virtuous person |
virtuozo | virtuoso |
viruso | virus |
visigoto | Visigoth |
viskio | whiskey, whisky |
viskioj | whiskeys, whiskies |
visko | mistletoe |
Viskonsino | Wisconsin |
viskoza | viscous |
viskoza dodoneo | broadleaf hopbush, Dodonaea viscosa, ʻaʻaliʻi, ‘a‘ali‘i-ku ma kua, ‘a‘ali‘i ku makani, akeake, lampuaye, mesechelangel, chirca, romerillo, jarilla, hayuelo, ch’akatea, casol caacol; hopbush |
viskozo | viscose |
visto | whist |
Vistulo | Vistula (river); Wisła, Weichsel |
viŝebla | erasable, clearable, RW, rewritable, washable |
viŝebla k-disko | CD-RW, CD rewritable |
viŝebla KD | CD-RW, CD rewritable |
viŝebla lumdisko | CD-RW, CD rewritable, erasable optical disc, floptical disc, CD-E |
viŝebla programebla nurlega memoro | EPROM, erasable programmable read-only memory, erasable programmable read only memory |
viŝebla programebla nurlegebla memoro | EPROM, erasable programmable read-only memory, erasable programmable read only memory |
viŝi | clear, delete, wipe, wipe off |
viŝilo | wiper, eraser |
viŝkapo | erase head |
viŝklavo | erase key |
Viŝnuo | Vishnu |
viŝo | erasure |
viŝosigno | erase character |
viŝringo | kill list |
viŝsigno | DEL , delete, erase character, ␡ |
viŝtuko | dish cloth, dust rag |
vitala | vital |
vitameno | vitamin |
vitamino | vitamin |
vitejo | vine |
vito | vine, grapevine |
vitra | glass |
vitraĵo | pane |
vitralo | stained-glass window |
vitreca | glassy |
vitrino | showcase |
vitro | glass |
vitrofibro | fiberglass |
vitrolano | glass wool |
vitroskatola | clear box, open box, structural, white box |
viva | living |
vivaĵo | living being |
vivanta | alive |
vivciklo | lifecycle, life-cycle, life cycle |
vivdaŭro | lifetime |
vivemo | liveness |
vivi | be alive, live |
vivipova | viable |
vivkapabla | viable |
vivkondiĉoj | living conditions |
vivkutimoj | habits |
vivmaniero | way of life |
vivo | life |
vivociklo | lifecycle, life-cycle, life cycle |
vivodaŭriga | keepalive |
vivodaŭrigo | keepalive |
vivodaŭro | lifetime, life time |
vivoforta | full of life, vital |
vivovolo | will to live |
vivrimedoj | wherewithal |
vivtabelo | actuarial table |
vivtena minimumo | subsistence minimum |
vivteni | support |
vivteno | living, livelihood, subsistence |
vizaĝa | facial |
vizaĝa neŭralgio | face-ache, tic douloureux |
vizaĝaĉo | mug (face), phiz |
vizaĝesprimo | expression |
vizaĝkoloro | complexion |
vizaĝo | face |
vizio | vision |
vizitado | visiting |
vizitanto | caller, visitor |
vizitantregistro | visitor’s register, visitors’ register |
viziteti | drop in, pop in |
viziti | visit, attend, call on, see |
vizitinda | worth visiting |
vizitita | visited |
vizitkarta | visiting-card, calling-card, visitor’s-card |
vizitkarto | visiting card, calling card, visitor’s card |
vizito | visit |
vizo | visa |
Vjet-Namo (Vjetnamujo) | Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Viet Nam; Việt Nam |
vjetnama | Vietnamese |
vjetnamanino (vjetnamino) | Vietnamese woman |
vjetnamano (vjetnamo) | Vietnamese |
Vjetnamio (Vjetnamujo) | Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Viet Nam; Việt Nam |
vjetnamo | Vietnamese |
Vjetnamujo | Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Viet Nam; Việt Nam |
vjolo | tenor violin, viola |
vo (V) | V, the letter V, vee (letter name) |
vobli | wobble |
voĉ-enigo | speech input |
voĉa | voice, speech |
voĉa mesaĝo | voicemail, voice mail |
voĉdonado | voting |
voĉdoni | vote |
voĉdonrajto | right to vote |
voĉe | orally |
voĉenigo | speech input |
voĉkomanda | voice-command, voice command |
voĉkomando | voice command |
voĉlegi | read aloud |
voĉo | voice; vote |
voĉregata | voicecontrol, voice control |
voĉregita | voicecontrol |
voĉrekono | voice recognition |
voĉsintezilo | vocoder, voice synthesizer |
vodko | vodka |
Vogezoj | Vosges Mountains; Massif des Vosges, Vogesen |
vojaĝagentejo | tourist agency, travel agency |
vojaĝanto | traveler, traveller |
vojaĝema | inclined to travel |
vojaĝi | travel |
vojaĝo | journey, trip, voyage |
vojbiciklo | road bicycle |
vojbordero | shoulder, verge, verge of a road |
vojerari | lose one’s way, lose your way |
vojerarinta | lost |
vojeto | path |
vojevodo | Polish provincial governor |
vojkruciĝo | cross roads |
vojmontra | pioneering |
vojmontrilo | signpost |
vojnomo | path name |
vojo | road, route, way |
vojplano | route |
vojprefiksa | path, path prefix |
vojprefikso | path prefix |
vojsulko | trail |
vok-responda | call-and-response |
vokalo | vowel |
voki | call, summon |
vokinstrukcio | call instruction |
vokita | called, summoned, summonsed |
voknomo | appellation, forename |
voknumero | call number |
voko | call |
vokresponda | call-and-response |
voksekvenco | calling sequence, calling convention |
vokservilo | POP-server, POP server, Post Office Protocol server; call server |
vokto | taskmaster |
voktono | dial tone |
vol (volumo) | vol. (book), volume (book) |
vol. (volumo) | vol. (book), volume (book) |
vola | voluntary, wilful, deliberate |
volabio (valabio) | wallaby |
volado | volition |
volano | badminton |
volapukaĵo | greeking; Greek to me, nonsense |
volapuko | Volapük, Volapuk; Volapük |
volbo | dome, vault, vaulted ceiling |
vole nevole | willy-nilly |
voleto | volet |
volforto | willpower |
volframo | tungsten |
Volgo | Volga; Волга, Во́лга |
voli diri | mean, want to say |
voli | be willing to, want, wish |
volitivo | subjunctive, subjunctive mood |
volo | will, willingness, wish |
volofa | Wolof |
volonta | voluntary, willing |
volonte | willingly |
volontulo | volunteer |
Voltao | Lake Volta |
volto | volt |
volumeno | volume |
volumo | volume |
volupta | voluptuous |
voluptama | lascivious, lusty |
volupto | lust, sexual pleasure |
voluptulo | debauchee, lecher |
volvado | folding |
volvbutono | take-up button |
volvi | roll, roll up, wind, wind up |
volviĝi | twist |
volvilo | spooler, spool |
volvita a | at-sign, @ |
vomemo | nausea |
vomi | throw up, vomit |
vori | devour |
vorta | word |
vorta disigilo | tokenizer |
vorta dispartigilo | tokenizer |
vortara | lexicographical |
vortareto | little dictionary |
vortaro | dictionary, vocabulary |
vortdividi | hyphenate |
vortdivido | hyphenation |
vortfarado | word construction |
vortigi | put into words, phrase |
vortkompletigo | word completion |
vortlongo | word length |
vortnombrado | word count |
vorto | word |
vorto-dispeci | hyphenate |
vortodispeci | hyphenate |
vortodivido | hyphenation |
vortoj | words |
vortosimbolo | word symbol |
vortostoko | vocabulary |
vortotranĉo | hyphenation |
vortotransporto | hyphenation |
vortprovizo | vocabulary |
vosta | tailing, trailing; tail |
vosteto | ogonek, ̨, ˛; little tail |
vosto | tail |
voti | vow |
voto | vow |
VP (Verda Partio) | Green Party |
VP (Vic-Prezidanto) | Vice President |
VP (Vicprezidanto) | Vice President |
VPN-kliento | VPN client, virtual private network client |
VPN-servilo | VPN server, virtual private network server |
vrako | wreck |
vringi | wring |
vua lingvo | Wu Chinese language |
vuali | veil |
vualo | veil |
vulgara | common, everyday, vulgar |
vulgarigi | popularize, popularise |
vulgato | Vulgate |
vulkano | volcano |
vulpo | fox |
vulturo | vulture |
vundebleco | vulnerability |
vundi | hurt, wound |
vundiĝi | be injured, be wounded |
vundita | injured, wounded |
vundo | injury, wound |
vuo | W, the letter W, double-u, double u |
vuoj | Ws, W’s, double-ues, double ues
Z |
Z (Zamenhof) | Zamenhof |
Z (Zamenhofo) | Zamenhof |
Z (zo) | Z, the letter Z, zee (letter name), zed (letter name) |
zabajono (ovoflavo) | egg yolk, yolk |
Zagrebo | Zagreb (Croatia); Zagreb |
Zagrebon | Zagreb (acc.); Zagreb |
Zairio (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) | Zaire |
Zairo (Demokratia Respubliko Kongo) | Zaire |
zambia | Zambian |
zambianino | Zambian (fem.) |
zambianinoj | Zambians (fem.) |
zambiano | Zambian |
zambianoj | Zambians |
Zambio | Zambia, Republic of Zambia |
Zamenhof | Zamenhof |
Zamenhofo | Zamenhof |
Zamo | Zama |
zapi | zap |
zapi televide (kanalumi) | use the remote, change the channel, zap |
zebro | zebra |
zebuo | zebu, humped cattle, indicine cattle |
zefiro | zephyr |
Zeĥarja | Zachary, Zachariah, Zacharias, Zechariah |
Zeĥarjao (Zeĥarja) | Zachary, Zachariah, Zacharias, Zechariah |
zelanda (dan-zelanda) | Zealand (Denmark island), Sealand |
zelanda (nederland-zelanda) | Zeelandic (Netherlands province), Zeeland, Zealand |
zelanda (selanda) | Sealand (micronation) |
Zelanda Flandrio (Zelanda Flandrujo) | Zeelandic Flanders, Dutch Flanders |
Zelanda Flandrujo | Zeelandic Flanders, Dutch Flanders |
zelandano | Zealander |
Zelando (Dana Zelando) | Zealand (Denmark island), Sealand; Sjælland |
Zelando (Nederlanda Zelando) | Zeeland (Netherlands province), Zealand; Zeeland |
Zelando (Selando) | Sealand (micronation), Principality of Sealand |
zelota | zealous, fanatical |
zeloto | zealot |
zena | zen |
zenano (virina domparto) | zenana (Muslim fem. part of house) |
zenito | zenith |
zeno | zen |
ZEO (Zamenhof-Esperanto Objekto) | ZEO, Zamenhof Esperanto Object |
ZEO (Zamenhof-Esperanto Objektoj) | ZEOs, Zamenhof Esperanto Objects |
zepelino (aerŝipo) | airship, blimp, zeppelin |
zepelino (rigidframa aerŝipo) | blimp, airship, zeppelin |
zeta- | zetta- |
zeto | zeta (Greek letter), Ζ, ζ |
Zeŭso | Zeus |
zigomo (vangosto) | cheekbone, malar bone, jawbone, zygomatic bone |
zigzaga | zigzag |
zigzagi | zigzag |
zimbabva | Zimbabwean, Zimbabwe |
zimbabvanino | Zimbabwean (fem.) |
zimbabvaninoj | Zimbabweans (fem.) |
zimbabvano | Zimbabwean |
zimbabvanoj | Zimbabweans |
Zimbabvo | Zimbabwe, Republic of Zimbabwe; f.k.a. Zimbabwe Rhodesia, Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia |
zingibro | ginger |
zinko | zinc, Zn, element 30, spelter |
zip-disko | zip-drive |
zipdisko | zip-drive |
zipi | zip, zip a zipper; zip (file), condense, archive, compact |
zipo | zipper |
zirkonio | zirconium, Zr, element 40 |
zo (Z) | Z, the letter Z, zee (letter name), zed (letter name) |
zodiako | zodiac |
zoeto | cedilla, cédille, cedilha, ¸ |
zoj | Zs, zees (pl. letter name), zeds (pl. letter name) |
zom-regado | zoom control, frame zoom control |
zoma | zoom |
zomi (skali) | zoom |
zomilo (skalobjektivo) | zoom, zoom tool, zoom-in tool |
zomregado | zoom control, frame zoom control |
zoni | gird |
zono | zone; belt, girdle |
zono (zostero) | shingles (disease), herpes zoster, zona, zoster |
zonsistemo | zone system |
zoo (bestĝardeno) | zoo, zoological garden |
zool. (bestscienco) | zool., zoology |
zoologia ĝardeno (bestĝardeno) | zoo, zoological garden |
zoologio (bestscienco) | zoology |
zoologo (bestsciencisto) | zoologist |
zoomorfa (bestforma) | zoomorphic |
zootekniko (bestteĥniko) | zootechny, zootechnics |
zorga | careful, tender |
zorgado | concern, care |
zorgato | pupil |
zorgeme | carefully |
zorgetoj | worries |
zorgi | care, see, take care, worry |
zorgi por | care for |
zorgi pri | care about, take care of |
zorgilo | driver |
zorgo | care, concern |
zorgoj | worries |
zorgplena | anxious |
zorgplene | anxiously |
zostero | shingles (disease), herpes zoster, zona, zoster; eelgrass, Zostera; wrack (all legs off ground in gallop) |
zulua | Zulu |
Zululando | KwaZulu (South African Bantustan), Zululand |
zuluo (zulua lingvo) | Zulu language |
zumado | buzz, humming |
zumeleminanta | humbucking |
zumi | buzz, hum |
zumilo | buzzer |
zumrisortoj | snares |
zumrulado | buzz roll